page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday january 23rd 1929 con dslly testing and blending of ths worlds choicest taas givs red rosa tea its intmluble flavor and nevervarying goodaass every package guaranteed ee redrose xe red rose orange pekoe extra good saiapaia radio supplies installation and repair hoi point ranges toasters irons heaters etc house wiring prices quoted on request h h darling phone 199 murdock st georgetown 2 uafi mxwwmmkmmmmmm choicest flour and all kinds ol feed at reasonable prices try ua with your next order asabaaawnsetaaasjrsa georgetown hour feed mills w c bessey georgetown college view garage an up lodate auto repair ahop prompt aervice workmanship guaranteed mtfilw te all katltam f car oau oil ohum ete stall asul car baturie aehaigi a brunton college view phone 336 georgetown hydroeleetrie system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds ssisaeaaiaaleaaiaali i sal wajt aaa aai m asj ssj awfeweebpeawj aaa a ay aj aaj esaeaaswiei saj saj a saj aararassvaaa office town hall w b browne co agents for wheat pool bring your wheat oats barley here take feed back we will truck if preferred national norval mills ssrvat for pastry kings choice canadian wonder for bread cash prices short middlings bran chopped wheat barley chicken feed at mill consult our nearest dealer to a iiohrlkkh cat poor utile pit ho furtively intrnt niton your way in qitet1 of food learn rtcrap or bone tli n blller wlntrm day whcti loudly liowl tlie tcy ua prom nut lht ttklr of ray o wrnlrlxtl outcnitt of llw street uttllouruwl llltlovrhl unfed souiitint olid lliln ui flllwl wltli fear rwrc bhur you were dead alwi yet i lift ylft tit life la kurth how ofi ue hear it wild if mil more wen ftilrk to fwl vour in i wry ami uoe hnw umiw doom would open piuut to you tit on you un ti fornuc in tlu alleywayi in mud ami ire nud snow tu not iwrhnw thp lack of lienrl tlif unnt of sympathy tliat briniti jou to thiit sorry vxaa dipy imii no power to nee with tleflr itilmlh ye your suffering vour want mul wintry could they in t hour hi but put hum selvcs poor vaumnt in your place to know your hunger and your fear par but the briefest space how multiplied uere way to help and with what will inn grace lnuclla c poole csledon castle has history um mfllartm clan wu bam many year as paumth kahluel ttavtv over ccnltwy nearly 110 years ago james mc laren of callander scotland emme to canada to try hu fortune in the hew world found the climate and aunotindlna at chatham whore he milled m trying to hu health that he and hla young wife a mcnab from inlay scotland looked for high dry land and found it in lot a and a in the third corteesalon wet of caledon and settled down on what ha become one of tlu moat famous spot in on tarlo mclarens castle mr and mr mclaren brought wltli them the priceless poetettlon of youth ambition and energy and laid the foundation of a silendld career u their sou alexander who cable caledon an an infant of a few yearn 1 later he served live township for 30 yearn oji iu reeve wo for 40 yearn lotmaler at the orange and nat in the warden chair of peel county a grateful province rewarded hla long aervice by appointing him to an lm imtruuit postilion in the crown land department in toronto and at tbe advanced age of s3 year he pooled away leaving a wonderful monument to his progressive ideal and hu nat ive ability not only in hi career but in the magnificent building called mclaren cutle tliu stand on one ox the highest point of the mountains m wt cal edon and u at preaent tenanted by alexanders ion donald mclaren and hi two daughter the misses grace and flora charming exponents of the uraces of the late victorian age jeue perry the contractor and john mulr the carpenter who built the castle followed most llglouly the design of the architect a mr lennox of toronto who planned for the lofty eminence a norman castle with one round tower in which winding stair la placed and a square tower with two rooms one above and one below every line in the wood work of this spacloui and graciously planned liouse conforms to the nor man detail of the architects plan there are 8 large rooms each 13 feet high on the round floor and one may stand at the front entrance with it generous doorway approach ing by a night of flagstone steps and look outdoors upon splendid mountain kcenery through the window of every room on this floor the vlst afforded by opening up the downstairs in this manner is surprising in this day ofj kraall homes and tiny