the georgetown herald sixtythird year of publication georgetown wednesday evening march 20th 1929 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa tbegeorgelown herald 1 m moobk publisher sua propcutler meiaw canadian wnu nwspaer amaemloa uasalaa natlaul flcdrle sll way tommle halnubsn stalleray 2abtbound westbound dally imuy train train no 3 110 am no 1 135 son 4 dj17 nm h 3 035 sw s ujw am 6 1130 sjn s 17 ma 7 lis iw ib sil pro bi- ji pm ss at pm ii sis pjn is bj17 pjn 13 735 pu li 1st pm is b35 pjn is 0117 pm it not am is 1153 pa no i si 3 will ma dally except bun- day healthful cereal for hoi breakfast shredded cnjl time table psssenger psssenger passenger mall feaeenger passenger passenger fiundey cases west mall passenger passenger mil passenger psaeenger humlif sunday oessuj nerlk msll msll gsug a 733 uk s33 u 1011 sub uah pal 400 pja all pra us tua 7ji tun 140 ua 853 am ion un 313 pub 4j0 pm s03 pal 70i pjo 1034 ua ms ul 455 pjn 131 i 740 pjn crisp in oven serve with piping hot milk delicious- and brimful of energy wad trths caimuhan shredded wheat cooipony lid livingstones bakery any child purchasing bread at our bakery will be presented with 5 marbles and one alley best quality bread brown bread 9c- dffiecfobv lb hoy dalm eairrsster and mleum georgetown ontario offices king bid uiu at ouuuncs1l wiggins fmleiler nstary paule omees oneill block georgetown telephone 151 john a thompson barrister seucuer notary rattle ouf mill street phone 333 39 dr m t pan pkyesesaa aael s medical officer of health in esquetlng township oslo hours 3 to 4 ud 7 to dm- ffssae u office and residence main street south opposite presbyterian church white bread 9c d livingstone phone ss georgetown mstssrsbsei dr c v williams fhyslclsn and surgeon medical officer of health georgetown 3fbee and residence queen st south office hours 13 sad ss pm also by appointment r m watson ojya una c 3ave hsenit la s except tetweaay aftirataai r l heath ld8 nan otaos in un block on door north of oneilts carriage factory houn 0 am to 6 pm db b uahmontu vttsrinsry surtsoo phou 340 uala bt n omrfttm omropkaono wnubn tb ommanttar patshr ofaiatu u ranr pneum to auamas swfwy ortnslky xray service ofbee ow nwwlnlon storo oom houn ilonday wadsmday and bsturdsy 3 to 5 tad 1ui pja oibsr days sad bouts hy appolntmsht pkta 11- bishtats uj at mbtsapasas 113 ttysdty and prldsy a to s pju j sanf0rd stawarttown plambingtiosmllhlng iwiaula utrartaly uvea phone s4r 12 gaorfetown rr no 2 getting keeping get your account paid keep your cuitomeis our service does this kelly aiken diplomatic collectors oiaattvult oualph owon round hark every grave mothlns it mors luting or mow tnoroonat to ooaubsaunt uw nsaiory of lowd onto who bar cone baton tnso bssutuul rn- r wtu carved with our praaant equlrsaaat sad ftf no plant is battar nnnand to obar battar vsluat or abattsr stock to eaooss from than osn bt awursd at our plant you ow it to yoursalf to its our atook and sat quotations on itanunanta utrksrs or corn er atonss bafars plaeldf an or- dar anyanars affs u adumootoktl worb j n1chol phohb us silvers clothing store announces exceptional values for easter in ladies misses and girls spring coats and silk dresses also mens and boys suits new styles of goods are coming in every day a small deposit will assure your garment for easter on reasonable payments h silver phone 375 georgetown she bought it for itshcar beauty 8be wasted beauty and ab cot is just like a woman be said carried away by apaaaranessl cant mama bar tbouik it it a wonderful lookiam ear hravmt peels comfortable great body bulldars these fisber paoplst a real aagine tool it a bis sir all right feel that power and that speed and that getaway and such brakes what price did you eayp is that 1ip id have guessed at least two hundred dollar more- ritaisc s v king district agency open with solidly established canadian company sixty million doixabs nsubancs in poacs low pbemiullslsl latanm einua 74 haw jvylas paluy prmtli ail plpuinilt laft ta apmaiaula fap in tr t iry a aiuaaea glvae par p lal writo to x il sumala alaaaaw f ar oalarla tteaowrch life assurance cs55v s6 toronto sr bmdmto tm gtorgttown ontario hoduct op 4ibnbbal motobs of canada ltmttbd erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds also fish at most reasonable prices erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown electric wiring repairing and installing of all electrical appliances price reasonable jack forster phone 29 georgetown georgetown elevator agents for grain pool bring in your grain and get your feed alex l noble phone 145 georgetown read the advertisments houwceaning needs