Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1929, p. 4

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pag 4 as the georgetown herald wednesday march 20th 1929 more cupa to the pound more flavor in the cup more tang to the taste ttaafa what makes red bob tea so popular every package guaranteed redrose is good tela red rose orange pekoe is extra good college view garage an up todate auto repair shop prompt vcoikmanship guaranteed t kit aakms tim v oi service a brunton v couefe view phone 336 georgetown v wocoeo5o3cj hie bootery ivf oooy o pott off lea ladies and gents footwear i rapolring promptly dona will f smith phone 147 main street georgetown avwwwwwttvwsvwwwwwwi s4ewawketwsj skjsw ex the famous buffalo brand fertilizers manufactured by the international agricultural corporation can now be purchased from walter b moore phone 1s2 georgetown hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall stopped his stom fruitatives made hia entirely well mr bovav i wish i cmitd u every mtflvrer in the world what vjuitouvm litis done fur tan wrifra mr liny a llovay trenton onl tor ymh i was irouliifu by 11ml unnilaehts nervous uypiannl liver trouble tluvft i eooinwticcd taking frull-a- tlvc- very soon my condition jrfl- proved ami now thautts to litis wondmul niedmne i am onai mow entirely well frulltlvpiircitiutitflbtiflelihvw kidneys towels and skin purifies the itlood and tnnm up the whole system 2be nnil jloa a box t dealers mwrywlww w b browne co agents for wheat pool bring your wheat oats barley here take feed back we will truck if preferred norval mills ssjvat for pastry kings choice canadian wonder for bread cash prices shorts middlings bran chopped wheat barley chicken feed atmui consult our nearest dealer w b browne co norval ontario whefte to leakw wha aug tub mtsv varieties of vegctables to mjsnt v1 an age old one and stlli we find many of the vegetable growers in doubt as to which variety of carrot beet or pea to been an enoraoui effort put forth to introduce something new in the variety- line each year no doubt it is confusing to growers when teed buying tune cornea for in some cases the old varletlei an given a lower ratine thus making the buyer feel uiat the new variety u superior it is true that improvement is needed in many of the varieties and particu larly so when regional conditions are to be considered but there is time en ough to change abruptly from the old varieties when the new sorts have been tested and reported upon otte tally in every province throughout the dominion of canada there u lo- eated one or mora experimental perms or stations where variety test ing has been conducted for a long period of time and where the varieties of recent origin are now under test thus making it possible for growers in all parts of canada to get first hand information regarding the merits of almost any variety to serve as a guide to the growers aj list of standard variety names has been prepared in this list will be found the proper name for each of the outstanding varieties it was deemed advisable to do this u enable the pub lic to know the correct name for each sort and further to limit as far as possible the great duplication of varieties under other names when new introductions are found possets merit they will also be placed on this approved list after they have been tested sufficiently and passed upon by the committee of horticul tural experts every person interested in seed pur chasing should have copy of this list and unlit upon getting the var ieties under their correct and accept ed name copies of this list can be bad by writing to the publications branch dominion department of agriculture ottawt ontario if at any time there is doubt as toj the value of a variety for a certain locality this can be easily settled by writing to the superintendent of thai nearest dominion experimental tarm or station t p ritchie central experimental parm ottawa ont wimminu do you wish the world werv better let me uu you what to do bet a watch upon your actions keep thetn always atnuaht and true rid your mind of selfish motive let your thought twcfctu and high you can make auule eden of the sphere you occupy do you with uve world were happy ttieti remember day by day just to scattimt seeds oi kindness as you pass along the way par the pleasures of tne many may be ofttlme traced to one as the liand that planls uie acorn filieurs armies from the sun itlett on k hkkttt amd hioiiwavh at each succeeding convention of leut street and highway trees given increasing attention at the radio supplies cct batteryless radiolas we offer a fair allowance on your old set cgv hot point appliances house wiring prices quoted on request hh darling ftuttse 190 mufdock st georgetown result fn experiments in smtoimno heed potatoes in order to obtain potatoes of mi ketable slse early in the esason many market gardenera follow the practice of sprouting aeed potatoes