m the georgetown herald wednesday may 22nd 1929 page 3 k at ojmi mk at the oao otwlph u to be held cxiranwnetnc june 17 aceordtnf to an announcement reeew- d nikn week la held annually at ouetph the various eountiea haw been grouped for the vult and tues day june is u the date allotted to prth county the other counue in thu arotip are helton waterloo duf- fertn huron bruoe and grey 13 4k pewa u in a judgment iilvetl by judge s01- loit in an motion tot damages follow ing the collision of two trucks on tha town lino both plalntln end defend- 111 art awarded partial damage fc brituin claimed s1s0u from o down who counurclalined for sim the judge apportion th dearee of fault a per omtt to the ulalntllf ami ts per cent to the defendant each party to bear hi own cost bridg cellakem under vnrld aa clarence alddell of mlllan was driving hu truck loaded with stem across tha wooden bridge over tha six teen mil creek opposll 0 ww- motts farm saturday afternoon it collapsed in the centra and the truck was precipitated into the creek the driver escaped serious injury and hie truck only slightly damned tha bride will not be rebuilt and vehicles will now have to detour at denoons oorneri on the north aide of the brldce and at boytt oorneri on the aouth tentest ia made in canada and used hirougtout the em pire sold in geors town and vicinity by georgetown lumber co ltd georgetown oat tune out your neighbours o longer need you worry about dlt- turbine theneighbourssrarta party when you like make all the noire yoti like tentest insulation abforbteound peace and quiet can be obtained quickly and economically by remodelling your home with tentest insulating building board outside noise are absorbed by tentest so that your rooms become restful and more truly homelike not only if tentest soundabsorbing but it hut out cold heat dampness draught and all adverse weather eondj tions it save fuel all winter long it strengthens constructionand costs no more when building than ordinary lumber write for the free book tentest jt mul wninful ajmauv iu wsrasv lar the secret of modern building that gives maximum yearround comfort and quiet royal thankagsvink pvobaue in june sraciax gjamvicm post twos kutoovaxv suv t bmxd om junk 1stb it u understood that sunday june istn has bean selected as tha data that klni oeorte will appoint as a day of thanksgiving for his recover from hla recant rrave illness the program as unofficially fore- caw contemplates a specie service at westminster abbey attended by the king and quaes and other members of tha royal family to which tha pub lic will be admitted it u recalled that tha king in a special message from orakweu house on april 2nd tsld ha looked forward to joining with his people on soma appointed day in thankluc ood not only for his own recovery bat far the new evidences of trowing- kindli ness significant of tha true nature of men and nations mtulatimo miiumha boasrs urnbnattomal flbm board uvutid till suva mux hnx alohtamu tmk college view garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing sumaln ta all makes ef can oae oils qres eta suau aas oar battaeiae an uptodate anto repair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed a brunton college view phone 336 georgetown radio supplies cge batteryless rawolas we offer a fair allowance on your old set cgjl hot point appliances house wiring prices quoted on request phone 199 murdoek st georgetown tusttrtntt oonfisuthcc rob vouno womkm the conference of tha young women of alton county under the direction of tha womens institute district of helton held in tha farmers building milton but saturday was attended by over iso young woman representing awry womens institute in tha county a p llevannel district agricultural representative spoke on preparation for judging competition omjs and hiss ainratnsii home nemnwstratnr ef peel county en income laming for qlrls on tha num an instructive handicraft demonstration was given by miss of tha department of ag riculture after violin and vocal solos by alias mary rivss of palermo dr margaret patterson polios magistrate of toron to made an impressive address miss ooultar and miss kosua or towvule aang a duett mrs r b aylecworth of toronto save o of dyeing clothes making flowers etc oaorta a putnam superintendent of womans institutes for tha province of ontario and miss b appelbe chair man of provincial committee of his torical research also delivered ad dressee it was decided to make tha eonferenee an annual affair wrm futitua rftostiats at tobonto flnislrmi of tha toronto conference of the onltad church of canada in june reach a public ellmu with the welcome to the britisn pufrlms in trinity onltad church and in atasaey hall hundreds of visitors