i t i i i page 4 j2f ri hiaail 1 c the ceorgetomm hertl wpdnesday evening february 5th 19301 -t- itvery boh telephone is a long distance station yon cin call by number and now reverse the charges if you waht tp reverse the charge r a long distance call you do not need to give the nane of thejwr- son you are calling it is enough now just to give the number you vsran you can how reversedle charge on an anyone there or sta tiontostation call and get a lower rate as well when you are away from home you can get your house or office more quickly and more cheaply in calling by number and you canstill have the call charged to your bill at home 4 n friendship the hinges or true frlonship never rust its docjrs are never locked to those wet trust it otwns easy to ves gentle touch and finds a welcome to the heart of such tttivetncmrooni whoever they may be who do slneerrly seek this liberty this high and holy privejerfc for wjere is there a greater boon or bliss to shore so let khe footsteps to my lonely wind approach thy soul nnd ready entrance and as host and guest in fellowship we know the comfort which true frjendhlp can bestow it thinks it feels it loves when een aparc prays trusts aiul hopes with ajl its longing heart for those whose spirit shared jts co- 4 fldence true jtriendship is lifes greatest rcc- timpetice -i-tx- bruntons garage welding and expert brake service battery- repairing rapalm to u ulcea of cora ga oils gnkwa etc radio utd car battarlea raohanrad an uptodate auto repair shop prompt service workmanship guaranteed authorized chrysler and plymouth service garage main st north phone 280 georgetown i tt tbi georgetown elevator agent for the grn pool market for all grain flour and feeding stuffs chick feed and laying mash at lowest prices delivery madevl and friday of each week alexl noble phone 145 biaohsbs the name is sufficient our salesmen carry butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate manfd by dominion bakeries ltd guelph sold by mark clark phone 229w grocer georgetov news and information for the busy farmer canadian butter leaves room for improvement both in quality and quantity this improvement- accord ing to a prominent dairy authority wiu be brought aoout by improving the quality pf the raw material through payirig a higher price to the producer uniform price and quality prof h h dean of oac has some timely advice for distributors of milk and other dairy products he declares that milk and milk products of good quality provided at a fair and uniform price throughout the year wfll satisfy the consuming public better than variations in quality and price he suggests- the following aids ira this direction daylight and no moon light delivery the use of roono-ser- vice bottles for milk cartons for pound print butter sell varieties of cheese like cottage and thus use profitably the skimmilk the zone system to save duplication of milk routes and courteous consideration of customers by all drivers and salesmen winter care of pics the main factors in the successful rearing of pigs during- the winter months are 1 early litters pigs intended for w feeding should be farrowed not later than the month of september this gives them time for a good start ifbre cold weather 2 clean yard a good clover field or yard with clover sod is ideal for them to run in avoid all old yards and wallows 3 clean apd dry sleeping quarters these should be entirely free from draughts but provided with ventila tion 4 suitable rations from weaning until four months of age the follow ing ration will be satisfactory 300 pounds of finely ground oats 200 pounds of middlings 60 pounds of wheat bran 50 pounds of barley or corn 15 pounds each of linseed oil meal and tankage 5 pounds of bone char and 3 pounds of salt this should always be fed as a warm slop mixed with skim milk or buttermilk as the pigs get old increase the proportion of barley and corn be very careful pot to overfeed every meal should be ail cleaned up quickly and more looked for a supply of alfalfa or clover hay should bevon hand at all times and a few mangels or apples given dally keep all pens clean and supply drink ing water each day annual hkpot of medicat health officer the export market w a wilson agricultural products representative for canada in oreat britain who has been spending son months in canada addressing agri cultural organizatio and servi clubs emphasizes the importance 6t steady volume of export in order to hold the market t the limit in consumption has by no means been reached he declares canadas position in the world is be coming increasingly dependent upon her ability to-hola- her- own- in- world- competition in reference to canadas exports of agricultural produce mr wilson points out that these have shown a marked tendency to decrease in recent years unless canada can maintain a policy- of supplying a rea sonable volume for export to the bri tish isles uie inroads made by foreign competitors will become still more serious canadians milk drinkers statistics have shown that cana dians eat more butter and eggs per capita than the people of any other country a recent survey shows that one of the favorite beverages of the people of canada is milk to satisfy this demand for fresh milk alone over 4625000 gallons per year or about one pint per head of population per day is required this should serve to give some idea of the prominence which