fw4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 11th 1929 home for christmas mulud u rout cbtetnttt vml bwh plan pudding tom smith eruftoni tltt vit th blblni trbl of young trol lntr th joyou chrlktmu pl of tkii t l bt marti boul- trr3ahopwthtnlrrowi of bribbotiad turkyg th homoy f oggy atmctbr of england o ughuy frocty chrlttmu morning and u myriad otnr keoluetlotu or dlekvtu conception of cwutnuui at home ar th iwuoni that guld ttaay briuhw homeward in lata november and tarty daeatnbar from prairie fermitead british cofatuua fruit farm tlte poach orchard or the niagara imuula the efjlp dutrlctn of northumberland and durham i mnd from the lovely country of evantallna ataady i atraant heads toward saint john nb whttta th christmas ihipe uil this year five canadian fadfle ahlne have bean detailed for the christmas movement mlansv dosa november 10 duchess of atbou dot fc montcalm dm 12 duchess of bicknoaa dec 14 and duchst of york dec 18th the lest four til from saint john but th mlnitedoaft a usual doses the montreal season a large number of canadians from the brlttsli mm and european countries are planning on travel ling to their former home for christmas and already the canaillan pari lie ii arranging apodal train ssrvliv from inland point to the christmas akin if one slips the call fails fitrb are three people to every telephone jl call if any one of them nukea a mistake the call fall it may be the operator tt may be the parson calling it may be the person called then are over one million local calls in ontario and quebec every day which fait lines busy no answer no one on the line now sir wrong number these uncompleted calls are a serious matter they mean two million minutes a day wasted congestion of traffic constant irritation a handicap to efficient service soma of these cannot be avoided and some of them are due to our own errors and many of them are doe to lack of cooperation by the other two partita we art constantly reducing our own errors and we an constantly striving to give the best possible telephone service at lowest possible cost as part of this effort we are now giving publicity to common faults in telephona usage in the hope that there may be mutual endeavour to secure and maintain maximum efficiency it takes three people to complete a call if one nukes a mistake the call falls tt u mtbtff more than 7fi00j00 tki ytar to cxtind cad improvs uu- pkono tirvie in ontario and qutbte is your wife your business manager ir jnwrmimiewifj atii idea yon are fnrthneto bat if yo cannot soever yti yon ought to spend thrse or four evunte think ing ovar vouf binuye flats- cul paction la the event of yoardestb ttun you should write imtraeuooaroryoar wife tafouow rgrdwth conduct of the family anwta should necmslty compel her to se same the banmn wbra yon hiv discovered what taak thla la tt should laad yoor thoaihts netarehy to th idee of some nnsnrisl provision which will ineute hat at least certain definite coma for ufa on that recall ba aeisad for debt not the prudpal be lost or dissipated if yon both uve beyond 35 it can baanngdlorthebvoat to ba paid to yea ietatfy firm eoiiileyewaa uklurr amitmoi confederation life w often toronto v kersey loeai agent geetgetewa faint heart never won fair lady said the readymade philosopher thats right answered the bash ful man the way the ladles drees sometimes youve got to have your nerve with you to look at one long enough to feel acquainted rail heads aid amateur sport included among a number of prominent canadian who are sup porting the move to popularise british rugby football in the dominion are k w bsatty chair man und jirflnidf nt of the canadian 1acifir hallway and honorary prveldwnt of the newly formed dritiah rugby union of canada a d uaetier vlrepreeldent eaatern llnsa of the railway and honorary vleepresldant of the union and donator of the highly prltea and hard foufht for alac- tiercurt and hlr qeorge mclaren drown kuropean general manager of the company who will aooord representation at the london head- nuartera of the bntiah rugby union it u hoped to bring to gether in canada amateur toamn from all over the empire j fyfo- smlth of vancouver is president booim crbqfjm on incmsaauj an ebony gentleman wearing the uniform of a pullman porter bought a purple each ault from a dea mo clothier the price was ess the cus tomer rumbled buldfl his coat and pro duced a cheque das my pay cheque amid he mee caah it and take out fo da ault the merchant looked from the hon est black face to