rgwaltnfctksaad pearl white soap 10 bar 36 area and hammar washing soda blithe tsmhcliiaiw tu gs oil pma gn tlalos tla at h t ttksalsa oaydal saadhv tt laiapka2st cmatuaallhaa imutilba baaaad tsw pas- 14e pk st ik caula in cakm hr2so laa bat s faa3sa atfsaaalatclatlm rtnso ursaslaspktlfe 3a victory pickles handy ammonia powder lee bua45 tiar ism caw 4s srua7e 3- 17 pbhallia saap kit braisui s laila sbo waiakaanla saa 4sa clan fas sawcklei jtua kjjrr siarsss iuirsuauii ckkliaa tla 14s oaacahm w xst psavasvaa ho lis fltlw1 caka plaw sss itu mo clarks cooked spaghetti 2btia25 8telna corned beef jf18 bun doalh and fearl why link ihowtwo in ony bay rauter death and joyl por uten our work la dona and rest la oura so ions wv waltud a llfolona day ukut atonn and tttaaa now find our way amontf ataraal f1ow tl but paulns on from roora to room where hit treat llaht dltpella all ttoorn tit raya of purity laavlnil ths old with all its fret and care to be with him whoee love we share par all eternity then la no death tit only aleep a uryauns blue upon the hllulde ateep and toll it oer por on that fairer there we wake again and with our loved ones there remain at peaee for evermore 8 j a halton rifles south apbioa somx aurjtrmtscbhccsv sour pastsonalrrnts aoascs op distinction by col baliantyn nao oontinutd bom but weak us that tv rode through ths dark party mile bftan on and along the ataoultbtrg range with only the start for ray mark an only ths night for my friend an things runnln off as you pet an thins jumpln up in the grata an ths alienee ths thins an the shw of ths igh tnerpnttlbls tklaa i am taking aoms lettere almoat as much ss a aula to ths pott an mind you corns back with ths chsngsl i lfat i i i tripling old sokuer again makes oompsrltont between ths ires life on tb veldt ta africa during ths boer war and ths enunped narrow exitt- anee ha waa forced to live on discharge from the army and certainly it was a great fall and one that broke ths heart of many men who could not adjust tbemaalms to civilian ufa with all lit conventions and restrictions after the service on the plaint of africa and through ths pastes of ths drektntburg uountaint where the scenic effects beggar rjaserlpuon on of the greatest tiagadlaa of the tragedy of war ta dernnhilttatlnnths great disintegration of companiaa or man hitherto marching one way and bonded together by the mortar of ex perience end mutual aaerlncs men on teniae lean on one another and on their ofbcera and it la doubtful if there la any finer snlrlt than that which snlmstas a well organised com mand on active service tut old soldier who arnrattat hla disgust in kiplings words mltsnt ths thruls that belong to asrrles but the thing that hi rnliist the moat it hit old comrade ths odd number who marked two paces along with ths other odd numbera in order that ths rest might form rltft but ths subject of this u ths service of lbs hslton man who were fortunate in being included in the three canadian contingents that laft for africa dur ing ths pall and winter of iteolftoo and in the constabulary force that went out ta police the country during the latter days of ths war robert cunningham from oampball- vlll was ths only member of the first infantry contingent under colonel otter and he accompanied ths fore st f sr ss pasroebsrg at which place he contracted zntarle paver and after pasting through tbs routine of hotplt- ala and convalescent camps waa in valided home to canada on the second contingent which waa mounted there were four hslton men namely r 8 hope w j oould and w j moore of acton and tb writer from georgetown on tbs constabulary pores that want later waa jos lynn alto of acton ths service of ths pint contingent la written into ths records of ths march of lord roberts vast army from tb uoddtr river to the veal terminating at pretoria the capital of ths than boer republic known as the tranrraal ths service of the second contingent it written into tbs records of the army of sir ian hamilton and the smaller flvmg columns thst marched east wards from pretoria and whoss oper ation terminated st ths portugese border these operations covered hundreds of miles in tbs aaddle ow a terrain that is wall watered and in tereeting and beautiful tn ths extreme hope hsd a very luteresttng and col ourful trip with o battery whan they made a detour covering about three thousand mllea in order to effect the relief of mafeklng a small town that the boars eipretetd such a liking for thst they sat down around it for aome three months then were many tntereatlng per sonalities snd probably my own sec tion commander xjautanant john ueorae belongs to ina tint rank of these