Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1929, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herau wednesday evening december 1 1th 1929 cjsbm sb v a itjll ready in two minutes a hot nourishing breakfast shredded heat with oil he bran of hit who wheal all ike bodybulldlng elemenm of the whale wheat nothing dmed nothing taken away so ess to serve and so delicious- ly nourishing give new vigor and ufa to tired tissues serve with hot or cold milk or fruit forsters grocery full line ol fresh groceries al ways in stock bananas and oranges at the rlghl prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall mb sqcjuie- we may have a hundred drawback that a man mtut meet in life wo may say if all battle and a neverndlng stjrlfe then rvaolve to meet it bravely- stand the lest to do and dare- but the secret of true victory ilea in just one word be square there u something in the twinkle of an honest fellow eye that can never be mistaken and can never bo passed by fte hu station high or low there that dauntless upright air thai convince all beholder that the man tlwry nm is square llraveti give such hunt influence over thmu they dally meet if they kw a fallen brother they will help him to hit feel make ttw stwaks a bit uneaay- moko the cab act kind of fair vat tile greatest rogue on record will rtpct tlie man whos square kgjittlgkgkig bring your christmas list to our store where you will find gifts for everybody we invite you to see our stock ot electrical hot point turnover tomstert 875 electric irons 240 to s0 electric grate heaters 980 electric table lamps connor electric washing machines mccury electric ranges adam pattern and old colony silverware stainless steel table knives and forks enguth stainless steel carving sets pocket pen and hunting knives 780 i 1 i i i i i i i 8 i i c c m tube skate outfits ccm hockey skates and sticks let us give you estimates on your plumbing heating and electrical wiring needs r b thompson co phone 46 georgetown if l i i nfcwu and inroatmatlon vou the mlhv rafculfk a calf was conveyed to tlie royal winter valr by airplane thats the urarral approach tu the cow jump- intf met- tiie moon utat we have no tice remarks one editor ft rawing nitt tree a new development in the work of beautifying the countryside of ontario is seen in the organisation of an as sociation in elgin county with a view to stimulating tlie planting of nut tret this association hopes to secure tlie cooperation of the elgin county council in planting rows of nut tree on both side of no 9 highway from border to border of the county la addition the annual yield of thee tree and their timber value merit consideration ilydre for ute ran electrification of ontario forma will be stimulated during ibm by the program of expansion recently an nounced which will result in the building of moo mllea of hydro uaea in the rual districts aa compared with 1100 during the put year it la also expected that service charge will be reduced and loans made avail able for installation of electrical equip ment on the farm the mileage added during 1039 will serve moo new cus tomers and bring the total to 5000 mile already in operation winter cesulueae live stock and feed form the chief topic of the current weekly report from agricultural representative this statement from one of the report ap pears to be typical of wmdhkma throughout the province live stock have gone into winter quarters in poorer condition than usual there wul be over a third leu feeders otahled this winter than 1 usually the coat the advent of severe weather and snowstorms brought fall work on the land to a holt however under favor able conditions moat farmers bad practically finished their fall plowing oens fiafatea the com borer infestation in oo tarlo in ims has bam reduced in the forested counties by an avert of u per eent over the figures ot ibs sc- oordlng to a recent offlelal tttlfment by prof l oawar or ojkc redue- uotu as high u 75 per cent an shown in some counties while for the nrst uraa in three years no reporu of total destruction or even serious injury have been neelved and no new tilstrlet report the peat hever- theleaa prof caeiar pointed out that the actual number of inaeets would hardly vary from last yeart estimates because of the snread over s much greater acreage cerelng fufrte thefts chicken thieving is on tha wane to ontario aoeordbis to a recent state- ment by bon john s martin utolster of agriculture and tha laaiilation pess ed at the latt aeeelon ot the legislature u given a hlc there of tha credit for the aatltfactory altuatlon now prevail ing thefta an atlll oocumnf but they an mattered and bear little re- semblsnce to the epldemlee which prevailed for a una the new letfa latlon ampowen police efnesn to eearch poultry transports and eomsela truckera and othera to teen dose check on the birds they an trans porting not only have 100 fines been levied but a total of s3 of the offend wen sent to jail in the year ending october 31st last itiilrtiolag r in connection with tha recent con vention of tha ontario beekeepers association prof e erie mlllen of o a c secretary points out that n- mariahla chanaea have taken place in the beekeeplns industry during the past fifty years prom an uncertain side una fifty years ago to a eommet cud undertaking today many members now measure