the georgetown herald wednesday evenina october 86th 1929 pbp ask for salada orange pekoe it is the finest fresh thagaurdaas have your eyes examined o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month if you need eye service you need the best consult dr walker hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall stewarttown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and overalls gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks okangts bananas uhons an push smotl in uason i m bennett pfaoaa 82r21 georgetown stewarttown local news thanksgiving day nov llth sanction wednesday oct mth kmm ohurch anniversary bur day there are quite lot of taxes still unpaid in town the rebekahs will hold sxuchra and dance on nov lit watch lor further particulars j l clark u offering a choice lot of stock at hie suetlon aate at norval station on friday dont forget the anniversary tea ami programme si knox presbyterian ohurch on monday evening oct 31st the canadian legion annual armistice dance will be held in the town hall georgetown on friday nov ul if you have not yet paid your taxes you had better do aost once as we understand there is going to be something doing j l olarka suction sale of horses cattle and pis will be held on prlday oct lltli on hla farm near norval o n r station bale at one oclock premier howard erguson wilt address the electors of this district in the gregory theatre oeorgetown on monday afternoon october 31st st 330 pm the- local council of women will hold their october meeting st the home of mrs j w adams ohurch st on friday afternoon oct lsth st 3 oclock another of those popular munlty dances will be held st bslllns- fad neitt tuesday evening oct 32nd martins orcheetrs will furnish the music everybody welcome r w lowrle or bslllnafid will hold an extensive clearing suction sale of prise winning clydesdale horeea milking shorthorns grade cattle sheep hogs grain and hay on monday oct mth at 13j0r j kerr auctioneer at ladles wishing to purchase fur coats may secure tame st wholesale price while we do not carry them in stock we will take you to the fac tory where you will have s large range to select from d brill at co george town halton county plowing match which is announced to take place on oeorge ourrles farm esq north of hornby has been po until wednesday november tth the ban quet held in the evening st hornby will be addressed by dr christie presi dent oao ouelph you can get all kinds of rubbers for children and men at honeys alto boots of every description st lower prices for the quality thsn st any other place in town remember we repair rubbers and boots we sre here to stsy snd guarantee our customers satisfaction the only factory shoe store in the countyj roney oeorge town ltp if vea waal nest repairing leave your shoes st smiths bootery material snd work manship guaranteed it erwiiugoldhants meat market all beef and pork prices greatly reduced watchour window for special prices on saturday erwin goldham phone 1 gaorgatqvm personal items toronto eepnt mr cordon barber o the week end in town mr harold bell of s thomas spent sunday at hie home here mr and mrs j w kennedy of owen bound are visiting la town miss wase who has spent the past five months with relative rn bngtend returned home this weak dr and mrs harold holmes of owen sound were visitors st mr snd mrs o t mckays during the mr and mrs w h kenlner claude and marjory and mis r k cols spent the week end st port dover miss marlon mckay has returned to wellesley hospital toronto after spending some weeks st her home here softball news on thursday night last the oddfel lows defeated umehourk jo to 3 in the first same acton defeated the olan 7 to i in one of the best played same this year on tuesday night acton defeated a p m o snd the o h s derated kokc in two interesting games another basle swesseast oeorgetown business mens associa tion hsve arranged to broadcast sn hours entertainment by oe artists on nov sttb from 10 to ii run from station okow livingstones bakery specials for friday and saturday buns and rolls 15c doz quality bread 10c d livingstone phone 65 georgetown an uslsaste brokers oases h j pleard ex