Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 27, 1929, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday february 27th 1929 leading the in power and getaway in style luxuty and beauty a mindaucd vkarh to come where wtmtt will lx lite bird thai mtuc a iiiimlr yinrn to come tho flimith unit now in bmuty irlnif a hundred year to com7 tlio vmv ehrclt ii w lorty brow tim heart that iteutfl ko iwlly mow where whn will be our htnwit ntul feard joyw itleitfiant hmucn und norrow tenrh a hundred yeom to conit wholl iirom for koui utta erowdwl titreiit a hundred yenrh lo come wlioll trrail yon aulm with wllllnff feet a ihindnd yeant to come pair trembllmt nue nud fiery youth and lhllhiuml with llu brow of truth the rich tlio vtar on land aiul wo where will the miithty million be a hundred yeurii to eomof we nil within our urnvwi will ll a hundred jenrn to come no llvhm will for iw will weep a hundrtd yrnni to comet hut oilur men our larulh will till and other then our lionten will all and other blrcu will liift m nay and brlttht the turn rhino tu today a hundred yeors tn romo y motor car mandardt ara eliawglmi om ttylet ami old autuus giving way lo nw u avarvona know lh crtfttor of the to lrftd thle niw mflauttkuivsuiefc nw bod itftm and contoum radiant hr colon tw adjuatafcu front auwtdth mar eaaf and counties other ifrfin t in maatarpuca bodlaa by fuher naw and luprovad catburlom naw con ettiu txtmir ga puinp ineraaaad bora and atnlta greater piston dupiicatnanl and ckthar advancements in iba famou mclaugb unbttlclt aaalad ckaaau and iripuaaalad and a thrilling naw ortlar of pawomiinc- tail anomaly naw bind and dtfac car op tleerwith atnaattta of vthllty gateway etjvuk uaaa tnontbnim and i undrcaaaadtf a few aaoothe ago f the naw mclauehunbuack laad iba naw imttd in powar and tuway 4n etyla lumury and baauty 1 ulssltc mclaughlin buicr with masterpiece bodies by fisher 5 v king georgetown ontario whw bwwr asitesaemla are bull mttsuamliibulefc will build tims radio supplies installation and repair hot point ranees toatten iron heater etc houae wiring price quoted on requeit h h darling murdoekst phone 199 iwwmmmm the bootery next door to pott office ladies and gents footwear repairing promptly done will f smith phone 147 main street georgetown the red rose tea guarantee means what it says ii not satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money redrose tea 6 tg red rose orange pekoe isartragood forstcrs grocery full line of fresh groceries al ways in slock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in bolk cones or bricks forsters ontario legislature toronto pebruory 32nd im on a dlvulon or 06 to m th ontar io ltaualturo durln the wk ac- ctptwl 111 8pwh from uw throrw nfur a debute umt lall trty uuw wk ubornl and proirlv nmrndnwnts to tlw motion of acep- lonw dereottd by uw anm divulon ah durlnff tlie coun of tno debate contribulloru being made from all aldea of the houm every lihaia of governmental activity wa mbjected to review eftoru of tluj govemment to illmulate onrleulture and the devel opment of new markeu receiving nralre from opposition membere of the durlna the course of uw debate opposition memben confined their remarlu chiefly to anrlcultural prob- lemii and from time to time auured uie minuter of their wullnimeia to co operate with tho oovernment in ita plana to better the condition of the ontario farmer polloulno thardlvulon on the speech from the throne premier perguaon announced to the houie that the bud get would be brought down for consid eration on tueiday it u tweeted that the debate in thl connection will be of about twoweeks duration there la every indication that the house despite the fact that seven important bills nave yet to be brought down will adjourn before easier cooperating with the canadian national and the canadian pacific railways the ontario department of agriculture has arranged for a special seed cleaning demonstration train to tour the province the train which will be enulpped with the latest seed cleaning equipment will travel throughout ontario in an effort to spread the knowledge of this impor tant part of agriculture members of the legislature during the week paid a visit of inspection to the ontario agricultural college at ouelph the members motored from toronto the legislature having been