s- -rr- i i fxrr l3v 7 page 4 jhe georgetown herald wednesday evening jartuary 1st 1930 i becqmes president of firestone company y b 7 braver announcement has recently tfeen made- that ew besiw at right foraieriy viccprcsiucnt and cencral manager of tha firestdne the rubber co of canada kirnitecuias been promoted to president mrvbesaw starjet wiu- the comjjany tn w09 asa salesrnlhrn6vha5 had a most biilliaut career harvey t firestone at left nibber pioheer and one of the worlds outstanding figures in commerce nd industry tes been made chairtnari of the board fl he was going to be all uwt could be tomcrttow no one should bo kinder than he tbmorrptvv a friend who was troubled and weary he knew wijod be glad of a life and who need- ed it too on him he would call and see what he could do tomorrow enrtii morning he stacked up the lef twshcd write tomorrow and thought of the tolks he would fill wiutideught tomoxro it was too bad indeed he was busy today and hadnt a minute to stop on his mnro inn t ot xyxxc to lye oihera hed say s t totnorrow 4 the greatest- of w this man he- ejver seen tomorrow buif tlie ral he diet and he faded rom view and all hathe left here whoclivtnf was thhrugh was a mountain of things le intended to do tomorvow nonmitumavnnuiiuaoinui forsters grocery v a fulllifoe of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices leecream in bulk cones or bricks forsters terms cash georgetown pbone29 wheat if fall wheal wanted jj we will truck have installed it lar krciiviiij jj seperator to take direct from tjiitslicv 5 agents for wheat pool w 0 brownetto i nerval floor mills nerval toihorkow 4 mortal has been satisfactory except that the filler supply is low poultry prices have proved disappointing generally i at the height of the marketing seaatow j maoy slderoads in ajl parts tip- the wovfnee kavc tsfm lmpassao1ojr v whihw hif rtrafflc nest g wyk c william 11 allison canadian medical ayoc mum mrnmmtmamsmim mum j a happy nfw yar to all a b willson next to hotel mcgibbon georgetown exfjcctse ln wccter during the whiter months there is ui our country more illness than there is d urine the other seasons of the year there are several factors which contribute to this- increase one of the chiel of thriierimd one whose cor rection lies within the control of each individual ls the riving up of exercise or iiay when the jaold weather comes a certain amount of physical exer cise ls necessary to keep the body fit whether it is taken in the form of sotting up execcise or in play or again simply as part of the dolly routine of life such as by walking to and fronf work most people during the warmer months of the year do securea considerable amount of exer cise because they take part in some form of outdoor life which necessitates the use of their big muscles unfortunately many people once ulq cold weather comes lead an indoor life and seldom bring the- big muscles of their body into play in addition they continue to eat as much if hot more than they did when they were active they also starve themselves of fresh air and live and work most of the time in an overheated atmos phere which in 1 tself is debilitating the result of this abuse of the body for it may be fairly called abuse- is that there is a loss of tone a state of comparative unfitness develops with the result that there is more 111 health and more actual disease than during the months when the body is given reasonable care cdkt weather itself ls not responsible for disease in fact there it rrfueh to be said for the stimu lating e o co jfa alt 1 he illnesses ttrarf come with winter are the penalty of our neglect of bur own bodies just as soon as we pot into practice what we know aubut exercise and fresh air and about living and working in rooms that are not over heated we shall be more heajthyajj therejrwiu be less sickness it may be impossible to continue the same exer cise in winter as in summer but there are many ways in which the necessary amount of exercise can be secured in winter questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college street toronto will be answered personally by letter sunshine for poultry r hens need sunshine in jtfrfte poultry ration esjectally during the winter months when the sun sti sunshine in the feh w s important as any one of heothefr ingredients in a poultry ration fcgg production quality jt shell nutritive value of eggs and hatchabllity are dependent upon it cod liver oil or cod liver meal is- the best substitute for tndirect rays at the sun both are