closepacked rooms the rreat kitchen with its two nan tries its huge builtin cupboard its out look on the hills is floored with hope stone flags and opens on a woodshed reminiscent of the days when coal as a fuel in ontario was unknown upstairs there ore eight bedroom and the nursery a lovely large room looking out over hill and valley and at this time of the year over a sea of gorgeous color in field and wood the stone for the building was found in the fields of the farm on which it stands and the adjoining farm which also belonged to the mc larens that used in the front of the house required the labor of king winter aids railway builders hteix to cllimchill ih being laid acrorh mvhkcu laying or steel u proceeding on the hudson bay line from mile smito port churchill and if the work move ac cording to schedulo steel will be into the new hudson hay terminus before spring it was stated by ii a dixon chief engineer central region of the canadian national railways wlio has just returned from a trip over the line as far as the barren lands the construction of a telegraph line into port churchill i proceeding rapidly said mr dixon and within two month port churchill will be in telegraphic connection with the rest of the world building of the pole line is proceeding ahead of the laying of steel ttio cold wcatlier of tlie territory is being made to assist the contractors in the building of this track rather than hinder them under the plans of op eration ties and steel ore laid direct ly on the muskeg the only work done is that by a gang of men who are level ling on humps and surfacing with natural muskeg for the track a cut ting which is to be made at one point will also be made during the winter months as soon as the steel has been laid into port churchill a steam shov el will be moved to that point where there is ample good ballast for the baluutlng of the 80 odd miles of line which remained to be constructed at the beginning of this winter this steam shovel will be placed in opera tion and the track will be ballasted from the port churchill end out to the point where construction of the line over the muskeg was begun approximately wo men are employ- jw bang of men folr one entire win ed in tlu work north of mile sm at the ur before sufficient had been dressed present time and four train crews are fompkte the design the doors being used delivering to the front and i w m tes ta traeklaylng work tlmony to a day of plentltude of time according to the engineers reports material while everywhere the and also the personal observations made by mr dixon during his visit to the point where work was being car ried on no great difficulty had been experienced in laying the track over the natural muskeg with the exception of weather conditions progress on the work was held up for a few days in december on account of bad storms on the barren lands but from the period just before christmas up to the present the work has been pro ceeding according to expectation the contractor mr dixon sold are now building caches hauling sup plies making tote road and so forth from the end of steel to fort church- ill the department of railways and canals are operating tractors which have sleigh runners in front and cat erplllar drive wheels prom the end of steel to part churchill a very good rood exists over this section where the line is still to be built wcatlier conditions are reported to be very moderate in the north with the exception of a few days around december 20th when work was held up by a storm mr dixon was on an inspection trip of the work being carried on on this line when he was called back to win nipeg on business and came on u montreal for a conference w b browne co norval ontario speights garage machine shop hie pioneer garage ol georgetown repairs to all makes of cars acetylene welding and cutting storage battery repairing and charging worn fly wheels fitted with hardened steel ring gears magnetos recharged and repaired ignition and generator work i have installed new gasoline pump and now offer five brands of gasoline viz premier ethyl white rose red seal and shell oils grease tires and accessories your patronage solicited all work guaranteed t j speight phone 270 georgetown looks for record tourist business hulled flutes vkdtars show aoaveela- tlen of ceartesy says cttleag railway man prom preaent indications and judg ing by the inquiries which are coming to us from all parts of our territory canada may look for a record influx of united states tourists during the