the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 23rd 1929 local news anniversary services anniversary services will be held in united church georgetown sunday october 27th 1929 rev f j fnrrel ma bd chairman halton pres bytery wib be the speaker at 1 1 am and 7 pm special music will be rendered by the choir il news a t wednesday n monday evening october 28th supper and entertainment supper served at 630 pm followed by an address by rev w l davidson of guelph and a program of vocal and instrumental music adulu 3bc 2mbmmmamemrmymimlirmcxmtm 4veeavak children 25c jf 1 have your eyes examined o t walker dosc eyesight specialist brsmplon who will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wednesday of every month if you need eye service you need the best consult dr walker n jirmnsrsv-istsr-il- eavngax om4 4s 4s nhkiss bruntons garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing stsaalm t all aikm r cass s u omm cts susls amd cay battsrise puekavgs4 an uptodate auto repair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage maun st north phone 280 georgetown 9j ejection next a that ml a wolcome rain dont forget to vote next wednes- tuy a couple of grass lire in town gsve the firemen a rur last saturday rteftie keep nov loth open for st psuls wa norval annual kale of work etc hamilton salvation army band of co player will visit georgetown on nov oltl and 10th watch for further partlcularx the ooth anniversary of credit uxlge ap sill will be celebrated on nov mill when s ladle night will be held nebekah euchre and dane in the arena friday nov ul uodonsids orcheslre a good time uv assured all who attend dont rain it the ladlea auxiliary of the aeorgetown branch canadian legion will hold s isle or fancy work and homemade bsklng on saturday nov 30ul watch for further particular wo wuli to draw your attention lo the pads itadlo advl in ull issue 8 v king 1 the representative in aeorgetown and it will pay you to an him u you an contemplating purehas- 1ns s radio tyoment ml duff of toronto plaid secretary of the wotu wul address a mau meeting of the women or oeoraetown and surrounding dis trict in the library hall on tuesday the mth inst at 3 be sure to heor uiu able spesker lip danes postsettsd the community dance announced for last night at bslllnafad was post poned on account of bad weather it wul be held next tuesday oct 39th uartlna orchhtr you are invited dont mla it the dstet nsveasber tb you cannot afford to miss the good clean liealthy fun that john a snd mrs kelley win provide with their wonderful impersonations snd talking rfohsj oet your tickets early adults 35c children lie the bell el nlllllimlo hie muilcal comedy entitled the belle or bsnutapoole will be present ed by the oeorgetown united church oholr in the gregory theatre on uonday itth november snd thursday 31st november this will be the hit of the lesson watch for further imlhfrulars correspondence stewarhown general store choice fresh groceries mens work boots smocks and gasoline and oils ice cream and soft drinks oaunuu bananas uouhm am nils mmjit in maioh i m bennett phone 82r21 geoetwn stewarttown atunilag 0wiudm lit cttlfc mr j l nkylor of but prldtlt of the canadian luubermtwi as- oclatlon and ut j b llickwato of oowtown wat prealdent left on uonday for chkajo to reprcteut the ctuiadltw amoeuuon t the ameri can lumbertnena oorivejton belnjr lield in that city thy an alio de- laated to extend an invitation to the american lumbermen to hold their 1030 convention at the royal york toronto personal items ouatom officer k w cole u holi daying at north bay mr robert oorke of paris u a visitor in town on sunday mr and air r o adam and sir v a ilsrley spent sunday at thames- vlllc mr and mm a a lawrence of to ronto spent sunday at mr it- bes- seys dr walaort ha been absent the past few day attending the baptist con vention at ottawa mr w a ptaser and the mlases prater of toronto vulted at mr p n ooffert last week mr and mr begg of toronto snd mr if m wetherald of windsor pent sunday at mr wetherald mr o ft murdoek town engineer of kspuksslng wi s guest of mr snd mrs w o anthony during the week mr and mr horace boultbee and jim sf toronto were visitor st th home of mr and hit j b macken ale over the week end mr p a mcbrlen up mm mc brlen and mr and mr duckworth of toronto were guests of mr snd mrs w oreeniword on monday mr armstrong snd ml helen armstrong of paris vulted with mr snd mr j l thompson over the week end rev mr rumley preached snnlverltluise wlio sre responsible for this i aary sermons st the wesley appoint- letter believe that the present policy ment of the united church on the of the ontario government on this trafalgar circuit on sunday but question la not the wisest policy thst mr snd mrs thomas buttery ol us sdoptsd the oovemment