i rv2 the georoelown herald wednesday evening december 25th 1929 r i ii i mi i ii iiiini m ii a merry christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to everyone danns drug store in mrmoriam crawford in lovlntf memory of our dear baby joan who died dee i soui teao mge is month peacefully atropine safe tn the arm of jeu badly mluod by mamma daddy and brother h alton chapter officers installed rrehentationb to kt kx cow john r hu and ex comt w v otuort pnone 327 georgetown i i i l ii i l l it ii i tti333xttxz31z3xx 3k the seasons greetings may good fortune health and happiness be your this christmas and throughoul the corning year e e young phone 161 i iiaa email mam st we have exclusive novelties in hats including angora suitable for the holiday see them the prices are right misses claridge herald block georgetown obituary hamuel wtiovvejx batumi uedowell eft ye old tenth lhu trafalgar towiwhljt dld at hi tiome lust friday followlritf a linger- inir tllncii of two year duration born in county antrim ireland mr mc- dowell came to canada it lh i of 31 for i he last 40 year its had resided on the farm where he died a member of the tureeuvtlle krebytr- utt church he hnd alway taken active liarl in it acilvule survlvlntf are hi wldw rormcrly atlas margaret me- keliih two daunhters mr john dev lin milton nnd mr david btlrrllt norval two on robert and elmer on tlie homciitind and seven brother and three sinter muum nefarmer milton at ho annual meetmjf of hilton loulon pout 136 be0l the follow- uib offlcers were elected president ota baylls vlcopro art wala 2nd vlceprc j robinson secretory j m baylls treasurer w tlaht execu tive committee comrade if charl ton c dowering j everett and c httkelhurtt ttie women missionary society of lowvllie united church elected the following officer honorary president mu morale pickett president ur charles rcadhead vicepresident mr o ii lurbotlle correipondinti secre tary mu marjorle harbottle reeord- uib secretary mu mary bell treasur er mrs 8 t couuon pianist mr vclma norru assistant plenut mrs gordon armstrong hiram wallace ouelphs oldest resi dent quietly celebrated his ninety- ninth birthday last thursday at his home wellington place among lus re latives and friends he received many congratulations ur wallace who is in excellent health retaining his facul ties to a remarkable degree is a native of nassagaweya township and resided at muton where he carried on a ahoe- maklng business for many years prior to moving to ouelpn in 1011 to make his home with his son george wallace reformer norval th umuu al the norval uolud church young people an monday night opened with hymn a ur pomery read the scripture leeson followed with prayer by rev mr mlrklnnnn there wu a good attendance of loyal arch mason at the lodge rooms last friday night when rt b comp john f usrr aasuted by very k comp j t comeron k oomp w v orant d a arnold a o drown and w ii long irutalled the followlritf orneers for the ensuing year ex oomp hush dickie z ex oomp w v orant iv2 ex comp oeo murray ii ex oomp oto watt jf ex oomp w h lone bx comp a ii feller an comp j d kelly treasurer comp w l mllllere pa comp cleo dobson bb comp ii ritchie js oomp ii redshaw m 4th comp w t evana m aril oomp d dollop m 2nd comp c morton m let comp e mewlilrter bw b comp l o marclunent steward comp if ooldhaw steward comp l areenwood btd b at the clout of the liuullatlon ex coup w v orant mad a presenta tion to m ex comp john p marr of a smokers cabinet aa a small token of appreciation of the otneers and membera of halton chapter for the many kind favora ha had rendered the lodge nt ex comp marr very feelingly thanked the membera for their kind words and haruuome sift ex comp w v grant wu pre sented with a put principal jewel by ex comp b a arnold on behalf of the lodge at the cloae of the lodge a banquet was held and the fallowing tout list announced by ex comp hugh dic kie the king uwueal number by messrs young the grand chapter proposed by ex comp long replied to by v ex comp cameron monologue by comp bsundera the irutalluig z proposed by ex comp n o arnold replied to by rt ex comp j p marr song comp a robuuon the i p z propoaed by ex comp q c brown replied to by ex coup w v orant muilcal number by maura young the vliltore propoaed by coup j d kelly replied to by ex oomp powera the principal solournera u brought to a claw another pleaeant event in the hlatory of kalton