coming season sold a b chown oeneral passenger agent of the can adian national railways at chicago 111 on his arrival in montreal for a business conference there 1 a grow ing interest in canada holiday re sorts mr chown stated in our ter ritory we find the people know almost as much about the canadian rockies and the canadian playgrounds as jasper national park as do eastern canadians themselves hundred of chlcagoans have vulted jasper and their descriptions of the conditions in this magnificent mountain park have interested others who are intending visitors there l a great deal of optimism throughout the united states and feeling that the present prosperity is likely to continue as a result people are planning holidays in europe in canada and elsewhere the people who plan to go to europe chiefly want to travel via the 8t lawrence route during the summer season there are also however number of others who are planning to avail themselves of the journey tlirough canada with stop overs at such points as utnakl and jasper park lodge in order to enjoy the steamship journey up the pacific coast to alaska people in the united states seem to find a different brand of courtesy on this side of the border at least on their return from a journey to or through canada they are enthusiastic as to the courtesy they receive on trains in hotel and everywhere else and tills seems to be one of the most valuable asset in developing tourltt travel judge elliot of halton county has rated that a ninemonthold child is of no cosh value to its parents in fact it is a liability the decision was given in an action brought against ross mc phall oarfleld avenue hamilton by john ash wood toronto for damages resulting from the death of uie plain tiff s son william when horry wheaton of windsor got off hi truck to assist another truck driver who was in trouble on the slip pery hill at erlndale he was struck by a coupe driven by miss f lawton of hamilton wheaton was knocked un der uie truck and sustained severe in juries including a broken leg he was token to 8t josephs hospital after be- 1 ing given first aid by dr mcpadden of oooksvule woodwork displaying as its only orna ment the gentle curve of the early norman arch appeals to the visitor to stand study and enjoy it james mclaren however when he came from chatham found no such loveliness except as he saw it in the virgin forests his wife gathered i quantity of maple sugar from the fam ily stores and walked with it to tor onto to purchase a logging chain on her return she took the babe alexan der in a basket and setting the bas ket within sight of her work assisted her man in the work of clearing the land many a trip always on foot in the earlier days she took to toronto to purchase food for the family lat er she rode horseback then with the coming of a more prosperous day for the new colony drove a blackboard mr mclaren imbued with the idea of using his franchise tucked the crown deed of his land in his pocket for security of being able to vote when he reached toronto and cast his vote for wlillam lyon mackerule at one time he and his wife attended the baptist church at belfountaln where far many years mrs mclaren led the singing a duty in which she was follj 3wed by a son the office passed to a dranddaughter and now is held by a rteatgrand daughterinlaw this worthy couple sleep in the quiet churchyard at white church on the third line west the savor of their lives till strong in the memorie of their deaceridants alexander mclaren was educated as oeneva college new york state and had the opportunity of travelling be fore he settled down on the home form in 1s51 he visited the great ex hibition at the crystal palace went to the birthplace of his parents in scot land met the lady who afterwards be came hla wife isabella mcnob a dis tant relative and caught the idea that later crystallised in mclarens castle this was erected in 1864 and bears a mellow loveliness that will increase with time among the beautiful relics of the by gone days of pioneer life in the castle is a remarkable painting of napoleon bidding goodbye to one of his child ren before storting on one of his cam paigns there is no record in the family history as to now alexander mclaren came into possetilon of this portrait the family know that when he got it it was unframed and he had massive and suitable frame con structed for it no indication of the artist is to be found but whatever hand lined the features of the little i corporal they caught that look lnto