the georgetown herald sixtyfourth year of publication georgetown wedrsaeder evening august 7th 1909 150 per annum in aiivance 200 to usa ibe georgetown heram jk mooaa rlmi aavl iteaels itoto cumka weakly w naumal ttedric railwayi astboomd deity trek mo m s1b an at am am si sao km ahjo am i 1m tra 10 in no is sj0 pu 14- mo pm 10 ss0 pm 1s11m pm wbbtboohd dally ytalsi mo 1 ml au 1 1001 au s iu1 pbt t set tm a joi u ii ml pm 41 ml pm u ul pm is loni pm 17iiot am so iijo pm 17 sajoi m ma m wlu run dally man bun- tiav i ma 41 to acton only station mux is cmm naut tabur oses tut iui jo 10h i 1x16 i 400 i ul i ass t ml ctafetf w m4f asalm 10ji4 us i hill toj 1m sunday 1044 oeeag kestfc au 43 tun pat 1l3s t10 tun ctain04ubtlmuhl abbow ooacsnta omcmtowa ai tallow t baud bast bound leave i wast 1 ue 1180 pm iio paa c30 p 1l0 1ls0 i us pjl luo pat 1030 pm dally except saturday sunday and itolideya asltirday sunday end bolldua tsunday ejid houdeys only aa an out at wurianhan ihkectobv raise tour calves you can raise good cows a lot cheaper than you can buy them but lots of farmera havent been raising calves because it cost too much to raise them on whole milk you can raise them on purina calf chow for onethird the coat of whole milk calf chow is a dean wholesome feed that takes the place of milk and raises just as good calves try with your nixt cnhtt agent for gunns fertilizers also branshorts mids oilcake gluten meat meal bone meal tankage charcoal grit oyster shell salt cornmeal oat and barley chop flour porridge oats philip g early esquesing agricultural society annual i fall exhibition at georgetown kday september 2021 1929 thos cook prea w a wilson sy lt a but do my work from day a in flsd or ton et the desk or in marine market place or ran qui roosn let toe but hndtt in my haart to bay whan vagrant wlehes batkon ma aatray this la my work my bleating not of au who live i am the on by whom this work can but be dona u tha right way than ahall i am it not too mat nor i p l and to prove my ctaimgl open o county of ballon hurt bi work of tut two yawn i7s lk sum dale oeorgetown ontario omoestclng bide sittt at clabbhcs h wioana stuiihir notary iwalle oaetotum block oootgetewn telephone 1m john atuohmom netary fvjktlt assets hill street phono an ms ml j j paul sb b t paul rui officer of baslth u msqiisilna township office houn 3 to 4 and t to pas south opposite preebytarlen church ra aumuxahd ye or host and throat wnamallat at oeortetowii wnlnmut saturday ilourst pm til s pm or by anpofiit- nwnt flkmas bwnuid oevo at uka slattbtire ualn at oatts phone una db c v wiluamb physician and burtaon itadlcal otbcar at haauh oaoftatoan aaot and sualdanot queen at south oses hours 13 and s4 run also by ajjrilntaiant r b watson dab susb aasse h a to s brinl tkanaay r u baatk ivdb djdlb offloo la laae block one door north of omauta ourltae paotorj hours aja to pas ratartnary ruga s4 llama bun cihiropaavavotoo wilirr tke caaviaraslit urn stall ii vaajsr besattat xray service slandar waantaaay aad sal i tos andt to a pas other days and hours by appotbunant htaae lapat ifcullian latj at itbtaa paeae au tutaaay and pmdsy 3 to pat wstttkm oily ws eilihrahi our 4mb annl- arasry this yaar eenolnsrm nroot et oar atfsouw astlsfae- lory aarrlos bach year finds our buataasa leerasttd in wlums luoettafully hsndud band in your uc and 3a dsushled with kelly aiken onanimu taaalak oeiaslaal mark every grave nothloa la store itauai or store inproprlate to e the njiawr of lovsd ones who have jdntcefere tban baauttful frtn- ue wall eanad wuh war prattnt i and raclttuaa no plant it ihtttt nrwarad to obar batter rajnta ortbtttsr stoat to choose was uiaa eaa be saaured at ear plsbt vou owe u to youratu to ate ear atoakaad fat anatttwia on himsninti atsrkart or oora- w maefayden manager cemccrmfn georgetown elevator market for all grains flour bran shorts midds chop oilcake salt hay straw chick feed and laying mash alex ls noble phone 148 we are selling pasteurized creamery butter kb it try fliwlty mh georgetown creamery m saxe manager aasats fat mililtt crana tiatwltrt ctb tad bta tkaaa famlty budget aid over 100000 oatarie woman 4 thop dally at daaaialaa s taklaa aatveataaa el tfce eta- iltiatly lew prlaas aa a4av ettlltjr food pradacta la tealne- up tkair astlay btdaat nuna ais coeoatiirt w is vtmcbewlls tmsalswwaatttlfe muuoaalre sardines 2tu29 doaslao goldea cora tia lftr paaey quauly beeto tla23r geld soap 10 tar 49 melareascreaataeese w 14 heraes