hie george herald wednesday august 7lh 1929 be sure to see mclaughlin uick wnutan i cole kitxbr at port carting an july 30th 1m by the rev mr conning kathleen daughter of tha lata wm and mr kuien port carl big to wilfred m cola of toronto davidson at terra gotta on fri day aufliat and 103 mary parr widow of tha lata jae davidson in her both year prime at nerval on aug sin hen- ry prime aged a year tha service will be held at tha home of hla daughter mra a k bhaln morval road on wed at g pm in terment in oataraqul anallcan cem etery ml thureday aug sth bunnew men hold successful picnic father drummond stricken in guelph i nt sasdam ilslwrwimjuw ilraereaminpowcr i sdl med aclrmloi nw dmelaa lovajoy dtxasawulls saaoclr a1olcr nw eaarle stccrln mw remxsliock eumlaiam nswr cmteoilwusadorro 4w1mi bkraluta ltnraukl ejamuulliba nr mm iwwiifttl fiahcr bomum nr lwkthjrlovui i4arltimi lsftw inonaaglfuw wiilmm s v king ontario georgetown its bbtteb because its canadian towh council council mat on august eth at b pm with reeve melntyre in tha chair and oounculore beaaey cleave devle meckenxle and parr pressnt pred law add fab council m condition of culvert in front of hla residence p w cleave addreeesd council wr grant to agricultural society rimer thompson addreeeed council re insurance meaere kelly and bhepherd addreae- ed the council w closing of main bt for a street dance for canadian legion parr beaeey that tha canadian legion be granted the privlledge of lioldlng o street dance on main btreet on augutt lith and that the chief be inuructed to rone off the street from uiii btreet to the radial track from 1 pjn carried uackeiuoe davla that bylaw no ma in accordance with revleed stat ute of ontario ibm chapter 34s sec tion 1 to form a parka board in georgetown be now read s first and second tbnecarrled maekensle davis that a grant of 100 be bald to the agricultural bod- ety carried oleaverjiawy that the public liability and employeea uabmty in- auranee at present held with the tor onto casualty co be chanced to tha canadian oeneral carried the fallowing accounts were passed w ourwlngham streets 29 henry marehment ww st taoo wm davidson street 11 b little streets us w c cunningham streets m4j h marehment ww streets isao wm stokes drain sms james harding streets 0t8 w c cunningham streets un henry uerchment ww at 1100 henry marehment streets park isoo ed utile park 1m w c cunningham atreeta park 911 alex hume cemetery park 1100 k marehment ww atreeta mux wm armstrong park no alex hume streets tr ims w o cunnlnaham rood roads 8tu telephone co munte com beu telephone co town ball in mrs j at edwards rebate ww 70 cnr board of health 11 walter t brans insurance lis walter t evans insurance 1160 h r ulmms insurance 17 erwln ooldham charity 1m georgetown lumber oa 144 exonerated pftom all blame mr edwin hoare of oeoraetown ap peared before police macutrate moore at milton on the lath of july on charge arising out of the accident to the car driven by edwin hoare in which mayor dale met with a serious accident after court waa opened the crown attorney stated that the evidence which had already been be fore the court showed that edwin hoare waa not guilty of any kegllgenee or misconduct in connection with the accident and at the request of the crown attorney the charev against hoare waa withdrawn the maal exonerated hoare from all blame for the unfortunate accident and compli mented him upon hla oonduct and ktrelahtforward evidence which had been given in two previous eases it la gratifying to friends of edwm hoare that he has been honorably exonerated from all responsibility for the accident womens itotitijte the regular meeting of the oeorge- ut fikoomra num i town branch of the womens institute wasjrmed at the hlatoji jcnally of hamilton offlculed held at the home of mrs dew anooesi amd brmtb than and wkrrbi bveh i htn rev patlwr louts drummond se rine weather a large s entnusias l know a uiurer and writer tic crowd and kra competition m ev gl blmnuulul niuete ery event rnet lh tlucllul on july mill he was at yeart aklct aasoclauon drummond had lived a in staging l somlrdlrcd llfo at uie novitiate for munlty plcnuj rjujger ihsn j u but fow yeara and had celebrated bolter than ever h jhs hu jubilee a year alio he waa well comment of the urge crowd a urge kuwn uiraullluml weatern canada entry of lav n stationed in winnipeg mmit and owing to thla ls twenty years ago pauier drummond tliem liad to be run off i i wm1 tue ion or the late judge drum- heets before declaring ind prominently connected with the ulg day opened j in wtlleminl of uie land uaion before vrnlle softball aarmbetween top confedinluon p drummond btreet and eraeenl had been in falling health for acme winning by a score of fjjss lime but was able to celebrate mssa view boys jlsji imlll a week ago sunday and hla death