the georgetown herald sixtyfourth year of publication georgetown wednesday evening september 4th 1929 150 per annum in advance 200 to u3a- the georgetown herald j m moore rafclukw sod rraprmv mfcir ciullu wwmy hmfr aianuiiil taaaalaa nstlsaal efcdrlc rallwayi kabtbound westbound dally daily train yrala no co 1s m ha i ml iu m 8 00 a ns a 1001 am m g m a m b mm pm s11m mm 1 ml pm a lit pm b 401 im 10 310 put it u1 pm 13 8j10 pro 41 701 pm it wo pm 13 sol pm is djo pm 1 1001 pm 1s11m pm 11 tint am vo so will run dally except sun- c no 41 to acton only station nac via phun 13 v ie tabl oalag east passenger til an shlfesehger 9m am paksenftir lo la am mall 1x15 pm passenger am vjaa mill esa pm passenger u3 pm passenger sunday kjlm mag watt hall m ub passenger ulul passenger nutans passenger au pjn mall cm pjn peaetrigor a0j pill peasenger 7jm pm passenger sunday 10jjm gafatg nestfcl mall 155 am mall 4j6 pm oetag 11 jj aib uau uau 710 pm catrajoiitarmlkslmesltd how coacbu leave georgetown u follow west bound east bound no aim mo am luo pm t 0jw am iso pm 11j0 am 4us pm 330 pm 90 pm 1m pm ilm pm 10x1 pm dally except saturday sunday jand holidays saturday sunday and holiday 1 sunday and holldaye only i slap at hetttaeleere stan directory lb bov dale barrister ana seueuar oeorgetown ontario offlfea aflnf bide uu1 st culunck h wuhuhs barftater sahelter netary paul oooaa cntlll block oeorgetown telephone iu joim a thompson netary paula offices villi street phone sh e 30 db j j paul ob b t vadl pkyaldaba ul sargata uadiaal officer at health in esquetlng township office boura 3 to 4 and 1 to pa office and residence main street south oppoalte presbyterian church db sdtbxkland by bar now and throat specialist at oeortetown wednesday saturday hours i pm til 0 pm or by appoint ment aiaaaw supplied office at was matthew main st hone phone lotra db c v williams physician and surgeon lesdletl officer of health georgetown 3fflce and besmence queen st south ooes hours 11 and 6s pm also by appointment f b watson das mjmk qti hani te i basest tkanaay altirana f l beauu las djm dontputyour cows into the milk pail cows that milk themselves into the tall never hat loot and their owner are continually putting out money to buy new cows fed according to directions cow chow sup- plica the various milkmaldng materials to that the mail sv 1 mtiiftem tktfad and tut from the cows body cowa have longer lactation period and longer life andydtt uplaent ckargti tmll or tmalttr come in and let us show you records of what cow cbowis doing for leading dairymen agent for gunks fwtil1zers also branshorts mids oil cake gluten meat meal bone meal tankage charcoal grit oyster shell salt cornmeal oat and barley chop flour porridge oats philip g early 175 cemcmwn w maefayden manager advertise it pays silvers clothing store wieh to announce that they have purchased a fine line of boots and shoes and have a aptendid variety of mens boots and shoes also childrens shoes at the moat reasonable prices come and have your choice h silver phone 376 georgetown insurance w sfmciallxi in tht following life sickness accident and automobile ul v wriu your policy ll i geo c brown phono 90r21 gtorgtlown notoal po r p messrs h j picard co ltd stock brokers toronto georgetown office u lane block one door norm ol owtuvs dentate factory hours a am to pm db b lbabiiohvb veterinary burftaa phone mo uain st n fliaplm franlt potch ucbnbbo avononbbb far uu oeaatlea at peel aa haltea prompt berrloe cheltenham 3er3t oeortetown tlrt post onvse cheltenham obmopbaono wbhiitrtr yas rhjarsataelmr ralssar otaaaate if staff prattle km iiathelae sargary oaueaalay xray service office over dominion store ooes hours uonday wednttday and saturday i to s and t to s pm other days and hours by appointment vatas ltav itisiiian 1hj at atmiit ftjiat iu tuesday and friday s to t pm mark every grave hauunt is more uutlnr or more annroprlata to eommfemorata ths memory ol loved ones who have sons before than beautiful gran ite well carved with our present eonupmant and taeluuss no plant is luttsr prepared to oner better value or a better atotk to ehooss from than can be secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to stt our stock and get quotation on monuments uaikara or com er btonaa before plaetns an or- aarii u jrikummtsa works j nicbol monb us s s s s s s s h j picard wishes to announce that he will offer through hia georgetown branch office 1stcash prize 10000 for the nearest corrett assay of gold quartz value per ton 2nd cash prize 5000 for the second nearest correct answer gold bearing quartz value per ton this piece of quartz was taken from wright hargravea mine and can be seen on display at w t evans office window rules of contest 1 contest open for 