caaurd powder r 24v peal toastlea 3 u 21t taffeta ar awauaal pat 12 dlasaead tattet flaali tie 23 ghietle raior bledee staitfl utatoalel seap gtkw 21 cb t ata ajauav aavjas uflalfi a tlm l pabr bandknit mitts tut wool pair handknit leokt fine wool pair handknit toefct eoarat wool rue braided bui crochet rue booked wool baiitur ooat wool nwttur oott tlearalom pullover tllk or wool 4piam crochet work auk u watte emb eantra piem dlnms room colored emb centra place b waawna pair pillow rnhlthad and ambroldared pair pillow allot any other mad n towels crochet trimmed bedroom towels emb and tnhurlad duett towel white embroklarad outet towel eolored embroidered bath towel ainbroldertd bath towel crochet trimmed tea lotjalt embroidered oratter runner and ptn wiibw emb piiiur runner and pin euahlon erocbet trbnmed ladya bed ladut udya work baa ladya bedroom tllppert wool ladya while wear crochet trimmed lady white wear emb trmuntd library centra place embroidered sofa billow wsabtbli sola poiow auk embroidered bore pillow any other kind tea ooty and bolder wool tea ooay any other ufld knot and deity loop uould etthroidary hand embroidery drawn thread blnak piece erocbet not stmplf set table mala erocbet set table mats embroidered tl smalt piece embroidery not othersla lleted 48 stasia pket eolored anbroldenr not otheraiai uttod 41 slnilt pleol cotton or auk embroidery not other w hated 47 ruat place cr huertlon iltf tor tea elotb or eurtalna 41 blnsla plsot erocbet for towel or pillow aun as slncla piece fsney work new not previously ex hibited u three fancy handkercbleft different stylet si piece of work done at preterit time by udv 10 u work apron band nude si pbun hand tewlne flnlahtd tsrment 14 best primd doutby tlri is yetra and under sow w is ts n it is ts m n m n n w ts ts ts is ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts t ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts seas so as so as so as oo as so as so so so so so ss article to lighten woman work ss rumplre of home drains st italian out work tint ss italian out work mane ladrs- wobk lorfni mutt be work of but two years 1 bpecknen crott atliob 3 a eyelet embroidery 3 bptdmtn laoe other than f uet or irlih 4 bridtt set b osrd table cow 5 plveoeleek tea cloth embroidered t piveocloek tea cloth crochet s tray doth s chid dreta embroidered 10 luncheon tat white embroidery 11 luncheon let eolored embroidery 1j buffet let is 14 is is 11 is is 30 31 3 33 34 serviettes half doe embroidered dollies act of tlx white doules art of the eolored child wool art ohllda wool suit baby pillow baby etrrlaat cover wool baby earriase cover any other kind kitchen embroidered curtains hand made panty bad spread any style new pansy oullt quinine eonsklared cotton pieced it apelious j bmnusd ladya while wear erocbet trimmed spaelnitn prencb knot eaohnidered pair bedroom tcwtlt crochet trimmed and hut- it bath towels trunrntd 33 pair lutat toweu white embroidery s3 pelf guest towoh colored e 34 mffti cap 39 ohllda nasptrs embroidered ss lady wbltewttr embroidered 31 bast collect inn crochet work not has than s placet not more than 13 st bast colled inn tmbroldery white not uai than pieces not more than is is bast collect ton embroidery colored not last than s pit ret not more than 13- 40 bast eouaetlon bedroom linen not last than 8 placet not more than a not ninimrlly done ib ts is is to ts ts is ts 18 is 18 is 18 18 is 18 18 18 is 18 18 is is 18 18 is is is is ts 18 18 18 t is is ts 18 so so so so so bo so so so ss so bo so bo 80 so bo so 80 bo bo bo bo bs bo bo ss as bo bo bo bo bo so bo 80 so so so 80 bs bo so bo so as bo 80 80 so so so so sb bo 80 bo 80 80 bo so bs so so so so so bo so so so as so 00 so bo sb bo bo so ss then thall x cheerful treat the kt- borino bourav and cheerful turn when tha lone aha- at eventide to love and play and rest becauat t know for me my work u beat van dyke b tterbat 41 painted 43 beat article made from taauns was a collection fancy work ts ts boo so so so iso the bridge of sighs at the aaee of a eemeaerf there is a certain a mdawabrldee of 8tjhs many a widow peases over it to return to a home from which death has taken huahtnd and father is not a tragedy tragedy strikes the ho are bereft of their i imug lianas who provider no we taeurance poller can take tha place of a boabsadatvl tether hie die proceeds of it will nil ii a fimllr frrir ir t toadtuet tsieaaealuaa to naw mtlhirtrvm we invtm enquiries ftprn men who desire