Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1929, p. 4

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pwge4 the georgetown herald wednesday july 17th 1929 wtughre trjr tlm prim oaljr tin too nfojratmit salada vrmlifrtli hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall for sale frame cottage six roomt in the village of nor- val good garden garage price 1800 term to good party 4 acres choice garden land close to station on radial at nerval price 400 an acre reasonable terms 5 acres choice garden near huttonville and radial a sweet little sixroomed bungalow on this pro perty price 2800 farms of every kind and description for sale we always have a choice selection of homes in georgetown for sale waller t evans phone office 183 res 208 georgetown kmkymc 1 phonj evening rates begin at 7 pan many users of long distance overlook the fact that reduced evening rates now begin at 7 pjn these reduced rates about 25 per cent less than day rates apply of course on stationtostatlon calls after aso pjn the reduced rate is still lower about bo per cent off the day rate the minimum reduced evening rate is 8ec and the minimum reduced night rate 26 eents and an additional convenience charges on stationtostation calls may now be reversed where the rata to 26 eents or more remember evening rates begin now at 7 pjn by your local time the bkix tblbphone company op canada loascmaoaaoaacji july themohmiofsomanywedwngsrlshere what would be more appreciated for a wedding gift than a beautiful silver plated table piece cake plate salad bowls pie plate bread trays vegetable dish sandwich plate or a beautiful ijtour strike mantel clock made by seth thomas maker of the finest clocks on the market some might prefer a cabinet of knives forks and spoons call and inspect our goods a b willson next to hotel meguwn job printing promptly and neatly executed at the herald office to himkt what kindlier maud in ell u world have we escort for man between the day and day curtained by nlsht anesthetized by thee we are restored and sent upon our way a boon thou art tliat never can be bought nor may proud wealth thy ue monopolise thou tallest like down upon our childrens cot and knowest the tilaee where ured labour lies if arrows or tlu day should wound us sore or aullt or failure track us to our den thy balm heals the humiliating score thou wlpest clean away and some- times when death rrom our circle a loved one may like we net him back rrom thee until we wake hev a u prater bd halifax health service of the canadian medical assoc wnv dirimiema nnovui rut nuevkmrcd year after year diphtheria take a toll of human uvea in canada dur ing the year 1m7 1010 live were lost on account of this disease in addition the toll entails pain and expense as well as more or less damage to those who suffer and recover there is no disease about whkt we know more than we do about diph theria the germ which causes it is known the manner of spread of the disease is understood it u one of the few diseases for which a specific cure u available providing the remedy u used very early in the disease in addition to all this wa know how the disease may be prevented this means that we know that all the eases of diphtheria which now oe cur can be prevented we can say that the thousand uvea lost in lttf because of this disease would have been saved u our knowledge concern tog diphtheria had been used the prevention of diphtheria is based upon the plan or making each individual resistant to the disease this means that ha 1 rendered immune that his body u given ths force with which to overcome diphtheria germs and the poisons which these germs give off when they have gained a foothold in the human body it is not only possible but it is practical to secure this power to re slst called immunity through the pro cess of diphtheria immunisation when diphtheria toxoid la injected into the body it stimulates the body to produce its fighting rones against diphtheria these fighting forces are then ready to be called upon in ease the diphtheria enemy appears diph theria immunisation la preparedness against the ijlwsse because diphtheria tike ouch large toll amongst young children immunisation should not be post poned after the first birthday a wide experience enables us to say that in children under itx years of age the injections do not cause any upset and most satisfactory results are obtained now la the time to have your young chlldem immunised in order to pro tect them against this disease do it now i questions concerning health ad- dressed to the nenadlsn radical as sociation 1m college st toronto will be answered by latter questions ai to ihsgnosfs and