30 days 2 open to residents within 1 5 mile radius of georgetown 3 one guess a week to contestants 4 tlii piece of ore will be aaaayed by a govt geologist 5 ballot box will be opened by reeve and acrutineera appointed by him 6 reaulta will be announced through this paper 7 results of the reeve will be final 8 contest begins august 2 1 at p p lllllllliumi luck a queer illutt fellow cama up to my hulai ail i wt nil alone mi thtt nhor one lutly of him h n raiment of pride ru and tatter the other half wore he both uuahed and ivowned an ha walked up to n and i ubl unto him pray now who can you bet oh i am the fellow called luck answered he well id never have known you 1 ventured to ay you ore one yet you look jtut ilka two id never have known you watted ua in that way i and he raid very few people do im a fellow that frequently tnu- underttood some would know but the fine half of me if they could hut i make them all awallow the bad with the ftood youre the queer little fellow i ild with a tin and im slad to have met you to day and im elad for urnea that youve helped me to win and he lauahed in his jollleot way and he tald of my frownlntf youve wen quite a lot but now that the tutur of the lota la forgot can you look back and uy if twaa bad luck or nott so half with a amlle and half with ft frown i wander about among men and aome i rauw hlh and oome i pull down and art them to workin again in broadcloth and utters x go about elad and uhutlmm men laugh when they ought to be tad but its fearfully hai tell good luck from bad k e guest ftpurs whoa jruplterl what in thun der- voe the plane hod nuddenly quivered from now to tail then in defiance of the checking movement of the control stick the tuma mounted steadily up ward the plane hovered nt the per pendicular and then fell dninkenly to the side for a hundred feet berore it caught itself and righted only to re peat tlie manoeuvre the rtlttder bar was locked tight coreys chairing mood left him like a flash and ho became a quickacting pleoe of human mechanism a back glance revwued ute trouble the mechanics wiring had been careless and the prying persistent fingers of the wind hod loosened the turtleback and raising it vertically had blown it back over the tall surfaces it blocked the rudder for the control wires which projected through the rear end of the turuebaek were caught in the frame work and the uirtleback itself trailed over the fishtail surfaces of the ele- atlng planes blocking them from the ropell notes and comments oountucbs tertdes and would heartily kpprove of an ordin ance recently adopted in an ohio city it prohibits auto honking ratulng of tin cans and attaching just moritod and other signs to the vehicles convey ing the ncwlyweds to the station o boat for thett n ieyinoon trip never in the worlds history has the young man or woman so many and great opportunities as at the pres ent kspeclaliy is this so in canada where the itnmerut resources of the country stand ready for development capital and industry are seeking bright young people of integrity and energy u never before onc in a lifetime by james sharp eldredgv push that work as much o you can men its nearly three oclock now and rve got to fly that pokey old wagon two hundred and fifty miles and top at least once for gas before dark as he finished speaking lieut don ald corey stepped bock from the train ing plane that stood before the han gars of the airservice depot at day ton ohio and left the two mechanics free to finish changing the control wires that led to the tall siirfsces ha allowed his gaae to wander across the graenuoibrown utpanse of the flying field over which the heat waves caused by the hot june sun were danc ing vigorously its a hot old day he said to himself and its going to be choppy upstairs hot much thrill m the afternoons prospect lieutenant corey had arrived at the repair depot the day before from chslmers field illinois for the pur pose of ferrying or trsniiwrtlng by air the training plane back to the station for use in training reserve of ficers during the summer he had been used to flying fast service planes and the thought of bearing with a jennie as the training machines are called for a matter of four long bumpy hours the time necessary to fly to chslmers field was frankly irksome to him in his inspection of the plane he had noticed that the control wires to the rear surfaces were frayed and worn and had ordered them replaced before he flew ready now sir except for the turtleback called one of the mech anics youh reach chslmers by sup per time at that flood the pilot gave the new control wires a final inspection u the man nicked up the turueback which was the steamline covering and placed it in position it was shaped roughly like the