advice ling the right type of use insurance pro- write for our psjnphlet eotkled no what happens it is most interesting confederation life a brolten sdrrup leaiher a arch and april after the herd ft winter of tj were busy months i on the toyah ranee atauy of the cattle weakened by ttarvatloa be came mired hi the river and hi the hallow lakea where they went for water if net released in a few neura the poor beattt usually perished or were devoured by worvea bvery day lack clifford and tobe uemey rode two miles up the creek from the ranch end then out to the urine of miry water holes which for went of a better name were called is lakes the two msde a dally circuit of a dotea mllet and often they pulled fifteen or twenty unfor tunate animals from the bo a rape round tha barns and a few tuts from the sturdy horses broutht the beasts to tolld around the cowboys then drove them toward the hills sway from denser one wsrm day about noon the riders came upon a bit spotted steer fast la the ooay mud the animal was by no means weak but it had ventured too far into the water and was stuck in a pocket of waxy clay that held like putty the riders toon had their ropes over the long horns but it took the oom efforts of the strong rame horses and the ttruttlei of the steer to ov the trip of the mud when the animal snsuy mastered out upon the trssty bank um tontue was lolunc end its eyas ware blood shot plainly the steer wss m a otht- mt mood with the two ropes about its boms however it had no chance to charts either of the horses lack kept his rope utht ss he rode forward while tobe urged the sulky steer on from behind thus they came up with the other cattle tbatthey bad start- ad on toward the hlllt only after they hsd thrown the bit spotted brute did the cowboys ttieewd to removing the ropes from um boms when it tot to us fest it made a fewt at eharttat ens of use horses but stopped after tsktnt a few steps an angry range animal it ready enough to attack a man en the ground but it will often charts a horss when the lontbarn had trotted off towards the other eatusthe two man thought thtt their troubles with the obdurate bssst were at end they had not gone far however when the snl- msl ran into a thicket of sand plums and refused to budge from the scanty psupabisfo pob pall pantb already all erderprisina atrlcuuural odettes are making preparations for the annual fall fairs in the past too much has been ian to the lest two or three weeks with the inevitable re sult that much that could be turned to advantage is forgotten or neglected august and the early part eg septem ber will quickly peas now is the time to give prompt heed to programs prise beta andlall details if eueoaat la to be ecured the old question will bl al most every ease comes up for to whst extent attraction other than agricultural should be admitted says ux pamlly herald bach year at the annual convention of the ontario pairs and awllnllinnt there is a lively debate which usually turns la favor of thoee who would stick to the origin al purpose of the fairs in stimulating healthy rmmnetltkei there are few people who would shut out all attrao- uons but the weight of opinion is that the worts and sideshows are per missible only as minor features the introduction of midways snd selling of eencesslons msy result in immedi ate financial tain which goat a long way m blinding the directors to the evil effects of such forms of entertain ment on the other hand there is abundant evidence that the faba that have operated siicmm fully over e long term of years are thott that have kept agriculture bi the fore ground to maintain a healthy in terest from year to year it is necessary to introduce new features or improve ments on the old there it nothing that has drawn the young people so strongly ss the stack judging competi tions introduced in recent years hast young men hsve an interest m live stock and will enter readily into a contest of this kind others whets tsste it for grain growing or garden ing will lake a pride in preparing a collection of their products the rair that can offer inducements to the greatest number of people to compete ls the one that estajjuihee itself most firmly in the community oet your sxhlblta ready far btques- ing pslr at george sept 3031 any pool can knock dont laugh at thoee who make mis takes and s on the way pbr you are apt to follow them and almoat any day dont think the others hlftlng and while you are solid rock and dont forget for heaven