adjourned for the day to facilitate the visit a vult was also paid to the ontario reformatory at ouelph and the work of both institutions detailed to the members by hon john a mar tin minuter of agriculture and hon lincoln ooldle provincial secretary bunding commltteee on agriculture of the legislature is advocating to the government that financial assis tance be given to graduates of the on tario agricultural college to assist them in establishing themselves the farms of the province passing a unanimous resolution on this point the committee also urged that the depart ment of agriculture draft such legls- istlon as was necessary to bring about consummation of the sugges tion the resolution had its birth in the announcement of president christie of the college that in many cases graduates were unable to es tablish themselves on farms owing to the fact that they usually owed mon ey to their sponsors at the end of the tuition at the college they go into some other line of work to earn this money and aa a result are often lost to the farm stated dr christie it lakes a owl slderoblo sum of money for a young man to equip himself for farming and x think the government should render some financial assistance the resolution win recelvea the at tention of the department of educa tion and efforts win be made to meet the situation hon george 8 henry minister of highways informed the legislature that during the fiscal year of ibs the sum of t23tt3ob8 was paid to town ships by the government for the cut ting of weeds under the highway improvement act counties were paid to tho eitcnt of ret jees while the cost ol such work on provincial high ways amounted to i111tix3 no grants were withheld from any muni cipality by the oovernment reviewing the work of his depart ment in speaking in the debate lit re- bly to the speech from the throne on j s martin minuter of agri culture mode an announcement of particular importance to the fruit growers of ontario pointing out that in the past money had been lost or the margin of pro fit very small on shipments of rrult from ontario to england mr martin stated that the government had de cided to place a qualllled man in lon don to handle all such shipments in the future thu offlcul wul be vested with full authority to redlrect such shipments to points whero the market is most advantageous lack of such control in the past nod resulted in fruit being placed on the market when there was little or no demand for the product the minuter announced that the government was looking for a qualified man to handle such work in the interests of the farmers point ing out that it would greatly stimulate the sale of ontario irult and provide additional markets for the ontario farmer appointment of an expert to under take the grading and classification of ontario grown potatoes waa also un der consideration the minister in farmed the house part of his duty will be uiat of finding additional mar kets for the ontario potato crop success of the ontario governments turkey farm experiment was announc ed to the legislature during the course of the week by the minister of agri culture pointing out that a turkey today was worth as much as a sheep mr martin stated that the govern ment farm had raised 08 birds which had told for m s03 three acres of tobacco had also been grown on the farm which had sold for mmo the purchase price of the farm had been 15000 and the government was now being offered twice the amount that they had paid for it revenue produced from agriculture last year in ontario is estimated at s00000txu by the ontario depart ment of argrlculture of this amount aim000000 had its origin in the dairying industry notice to creditors in tlik matterst op the otbtate op clkobclst andbutw hkndeai- hon late the twntshlp ml urn- asmlm i cmmly f luiuo farm itec notice 18 hejleny given that all persons lutvlng any claims or de mand against the late oeoroe andrew henderson who died on or about the twentyfourth day of december ibm at llui township of esqueslng in the county of llallon ami province of ontario are required to send by post iirepoul or lo deliver to the underslan- bd solicitors for james rt lindsay the executor of the lost will and testa ment of oeorge andrew henderson farmer deceased their names and ad dresses and full particulars in writing of llielr