split half of a long hollow cone and fitted over the top of the fuselage or body of the plane from a point just behind the rear seat to the tall surfaces the men had had to re move the covering to reach the guides and pulleys of the control wires with- framework of spruce covered with fabric for it bore no strain some twelve inches from the rear end were two large eyelets through which the control wires passed to the rudder j after carefully bolting the wires to the rudder the mechanic stepped over to fasten the turtleback into place he fumbled in his pockets for a few sec onds then uttered an exclamation of sjinoyanoe whats the matter inquired thai watching officer i havent any screws for the turtle- back sir ill have to run to the stock room for some never mind that replied corey wire it in place with safety wire you can do a temporary job and x can have it made right when i reach i chslmers field all right sir the mechanic produced a col of the small brass wire that is used to secure turnbacks and finished hie task in a few seconds i after testing the motor corey slipped on his helmet and goggles and with only his flannel shirt as protection against the wind taxied the timlnlng plane out from the hangar and took off as he had no rjasatnger he flew from the back seat he wore no para- 1 chute he scorned such a thing when flying a docile jennie j the machine was new and tight and i flew welt although he found the jour ney tiresome for seventy miles an hour is a slow pace when you nave been used to the hundred-and-slxty- mlle gait of the service planes corey landed at fort benjamin ilarrlson just northeast of indianapolis in a fairly good humour for he had completed half the journey in an hour and thirty minutes in a scant half hour he was on his way again he passed the speed way crawfordsvllle and veedersburg dropped to the rear and the gleam of the wabash river coppery gold in the lowhanging sun showed ahead soon the river was beneath him and dan- vllel illinois a gray imokeobscured bulk with only the houses round its thlges visible appeared at his left that meant he was nearlng home he made sure the throttle was wide open shifted his position slightly and for want of a better object addressed the plane youre doing fine old glrll see if you cant wag along a little faster tliough suppers waiting and weve only forty miles more the training plane was doing its best the nlnetyhorsepower motor was purring sweetly and the machine was making almost eighty miles an hour in stead of the mutoiaary seventy it was now past six oclock and in the calm air of evening the aeroplane was nylng with the itoadlness of a rock the altimeter showed five thousand feet for corey had climbed to take ad vantage of a tail wind but lie was becoming more hungry with- the pass ing of every minute and his impatience was increasing oome on here he said to the plane propeller blast it was as if the turtle- back had been hinged at its rear end like a lid and hod lifted over of icourse the controls were useless and useless too were coreys efforts as he fought savagely in the cockpit to gain control over his pitching plane he itsd had five thousand feet of al titude when the turtleback had loosed and already he had lost one thousand convinced that he could do nothing in the cockpit he jerked the catch of his safety belt loose and started on a short trip that meant one of two things- life or death he meant to abandon the controls temporarily and crawl back to the tall and loosen the wreckage with his hands it was a dangerous thing to do but it wo his one chance of saving himself leaving the motor nmnlng to lessen the chance of a tail spin and keep the plane under partial control corey placed a hand on either side of the cockpit drew his legs up and straddled the bucking fuselage behind the seat then he slid back to the tall the in terior bracing wires and strut afforded hint good hand holds even with their help however he was kept extremely busy in just hanging to the reeling pitching plane the motion of which became more violent as he shifted back toward the tall and farther from the centre of gravity coreys weight forced the tall down causing the nose of the plane to point up vertically it hung there for a second shivered and then plunged over side ways into dive then it righted itself came up in a half loop to a stall and plunged over again that was its progress a succession of bewildering plunges fol lowed by loops with shuddering stalls at the top of each the plant seemed to have gone crasy at the tall corey sprawled fist and kicked vigorously he was rewarded by feeling the impeding turtleback give under his blows less than three thous and feet left now and a grisly party named death waiting below on that