Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1929, p. 4

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5 paae4 the georgetown herald wejneeday evening november 27lh 1929 wm millions like it so salada fresh from the gardens deforest crosley and eveready ha jg of fee r r new wader jl rluslem 14800 419978 renown 22s0d cua- eveready 24478 battery model from 78 up a email down payment putt one of thete aete in your home balance monthly will gladly demonstrate any aet in your home without obligation on your part a and b battery tube and aeeenoriea t j speight phone 279w georgetown hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall wheat we will truck have installed a lurgo receiving separator to lake direct from thrvuher beat iriceu w b browne co nerval tear muli why you should answer promptly bv the urn thla mu llnlshss hsr hind of bridge uu naclui th telephone th party calling will kin given no th tardy brldge- rjlayer will is told sorry tharee no oaa on the una now utdun both of them will be ajinored ik pareoa eattlng and th parson called both of tbm bsv wastsd tins renumber it ukm tan to ceeaput till than ar over on million local calls is ontario ad qnabac every day which ail to gat through then oncomplmad calla maaa two million nua- nte a day wasted coatutloaoftralile cooatmnt irritation handicap to imieese 8ome ot them an unavoidable and aoma el tham an oar own anon bat many ol than an tnla- talna mada by th parson canine or th panes carted it takaa tbn people to rpim a call w an constantly striving to radaca our own error w ar now pointing out aom ol th common srrors in telephone usage because oar aim la to provide tha bat possible telephone mr ic and la uuphon auric eocperatloa i whao year tahpkmm stags it answer promptly wbi b is not coovenisntlv alt as boat it and a raasonabl tlm baton no on on th lias jrabaafm bm tuteuv ia aval tbwmtmla 7 lets imi jul lesur mi- taw ulapaoa bfamlvtb aw aa witlay kjiu 7 asm ttaa ttfitofioa located la yoar bom eon i whan yea malt a call wait fon jiving ap and raaalng a a amtoar op tootbt whan to th garden of untroubled thought i cum ot lata and n th open door and wlahed aamln to enter and te plore the sweet wild ways with stainless bloom inwrought and bower of innocence wttn beauty fraught it keemed aome purer voice apeak before i dared to tread the garden loved of yore that kden lost unknown and found unsought then juat within the gat i aaw a child a strange child yet to my boast moat dear- he held hi hand to me and aoftbr kmlled with eve that knew no ahad of am or fear dome in he said and play awhile with ma i ant the little child you ueed to he h vail dyke kism and drtyjaaunom typical of vast work of inveathmtlon now in progress ai th ontario agrt- outluraj college la the atudy of para altea in hog and of the reaaon for lack of vitality in wmlerborn hogs under the direction of prof knox of the department of animal ruabandry the ultimate aolutlon of the prob- lema win prove of direct value to every farmer cearbuuf casudsejasst prof w b graham head of the poultry department of oac ha a bood suggestion for curbing the fre- quent outbreaka of featherpulling and cannibalism when pullet are nrtt wit in confinement buch an oglik iic took no ohancc8 v ut ii brushed hi teeth i with nationally adver sdoa peat rueed th doctor exafav year fmmd him twice day teouv h wore uf xi elehalrrubber wh he ftlawr with the wind jul aevfc da aa allele i when it mined i window open jck to diet with plenty of occurred at th college plantxhjtfail a quantity of freeh raw ledwae ot- t ughtlitttelld suthtafil as drink in nf- el it was aafe to put back in th sj th pullet that hkd been bre- kuily attacked one gallon or blood 5a given to each 100 pullet there ha not been renewal of th trouble am important staling hereaf tr peraona caning to canada to buy cattle for import will b per mitted to use their motor cara of vm manufacture for that puree without the payment of duty bond or depoalt this regulation will greatly facilitate th movement of caul buyer from outside canada huuonuch u formerly they were obliged to leave their ear at the port of entry and engage mean of transportation in travelling from point to point in canada the im portance of thl international trad la cattle la shown by th fact that sine tha brat of th year approximately i purebred holauin cattle have be sported to the united state wlavtettmg haw experience ha ahown that it hi better to winter baa outdoor than in the cellar unless you have an ex ceptlonally suitable collar saya erlo ifiuen provincial apmrlst eighty per cent of the honey bee in ontario are wintered in various wintering esses outdoora in old ontario almost every beekeeper winter outside but in northern ontario cellars are used extensively for aueeesaful cellar