take that any fool can knock dont be a pullerdown other men conferred of fame on dent give a parting kick to one who fell because ha erred dont think that you are perfect and the only aba w stack and now once more just bear hi mmd that any fool can knock atestra tulford son snd ur jar- vis of burlington have made er- rangements to establish a teed clean ing plant in ullton having leased s building from the helton permers oooperauve company and expects to have the machinery hi operation early in august in vain the horsemm beat the brush on all sides and threw missies busi ly lack triad an old trick of the tanas riding up in fun view of the steerthe dismounted taking ears to keep bis left foot in tbs stirrup and a arm hold on the asadle bom tbs tight of a man on the ground apparently r mm goaded the bssst to with a snort of dsnsnot it plunged out from the scrubby thicket lack whistled to bis horse end swung easily into the saddle and the steer discovering that it could not reach us wily tormentor trotted on with the herd teriee again lack enticed tbs spott ed longhora from thickets of wfid plums where it bad eought refute from the host and the files tha next time it took to the brush it seemed determined to remain there but the cowboy untied the red cotton hand kerchief mm us neck and waved it in the fees of the wsry animal pro voked beyond endurance tbs long- born rushed toward lack without waiting for a signal the boms sprang forward ss he felt the weight of hie rider on the stirrup the cowboy was halfway to bis seat in the saddle when snap went tbs hslfrottsn stirrup leather i lack who hsd most of his weight on the stirrup dropped to the ground like a log he fell partly under hit boras and the frightened animal sprang over him end galloped away across the prairie as the ranee rider struck the ground he realised instantly that be wss in grave peril tobe was several hun dred yards sway riding round some stranglers of the herd scarcely fif teen yards off and bearing down on him with terrific speed came tbs in furiated titer seeking refuge la flight seemed homlaas for within miles there was hot a tree large enough to hold a man but that wss the only thing to do as lsck scrambled to his feet and involuntarily started to run hi llanssd hastily around him twenty last to hit right he caught tight of s little tuny tcarely two feu wide the ground eloped somewhat and the rains of many winters flowing through an old cattle trail bad out it for a short distance to a depth of three lack was utile mors than a ascend in leaching this questionable refuge he dropped down aad rolled to the to the bottom of the gully at wangs over him the cowboy hoped thst the longhom would leave when it felled to tore him in its first mad charge but ss the beast whirled and came back lack taw thst he hsd underestlmsted its dropping to itt knees the steer be gan dipping fust one horn and then the other into the depression in en effort to plane the prostrats man but by scrambling back and forth lsck avoided the thrusts palling to reach tha cowboy lbs angry user leaped quickly to tha other side of the ditch and leek fait on hit face us moist breath and flakes of foamy t as u sgsln dropped to itt et the brink of the gully the man lay on one side with bit bead turned to that be could ass hit astsllanl the riser wis pawing at the edge of the ditch end as the cow boy watched the lass earth and gra vel raining down from the tide he realised that his chance of ssosnt was very small a little more and tbt animal would suds down upon him hit only hope teemed to us in tobe but leak knew that be would not have time to come to the rescue be fore the steer bad ssads the aerroti ditch untenable already ltek detected a trembling of the earth at the steer threw itt weight nearer tha edge of the gully a tuft of tod feu in and the loots dirt i seeded down in sandy streams at that moment the bit steer stain rote to ita feet and backed off a few steps the cowboy knew that when the brute msde another lunge and dropped on its knees at the edge of tbt ditch the bank would cave in then the long horns would reach their mark anything would be better than being crushed and gored in that place end the cowboy roes to bis elbow reedy to leap up and take bis chances in the open then hit stance fell upon the red cotton handkerchief which he wss stui clutching tightly in his hand and a happy thought came to him though it was only e plan to delay the brute in itt murderous