Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 22, 1929, p. 4

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ivr4 the geotfelown herald wednesday may 22nd 1929 n jndppeamncli in luxury and in value nowhere can you find its equal 1 jtaks lb teat that thousand have al jml reedy made cmv thu great im9 uclmaulivbalck uphill down dale in trarsc or oa the earajghiawav 1 compart u with any other ear in the world for pariormanca for comcori cor beauty 1 tin reeuke will prove to you m thav have to thow other thouaandt that there ii mftjughllrv it any price can combination of bavo to tnoae outer uuxnanae nain i utetallv no other car like mrl bolck twnoothercar m any price can atv vou the astonuhlng combination ol quality feature offered bv the 1919 mc- laashllnbukk mich ai vatvein4uad en- etna triple leafed exclusive avttem of toelironiied iprlnaa and lovejoy 8hoek torquetube drive aceled a at t t liid 191 au eaueueuvsw iwinrwwimi ehaaeu thai to why mclauahllnbulek aalea in more than double those of the eloeeet comperitor at above luprk ceaaa la leaks and drive title ear which ha tavoltttionbed fmtforeunce and beauty mandarda miatuue mclaughlin s v kltig gmovittowh ontario liyingstoncs bakery me special banana cakes per dozen best quality bread brown bread 9c white bread 9c watch our window or choice baking d livengstone phone ss gtwtrtowb j hydro electric system order taken for ranges -and- apptiances of all kinds office town hall norvax oaraoe oa hiajltwa prompt service on repairing of all make of can we guarantee our work and our price are reasonable british american gasoline and autolene oik norman norton norval ont phone 327r32 brampton cbkdit avsrax most ao belling goods i not the only prob lem confronting ll retail raerchent today in many cases it l the eeai- sthlng bo doe oetllnt th pw tor them u another thln and it to atteeuns business life today espec ially made difficult by that tact it i true thai hundreds of dm in a eoromunlly aw good credit risks mn thoueh the him of uv po- eaeions or the amount of their income htsnall such peopto buy whet ury med and pay when and aa they en and the eslenelnn of reasonable credit to them la sound buil unfortunately however there i are uanv who an not ao constituted key have no rompunctlen i about boy- taeton credit iwm j 2sl ehsnla who can be induced to trust sent and then- reaction to lhe ren dering of neeounu and other form of keep specially in view the keen price rsmneuilon brought about by the huvohlt operate on st tisasetfij rt5the extent ubjttt dom in amau place j si k nnlntner u generally per sknovmtothe merchants and thewaueswt of lll omsf suuetnejer had any inunuon ef siini they do not consider or u kwso ttu to eonalder it aa none z2sz shis ratsollsi lakr orttanufaetmer not eatend ueahwuvleflnlle credit to he hant that the merchant doea to stjkbisi man inentf actum of tpol eath at the time of the deflv- ijv in the majority of cane thirty uliagtu whan the merchant has stood oiouthe murt borrow w w si 2ons tttt2riv tusuth the to s5to him wai for one to uimany eaie the customer may fall thathls bt u eo amau that tt ltskaio duferenoe to the erchant slnsltdmmt but hundreds of kccousswrete a larfe aum aulcw 8- roi the tlrei lime in hutory alrplaaa ba dhb utiihi lun from tba wilds ot norlbrti ifes toea to tba winnipeg market nw lick keayoa avlsior ten cranberry poetise for bracket wttlemnt re ewilly aklnc del srmonds reuraa tmaar whose sua was to beat all eoaapethore who take a noatb to travel by doe team dariu imf betweea 8mb an4 itw prises edward island faxes here beta shipped abroad an in crease over the 4480 shipped the preeeduu year these bare been handled without a slnile knows casualty bines the middle of oc tober rotes have been ablopsd la norway sweden bcollsnd gsr maay cteeho aiovskls havana finland france holland bwluer land and japan fertytwo years of service rllh the r padne railway lh- eat bavtu broken any of the toov paaya raise or otberwlas earnod a mark stalest himself is the unique record held by arthur w sengs sagtaeor who bss lust retired en pension mr savage who is well known thraaebout ibe eastern townships nred the trsln thsl ui4 the first steel on the lias betweea bherbrooke and psrabam the old english tuletlde put tval held recenlly at the empress hotel he victoria bx proved to be one of the moot populsr sventa of isat year enrols and yulellde music were rendered the ancient clue ter llyatartss staged and dlcksna mrs wsrdlee chrtstmaa party was produced the festival cul minated in a ball at which acme seven hundred pentose attended it la believed that plana era already being made for a larger and better celebration neat year a chants la telephone numbers ass drawn attention to the train btoulry office la the greet windsor street station or the canadian pa cific bejiway in montreal the iris who are on duty there handle each en aa averege of ho calls sn hour end aa many as too an hour daring rash times they carry most of the information in their heads and seldom have to refer to a timetable they are asked eneer aoesusas somstlmee re cently someone esksd when does the stternooe begin end the old poser turned up what time does the four oclock trsln leave dr rascals a farmer reeldlai about four mllss east or sourla manitoba has about a too bushels of reward wheat which be la go ni ts ship eat ell ever western can ada in