dairying has attained the total value of canallan dairy products exceeds 290 minions a following is the report of the medi cal health officer of georgetown for the year192 georgetown january 15 1929 to the chairman and members of jhe local board of health georgetown ontario gentlemen i i beg to submit herewith my annual report upon the sardtary condition of the municipality for the year ending dec 31st 1929 vital statistics births 27 deaths 19 communicable diseases ceredttf spinal meningitis 0 chicken pox 7 smallpox 0 scarlet fever 1 diphtheria 2 whooping cough 9 measles 33 mumps 3 typhoid fever 0 undulant fever 0 quarantine and isolation has been strctry enforced but it is regretted thqx a noy inconsiderable nlimber of reswentsap hot cooperate and make it difficult tp control the spread of om muni cable diseases to mr wpl marshall sanitary inspector credit is due for the tactful and effective man ner he has used to assist in this most important branch of public health work water supply fc source streams and reservoir treatment none number of samules seat to laboratories 11 samples par ticularly in the springtime occasion- ally show ryinjurtiratajiinn with intes tinal organisms and may at some time de a real menace to the health of the town improvement recommended chlorination milk supply number of distributors raw n 6 pasteurized milk 2 milk inspectar drbw learmonth number of samples sent to laboratories 96 number of yisitslflprejnlsaer of producers 24 tfmr6er of tuberculin tests all rw milk producers herds tested twice in the year cattle condemned moved from herds 8 nt cattle tested focontagious aborilon 6 results all negativetjumber of in spections of town producers 312 iubuc school number of times visited 6 sani tary conveniences hxndelnned ante- quated and unhealthy lighting of rooms good defective blackboards none heating fair ventilation fair drinking water facilities common cup destroyed otherwise satisfactory- toxoid clinic i cards were sent to parents of all primary class pupils suggestive advic- ability of having their children of school and preschool age given pro tection against diphtheria free of charge at the school by the medical officer of health 1927218 children given 3 inoculations 1928 23 1929 51 note incidence of diphtheria in 1929 there were no cases in toi when the neighboring town of bramp ton had an epidemic last fall here may i draw attention to the good work being done by the school nurse mrs a b parr who is most conscientious and has gained the con fidence of parents rh ant the school staff since the appointment of a wrrkm niiry the complaints of parents to the medical officer of health about mnltary rnnrtitippa in the school jn an skin dis eases in otjhr parents children has been reducecvery considerably the school board is to be congratulated upon its attitude to public health in the school and nave been anxious to cooperate in every way nuisances these arje so numerous and varied that tabulation is impossible this work takes perhaps more patience and time than any other held of activity cesspools are becoming an increasing ly difficult problem may i deviate here to suggest that builders be re quired to install approved septic tanks in connection with any new houses built the time will very soon the only solution be sensible if constipated get yourself a bottle of gallaghers tonic and system huilder its a natural rettlwtyttnad entirely from herbs far leuer for you than harsh mineral purgatives liallafthers is gentle but sure and you dont h toteep increasing the di3l great for that continuallytired feeling and for keeping your skin clear gallaghers tonieand sysucm builder and other gallagher herbal household remedies now for sale by w r watson ii t rails wood s3 00 single corq delivered mixed wood 350 lardwood 00 sin gle cord j h smith fjepriretown phone 8rl3 wood fotf sale choice hardwood beech atta maple 400 per single cord mixed wood s6o per single cord mixed slabs 300 per single cord caust300 per stngje card phone m5j r wu j bkandpokd own j sanford plnmbing tinsmilbing esunales uieeriaily uven pbone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 its found money ttus and t apprecbbbk awfteetved almost dally- by kelly aiken the ooltoetlop spadabate gnetph e oaw o mllalllallllrtlalmb the old world shows the new most privies are a menace to health through files andji fiource of unpleas ant odors perhaps it is not generally known that a large proportion of sum mer diarrhoea minfantsartd -children- originates in the privy garbarge the condition qf some of the back yards of homes and business buildings to say the least is unsightly and in many cases unsanitary decaying vege table matter espedauym the summer calls forth many complaints this applies to some of our stores as well as homes a system of regular gar bage collection would be in order and is in demand by many eltlens hospital patients this is a source of heavy expense to the town and toe burden in my opinion is quite unfair however those who urgently need hospital attention cannot ibe denied when consulted your medlral officer of health has not given sanction to any but cases where it would be inhitmii to wlthold such attention in case of open tuberculosis of of the lung it is the opinion of most medical practitioners that sanatarium treatment is more sound and econo mical in the long run the tuberculosis situation