by 1 to 0 and were declared winner midden the funeral waa of the tournament lu m blan novitiate on at one oclock parade g thursday morning when his lordship children in costume decorated trucaa iltalu1 ucnollv of hamilton oirlclsled hosts ears eta bokkrs mrtiiorial and fadedto tha luark the prlaea for best costumes srnorw rchhdren went to i uie brill twins billy olsrk ruth da- vis and peggy kentner i the prise for best clown cottume went to a marcellus mr ales hume won the sweepstake prise a silver cup obituary t it uiciimond t d niclunnnd jnall cpurler for caux check line the president mrs hayes occupied tiie chair there were about fifty membera and friends prea- mt a very intereatlng and helpful ad- dreaa waa given by miss appleby an institute worker the sports had to be called off on account of the rain the ladles then served a very dainty lun clteon after which a hearty vote of f stbtwiri da im no i terra cotla for many donl itzrsejii went tot y bimi o rcapecled iwment of waa tendered to our hostess for other prises ipr uui stui iiacksulo died on bundsy july 3ui at he kind liospltality on ihu occasion ilh bn xs isslner bus- u toronto aeneral hosplui after i leaf dairy mr vance kentner bus- lmil a aerlo tmajesaapeclafevenu were iuon and it was followed by an slataovxxmda complete x k wa and under 3s yr and was bom in england coming ynsssossiml jw oounlry whajj small boy he puivn fisnderioh farmed for many years untu aupolnt- nsxu baezia veara and under a iau courier he was a faithful v2jliusremmaiaon boltobirid- thurcli and sabbath school worker in 22isv lext white united church fourth line filrivhaiillveara and under m caladon he was a conservative in sssk rdad sk vssslrivestorvllloydwstson l dsughtera mra harold annl islr rosa polls lotocn cos- swtssssisssssf nivs ruca 1 veara and under 100 ichmond toronto the funeral took yasdeljaekincawas cart bennett tuesasy single ladles 1 yards minnie sargent annie isley roa nolle catherine wiluams w 0z sstslsio his- olanwiuiams ont in mm mist oath- single m open loo i yardso bu- rlna wiiii1k alti m aaturdsy july pl s il ju ailh at her cesldence iu pearson ave majtledladls jii toronto bnvraovcd to torontn from asajgagty tbasu uhb taeajgwj agoe aaaaji yme tu amsajy uaaeadas- eaejr asuhaabassbjgaaaj binder twine i superior manilla made by inter- national harvester co i for sale by w b browne co ntrval rhw mltti mrval ilmfiaia1raaajaxa wwimmciexm4m osorgalowh lumber co fire alarm im oorduuley ilsrdware th ww w o marshall paid freight bill a j blackburn chiefs suit chas j king streets harry darling fl alarm w emmeraon atreeu a v king town truck h h thompson co streets eta merche e co 1bw j una sim sjoo m u40 hm is3 sim cis eelnw chloride j n cneljla son atreeta etc ball telephone co chief its n snyder frit ealdum chloride 10m wm emmeraon paid for gas jo x o thompson foundry in it plremens exp re convention e o thompson insurance smoo carried council adjourned tmfalcar bay lajaref john young aon of w bitter trafakar township met with a lous accident on hla fathara farm on tuesday tha lad waa climbing in the driving shed when he slipped and fell on a disc harrow lacerating his face every effort is being made to prevent tha boys face being disfigured warning to motor car drivers carry your licenses nphe highway traffic act requires that every a person operating a motor vehicle shall eecure an operators or chauffeur license and shall at all times while driving carry same a penalty is provided for failure to produce such licenses when demanded hy an officer it is necessary owing to the number of motor ists who persist in driving without licenses that the police he instructed to require the production of these licenses from time to time this law has been passed in the interests of safe driving and to prevent incompetent persons from operating motor vehicles the production of a license is the only proof of ownership of one carry yours at all times and avoid inconvenience and prosecution ontario dparttmtit of highway th hojbceffchetay iflalilar a playoff game of helton county league will ueplayed in the oeorge- oroiiiu mora uum town park on thureday august ith at w peck mr o ruddy mrs morley osuilsms iryeav ago when the use m married men local wo v homestead wss given up she l arjr rlth geaarfctbt salada bowling club news in uie twilight tournament for mixed rlnka held by the ladle section of the oeorketown lawn bowling club on thuradsy evening last rlnka from aeton milton and brampton competed for three seta of prise tha first prises were won by mr buun rink of muton the second by ur bauera rink of acton and uu special prlaea by mr mllleone rink of muton the first prises were coloured aux bed spreads for uie ladles ami naala of china bowls for the men the second prlaea pictures for tha ladles and coloured glass goblets for the