egll the georgetown herald wednesday evening december i ith 1929 e ere an jth ere bat it with applm canadian pmeitia eipraw company alosan for um ewradlna of ft ft by cana dian to frundj in gmm1 dhuln afid hutope la bain alaodod iron cbrlatntaa and nat vaar praaanla to trlfta aant at all time of the year with tba prant banner apple crop of canada tba fruit can b booaht at a raaaonabla price and ita quality la of tba falabaat if aant overaeaa before tba clotia of unvuatlon on tb tit ijtwranca ooat will b conkldarably rttdueed orer s60 oltlnra and men of tb 4th canadian mounted itlflaa hrat fatoutttad ratlmant formad in tor onto at tba outlireuk or tba great war li holding its flrat raunlon alace tba war at tba hay ynrk hotel toronto november 3d next tba unit li prottd of tha fact that it atill hai in if rauka t llolmaa of toronto youuaeat victoria croat bolder in canada who cap tured att namy machine aun neet innuhnvud at paucbeudaele an apple tree over a hutnrh year old remarkable tor it- m- bmtry and hevtna this yaar pro- duoad 33 barrel or calkin plpnin apple u attracting niueh attention in tba orchard of downey morton lakevula king county nova scotia mr morton plckr applet from tba tarn tre se year iko and it waa than a rully grown ire today h believe it to ba wall ovar tba century mark tba imattutdt exlillng be tween tba canadian pacific hall way and tba oovaramant of nova saotla with regard to ftngllib m migration which haa provad mu tually ail tie rectory will ba eon ttaued for tha coming year la tba rmtat anbotttteaniant of l b fra- at eeeretary to premier hhotlee ajoperlov krajdns eondltione la britten columbia mra given aa tba rvtuott for a ablpwaat of mm cm la aauboulat rw4 and rami from montana recently made to tha van couver live btock exchange for distribution to aheap raltara in tba katnloope and cariboo dlitrleu of brit lib columbia- tha farm of gaatav elf art of wataaklwln that won tha trophy raoently offered by tba edmonton board of trad for tba bat rtald of whaat la tha northern half of tha province of alberta aa wall an tha eup donated by tba albarta oovarnuaot for tba bast farm in albarta haa yieldad 46 butbele to tha acre en a lwaere flald and graded no l hard elgert la an- otbar farmer who eama to canada without capital and haa made a itrlklaf aucceaa tha brillib family retfnloo as sociation haa juat baan created by tba canadian pacific dapartamttt of colodlfatlon and development backad by mfluantlal organlia- mona group and individuate ta promota ineraaaad urlllib aettle- ment la cauda it will particu larly benefit heart of famlllea la rnnada dailroui r having thalr wives and famlllaa rejoin thatn la tha dominion and othara aaub- ii had on tbu alda wishlna to balp relatives or frlenda overseas ta r ml urate to tba dominion fur par- utjuont rasldanca tra jtiat tba oppotita ft cuoa tba aautilar tba ealtfaw tha 1 ar tba bora patronize our advertisers it will pay you a challenge to canadian food producers tf trade commisslonew offices in great britain london hwrlkm wtun ci buudliut trafdcar sauaft aw ltuxitlon bnund j ponyth smith prult trade catnminlfxur waher home bedlwd btm strand wci london enclond liverpool urry a stott trad com- mlttioner century buudinga st noclli john stntt liwf boolbnojond bristol l b col bun buudlna dan street brittol entuni olasoowi oordon b johnaon 300 9t vincent street ouasow 8eot great britain wanta more canadian foodatuflr the plain fact b that tha incrtaw in trade in aorne of our food exporta to the old country to not keeping pace with the growth of demand britains markets are wide open to canada became of the exhibition of canadian product the activity of our trade commissioners and the effects of our dvertitlnc the british consumer is more familiar with these products than ever before and consetjuently more inclined to buy oood will in oreat britain towards canadian products never has been at a higher point than now all the facilities of transportation for all classes or products from canada to oreat britain have been provided shall we canadians overlook or neglect the oppor tunities for increased export trade which are thus laid before us just because domestic markets are good shall we as producers be so short sighted aa to rail to satisfy so large a market which is more favourably inclined towards ou pro ducts than ever before not yet la there among our producers an adequate reallzatlaa of the opportunities for increased produetloa which present conditions in the british markets afford if you are a producer or dealer in foodstuffs you can assist to your own profit in gaining a larger share of this market almost every community in this country stands to benefit the result can be attained by 1 producing more of the kind of products the british consumer wants 3 lueplng up a constant supply 3 uslntalntng quality standards through its commercial intelligence flervice this department will render valuable assistance to any exporter our trade comniisaloners offices in britain are especially well4iulrhedaridstntetcsllyrjacedtoriandieariye3rport problem on behalf of canadian exporters enquiries re garding british trade receive prompt attention write to tha cotntaercla xntelllgenrri service ottawa the department of trade and commerce hon james malcolm minister ottawa f c t chara deputy minister l treasure trove on the spanish main it la no won dor tha liunanpors lovad to row tlio spanish main somathlna moro thun ihto of ataht murt have intriuuud thorn auraly thay uere man of toto in aplta of their bod bal iti totla el rata j and privottwr niwnd their our with davy joihh anil thcr l no mora vlolanft worrying tha lalaa of the woat lndlj nut tha truo traaiura in atill thara for tha world to anjoj tha canadian national staamafilpa ara maklnv j reparations to lay tha heaiuiea of tha wert indlea open to traaiura- huntora thli winter and many traveller have already made ar- ransementa to to to bermuda or jamaica or all tha way down to demerara tha photomplu abow one of tha beautiful canadian national ataamani tha lady some at jamaica and twt typical itcenea which araenoufh t mate onyonea mouth water tha cocoanut carrier and tha banaaaji going aloard tha lady rodaay at klngaton wood lolls sjm sfaitte etwl dauvend mbsd wood um hardwood um sln- au cord j h bauth dhon ttrll atdtttuma u wood for sale oholee honramol bsseh sad msble auo par smtl eerd mtatsd wood tua par smste cord mixed slobs mao par alnols cord rolls tuo ear staue cord mlsm sstl ttu j batairoroaus flstr insurance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and hobtoscts bocobt and sou eaetal auiss aa aaiiatishi issaiiata to tka kanaara f kersey rkhiwacul geosvetown ontario uvtoflstones bakery specials for friday and saturday buns and rolls 15c doz quality bread 10c d livingstone phone 85 geortetown the herald advertising pays tj ih he worlds most popular set itwres a reason we imesr the atwater kent screen- grid radio was bound to be good we expected it from atwater kent with all his experience in making almost two and a half million seta that wort and keep on working but we never dreamed ef a set as fine as this one proved itself and at such a moderate price at every point where radio could be better this one is tone needed psr- jkt naturalness and thats the tone you can have now without any operat ing noises at all power needed selec tivity with it you get each station with needlepoint accuracy people appreciate these new and boer qualities especially when theyre backed up by atwater kents reputation for de pendability why not came in s and listen to this marvelous new set that everyone is buying youll choose it for the same reason almost everyone else does because its bet ter come today see these model on display al r h thompson co georgetown u f kersey radio dealer georgetown