quite rich in the tinilght factottmd available at a reasonable price cod liver meal also supplies liver tissue that helps to build up the blood the better poultry mashes which you buy already mixed either have cod liver oil or cod liver meal as on e of the ingredients so you can buy tehm secure in the knowledge that your flock will get all the sun shine they need in their feed the switchboard operators p raver news and informatio for tiie busy i v mek dr a unique honor robert harcourt professor of chemistry at oacln recognition of his services to- agriculture has been honored by the french goernikeht with the cross of the knighthood of agricultural merit the distinction comes as the result of the visit to tftie college lasl summer of a party of agri- cultural studenls and facujty fronv griffnon finance winter conditions according to current reports of ag cultural representatives winter con- ditions have p througqpt qn tario during december- r thib weather rotor- trafflc- caplaig and ndrw 11 stott mpre than ihroe tujnd people from toe- wcst jeft ullpnlpck on 16 m tff5 i h pacific juilway bperll stiines butrutwe 1 veiling toships nld at saln john to satlon luchess of itich- mopd petember hlo sptnd uieir chjrihtnias und new year ho i mays in great hritajrj the majority of the travellertrrtpresont worker on the land rather than city dwellers competing for scholarship members of the party of 500 junior farmers who attended the royal win ter pair this year as guests of the ontario government are competing for fifteen scholarships of 100 each onter ed by the t eaton company of to ronto fdr the best papers bearing on the trip and agricultural problems in general examinations of the contest ants have been conducted in eacn county and the papers of the first prize winners in the various counties will be examined at toronto for the final awards 1 the british market a housewife in england out buying a little bacon for tomorrows break fast or an apple or two for the child ren5 lunch seems a far cry from on arcnard or farmyard in ontario yet it is that housewife and the millions more like here in gerat britian who determine to a large extent the price our farmers receive for their products in i92ff canada exportecr acutturat pahm5l3tji the yalucofsaisoooooo and of this total about 400000000 worth went to the united kingdom but in competition is keen and the british consum rtpmnnrig fyrtln brands of food canadian producers therefore must make every effort to satisfy this market upon which they depend so largely oh lord for all tvfe done today to cause annoyance and delay to make a person rant and rave for all wrong numbers i have gave and gave and gave when id be cryih rl nv trtrer seven uaw uuvtiii niyun slfor all the needless irritajjon when i cut off a conversation the cusses calls for information because of me the slaps and sinmq the smashed receivers dams and damns ive caused this day o lord for these and all my sins excuse it please amen oliver her ford feeding sorftteh grains the ambunboscralh grains tx feed layers varies with the different sea sons in winter when nights are long and cold hens need more of the heat lorming energy producing scratch grains than lh summer for the next three months about one qmcrt of scratch grains to 12 hens qr 14 pounds to 100 hens should be fed this should be supplied an hour before the birds go to roost so they will have time to clean it up before dark do not feed any grain in the morning as the hens are apt to fill up on it and then will wait lor it to digest hpfqre eating any mash and obtaining the eggbuilding materials a nigh grade mash should be kept belore the hens all the tune the more they eat the more eggs it urdiriartty- means grit and shell should be hopper fed and drinking nmtrit- olnrny mmllnhlo supply gryoti grandia says this little secret should be carried through the year and if all would try to heed it earth would soon be full of cheer would you have a happy day give some- happiness away quality la tfa better part f valuet the bieic price isnt verything we strive to give you hot only the best price but the best you can buy at the price shop at carrolls each week for assurance ofquality cmmed vegetables a ylmbr pba3 no 4 dew 2 rim 27c aylmbb corn choice quality 2tin27r aylmeb tomatoes no 2m o 2 tm 2 a y lmhb p noiih ioc wax beans good qulky no 2 no iv green beans g qlky no 2 bn iv asparagus tips ciiloroi ub dn 1 9c mushrooms french choice rin cauliflower imported cm brussels sprouts imported cm 12c 20c lie 2c 7c hems