win tering the cellar must be ahsolutaly a toronto man with new gun jakjsliai2fv eaiayed to do aom hunting m helen pfjss jftyi lfflrs county on saturday he forgot to get fxawm a llmiua the deputy asm warden ssj came along anduutonged him the jj ussfon haan tsss sa- ubaequent inlervuw with tha uagu- ffujslalnmsub trate cost th toronto apbrtamza bplsjdln vo5zj5 early november and need no atien- tlon until spring if properly prepared for winter outdoor wintered bee must be kept in waterproof winter fresh v e reunqulahsd hi tonaua and traded in several worn out glands he golfed but never more than u holes at a tlm he got at least tight hour sleep every nlgbt ha never smoked drank or lost bis temper lie did hi daily doaen daily he was all aet to live to be a hun dred frh i funeral will be held next wed nesday he is survived by 1 special- 1st four health institutes six gym nasiums and numerous manufactur ers of health foods and antiseptic he had forgotten about trains at a grade crossing i17js h ere an jth ere ton i connection with plr pravut tlon week obeerved throusbour canada and lb united statu be tween october i and october ii spsclsl ulagrarhlc meeaage has been unt over th entire canadian pacific railway ayatan by grant hall aanlor vlceprntdent or the company urging all officer and mploy of th railway to co operate by atttlag a good axampl er fir and th removal or their eaussa thla hsa been rollowsj up by a circular letter aettlng forth la douui bow the object may h ae- compllahad it the engllah people ware well dvlaad they would not be at all loath to invest in canada hated sir william planner president ot the inatltuts of chartered accoun tant of england and wala a pa earner on the emareia of scotland after attending th international oongrex of accountunta reesntly held in new york one of the but sourcu of obtaining diitlah capital is canadian vanturee in which can adian capital la also inveated and the people connected with them of high repute and standing be rutrinkage f rel i experiment cond by the di vision of botany ixnlnlarj depert- 1 nunt of agriculture show that shrink age of potatoes while in storage call be greatly lessened u eorreet atorege prao- tlots are followed all tuber placed in storage ahould be mature healthy and as free from molstun on their aurface dirt and nwhanlral injury as posslbl tb storage of nan a small percentage of d so or field frosted potato endanger all the healthy stock it la however practi cally lmpoaalbl to keep large fjuantltlm in good onrwllllon for rjrolonged periods unless the proper type of storage nous is used for this purpose pamphut no 10 issued by the do minion department of agriculture ex plain the requlremsnta of th perfect type of atorage house it clearly ex plains the proper method to follow m order to aacun the best prios for your potato crop and may b obtained from tha rlepaitment i visu w ed ore a larger than usual anreaga ot red cover has been cut for mad to ontario the yield per acre varying from u0 to soo poinds zt ts baueved that then may be from three to four mil lion pound of sad which will con stitute the largest red clow sd crop in old ontario for many yean th quality of th seed to reported good the crop in northern ontario te prao- tloally a failure thla year alslks acreage m old ontario was estlmatfhl 30 per cent larger than as ltts and yields per wot have varied undertaken u nstlnnwld movement for the promotion of brltleh and canadian muele and to rive canadian an opportunity ol haarlag the ntuale which la thalr legitimate berltag tb unloua from m to tw pouivla low ylelcu being driusb and cansdlsn concert aeries general in the luatbera eouaue imd yjgjjg m a ejg country tween toronto and oeorgjan bay alfalfa aaad production m ocuario waa again light in hat tha creag left for ased la not believed to haw exceeded 10000 which may yield from m to uo pound per acre about the asoasered by tb mualc depart meat of the canadian pacific rail way will it i announced be under the dlitlngnlahm patronage or ilia bxobllenay vueount wllllngdon oovrnor41nars of canada slg canadian centres vleiorls van- eouvsr calgary ruins winnipeg and toronto have bun selutsd for the first seasons recital and 14 artlata la all will provide th pregrsaubu which are to continue at interval daring th fall and winter definite step to control the traf fic in dear and oeoa bliee which ha reached large proportion have bun taka by chief oame wardsq ii ii rltebis of the new bran wick department of lsnds and ulaes last year 7000 dur bldu sad shout too mooa kid wr sported rrom nw brunswick isr- gsly to glov bsaaofactnnra in qn- bc and ontario and tha etatea ol mala aad nsw hampshire tin awl tags muat new h afrxd to dj anlmsls barer transportation becomes lsgsl report an apourlng in tha brlllah pr