Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1929, p. 3

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isr iiirrniawaawwaw the c herald wednesday may 15th 1929 vivirfi page 3 tailored and sports hats in light summer straws from 150 up the new visca braids and pedaline a collection of smart little hats with tailored chic or sports swagger brims are used as clever fashion accents trim mings are simple in grosgrain ribbon soft pastel shades and black misses claridge herald block georgetown abounding kesltb wuea enables om to finish uihdiyi dutlm wltba reserve of g everyone laest the othlngt jnwortaaeaof rsgulsr exercise end aknow- ledgsoftlisruusoibislthsrebicomlngdilly i business world the lleebealtb 3hul more apparent to tbe 1 sceompiaylag picture ol tlie lattice bet elmiiof the boll tiurjiooacompinyibow group rseelviag nihil instruction ta dut andtbesaraef the body while anothsrelsss is sua following the bid of a trained in- etruetor la body building eierelsai hsslth courses ud brit aid instruction are sn important put ol the training of fsnule smpleyeee of the tilipboae conv psny la all of tbe larftr cities good health open sesame to happiness flaimin ea board the lady nelson and tfc other units of that fine fleet of new ataaman juat put lata tba wait indlss service by tba canadian national railways aa thay steam daws tba hlghwaya of tba atlantic ocean and llotar oa tba shimmering moonlit iun among tba treaaurs lalanda to tba south will now ba regaled by antartalnmant brought to tbam by hauiajrom dlitant or nearby ats- tlona palling thla thay naad not ba wuboat music at their maala or for ductal elnee thaw naw hosting palseee bava been equlp- pad wlili tba lataat developments of radio btuan tha public address ud hull reproducer flyetam thla la system of amnuren with controls la tba wreuss cabtu and extra high quality laud speakers capable of accurately reproducing tha meat dallcata shades of raumlcal toaa or voles inflection this equipment installed by tba northern electric company for tba live vesssls el thla naw nest consists ef powerful ampu- naia to which ere connected for iuunluw aaauluramlctophou for picking up concert from tba loubjn a radio brosdesst rseelvlngbet and a uuala repro ducer randariag available raeerdad mutlri aay one of tbaae ayatama may be feit la at a momenta aoueg jdwa sslea w to tier sswarant wtota a rpaeully designed loud sneaker la placed la tba lounte salon and high quality eona psalters are located la the dialog ud mit aeloa two large bona aueb u ahowa la the accom panying picture are built in oa tba altar boat deek where during may be indulged la tha wireless offlesr who la not oa watch baa charge of tha apparatua and operatee it for tha benett of the paaaaagara at sehe- duud timaa throughout tha day ud lata into the night the volume la controllable from a mere whisper to the fanfare of a whole orthseira wm akrcn cuajrmo mow my u la away and i wultaatr may to keep iwtlisliaw hall far ewhtte too her m i mew x find com fort u uda i can bide my baartaebe with tat a change and a net doctors aay la the beet sort of tonic a woman cart take after home cleaning days and i aay to her taralee a sueesae of tha job aha can make vat it asems a dlagnusa to put thine out of place tul there nothing a fallow can rind tho he peuvntly with n merit that aacb wifely cmnmand he ww rrdnd but when hnuiwloonlnga done d- mlrauon la won and the wan of the houm aaya uy dear take an outing far health a la bet ter utah wealth and will txotpw our happy career what to do im a kattauhmov the hereon who dealt beat with aa emergency u the one who haa thought out pmlotttly what to do and who when the emergency eewea keepe calm goea ahead and doee thing according to the plan when there la eudden ittnete or when an accident oeeure enmeone mutt lake charge unleea there la acme hereon pneent who ujrtore capable than your- aeu thla faua upon you pwat ef all atnd one hereon to call a dhrtwantbo not debutrn doing thb became the life of thebdhrlduat who la ul or wlured may depend upon the prompt treatment by a phyelcian ma matter now well babied you are to ban- dle eraergenelee it le adrueble to place reeponeuiiilty upon a phyatclan whs u the cue reecajueed to deal wuneiek- neea and lanaenta there le no doubt but that many urea era caved each year by trained eraargoncy wcrkera thanke ti aervlcea they give and the ex they act many dmvult ihnehane