before planting- an experiment to determine the value of this practice relative to the district served by the dominion experimental station at lennoxvule pq luu now been conducted at that sutton for five years this experiment has each year consisted of a compar ison of dormant and sprouted seed potatoes of irish cobbler and green mountain all seed has been kept in the best available storage until the first of april at that time onehalf of the seed of each variety is placed in shallow trays and sprouted in the usual manner the other half being kept as dormant as possible until planting time with the variety qreen uountaln the sprouted seed has given an in- crease in yield of approximately four teen per cent over dormant seed there hss also been an increase in earllness of from eleven to fourteen days in no instance however have potatoes of marketable sue been avail able from sprouted seed of this var iety more than three or four days ear lier than from dormant aeed of irish cobbler accordingly if irish cobbler seed potatoes are available there would be little gained in earllness of crop by sprouting green uountaln potatoes i owing to the normal lateness of the variety the vines if properly sprayed usually remain green and healthy un til kilted by frost the additional start even the plsnts by sprouting accord gly permits of a longer growing sea son and a consequent increase in crop in general however it is doubtful it this increase would have sufficient to compensate the grower for the addi tional expense of sprouting and extra work of planting with irish cobbler the results have been somewhat different the yields i from sprouted and dormant seed being practically the same with the sprout ed aeed however an average increase in earllness of eighteen days was ob tained accordingly it would seem that if the price for very early new potatoes is sufficiently high to com pensate for the necessary additional expense the practice can be recom mended with irish cobbler p b browne dominion experimental sta tion lennoxvule pq the ontario horticultural association have been vow convention a committee was ap pointed to draw up recommendations uiat may be offered by the association as a guide to horticultural societies and municipalities throughout the country this committee having cluurman mr if j moore lecturer of the ontario horticultural association save their report at the convention eld in toronto on the iih of feb ruary these recommendations cover tiie subjects or minimum planting distances varieties for different parts of the country and other matters re lated to the subject pollowing are the recommendations a that trees on narrow streets tltould have a minimum spacing of 40 feet on boulevards or wide streets 55 to 60 feet and on roads 16 feet b that on narrow streets the less spreading or pyramidal trees such as white ash hard maple pus oak be iilanted also tulip trees and oriental where these will endure as in southern localities c that in northern municipalities such as in the latitude and approxi mate latitude of new lukeerd the soft maple be used on streets as it but remains short jointed and sturdy also the laurel leaved willow which latter is especially recommended for our most northern towns such as cochrane and points in this latitude d that the spacing of trees on irovlneial highways should be 96 feet tueh trees as indigenous to the par ticular locality if of satisfactory shade giving qualities to be planted including elms red oak sugar maple white asb and black walnut e that when grouping of trees is practised as on the wider sections and where lovely rolling landscapes pertain the forementioned native trees and birches and other attractive ones such as mountain ash and nstlve ev ergreens be planted that hi southern localities as in the niagara peninsula and along the north shore areas of lake erie native chestnuts and eng luh walnuts be also planted f that undesirable trees such as manitoba maple box elder poplars including cottonwoods and under certain conditions soft maples be not planted on street or roadside that willows be not planted except when wet low land conditions preclude the use of other trees g that in order to control the planting of trees on streets of munici palities and the subsequent pruning ir necessary also the removal of unde sirable trees such as when too crowd ed a bylaw be submitted to the tax payers on municipal election day with a view to placing the control of trees under municipal councils so that the work may be placed in charge of a committee in the municipality after a considerable discussion in which delegates from many parts of the province took part the recommen dations were approved by the assoc iation for the guidance of municipal ities throughout the province porced to shelter by the storm last week the two escaped convicts from the ontario reformatory at ouelph were captured in a bam near aberfoyle findebs shouldnt