treatment will not be answered it a wmedmes wise to buy teem insurance awttba o bay is tarsi i it wav pasma he semoy for a period ofjiaqs mil the great- sat asaouateaeal protection at hat leepest east then as us baassew pn improves he flam unman the polity into united par a usiklir uf aseratta eg aeaas esfisr sam by as data he daeest ism what be has paid is but aajoya the sat bbbcats of the utmost essbsstisai ac tag tiena warn bis sassy seeds it most and waaa ffe avail be bsssssd to issue niissslafila tens in to tfsaes aeadaeg at if you are gleet tits rtangar of fiis i confederation life jswqfaon toronto p kersey total agsal o oat ms kamlllaa bualeal standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically 8oroond sod coal wood lamp or domsetio and threshing purposes smithing and oaanel coal in set ioarry tsrything to be found la say uptodate coal and weed yard john mcdonald phonb i i cmgf01fl caor sutrobt below wui be found a brief synopsis of telegraphic reports received at the head office of the bank of montreal from its branches under date of july llth general continued dry weauter has caused irreparable damage to all crops in large areas in saskatchewan and alberta bhowers have relieved the situation in localities but prospects on the whole are not encouraging and less than an average yield is now ex pected crops are late and short in straw in quebec recent heavy rains and cool weauier have somewhat re tarded growth on lower lands but con ditions generally are still very kalis- factory in ontario while rain during the hast week has unproved grass pastures the cutting of hay has been delayed and farmers are experiencing difficulty in curing rail wheat heads liave filled heavily and indications point towards an average crop there are good prospects for tree fruits in the uarltlme provinces general grow ing conditions are favorable especially in prince edward island but more rain would be beneficial in nova booua in british columbia weather conditions liave been favourable for practically all crops and an excellent crop or hay is now being harvested details below prairie provinces alberta hot dry weauier has caused further damage in northeastern and north of the western are and a urge proportion of the crop in this section has been irreparably damaged wheat heading out in many cases will be too short to harvest coarse grains pasture and hay are poor conditions in bouts of western area are generally favourable and pasture la in good condition alberta southern area conditions are favourable but there is no mois ture reserve saskatchewan northern area uolsture conditions are fairly satisfactory but the weather has been cool and crops remsin backward wheat although short is in short blade with some heading out prospects are somewhat below average baskalche- wsn southern area with the excep tion of the southwestern portion where conditions are satisfactory snd in a raw other localities continued dry wea ther has damaged crops and rain is urgently needed to relieve the situs tlon manitoba moderate tempera ure and scattered showers have im proved crop conditions to suns extent but mors moisture is urgently needed throughout the enurs province and in some districts the situation is critical all crops will be short province of quebec cutting of hey has commenced in some districts snd with favorable weather a heavy crop is assured grain and root crops are looking well small fruits give prom ise of a large yield a period of warm weather is now needed province of ontario spring wheat is lato the straw is short and the yield wul likely be below average com now shows good growth and colour tree fruits generally will be an average crop apples being especially good with cherries only average peaches are somewhat late and a little less than average crop is expected toma toes are well advanosd with good set tings of the smooth variety tobacco is growing fast jui certain localities sand storms have dons some harm the pea crop in prince smwsrd coun ty is estimated st only s3 of normal maritime provinces potatoes though lata show splendid growth anus pastures era very good hay in soma districts is ready to cut and a fair crop la now expected prospects are for an above average apple crop province of british columbia tne cherry crop is poor many trees being damaged by blight raspberries am being picked but the yield is below average potatoes snd other root crops sro doing well past is plentiful the estimated yield of ap ples 80 or the average crop peaches plums prunes and apricots pears 00 hobs 10091 vacation fob cmxdsuw there are three little children cry ing with the hast in an attic room at 303 b street