the equally frank countenance of the cheque the name pullman company was printed con vincingly at the top the amount was ted it was payable to robert bart let pincers again fumbled inelde the uniform coat they amerced with a pullman bade and an ornate mar- rbute certificate the merchant ac cepted the cheqtie and forgot the trarutactum till he not a ooncue notice ttu pullman company repudiated robert dartlet and hi cheque the liuner was a fraud ttt clothier learned that he was one victim among many dang using counterfeit pullman cheques and n rroes of a gulteleaa expretalon have mfcured tnom such fake cheques are counterfeited in modest print shops an operator known as the acratcher forges the name of the naymatter on the proper spot the layer down takes the paper and sells it for so much per cheque to the pauer it is the but who caihea in with credulous merchants pay cheques of bell tele phone companies and many other prominent concerns an counterfeited in this tame manner surtly companies class cheque frauds as the fastest growing crime in the country losses are estimated at tasojooonoo every year the increase la about m per cent annually alany state an making it harder and hard er for the criminal with a gun there fore smart crooks an turning to paper fraud you may pats 40 bad cheques but as long as you hold down the amount to no for each you can only he tried for a mltdemearor again you can not be extradited from one state to another unless the amount of a single fraudulent cheque is as much as gloo you may pes 40 bad cheques for im without that risk a popular variation is the counter feit traveller cheque theee batta lions an excellently engraved with imposing serial number and signa ture and an cashed after the man ner of cheques issued by the american express company the american ban- ken association or cooks if anyone ever presents to you a cheque of the flanarltan pacific tour 1st association and asks you to cash it grab the hand that hold h and yell for the police half a bullion dollar has been paid out to aueh grafters the canadian paetile has no such tourist association use the i same proeedun if you ever encounter the cheques of the following the american traveller association oriental tourist association united banker association they all look good and all an vuung station suffer much from theee deception a man with a wo man and perhaps a ehlkl will drive up and order ten gallons of gas in payment he countersigns one of hi tnvellers cheque and rec the change lfany good traveuera cheques an used m thla way and take one often get by just aa well business runs on ceques then u so much honest paper that it la very easy for hnpoaturee to get into the commercial stream what la a convincing than a certified cheque observe how easy tt la for a clever crook to make use of such paper a ur uorruon opened an account i in a buffalo hank an aeomplloe us ing the name le itoyne opened ac count in five other banks to create confidence good cheque wen drawn against each account over a period of several weeks morrison then issued certified cheque to le uoyne for 3700 almost his entln balance the cheque was certified five exact eopw wen faked up each bearing the forg ed algnatun of the lewilng hank oftv del one of theee was deposited la each of le uoynea five banks lai uoyne then drew from each bank oioo he was paid without question alnee he had deposited certified cheques bearing signature with which the tellers wen familiar not aatlsl- wlth the i10mo which they got from the five banks uorruon took ltl uoyne into the first bank and idenu fled him ao that ha could also get money on the original cheque a similar racket was worked on ten insututlons the fake certification tamp and the forged signature were so cleverly executed that no one could determine which was the legitimate cheque to minimise the risk from fraudu letn cheque observe this rule dent cash any cheque unleat you know the holder or unleat be la identified by a person you know thitfneja week wft if batgtjf in an experiment nnndueted at oa c f or a period of eight yean the re sult show that the greatest yield per acre with winter wheat waa obtained from sowing one and three quarter bushels of seed to the acre whan the amount of seed sown per aen was taken into consideration the yield at the one and tonequarter bushel rate of seeding was only slightly greater than that obtained from sowing one and onehalf bushels per acre bant hi wheat it is estimated that the two smuts stinking smut or