m later yean he became known to the world st ths author of thst challenging poem in handera pialda but to ua in these days ha was just our officer and one in whom ws all trusted snd for whom every soldier in ths station and every boras too hsd profound respect and love he spent noun in the horse lines calling every horse by his tint name and taking care to ahow no favouritism for bor ate an quick to senss fsvoritlsm and fsvoritlsm had no part in ucoraaa official life yet bones in a battery have tint names and tn our battery they an began with the letter a the deaign- tlon of ths battery when on peace strvlot in rtowfle we had ability aeronlum alder- nan apathy abblgy a bad rascal that last and a host of otbsn sll be ginning in a snd ths list is a cata- logus of h tounsn of tbs bm- plre llit thst no real a bsttsrymsn could scan without tears la hla ayes for they all stayed in africa having oontractsd ths various dlsism psni- uar to the country w had one utile mars called allegro and aha want to pieces under the strain of the msreb up tbs orooodils vslley in ilsmiltons column and ws wen ordered to dlt- poss of her we turned her loots for no one oould shoot bar and marched on without her two days later aba stsggarsd into her place in ths lines having followed ths battery that the could no longer serve guided by ths knowledge thst though she was ofac- lally struck off the strength then was no driver in tbs outfit that would not sss that the was fed watered and bad tod and no horse wno would not whlnnsy hla satisfaction and pleasun when the stumbled into tbs lines she died thst night tad in a few weeks alderman and aeronlum and most of the nsnsdlsn bores bad followed bar saving a few tmllimilsd native harass ud uw personal to drat tb tuns cut of the crocodile valley that had swstlowed so many of our long faced chums up to the time of our march along the crocodile vslley the canadian horses hsd stood the marches very creditably though roany had suc cumbed to tbs strain and ths suffer ing from sore withers and saddle galls wss distressing our remounts were mostly from ar gentlne though we had a few bow ponies and some anglith horses though the latter were if anything more auoeptible to ths neuvs diseases than our own canadian bones the boer ponies were beautifully broken and very docile though the canadian horses always seemed to retard them with suspicion and dislike but whether from canada argen tine england or africa mooraa loved them all and a whinney of delight passed down the line as ha appeared at ths head of alderman who because of his position as the nigh hone of tbs lesd team of number one oun waa on the right of the line an honour of which alderman was fully si snd proud then waa no mechanical transport wagons that formed but second una transport wen hsuuri by oxen ar ranged in teams of twentyfour and probably no memory is mors vivid thsn that of these miles and miles of trek wagons with their groaning training oxen and their kstrfr driven with their gnat whine thirty feet and more long and their increas ing cries to ths oxen of hues hike ths trails wen lined with tbs caress- est of the unfortunate animals who died from exhaustion and fell by the way aids and interspersed wen those of horses snd mules sll sserltlees on the red altar of war the question of supply and trant- port is a treat ens in say wsr but m africa with the poor roads snd ths sggnsslv ouerilla bands of the en emy it wss a tremendous problem on one occasion when on tbs march bast of pretoria with sir ian hsmlltona column ths transport of ths wbols fores was stuck in the mud during ths downpour that lasted for a week and for nearly three daya ths blankets ratlont or feed of any sort ta the regiment next to our btveuae ths oonnsught bangen sight men died from ths cold and expos the second night it was during those ter rible nights that many of our man took ths colds thst sent many of them to the hospital and invalided many to canada when they wan fit to travel colonel sam hughes wss one per tonality with whom ws mads contact out than and ws recall a pleasant morning ha spent in our lines when we wen on the lines of communica tion in cap colony during ths early months of ths wsr i have never held out then but i do know thst wherever ha found a csnsdlan in trouble he girded hla loins for battle galloping full tilt to the rescue our first march had been to a place celled kenbsrdt in cape colony and while then some of our men hsd im bibed copious draughts of ushers scotch whiskey which on ths empty stomach that every man carried un der hit wslst belt hsd a distressing effect on dlshnllns ths court martial awarded