2a pw4 the georgetown herald we ifr neadayi september i 16th 1929 mjtii a real energytood readycooked readytoserve shredded heat with all the bran of tfcej whale wheat protein nj cvdret- bled 4ls5 tlal mineral salts anjutwrltia larjz eprjerhtob- tewla 111 o crm offaima for ny wwwwwvuvwv its no wonder that cow cbow rnakes mo milk better rrulk for it nude of just the material that go into milk scientifically made of the highest quality ingredients on the market cow chow supplements your grain feed and forma the best possible milk mak ing ration an extra ineh of milk in the pail doesnt look uka mueh but its the extra inch that often spells profits on top of production costs purina cow chow is ready to produce that extra inch and more for you feed cow chow and keep tab of the extra milk and the extra profits it makes for you tie store with the checkerbotid sign mwdwdww agent for guiws fertilizers also branshorts mds oilcake gluten meat meal bone meal tankage charcoal grit oyster shell i salt cornmeal oat and barley chop flour porridge oats philip g early nue 175 cemcetown seu yourself chevrolet cibvrolbt own aeu jneivee e chevrolet they leant behind tre wheel of lb maw chevrolet i b h real a oht with a mahowptitila vawfc bead anahia with atauneb and etyliab body by pubtr ycf a six at lha ptica of four tfcey taete the joy of abeyuaov power and auoodmcaa ekcyllnder snap and eucejerexfeei they experience cletvrolea nerveloue comfort sajbendunaeaee tfaayouaeovartnat tbbattuujas wowjx give them every wodew xma lanrtfriti-r- u4 m dlbt snely npliuid deep jfwri ouuoailhlchamd window rculato4 tantalad quality banrwm osuputaly equipped indlmcdy flnliuji m ttisntli arun frhi and theftprool bketwladc when yea at eeaaama the pan ffsest uyoriontbacyoown get behind tha wheal of the naw chevrolet sod male your own teat then ovm en chevrolet eeu aftes yf bw twoved te yottneu that if etlet 1 egscf for your money than any ether car in the law priced field etvit alk tu omac dtftm4 v saooucr or aamstai iwtoe or canaba uwveo j n oneill son phone 14 george to wn jltg bbtti1b bbcaush its c a n a d an the worlds mine oyster said falstaff new advertisements an eaeoa osnihiianala eeeser fciihwr uieuj eaaa wttn erew can ai four with flraicleea board and room ap ply to lira h k morrow oollac view georgetown st we are prepared to do trucking ot all kind at reaaonehle rete new chevrolet truck apply to george iterrlncton phone la tf sab apple barrel elder and wine fcegev elatem etc any quantity j inndre vule bon ltd 1118 taounueh bl toronto phone adelaide oua lit mew laid it w sole baud pullet eaaa new lei able auo ell klndl of poultry oqulp- tnent feed and aupplie wudwood poultry perm phone uo aeorgwtownv onttp i bent 1 two ehole etoree ateam heaiedl tend with all modem eonvenlenoea be new areaory theatre apply to b t ceoiae clin la lie week 1 i an prepared ta do cc work ol all klnda avhnataa srren tree of charce if you resuire anytbinf m thla line phona ml a walker oeoreatownitpu te meed i s rootaed home eleetrki ushu hard and eoft water hulda oomer of afur- doek and durham bte pnamaalnn bepl lath apply u at arnold aeortetownv tf wmhmsts 4wq tl why then the worlda nine eyetar which i with aword will open aald a fanioua eharaetar of bmltaaneare but the uedara vara- lon relatea to sol or around the world in a h and comfortable ateanuhlp with no awnn to upea tta oyater theae are day of ueaee and world travalera now anlne their toura will be in- wted to know that one lobe- resubur vuta to the hiehla the medlterraneiintalnalivlapan it havalt anil other faaeinat- pluei her itinerary thla time been extended to include then in oreeee paknam and banskok la slan with further ealla at kealuns for talkoku in sormoea she will be sane 187 aye vtaltlns 81 porta and place constant dally tatting and blendlnj of tha worlds choicest tats give red rosa tea its inimitable flavor afld ttwaryihw oodnms every package guarantaed as redrose tis good tea red rose orange pekoe fceartr good mltd toes of tf our coal bill amount to ht rdiloi ilnar will call at porta itharto omir tis nntt a will i canadian vadrlcvo id uarto omitted from hfr itlu- ehed by empreaa jlutralia a 81 880 mom ton veaaalt ions a favorite with elnlie rtlera will anil from now l rv annual ifitw6 rarely touched illaihsr eteame the jase peeanibeii ijtjsonthe m j4 eountrlaa athena la reallu three towna in one he twuted lanm of tha athena that vu little more than a turklah vlllase before the greek war of independence the broad btraiaht atreata of tha modem capital and the trtterajtrag rulni cluiterns round the aeropolii repremnunff the glory that wu greece the parthenon one of the most intereatlnff rulni hore wm chief amons tha liulldlnsa with which terlclea adorned tho aero- polla about 600 ihc bangkok tha capital of slam wu originally built on floating pontoiuui er prlea on the rivers edge but nowadaya wenplanned roeda and atreete radiate from the city in all directions beautiful buddlit tempue are scattered all over the town and tha ftoyal palace la one of the anew plaeee of bangkok keelung the eklef port of the laland ot fonaou le a hive of ln- uuatry roruoee te hell thealaeof ireland and le governed by the jepanew in its northern feet- neaua etlll largely uneyrdftreo lived the headhuntem the japaneu eumpalte ol aubjugetloa however hu all but wiped out thete barbarous people the aeet of government at fomoas la talhoku herafleetaofilnrildahts manned by cooiim truapoh the tliltora around the town as of the chief attraction of which la the governoroanerele garden where the worlda meet beautiful