hc2 the georgetown herald wednesday june 26th 1929 alada has tfca finest oavaor la tfca wwm and it eoata nly mmmtmrnrtmr of tnt tap salada tea freak tram the gardens deaths oaldwe1a at umrtioiu on friday june slat ibm ida hmrltlu cald well ua fourth daughter of rev nd un ii caldwell aged 9s yean freeman in hamilton sanitarium on may oth 1mb william ii free man formerly of georgetown in hi 7oui year iieri1eiit suddenly in toronto on friday june hat ikk dougloa ty- on herbert dearly beloved ihuband i of florence herbert in hi mth year the ideal batteryless c g e radiola is here and the price is 14885 complete with loud speaker nnd rndiotrons term can be arranged to auit your convenience here in few fact about radiola 33 nnd loud speaker 1mb the cabinet is alt metal color african mahogany with silver trim exceptionally quiet operation the ac hum being eliminated at but the power con- turned is leu than so watu an electric iron contumet 650 watti or more you mutt see and hear radiola 33 to really appre ciate the wonderful improvement which have been at tained for the exceptionally low price radiola 33 hat the usual guarantee with the can adian general electric co to back it up give u a call and we will be lad to furnish any information or put a tet in your home on approval we know it will please and satisfy the moat faatidioua h h darling canadian general electric authorized radiola dealer georgetown murdock st tax rate498 mills the katk in tflkouclktown ik thukk miixh ll id ikk tllltt vkar at a idmihj meeting of council tteld oil monday evening th um rat for lo wuji slmrk at 40 mllu the school rain oils year u two mill blatt er aiul considering our fbted expendi ture the council did well to keep it below the to rate cltlu slvould appreciate the fact that lliey are living in a better town than wiiere uve rati- in- much h letter orangemen and true blues attend hekvics at unhid til jtult hrucndid 8brmom bv hev dal dickie the tnembers of lo i no 348 true ulues and vultlntf brethren from cllenwllllaau hornby and btewart- lown attended service at the united church on sunday evening they marched from the lodge room headed by live georgetown band to the church wltere they were oordlauy welcomed by the minister rev dr dickie and joined with the congrega tion in divine worship the sermon waa baaed on luke is 10 ought not thu woman being a daughter of abraham whom satan hath bound la theee eighteen year be looaed from this bond on the bsb- batti day apparently jeauh aulgned as uve reason for hu iteaung the wo- nuui uve fact that ah waa it daughter of abraham a country woman of hu iriol phong 199 norval garage on blchwaijr prompt service on repairing of all makes of cart we guarantee our work and our price are reasonable british american gasoline and atitokne oils norman norton norval ont phone 327r32 brampton vovgtoars saturday treat pine engluli tnltee which conu in auorted plavon wonderful value saturday treat 29c lb patterscrisp a fine crub taffy dipped in chocolate regularly told at soe lb saturday special 35c lb weekend chocolates thla la aomeuuns everyone wanta for the holiday auorted fruit centra alio caramelo week end chocolates 3sc hunts try a baa of oriental jelllm a moat delicious boa of fruit fla vored jelllaa per lb 60c haltoti chapter hortored gkand riatftr frinciral gttanp mipkkintendknt and otmek grand lodge omcebh rav vim to local cttaitbb friday evening proved an eventful occasion for iialton chapter and roy al arch masons in georgetown when they had the honor of a vult from mot rx comp edwin smith grand prt principal of the grand chapter of canada in the province of ontario nnd rl ex comp t b parklmon orsnj superlptendept of wellington dutrlcl they were accompanied by other grand lodge officer and visit ing brethren froaa ouetph gait kit chener preston orangevllle bramp ton st albans cliapter toronto and cataraque chapter no 1 kingston ex comp w v grant pint prin cipal of iialton chapter welcomed the vultlng companion who were intro duced by ex comp b o arnold ionic chapter no 34 of orangevllle conferred the royal arch degree at tlie cloee of thf tjegree work rt ex cpmp john p uarr on behalf of iialton chapter presented most ex comp edwin smith with a beautiful tuver tray comp smith in return i thanked the companion for their beautiful gift which would long be prised by htm in memory of hi vutlt to halton chapter at th0 cose of lodge all adjourned to the arena where i banquet waa pro vided and an excellent toast hit ad program of music etc followed after all had partaken of the dello- lou menu provided fix comp grant announced the following toast list king and royal craft grand chap terproposed by very ex comp j l cameron responded to by rt ex comp t 8 parkinson grand supt of wellington district no 4 grand pint principals proposed by ex comp j b wallace responded to by uost ex comp edwin smith the grand z in his remarks said welllnotop dutrlct should be proud of capitulary masonry and the splendid record of the past he spoke regard ing the working of grand chapter and what had been accomplished in the past he also urged all companions to be true to their