twoboshe lots as soon mm tba list of addresses errlvee frees ottawa for the project la under the aapervtaloa of the dominion gov ernment ae is pretty generally known reward wheat matures about a week earlier than usrqute and for this reason can be grown further north this early ripening mesne roughly thst s new strip of country ts by 1 mo miles is made available for wheat irowlag if you are looking for a good watch at low cost for tho next few daya wo are offering a 1200 watch watch for 760 in white gold reo- tangular shape 4 b willson nealto hotet ivscgsejhmi gevrtatown h ere an dtr ere tot the prince of wale has egata intended bis patronage to the banff ulebland oathertng and boot- tuh music festival u be held tab summer at the banff springs hotel in the reekie pipers aaaeer and athletes from sll parts of the country compete in these popular two baby black bears were great eltrscuons recently st ibe detroit bportmeaa show they were from phil lauotbe at mattewa ontario and were escorted to their destination br a member of the c p r general tourlsl depart ment who had sundry scars te show in proof of the existence of the bablaa first teeth enough flowers srs planted by the canadian pacific railway each year te besuitfy e coupls of eltlee the norsl branch eacs jeer sends out lo station agent and em ployees along its lias plsnla bulba shrub seedlings end seeds by the tens of thousands to decorate the companys rlghtofwsy vive railway ears were reanlred to move the equipment of the mam moth casuvsat organ recently in stalled la the new royal york hotel in toronto the hotel le the tallest bulldlm la the british saaplrc trenail stone which shows la such treat effect in the famous banff borings hotel la the rockies le la be used bt the construction or the new building for the t raton company in toronto the first unit of which is tow beta built the years champion cattle reiser in british columbia le annie turner twelveyearold daughter of jamee tamer cadbere bay stock breeder her 14 montheld ehort- bora steer sired by braldhlll mar quis and waltblng around mm ibe wen the grand ehemptenehlp of all breeds at lbs kamleone bull eels and fat stock shew each set of equipment of the transcanada umltad and moun taineer end there are eighteen of them la worth upward of a mil lion dollars this peer the new reiltut took having added consid erably to the value as well as to the attraction of the famous flyer the c p r angus bheps at mont- resl ware bnsy all winter building epeelal eleeplng dining end eela- rlnm lounge rare for ibis special de luxe service between montreal and vancouver and chicago and vancouver the indian of old could wield e vricjted tomahawk but today he can handle a mean braasle the paleface is threatened on the golf links by indian tollers and it le likely that et tlanff alberta the redskins will develop even greeter proweee indian eaddlee ii has been decreed are to bj need en the eighteen hole golf course et this temoan mountain reaor and ths rising generation of plnney indian breves are likely to brreme ardetl golf fans m twentyfive yeere eto 1 nomas hubsh now employed as a bag gageman en the c pr between ottawa and north bay lost e valu able sllvsr watch while working la a field near pembroke the ether day a glittering object was turned by a ploua it was huberts watch ths tlaaa broken and the hands gone but still retaining a brilliant lustre the field had been ploughed many tlmee elnee it wes lost toronto la preparing to receive the largest number of prominent hessball figures ever to be in can ada at one tune the national association of pvefeaalenal asse- ballcagi will meet there short ly end every baseball elub la america will be represented judge landla will be en hand and the toul ettandanee ts expected to amount to ovsr five hundred dele gates eomlnt from points ea far as pueblo the tralnload of artificial enow ihst was brought from hollywood lo lake uniue recently wae net required by john berrymere le producing sn alpine movie etery to be released shortly aa plenty of lbs real stuff wsa evelleble at the etaelera this popular actor with famltlanorn end e east of about twsntyflve parsons spent some three weeke at the rjeataen lake loaue rising ssob mernina et roar oclock le order to reach their locations on victoria end saddle back olactars in time te get use best light effects in the moratat for their various snots when s rent couple from cal gary drifted back to the station at winnipeg loatbwtag after the im perial bed left tor the east can adian pacific officials were tlvea the choice the other day of feediat end otherwise eartna for a ntne- monthaold baby for two days or holding the train for ihlrtyflte mlnutss st north traascone thay choae ths lattsr mueh to the re lief of the porter end conductor who ere not family ntea the re united family sailed oa the mont roue to spend lbrlatmae la the mid country tolassaira canimeiiin fcvraung vtint empire the canada i young a laxf otluvex brltoat coming to wztj- ett tfmksaai eaaeuilr canada lor farm work the admirals son wee edward 2irs owirteasf coa farming and who has praeedea to winnipeg or place- set ltl arnvuu ea the ousnider aaoanla and who travelled wees- wudovertheunsecthecenaalan national ballwaya their plaea- meets were handled under the euapleae el the british inunltre- tloaead colreiuitloa atseeugia epartyel cuaerda is your moneyearning 