be kee1w a woman in fnglanrt was arrested a fortnight ago charged with steal ing byflndlng it an interesting case too many people imagine that if they find something valuable and do not know who lost it it bscotr theirs m in this case the woman found pearl necklace in the street and sup posing it to be a cheap thing lost by a child threw it in a drawer where it lay for two yean one day somebody on seeing it advised that it be taken to a jeweler for valuation the woman acted on the advice and was informed the necklace was worth over moo at uie time of its loss all jewellers had been furnished by the police with a description of the necklace so the jew eller notified the police and the wo man was arrested she explained that one supposed the pearls valueless and hsdnt bothered her head about them im arrested for finding things the exclaimed til never pick up any thing again as the womans character is good and as she evidently knew nothing of the value of her find it is expected that she will get off with a reprimand rhere is however an erroneous im pression abroad that a person who finds anything is under no responslbll- ity to take action to seek the owner that it is up to the loser to do tracing this is not so the finder has the article knows where it is knows that it is not his or hers and not only every consideration of honesty but the law explicitly expects that he or she will make no secret of the finding but on the contrary do everything possible to locate the owner and restore the lost article by way of advertising it and reporting it at such places as the loser would be likely to make inquiries there is possibly more stealing by finding thsn there ought to be tor onto star weekly keejai service of the cuwdbsui medical aaaoc a kcott1hii invehtioation por the post few years tu board of health of scotland lias been carry ing on an invent luatlon in robjard to tlut nutrition of school rhlulrti in tint schools of strveu centres selected for uie study tin children wore divid ed into urauph tho ouiectlv was to atuwrtaln whether or not hut children who received u dully ration of milk would klutw an improvement in health ureatsr than thoic who did not rv- relve tlui milk nr uioaa wlui received biscuit only the result win that tlio children re ceiving milk were alter a tlm found to be twenty per cent heavier and tal ler tlum those not receiving milk tliere was in oilier words a decided improvement lif irrowth the general health of many of the milk ration vroup was noticeably better tills im provement wai not temporary for ty liave continued to improve while uie mlik ration wan maintained during a second icrlod of investiga tion this is not tlui only investigation of the kind tlut luu been made other iludlea of a similar nature in many countries have shown that during uie rowing years milk as an article of diet is essential the need and value of milk cannot be too strongly em phasised because we have no sub stitute for it and those in charge o children is to nee to it that their children are not being handlcspped through the lack iof milk in the diet milk u not a complete diet for school children but diet is complete without milk milk may be used in many ways it is not necessary that it bedrunk it may be taken on cereals and other foods it may be used in cocoa in milk pudding or in any other similar man ner it need hardly be said uiat safe pure milk only should be used and uiat means milk from healthy cows produced in a cleanly manner and tlie pasteurised questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 1m college st toronto will be answered by letter questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be notice to creditors in the matte op the estate op thobbe klitkpatbtlcst late of ike vutsge of ilfctshswss in the ceiwty ef lisiteei wlsew deceased notice is hereby oiven uiat all persons hsvlng claims or demands against uie estate of the said phoebe klrkpatrtck who died on or about uie thirteenth dsy of january 1d30 at the said village of limehouse are re- iulred on or before uie twentyeighth iay of march 1030 to send by post prepaid or ouierwlse deliver to the undersigned solicitor for the executors of the last will and testament and codicil of the said deceased their names addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of uie security if any held by them and take notice uiat after the said last mentioned date the said ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of uie said deceased among uie parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that uie said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim not ice has not been received by them at uie tune of such distribution dated at oeoregtown this fourth day of msreh 1m0 3t clarence h wiooins georgetown ont solicitor for uie said executors general news rheumatism no part of natures plan sha offers acr haallng hatha lo tlop tutftrlng when ambrlrn m wliiirmmm