oa hsve ptevu a teletype in their office in oeorgetown which is manned by mr w t brans this m gives continuous quota- tlons on the different raining stocks oeorgetown hss now sn uptodate brokers office norrinatons saturday treat assorted jellies a very fine line which include orange and lemon slices reg 40c m saturday treat 3c ah weekend chocolates chocolates aio fine to have around the house especially for the week end when you often have friends drop in who you love to treat get the habit and have some of the assortment every week which consists of cream centres hard centres jellies etc week end omolatef 38c lb kindly leave your order for chocolate eclairs whipped cream puffs and crumpets for saturday we always have a wut as sortment of lbs famous hunts candy to shoots from something tor every different tests sod always fresh arthur norrington mais st phone 89 gnat veattoesajst ceaattuj keep thursday evening november 1th free the rest ventriloquist sad entertslner john a kelly of toronto with his clever wife will put on sn evening entertslnment on thst date watch for further particulars bee si glen oesaotery the trustees of olenwullsmt oems tsry are srrsntinf for s bee st the cemetery commencing st 10 sjn on saturday next oct mth all interest ed in the cemetery sre urgently quested to be present miss mildred meek who underwent an operation at ouelph oenerel hos pital last week la progressing nicely rev a n prlth will attend the baptist convention of ontarld quebec meeting in ottawa oct u to 34th mr a t coo snd mrs pox visited the utters brother mr t w weir snd mrs weir st toronto over the week end mr mussel hepburn who received nasty wound on the hand front a haw fork last week went to the western hospital toronto for treatment the following omeersand members of halton chapter paid a fraternal visit to white oak chapter oakvllle on tuesday evening when arand post principal xdwin bmlth presented four companions of oakvllle chanter wins as year jeweu kx oomps w v orant w if long hugh molds companions oeo watt j d kelly mewhlrter a h peuer o thompson ii ooldhsm t ellon l marchment t kill btandino to batc won lost oddfellows 4 0 ojtb 4 t acton 4 1 a ton 1 3 llmebouse 1 3 apuo 0 4 oemes for tomorrow nlsht alen vs ajpma kcko vs acton oames for tuesday night koko vs umehouse ioo vs alen following is the schedule sept 34umehouse vs acton o h b vs alliance paper mai bept 3s kokc vs oddfellows ac ton vs cufb oct i alliance paper mill vs llme house aum vs olenwuuama williams vs icckc oct s llmehouse vs ohm alliance paper mill vr oddfellows oct 10 oddfellows vs lunehoum as ton vs oienwuilanu oct i acton vi alliance paper mill o h b vs koko oct nolenwullsms vs alliance paper mui kjjcc vs acton oct 3j kcko vs llmehouse odd fellows vs olenwuiiams oct 34ajfb vs oddfellows llme house vs olenwullams oct 30 kxucc vs alliance paper mill the schedule u to be reversed sad repeated for and half mjm yewmg frees b e about 10mo young trees rsnimf in sge from one to ten years were des troyed by firs on the u last ta the reforestration plot of james arrastronst orsngevllle the plot was just east of the playing oval st tdytwyld park home of famous dufferla laercaes tssmt snd each year mr armstrong had planted 1m0 trees boys had a email lire in a comer of the field and it got out of control when the firs wataotlced nothing could be saved oaken granted mac two halton regiment officers have recently been treated the mac that mesne they have rompletsd takta a course of military lectures in toronto snd three weeks of practical training st the royal military college in stings- ton the instruction u known ss the military staff course these onteers sre col a b chlsholm in command of the halton rifles sad major b a cummins of georgetown oattpsny snd now resident in toronto miss mors bell daughter of mr and mrs angus beu owen sound street bnelburns annexed the worlds novice typewriting championship competing against typists from all over the unit ed states snd canada she typed lms words st the rate of 01 words per minute with f errors her closest competitor belvs kibler of ahsona typed 1144 words at the rats of tf words per minute with u