obligation and to work for the upbuilding of capitulary mas onry in their district ha thanked all for the splendid reception tendered him and when his time in office ex pired he would look back with pleasure on the old friends he had met and the new friends he had made i visitors proposed by ex comp geo brown responded to by ex comp hughes of st alban chapter i toronto ex comp mort smith of preston ex comp rutherford of brampton ex comp j t power of guelph ex comp palrbalrn orange vllle i during the evening humorous and vocal selections were rendered by comp l p greenwood prof black wood ex comp prank love and am eer young of guelph ably accompan ied at the piano by r o geen it is seldom our good fortune to have en tertainment in georgetown such as was rendered by prof blackwood prank love and ainger young the boy also chocolates in h lb lb 3 lb and s lb boxes per lb eoc arthur norrlngton ama st phone 39 own u was uve patriotic motive the taune thing u seen in uve ease of tae- chaeus ute publican and he finished uhat he had to say in hi case with tltese words inasmuch as he also is a son of abraham titer again jesus was moved by the patriotic motive till seems to prove that the gospel uviplses no influence which can move any either to goodneas or usefulness it calls upon us to act not only from the primary motive but to give the iiocondary motive fair play in our minds as well by far the most im portant of these secondary motives is domestio affection but patriotic hcntlment may also be very useful and upon that the preacher said he wialicd to dwell for a utile in some mind the patriotic senti ment is very strong and it la worth in quiring how this sentiment may effect our christian life and work well in the first place it gave to jesus a high conception of what a son or daughter of abraham ought to be and filled him with shame when he saw anyone ocnsplcuously and obviously coming short of it that undoubtedly was hat moved him in the case of toe- haeus a jew who had become a tax- gatherer for the hated romans and m the same way we may cherish a high conception of what canadians jught to be and feel a burning sense of shame when we see them coming cohiplcuously short they are our ilesh and blood the sons and daugh ters of the same fatherland and while to be the means in any degree of help ing and blessing any child of adam is on incomparable privilege the great est privilege of all ii to have some thing to do with saving a son or dau ghter of this land to which we oursel ves belong the second way in which patriotic sentiment affected jesus was it filled him with indignation against injustice or cruelty inflicted upon any of the children of abraham before his eyes we see this especially in the ease of tlie woman of the text jesus was not the mild character that w often take him for we might be more like him if we had more of his power of indig nation it is not always wrong to be angry it is sometimes wrong not to be angry be ye angry and sin not nays the bible and where there ara in fluences whether of men or of in stitutions and custom that are vitiat ing and debasing the life of the people tt is chrlstlike to view them with in dignation and to seek to subvert and overcome them the third and most important las- fton is thlsr the patriotic sentiment of jesus when he saw his fellow-ooun- urymen oppressed and injured led him to put forth all his resources to cir cumvent the oppressor but here you may think we cannot follow him be cause he had the power of working miracles but did you ever get to the oottom in your own minds of that ttlngular saying with which christ par ted from the dlsrlple when he was leaving this world the works he tald that i do shall ye do also and ttreater works than these shall ye do oecause i go to my father what ureatar works can we do than ha did well what ha meant was probably this that the christian spirit that is the spirit of beneficence and benevo lence which he had invoked in the hu man heart would after his de- iiarture in the course of centuries arm tseli with powers like the powers of iclencc the power of politics and other powera which were to be horn out of the womb of time and thereby accomplish far greater results than oven he acoompllthed by his mlr norval cttixenft in motor accident all kftcarkd with huuiit injuiukh the aupply of electricity was cut off in brampton on prtday last for an hour and a half through the fcnakplng of a hydro pole ktruck by a motor car in an accident occurring on centre road ubout a mile south of the town the accident itself was a moat un usual and tptrctaculsr ane a motor car going south on provincial highway 7 driven by a b patterson or eclto llace near brantford it 1 alleged vered to the weat side of the highway nlriklng a car travelling north and dri ven by hugh clark of norval resulting hi both can taking to live ditch the car driven by clark and occu pied by three women passengers mrs walklti her daughter isabella wulkln and a friend mlut pollock it is reported ulruck ute hydro pot xnappliiu it at the base and couslni the live wires which tlio pole carried to fall they ullghted on ute clark cur