are met it la the untrained hereon who in ble deelre to do aomeuung hum the trained worker knowg ale own imutatlana and doee not do harm beeauee ha know what not u da u well u what to do m tbeee emergency eeaeaif you are not ruauamg do hot form one of the eurloua crowd who eo often hinder thoae who are helping if you are aa- aualnc the fouewmc niggeellinn may be helpful m general it le wen to looern any tight clothing the patient may have do not be in a hurry to move the icats any m may eatac damage to aa injured part keep the kuent trmg down with the bead 1 if a part k injured and clothing nm be rem cut off the ck in preference to raovug the h put after an inkiry there iruaaally a condition ef what le called aback bhock ahould be treated by keeping the patient vrarra aoanketa or over- eoata are placed under over and around the patient if potathle hot water bottlee ahould be plaeed under the armpita and around the body care being taken not to bum the pa tient if the patient la aonackma give him a hot nrrnv bita of nawa from georgetown and community taken from our exchangee cbaagse an e leal week announcement waa made of ervend change in the pmcnnel of the peel and duflerln regiment ueulool f h bertram uo who has been irl command for the put four veers takea over the c ofthe lid beeerve battalion of the regiment major john hughes vert credit haa been promoted to the command of the regiment and will ahorlly be gakvued as ueutenant- cclanel dating back to april 14 caeuenbam ifirala ijwueate at the annuel meeungof the ohel- tenham women irutltute on mon day of last week reporta for the year were received thawing total receipts amounting to liasurf and a balance on hand of gnnl a grant waa made to the feel memorial hoaplial and acme of their fundi were devoted to north- em relief school fain in the dis trict were aba aentted otteere for the coming year were elected as fol lows trsekkmt lira wubert wilkin ton vicepresidents mrs m j w taylor and mrs o wiggins secretary mies yioella henderson aasnunt mrs mr wilkinson treasurer mrs clarence xmho cew auuks om the eightyearold daughter of fred chapman of bcltcn district reoclved l and buffered shock when at tacked by a cow erasing in the field where the child waa praying aa lance arrived quickly or her injuries would neve been more serious the child was wearing a bright tarn and the cow it le thought may have taken sorption to the color nafoawamol of thtnvtho begtnnen la vagehile gardening are almost sure to make the mistake not only of sowing seed too thickly but ales of leaving the plaata too thick m the raw a very luge amount of seed le wseted each year beeauee of this and failure to have plants develop properly is another result of more con sequence to the lower of the seeds than tha waste of seed thinning of all vegetables le dahrihh aa soon u the pranta are large enough to catch hold of that kc quite emall lettuce can be used even though tba plants are thick bat to have sa bv dlvldual phuyta of leaf lettuce the plants should be thinned to five or ms inches apart and the plants of bead lettuce should be thawed to eight inches or more apart they wm not dev arilstaraory heads if aureb closer than this it has been found in the horticulture division experimen ts farm ottawa that tha larger var ieties of bead lettuce give tba most satisfactory results when tba beads are nearly one foot apart carrots ahould be thinned to about an inch and one half apart beau to two btcbea apart nsrsnlpe to two inches apart onions to one men apart spinach four to ant inches apart radian if sown rather thinly axe thffined u ready for use often too many kernels of earn are left to a bin five plants are quite strnvlent to leave after tha cutworms and birds have taken their toll bean plants ahould be from two to four inches apart and peas about ens inch apart vegetables will not develop aatlsfsc- tortty u the planu are thick hence jodicloue ihiwwme la very baportant w t uaeoun fyeajnlfetftorticul lurlst yeevag ufa off bill hye hits the nail e hard welt on the head when he says a man may use a wart on the hack of las neck for a eousr button ride on the beck coach of a railway train to save the interest on me money till the con ductor gets around atop his watch at night to save wear and tear leave his l or t without a dot or cross to save ink pasture his mothei grave to save com but the man of this sort is a gentleman and a