tropical plant bloom in exetla profusion wees he sale very choice hardwood uaple hm put atngle cord hardwood alaba hto per atngle eord mbred rail ism per alngie eord mbud wood tsju per atngle eord thla la all good aound dry wood and at thee priom la good buying benefac tion guaranteed j brandford bos j0 phone aonj oeorgetown wood ralu ojv alngie eord mixed wood ll0 hardwood loa atn gu eord j 8 smith akaae atria oeorgetown t taxi sareic i am now operating a taxi and east guarantee my patron prompt aanrioa phone aatw your patronage will be pte eppredeted- x p ucknery towo4tp climbt mountain named after him mi lamb paacncai matsamrry mraasi by day or weak for partlculajs phona asrs oeo st b t oaer auctioneer t a douom llouaed auctioneer for the ootmues of peel and helton aatlefartlnn guaranteed phone cheueabam itrjl k j kerr aucnomtsjt and sutsx estatc ts teare kaperl faa sgrtlaei sale phone ss aoton ont if three tons of coal cost 4500 and oneis watted in heating your house it makes the other two cost 1150 per ton coal at 1150 cer tainly makes a man scratch his bead yet ninety per cent of the home owners of canada are paying this price they are literally loung fin tens 0 coal nury wtntir ttutswhymoderncanadianhomes are being built with tentest insulating buildingboard by insu lating your home with tentest you not only prevent the heat es caping but you also shut out cold dampness and draughts tentest insulation cuts your fuel bills at least one third and keeps your home warm in winter cool in sum mer and quiet all year round you may use tentest as sheath ing under brick stucco or shingles or as a base for plaster tentest is the enly solid building board obtainable in practically any thick ness up to 1 it is made to meet ivtry building condition write for free booklet tentest mi lit mil wtaduful ajtnten imihiwiu tentest ia made in canada and used throughout the empire sold in georgetown and vicinity by georgetown luinber co limited georgetown ontario umahatiohaimasboaad luotsu ht hon l c m 8 amery aeeretary for the dominion in the late baldwin administration who arrived in canada recently on the emptem of auitralla had aa hi objective in thla country tho ellmhlng of the 1 1 000foot mount amery namod alter him in the canadian kockli there la no official rciord of thla mnimtuln having been cllmht i fro thi attempt which wu under taken with the famoua bwlm guide edward peua colonel amery at once took the 2s00mlle trip arroia canada to lake loulie whence in company of peua and a o wheeler honorary preeldent of the alpine club of cenada ho net out for tho peak located near the great columbia icefield near i thi junction of the aloxandra and smkatchewan river layont ahowa 1 the vaat rampart of mount amery with the great ice field below 2 edward feus swli guide all ut for tha aieent and 3 ao wheeler left and rt hon l c m 8 amery chatting ouulile the banff springs hotel junt prior to retting out north with a pack train to locate and climb the peak clerks notice ol first posting ol voters list georgetown fall fair friday and saturday september 20 and 21 hey i meeeterll meeiterlll ehouted a very idled hollander u he ruahed up to hill mrlntyre dlatrlct lineman for the hell telephone company who had halted hi car on the hluhu ay near in response to the man frantic handu avlng aa tho man continued gemlmlatlng alternately toward the red crou atli ker on tho wtndihleld sad the road ahead bill gathered that an accident had occurred and that the an revlithe relcrpmljrn an ear mark of all bell telephone care whow driver are qualified flrjt nldei antiidla help telling he ran to lump in bill headed doe n the road to the houee inill ated hera he found e plucky little lad not a tear or i whimper with hlauppor lip torn own and a deep buiii in hi right cheek theitk ton lle knouledi n ol flrat a diind hi emergency kit the boy oaa aoon given aktllful atuntlon pending thjarrlval of ii doctor having done all he coufl bill departed with all ths hleulng the perenta llcln7yre one efemple th practical knowledge of flrat aid which la now th qualification ol ims of the big array of bell telephone plant amployeea la proving an invaluable publla aaleguard notice la hereby given that i have compiled with aectlon a and ib of the voter lut act and that i have posted up in my offlee at fitewarttown on tha lib day of september ism the ut of all peraona entitled to vote in the utm- iclpallty tor uembere of nullament and at llunlctpal aieotkina aa appears to be entitled u vote awording to the but ravlied aiaawmint roll and that audi llit remain there for itivi and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or nrnlahona corrected ac cording to law appeal to be in within 31 day from the 11th day of septem ber 1s3s lated thi 11th day of september lubknnitt townxhlp ctek insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and mobtoaau bodobt an1 sold special bates ea satiiim laeeiiam te the wareaara f kersey rene ie er sjj georcetown ontario j sanford stewarttown plumblngtinsmllbinfl eshsmales ckecritaly uvra prune 4r 12 geocaetown rr no 2 mark every grave nothing is more lasting or more annronrlate to oonimemorats the memory of loved ones who have gone before than beautiful gran ite anil carved with our nraeent equlnmsni sad faelbuee no niantk lietur prepared is otter better vahiss or a batter atotk to ehooss from than can be secured at our plant tou owe it to yourself to aae our took and get quotations en monumen uirker or corn er atone before niacins an or der anywhere an orlere msael before at is adm mmuwiit works j nicbot kumoi ih