rlalrns and atalemenls of their accounts and tlio nature of the secur ities ii any held by them and take nottoe that after uie fourteenth day of march ibm the said james r lindsay will proceed to du- trtuute the assets of tlie said deceased among the persons entitled uiereto having regard only lo uie claims of which he ahull then pave had notice mil that the said james r lindsay twill not be liable for the said assets or uny part uiereof to any person of whose clolm lie shall not then have received utlce dated at georgetown ont thu ihlrteenui doy of february ad ibm 31 leroy dale solicitor for the said executor notice to creditors in the matrtmt op the bhtate or cauurhie csofc tale ef the town el cssrgelow in use cwmly al hal tea wuew evceossa notice is hereby oivbn pursu ant to section si ol the trustee act rtsoi i0 chap iso that all credit ors and others having claims or de mands agalnat the estate of the said catherine cook widow deceased who died on or about the 13th day of jan uary 1039 at the aald town of george town are required on or before the 0th day of march 1b3b tosend by post prepaid or deliver to uie undersigned solicitor for joseph mcandrew and frederick armstrong the executors of tlie last will and testament of uie said deceased their christian names and surnames addresses and descrip tions uie fun particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of uie security if any held by them and take notice that after such lost mentioned day the aald executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled uiereto having regard only to the claims of which they ahall then have notice and that uie aald execu tors win not be liable or the aald ass ets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice thau not have been received by them at the time of such dlatributlon deted at georgetown this sixth day of february 103s john a thompson 3t solicitor for the said executors kxkcutoslm auction sale i op real ehtate paum htock and imfiemknth the undersigned has been instructed by donald sinclair and thomas nearute eexcculors of the esute o atpxaucur hlneislr late of ute township of erin in uie county of wellliiuton partmtr eleceumtl uml the said lsanam ttlnrlalr to sell by public auction mi uie west half of lot nllrnlier beven in the tenth concession uutl the northwesterly quarter of lot numlier glx in tlie rlev- euui concession ol lw mild township of erin on tiiuhhilav pchriuanv jsth itko at i 00 p m the following real ehtai k tlie west half of lot numlier fuvrn 111 tlio tenul con cession and the norlhwi sterly quarter of lot numtmr six in the eleventh concession of tin inul towiihlilp nf lrln contalnliik une hundred and fifty acres be the uune ninrt ur leim olio hundred aires nf whli li in workable on said irohrty li rrruul n nine routn framo hoiiic tun stories liltth width u in good sliili- of repair framo bam suxflfl drlvlnit hotirj- ittlxm good cem ent silo wlntl mill gnotl lion house ivx 30 said rcul lthlitte will lie sold sub ject to refcrvo bid cattl1 durham cow b years old supposed to be in culf grade cow 0 years old due april 13 durham cow b years old tine in april durham cow b years old due in april durham cow 3 years old bred in nov part ayrshire cow fresh 3 years old part ayrshire cow fresh 3 years uld durham cow 4 years old due in february jersey cow 5 years old fresh i pat oultle 4 year ling hellers 2 yearling steers s calves 3 veal calves horses matched arey team hay horse 3 years old hay mare aged sheep 13 well bred oxford ewes hens 35 plymouth rock hens hay hi grain 300 bushels oats 300 bus mixed drain 30 tons hay harness 3 bets double harness i set single harness number of collars and pads implements masseyllarrls din der m 11 mower deerlng mower m 11 nay rake mh drill frost ti wood drill mh manure spreader mh corn binder mh scurler mh cultivator 3 mh harrows 3pleury plows 3 waggons democrat waggon buggy cutler 3 pair heavy blelghs hay rake hay pork cars and ropes cream melotte separator porks and shoveu tudoneanderson bulky plow nearly new extension ladder 3 feet platform scales 3000 lbs land roller steel panning mu1 pulptr set mings with rone and pulley beatty big loft car stone boat and other small articles one horse scuffur terms of sale araln hay pat cattle veal calves and fowl cash all other chattels to the value of