prince compar ed to the man who will take a news papertwo or three years but when asked to pay for it puts ba into the once and haa it marked refused ww briimb rous doyen know them all 1 pick up your cards as dealt ton will be ready to bid ahead of the others s if your band le rotten msntlon it it will guide your partner la bis bid and play a if your partner bide that do not striate to raise 8s bag a never hurry try severs cards on a trick until you are sure which one you prefer a ooasslonejly eck which one le trump it will enow that you are to- teresiitl fa the garae a dont anew lack of rfltsreet when are dummy and look at tba wtth your snffmlim- t want around the table when are duramyr and lack at the i da tea them what cards sre nod and bow many tricks they can take if they play right steik about other subjects dur- bvii the team it makss toad tallow a peel free to erttleua your part ner be wm do much better u a re sult la always trump your partners aids herar take a chance ii dont try to remember the rules its too ag u if it le a money gams always atop whan you are ahead it wm leave a lasting impramlfln on folks a bun your plays par- irly when est it snows your card n you the ucularty m knowledge 14 disagree with aatshluhsd rules and conventions people wm know you are a person of independent mind riono caramels or other kefrotsisdd pa- said the kid what u meant by hung twuct the devo and tba deep it le the position a man la to eon whan the uaavj asp ekrjaii to stop and tha back seat driver orders hlrnto to ahead replied hta dad advertisers should note that tha mosquito wnleb dee a huaualng busi ness not satisfied wtth one inser tion kla wetde frees flialiamrsry the georgetown herald came to hand but week containing besides the usual four pagee of local newa and ad vertising matter four extra pages of advertising contributed by the mev ehuts and hmlncss men of the town a pretty fair indication that they be lieve in theerscacy of printers ink h tits conduct of their business and that it pays to advertm the herald le to be on the worknaansblp displayed and the tyrjogrsphlesl an- pssrance of the antra pages from us appearance work involved and gen eral getup we have mnrinrlarl the is one of the beet estupped of- ncea to tha country milton reformer usee trtlage trisali a deputation from oekvlue visited toronto recently to request the de partment of rignwaye to build a atone wall at the end of the abutments on the highway bridge over sixteenmile creek the road near the abut menu u gradually stoking while at the bot tom the earth u gradually settling and spreading out thla le a source of worry at oakvule u this bridge cpatte the highway and if thu detect fat not remedied it wm mean soother and a considerable ices of tour ist trade to the town it is were en the deputation ttus bridge has only been open for trattc for the past two or three months since being repaired thb coot opaanmimam very action in company ought to be wnn soms sign of respect to these preeenl heap not when othsrsapssk sit not when others stand apeak not when you ahould hold your pesos walk not when others stop be no flatterer neither play with anyone bagvary fees lrrrinl fees for registration of deeds eus- eharsea of raertgagss and several other doormenu have been meresssd recently the recording fee for dsede hss been inercassd from j to tam fb jauujes of mortgage from al to tljsa this increase would have been accepted with better grace if the ontario lsaiabuure had abolished the land transfer tax which la both un fair and burdensome may red asal dan the may hsue of rod and dun and f surer fox news the well known canadian outdoor weixm contains a very interesting selection of stories and articles among tbeee are the regular contributions of bonny- castle dale robert james and j w wlnsen of established merit while ta addition to tbeee there are several splsndid hunting ashing and outdoor storlss by other authori tell em what youve got quickly i detour a 1st trade mayor thomas mskslork reeve mast and tba town aattnaer that dlsllket to be played wtth yourself not gtad at the misfortune of another though be were your enemy associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own repu tation for it la better u be alone thu in bad compiny undertake not to teach your equal in the art be himself professes it aavora ef srrogenoy when a man does all be can tha it succeed not well blame