errors snd the next flneoel almlrs hughes of pensylvsnls 1304 words st the rats of ot per minute with 11 errors new advertisements ab easea simian- is i isae stitsuy oui wu sawar s lbbb t am4 bant to rent apply to mrs mo- 1 dougall chapel bl phone its it i about an more of got for sale apply to oeorge orsy nor val phone lolrjl oeorsetown ltp wanieal campetent maid wanted mrs l p denlaoo phone 311 apply it i te besw pour roomed house light and water i apply to mrs j h davidson john bt oeorgetown lt pw bale a number of good talman sweet and bpy apples apply to hector bird oeorgetown r r 3 phone torn it oak heater in good condition for je apply to mrs haaelwood oou links phone ttrll aeorgetown it on thursday last license bracket and auto license no 3s1i30 reward by returning to w t bvans oeorgs- town it on saturday last aula tire tube and run owner may have same by proving property snd paying for sdvt ralph armstrong oeorgetown ltp church news sjuowne ow navies traill in the worlds championship type writing fantts stated in msuavy hall toronto last saturday night oeorgetown on sunsdy oct alth st oeergvw rjkarell chlldrens day holy communion st g sjn sunday school will open st 10 jo sjm holy oqmmunlon with sd jlrees for children st ii un kveh awg with aermou by the rector at 1 pm knox rmbtsauan cbubch anniversary services will be held in knox ohurch on sunday oct 30th when rev dr p b m principal of montreal presbyterian college wul preach at 11 sjn snd 1 run the anniversary tea will be held on monday evening baptist chokch there will be no morning service next sunday in view of knox praaby terlan church annlveresry rev oeorge will preseh st 7 pjn at the young peoples servlos on monday night st pm the mission ary committee will conduct s study of the life of dr o c mcuurin pttxbbytebian chtjkcr ldsxhoubc service in the presbyterian church umehouse will be withdrawn on 8on- dsy next becsuse of anniversary ser vices in knox preabyterlan ohurcb anniversary services will be held in the preabyterlan ohurch titwhon and on the following monday oct mth the anniversary tea will ha held st 8lewaitlawa a dance under the auspices of ks- queslng worsens institute will be held in the town hall stewarttown on thursdsy evening oct 34th music will be provided by pranks orcheetrs you sn cordially invited to be present admission 47o plus so tsx winners la oamrag oeatatt the guessing contest put on by h j picard at oa on the wright-hsr- grsves sample or ore closed on sept 31st snd the ore was immediately sent to the oovemment aessyer his report wss received on monday i stated thst the value of the ore was itojo per ton reeve mclntyre checked the sweating slips snd sn- nounoed the winners ss follows cyrus mcclure first prise of 0i0om snd alex sanderson sscond prise of ssojos tss sad bfistsrtslaataat at the anniversary tss in knox preabyterlan ohurch on monday night oct 31st the usual hot supper wul be served in the basement of the church from 6 to a after which good programme will be given in the auditorium of the church the pro gram mill oonslat of vocal and in strumental numbers miss pranc wleler of ouelph the child elocution ist will contribute to the program of the evening admission ooo gregory theatre wednesday october lub drssr sll talking starring richard barthel- mess no 0 the firsts of panaaia comedy all talking the big pslocks friday snd saturday october li snd 10 bunny boy marring little davey lee of the singing fool fame all talking novelty tuesday and wednesday ootobu 31 snd 3j collage love youth beau ty jan speed with the onllsglini out all talking no 1 the firsts of panama talking novelty coming the desert bong noahs ant- la mianry el bev mssksy an lmpnairm service in memory of rev wuusm morrison mackay former at of knox presbyterian ohurch mhton who died at his home in to ronto on march 11 itch wss held in the church milton sunday afternoon rev j n mcfsul pastor of the church conducted the csreaionlss in connec tion with the unveiling of the roemorlsl tablet presented by the utiles aid mrs m b oowlsnd president of the ladles aid unveiled the tablet while the memorial sddrees wss given by bav dr jamas wilton of