tcooo and under cash over that amount eight months credit on approved joint bankable nous six per cent per annum off for cash for chattels which may be purchased on notes for further particulars and conditions of sale apply to leroy dale georgetown ont solicitor for the executors and the said donald sinclair w p mcenery clerk ben pbtch auctioneer application for the legislative assembly notice is hereby given that tile corporation of the town of georgetown will apply to the leaulat- ive assembly of tlie province of on tario for an act confirming byluw no t3a nf the corporation fixing uie assessment for all purposes of smith u stone limited for a erlnd of ten years at 110000 per annum and pro viding for the free supply to tile com- liany of 100 000 gals or water iter month and outliorlslng the completion of an nureement with tlie comjiuny in that behalf louis m singer ko ct bollcltar for the aiuillcauts unbebebved cubit auction sale of parm stock etc in the township el etta the undersigned has received in structions from steeter r makney to sell by auction on the premises lot 1 con 10 erin township situated on the 10th line about 4 miles north ol baulnafad on pbidav maech 1st ittt at 1 oclock sharp the following horses orey percheron mare 4 years old black percheron gelding 4 years old black percheron mare b years old bay percheron gelding i years old bay mare b year old good reader black mare 10 years old driver spring colt by dan jackson bay horse aged cattle blue cow 4 yean old due march 33 houteln heifer 3 years jld due april 31 houteln heifer 3 yean old fresh 3 months black cow 1 years milking well due june 30 port jersey cow b years old due april ib houteln cow 4jieors old due may a houteln cow b years old milk ing well red cow s years old fresh two months part hereford cow b years old due june 30 durham cow i years old milking weu durham cow 3 years old due may 14 houteln oow 3 years old just fresh jersey cow b years old due in april three 1 year old houteln heifers ready to be bred three heifers i year old 3 spring calves pigs poultry sow due april 30 sow due april 1 sow due march 10 sow due april 10 3 york chunks ib york shoots a numlier ol hens sheep 10 good breeding ewes hay orain potatoes 600 bus oats so bus barley ib bus good sweet clover seed quanuty ol hay 3b bags russet potatoes household epfeotb new mel otte separator kitchen cabinet cupboard imperial oxford range heater extension table chairs piano 3 burner goal oil stove 130 egg incubator daisy chum impleuentsmssseyharrls bin der sft cut new mccormick mow er 6ft cut hay loader 13dlso cockahutt seed drill horse rake 17tooui uaaseyharrls ouluvator 4- sectlon harrows nearly new s walk ing plows wagon 38eeilon steel land roller maaseyharsls binder fift cut in good repair set bob sleighs and bunks hay rack and slock rack combined 1 horse light sleigh buggy cliathain fanning mul with bagger masseyharris potato olgger stone boat light blelgh two seals all implements m good repair li h p gas engine and pump jack complete 3s oal goal oil can so rods wire fence hay fork rope and pulleys set wire fence strelcners set power cuppers crowbars forks hoes chains etc etc harness a bets double harness 3 seta double plow harness 1 set light driving harness 3 set single harness collare posluvely no reserve as the farm u sold and the proprietor is giving up fa terms hay grain seed potatoes poultry furniture and bums of 110 and under cash over that amount 13 months credit on approved joint notes b off for cash roy hindliy w f meensrr dark head oh colds coughs bronchitis with thu fine old herbal remedy right from thm heart of nature wanl off all lha oiid waather ilia oat kuraclf a itoitto of cuuultera indian in ititmetly it will malm and keep you healthyheal up fnluroatj timitm ami give your blood and body new vigour kaep thle good old bethel remedy al waya in tlta houa take it after iktatirn to wind rain ehtli and wowim grroilatun junrra you ranjnt thle n- oiir ntllajthar herbal uwuebiild 1 mm u w r wmuooa georgetown goodbye piles 1l a fl id h till n tails wllemmil fh fwlrnrwthlaajmpb tifluiil natimk illk ubmhov luv isirt t fvr uvrr jo yrjrj trr ovrry mlirr lilrul ul utralswntluaiallehl mlijiltmifuisvlasliiliimsra cuamitiwulitusatliiutinirrlltrtlimram rsttsjuit uotuy back ut all dniulut natures hue remedy nsste