eighty four days detention and three per fectly good and now sober canadians wen left in the dutch jail while their comrades trekked back ths two hun dred and fifty miles to the railroad ths sequel should be dnmstlssd or st least est to music colonel sam hughes with a small escort rods that way two weeks after and heard that a canadian column had been then snd hsd deposited trace of its num ber in the whitewashed dutch jail under ths custody of a dutch jailer oreat oasooksl here waa action and i suspect thst ths mounted psrty led by the colonel broke all records to that jail and as we all know sir sam hushes untied no oordlan knots he cut them and ths net result wss thst a few days later three weary but happy canadian wayfarers dressed in boar treussn snd civilian costs and wearing nigh black head conical headgear such as ths boon sftected turned up in front of the battery in bloemfontsln ss ths com manding officer was putting tbs fin ishing touches on our sppssrsnes preparatory to an inspection by sir kelly kstuiy sir asm always took ths sbortasl line between two points while othsrt followed ths arc he followed the chord snd this was one of ths qual ities thst placed the pint osnsdlsn division in prance m ths minimum with ths second snd third and fourth treading on their heels sir bsm told thst story a treat many times and my own interest centered in the fact that one of the malefactors was my own batman and one of ths othen a georgetown man of earlier days we wen inspected by lord roberts st pretoria just baton joining sir isn hamiltons column and while we ssw snd knsw men of other gen erals than of bobs it is doubtful u sny of them took a larger part in the operations thsn he did when be went out then thsn waa little coordination between ths force of buller in natal and that of meth- uen in osps colony and he brought this all about and by his movements in ths west mads it possible for buller to advance in ths east continued next week utpeb mission msxttno thsn wss a good attendance at the annual meeting of the leper mission held last thursday in the baptist church mrs kenneth sri raw sided mr boyd read tne scriptun las- son and mr prith took ths prayer dr dickie introduced the spesksr dr murdock mogenns who hss spent 40 years in honsn china its spoke for a little while on general iwnditlon in thst snd other countries when lep rosy it so prevalent and then told of several esses in particular dr lie- censles address was vivid snd to ths point one realised ins great amount of suffering thst ths lepers have to endun and the splendid efforts of ths medical missionaries alto the still greater need of mors rev maclesn spoke few words of spprecistlon of dr uckensiee sd dress mrs a black tang a solo my task which wss much sppreclatsd the offering taken smounted to smm the ojboen for ism an president mrs kenneth maclean vicepresi dent mrs a watson secretary mrs poller treasurer mrs o b dayfoot the meeting doted with the hymn at even when tbs sun was sst the sick oh lord around thee lay and prayer snd benediction by dr mrkentle stanley randall aged seven years i of mr and mrs john randall was severely sealed last week ths lit tle fellow was lifting a kettle of boil ing water from the stovs whsn tb handle broke and tb water ran over bis band and lets notes and comments section tl of the llouor control act permitting guest of a hotel duly registered in the office of the hotel to have liquor in their rooms is evtdenuy not working to the satis faction of ths hotel proprietors a deputation from the ontario hotel association had an interview with hon w ii price attooneyoensl last week to discuss ths preeettt un- ksusfsctory condition in hotel rooms destruction of furniture and damage to decorations resulting from drink ing parties the hotel men asked thst the hotel be mads an ulsgal place for the consumption of liquor the senate bill to establish a separate divorce court in ontario mat with defeat in tbs house of commons by a vol of m to st and ths province must continue as ih ths past to rely on action by the pederal parliament to obtain annulment of marriage on tario members voted about two to one against ths bill and the quebec liber als mostly of the roman catholic faith and not recognising the prin ciple of divorce voted solidly sgalnst it ths bill was supported chiefly by westsrnsn particularly progressives and labor members but the vote wss entirely go ss you please psrty unas being abandoned oppioial figure of the liquor control board of ontario aa tabled tn the legislstun reveal that sale of all liquors in ontario for the last fiscal year reached tbs sstwindlng sum of of liquor