10 with safety piiu profit possibilities if worn would like to eeevare particulars of company with euu- tlnuoua monthly dlvb dead record for ike past 9 years fill in and mail isvn coupon below no obligation british international 8kcujiiyie3 co- umiru 3s0 bay sue toafomlo wits imllmlsa enmxl m sartkteum tt tbvh j sanforu swatsliown phunwngtiiismlllilnb wmf cesmrienajf ttvw phone 84 r 12 gewgetowii rr no 2 me tauvelllaa buqalred stajndard anthracite scranton coal in ttu stam automatically boreaned and loaded coal wood beleot isnmp tor oomaetio tad threeblnfl porpoeos bmlthlog and oanael coal la fast loarrp everything to be foond in any nptodate ooal and wood yard john mcdonald pbohbll geaovashovvn tphosetssratiroto sacco hat many ttaaw tha aetual plant food waits el tanfitrw mabtm enoblni htvej rstrealaawrmlara aeintje sfejlftliiaa taraohhtat a lawn in one wekkva ume and pro- dtkwaneitdnilensutetmmh udnobaoufflewereard jletcalravsfau r b thompson phone tt oeosuletowh ste petronille aai0 jack slralhdee the very able winter aporta director at the cha teau prontenac hla frlenda will be plaaaed to learn le loslnx weight jack runa a summer eimp at preneh pj fa tko flahlng aeaaon and he took hie present job for the reason that he wanted to reat and draw a salary at the aame time when he haa time to reflect and this is seldom be longs for the easy job of operatlne a eamp and handling a crowd of indian guides he finds no rest for during every daylight hour there is somsthlnt doing on the ski- roil on the rink on the elide- and a hundred people to provide with sports equipment and dl rectlon but he keene fit at they au do the air te bracing end invlgoraunst and there le lute of fun v in the troop above one sets the director assisting their ex- eelleneue lord end udy w1u- ingdon who have just come down the slide for the third ume the other group perhaps explahie why be finds eo much pleasure in hla work and why he haa taken up ekllnt egalp there le elso a picture of hie rink which shows bow uu elide la the back ground drone down eteeply frees the citadel but take the other picture tale will ebow you jack stratb- detre most recent discovery be yond the doge tad the terrace is a held otree ice beyond that the lale of orleans le a shadowy form now to the left of the island just above the lamp eundard treat elabe end chunks of crystal and opaque lee batted thontaetvea la a east reefs of tllstenlns alimaelee to the sky tn one adoriooe eheoe and acreeohlntly groenbagly bat tled down then the mayor et bt aregolre snathe mayor et lltapetronllle set oat each armed with a email spruce tut ting they met somewhere tn the centre of the river solemnly shook hands end the lea bridge wae declared open it wae after that that the sports director drove over end discovered bte- vetreoixe with ho ski slope end tobottan and enowehoe pros pects end also the catalogue the catalogue has a mbble- etone fire place of catalogue about the floor and aa window drapes the oddest old furniture and quaint aedrooms and above all a splendid eejajne it le lees than one hour from quebec end la hailed as a great discovery ben bernie to open royal york hope you like it to millions of radio lla- tenerein that announeementepmlng from ben bernie the young maestro is a fulnlled promise of eyaphonle dance mutle ef extraordinary quality thojf h ben bernie cannot possibly have eppeered la person before the many millions for whom he is the favorite of radio broadcasters his name end the mualj for which it stands nave become household worde throughout the world emblematic of the beat in symphonic jaisorcbaetrstlon it is for that reason tut ben bernie and hla worldfamous orchestra have been chosen above ell others to open the new royal york hotel in toronto an engagement of three weeke et the big neat salary ever paid by n for the past seven year ben bernie end his ereheetre have been feetured et the hotel roosevelt in new york one of the beat end moat widely known ooetelrtee of the metropolis the den bsrnie music made the roosevelt grill the fevorlte rendeevoua of dance lovere young end old ben bernie and his orchestra are also exclusive brunswick laurel artist and are featured by that company wnesavtr phonograph records are played ben bernloe made le dltlngalesed for the ingratiating rhythm ef his orchestrstleos and the symphonic overtones enptted to syncopation it it r reeminent emong the new jets oei for he quality of ite muilc ben bernie orihietumlao ere arranged with the greatest of care and artistry and ere played by en agtrefatisaof artiste each ol whom is aa outstanding master of ida medium unrivalled in its versatility the ben bernie orcheitr offers la addition to the familiar popular tune eymphonlc jaaa renditions of riaaalcsl syas- nhonlai the beta bernie arrangement ireaade nressnulnsvncoos- colorful ireaade presents la ayneopeted form one ef the otett olorful of moosrn symnhonlej atrlkiai t between the unresponsible gaiety ol jaxi l a balaaee euater solei equel force mooern ymnhenlei atrlkl te unrmponslble gaiety ol jaaa and the imnlty of the clssalcs end appealing with to lovers of the ola end ths i end the new la moele it pays to use rtinsenour 100 pure paint an0 varnishes of special prwfuctforvmy purpose for every surface tmkhme 4vtratwpw forsaleby a e cordinqley roretown ofturio

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