smiling goldtinted checkerboard of armi corey bjtxarded a backward glance and saw that he had succeeded tn breaking part of the turtleback free and that it had been blown clear of the plane but that the rear parti through which the wires passed to the rudder was still tangled over the con trol surfaces locking his heels be neath the fuselage of the staggering plane he reached back both hands and tore in frenxied fashion the blast of the propeller aided him and at last the turtleback was clear of the control wires at that instant the plane made a dive and because of coreys weight on the tall caught itself and swept up in a partial loop to a stall as the nose whipped groundward a tnenaclng col ored blur and very very close was all he could see as he grabbed the con trols and pulled the stick into his vtomaeh the strongly constructed machine did not foil him lie held his breath as the plane cameout of the dive for a horrified lnsurfit he thought that he was going to crash but with wires screaming with the speed the plane finally came to a level position skim nung the tops of the grass then corey gritted his teeth direct- in the fuselage the turtleback waa of light construction merely a slceletotvlly ahead like a mocking green wall t m fay uf popit trees the plane waa so close that there was no room to turn or even to aoom up over the trees but corey was a fighter and he took a fighters chance there was a gap in the tree trunks not more than thirty feet wide the wing spread of the plane was more than forty feet the stick and rudder twitched to gether and the ship banked swiftly and partly turning entered the gap corey was conscioos of a flash of green then a blessed open field spread ahead by banking the plane a tittle he had just been able to fly it through the gap he brought the machine to a level position shut olfihe motor and made a safe if bumpylandlng it was a full minute after the plane had stopped j rolling that corey climbed to the ground he was still breathing hard both from his exertions and from the excitement of the past two minutes he was content just to stand still and feel the blissful solidity of the ground after a time he grinned and addressed the plane i apologise i said there was not much thrill in the afternoons pros pect youve given me the thrill that comes once in a lifetime and i dont crave a repetition oh well and here corey unknowingly expressed the air mans phllospohylt ended all right and 111 be more careful next time after inspecting the controls corey took off and flew the remaining thirty miles to chalmers field tn careful manner general news mu ames ucphall iip tailed recently tram new york by uu steam er uaurentanla for oenevs bwltser- land to attend the league of nation as an alternate for canada she roe first to prague caeehoalovakla where the deliver two fldreiies before worn ens conventions prom there she will go to oeneva toronto union denot waahee the air which is passed through the venlu- atlna system of the building and every week eighteen pausful of dirt are taken out of the cleaning shaft imagine what the result would be if all the thousands of building in toronto were similarly treated several changes have been made in the root vegetables act renaming potato and onion grade establishing grade for celery and turnip providing for tale of vegetables in small quan tities and outlining potato export regu lations amendment have also bean made to tomato grades a uamton nj poultrnaan had been losing chickens from day te day doing to hi backyard ha saw ens ol the hen awallow s tub hook attached to s line coming over the back fetus the hook ws baited with worm on ths other aide of ths fence wars two mall boy with tithing rod can of nobody would think of deprhdntt the bicycle rider or hi right to ths use of the paved highway but a word i in order thtt every precaution be taken to make the highway aarer for both himself and the motor ear driver there is nothing so annoying or likely to distract the motor ear driver a the bicycle rider who altsat along the pavement young lad especially are noted for doing this and they have been known to seemingly court death by crossing and recreating la front of a ear the driver of which may have all hi wit at tension to avoid other motor ear or possibly some ped estrian keep to your own side of the road in a straight line and you will be doing you part to make the highway a ttfe place to travel men will take the liberty to tell you how to run a newspaper when they would not think of hinting to a mar chant how to conduct a ator or tall the preacher what to preach they pay money for school and dont know whether jimmy 1 learning the rule of three rs or how to hold a cigarette gracefully but when it come to ths