chaptey once more the silent wheel of time their annual round have drivn bums with another chriitmai close upon u we are ani mated with the epirit of good will and appreciation in expressing our thanks for the splendid cooperation ac corded us during the year we ask each of you to accept our beat wishes for a yuletide of happiness and con tentment succeeded by a new year of good health and prosperity will f smith main st phone 147 next door to post office scbeinaud siss rikliola sush now only blipb 22175 aiggaa complete aaaaasrlrvhblisbn a pew exoutsivb pcatvakl xjjr b jk twolnone tunlni dial if l illuminated window on which kilo cycle reading of the aauetor dial are irmnlflad 4h powerdriven electrodynamic loud- ipeakar which reproducee atiiieh and nualo with quality clarity and depth of ton that u truly remarkable radiola li now 12150 bwalawewewewawewbwewewawah complete kb 1 taaw aal hal hnakar a remarkably low priced radio wltb natural clear tone power for beyond need of tha average bona a phone call will plaoe sbjubs of tbeaa radioi in your borne an approval 1 h hb d arung electrical i contractor murdocksl oor getown pttoiie 180 mlnutea of lait meeung were read and adopted and a builneu dlamnalnn followed the roll waa then called mra ouy wluon mlulonary vlceprea took the chair and the following pro gram wai given hymn 1m piano num- waa given hymn 43s piano num ber by muter lloyd hiutler recita tion by mra ii lyoni followed by a few wordi by rev mr mackinnon in connection with the recitation giv en by mra lyona mlulonary paper mr dan wey piano number mlu bertha bamea mlulonary topic mr roy pomeroy solo by mra c bas- klne reading by mr george bull reading by mlu florence mclaughlin hymn 410 and benediction cloied the meeting on wedneiday evening december 18 in aplte of the unfavourable weatb er a large and appreciative audience gathered in the ichoolroom of the prebyterlan church in horval it waa the children night and the potram put on by tha membera of the t tov school wu effective and inteafti the muiieal part of the program in which the children had been trained by mlu margaret ruuell and mlu luelta held wu particularly good at the cloae of the program mra 8 d moclure who hu for aeveral jtm been the organlit of the korval pres byterian church vu called to the platform and the following addreu wau read by mra john clerk pear mra mcdure toward the end of the year it li our privilege to meet again to exchange good wlihu and chrutmu greeting aa a congregation we feel that uui put year hu been one of the habpleit and moat prorperoui of our congress uonal life sunday after sunday we nave met for eervtce in thla beautiful old church and have lutened with much apprecia tion to eloquent eermona and appeal ing muilc ai our organlit you have been u faithful and devoted to your taik that we cannot let another year pau without expreulng our pleasure and our gratitude to you we ok you to accept thla lamp and may it abed u true a light in your home aa you have been to our church we extend beat ohrutmu greeting slgnd on behalf of the congregation of korval preabyterlan church j l clark j b mcclure w o mcclure albert hunter mra mcclure rtponded wllh appreclauve ipeech and tho audience joined heartily in alnglng shea a lolly good fellow then santa claus took poueulon of the itage and dlatrlhuted preaente to young and old in hie usual inimitable style and a very happy and enjoyable evening came to an end we regret to hear that some of the folks did not enjoy their trip home any too wall but all were fortunate enough to reach there uninjured some time through the night an octooenabian annivsamiaby ope of the best preserved elderly ladles resident in acton is mrs thom- u statham church street who hu lived in acton for between forty and fifty years on saturday she reached her eightyfifth birthday and wu at home to numeroui friends receiving them and accepting their congretuuv lions with much pleasure she wai assisted by lier daughter mrs qeorge edwarda and mra george ritchie served tea and birthday cake the occulon was a happy one in deed the affectionate greetlnga of the homecomers the interesting re miniscences by mrs btatham covering her long life in acton aeorgetown and toronto and the cordial oon- i sratulatlons expressed in person and sent by mall and wire exactly six years ago lut sunday her husband psssed away their gol den wedding anniversary wu oelehrat ed thirteen