their crop by tha too la place of pounds per nfmntti one ontario beekeeper j l byar of kant ham operates about 1109 colonies than was an exceptionally good crop ot honey in ontario last year and two residents of tha province took first and second prises for honey at tha dairy show in london m wnna ror tha seventh eonseeutlvs year on- tarlo beekeepera carried off the high- when love and joy and hope ara dead est honors and ttarlam is the sky lu is a lonely road to tread a total of s1000rj00 trill be expend- and fear and doubt are mail ed next year throughout tha counties but if fron out the dark is thrust and townships of ontario in tha nn- a hand that grasps your own prominent of tldsroads this is near- rm stirs within the heart a trusty ly three times the amount spent dur- you grt more alone log trie past year and wul doubtkas v hop wllhln u j prove of great value to many farmers a y breaks on tfia way t o tha d exposition in chicago they included i john ulller of auburn rshorthorn oil r ml rl km c blxujartes from tahnar sffis iiajsss conprlsed the party ttrfltnal ontario agriuturl college g ffi as usual sent a live stock judging ssl wifh m2 ssfl ihtusuttli astss twki the united btat winner of judging contest in their reapectlve eountle by vlrture of which uielr expense were defrayed by local orenlntions v o peterson agri cultural representative for norfolk wa in charge of the trip and mrs cook wa chaperon in chicago they joined a party of 1b00 young american boys and girls in a sixday program which included not only the uve stock exposition but tour of the ctly and one or two ol the larger packing plants the visit proved most in formative and entertaining lee by ruu tougfat investigations show that the farmer may lose a much aa fifty per cent of hi stored potato crop due chiefly to the action of tuber rots particular ly that caused by late blight the so- called dry rot while this rot doe not commonly spread from tuber to tuber in the bin under poor condition this injury paves the way for organism producing other roots that do spread and cause heavy loose much of the las can be avoided by removing all late hllghtlnfeeled tuber there are also other tuberrotting fungi capable of causing enormous losses the fol lowing combination of precaution i suggested luprent digger and handling injuries 3 control lots blight foliage infection 3 nvold ex posing potatoes to temperature below 30 degree and above 4s degree v 4 maintain good ventilation condi tion in the storage house or base ment dfaonofttna thk bvgattomsl if you cant feel just right if you cant sleep at night if you moan and olgh if your throat 1 dry if you cant smoke or chew if your grub taste like glue if your heart doesnt beat if youve got cold feet if your head in a whirl vat heavens sake marry the gut h ere an d tk ere a ship of heroes sklopered by one of themselvee was the uakiue reature ol tbe sslllug of the duch ess of vork on a recent trip from montreal bis bolder of the vic toria cross britains most envied sod most meritorious ot war swards wen on the vassal which wis under the command of cspuin stuart himself a vc they wan on their way from canada to u0 doa to take part la the dinner by the prince or weiss to victoria cross msa from all parts of tha empire aisled to be held november other vc travelled on cana dian pacific linen wnnsdou and empnss of scotland tbs atage is being rapidly set tor hie or the outslsndlng develop- menle in canada in a decsde whea the english polk dancers and as- pnnenta of engllab folk dancing will bold a faatlval at the royal york hotel toronto november 13is a urltisb opera by a smith com poser of worldwide fame will be produced for the first tlma on tlile continent when hugh ihe drover by dr r vaugbsn williams la put on during tha reatlval and canada snd canadians will be introduced to a whole new world or art and beauty wa an all primarily coaaeloua or the fact that this country mes- surad by any ot the yardsticks by which tha prosperity or a nation can be gauged is a vary proaperoua country notwithstanding dlaturbed lock markets and a rather unusual grain sltustlon both ol which are we hope temporary said e w beatty chairman and pnaldent of the cansdlsa psoitis raliwsy at a dinner given recently in hit honor by the 8l catharinea chamber of commerce robert rume and george thorn- ion veterans of many competitions who tesmsd up from usaor sag katchewsn in the canadian pacific swine club competition ror boys snd girls of the pravmeo nave ear rled oft the allver trophy and will join the teams tram tha western provinces for g trip to tha royal winter pair at toronto as guests or the railway dhumlnong aand depoalta of tha ucmurray dlatrlet and along tha athabasca river will eventually furnish the lsrgs qusnlltlss of ms- terui required tor waterprooring snd surfacing the gravel roads ot ths wsstsrn provinces is the opin ion or major c q ommsnnsy dl rector ot development for the cans- clan pacific railway montreal colwood ooir course when the second annual empress hotel mid winter golf tournsmsnt will be staged in february asit la one ol the finest llnka on the contlunt declared waller listen drltlab open golf champion who recently played aa exhibition game there it is a tricky courts that calls for the bast in a player and the park- like surroundings an ideal he added