the future that would token a close acquaintance with the man who changed the map of europe there must have been some know ledge of the admiration felt by alex ander mclaren for the little corpor al in the mind of a friend alexander campbell a sailor for when the lat ter visited the castle over so years ago he carried with him to alexander mc laren the key of napoleons bedroom at st helena this he had secured in the way that sailors hove as he stopped at st helena on a homeward voyage from calcutta and he gave it to alexander mclaren with the words i the only clue the family have it is too bad to see the picture and the key separated kept him from work for a mon at a time never had sick day since taking fruitatres mtfromjugauhau ol the thousand ami thousand of men owl women wlio have iteen re stored to perfect health by frult-a- tiyi hone are more grateful than mrvtho grnham 63b maaun hi oahawo i am 00 years old and was treatea for jenrs for a trouble between tbe howfl oitd the madder whleh kept me homo from work for a month at a time until i storied to talcn fruitatives flui then i have worked steadily for four yeora and have never had a sick day try this wonderful medicine mailo from fruit juices combined with the flnvst medicinal irutftvlmnts 2ji and 60c a box at dealers everywhere health service of the canadian medical assoc exercike and reht particularly during tho winter month it npiioarb to be neceuiary to remind many persons of the need for dally exercise at uie body exercise tend to strengthen the muscles of the body including the heart which in muscular organ exercise deepen and induces perspiration and develops the motor and sensory nerve centrr of the brain if the food which we eat is to be properly digested and used for the nu trltlon of the body we must exercise if the elimination from bowl and kid ney is to be kept in proper order we must exercise it is perhaps a good working rule to say that the normal individual should exercise to the point of perspiration once a day we should walk sometimes in place of riding play some games and spread through out the week not concentrate them all on saturday on the other hand wo should not forget the need of rest perhaps there are more of us in need of rest than of exercise children require a great deal of rest freedom from activity and long hours of sleep in order that they may grow and develop healthy mind in healthy bodies the adult needs rest in order to repair the wear and tear of dally life and to prepare for the days ahead a quantity of our activ ities are without any particular inter est to us they are largely a matter of doing something an evidence of our inability to be still and to enjoy our selves quietly and restfully in relax ation we must realize that the posslbultleal of health depend in large measure upon ourselves if we would hove health we must be prepared to make the necessary effort to secure the exer cise we need and to establish habits of living which permit of sufficient rest and sleep neglect means less health if not actual disease it means living our ihes below the standard which we are capable of attaining it means more worry and less happiness health is worth the effort but we must make the effort ourselves questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation ib college st toronto will be answered by letter questions as to ajujnosi and treatment will not be answered seed a and weeds the best work in weed control that can be done between now and seeding is to get the millions and millions of weeds seeds out of the land next spring some labor under the impres sion that the land is already so dirty that a few more weed seed will do no harm anyone with such a policy will continue to have a dirty farm and be scourged with weeds our weed control laws and weed control policies in eastern canada ore inadequate to cope with the sit uation bad weeds are spreading at an alarming rate and community ef fort has not been created in sufficient force to exert a controlling influence farmers here and there in districts badly infested are keeping their farms clean and selling certified seed they are demonstrating year after year that with proper rotations and culture method weed can be controlled but the methods of these master farmers are not being copied and everywhere there is alarm and a certain measure of discouragement the seed drill survey made last spring when samples of seeds were taken from drills all over ontario produced some remarkable figures which do not make