years ego in addition to the family in acton the following guuta participated in the octogenarian bbrthday party mr w j btathara london mr and mrs e statham brentford mra gor don statham gueiph mrs stanley statham fergus mr j i charlton oordon and claude amarlio texas mrs george campbell and mlu luena campbell of aeorgetown mrs george i statham and mlu ussls avona mr and mra spenoer husband mr and mra wu mearuror mr and mra oeorge ritchie and mary mil emma robuuon and pearl wallaces free press rt hon w l mackentie king prime minister of canada celebrated hie uth birthday on tuesday bar 11th erin mr thomas mcclure of georgetown wu a sunday visitor with erin friends mr and mrs w p mexnery enter tained a number of young people to a soclsl evening at uulr home on fri day evening last when a pleassrh urn wu spent by alt we are sorry to report that mr james long la quit seriously ul and trust he may make a speedy recovery mlu margaret bingham of aeorge town is spending her holiday with her parents mr and mra w r bingham the town hall erin wu the scene of a happy gathering on friday even ing of lut week when the tjno olub and friends of the bridetobe mlu violet marshall assembled to present her with a miscellaneous shower on the eve of her marriage with mr 3 ii gibson in the chair mlu marlon qameron presented mlu marshall with the gills which were numerous and beautiful mr oheyne on behalf of mlu marshall replied thanking all for the beautiful glita a dainty lunch wu served after which a pleasant evening wu spent in dancing to music by ospruge and oedarrale orchestra advocate smash on radial at norval three op skew keriollhly m- jvrkd pahhenoehh ehcaie fairxy well about noon on thursday last a radi al passenger car and snow plough met headon on the canadian national electrto railway a few hundred feet tills side of the trestle work over the west branch of tile credit near nor- val the three seriously injured were p r fowlle bed wulard ave to ronto superintendent of the quelph division of the cnjt radlals con clusion and possible internal injuries alfred williamson acton conductor fracture of right arm and injury to tlie hip edwin dobson 1m palrvlew ave toronto conductor injury to the right hip and abrasions of tlie face passenger slightly injured were w bruce acton mim edith orompton norval mlu jean nixon norval rev d macdonald norval ii c christie toronto ii j mcueth toronto tlie three members of tlie crews hllglvtly hurl but able to proceed to their homes wen w hodge weston lineman v j clark 1b annette 8u toronto motorman o dobson acton inotorman sweeping around two curves at either end of a short atralghtaway the car and plow crashed into each other tlie front of the passenger car rearing up like a spirited horse when it left tlie front trucks and coming to rest after it had telokcoped tlie superstructure of the snow plow a huge gaping hole was torn in the front of the radial the smoking compartment wrecked and most of the windows in the front half of uie car were broken the heavy radial leaned to one aide and was only prevented from rolling into tlie ditch by one of the heavy wlea lupportlng the overhead wires had the crash taken place five polo lengths to the westward the radial would have been hurled over the trestle bridge into a ravine 7ft feet be low the accident happened cloae by the farm of james russell where the in jured were taken drs williams and mcallister of georgetown were called mrs j hunter who wu a trained nune and mr h t king s trained first aid man assisted the doctors the home of jauea ruuell wu turned into a hospital immediately after the accident happened the two attending physicians and their assist ants did noble work in attending to the injured and arranging for their removal to hospitals or to their des tination mrs ruuell did an in her power to make the injured comfortable and served them and the walling passen gers with food and warm drinks later superintendent fowlle who wu the most seriously injured u now improving nicely rev mcdonald of norval la confined to hi bed with a sprained knee but rupee to be around shortly carol church news km epivttevtiai charrh minister-re- kenneth mafiteqn ba sunday school 10 ajn serrios 11 ajn and 7 pm orfavnui and chotr- tiiaater ur pollett- itnlucj chstrrll noisy year 8cmree- 10 4n sunday school and bible ouues 11 jn the abldlnb joy 7 pm life mlshwmy muila by the choir at both wrrvie hl albx church