from out side toronto are already gsstrmg to make aura of places in tha a all tha oonf erenee meeti are to have a distinctly british flavor with ailrtreemi on british traditions and outlook by such noted speakers as dr lynn harold hough of montreal dr j r p selater and prof j buds michael of toronto but the e for the puttbns en monday june 10th are considered certain to be out standing in popular interest the 1300 pugrtms from the free ohukbea ef oreat britain will attend in a body and their beet known renre- aeetaiivwi will reply to addresses by sir joseph ytaveue bart ana dr oeorse o pldteon while tha solemn moment on june 10th 1ss4 when c u churches united will be cornmamorated with prayer led by rev a o obown bx hb puller announcement of the programme is eaneeted shortly but enough is now known to make neesatary the secur ing of the largest audltnrnims for the services ef june sth and loth so num erous are visitors from nearby points who have signified their desire to at tend is your wife your business manager u yasa caw miewfirye to umt rmmetsotig jom are comnate bat if canaot anaarar jma yo omb k anna tktm w tour ibino tunk- laf ovtw yoar lamllya finan cial poahtoo la tha avail of v0bf4aih thfyoaaboilfj fftlw taatinmtiooai wlla jgtallvmnaai4iamlbcanact of tha uatjlya aiaira ahoold bteairity eewpal her to a- bam tha bardejo wbm yoo hava dtjoavarai what a uthlau it alvoold uad yoar thaachta nata rally to tb itsaa of aoma toaaciau pnviswhbhhuliimtsm t laaat a cartatn tufinlia lv coma for ufa ona that cannot ba avlaad for ubt nor tha prliielpal baloat or dlaalpatad ll von boih uta bayofvd 55 it can ha anaiadfort1wlsvmmm to ha paid to yaa jolatly confederatior ufe hmtd offitv toronto ere an dtk ere 1s boys at m teer alberta earn ed carlstassa poeket laoaey by tnppuig they brought ta nearly sso weasel skins ta less than a fort night and alao eoyotea rabbit aqulrrel and eat akraa partber esveiinmbbj vrltb saper- pbospbate from the saselter at trail bc will be eoadoeted la ml by tha alberta bepartmeat of agriculture ta eoajoaetloa with the ioailblol biperbneatal vmrus sad c p h eaperlbmatal farts an abundant qoanuty of this fertiliser will be available ta meet demand upward of four nsuioo f eol- ur wmt be eicpeoam tbll aeassa i effeeuag aharacian hnprove- nuwts and eataaalca tbepalns- ter hotel at calgary alberta and the babhs hotel si vlceorla brit ish columbia at w beatty ebalr- mso and preaident of the oaaadfaa paoulo luuway has lost saraoaae- ad voov ecmhional naora will be added to the sonawr and an uitirely new wtag will be extended from the latter hrtagtes these two famous hoatalarue even more use to a negro preacher walked uta the etriee ef bootheni newspaper and said muto suite they is fortytkree of my eeagregallea which subscribe fa ye paper do that entitle me ta have a ehuek node ta yo salday issuer art down and witte said tha editor 1 theak yea and una la the aetlee the mbtlster wrote meant mssaehal baptist chorea the bay john walker pastor preaching kaoremg and eveedag ta the pro- aralcatloa of the gospel three booka are amass ry the bihle the ayasn keek and the pocketbook cease ta merrow and brbtf all tkree tweaty bead of beastsea eatoe fraa alberta pure bred herds have arrived at vancouver over cena- esas paelfie beltway lines for ehe- meeit ta japan these eaule were eel- leetee far a jenenese buyer by dep uty sslaleter o agriculture craig quhe a sew each ehlpmsats have a i si i j threagb this port reeeauy taepohkeeeof the stock or japan was teed through the alberta gev- irnisitil aed the eettle were seuct- ed srem vasiens herd ta the prev of use sjumess or a have ree- eeos of maw pound of malk per all ef them are srom blei a moaster bbuk bear weighlas aver 4m pounds that stalked up right utreaah the weed seeabv waaler whom tt aught devour sad which had aa to s as last been tsapped k hew bmaewlek accerdiag ta dave ocuvr well- known colde and outfltur the beast ased ta rtfle ell ike garbage damps end refeee keeps ta the aeigbbosraaed ef plaetar back on th use el the o p r- aad was eaagbt by mesas ef a trap hlddea trader dead leaves and seme old menu tins tymf h of the body showed that us forefeet ware crippled either by deformity at birth or by an soelaset and that it most have walked about en its uad feet only tracks of the rear paws bad been found and consider able mystery existed as ts the auurader beymaar trehon and jack oguvy caught the bear whose tkra asaasared over seven feet b udis three fish bstcherlss will soon bs in opersuon in alberta thoss at banff tevu weurton laike bslns aupplemsnted by on el cldmoatoq bach can handls 10000 fry a aeeson tbeae ere not necessarily frisd osh a twsnty dollar gold jlscs that wss insured for a thousand