Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 26, 1930, p. 4

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iii i miui rnririf page 4 the georgetown herald wedneaday evening february 26th 1930 salada quality is so hne premiiiisareiiiuiecesary fresh from tlte gartens wise- or other georgetown elevators ijpeol m fo au qraw flour and feeding stuffs cfllckhaajt and laying mash a lowest prices delivery made tuesday and friday of each week alex l noble i phone 145 i forster s grocery a full line of fresh groceries always in stock bananas and oranges at the right prices icecrea in bnlk cones of bricks forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 flydyotlectriirsystem orders taken for ranges and appliances of ail kinds office tfown hall y fla k f i l l t the name is sufficient 4 h our salesmen carry butternut varieties daily a change to suit the palate i manf d by dominion bakeries ltd guelph soldby mark clark phone 229w grocer georgetown misses claridge herald block v at 460 spoony lovers may make a stir in public it takes a woman to break a self- made man a man may be honest add still take chances the straight and narrow paththe fire escape bverthlng comes to the man who alts on himself two heads are better than one if neither oie aches eton t think that dollars can be ac- quired without sense ldle is short and it only takes two seconds to fight a duel fortune- telling is neither a trade nor a profession its a cinch no one who starts out to look for trouble has use for a gun it is easier to restore a faded oil painting than a borrowed umbrella a talkative friend can do moreifcrm sometimes than a wlent nemy the matherlnlaw joke goes in toe funny papers but it falls flat at home chailty covers a multitude of sins that should be allowed to remain un- covered chewing gum was probably invent by a wotnorrwho bad no one to wto u 1 it takes us a lifetime to learn that hup owilbest friendnd -worofe- enemy to a man with a weuhalanoed mind doesnt have tcrpart his hair in the middle some f take advantage of their opportunities alsoof those of their neighbor fishermen and grass widows are alike in that tfey expect to have bet ter luck next time 2 the bull sale at karoloop thu year is scheduled for march 19 ani 20 the show is becoming an im portant event in wtro livestock records a big luu of alberta en tries has been received the maritime llvemock market ing board have extended their par- chasing plan so that now farmer clubs and associations may par chase feeds at a considerably lower ihce than formerly several car loads of feed have already been or dered wood ralls ss00 abide cord delivered wood 350 hardwood s4 00 sln- fla esaw- j h- smith phont 84rl3 oeergetown tf wood for sale choice hardwood beech and maple s400 par single cord mixed wood fso per single cord mixed slabs 300 per single cord rails sum per single cord phnw 3s5j er msi 1 bkandvobd georgetown stock feeding problems the directors of the canadian pacific railway have decided to apply to parliament for an amend ment to the companys charter per- mittlng it to change the par value of shares of its ordjmtrv stock from floo tov2s ner share with the ex change of one share of the old stock for foor share of the new this action has been dltrtated by a desire tp glace lira companys i w th l u jo es of moderate means and tons in crease the number of its sbareholq- era particularly in canada clearing auction sale oof farm stock and implements the undersigned has received in- strcens george w laird to sell hypubllc auction at lot 6 line esqueslng on tuesday march 4th 19j0 at 1 pjn sharp the lolloping hol8tein cowscov milking b yrs old cow pulktogf 5 yrs old miss doris farkes of vancouver becomes her majesty ot- the 1m1 banff annual winter sports- oais nival following her election as queen at the recently concraded gathering at the famous mountain resort she won agslnat rivals from calgary and australia anl was crowned amid colottnl pagean try tn the closfng hours of the ear- nival in deciding what tofeed during the coming spring months you naturally consider first the roughages and grains- nave oeeu rauea un tnfe larm during the past year these feeds constitute your cheapest source of feed supply and it is good economy to so plan your feeding program that you will use as much of them as pos sible as the basis of your ration however it is equally important to remember that no c or home raised feeds fully meets the needs of dairy cows hogs and poultry and it is poor economy to feed such large quantities of home feeds that some of the nutrients they contedtrnre wasted while other nutrients n are lacking it is a wise farmer who realizes it is justas important to know what feeds to buy as it is to know what feeds to raise in selecting the