that tb prlne of walu stands to make a fortune out of ell production in hla lllih river ranch soma nport hava mtlmated the pualble profit u high a m000000 thl i reaard- d la tb wul aa ahur gvau work although the taraar valley which practically adjoins tha princes rsneh baa developed oil oa a larg eale slsaawhll thr an bo walls being drilled on the ranch though drilling la la progress bout a mile away tb pralrlu r usually aseoelau ad with wheat and caul but they an alao important aourom of com mercial flab tea third laraeal lobe oo the eoattneat la la uaai- toba sbd great bodlm of freak water in manitoba flaabatrhewaa and alberta teem wlh rub of hlgk qusllty la obs day recently earloada of wblteflah and pickerel were ablppel from thn provlnee in minneapolis cblcsgo and nsa voik j woldbfl wbysuftar periodic pain nilbhb will rllv perlodie pale headaches sefcanhaa waaknus uaussa alaeplesaneae irrltshully and maoyotheyallmeaufroro which tewwonienanaatlnlyfna awoo- deefnl roonacraouv nam toale niuemb oaa be ohtalaad la either liquid or ishlet form as 1100 per bostteorbox whm tueutoiiu uurrt thwsliarlsallwtsi toaoarro i oerr oaaiaoa w r watson h 1031 ab wmmewee of sweet clover for snarling purposes is expected to be available next opting timothy aeed production la ontario la nported a normal faismtsan medical ataoc nrismrpr the word immunity has eoavt in to common use and it b dattnht that its meaning should bt clearly under stood when a person anffeh from a commiinlfahl dlisa hi body velopa certain gtihstanna which an called antibodies and than an tha flghtlng fores of th body against that particular disease th dissaas germ and the poisons which ussy produce in the destroying forces the wtibodles an tha defending agent after recovery from most of th communicable dlsaasss th individual continues to have present in his body than defending gents it 1 for this reason that ascend attacks ot such dlaaaso an not common as long u derenslv foreas strong anouab to pre vent the germs of a djseaaa from gain ing t foothold an present w say that th individual i itwmime to that par ticular disease immunity therefore means pretention when a parson u immunised gainst a dl ha is given immunity through aom of the known mean immunity varies in dlflarant raeea the coloured race seems to be natural ly man or less immun to certain iuhu dlssuse a compared with the whit ran immunity as we see it among our own peopl 1 usually acquired through an attack of tha disease if it wan not that than at tacks ot dlassas kill isrg numben and damage many who raoover from th attack than would not be any thing about which to worry tha thuvad hereon clkajuno auction sale of noubkbold u aad vaui- abuc sutanikntai rwrwmw the undersigned has received butroo- tiona from the executor of the es tate of 8 p woeuhem to sell by public auction at th park entrance oeorgetown on atukday novkaaunt etb ii at 1j0 oclock the following organ quebec heater cook stove happy thought radiant coal hea ter 3 bedstead 3 aet of spring 3 bed room dreeaera coal oil heater 3 kmall dreesere hall rack dining room chalra dining room tabte small oak ubl kitchen chair lamps 3 smell parlor table 3 caln bottom rocking chair 3 wooden rocker parlor suite couch rugs sewing m picture a mlnatur ship in glass eau cus hion hanging lamps lawn rake hoea and ahovela dlahm traye cutlery fancy vaaea 3 colcks tailing leaf table 3 cupboards sideboard and other articles tersijs caah the real eatate will be offered at the eame tune subject to a reserve bid there 1 vracted on th property a solid brick house of 10 rooms electric light and water good bam on stone foun dation 3 full lot situation the best term and condition made known on day of sale b j kerb arwction sale ntruaimim rfjanmime etc he undersigned ha been instructed i e af gatatjw to sell by public auction at hi pre mises west corner lot a eon west ohlnguaeeuay near nerval oat tuesday dsaoaaaatek usd 1h at 1 oclock the following iuputjient8 u hp gaaoune an- gln mounted on truck la in circular saw mounted on truck new rip saw and table nsedium bottomed plow set whiffle trees win fence stretcher 4 ladden e ft step ladder 40 gallon eoal oil tank 330 gallon eoal oil tanks- platform scalu cutter top buggy bicycle hyalop 3 wheel bar- rowa hlsrksmlth anvil number ol blacksmith tools beetle and wa drag cultivator cistern pump new crosscut saw small cutting box elder press about 60 cedar posts and many other articles not men purmrrurte extenalon table drawer dresser hsrdwood dressa small dresser eoal stove washing in ease of bad weather sale will be held under cover ttpmb gisao and under o over that 8 month credit on spproved joint notes 8 per cant per annum off for caah w a wilson petoh cbknt clerk auetlaneers troubled an your oulsfaivung eeueo- tiona worrying