odlua wen luiiig iwrlui wirtiiurully from the ilihlmrn 1 ran la jalnm gmluthrr irameri fortm eomiiuutulnl lutlultrr urrlitl llouw bow ibunitlim ili famou kulnay kvmody has iipiikmi many a aftnr from rheumnuiut ttiui tin imiftiirnvihl rrmrdy dimwn from tits hrurt uf nnliirn foal awl filftanaria kblmtya qnii kly atnf tiatk- afthe dinlimw ami oiiht nuxink kltliuy tad ijjuulfr ailmanta try 111 for alaby m w r watson george a bad caia of hos cholna hai bmd located in lh tovnihlp of lurkham on the farm of ruohard oanruuura four mite aouth of stouffvlll on lha tenth nnnfwmlnn when the covam- mant uupactor vlaltm hli pen over so nlmala were ordered anot ten more had died only recently a particularly aad death at ouelph rei hat of uu ruth veatee daugh ter or ur and lira oharlea yealee strange st a brlatit eouestata atud- ent who died on sunday on her 19th birthday leae than a week ato a hllater fanned on her heel and a day or two later blood polionlni aet in endlns in her death the dominion power and tranipor- tallon company of hamlllnn has pur chased the bua una running from that city to ullton this uompany has now aecurad the rfeht is operate bus unas completely around hamlllnn harbour the unas to ouelph to oalt to hases- vllle and blnbrook out of hamlllnn an all oontrnlled now by this company parmere of the province including the hlatara fruit belt are weu pleased with winter cotvilllnns and the amount of anow covering their fields assorting to hon john b uartln minister of agriculture pratt trees have not been affected by any severe weather a splendid winter ears ur uartln i have not heanra word or complaint from any farmer at the last meeting of the oakvule town council the elert was asked to send an account of sum to traxaliar township to cover the expense incurred when the fire brigade responded to the call from hornby on sunday pen u the question was raised as to whether tire equipment should be permit- he sklua ausjalred standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal 3 wood if select lamp for domestic and threabina purposes smithing and cannol coal in fact ioarry ovorytliine to be found in any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald poonb 1 8 gemmgetoivn 1927 chevrolet ton truck stake body 1924 studebaker special six tourinc newly painted 1928 chevrolet imperial sedan spiungia practically here soon youll be feeling the hue of the toad again your hands will be tliws to get on the wheel and heres your chance to save mottey oat a good car a car with thouaanda of miles of enjoyment left in that ettenebody gave up to get an outstanding che we eant keen these used cars in stock with the spring deliveries coning in they must go they are going but there are still many bargain left stall a good variety to choose front so come fat and grasp this orjportunky be ready tor scaring this year i j iv oneill son georgetown ontario application for the notice is hereby owen uiat the corporation of uie town of georgetown will apply to uie legislat ive assembly of the province of on tario for an act confirming bylaw no 73a of the corporation fixing uie assessment for all purposes of 8uitii se stone limited for a period of ten years at 115000 per annum and pro- 1 vidlng for uie free supply to the com l pany of ioo00o gals of water per month and authorizing uie completion of an agreement with uie company in uiat behalf louis m stnoeb ico ot solicitor for the applicants sell your cream at home slure yea cai get ibe highest grade and the best price 0fa every sjtaraa mfu georgetown creamery co m saxe manager ageats fer melette cream seaaratera can and sae theaa iii 1 ilitxrwrrrrii l rifri mt 1 1 iru alin mil asaul ending piles for 20 year tr imir yesre nat gaftan natubss vils maltbon ana snuadlaa sum ted to go such a long distance lag the town unprotected leav- natunrs mlb remedy ffiatgrialti w iw r watson georgetown ou chaeaa june make rick sheaf and tauy fij brand broad rarroha own wrap- di pad par loaf so vslm baron fancy mild cured fltour sliced par lb 29a ouareata to cottage robs smoked produce nuke bonalaaa par pound me jaat tufaetory kippered harris macono- ehlee i lb tin 32c flqi kipper saaeka 5 tins me caravan pitted dates 2 special 27c pol fad seeded raisins 2 2c in built special groceries rinso 3fersse package x flsv sgo 6a package carroua own creamery butter quality lb 45c fancy blanched salted peanuts special par lb special jacobs pure raspberry jam 4 28c britiah columbia choice loganberries itis toe buy them at pumpkin aylmer choice carroua spmaek aylmer fancy no v 2 tin ibs tfpav was boanjsftinc valley choice 2a 3 ubs me cnaur ureagtk cora aylmer golden ban- tarn fancy tin le black cherries ayljnar 60c 6sc brand 2a tin 10c 7c- apricots par pound 13c ioc aylmer tomato catsup 12ox bottle special choice bulk pure cocoa 2z3c special carrolls where quality to as high as phcsxs arm low

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