feeds needed to sup plement home grains and roughages two courses are open if desired one may buy several different ingredients such as gluten feed mill feed etc and work them into his ration tf a good formula is followed the advant age of this plan over straight home feeds has been proven to be both sound and pro supplementing home feeds wtttr ready mixed commercial k rations la being done more bjrsit more many feeders who have followed this prac tice for two or three years claim that this plan is superior to attempting id mix rations at home both from the standpoint of extra profits and elim inating the bother and labor of mut ing the matter of cost is one of the brst questions to be considered in considering such rations it is import ant to realize that the profit left af ter the feed is paid for la the true basis to judge the economy of a ration rather than its initial cost by the hun dred pounds or ton- pew realize what a surprisingly small increase in production is require ed to outweigh a seemingly trig dif ference in the initial cost of two ra tions this rf in comparing u3t cost of a good home mixture wltli a poor one as well as a home with a commercial ration or m com paring the value of different ready mixed rations 20j00 per ton may to be an enormous difference not how much land settlement work but how good was enunciat ed as the policy of the canada colonization association by w at neal general manager of western lines canadian pacific railway at the annual dinner of officials of the organization held at calgary recent ly mr neal said thai during the past five years the association lad settled 4270 families on 844m8 acres at a purchase price tn excess of 88000000 cow rnllkjng5 yryua cow coming spr co springing cow coming 3 yrs- spring ing 4 heuers coming 2 yrs old 4 heifers learning l yr implements binder mil 6 ft binder ruck mower deerlng 5 ft hay rake springtooth cultivator deer lng disc beering land roller wil kinson no 4 plow fleury walking plow no 21 gang plow double fur row cockshutt harrows grain chop per mh fanning mill grey oil tank lumber wagon adams wagon truck hay or stock rack seed drill mjl 10- hoe bobsleigh bauv and n other articles terms op sale twenty dollars and under cash over that amount seven motnhs credit on approved joint notes 0 per annum off for cash w a wilson fetch cheyne clerk auctioneers we haveno w a complete range of spr4ng hats r or early showing and extend to a most cordial invitation to inspect our stock georgetown big ben de luxe alarm clocks a b w1llso ctacgttown next to hotel mcgibbon- in the cost of two mash feeds for poul try one may readily wonder whether the more costly of the two rations would produce enough extra eggs to offset the difference in cost a hen eats in one month 3 lbs of mash which at the rate of 1c per pound 3c per hen thus a difference of 30x0 per ton is only 3c per hen per month if the better of the two ra tions causes he ben to produce only one extra egg the difference is more than offset a flock laying 40 or 13 days month are loafing 18 days a month if one ration cuts only one day off the 18 days of loafing it is worth 2000 a ton more this same principle applies to feed ing dairy cows suppose you war considering two rations the initial cost of which may vary slojoo a ton if milk is worth 2mc a pound 2 lbs of milk per day more offsets this differ ence of 10 00 per ton this is one pound at a milking or about 13 of an inch tn the pall not enough to be even n in considering ready mixed rations they cannot be considered as a general class and all having the same value there are a number of honest reput able concerns with high ideals that are striving to build products that win increase feed pnofllb unfortunately just as is the lease in every other industry there arerf few firms whose products are made primarily to sell or intended to dis pose of some byproduct of low feeding baslsto judge the economy of a ration tlon a feeder must use his judgment just as he does in buying other ma- anothrr very important considera tion is whether the ready mixed ra tion is intended to be fed as a- sup plement to home feeds or whether it is made as a complete ration ob viously it would be poor economy to buy a ready mixed ration that would not fit tn properly with home feed and would either throw your ration badly out of halance or necessitate your disposing of more of your home feeds than is necessary to some extent the analysis may be relied upon as a guide however there are a number of important fac tors that analysis do not show por example it tells us nothing about the digestibility of the reed the amount of protein carbohydrates etc that can really be used by the antmafr a very important point neither does it tell us anything about the palate