bulm wllkeoc sism a w msntlf w r wauon cuoirgetown the famous buffalo brand fertilizers manufactured by tlir international agricultural corporation can now be purchased from walter h moore phone 1s2 georgetown hydro electric system auction sale of farm stock implements and furniture the undersigned has been instructed by the administratrix of the estate of the late john bale to sell by public auction at lot 14 con 11 esqueslng at norval station on friday march 1st at one oclock uie fouowlng horses reg clyde mare supposed to be in foal clyde mare supposed to be in foal bay mare 0 yrs old agr bay filly rising 3 years clyde driving pony cattle reg jersey cow bred in september jersey oow bred dec 30 jersey cow bred jan 30 jersey cow calf at side jersey cow due time of uie jersey cow springing jersey heifer springing imported jersey heifer rising a years old b jersey hei fers rising 3 years old reg jersey buu rising 3 years old pias 3 brood sows fowl 40 rock hens 3 ducks 3 drakes hay and drain 300 bus oats quanuty of muted araln 300 bus barley quantity of mixed hay implements deerlng seed drill lumber wagon set sleighs with box deerlng mower set sloop sleighs s walking plows nay rack set welgh- scales 3000 lbs set scales 340 lbs bet of heavy harness 3 new bridles 3 sets of single harness 3 collars buggy cutter hay fork car and rope suo a quantity of lumber a number of white ash and oak ton gues some 3inch oak plank and clear pine choice lumber 3 pair ice tongs arlndslone vice com planter grass seeder power cupper hand clipper number of carpenter tools set of milk scales 3 cream cans palls araln bags pair wool horse blank eta chicken crates 3 robes hen house 13x34 man box delaval cream separator nearly new porks shovels chains root pulper cooling tank quanuty manure 3 pumps quanuty potatoes shotgun wheel barrow 3 crosscut saws bucksaw and numerous other articles household goods kitchen range kitchen chairs table good extension table walnut extension table coal ou stove glass cupboard kitchen cabinet 3 bedroom suites 3 iron bedsteads sideboard organ centre table clock and many other household articles mantle bed parlor carpet terms hoy grain fowl furniture and sums of 30 and under cash over that amount 0 months credit on ap proved joint notes 0 per cent per an num off for cash ben petoh auctioneer he skevslllag ueau standard aotimacite scranton coal in all sixes automatically 8oroennd and loaded coal wood select lamp for domoetio and throsblnb mrpoaos smithing and oannol coal in foot scarry ovorytliins to be found in any op todate goal and wood yard john mcdonald puonr 1 1 gsborgetowrn how much money a year makes a melon the average shareholder in the bell telephone company owns 27 shares has paid full par value or more for every share and gets 216 a year in dividends the man who bought his shares on the market 15 years ago and has since taken advantage of every offering to day is getting less than 7 per cent on the money he has paid this man is typical the holders of 84 per cent of the companys total stock subscribe again to new shares as they are offered die fefesaeae eessgwiy ftuu never esjtt tl e hoe sser ojrnwretf ms public ihtmth ii he grows ea one etke tarfest tviswnmou t canada thb bell tblephonb company of canada paf tkere le bo won eftstleat way ol keeping euwa table aibenew than regular raading of carnire ejartla3etta tte ipaelau aw alwave eo worutwklla and ao waaotv aue aad they are bedtetj by ragular price ikat ara the laweat ou1md1 v avumvkas fl iwotte tuuf lis tiusttlbcobn suasnl i 3 is 93 tstutle tomatou lwlilw si waxuam cum a summ twmach a rwr k tu flss jsxmom cmm1mj smfcres vis us 9441 7 if vurr oiw lit u jajuumu pftirlasa tlar tia tomftft f jtarts htbot dtuitl special pears cuutom or ajtlmtr stfavhtrrp jam btcl9 font btmett a ululmj ajejisrapsin rajnajr feaiset figs pst bu rsaaf su sastauuno adsu su a hneappuc mvnu macmsom csstar cocoakut auw suw fms es- oouuw snratn irkrs i lie mud oatmeal rasauaw saaua butter carrohs owe crsssstra i ffte shortening euiiimdmtk ame cr1spo pig bars siut7a chateau or vthmt spesfilal cheese pi it 3aiiuite oats vs xv currants xy dbv cjbmhe alb old ikma tuanstsbi lux small eacbuju i oas suretiat ceslerl ceu cerlm61sulufa sfculptrtmle lr satisls4a hgassswi t teswaewa

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