hunt and loose amnt damage the winter wheat crop in on tario man than s1o0od00 annually uuch of this loss can he prevented by wheat the more serious disease of the two can be controlled by using forma lin bluestone or copper carbonate duet loose smut of wheat cannot be con trolled by theee treatment where the crop ha hen damaged by loose tunut the grower shoud obtain assf from a crop that is free from this fiuv gou oolaea age far begat the oolden age of hog production la between the third and seventh months when the weight attained should be about 2m to tm pounds each month from its birth it takes progressively more feed to produce a pound of gain but between the third and seventh month when the rate of gain per day and cost of gain per pound an combined give the maxi mum productive efficiency after that age the combined increasing t due to overweight for the better grades make it unprofitable for the producer to feed hogs longer patronize herald advertisers cuului m uwkbun ftfl lunb u tk htwm two duet whlih u rtpldly trowing in popu lar w nhifln omllulmn it lamb htm the nu round and ootue- quantly th production markatlas and dutrtbuuns of lamb mutt b as or- anted that th oonaumara m will b eatand to tt an amiona or th yaar unf ortunataly production and mark- buiuj an not umclantiy omnlaad at the pnatnt urn and the induatry u taead with th dwmcalon of comptlt uon from trt lamb which ihli yaar haa alraady raaehed a vouun of over jaoo000 pounda ujmhiiwi walght oaraaum walfhlng from u tats pounda with a prat anno for th uthur waltht la what th mar- luu wanb today such earnann u produoad from umbo wtifhlag h to 100 pounda at th farm rtnlih too la important drain fwdlm is oana- ada u auanlal if oholot wall nnlahadi cairatim an to b prodtuad in vol swawwamwwojkwwwakww we offer you a wide choice of christmas home gifts entireiy new the very firat ahow- irib of thii three piece suite upholatered in genuine la france mohair thi or any suite can be purchas ed on our eaay deferr ed payment plan of course it sanibilt i smokers just the thing for big brother father husband or sweetheart they will be pleased to get one of these useful handy gifts priced from 175 to 1500 cushions are you wonderinwhat would be useful and at- tractive to that dear friend why not give a cushion they come in many styles and shades made up of silk taffeta rayons brocaded silks and repps 225 to 7so comforters they always prove such an acceptable gift espec- ially when it is a downfilled comforter the coverings are so attrac tive too showing old paisley and floral designs in blue rose green pink and gold combinations they are all downfilled at prices from jjjiq and up varying to the size and quality of covering lamps this season we offer a more complete range than ever before for there are so many novel yet inexpensive designs to be had both in table and floor styles boudoir lamps from 300 to 450 table lamps 400 to 1250 and bridge and junior styles ranging from as low as 319 to 2000 it will be well worth your while to come in and see these before deciding on that gift antique brass you know it is quite the rage this season so artistic and quaint and the many useful and ornamental designs they add so much to the decorative scheme of your living room just an odd piece here and there gives your home that old world effect which is so e leasing to the eye of every homelover these pieces are all of solid rass hand wrought in far off china and are very reasonably priced toys toys what little boy or girl would not marvel at hav- ing santa leave one of these kiddie karsdoll carriages wagons or a snappy car or truck in their home on xmas morning these articles will prove their worth the whole year round for they are well construct ed to stand the every day wear and tear to which they are subject doll carriages 195 to 975 kiddie kars 300 to 350 autos and trucks 1050 our specialxmas radio offer a small down payment install any one of our marconi or freth- manear electric sett in your home before chriatma then you have i monthi to pay the bal ance special tradein allowance from now until xmu aak about our free demonstration in your home and without obligation to you our acta complete installed to your aerial and around in con sole models for aa low as 18800 tubes included nnvi vtrivmmi marconi batteryles radio a 94aa rivct mabodylaf ik nouauau tad banv- mtntm bvlop through so hh of mvwmi rcmarcji bulimn dymmmlr vlr i harold c mcclure the home furnishing store phone 54 main st georgetown m