newspaper there where they all gat off during ths past week a friend wanted to know why we did not try to run use paper a utile more along the line christ would run a paper we dont know how thtt would be in ths first place if christ war back on earth we dont believe he would go into ths newspaper business at all there 1 not n editor or preseher that could tell the whole truth for thirty days and stay in the community in which he lived if our friend doubts this state ment let hint try telling the absolute truth just one week and see where he light exchange the parent who imiglnes that any thing doe not matter where young children are concerned is making a disastrous mlscaleuuuon ohlldren are imltauve a monkeys the trouble la that with monkeys it doesnt matter but with children it matter supremely an ounce of home influence 1 worth a pound of any other brand its ef fectiveness for good or ul eumot be overestimated teaehera are unani mous in saying that home make or mars a child the can do anything with children who come from homee where parents set up a high standard of conduct and discipline they can do little to counteract or nullity a horn influence which la vlaelou or etr- less or foolish whatever a rather thinks is harmless or playful which ths mother thinks may be harmful is ths children he would be wis to drop mothers know they tee their children at all time and note how quickly they pick up little tralta and habits even at a very tender age ths idea that ohlld ren may see or hear anything up to six or seven without being contamin ated 1 a prime error on ths con trary those very early year are extra ordinarily lmpreatlonabl one and therefore supremely important apparently use sanctity of the sabbath day still means a great deal to the people of scotland it it inter esting and enlightening to read thst the assembly commission of the seot- uh pre church in considering sab- hoth observance had it attention very atrongly drawn to what in scotland constituted serious infringement of the spirit of use lords day the people who occasioned this protest were pto- pv of high station fault wa found with the duke and duchete of york for presenting medal to an ambulance corps on a sunday and with ths fsct that the memorable conference be tween premier mtrpontld and am bassador dswes was also on a sunday and in scotland in mott other coun tries little would be thought of such thlnga but scotland 1 one or ths few places in which the sabbath day is a day to be revered there it is no day for following use pleasures of the world rather must it be held apart as a day for rest meditation and wor ship just a had been intended from the beginning the pity 1 that in the rush of the modern world and particu larly on this continent sunday has become a day for seeking pleasure and recreation in ways far removed from those which would havs ths spprovsl of use stern scottish nontflencs ruaddbkb op tub imagination imagination lute the consciousness iof being well and fashionably dressed j a singular power of imparting warmth to ths frame if you think you are warm you really are bo at least ths following story from the tat ter would em to prove the 1st charles brookf laid used to tell a story ol a miserable railway journey that he had to unrtertais with some friends in order to got to a esr- uln country house it wss bitterly cold and by the time ussy got to ths end of heir journey it wa pitch dark snd they were nearly frosen a nrivsts omnibus had been sent to msst thsm snd they trooped in snd pulled up us glass of use window i hope to goodness theyve remem bered to put in ths foot warmers sx- clslmed one of them reconnoitring with his foot oh thank goodnattl yes useyre there sure enough they found stored un der the teats two heavy contrivances which they hauled into una and gratefully rested their feet on ths effect wa instantaneous immsdlslely a delicious warmth permeated use soles of their boots and thawed their icy feet snd oon their whole bodies were in aglow hang itl one of them remarked peraplrtng freely this is almost too much of a good thing let isavs ths window down they were tlsoroughlsvwann and re freshed by the time theysrrived st use house where they were met by tn spologeuc butler who expreaaed regret that the omnibus had been sent off without foot warmers it then turned out thst ths object on which they had been to easily ratting their feet were two of their own gun esses their own imagination had warmed their feetl humph yourutf with ihsd somsbtlt and tack fused wtlh chickens a a result of protesting in no un- certaln manner against use price of a meal in one of use owen sound etfts which amounted lo something like sx two american cltlsens paid a fins of 1w and cost each to the local court