charts bven as the steer poised for us charge lack working with flying fin gers pushed out earner of the red cloth under the bend of hit breed brimmed hit then be tossed the hat with ta flaming streamer into the air to that it fail seven or eight feet from the dlteb on the side op posite the steer with a lumbering dsth the treat beast instantly cleared the ditch and lunged at the red rag to the man lying prostrste in his narrow refute there waa a momentary flash of tawny brown as the animal pseud over snd then almost within reach dang led the steers tsll with its curling switch of dirty white hslr leek had thought only to tain a temporary respite but now another plan flashed into bis bead msny timet he bad bandied a cow for several minutes and prevented her from nuking headway by getting e firm hold on bar toll aad keeping her winging first to one side snd then to the other instantly lsck was en his fast for he knew thst the ttetr would turn on him stain after one thrust at hit hat- the madly switching tsll was already beginning to move farther sway as the longhora turned with a sprint the cowboy grsased tbs switch sad immediately waa larked off tut feet but his hundred and titty rds were not to be reckoned ught- tbe steer found itself cheeked in its effort to turn the cowboy feared a sudden dash thst might break rut bald and leave him at tbs many of tbs brute but for a fsw moments the steer tiwnm determined to reach its f as by whirl ing in s circle then as if with a sudden determination the snlmsl bolt ed straight out serosa the prairie taken unswares the man had no unes to give the quick loewtee jerk thst would cheek the spssd of tbt steer but be held on trimly throw ing bis weight hsckwsrd be took long steps as he raced at the tall of the the pace soon became too fast or the cowboy and when the animal took him through e bunch of prickly pass be almost lost ms hold than at 11 with a definite purpose the steer clear ed a devus pincushion and could not regain his tooting but be manag ed to hold on as hs went down he caught e glimpse of tobe riding furiously to wards mm but be wss afraid that the steer would ahake mm off and turn on mm before help arrived his hands were scratched and bleeding snd his clothes ware almost stripped from his body at tbs steers every bound its rattling hoofs came within a few inchm of tbs oowboya fees snd to add to the peril other cattit were running toward tha atrangt spectacle snd bellowing wildly suddenly leeks bead atruek a maguey cactus hs lost mi hold and lay for a moment half stunned snd un able to move though he realised thst rants eattie were trotting toward him from all directions snd thst thirty feet away the spotted steer wss twinging back toward mm in a circle too much spent to get to his feet lsck closed bis eyea and waited for the and tbt next instant hs heard a familiar ylpt vlpl- snd tha sound of etllnp- ing boaft as in a whirl of dust tobe rode between mm and the charging one taste of the rope bad been enough for tbs old steer end with a derisive tots of its gleaming horns it whirled and raced off with the other ousts m have my old thtll cover ed with new leather tpecltlly stirrup leathers next time i go to paces lack remarked quietly a few minutes hie mtrto appeal christine goldsmith crw b had been noticed many limes jtlt standing at the seme place at the asms hour every afternoon a look of asdnsss and appeal hi his large brown ayes at each attempt of his to board the ear ha had been stopped by the conductor who teemed surly and unfeeling undaunted hed try gain the next day with tbs same re sult this dslbr occurrence aroused the conductor shout the persistence of the wouldbe traveller the eleetrie esr wss then running along an open stretch of country few passengers were getting off or on so lbs conductor had time to tell about this true incident t may stem cruel snd heartless to my treatment toward him but he must be broken of thai habit of bis you tee itft been of long drng end hea getting to be a nuisance the man explained hea been trying to get on this ear now for the last month how he knows this is the ear tom used to run gets me vou ate tom wss the motormsn on this car and that dog waa his tom lovsd him like he was a human and the dog lovsd tom the dog used to be waiting at the same spot at exactly the same hour every afternoon and tom used to let him get on and ride out on the front pisiform with mm to the next top which wss the end of toms run hed be