tomoioketchup bottle 16c 24c hesu c spaghem tin 10c 15c 24c clark boiled dinner fi 2c hcans creem of tomato qup cm i0c spcciaj eaufinl oc dometty shortening 4q port lard aylm soups assorted dtu mef chicken and wat soup tm bcavcc bonajw chtcfccn largt tin premier salad drouag bool 2jc 35 ertglkh malt vinegar bottle iv 26c sardines on uj ceeoouloa red sockere salmon do 24c 4c mppcred herring llh tin 2c flour gutcoit crabappu jelly v carrol creamery butter pound sl side bacon fancy mild p4uchincsitwrapped 35 special for coffee for mavonnaim foe flabva bold eagle brand condensed tlnaasa for sau anion uejparrolls 1 a wrapped bread r zebra stove polish foil high lauing glow dlirham brand corn starch pkg mclaren invmcibie jcfltea mclaren quick pudding fmesi japan rice rowntreee enojaitl cocoa- tm special btstkve or crown a healthful seet foe qutdren all kcewa eagjiah muscarclan 14c 24c 48c french miuurd saud cream 2 btle 2s l upion s jam 40oa jar j9 iff- main 3treet georgetowpa feed when you can seed ljurket the ailske and red clover seed mar ket continues draggy at unchanged prices and with very little moving at present trom production- districts the export demand is reported unusually low and uncertain onngto a large visible supply of american and euro pean production relatively low prices are being offered to growers and there 4s a tendency for them to hold their seed the report from toronto early this month was that about 25 to 40 per cent of the 1929 crop of alsike arid about 50 perl cent of the red clover was still in the growers hands the demand for alfalfa seed is good owing to the short crop of hardy strains this year prices offered on tario growers for good quality seed range from 30c to 40c a pound timo thy esed is also in fair demand ana at slightly higher prices than last year crop report for yeai the final crop bulletin for the year just issued comprises an interesting and informative review of agricultural production during the past year ac cording to this review fall wheat was better both in quality and quantity than anticipated the average over the whole province was about 40 bush els to the acre the increased acreage in fall wheat sown this year ls about five per cent rather unexpected under weather conditions oats this year yielded but 90 per cent of an average crop- barley though good in quality was oflclent in quantity ckirri 6 the whole was disappointing tobacco told the same story potatoes are re turned a sextra good in quality but only an average crop turnips are a short crop live stock generally is said to be in rather poor condition hogs are fewer on the farms sheep and lambs are said to have done better and are increasing in numbers h ere an dth ere t 443 the total forest area of canada is estimated to be 111454 sqmiv miles- ol his area 8g5880 kquaro mljes are productive and arres- jrfblo a little over onethird of this area bears tlnbr of turrcbintnlile trixe the remainder- rnrrjes ymm xroipu not yetultahue for uko- ttae allhnes championship in tho canadian facjfic rail waytlrst aid jompetltirtv lflls bwn won by tho rpotro team of the windsor station montreal tor the first time tn ttut history of the championship win- nors fook 31fut points out of a pos sible 425 the nearest- to wliich t- tho team frmii nelson peink 26x1 jherobers of tho winners were owen less sum- i led by the ite of eec i following is a brief mary for ontario a bank of montreal under rdc- while cold weathex anjd early snow have given an impetus to sales of seasonable goods generat retair trade has inclined to slowness wholesale i trade while steady for the first time 3 tins year shows slight declire from the p lircvlpus year collectlonsare slow to fair rubber footwear factories are o very busy and ttie output of rubber 3 tires shows slight increase over the a previous- month furniture factories 5 iontlhuu- busy on goods fdrlkechfisi- mas trade and special dldjo cabinet orders tttnners report an improve- f p merit uk the hide market and leather 1 prices remain steady with the outlook s urifthtr chan a yr ngq except from 1 s the west spring orders in the boot nnd shoe industry arc coming liv well aslirht seasonal iticreain empfoyeos 3 isrepoctcd by tn agwhulturat anplets merit andanionnpbile mdustriesrt30v- s mrsdc trad of ttie milling industry s- is normal with exrt trade dull tex- e ttlo nnd knittinfi mills are basy on fjrm orders 3 with the bbjective of being one of the largest and most palatial buildings of its- kind in the ron- tinent the new rlublmuso of the- colwood