hun willi -i- service otl chlruiio bay holy ootrununlon and ahort addreu by the hector at d30 jrt bupdny after chrutma day doc mth khoruned kvensonff im service at 3 pm chrutmah liynm and carol at both service u and ilntf bood chrwlam on this birthday mom heaven and earth are ttmiiitf god for mini l bom st aorhv cburtb olirutma service tonlaht ohrut- tita ve at 13 oclock tnldnlaht coral servlcr untl holy communion no sermon s am clirutmas day holy communion 11 ajm christina day shortened alalia holy communion addieum by the rector sunday ofter chrutm dm aoth bam holy communion u atot ua tins and addrea for children by the rector 7 pm shortened evensong curoli and chrutma cantata the nativity or christ by caleb simper special chrutma musle by the choir al all tho main service chruiaui awake aalute the happy mom whereon the saviour of the world was born ga o 4a 9 oa oa r ay aav e rj- avab j i 4 l stewarttown on thursday last one of the nicest concert that hu ever taken place in the eiqueslng township hall btewart- town wu held under the auspices of the public and sunday sc at ojft pjn lunch wu served to tha children and the program began two houra later rev r 8 boyd wu the chairman for the evening under the direction of mlu mckay and mra bally pianist a pretty musical fan tasy and a folk dance were put on the children took their parts very well but to mlu thompson belongs the credit for the wonderful ooetun mrs boyd kept the audience wall pleased with two enjoyable readings when the children appeared on the stage for two rlwniee they were an dressed in the oottumes they had used during the evening wallowing s pretty dance by mlu aves and charlie mc lean a play mix weu and sur wu preunted by the following young people breatrloe blandish mary jen- union sarah blandish mrs p jen- union mary blandish jack brown ron thompson ed banford bui bonathan sam mlleham and bob harris santa olaus distributed the present from the well filled christmu tree the orangemen of ljox no 8s stwarttown contributed to the enjoy ment of the evening by prese the children with orangsa and r l the concert ended with the staging of the national anthem ballinafad the pecemher maetlag of ths wji b wu held tuesday afternoon the 17th at the mans tha meeting open ed with tha usual exerclsu and the following offioers were elwtsd for iftyj mlu j shortui president mrs altten 1st vice- pre mrs w mcenery and vloepres secretary mrs jas klrk- wood treasurer mrs robert uc enery christian stewardship and finance sec mrs p w shortui sup ply bee mrs mckeehnle mlu b lints associate helpers bee mrs vsnnstter bsby band bee temper ance sec mrs beswlck h m sec mrs d fergusoni organist mrs van natter assistant situ p mcenery the important part of the meeting wu in presenting mrs john metcoch- nle with a life members certificate and pin by mlu e mckay the fol lowing addreu wu read by mlu b lulls dear mrs mckeehnle we have met this afternoon for a twofold purpose in the former pert of our meeting we have taken both a forward and a backward look the backward look in reviewing the work we have accomplished during the year itoo which u almost gone the forward took into the new year which we hope by ooda grace to attempt even greater things for the master whom we love to serve but ere we clou our yeara work we wish to honor one who ha given many years of faithful service to this department of our church work and sows tak thl opportunity of expreu lng our appreciation of the faithful service which you have rendered in the wjjmi- we would ask you lo accept thl life members certtneau and nln not a a reward your reward la of a higher nature but u a alight acknowledge ment of the services you have always so willingly rendered hay the lord bleu you and keep you la our prayer signed on getulf of the whs members and friendsulu j short- hi pnalasbk ashgrove report of s 8 no 3 esaueelng pol- lowing 1 the report for the tall term the name appear in order of merit v class mary uoolbbon hon donald menabb hon harvey nurse hon evelyn welsh br iv isabel alexander hon john mcnabb jr iv lillian hulls john alexan der margaret ogle jr n mary alexander edith wrlg- glesworth br n angus mcnabb dick ogle jr n marlon dick hon willie bradley lion babble alexander br i john bardley and roy brad ley equal primer blllle alexander jean thompson ruth e olffen teacher acton the funeral of the late charles e aklns who passed away so suddenly lut