men tha peclsl prise cups and saucer for the ladles and cream pitchers for the men erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats of all kinds at most reasonable prices erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown baseball nicholson and horning thl game waa qraham harry hale charlie ruddy isv hy he brother samuel lesto have been played but saturday but single men m0 yard open po if norwalfcohlaanii byhir sister e often account of rain it beacff o stapleton iji eiuorradhernkse miaa uie fim cj homajidriom aamea married men 230 yards iocalhrry bothof whont mid their with muton and the return game will hale percy graham threelegged race mixed m yards pred spires and elda tarawell percy qraham and loleen ooatlgan farmers wive w yards mrs king mr morley mrs sbuallr parmer 100 yards the brown- ridge alvln mcdonald tugofwar novice winning team d marehment r roney p shortul sr v shorull jr ray beuey wm biotas i pat mens race over mo lbs 15 yds i port arthur ont announce the t parllnger l seattle nrpujement of uielr daughter seed corn imp learning wi no golden glow w c y dent virginia eureka mangel sugar beet and turnip seed seeds of all kinds georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey proprietor phone 109 georgettown home with hw h iiphw u dr ly uaum on blurdy rwmt- charlm aunblti prlnelptu of balleuh- ey school brentford th funeral wtu held at 13 warioti ave and in terment took place at olenwullanu cemetery norval mr and mrs wllluun a williams cedes anita to a mer- macmaster laird ball throwing ladlesbarbara tost u ii yr and under i laird norval ontl the marriage to muebob hall jorilane xma 1 take plee the tatter part w august horseshoe pitching r bessey and p robinson a robinson and w rebinicn rested the qirl ouldea tea 74 baby show 13 months and under one of the featurea of the afternoon teddy coleman and donald john uc- roarta waa uie oaxji lacrosse match murehy tied is months and over 13 lictween brentford and georgetown months jean ross loveu the last acheduled game of the local largest fpamlly on grounds f ncason the game was well played and james 11 x ritchie 10 c hoare 0 in fine exhibition from the spectators mystery man won by j h plewee point of vlew although the looal boy softball news qeoeorrawn oim wrm muun a large number from town accom panied uie girls softbau team to brampton last thursday night when the locals outplayed out batted and outuored tha membera of draee church softball team the snappy georgetown battery reta tost pitcher and edith davl catcher was too ttvuen ion of mr and mra alfred m j for the home team and the visitors re- turned home victors by a score 18u last friday night a softball team of brampton glrla journeyed to george town and they were treated in practic ally the aune nunner aa uie team in uie previous game our local glrla are certainly making a fine ahowing and should have the support of everyone acton aaviiery eemn won oy rw t iimjttitttr7m u umm he matter of engaging a mala pruv ouarandtu race 75 yards hue- hod iltue difficulty winning the cor lar um continuation school banduid wifemr and mrs chas being 01 follow mmu t jvm nnddv mr and mrs f roney the afternoon sports were fo meeting on tuesday afternoon when hindtwiad race n yard in the evening by a largely attd4 a wm moved bymri a f hsvul and husband and wlft- mr and mra ciardcn jparty the pronwuna was u o r agnsw and resolved bulalr mrtand mr h outer supplied by the a e mutaon goj that the application of mr o l taw- itos rs1mlxedr7 yardsmr w presented the play vssuts as pdnclpsl of acton conunua- stoaiumraa smith mr and vob to uu enure twaouon of gc u j mrsto herrlngton audtcnee at the collusion gwao be and is hereby accepted du- iflopement raeetts yardshutband iiardcn party a danoe i ties to commence september trd um wilwliesir and mra h hale mr the armourtes the music wss jrovld ur and mra jos w leslie and mra and mrawtj cordweu mr and mra cd by franks erehertra and a targe t p gna mus ehra pearan ulas iiloney crowd uw jf 51 aw i mra r l johnston at- clouspln race single men 1 and plu e nrotauccessful pualo y lata ml k overarpastoto oatrander staged by oeorgetowna builneaa uht tealle of toronto formerly of fjlen- bauoonraee muted m merrlt and association wullams on tuesday irene tea vpt onapnuut and mrs wm the committee in charge were pres- 1 nd mra u o jchnston mr boy irene toss r unajxna j oemsecretary-treas- janmjan ij r a rgmahaw and vraii roney throwing the rolling pin married urer w t evens ladles mra buluvant mrs sinclair sinclair a duncan o r muekart mr huffman a e cordlngley and l h wraggetta the glrti aof tball tournament was and much credit is due them for the won by the georgetown girls who de- succeu of the occasion man of good heart honoured by statue lacombe of ota r of the order of father albert ultaicjigry