jhlf and country lub at vlctorlais rapidly nearinc com pletion and will be ready for for mal opening in time for the second annual empress mtdvwlnter lour rai ment to be played over tho ramona course- february 1722 it is in replacement of the clubhouse des- troyed by fire about a year ago honolulu welcomed ss empress of canada plant flagship of the canadian pacific empress fleet when the crack liner arrived de cember 13 inaugurating canadian service to the hawaiian port with a brilliant civic reception in which the mayor the chamber of com merce and leading civic represen- tattvea and organizations took pant honolulu gave a real old time aloha greeting proving its en thusiasm at the decision 6t the canadian pacific steamships jjex- vlces to include honolulu as a fre quent port of call americas first seagoing christ mas music festival will take place aboard canadian pacific liner du- cbess of bedford wjilch sails from new york december 23 on a 16day cruise of the west indies a secjal choir has been selected for carotsjnglrm and the ships orches tra will play christmas mualo dating from tho earliest yuletide observances in engjand and eur ope ellijnbothan pageantry old- time english and american dances yulo ixgs boars heads rarons of iteef and druidic mistletoe will all feature in tlie festival the whett rharapiuwhlp of the world won by cnnadlan farmers fin ttmfrs tn the last nineteen years linn again returned to can ada after being hold for two yean by the slate of montana this year it wns warded by the unanimous decision of judges at the interna tional grain and may show at chi cago to joseph ii r smith of wolf creek alberta nnd formerly of leicester england his farm is 100 mites north or the international boundary and 130 miles west of ed- iimin h won with n sample of reward lnt developed at the canadian govern men t experimen tal kami it oituwa and put on the market in 1h2s bu t cnnni iacl kai- way flyer the lominion pear kanaka british columbia recent ly a child has been christened chrtbtinn patricia rosalind the names being arranged to make tho initials cpr in honor of her birth on the railway little miss cpr ib the daughter or mr and mrs j peterson of north vancou ver bc business summajtlc ccm skating outfits ayirtube skatepariab5ofs 1adiesvtube skates and roofs mens tube skates arid boots mens tube skates and boots mens tube skates and boots 7575 67 650 775 bakep 3 21 yesrs 6fexpew we arc happy to pre sent the new kolster radio to our friends tlie new kolster in cabinet beauty as in perform a rice is this year more than ever before fine set youll agree after youve seen and heard the kolster hh darling pmone 199 georgetown tide new kolster radio more than ever a fine sei woodfor sale choice hardwood beech and maple 400 per single card mixed wood u0 per single cord mixed slabs 3x0 per slngtt cord rails 300 per single cord phone sflflj or msj j bbandford georgetown j sanford stewarttowr piuinbing tinsmilhing j estimates cieetally gives phone 84 r 12 tire bisjrest and most brilliant soasonl ol winter sports in thehis- tory of cjebec city ih tho tfe- scrlpttou- ft tho forthcoming fea- tlvltles at the anelcnt capital re ceived at keneral tourist tieul- quarters of the canadian pacific recently- the aeastm which is now open wll include four high hkiuh tbo pelecfi nult january 20 tho ice pageant kohruary 1213 tho international iog sumi derby of 120 miles february 2022 and the masquerade itall at the chateau erontenac kebruary 21 georgetown rrno2 farm inmplemeuts are certainly de serving of more attention in the fall and winter months than they usually receive the lifetime of an implem ent may be prolongedand the amount of power required to operate very much lessened by proper care most farm implements rust out rather than wear out cifford baldwlck of barrle ont was ono of three members of canadian junior live stock clubs chosen at the royal winter pair to represent cana da hctnternalionai joint live stock judging competition in england nx year r- neiit neni a boy on his way to school ato too many green apples asr he took his seat the teacher asked huntojtamc th present season ilic hoy arose in spite of the pain in his stomach im sure its notthc apple beaaon he said timidly how do ytra know that inquired tho instructor without a seconds hesitation tho boy replied i have- inside informa- tlon he was a lingering sort of lover and while they were saying good night for- the twentieth tamo he r- marked jvwe uvein a wonderful age dar ling just think how everything