dollsrs and that sold for twelve hundred wee reeeauy shipped by laasjlsn pscltlc express tbs coin wss ons of ssven struck by the government la the cerlboo district at the time ef the gold rash it being thought that a mist could best he operated on the epot thie proved uaeeoa omleal however and after seven pieces had been issued the prelect was abandoned the eon la ques tion was shipped by the 88 mont- dsre ta a nnnaamstlst in plf over w ef tbs total invest ment of the canadian psclfo railway and all lis varied enter prises sre la cento mast trulls except those tndtgea- ens to the tropic or aubtroples are saw grown in british colombia apples eprleats cherries pea alums prunes nectarines tigs loganberrlee raspberries strawber- rles arenee almend end other less hardy fruit sad ants are now grown eommereiglly anplee have been srowa for 17 years rising la valume of produetloa from uoo0s ta iw0 bushel with m arrive echedulsd at the port of mont end quebec dur ing the ims eeaaoa the centdlsn peeifleeeuupenew record for one una sailing its ships vu the st lawrence route there wtu be t4 errlvele and departuree at uaat- resl and is at quebec the season opening with the arrival on april if th of the montelare end the du- enees ef york the latter will be en her maiden voyage ef uie st lawrence the ftret arrival at quebec will be the battwese el beatlend may sth after a winter ef omletsg in the medtterraaeaa one utcls pis weal ta marks i end lew and behold there were eight uttlo piss when the smpmeat arttved it was a saw aad en rente sevea ihtle pise ware bora wketber the ahlppsr or the expreu esesaaay ahaoid pay the fares e the eevea extra and unexpected pigs is a matter that has not bees decided yet thirty thousand tons of railway malarial trucks and ateel framing for bos care will abortly leave vancouver for the orient as equip ment for the tranafllberlan ball- way the order for this msterisl vu placed thirteen yeare ago hot delivery wss hailed with the out- bresk ol the resalsa revelation end the eaulpmont held is the cen- edlen pacific railways yards at coqultlsm until conditions for de livery were more favorable vaaeonvero growth elsee he is- cerpnratlon la 1ui la revealed by the official estimate ef the popula tion of the new elty by the assess ment commission which plaeae it et stljis for the city proper a reli able but unofficial estimate of tbt population of oreatsr veneouver le hum exclusive of new weetmlns- ttr greater veneouver includes ike city of north veneouver the dis trict of north vsneouver tad the municipalities of bernsby snd west vancouver orester vancouver end now westminster snlntlr bsve a nnpulrlnn off about 101 nan or about half lha population of lbs en tire province forine first time in the lowpriced field outstanding chevrolet pytl ttss first thtvs the buyer ef a low- prloed car can new enjoy tfja advao- tagts el mai cabmruarsaf etiiftfuliine and psrfnrsaarir e wui ttss beaaarf aaad kutttty of atnart roomy bocbe by fkew plus footwtatrohed tuting besaa tissillsnirn ricb uphcjetexiesi ad sjarvars scwtl atnh rjaetalicxitra b arid trwnmkijcs and scores el ether fialtiiis cosne in sas the ears at our i eaadutueayouapraciioslc j n oneill son i phontj4 gaorgalouin ptocsjct of cbmbbal motors of canada um1tbd hotel longfellow built tab betel the new place at xmeby nb wss built bylong- seuaw not however that be taw tt thought about it or even dreamed or imatjned it what be did da towards it vu render im mortal the lend of evangeline the beeuufulancsbouevslleyolwblch lmgby is the gateway and so create a tourist tars the near rises le betas bunt by the dominion atlantic railway ta further aid is the development of taauist traffic la the ifatitlmes snd with the exception of the otrt- door swimming pool the hue for which were borrowed from those e bast and lake louise tt le a handsome bonding of early eagttsk type of areklieetnre theopesnng of the pises will shortly precede a three day festival a ann royal in ecmiaemorsrion of the threehundredth sanlvereery ef the arrival there at blr wullsai auxanaerebeot ealeahunnaer the charter of uew scotland trsstedby the greatest tire the world has ever known the royal muter was built without regard forcou itisthefinest urethstcsn be built iu massive trcatl is double thick cured by s new tluw process la carceu is made with extra plies of web fsbric sidewslb are guarded ogsinst scuffing the royal msster is nude onrsiit or rsther the right uu for real tire economy if you want tires thu will bit as long as you keep your car then buy royal matters on sals at euery dominion tire depot georgetown thoe j speight 1 nst aa r4h miitr jasihemssajwitl rtvr ptmttm ntt 09 h tkemttnd will utttmimjtrttpo job printing a specialty