bowmanvuis who were on their wed- n been strong efnelent capable and dlngtourt jnt th7sek vl wlut sstlsfsctory to many ways indeed in 11 and mrs joisuh 117 msslmost every wsy with utta on bt north piion but this exceutlon is so sll mr snd mr wm ollmsr of wlrmlfes s s of lu peg mrs mmtluun of burlington and poihltuunuy oev snouirunbtstfil o tf 2e the late tumu1 aumr but wee wox chsnlusttu mrs w u wilson who underwent psrtlculsr it would nnctwsrm friends an operation st the western hospital among us but we cannot agree that toronto two weeks sgo wss sble to re- the oovemment should sell llauor be- lurn horns yesterday her many cause the responslbiuty and honor of friends will be pleased to know she the province is involved in all thst is improving nicely line oovemment doss mr and mrs o e ruddr snd mus i the tsmusnutca tore ol this pro- daughter shirley left ust vrvasy yar vinos believe that as the loa has psmps texas when they will reside not given the results hoped for the the best wishes of their many mends elector should be given an early op- wlll follow them to their new boms in portunlty to express thsmselves by the south plebiscite apart from all political la- mrs t brown of otlsws visited st an bmt msthod of dealing the home ol her brother mr samuel if u flussuon harrison during the wsek she wss wh f ersslsd in this oum aeeompanwby her son snd dsughtsr h im osnsuisi pia itnd amur t isv rffiti pmsent serioussltusten and so to u- ystrtslnct mr ilrtibs kd hltss stj s m tr hsd tm euh nuun- tsmrjtatloh huty be removed snd tha to the ktoetora of halton county the approach of the ontario elec tion brings every thoughtful eltlsen of the province to a serious consldsrs- uon of the various policies of govern ment offered by the statesmen of on tario there 1 before the people one ques tion which transcend sll other in it importance because of its bearing on human life itself thu question is the method of dealing with intoxicating liquors the leading klstesttten of this pro vince have for many year given deep thought of this perplexing question agsln and again view policies hsve been suggested and tried always with the esrnest hope snd belief in improv ed conditions perhaps few men have fsced this question with grestsr natur al ability and prolonged thought than the present prime minister and ap parently few stslssmen hsd greater confidence in any proposed leglslsuon uuui premier perguson in the loa the act haa been on trial for two and one half yesr and the question now srlses is it sstlsfsctoryt to this the premier answer thst it lb not but that further amendments may make it so but the prime minuter hss no thought of chsnglng the centre principle of the act which is thst the ontario government sells liquors lo anyone until be becomes dlsqusllfled new advertisements page 3 bssllag strict cash wttfe sresr mgels lef sals about ten ton of mangolds for sals apply to the georgetown ploral go sw sals oak heater in good condition immmtimmssmmmmmtm ssle apply to mrs haselwood golf links phone b3rll georgetown it i abo new laid kggs w ssjs all kind of poultry equip- 1 feed and supplies wudwoodl poultry parm phone s30 osorgstown1 onttp for uk pordson tractor and two furrow trsctor plow ror ssle apply to mrs pred ruddell rr no 1 phone k2rlb georgetown it to beat two choice stores steam and with all modem conveniences id new orsgory theatre apply to r l gregory oeorgetovmj 7 roomed house on george st elec tric light hard and soft water pos session oct 1st apply to mrs v oatrander 14 andrew ave toronto s p tor had seen esch other hiltmer and blsuveloefc urw livingstone bakery specials for friday and saturday buns wd roils h doz quality bread 10c h livingstone frfmie 56 cwtretown w f ssss i me latest styles ol winter coats of bet quality well rnarje for ladles merit qw end boy we are offering at great reduction satam4aasaasssahsssbtsssstss our senersl line of fall goods for all the family is marked at the very lowest prej which ha been proved by purmanv customers feall and tee our five special for thursday friday and qsitsisulair saturday mens orercoau made of good heavy wool good of different shades young rnens style reg- 25w styles reg ladies velvet dresses latest 1000 arv boots heavy leather reg mens work for full fashioned pair silk and wool stockings reg 75c for 400 ims silk stockings extra special per mc 69c h silver main st s7s georgetown jrson and bon hs ve dis posed of their town trucking cosiness to mr a e orlpps of acton who has hsd yesrs of experience and will en- desvour to give the same prompt roclent snd courteous service that mr emmsnoq hss given osargstowh for the psst three yesrs ltr ferimerson wishes to thsnk sll his customers for their pstronsge snd regrets that through 111 health he is forced to give up the town business