him that did it mack not nor jest at anything ol importance break no jeeta that at shsrpbttlng and if you deliver thing wbttty and pleasant liinhmg thereat yourself rar any- abttaln tib pleaatrb rorrkr tha toronto btar weekly bad meat admirable article but weak en titled rkrbwaya are happy ways they ought to be but are they al weyaf is not much of the possible happlneat of driving through a beau tiful countryside on a toad road of ten chsstnsted by the ever priiinl menace of danger about m per cent of the mctorlete of this pro vince are reasonably otraful tba re maining a per cent however repre- esnls a huge number of reckless and buompsunt drbrere nituna about the country wtthout any regard far the safety of ths or thstr fellow men tney drtvife who are deaf bund of immature age mfeeb led by old asa thoaa who an totoxl eeled and thoes who are aoalaaoua to tba road bog there le a crea that la allowed to ran loose on the highways who hss probably bssn the cause of mora objurgation on the part of raotorlata than any other one thing in raatotdom it thinks that the thway department haa eipenned jllona of douara to oonstruct high ways for its own personal use this creature u known aa tba road nog it travele along to tha middle of the road rjsually to a heavy oar but enmetlmes in a ou not eo heavy and nothing short of feu to hurt its own thick bide wm cause it to give the proper share of toe road to others if travelling toward you it will try to bluff you into gtvtng way for bun and if you ara overusing it no amount of wm cause bun to mora over one iota just a word of warning soratumss particularly on a narrow road you think the oth er fellow is bogging whan you are doing it unconsciously this u par ticularly apt to ba so if you are driv ing a our to which you are not aaeus- wed a slight wswg in the ele vation of your eves or the contour of the road la very ent to causa you to misjudge your dhtinns from the right band edge of the road re sura to keep well over to your own side ef the road to passing dont be a road nog orut travaxlbrl an v end a boot sound thsat- htvea seated aide by side at a certain onriatmu clubdinner and each tried to impreeethe other wtth the rbetance ha had travelled attar much dlsmiastrai the trlshmsn admitted that be bad sailed the seven sea among other trifles and that he had bam to the end of the world an what did ba eaa tbtrar asked a soot sure end there wm a great big wall reaching to the sky me buoy the other ah weal said the cot ita a pasty ye dauto look awn tan wall for lies chart rtlsbln ye kan a rl liillmi en the itigkwey on wedriesdsy night of list track number of mr wueon wileys eato fat acme wey got on to ma t trjgfaway when their owner thought they were safety shut fat mr w n lowes of auetph while driving homeward cams upon the anhnabi to the middle of the highway when running about thirty muss par hew and before be could stop hi ear struck a fine yearling wtth such force that the snlrasl dud to a fsw minutes mr lowev ear sustained damages a to ever woo the bjghway act balds the owner respon sible far animals at urge en the iruab- way and unfortunately mr wueyhas tobsar the loss tohbo herd wnaj the damage to mr lowel ear the esse came baton magistrate moon ud hi amicably esssjree irrees om age fisilim fat oatsrle to be entttled to an old age pen- kw toe applicant must be a british subject who baa attained the age ef to years and baa resided fat canada sfj bnmadletety preceding the date of tba proposed commetvwmmt ef tba pension and haa resided five years in the province immedlaurr preceding that date ale income must be leutoan ims a year the maxi mum pension y m yaw aufcutt to reduction by the amount of the pen- rjonert income that exceeds lli s year thus if his income is gun a year lus pension wm be tin a year the act waa passed in ontario on march mth those etheratoe qualified who attain the age ef tc yesrs since that date wm be entitled to a pen- slon dating from their wth birthday if you have a thing to sell let the people know it if its merit will compel advertise and show it i people do not often buy things they cannot aee or try tell em or theyll pace it by let the people know it if you have a crop to raise fil y firet you have to sow it if you want your trade to grow grab your horn and blow it i buyer dont have second bight the unknown never wins them quite but you can rouge an appetite if you let them know