week wu held in acton last friday afternoon mrs a o olarridfe wu called to toronto last week owing to the llhiae of her sister mrs mebride who pass ed away on pride the new arena opened for the first time for the skaters and hockey players on tuesday evening and u being nude full tue of the regular hockey prac tice hours seem to oe bringing out plenty of hookey talent which should develop into a couple of good team when they make their appearance in the first scheduled game mr peter smith who has always shown a practical interest in the hoo key and curling clubs of acton and our neighboring town aeorgetown will this year make a presentation which will do much to encourage the friendly competition between these two towns lie is donating two splen did silver cups either of which will be an ornament to the club winning them they an for yearly competition between ths curling club of acton and georgetown and the junior hoc key clubs of these two towns they ire trophies that will be atriven for by both clubs and promote much friendly rivalry and do much to main lain keen interest in these actlvltlu in both towns mr smith will have the appreciation of all the clubs for hu kindly interest free pre g1xnwujjams ckrlstasu began f the pakue 8ebl name appear in order of merit br iv madeline oraham hon marlon bchenk hon william han cock hon marjorle balnea norman marchment harvey dewhunt agnes macdonald orover norton robert mcmastar jr iv mildred norton hon ida eason hon richard beaumont bll lle davidson clara hill william pres ton cyril clarke joe norton margaret mcnslly snd bessie norton equal oene kirby br hi berths bchenk hon freds appleyard hon mildred norton ruth marchment hilda lorrunan nora barlow myrtle allen jr ill mary wagstaffe hon jack preuwood una hill agnsa laley and albert hill equal richard everson qordon oraham ene oarvln morrla muler emma lsdwuige marvyn kir by bertha allen alios addy jlnunle bllck beverly moody edna nell teacher ii class honalua atkinson harry wilkl oordon alien olvenle hadley martha isley pass beatrice han cock tommy hill joyce appleyard dlllle bchenk catherine marjdonald patsy davidson maud thornton roy preston elsie dewhunt ralph bludd sarah buck edna preston eve olsrlc eileen pry ruth preston lome oar vln sr i hon reggie bromhead plar ene beaumont pasjckle fry harvey cook doris hsti7ajla tun myrtle warran sunblll cleorfs primer doreen wuleu norman davidson robert davidson jackie crawford henry lorrunan gerald moody vernon kirby jo mcmenemy emily hadley dslmore beaumont marjory fry wlnnlfred wulett ralph bsrlow olynn everson blllle norton leonard allen a mclaughlin tasobar seasons greetings we desire lo extend lo our patrons and friends the seasons greetings mayjthis christmas be one of joy and the new year one of happiness and prosperity to you n harold c mcclure the home furntshinb store phone s4 georgetown m aav j 4 cay akekaacawaa n3wmfltbimmmklfaumm ajuatiiir lftatnir lupin- 1 nr awawiliiii w4litmtmimmm4illumciiupm4ut ih if j- 1 eatas year may ycuv new v tr eeataagiwartiril mn la aw iniiml n aiijimtwiawlmaaay w laippuamcaaaotx pineapple at3e marmalade ase biscuits fro uwaasi taatancsaav m vaan dates rwseylt mission iw riyias poarwtma a snsskin iras u fesey 1 saga tabic ralatoa 990 orastmea 4c5eh gamdt s bacon m maaiclmal awawatsaswl cottage rolla ha m cheese mtxwt ntrra sarak amoncajrjiua sssv 4tt oatcakbt hrfa ty giascrale lsem ivr otsstr ai ler assreseasuiuafawliea csmu sf a sssaw h wasaai i cauyoute tis sawtlf f wsj t i vmw4tvttivbwaysia coflfee sbea gm1w oaatciasati i jjjji a-ta- fes htwekir- v c4rr0its wtah ftstfatjr li m stjgb h lrawtw aw in in hadio salisfa lsolvest ixiat girisstmas cheque thembidwotbcylxssuxmor instead of spending that chrittmaj cbcqoe oo uttir things you can euitj tltf without why not invest it toward the purchase of a rogers radio a new 1930 rogers will rising every one in the ramily wr round enjoyment b comes to your home tmfiltt with tight tuuyguaianteed rocett ac tubes and genuine electrodyruumic speaker it hu niperseniitivky aplendid tone rjemendou volume and at the new uui prices now in effect it is the biggest dollars worth of tadlo we have ever offered tiimmtbthmytgruilbsnniirigmfammll mb futymut will fun uu 0 ibt 1930 jwaswf m yur bami sad wuiill arraigi psymnu u uui saw j n oneill son y v losamaaw rogtrt higbltty newlssrevlm only 218 fnutilim trills flsiaisiifttiili 11 phone 14 georgetown