snd confine his work to long distance trucking llvednesday october sj college love a- peppy eouege story with the entire collsglsn cast all talking no 7 the pirate of panama novelty old mn trouble llnirlns friday and saturday october 95 and 3j the desert sans the first operet ta to be brought to ths talking and singing screen starring john solas and a eborus ol 100 voloss screen snapshots talking regular prices tuesday and wednesday october a and so th valient fox movietone a vibrant drama ol a sons love and inexorable law sll talking no g the pirate of panama all talking comedy ship mates oomlng noahs ark aruuvsrsary services at bsjuasfsd bslllnafad united ohurch will hold its anniversary services on nov 3rd the mor service will be in charge of rev r w rumley or george town while the local nsstor hsv o allium wll conduct the evetolng terries the music wm be suppbsd by the murpnal qusttette of toronto under the leadership of mr pslmer a busi ness man ol that city who devotee his spsre time to services of this kind on monday evening at tha dnnual tea- mestlng a gooatsuppey xvlltbe served front 8 to after which a program will be rendered by the following young people given a better opportunl- ty to live lives of usefulness and iwbriety masnintsj rmliill behalf of the halton wo oaturoay branch ol the ontario prohibition unlon h t poster presldenv 4 wuimott sac two year old ulack muley heifer from lot so in the sixth concession township of ksqueslng county of hal ton reward apply to joseph afar- tin brampton phone 44qw atp res- sals s tube radio built in vlctrola cabi net inclosed sneaker b illuminator a wet battery good condition ski 00 t j esson arietta st georgetown lt deg ust black and light tan hound utile whits on bresst lost on oct 14th isst seen on ninth line hungry hollow suitable reward will be paid for ths return or the dog to jss p araham or phone 113 ltp pfgs fsr ssle 30 choice yorkshire chunks 3 sows due to fsrrow about nov bth 4 other sows to fsrrow between dee eth and sflth these sows raised an average of 10 pigs in their spring litter air- ply to malcolm j menabk lot i con esqucslng phone sirs georgetown g1h waalsd a ospable girl wanted far general housework in good honw plain cook- ing fsmlly two wiults apply sutlng age exparlenee and wages exnectod to mrs h l mcmurchy brampton tele phone us it george h hillmer who has repres ented hslton county in ths provincial house since 1b39 was nominated at mlton saturday as conservauve can didate in the coming suction ahd thomas a bjakelocstmsitoroj oak vllle as urmnslprogressivs eandldau w a chuholm was announced aa aft hlllmsrs agent and robert marsh for mr blskelock at tha nuhlls msstlng following the town hall was packed with electors from all parts ol the riding junes mcdowell was chairman besides tha speeches by the candidates ool k mackay toronto spoke lor mr hlu- mer snd w q abel for mt slsks- lock ana ths churchill united orchestra prominent ministers are expected to speak arlmlsslon 35c and norvsm tha annual vf a an odarlcal deanery mealing for tha rural deanery ol halton was ask in tha parish hall ol s- pauls church norval on thurs day oct- nth tha sessions oamrnenc- ed with s communion asrvloe in ths church at 1030 rural dean tebbs assisted by rev r 8 boyd took the service the rev frank leigh ol mayo yukon preached ths w a session followed ths service and was in ths main hall tha clwlcsl deiihsry met ssparatsly hi uwnvirillng mrs leather the the over to a joint afternoon session president prstlded mr own and number of diocesan omoers wereon the plauorm reports ol their dspart- its were given by tha oncers mrs aimer dominion dorcas secretary was present and spoke of tha work in ths iargsr held ur utah gava a lantern lamurv x the tukon work vrsma u5 present which was a by mfft uta ashsrova was nut abor ths touowing item in our isst issue tha ladissof tha insutnla hen held very succsssrul tale of home mads baking and other articles on tuesday ol this wssk ths amount realised was tom which wul be spent in charitable work they inland hold ing s dance on oct und watch to particulars next week peonuulaikma are due this branch ismhwsailfit st hilton rajkffiy tsvtng obtaiud nrst pruft lor the bahrt dress and third place ior tha ashy jaekat this is the second ysar in snunssslnn that they have raestvsd tha red card tor tha dress l110 iuwi supuer ana concert iitmht 1 ausnloss of ths unltsd rjhujoh in parish hall muyt sslurosy evening s a huga suoesss tha hall was there record and tha convention thoroughly enjoyed by all delegates the fowl suppsr and oonosrt undsr the ai the huga siicpftt tha hall packed and 435 u down to supper ths ehtsrtalnment which followed was given by ths young psopis of sh psrk ohurch toronto and dsllghtad ths large gathering mr and mrs h brown