it no matter how you may despair it if your goods have any merit men will buy if you declare it tell em what youve got forsters gro full line ol fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges al the right prices kecrean in balk cones or bricks tenngi cash forsters geotgetown phone 29 here an dth ore us employment officiate et reglsa tit that out of tba 40m british hsrvsstsrs brought to sssbslehs- waa st lgii 75 psr csnt will re- auln la tbe west to become psr- tansat canadian cltlisns a fogpound sso cow wss shot tba other day on tba shore ef sea cew pound irlrce edward islsnd u mist wblcb once ewarmed with tbsss grsgsrlous squstlo mammsli but wblcb sre now a rarity tbe animal waa bought by a summer- side manufacturing ceaeern wblcb used tba bids for isstbsr tbe nesb for fox meet end the fit tor lubri cities oil a wool pool in alberta ta now a possibility premier nrowolee mst a aumbar of rapressntsuvssof tbe industry la tats providcs tbe ether day sad the subject wss eneasd up to a preliminary way it will likely come before tbe ex ecutive council far further eonsl deretlane la tba future tbe oo- verruaeat being latereeted in all eooderatlve efforts by way ef ad vising and encouragtag tbe department of public worke et ottawa will inertly la vita tendere for tbe flret part of tba public uaderteklngs dsslgaad to nuks preeeolt oat tbe master tarmlaal for leko traffic tbe ul timata outlay at preecou le emul ated at approxlmstely iboooo eovsrlag rsil fsellltlae docks aid alevatore it is uaasrstosd tbst plana ara new being prepared for tbe railway layout to which both tbe urge railwey eompaatee are cftaoemeil the lord nelson hotel coatala- tag too rooms sad dseoretsd to the georgian style haa just been spaaed to halifax nova bcetia mclag tbe citys beautiful bou- aleel aeraeaa tbe opealag eer- saualee wire marked by a dinner glvsn by tbe beard ef trade ta n w beetty chairman and pre idint ef the csasdua picltle ballwsy up to date ta every par ticular and quietly and tastsfully decorated la tbe period ef design rsesllsd by its asms tbe asw hotel wul till a long tslt want la the province flabw end dog teams are iseklag la ills dssuay a seven reel film produced by brltleh caa adlan plcturee limited of calgary atetsd ouy wsadlck general msa- agsr ef the company the moun tain eeenee ebot around staff sad lass loulss are toe rlasst bsek- groonds posslbls for aa outdoor picture be eeld tbe governor oeaeral and lsdy wllllagtoa sp- paar in tba part ahewlag tbe cal gary qtampede end aeo borass are used la a round up sosae to thu all caaadlan nim an intareetlng and remarkable fast la railroad neisserias la now being effected on tbe mala line ef the csaadlan pacific ballwar near toronta 8psn by spsn tbe old steel bridge built in ites la being dlamaatlad and replseed by heavier glrdere reeling on new eoncrete plere without esualag any latar- ruptloa la traffic durlag a six hour interval to tbe train sabsdule durlag lbs daytime traeke and ties ara rlppsd up an eld span removed end a new ssetlon wsfgb- ing 4b tons is swung late pises by a greet crane especially eoae- tructsd for tbe purpose tbe inert gap lift between tbe new and the eld cpeae is temporarily tilled by reelsl glrdere asa ties sad tract ara laid by gangs ef workman sag lbs bridge le open to tralaa agala prepsrstlons are thea made te tackle the east of tag thirties uvtaqstones ba special banana cakea per dozen best quljty bread brown bread white bread rwss awreabdwmtau gpsr fiupwtiii i- enjoy the 24th tires to o get the full enjoyment front your victoria day trip make sure of your tire equipment thoae worn tlrca now on your car may cause you trouble and esrpensea and other wise mar a riappy holiday lake no chancea replace them today with flreatonegumdlpped tires and be certain of comfort safety econ omy and lower coat per mile the patented firestone gumdipping process which elirvunate internal friction combined with the scientifically designed non- ekld grip of the firestone safety tread makes firestones the toushest loneestwearlns urea on earth wherever you bo these tires will carry you with greater safety and economy than any others you can buy see your nearest firestone dealer today he serves you better and ssves you money f1pj1stome tipj3 rubbbr co of canada limited iiamlton ontsajo garna lmmt mliu ptls ooujia fbttem 4sbv baawssjatoaey

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