your do you need the money now tied upr if so send your list to a firm of collection bpsclallsts who will relieve your worry quickly kelly aiken the ceoseuea fimill oailgbi oraagevld aa j sanf0rd stowarttovvts plnmbingoi tinsmilhing etomma usmftavy uvea phone 84rl2 geosvetown rrno2 h c bailey haniew maker dealer fas harness blankets etc prompt aarvie given to all kind ot repairing located in irssssyhani building irat at head off colds coughs bronchitis with this fine old herbal remedy right from thmhwtotnatun ward off all the cold weather ills del yourself a bottls of oallaalterb indian lung remedy it will make and keep ymi healthy heal up inflamed tissue and give your blood and body new vigour keep thl good old herbal remedy al ways in tue liuuut tnko it afier ex posure to wind rsin ehill and cmwiled gitinlauen tdarea you cun got till i nil rtilltuther herbal liouacuuid oo th idea would be to ban everyone become immun without incurring use dangen of tha actual disease this u really tha hope of preventive medici a regard tha cnmmimlcahl dlsaasss which bseausa tha an spread from individual to individual cannot be satisfactorily controller in any other way we can aacun immunity against iipn through vaccination and immunlly against immrmt ssimi e munuumj we ugh vaccination and teat olpbjheria through thsrsln has tha prao- tieal way to control than two dleajjaa ri eonosrelng haalth ad- dressed to th xaien afedleal as- aocuuon 184 or leg btreet toronto abtanswe persona by tetter apsaklng bsfon the oajadon wo- and lira w ucclun sscretary siso m strs w r b biubhs occupied abalr w r wataona drug stora he aheweulaa aualnd standard anttmacite scranton coal in al sla aotomatioall cvinhiaiul ijoadih coal wood balaet lamp or outncuuo and tbreahing porpoaea bmlthlng and oaonel coal id ant ioarry evetytblnc to be onnd in any uptodate coal aad wood yard john mcdonald puonbu georsetotfrn insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and hobtoaoea ouostt and bold sped etete mm aaleeaet laemrei u tb pwrvaeea f kersey phea aswia gexmroetown ontario wood ralls 1300 single cord delivered mixed wood tjn0 hardwood mm sin gle cord 1 if smith phone b4rl oeorgetowtt if wood for sale choice hardwood beech and feaanle aao per single cord mixed wood asao per elngle cord mixed slabs axad per alngte cord rail txoo per alngl cord pases tasj ar xaa 1 bbandpobd oiar bruntons garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing stepwise i ssakee osae oee oiu or kte keau sad oev ssatteeiea luefcusrea an up todale auto repair aliop prompt arrvice workmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north ptsorse 280 ceeorartown norval garage on htarhvarsy prompt service on repairino of all rnakea ot cara we buarantee our work and our pricee are reaaortable britisn american gasoline and aufalene otta norman norton norval ont pkooe 327r32 bnmpbm price 4 r evrvhcnerruinaertvbttherdutv aat ttav to guard the family health bv 4 every homemanager feels it herduty to guard the family health by buying only foods of first ejualltv low prices on inferior goods offer her no incentive to buy year by year ontario people are learning that for quality at the lowest prices carrolls lead carrolls ltti th wy af tea srier at a spsea wdav a weesv oar te ss21- s7c savaerak 03c xws 75c cfsoicstnbw baking rauits raisins aamtraaaam vbaa 2lt25c 19c currants 2- ic pee18 jt 27c cherries er 49c asaaatmaxtault umu he special eagu ciwrliiid llll a vttaaebaeaa it spboat ayli- beaej catsup i6 special ketloc rice krispiesll speoal harry harass custard x2 special we laess molasses ilzx 7 special oeea or geuu wax beans 2 x9 ctetumd peas gmaeglem 9 resry aw v coin dj iiu nw prr swa a- 19c tomatoes aybew hi in lit aba 2 tins 29c spinach caourioweg sw 11- see tf i j haucotsvebts 20c cerbaui oatuaui f 25c gctumeal 6c main street georgetown jlleiis of cay the miles with giant powen alwator kent screengrid radio rra really a thrill tbla new atwater kent sereenorid radio the dial liflhuuptolrt you loiow the set is on- or there is no hum or operating noise to tell you you turn the station selector knott and how the stations speak upl heros music touching the velvet depths and crystal heights of tone heres a man talking just as if he atood beside you yot he ia hundreds of miles away i the atwutcr kent screengrid has done away with tuitsnoe itbrlngs you many slulion each separately and clearly such performance ia the outcome of st years experience otliousundtlioinnincli atwater kent accuracy yet you enjoy it for u moderate turn hen became so many people waut it let us demonstrate till won derful near set today prices from 18150 to 31500 see ttwse medeb on display at r h thoiipsoa tsco georgetown f kersey radio dealer georgetown

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