in a ttltower of utarka endangerliitf ute lives of sev eral of ute occupants who were pin ned helplessly in ute auto among ute rescuers wlto came to the aid of ute passenger pinned in ute car by the fallen pole and wires wss d o bull president of ute royal winter pair wlto had to chop through ute top of ute automobile to release ute prisoners c bheard one of the rescuers had un almost miraculous escape from death when he accidentally came in contact with one of ute hightension wires ute shock utrowlng him to ute uround dr w d heggie was turn- moned and treated ute alight injuries mutaihed by uve passengers obituary mihr ida if caldwell wonder frim dvs bow oholrj- stsjsszik gufelph at ute close of the program comp j d kelly on behalf of the chapter thanked uve talent for uve tplendld en tertainment provided and so much en- joyed by uve large gathering present present and past grand chapter of ficers who attended were most ex comp edwin smith grand z rt ex comp t s parkinson grand supt- of wellington district no 4 ex comp w w marshall dutrlct sec retary rt ex comp john p marr very ex comp j t cameron very ex comp j p stuart grand organ ist rt ex comp jas ritchie rt ex comp wm downing rt ex comp col preston rt ex comp jas cowan very ex comp t h moore- head very ex oomp a e annls b agfr budgetgj your furniture well gladly help you a alue asssbfarmub uulr luawfoar wm- ttaun at the tatutr larslsaua cuh mauae ta u f ssjuc caik tor efcaas far aii il aw sua a defarrai rafauam i bat a tjusaa tfcfrva as- tag sa m her casta la r afaaleai whs as yeauiua addreas and preanution on monday afternoon the teachers and pupils of uve public school gath ered in uve assembly room to say farewell to mr a b caitelle who is severing hi connection with ute school after over seventeen yean singing instructor a number of uve truitees and their wlvea and some for mer teacher wen present in honor of uve occasion after some singing by ute pupils and words of welcome to uve guests by miss ryan mr caitelle was called to the platform and presented with a beautiful floor lamp and hook ends and mrs caitelle with flowers ute following address being read by rosa polls and ute presentations be ing made by roe duncan aaolyn hayes and betty simons dear mr caitelle we have learned with regret that you are severing your connections with uve georgetown public school and we have gathered together this afternoon to say goodbye and to thank you for the faithful instruction rsa ia gairrt sataa flfaaia m pitte h c mcclure home furnishing store pmons4 malnstrt lers wifes mother of a fever but a christian physician today armed with the resources of science may pre- vent an outbreak of fever or ha may even stamp a rllamaw altogether out of a country or even out of the world rhat is aocompluhlng infinitely more than jesus was able to do by ills mir acles or take political power jesus nad no political power none whatso ever neither had his followers for many a day after ha left the world but his followers have acquired great political power since and an acquir ing it more and mere as ume toes on and they can use it for accomplishing of past years we trust that you may have many happy yean and wa ask you and mrs oasteile to accept with best wishes these gifts from uve teach- m and pupils of uve georgetown pu blic school georgetown june 34th 1w mr caitelle replied in a plendid peach thanking all for their gifts and for uve cooperation which ha had at all time received from the pupils itaff and trustees- mr mcnally on behalf of the trus tees commended mr caitelle for his service and emphasised the value of his teaching and that of uve staff on the character and moral welfare of the nation the teachen then served refresh- ments to their guests and the nonilnn was brought to a close by a abort speech by mr radshaw for more widespread results than those of his ralraclea whenever our town and municipal councils our school boards our various octet lea and our parliaments will spend their time and itrength and means for bettering the conditions of their fallow creatures and helping forward the kingdom of god then may humanity lift up its eyes for the day of lta redemption is draw ing night on their return to uve lodge rooms a hearty vote of thanks was passed to be tendered to dr dickie for his very able and inspiring sermon baseball there was a good game of ball in the park hen on saturday last when the local team defeated acton by a score of 84 georgetown ball players are improving fast and wa expect to sea them well up in the league stand ing before the end of the season lacrosse in a league game at hun 11 ton last saturday georgetown was defeated by the hamilton tigers by a score of u to 6 hamilton has a picked team and our boys done well to keep uve soon as small aa it was church news uausj ess next sunday the loth inst rev dr dickie will give his closing messages preaching in uve morning on all things work together for good to them that love god and in ute evening on the sacrament of pallure the lleltmuaa arety sunday june so great weloom meetings to captain agnes currie and her assistant meetings at 11 em a pjn and t