good reading for a province like ontario where we are supposed to be such good farmers when the figures are finally made public we shall probably be ashamed of ourselves that we shall attempt to do better we cannot do much worse farmer s advocate h ii sslii n sj i i ii asji n as n si n mtoh 6ai a a 11 heavy garments must go rheumatism no part of natures plan sae ears aer htallng aerie to stop tuhnlng whan amerira wai wlliknwm latliane were tiling turlia nimwully luai lb italmml 00 yrara ago jamm qauiihrr tfarnnl iwirtial were and coinpuunilimj uallashir ileriial llouaa- holdf llml iu famoiia kuliwy rraudy baa helped many a eubafar from luwubialuan thia ana minirove4 rnnatly drawn fron the heart pf natura heala and elaanwe kldneyi qtitrkly elopa baek- acba ditilncaa and ol tier lianliu kidney and libulder aibnodta try iii for ale by at w r watson georgetown bkewaulaa buele standard anthracite scranton coal in eill sixes adlomstiosvlly boronned and loaded coal wood beleot lamp for dorooatto and throabinu purposoa bmluiing and cannol coal in foot loarry overytblna to be found in any up to data goal and wood yard john mcdonald piionp i ii georgetown lj ladies mens boys and girls xyinter coats at half price come in early and get your choice of these splendid jines dddti f jbltf main street georgetown rtfr fire destroyed a large barn the years crop of grain and 00 tons of hoy on the farm of joseph p broechel near milton on thursday night nei ghbors saved the stock and farm im plements but the loo occasioned by the destruction is estimated at wwo fake canvassers for newspapers maaxlne and periodicals are operat ing in different porta of the country and one has been arrested in oehowa people should be careful when dealing with entire strangers especially when they are selling mogatjnes or secur ities second only to the goose that laid the golden egg is the dressed goose which w o campbell burlington butcher hod in his possession he found two gold nuggets in the gtzsord of the bird and was informed that the small pieces of solid gold are worth several times what the goose cost town clerk ryan reports the fallow ing vital statistic for the town of ook- vllle for 10m births 43 deaths si marriages 38 the statistics for 1037 were births 47 deaths 2s marriages 33 showing a decrease this year over last of 4 births on increase in deaths of 0 and an increase in marriages of 6 forsters grocery ii i full line of fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges al the rlghl prices leecream in bulk tones or bricks jesaj v aiateejejejejeawewewejieweeej fv wf tvtt v awaeaey eawj 9 eaweev a w forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 ifay budg cmrreiis cnmmury butter prtthlv churntd paa tcultd no 1 ak crcsawry etr lb wc eggs grtdtd per doitn js cfcsssa ntmtl full crtim juiu lb js laret antti frah rtidrtd j lb ni t3t otitis mb tin xs cmndl wrppl bread ifiltrt you love brcsd and butter enjoy his better balied loaf mos lost vc onttktr40f aivraj houttkoti tmigtl twu4 y proftriei do you uauk ton fully tku btff tlu t tjtptmtt it your ftri ftwtry muoumt list of j4titf ikougkifitlx lant4ar 4oti roth turn rorry maiffim of ummrftuory txfmitt soiimg om grwnut 4otin i mmm btailtmg on anhfr ivjrrf or euohif it nmfiy mmu bytog where your jollir regulorty tuyt imr moill corrowt boyt girht scrilaim m free 9 a big svicml liaw scribbler ahsolofely free with every tla of uy ft mania bag itsh ftkot pojuh oa mftbbwr with 04u tta for lie two txttfcuer with two tins far 35c buck ua brewavresi lone ctoicmtrdlh macaroni sweet flavored trnderrootiin maca roni readyctm sael or alphibtt a ie 25c s atee pimm er greeaawjw 40et jar aesafe 26 leaser lumt 3 far 2sc spmxith oaumt 3 lie 31e scktppt fancy utdlmm slkrtj ij m raney aweaiaa saree m cocoanutisgy csewi maal hesrt of the whest s ow- u carat meal yellow gold s ttav me pel barley beti quality 3rfmun ctmb drv ginger ale potior prrtcrilie it fur children ind grown up a tine dry dinger ale at exceptional low price carton of 6 ff buttle for oc siwjumm crmpmf roit 4 for 3se nmt ofmagi dmsa f f sptcimlaytmir catsupgftee thraeai cam stare pthmga tc 3umlm flf mux tim iu imtluu jtlllu 3 fwaaata lit slflmtfif fancy i fie iu cava nei dethiv 21b tin 14a cauaa srraa uyu lea- puried 2 lb tin si puv eueb srne bolll 3u fr t fleer bni jtmima phg if ar a- r logamitrrh no 3 llm 25t im yor fweljf sunuaid nectars the dtliciout grspe- like stedtfsi rsuia grmpofrmit no t um iu spoeim sommo or n i soap 10 44 s2ses- i i7e 2l1eu 9c vstcvl tsie