is not as bams tor many towns local bfannfactarlng plana information is frequently given re sanitation first aid etc one large industry requested that an analysis of dust be made to determlnd if this was any health hazard and this was done and no hazard exists advice has been given to individuals who use certain methods of spraying cars with bensol derivatives this is a definite hazard the danger of carbon m poi soning in closed commercial garages hasbeen pointed out pnblie health w a class in first aid was conducted by the medlcqfftcer of health in sept oct and november out of 21 candidates who were examined in december is were successful and are to be given first aid certificates by the sl john ambulance association in conclusion i wish to thank all htm have assisted rathe work of pub lic healths this year particularly my colleagues dr a mcallister do paul dr learmonth mrs a b parr and mr wm marshall i have the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant c v williams mpel georgetown t when the thirdof the great west festivals at the palllaer bote jcalgary march 1 3relrt sco of n will contribute to the success of the affair in folksongs olkdanccs and handicraft work of which a special exhibition will be held by the alberta branch-ot- thi canadian handicrafts guild at the previous two festivals in winnipeg end regina some astonishingly beautiful wevkwaa v- chawh arid interest will be stimulated at calgary and throughout the province of alberta by tho offer of handsome prizes by the canadian handi- wisi f3tat1 flnm iatmrt tmvwntv maw uqaaf end regina some astonishingly beautifu v cbowb ahd interest will be sfimulatad ftuildjsjotexdlwoitheirbcajrtyrnay m by tho above lay hut which bhowskuma umaman spin ner at work on a dress similar to theione beautifully embroidered she is wearing swsdishv weavers also attired in native costume ahd some examples pi wood bctilptureismong them a couple of the mountias with peasant types of strong personality rance life fire wind storm accident and sickness bonds and mortgages bought and sold special bates on awlomwmla insurance to the farmerm p kersey phone 294 or 3s2 georgetown ontario no shovklung rbqodxxd standard anthracite scrtanton coal in au tomatically screened and loaded coal wood s lump tor duns ml in and tthreahtng purpoaea smtth- ing and nnji coal m fact i carry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and wood tard john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown demurrs ion a weekend of bargains final week of our 100 stores altvcefe brarion exceptional low prices on gopos yfrecogniietl merit from the opening o our- fi mu away back in 93 wr have followed a conxistentjxjicv of saiisfacrioo to our customers that why wt ami wrurewfatev butter ziw canned foods peas ttriafc brj no 4 sim 2ka 23c corlfztbaib bt no 2 tin 2rin23c del matz dry pack coob kcxocb bn 19c spinach kfhr fancy novatkr- i 47c haricots verts ntneo bent do 18c wax beans gold wax no2no 13c soups caapbetta obd 1 1- 2jc spaghetti hcin hegx tin 2c spkij mrl putdings caza1 t tern tie ew sst 75c cheese rktcmmtii par poaad 2c te sl xtp 19 12c bobdensst 2pk19c cham eva auallv flaked wheat sl lbs mav tfioolr oil hmkoll a hawps 43c 23c sunwheart 23c fax 3 for 1 so scouring jads pkg 14c 23c ope htindreil strc lto4er a single praggrteforsmp 4 i main street georgetown 8aaa dorit forget your subscription please btts of humour oarage attendant as car drives up juice motorist veil vat if we are dont ve get no petrol chance to rnpert darling in your teeth are like marjorle oh indeed arid when were you in 1116 moonugty with pearl a trae flan story a fisherman returning home- from an unsuccessful fishing trip as far as ash was- concerned stops at a fish store ahd purchases 6 fish as the clerk was shout to band them to him hesieppecr bals6nitb6e5unterarid requested the 6erk to throw- them at him as h left the state he was heard to aay well rm no uar i can tell my wife i caught them myself lear the set which made r thcriht prigetei fine radio 3t0inite 8ufer screbnjrid radio yoa owe it to yooraclf to beat and nr tile ael which im mnkitan radio history conra in or ask na to send a stentf your homo for m fre danoimtrmlioasv t 17700 less tubes 1jls6 t2ottiplet er magcou phones georgeto another firm out of business just one of the news items which are appearing jn papers quite too often these days throughout the dominion and what is the reason there is only one and that is lack of loyalty to home institutions and the flashing publicity of the large city arnhljhinnts many citizens while earning their wage and salaries in one place never theless send a large portion of this money out of the community for questionable bargains thus depriving such community of that much necessary working capital business men do the same they have local firms who are able and ready to supply them with all- their requirements yet for the most trivial reason or eaxuse they will consent to extend this patronage to outside firms thus helping to build up distant cities at the expence of their home town they seem to forget that this money so sent out might otherwise have been largely returned to them by those with whom they should have left this business theref when in need of printed matter of any kind whether farmer business man of professional man si- ways extjendnrst consideration to the georgetown herald if r 1 s