wul you sand someone to look after themv the plight of these urchins brought repeated appeals rrom bewildered neighbors berore a worker could roach b street investi gation revealed this story ths mo therthe sols supporter of the family had been rushed to ths hospital there was no opportunity for her to consider her children with the result that they were left to their own resources it was not surprising that the boys were crying ths condition of the room they occupied was appalling it sxoommodatsd all their furniture ths kitchen stove ths only means of cooking increased the temperature which ordinarily would have been un bearable do you wonder that ths thought of going to the country soon auanned their sobbing a few telephone calls oomplated ajyangsments for an outing on a f aim and the discomfort of pres ent surroundings wu soon forgotten in ths excitement of making prepara tions for ths trip rjnfortunatsly it is not always postihls to find such a happy solution for these emergencies stiwmgh invita tions sre never extended to mast the needs of the underprivileged children of the city of toronto could you open your boms to two uttle girls or boys for a period of two weeks this summer although no remuneration can bs offered trshspor- tatlon is arranged and s free medical examlnallnn la given each child before leaving the city bach hostess is ask ed to atato hsr preference with regard to the sex snd age of hsr guests if you can onmlrtar this matter fav orably will you onmmiinlcate with p n staplsfori general secretary nei ghborhood workers asmriatlnn 31 wallealey street toronto enclosing a letter of ref erencs from your mlnlstsr good things to eat 10 minute hot dishes this in urn timer of year when on blpreclau out hot dlth that may he prepared in a ivw rtilmilm mora are three lot your attention ovrtkk klant with ikink llehbh 1 bunch oynter plant julat t lemon a tablastpootui butter 1 timupoon ctuhhthl parley j tcunooii chawed chive bolt peptter waji ami tthtiw oynter thmi nut at oiimi into cold wator with tlisv limon jul and let rtatul ln mlmit out noaiwlm in oneinch sulcm and cook in balllnfr iaiukj walr to oovor until unit draui add thre ublmmona but ter svhd reheat sprinkle with parnlpy chive aalt and pepper and lervc creamkd muhmkoomb waih ht pound musshroonu tiemove suenut icrapo and cut in puvoeo melt 3 ubletpoon of butter add miuh- roattu cook 3 minute in covered duh iprlnkle with oalt and pepper dredso with flour and add cup ereaw cook iiowly five minute add a olltfltt eratlns of nutmeff pour over ttrlp of buttered toont and trartuh with tout point and partley soallorkd cofcn and cktkry 3 cup com canned or freh cut 1 cup celery finely chopped 1 cup buttered dry bread crumb 1 teaspoon talt 1 uttail ffreen pepper chopped 3 tabletpoon butter 1 cup hot milk arrange corn pepper celery and crumb in two alternate layer in a buttered baklpff duh add butter to hot milk and pour over the vegetable cover with buttered crumb and bake m to 40 minute serve eight economy dishes an economy duh u one in which leftover are uied or that may be prepared with inexpenalve inaredienu try the following even though you be wealthy you will appreciate the flavor poveety pudding 8 cup whole milk j cup rice cup lugar 1 teatpoon aalt t teatpoon nutmeg cup raliln put all together in a buttered pan i a moderate oven stir frequently at flrtt and then occasionally bake 3 hour should be creamy better cold than hot leftovlitt meat pie out leftover meat and vegetahl nto uniform mocuumsuied pieces avtuc with an equal amount of medium cream sauce u c milk i tbsps hour j ump butterj beason well wiui onion salt pepper etc use leftover gravy witn cream sauce if possible j cover with a uuck pie crust biscuit oougn or layer of leftover mashed potato mixea with milk tone slightly oeaten egg can be added to potato u desiredj bake in a moderate oven until the crust u cooked or until orowned ana heated through if potato is used psued ciieebe toaflt put two thin sloe of bread togmher with cheese beat 3 egg add cup of milk and teatpoon of aalt dip the cheese sandwich in this mixture brown in butter on both side serve with currant jelly banana canoes 4 u 3 orange 3 siloes pineapple salad dressing berries or candled cherries with a sharp knife cut a section of skin from the concave curve of the hananai and carefully take out the fruit leaving the akin in the shape of a canoe para orange remove sections and cut in pieces mix with pineapple cut in piece and an equal amount of onana pulp cut in pieces pill can oe with fruit cover with unyctuamim or preneh blessing smrinkle gener ously with paprika lay on bed of shredded lettuce and garnish