and miss irene ol hlghnt spent the wsek end in norvsl and took in the fowl sup per hmte l rikalm r pawllav akil tor aibisbicii eaavruft notloe u hereby given that thomas edmund appleysxd of tha townshrp ol rflg in th oounty of hal ton in tha province of ontario para- ar will apply to ths p of marsrai itay modmiavlof th plsoa housswlfs on th ground dated this 16th day of aj its k k paruzr aeton oat solicitor tor tha said softbyujsnews on thursday night last ths olen defeated ajito in tha best gams of the year tha scon was tied s alt at the end of seven innings in tha ith innings th olen scored 13 runs snd tha apjuo 13 runs giving tha olen a hard worked for gams by one run in ths second game aeton defeated kojco 0 to x on tuesday svsnlng could not field a team on aoeuunt the storm so ihsy vru play kclko st a later data tha loojt dsfsated the glen to 6 in the second gams it was anybody game as each team was ahead in turn in tha sth innings tha olsn had three man on base tut could not soon the winning run altar tying tha game up tha mojr sow ed three runs in the tut innings and shut the olen out games lor tomorrow night ara follow ojls rs ioop and hms- house vs olan help wanted woman or girl to assist with tha house word daytime only oood wages and hours light work svery conveni ence apply to mrs dsnlson charles st readys 5 to 1 store i ihiih friday and saturday ladjei suk blootners 75c udies silk slips 100 georgetown bigger and better bargains groceries aylmer pumpkin 2 for aylmer green pea soup 3 for aylmer tomatoe catsup putted raisins 2 for seedleaa raiaina 2 for tillaona health bran pearl white soap 10 for pgsoap 10 for westons cream sodas lb pkg carnation milk small size 4 for christies ginger snaps 2 lbs for snap hand cleaner kelloga pep 2 for black or mixed tea with cup and saucer chipso prince soap flakes shortening bulk 3 lbs for black ceylon tea per lb peanut butter small size pups malt vinegar granulated sugar 10 lbs for brown sugar 10 lbs for 12 dozen wire clothes pins for mcbean co georgetown ths standing to date oddfellows acton ojlb olsn umehouss koko ajilo won t j q r stewarttown wood rails wm slash sord delivered mlxsd wood lui hardwood stoo sln- tu cord j h smith phooa stlu osorgstown u oamdlt auction sale 1 op pinut suud and aauoi juuunr oowa the undenlgnad ha rsoelved lnstruc- uons from s p g pillllitfl lo sell by nubile auction at lot 11 fourth una west ohlng- on thursday ootobkr ust ib st 3 ollnfawalisip tha following reg jerse oow s yrsjsg- call at foot cow s yrs rag call at foot oow 4 yrs rag due nov 31 oow yrs- reg- due pen 30 bull rag heller 13 mos wm rag heller 10 mot will orsde jerseysoow s yrs calf at foot oow s yrs call at foot oow 6 yrs due nov b oow 4 yrs due jan 30 oow yrs- due pee 4 oow 4 yrs- dus peb 8 oow s yrs due feb hi oow s yrs dus peb 34 4 heltara is mos halter 13 mot a hellers a mos heifer celt 3 sua implements sojo waillaa tractor good aa nsw 30 nlata double disc l ho in good repair 3 furrow plow i sood aa naw terms oalvas and all sums of moo and under oath over that amount 10 months credit on spproved 1olnt notes per csnl par annum off tor easb in case of stormy wsather sale will ba held undsr cover w a wllson proh as oioyne olsrk aneuons erwingoldhams meat market mju beep and pork prices greatly reduced watch our window for special prices on saturday imnninrfiiinii erwin goldham phone 1 geortfetown georgetown elevator agent for the grain pool market for all grain flour and feeding stuffs chick feed and laying mash at lowest prices alex l noble phone 148 norringtons saturday treat butterscotch cushions a most delightful butter scotch with a nutty centre real nice and quite different saturday treat 2sc lb weekend chocolates chocolate like these are ready sellers they al ways create a desire to get some more the conse quence customers come regularly each week for them are you one of them if not try them out week chocolates ssc i cream puffs chocolate eclairs and crumpets every saturday wa always have s wus as sortment of tha famous hunts candy to choose from bdrnet for aver different lasts and always fresh arthur norrington maa st phone 89 chrysler service at georgetown i have made arrangement with mr a brunton to give service to all chrysler car at his garage on main st north georgetown work guaranteed and prices reasonable h a coxe acton ontario chrysler representative for this district new fall goods just arrived for ladies men boys and girls we carry a full line of the very latest in clothing for the whole family and our prices are the low est possible for the splendid quality of goods we are offer ing see our fall and winter coats for ladies and men the very latest in boots and shoes call and see our new fall stock whether you buy or not brill co georgetown how about your subscription