brsnvpton wright wlnjuu a pretty autumn wedding was solemnised on skturdsy oct un st the home of mr and mrs alfred wat- ton oeorgetown when their grand daughter mildred thelma wlnneld only daughter of mrs wlnneld and the late j 8 wlnfleld of tit wss united in msrrlsge to reginald colby wright son of mr and mrs mack sis wright of toronto thetbride who wore sn exqulslts snawnbls of powder blue lace was given in msrrlsge by her grandfather with rev a h frith omniums miss jean wright sister of the groom rendered the wedding march snd played delightfully during the sisrung of the register after the reception mr snd mrs wright left by motor for northers ontario on their return they will reside tat toronto notice to water users all water users are requeued to thst their tape sre not leaking and thst then u no waste of water through faulty services services win be inspected snd when sny iositsbs u found will he shut off until repair ed by order of council w o marshall supt of waterworks it wassail flafletsia the home of mr and mrs alfred chrutaln orangerlue wss the scene of a very pntty wedding at 3j0 pm- saturday oct 8th when their eldest daughter olive wss united in msrrlag to francis oeorge the eldest eon of mr and mrs ward ruddsu town the cenmony was by the rev mr kllrhlng formerly of ashgrove the bride who was given away by her father wore a beautiful royal blue georgette dress with aand trimmings snd carried a bouquet of unburst rosea and illy of the valley little pearl ohrlsuun niece or the bride acted as nowsr girl and wss ated in a dainty aulas gsorgstts dress the wedding march was baeu llfully played by mua louie ruddsd a sister of the- broom only ths hnmedlite members of the family won present mr snd mrs ruddeu ufc by motor to spend their lionsymoon in gnsthsm snd siinw yi on their return they wul reside near osortetown bit of humor fan to taxi driver saarchlnt for change i asy old thing your docks still rseordlngl taxi driver yes snd by ths urns i find your change youll owe it to ths preacher drove up to a oountxy horns with a team of horses snd little tommy met him at ths gate snd ask ed is both them horses yourtt- yes repllsd ths minister why do you askf cause my ma asid you won s onehorse preacher forgetful husband to friend i want you to help me i promised to meet my wife st one oclock for lunch eon and i cant rerosrabar where would you mind ringing her up st our house and asking bar whan i am likely to be shout that timer whos ths shsmirminded one nowt asked the professor ss they left lbs church ens rainy night you left your umbrsus back then snd i no only remembered mine but i brought yours too and he produced that from his coat his wife gased blank ly st him but said aha neither of us brought one to church and now said ths teacher will tng ths word candort rweaaebv said ths bright lutls boy in ths front seat ray papa had pretty atsnognphsr but after saa m har ha candor intltcd csnisulal services next sunday oct 30th 10 ajn sunday school snd bible classes 11 ajn mom lug worship rev f 8 carpenter or trafalgar will be in charge mr o j bell of to ronto will present ths work of ths ontario prohibition onion the even ing service to wlthdsrwn on scoount of annlveresry service in knox church united church snnlvensry eervioes sundsy october nth rev p j far- nl ma bjx chairman of hshon preabptery will occupy ths pulpit prosrsmms snd dinner on monday evening following new laid bsxs per bale also all kinds of poultry equip ment feed and supplies wttdwood poultry farm phone no asarsatswn out in te beert two stores and willi all modem conveniences in new gregory theatre apply to h l oregory teaatstev wanted good teamster must understand handling horses apply st once to olenwliusms quarries phone abu hp b aaslee kings snd mcintosh on hand orders accepted now for spys areerungs ruisett ontsrlos apply lodec mssan bsronilon perm check line one mils beyond the golf links ltp fes bale property in oeorgetown contltllng of shop and lot on mill st now occupied by maaaey harris cos agent apply to erms bell pomeroy 71 fsiriswn ave toronto 3t 7 roomed bouse on oeorge st elec tric light hard snd soft wster pos session oct 