la becoming tireless now yes she acquiesod only wing this mornlnff tnaf ven pa yeara have been far eclipsed rw beatiy chairman and pre sident of the canadian pacific railway recently presented the dominion open revolver cham pionship trophy and medals to cp fl police team no 1 of ontario which defeated ttie iethbrldgo team of the royal canadian mount- ed police in the finals with a score of 1412 out of a possible 1500 members of the winning team are constables prondergasl lyves tlngman and mac donald and in vestigator obrijon canadian pacific liner empress of japan larfrost and finest ship on the pacific coast wils taiched from the yards at glasgow decem ber 17 and will bo in service from vancouver early in the new y oar well on the way to launching is the 40000ton giant tho empress of britain destrned to revolution ize atlantic travel to and from can ada to rurope with a scheduled time of five daya from continent to continent qkllne over two hundred miles of snowblanketed wilds and scal ing five passes of which throe have an altitude of over 8000 feet six intrepid skiers of the jasper park ski club wiu in january make the trip fromjaspor park tq jianfr to attend the annual winter b porta cari mary jnlval that opens in feb- new bninswlcks field crops for 192 have an estimated value of 25722000 as compared with 18- 276000 for 1928 and j184135qp for 1927 according to reports trom tho dominion bureau of statistics just issued s the sofa was becomldgwlrleal a vp over jlp00000 wan nmllcd re- cently3aja linal pnymentfl to mem- bora of fho cotirric rrainjjoola 6r manltobaand saskatcbewaji on the 1928 drops of oatn hnrloy fla and ryo thisbrlneh total paymentn tp provincial pools by the central belling agency to 6h4c per bimh- el or oau 69he par bushel on barley 220 00 boshel on flax and 9ivic per bushel on rye bcanltobas success at the royal winter fair toronto rccontly l deacrlged by premlexbrifckon as the mosttrocnarkablo ever ahlev- ed by the province- both in nnn- g bjr and variety pt championships it- even jas3 other winnings the recoros of insurance life fire wust storm accident and sickness bonds amd mortgages bought and sold special rates on aatatnoduje inanranee to tlie fanner f kersey phone 9o or 3tt georgetown ontario notice of application divobck for uotiob is hereby given that les lie gregory of tale town of oakvllle jimhe countytirhalton in the pro- ihe of ontaripj assistant manager yrtfi apply to the parliament of cana da at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wife me may gregory formerly of the said town of oajrvillc hat now residing at the city of niagara falls in the pro vince of ontario on the ground of adultery and desevtion dated at toronto this fourth day of november ax 1029 by douglas douglas a robinson barristers etc 903 northern ontario bid 330 bay bt toronto ont 5t solicitors for the applicant 1000 hockey sticks sligls and snowshoei s- r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown bruntons garage welding and expert brake service battery repairing bpalr to u aaakoaor can ooa oum sraau eto rtdio and caribiatrorlam rookorsod an up todate aut repair s prompt aeivice workmanship guaranteed authorizeiehrysler and plymouth service garage main st north phone 280 georgetown georgetown elevator agent for the grain pooi market for all graw flour and feeding stuffs ohoy feed and laying mash at lowest prices alex l noble phone 145 jh i butternut bread t rich as butter sweet as a nut- we ask our customers to be the jll compare our quality butternut always good to the last crumb 30ldby mark clark phone 229w grocer georgetown i mo shovoulbb raqulrod standard anthracite scramton coal all sizes jn ill1 coai wood boloot lit mil for lummtir and jhrtuliinm iuiriorcb srnllbirik nntl caitnol coal in f iiti liimiiytlnut to be foiiiid in iiny npto rlato conl liixl wood yrtrii jl john mcdoniatd phonk 1 2 georgetown screknokid radiola now only 9221 75 complete a few exclusive featuke8 twolnone tuning dial illumlnated window on which kilo cycle readings of the selector dial are magnified powerdriven electrodynamic loud speaker which reproduces speech and music with a quality clarity and depth of tone that is truly remarkable kadiola now 12150 complete aflth 7 tuba and lnadspiakcr a remarkably low priced radio with natural clear tone power for beyond needs of the average home a phone call will placsanyone of theso radios in your home on approval h ii darling electrfeal cotniactbr murdock st phone 199 j ti s awsi ibwtnflirt m 4 iar -vv- l an