order oi uu viw mary immaculate whose fume la part of the hiatory of weitarn can ada as impressed his indian friends by hla devotion hla alncerlty ami hlh sal that they called blm the man of the good heart father larombe left montreal in 1849 and art out for bad river and thus began a career af 07 yaara service in hla chosen calling in llol father laeembc tanmed saint albert a community nine tallea from edmonton on the aunhaaw branch of the canadian national hallway thera ka almost a nonosenarian aruj thera ua body resta now the old tlinara auaoclatlon of alberta have obtained the funds for a statue ti tile won derful pioneer and it will aeon be formally unveiled the etrnebira hown above la the first cjaoafbul t by fauicr laeombe in msi and aftarwarda became the flrat mtha- lral of mgr orandln flrat blahof cf st albert thla modeet cathedral ki being taken over by the hlsterts monuments commlislon and will be come a memorial of the early west insurance sseesteeeeeee we sptcialixm in thm following life sickness accident and automobile ut u write your policy asissi aa aas samjaalakalaaataiaalaiei aeaslaeaialaalameiaal tfbt v v v f f g w vvv ejas aj vgfgygeayaj bavrprvaa geo c brown phone 90r3t georgetown norval p o maebeue ramshaw uh of spent the weekend with friends at niagara falls mr and mrs earle brown of klteh ener spent a few days last week with his parents leaving friday afternoon to spend a week or ten day with friend in toronto and other potnta mrs j oalbraltb of acton an nouneea the engagement of her daugh ter jessie to robert 8 beerhope son of mra and the lata mr george bear- hope of oolumbua the mar rlage to take place quietly m august mia mary e macphereon superin tendent of nurses at the general hos pital geneva nv returned to her dutlea this week after a months va cation at bar home her she waa ac companied aa tar aa niagara falls by mra alice macphereon and mrs o a dull and franca and devkt free milton dr j a fell aged to aherut of the district of manltotilln la rcmlnteflng with old friends in milton this week hla grandfather named the town of muton which originally waa mill town r r fleming agricultural repre- aentauve for welland county former ly of muton vulted friends here on wednesday of last week mr and mrs w j mccunahan of muton and wm moolenahan of ot tawa spent sunday in grimsby the guests of mr and mrs allan eddie mays of tha herald atari walkerton and mra j foster of to ronto are visiting mr and mrs w t barnard mra a oooke toronto formerly of muton suffered a fracture of tha left arm above the elbow when aha fen off uie verandah at tha noma of bar aon p w oooke here on sunday last mrs j r elliott who recently un derwent a serious operation at ooalph general hospital la we are pleased to gay making good progress toward re- mr john eatterbrook formerly of campbeuvui and ur and o johnston and children cameron motored froo and are visiting their many relatival in una neighborhood tney an atay- ing at the homaa of their alttera mrs john agnew and mra a l hem- street they cam by way of winnipeg where they visited their brother w j eaiterbrook and on their return they wui visit their brother and slater rev d m and mrs johnston at st paul minn champion fall pais dates the fall fair data for thl year have been announced among tha one for thla district which will be of inter est to readen an the following acton september it ii aberfoyle october 1 brampton beptamher st t miriinafon september 3d 4k ii oooksvuie october 11 erin october 11 fergus september m e 37 oalt september hah ge beptamher 30 4 11 london weatern fair sept 7 to 14 muton september 17 ts btreetavllle october toronto creu aug u to ftapl 7 livingstones bakery specials for friday and saturday ecmes 30c i lemtm squajfes 38c tjoxen madeira cakes 2sctwdi luncb crakes lfk eeth ah idiult of cookies 20c tkvxen quality bread fle lottf d livingstone phoiie 55 gtur pure food store a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a- a a aaaa aaaaaa aaa aaaa irrafa gaaab4bababaeba el ea e ga- ayaagbabrbbr f f f ayavra- paiebaabypgiwbr 5 lb pail new clover honey 59c heinz white pickling vinegar pet quart 19c 2 pkga parowax 25c certo per bottle 29c chriities atsorterl biscuits per pkg 35c baby cheekier old cheese each 31c fancy red cohoe salmon large tins 35c aylmer tomato soup 2 tins for 19c i lb tins vitone 49c tanglefoot fly spray 8 oz tins 35c tanglefoot fly spray 16 oz tins 60c 5 lb wheatlets 25c fruit and vge4aolta and soft drinks par the case u right prices ivefarnell prompt delivery phone 78 motbotitaflaji fire green forests ensure an even flov of clear run ning water burned timber means muddy torrents in flood time and stag nant pools in dry weather the good aports- man in his own interest j care ful with are in the woods twuei ay aakerilr at mvwurouf ckarlm suiuv i mesas uf lae lauftw