through work then end the dog would trot along home with mm vet sir thst dog has more intelli gence thsn a sood many humans have she how did he know what time to meet uut ear and which ear was tomt anyway there be stood every day walling for ms master thsn lest month tom died bare the conduc tor paused to swsllow a lump that rots in hit threat for he and tom had been good friends bvery day since thst dog hss been at the same spot trying to get shosrd this esr he continued re cannot stem to get it through hit dog brain that hit master it really tons be prohahiy thinks hell find mm still iinnlng this oar now we are trying to brass mm of his habit by cuffing mm off perhsps you could break him quick er if you let mm ride lust ones with the new motormsn one of the pass engers suggested not a bad idas agreed the con ductor ao tbt next day when the esr stopped et its usual place tad the dog tried to get on be wet allowed to 5 out on the front pisiform where whimpered for joy and alerted to leap upon the motormsn then when he reabtsd it wssnt hit own beloved master he lsld down at the motor- nuure fett end ms whimper of ley turned to one of grief he seemed to tenss et lest thst su wss not well and ms sppesllng eyes actually beamed to be ahaddlng tears it was a touch- tag tight at the next stop be waa put off whether he was deasd or hit eyes too filled with tears wui never be known for at he stood ihussh snd forlorn to the middle of the street ss though trying to figure u ell out an automobile came tearing along and mt mm injuring a lag thsn occured another remarkable evidence of his csnlns intelligence he limp ed to e neerby drug store thst be bad never entered before wslktag on three lets end holding up a pew the end of which wss banging umn be made ms way to tha prescription clerk snd eyed him wistfully whining soft ly in a mute eppssl for help be glanc ed fram the clerk down to ws injur ed foot which was evidently painful hie prescription clerk surprised but understanding bandaged the paw to splints the dog wagged ms tall licked the elerke hands la gratitude snd hobbled from the more notes and comments how slow we sre to learn that pa tience will achieve more than force we all rued uvt trace of patience all things come to those who watt franklin said he who has patience can have what bs will feuenes is e thing of intellect as weu as tamper it it easier to commend patience than to command it there ts elways late ly in patience the man who has no speaks work end walt paul in enumereung the traces of character aaya- add to your fslth virtus end to virtus knowledge and to knowledge temperance snd to tssnpsranes pe- tlsnoe he puts patience between selfcontrol end oodukeness both of which require patience to come to perfection a recent editorial note comment- tag upon sn suction sale of alxty horses to new york offered u as news to the sverage cltissn of the ameri can metropolis who might not know there were any horses to that city as a matter of genuine newt bow- ever the ksmhsnu ni states that there en fifty thousand horses to daily use in new york ss eompsr- sd with fewer than twantyfour tbous- end isstrehs who would hsve thought itt one conjures up a mental picture of the treat american city with long lines ot motor vehicles and never a horseto be seen a losd of hay trund ling down broedwsy would attract at much attention as sn aeroplane park ed in front ot e general store to pumpkin centre but there are borate in new york they are quietly and efficiently carrying on a work which they can seeorapllih better thin a motor vehicle there ere csrtaln unit of activity in which a hone can nut it ell over an automobile snd just es long es such conditions exist dobbin will continue to fulful ms mission of usefulness in our own particular part of the world lbs hone is no rare sight the rural districts bout u tine epeeimens of working horses at may bs found anywhere the motor baa not by any means tupplanled the faithful animal that terries on from day to day and asks but utile in return one of the chief benefit of motordriven implements u that they hsve relieved the horse of many duties that wen too hard for any animal the hone is left for less arduous duties which be is sole to do better thsn mechsnl- csl devices it u better to toronto bakers hsve raised the pries later as be wet binding up bit iseeratof bread one cent par loaf on sooount ad hands and picking the cestui of tbt big advenes to the pries el spinet from bis smtb