1st apply to mrs k rut render 14 andrew ave toronto 3 ltp waggsa fer bale a one horse wagon for sals in good condition st lot 3 tenth 11ns 11 rymrsaslon squsslng 3 miles south of nerval this wagon can be had tor forty dollars m0j csstl jes o swltxer r r 1 norval farm bate dutch married couple both good milkers want place either for winter or full year oeorgetown locality pre ferred good references apply r mul der in can of mr j mcoowan ume house ftp wood ralls j0d untie cord delivered mixed wood tuo hardwood 4400 sin gle cord j h bmlth phone stria osorgetown tf bigger and better bargains groceries aylmer pumpkin 2 for 18c aylmer green pea soup 3 for 2rfc aylmer tomatoe catsup 16c i puffed raisins 2 for 24c seedless raisins 2 for 22c i tilleons health bran ibe pearl white soap 10 for 38c p fit g soap 10 for 38c westona cream sodas lb pkg ibe carnation milk small size 4 for 24c chriatiea ginger snaps 2 lbs for 23c snap hand cleaner 13c kelloga pep 2 for 23c black or mixed ten with cup and saucer jue chipso me princess soap flakes 21c domestic shortening 17c black ceylon tea per lb i mc peanut butter small size be pure malt vinegar 21e granulated sugar 10 lbs for jwfc brown sugar 10 lbs for j8e 12 dozen wire clothes pina for 3c mcbean co georgetown iliw chrysler service at georgetown i have made arrangement with mr a brunton to give service to all chrysler cars at bis garage on main st north georgetown work guaranteed and prices reasonable h c bailey harness master dealer in harness blankets etc prompt service given to sn unas of repairing located la msseeyharrls building mib st auction sale op dwuxma hoctut and babn ths undersigned hss received instruc tions from mrs ma bewaea to sell by puhllo suetlon in ths vutsge of norval on monday ooobbb tlbt ims at 3 ocock sharp ths following frame dwelling house mft a 4 ft with 0 rooms snd ball downstairs snd 7 rooms up stairs building has good pins joist 3x13 this building must be removed or torn down after pur chase is msde oood frame bam 11 ft x 00 ft with ii ft pests 3 months time wul be given to remove this building oood tsmworth bow due urns or ds 10 chunks w months old ii rock hsni tcrmb pits snd hens cash build ings to days urns will be given wu j mckorney auctioneer herbs to heal those sore sick bronchial tubes omtlmtlurt ftufian jtartw ffswisrfw eomsw right from uuiamttofnmtur dostbeiuusielillallwlaler n youre njoafins v slmllap ius- ap a asaty elasslni sold or sasslbls7suwt asw taking 1 te ibsmmiil scsrrffa5ssbrtbs s aalanf nailt perlait for kutes sst a sasty eoush orfou or brcaehlsl srjsshaksrw wut sofgsusaa agsgubttj tstbauertti ssasaatoarbal aaefaraueby w r wajasjtsb dmlg stfjn weed ferssle vary choice hardwood beech snd sple tm per single cord choice hardwood slabs tl75 per single cord mixed rsita ttoo par single cord mixed wood djo par untie cord this all good sound dry wood and st wees prlcee is good liuymg ssnsfae- tlon gusrsntssd j brandford box 400 phone msj oeorgetown the surest way to collect outstanding debts be they few or many large or small la to place them with kelly aiken ths osueetlea sseelsllefe orsntevllls owen bound ouelph no rjebettlea ns charge nilene m wpuu ml ttwvt4t out tto wisiir nmrtmiit h ym iimiii f wbw ulayifmi v4u tat rlusf mcihs h grlkm a i mm fclalw lm jtsst- tlurtwal lwsvr fjljiu tmu twsl m to nv m tmttf vtallm tawssmmsy oloat voum dtwooiat souaft w r watson umtwuuimc ft4blr4 standard asnthracite scsranton coal in all slse adtoroaticajl bonn i hi lojidod coal wood lialaot tmnp tor doroeoiu- and thrssblnu pornoi aa bmlthlns snd cannel cral in fact luarry everything to be found in any qitodsu goal and wood yard john mcdonald pbonb i i gssorgetoifn h a coxe acton ontario cilryaler represerrutfre for tmt district new 1 fall goods just arrivetl for ladies men boys and girls we carry a full line of the very latest in clothing for the whole family and our prices are the low est possible for the splendid quality of goods we are offer ing j see our fall and winter coats i for ladies and men i the very latest in boots and shoes call and see our new fall stock whether you buy or not brill co georgetown how about your subscription