george johnson son or henry johnson locomotive englnser of s3 yean alandlng with the canadian pacific railway has been awarded a echolarablp for five years nt kcole polytechnlque or montreal following the recent exsmlnalloos for snlrance at that ectiuot he i s resident of three paers qiiohcii these acbolarahlps have lnn fered since ww slnco wlilcli rii 4s oppnrti nltlra nr fru tulllwi havs boon olfortd by iliu rallhuy pxassxaasssasasaaaaasssaasssavaasssajsl banff festival artists these artlata j appear at tha bsaffbcoluhuurlepstllvsj 3 bald at tha banff sprints hotel august so to september 2 apon- sored by tha canadian pad he railway uary france jamas soprano will take a leading role la the ballad opera bydr ltesjsy wulan woven around tha story of bonnie prince charlie and flora afaedoaatd ay winnipeg baritone and herbert hswetson tenor will b among the assisting artists inaddltlontothe music festival then will be the lltnhund osthsr- sjlff csaaufescrt ntmbj who trophy ike wuwrnfwbicp r prsaanu tha outstsndlsa plpar 0 tha year in canada purthar than an highland dames staged suck a toaalag tbs eabar and all tha etkar sports whleb faatun tha gnat annual meet la scotland the festival la in short s getting together of tbs seottltb ran trots slf over canada and la patronised ot tha notice op appucation fob divoatce notice is hereby given that les lie aregory of the town of oakvllla in tha county of halton in the pro vince of ontario assistant manager will apply to tha parliament of cana da at the next hnttinn thereof for a bui of divorce from hit wife ines kay aregory formerly of the aald town of oakvule but how residing at ths olty of niagara palls in tha pro vince of ontario on tha ground of adultery and desertion dated at toronto this fourth day of november ax ims by douglas douglas d hohlnaon hsrristers atn sos northern ontario bid sm bay at toronto qnk 5t bollclton for tha applicant troubled an your outstanding eouto- uons worrying yout do you need tha money now tied apt if eo and your list to a arm of oouactlon bpaclausts who will relievo your worry quickly kelly aiken gaetfalta owesi igjt j sanford stewarttown plumblnfl tinsmilhing bltsulcs usetftamy uvea phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 h c bailey harness maker dealer in harness blankets etc prompt sanies given to all unas of repairing located in uaastybrrlt bunding ntn b vlslton from all forth american soatlaaht- i parts itimbt iou will buy a steleo camaxmo 17700 less tubes s21240 complete ermloalslo gsvwfc4owii pbotw 32ft 0ooaj- wayi0fllt vdh4 cmc peoplo to whom a world omlso or any other lotirt winter voyage is an experlonco yet to bo enjoyed may woutlar what those more for- unnte folk do to pans the time while they aro sailing the sevan seait h mny latorest the stay athomes to know thqt ha time spent on ttujiwi loasir lountn rarely hangs heavy for all sorts of diversions are planned far the entertainment of the globe- trot ters g the bridge fiend ba bis brldne parties the amateur pho tographer bis camera expeditions and the don cor bis dancing but one of the most fascinating of all to the fair sax at least is that ot purchasing and lr ing on cos- uim typical of tbo various far- ids visited pictured nhme for lastatice la a lvy of beau- tie photographed aboard the worldcruising canadian pacific liner erapre of australia an route from china to japan during her jfimm annual round the world cruise they are blossom ing out in daullng pajama suit which thay purchased in tha orient thl collection of pseudo- chinese mo i jens must have caus ed many a mascullno heart to miss a bent or two 1 the other group of ladles are wearing man darin coats acquired during an earlier trip n round the world at practically evwry port ut im portance it is posslblo for nmiir ti ger who aro so jncllumt to rir- chnse some little menienli ij it a almwl a mluutuiu uuimha a rlng a aatwe doll g watkhut tick or other souvaalr of their travel purina a world emtio or tho empress of scotland sev eral year ago a cruise member from denver col purchased a toy alepbant ror each member of the denver klwanls club or wljun he wo a member and posed vhu his collection of pacbyasgm for the vessel corps tf amateur photographer snullah shawls parasol and msju other articles complete the lut or poatlbllltlea for globetrotter with a penchant for folleetlng the enititea or australia will aall again on a globegirdling voyage leaving new york decem ber 3 1u39 tor a cruise of uu days me utevaulas stlra standard anthracite scranton coal in all sices automalioail- 8ormaad and loaded coal wood select tmmp for domestle and tbraahing pnrpoaca smitbing and canncl coal in faot ioarry everything to be found in any upto date goal and wood yard john mcdonald phone ib gssorfletowst georgetown elevator tttaaeeeseateeet as taaeatas itee eeeaaaeeaaasaaa mwt aaeea mil iiiiiimmum asent for tlie grain pool market for all grain hxur and feeding stuffs chick feed and laying mash at lowest prices alex l noble phone 148 bruntoivs garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing bupalva te all hakes ef oaas oss oils qreaa cts budls aad oar ssattastss sis akargfl an uptodate auto lepaii shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north pbone280 geor main street georgetown

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