with ber ries or candled cherries dates of haxtons bubal school paibs pouowing u the list of rural school fain to ba held in halton county palermo brookvlue bannotkbura hornby mount nemo trafalgar burungton monday sept mh tuesday sept loth wednesday sept llth thursday sept uth friday sept uth thursday sept uth friday sept loin during a recent thunder storm lightning struck the barn on the farm of walter pell fourth line trafalgar near palermo and indulged in a num ber of pranks the jute ran down one rafter which it broke into piece then went down to a pig pen below and killed two out of eight pigs the lightning darted here and there and all this without setting fire- to any thing the damage was chiefly splintered umbers j sanf0rd stewarttown pliimbuifltiiisaillaiiifl micb and rish loaf package lemon flavored gelatin i cup boiling water h cup oold watss is cup chilli sauce t piwm ssit 1 cup salmon tuna or other cook ed fish 3 eups cold oooked rice 1 green pspper or s stuffed olives chopped i small onion finely chopped dissolve gelatins in boiling water add oold water chilli sauce and aalt obiu whan slightly thickened fold in nrjuinlng togrsdients turn into loaf pan ohlli until firm cnmold biles and asm with tart saues serves a general news announument has been mads this esk of the purchase of ths tlvoll theatre at thomas by t h uoore- haad of brampton formerly of kuton this istast edition to ur uooreheads chain of theatres has a seating cap acity of 1js0 people a feature of ths opening day at the oanadlsn national hihiiu this year will bs ths 4th wrlgley mara thon world championship womens ewlmming race ths flvs prise win ners in this event will bs eligible to oompete against ths men in ths main wrlgley iurauion scheduled for wed nesday august 3th alias wolfs one of ths junior nur ses in orangevllle hospital met with severs injuries when going to her horns at wsldsmar last saturday even ing ths car she was driving want in to ths ditch two others ui ths car escaped with practically no injuries but idas wolfs sustained a fracture dislocation of ths back luckily no nam was torn and she has s good chance of recovery because women wear iras clothes snd ths clothes they wear are lighter leas baggage is checked relstlve to ths number of poopls travelling today than ten years ago says john graham who has been handling baggage at the bonaventura station of ths canadian national hallways since 1h0i- u yrs ago detours wul add to ths joys of travelling on provincial highway no 10 for several weeks to come while some consideration is understood to have been given plan to do on side o sum of the road at a time in the osjsdon mountain section at any rate it doss rtsnn at will not sppsar to have looksd good enough sswsatt m r gal to bs given trial and there u now s gsflrfttown rr no abvtss sss comtn casuumx wksrm q fa m mj m 9vim mnt wmf pan3hine tin 9c vvtycf jumbo salted lvamnta per lb 25c butter best u3aw ssggg hp sauce ja z3t 1t tiiv it ejaoapisiimmniuir run sgirlil tilqsea olives labd wsebasklssidssv me as i ii sir jaws lis lmab ws mt avti5 rice ztl 31t airsttoirsllklvls s wsaftni mi iiiii omm swei pel rvmu wl afer aasad oswssr oms4saas aw rrmuminm n mr- yc fosrt gdun hakbs j saga me sr klal- svtjcfal tomatoes t twalrsiai 80ap jbxv qytat mjpppfli imssisvevd jyaswjijs jam jmr stsfsar sm main street georgetown 99 the more we are together the merrier well be thus eoe he jolly song of the good fellowship brotherhood plain simple folksy words but much truth is embodied in them unless we hang together much community prosperity is lost to georgetown consider the printer he is doing his part in helping along his home town by buying as much as possible there yet much of the work he can handle goes outside no benefit is derived from giving work to outside firms who come around selling you printing you pay as much for the work you have to wait longer for it you have no chance to examine it until the finished work comes along with the bill and then there is the expressage to pay over and above the straight price compare this with the service of the local printer show him what you want and hell give you a definite price you know exactly what the work will cost before it is touched then you can make minor changes etc before the final printing delivery is made promptly too and nothing is charged for the service all in all you stand to gainjyy letting the local man handle your work and do not forget that his active support is behind you and your business j for your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends the more we are together the merrier well be

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