pjn everyone welcome a public welcome service will be held on thursday june irth at pjn not for a long time has the whole community been so saddened as by ute unexpected and untimely death on friday june 31st 1039 of ida henri etta caldwell dearly beloved daughter cf rev henry and mr caldwell of umehous a daughter of ute parsonage she waa born 3ft yean ago at burford at ute age of 15 she graduated from uve high school at waterford with hon ours two yean later she took her honour matriculation at woodstock a i winning a scholarship which enab led her to enter victoria college in uve pall of 1031 she was not only brill iant as a ttudent but faithful and per severing and at the end of her coll ege course she was rewarded by re ceiving her ba degree winning uve lillian massey scholarship for general proficiency in household science val ued at 11000 and uve gold medal for coding in her course conunulng her itudie at the university of toronto she took her ua degree in ibm and graduated from the college of educa- lion in 1037 since that time she has teen a lecturer on the staff of ute faculty of household science of tor onto university eager to give her life in christian service she took up uve itudy of medicine with a view to off ering herself for mission work in uve foreign field and at uve medical ex aminations held in may of this year she completed her second year in this course a girl with ute highest christian ideals with a deep love for music and ute beautiful things of life with a bright happy funloving disposition loyal to her family and her friends acuve in every line of christian ser vice she will be sadly missed by all who knew her truly it was said of her blessed an uve dead who die in the lord they rest in their laboun and their works do follow them a very large number of friends and rela tive gathered at the united church llmehouse to pay their last tribute of love and respect to her whom they so highly esteemed deep tympathy is felt for her parents and her sisters iftlsabelh emily lydia and mrs r gordon agnew of chengtu china who an left to mourn the loss of a loving loyal daughter and aliter the funeral service was in charge of rev h graham past president of the hamilton conference of uve united church assisted by many of rev mr caldwells brotherministers the cas ket was borne to its last resting plsce by her four uncles rev wesley hitch ing rev oeorge kltching wm hitch ing and percy kltching and two oou- 1 john kuchlng and harry cald well the many beautiful floral trib utes gave silent evidence of the vvry deep sympathy felt for the bereaved family interment was made in the acton cemetery wm f freeman on may eth 1030 william p pree- man for many yean an esteemed and respected residents of georgetown passed away at hamilton sanitarium when he had been for some years he is survived by two sister mrs adams of 8undridge and mrs bennet of georgetown st georges church inhrkino adubuthm wah givkm bv the dean op niagara at the regular sunday evening ser vice on june 33rd the very rev l w b broughall madd rector of chrutm church cathedral hamilton and dean of ute dloosas of niagara gave a very helpful and encouraging addreas to a good congregauon the dean took for hi text phlllpplan i 37 only let your manner of ufa be as it becomelh ute goapel of christ stand foat in one spirit with one mind driving- togeuter for ute faith of ute gospel phlllppi said the dean was a ilotnan colony that is utey wen a meaiiable only to ute laws of ktome and not to ute local law of ute pro vince where utey were situated local customs local lawi did not affect litem in any way utey looked to ttte imperial oily far guidance and direction in all their manner or mod of living and so we as christians an ameonable only to ute laws of hea ven we look to jerusalem which is above and which u ute mouter of us till for guidance and direction in all our manner or mode of living each little colony of christians is en outpost of ute kingdom of heaven wo are member of a divine society and uterefora must not fsshion our lives our manner of living on ute local and changing conditions of life tiere on earth our eltlsenshlp is in heaven and therefore as st paul tells those phlllpplan christians we itave to live up to our high calling our manner of life must be aa it be- cometh uve gospel of christ we itave to stand foil island firm like an army united by one spirit and with one mind ttrlvlng togeuter for uve faith of uve gospel each lit tle group of chriiuans each luue colony muit put forth every effort must ttrain every nerve like athlete on a team to pull together for the sake of ute gospel the honour of the team is at make so we must all pull together there must be no slack- era in any chrutlan colony let us always remember dean broughall that we an member of a divine society not a society de vised by the will of man but members of a heavenly colony therefore we must live worthy lives we must do all in our power to extend the lnflu 1 ence of this divine society this king dom of heaven hen upon earth by i each group pulling together aa a team and then as bt paul reminds the phlllpplan chriitlani we