is revealed in the fact that the sale of all liquors for the lest five month of ths flsesi year of 1m was 34s per cent higher than the cor responding period of 137 eel of domestic beer registered at so per cent increase osnsdltn win a 314 per cent increase imported wine a 773 per cent increase and spirits a 313 per cent lncnass uttdoabtedly this contributes in no small degree to the financial stringency felt so kastuy by business men money spent in uq- uor cannot be spent in our industries nor in the regular avenues of trade and commerce the totsl benefits swarded in peb- ruary by the workmens compensa tion boardwere semi4s4g which in- eluded tmjxant tar medical aid these figures are lower than in janu ary when the total beneflta wen s73rrs33 including tlxuel for medical aid during pebruary then wen ftsid accidents reported to the board in cluding 40 fatal esses both of these items an hlghsr thsn for january whsn then wen 119 seddents re ported including 17 fstalllies 8pssklng of these figures r 8 morley general manager industrial accident prevention associations calls sttentlon to the need for man per- sonsl ears he points out that a high percentage of accidents can be prevented by proper instructions of ths individual in safe method of working aa it to also fairly evident from the data collected that eafety and efficiency go hand tn hand the associations look for sn increased in terest in the whole problem mr mor ley states thst an locreatlng number of plsnts in ths membership of the assoclstlons sn opesatlng for long periods without lost tuna seddents this is an indication of results that can be secured if proper attention is liven to industrial safety halton euuidents banquet at guuhna the third annual banquet of form er residents of hslton oounty was held at ths king hotel reglna on feb mth which was largely attend ed by a larger number of hslton residents than either of the previous functions dr s h oorrlgsn lamp- man waa made honorary president d r lament vlcsprsstdent mrs lamont secretary mrs a o shew treasurer and the members of the execuuve committee an mra j j wilton ua r j moffatt l sntnc b p mscoretor mra george spoon mrs v o mason and l o stephens v o tssf retiring president gave a short review of the history of the awhilttlon dr h m step- bent spoke appnelauvely of ths time and thought expended on tbs ssso- islion interests by mr msson by was wlnnlfrsd wilson secretary and il o other retiring officers and the uisnks of ths mem hen wen offered to them ths entire company was photographed before ths evenlrjgw proceedings wsre over among the intttnces of renews of former friend- shlpt remsrksd upon during ths ev ening outstsnding waa ths ease of arthur raid who was present from bslcarrea and charles raid swift current the two an cousins but have been separated completely sines 183 and mat at the banquet for tbs first urns since that date ths guests represented milton oewrgstown hssssgswaya oooks- vuls ash pslermo acton and aevsral other hslton spots following ths banquet in ths grillroom whsn tbs decorations wen of white and purpls the guests repaired to the urge din ingroom when klondike whist wss played for a time and latar dancing was enjoyed mr and mrs w r prancla bad charts of the program of community singing and miss craw ford and mr hoover also contributed musical numbers the guests who registered wen mr and mrs mccsrgar mooss jsw mrs il osmble and ths misses daisy and lorraine oull lake mra how ard lawrence woodrow mrs milne belcarras arthur raid bslcarrea diss rsld swift current m mo- tavlah truss and the following from retina dr and ura h m stephens mr and mra r m baker mr and mrs d r lamont mr and mra wm wilson mr and mra il cartwright mist wlnnlfred wilson miss christens mcqueen mr and mrs j j wilson mr and mrs l e weaver percy reed mra h a reed miss evelyn reed mrs tracy curry mr snd mrs l c stephens mr snd mrs j it petrle mr and mrs l spenc dr and mra w d cowsn dr and mrs c m henry mrs chss ucangor d p hcarsg- or mra it j moffatt mist mary moffstt miss e m wilson mr snd mrs j e mogngor mr and mrs oeo sneers mr and mrs n latour mr and mra a c shaw mr and mrs francis miss crawford sad messrs hoover mcdonsid and leslie the metal ahesuisd frame bam of the orant fsrra erindsls was de stroyed by fin shout s oclock on march 13th provincial officer butler of orange- vllle and county connsble b stewart of usisnethon located a atlu and ss gallons of mash in in house of levi allen northeast helsiiethon monday of last week allen appeared before police magistrate falconer in orange- vllle on thursday and was found gull ty and fined tso ud costs eg ate saonths la jell