shall not be afraid of any adversaries the scripture lesson was read by mr joseph beaumont diocese lay reader choral evensong was sung by the rector woodwards beautiful anthem the radiant morn hath passed away was very well rendered by ute choir and uve organ accom paniments wen in the capable hands of mrs w p bradley organut livingstones bakery special banana cakes per dozen 38c best quality bread brown bread 9c while bread 9c watch our window for choice baking d livingstone phone 35 georgetown hydro eicc ip orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall recital the closing recital of uve pupils of miss margaret dickie atcjll was given in uve united church sunday school hall on saturday evening june 22nd the platform was artistically decorated with baskets of beautiful peonies and iris with a background of lovely tapestries the program which was well rendered was given by the following billy maclaren bernice mo- donald arthur dayfoot maud mo- donald jean mackanxle mrs a black helen billings evelyn heart- well jaarlsn ooode stewart maclaren kathleen wilson lula graham and george dickie mrs blacks two groups of songs wen heartily appreciated as her songs always an and after her closing number kathleen wilson pre aented her with a beautiful basket of flowers at the close of uve program miss dickie was called to uve niauorm and miss jean merkenite extvnsaec the appreciation of her work by uve class and uve wish that she might be able to continue her class next year and asked her to accept their gift a beau tiful silver vanity case presented by stewart maclaren all the pulpls and those assisting wen served with n- freshments at ute parsonage after wards the flowen wen kindly given by prof h l hutt and uve george town ploral company and uve tapes- tries loaned by mr r o adams our new and complete storage vaults are ready immense and spacious are these new vaults which provide ample room or from 1500 to 2000 coats huns separately on individual hangers currents of cold air circulate constant ly around them all summer long fireproof and arcticcooled especially designed and con structed for the preservation of fine skins keep your furs inviolate from fire theft heat and the depredation of the destructive moth lafontaines fur store phone 122 guelph 95 quebec st e forsters grocery nana rnaartarlaa okarek iuv a t barr ph d of brant ford will praaeh tin anniversary btr- i vim of norval piwbyurlan ohunh ion june sou ism at 11 ajn and tjo gaorf toun nmji juna joth will ba patriotic and peony sunday paator a k rrlth will praaob at 11 am on oh canada and at t pjn on b alas ooneeltadt sunday school plank at i bnrlnca on monday july lit la oaortetown on a pm radial full line oi fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in balk eones or bricks forsters terms ctuli gmwfetown pbona 29 douglas l herbert by the death of douilas lyons her bert who passed away suddenly at tor onto general hospital last friday june 31st georgetown has lost one of lta bast eltlaens deoeaaed had been in poor health for the past year and last september went to the old coun try where he spent the winter with nls sister mrs percy herring at nor folk kngland he arrived home from the old xauvd on may 32nd and last week went to toronto for treatment at the general hospital deoeaaed waa bom in st andrews scotland and came to canada in 1u3 after spend- 1 uvi soma time at the oao guelph he went to reside with his uncle the lstehll maude in british colum bia later returning to lenoxvule que where he was married to miss florence uleber daufihter of the late 1l b oleber of shalden manor near alton hsnpshlre kngland in 191i he came to georgetown where ha has since re- jlded ha is survived by hu wife and one daughter freda at present in england also one sister mrs percy tlerrlng of norfolk england the late air herbert wai an enthusiastic golfer and opa who done much to promote the game in georgetown he was an active mamber of esquealng agricult ural society for a number of years and as always ready and willing to give a velplng hand in anything that tend ed to the upbuilding or advancement of the community he was a cltlaen that will be missed in the community and a gentleman in every sense of the 4ord deceased was a lifelong mem- oer of the anglican church and an active worker in st georges church georgetown the funeral on monday afternoon was conducted by rev a w mahon of st andrewi toronto snd rev f ii wase of st georges after prayers at the home a service wss held in st georges church after which the remalni were interred in st georges cemetery guelph betide those of hu cousin oatton ii unwln late professor at the oa o who pass ed away some sis months ago the pall bearers were if d klppen tor onto capt malcolm mcneil wlarton j a wluoughby r b foulli j u mackensie and b w cole there wen many beautiful floral tributes friends from toronto guelph and other outside places attended the fun- eral a a ixmkatt4iee 1 929 ford coupe 1926 oldsmobile sedan 1 928 chevrolet sedan 1928 chevrolet stake truck 1 927 ford coach 1926 chevrolet roadster j n oneill son georgetown phone 14 authorized chevrolet dealer