witty of a ration and since the more pala table a ration the more easily digested this is also very important neither does the crude chemical analysis dis close anything about the variety of proteins which are absolutely necessary to maintain milk or egg production and keep up the animals body com plete protein can only be obtained from the right oomblnatlon of several different ingredients in selecting a ready mixed ration any edecwlll do well to ask himself the fololwtng questions in order to best determine which ration will give him the best results how long has the manufacturer been in business what growth and progress has the manufacturer made what has been done to make this particular feed the best dollars worth of feed you can buy for your money and the best suited to your particular needs t tys of lialwi finwny li- product whatcan the ready mixed ration be expected to do in the way of extra dollars over feed cost what proof unavailable as to the results this particular ration has pro duced the largest terminal grain eleva tor at any port on the seven seas has recently been put into opera- vsbbt at vancouver by the alberta wheat pool it has a capacity of f150000 tiuahelb anats vancouver pool terminal no l during the crop year ended july 31 1939 vancouver shipped 36 ltt 218 bushels of grain as compared with 797145u and 34415653 in the two previous years wycoffs bredtcplay strain of white leghorns rigorously culled regularly and new blood added yearly prices march 18 cents april 17 cents each also barred rock chicks oao strain from blood tested and government culled stock price 20 cents each march and a i ba a guar anteed write for interesting catalo gue custom hatching 4 cents egg large numbers as low as 3h cents an egg your eggs are given the same attention as our own phone cooka- vide 48 r 11 or write britannia poultry farm route 6 brampton ont 4t llore than 60 000 000 will be ex pended on new equipment new branch line constvuctlon and im provement to existing equipment and rondhnd by thzucstnadlan pad- be railway during 1930 according to an announcement made recently by b w beatty chairman and president of the company of this huge sum 14000000 will be ponded in new equipment and con version and improvement of aviat ing equipment 3000 000 in tele graphs canadian pacific hotels rrom coast to coast will bemflt by jso0000 rail tacthles in the west will account ror 10 000 000 an1 7800 000 will go on expenditures for eastern canada llaea tne fifty millions will include i9i00o0 tor maintenance during 1930 but loee not include lrz mrpendltnrw on ocean stenmthlps now in hand and pn imuiisrratlon wot a h ere an dtl ere 476 it is reported that coal deposit in central british columbia ai telkwa and copper river recentl discovered amount to 460000001 tons of bituminous coal arne pallaon national ubrarlai of iceland the oldeat aurvivlni democracy where the thousondtl anniversary of the first parllameni in the world will be held next june arrived at saint jehn on board s q minnedosa recently with view u vuilllng canadian icelanders 4 canadian pacific- afelp wl carrj visitors to the great world gather tng 1st ioeland a special train a university oi wheels is operatingi from hoom jaw early in february and eadlna at saskatoon march is it coq slats of two seed cleaning cars wits lecture car and hi brrnsing to farm era in oatoftheway districts 1 the west the very latest in agrlcu rural methods the lecture car li n change of officials of the field crops branch rf the saakatchewm department of agriculture rh train is tiavejllng over canaduu pacing lines with which companj the department is cooperating entries continue to pour n9 vie torts or the second annua km- prasa hotel midwinter golf tourna ment over aoenio cotwood eourae february 17j1 for the e w beatty trophy and a long list ot silver cups- with the new clug house at colwood slated to opas avv entry list la e pected for this popular tourney which is attracting collars from all over the united states and canada tne clnewee winter sports asso ciation has decided to bang up cask awards for the w of the ice canoe race slated to be held feb ruary xx canoeists will leavi levis with their lea oanosa mak their way across the rteer st law rence to quebec takwav sag aboard under us shadow ox historta cha teau froutaose nad then negotiate the halfmile stretch thai separates the two cities by careful aalefitlobi of the char acter of onlnnjats w oaa place in canada we help 4a the aevel of the doauntssv- col j s dennis former chief sssastill in of col onisation and devesopanent cana dian pacific rallwac and now act ing la an advisory enpaelty to the department said on sailing from saint john recently oil a trip of in spection to great britain and bur- ope he will discuss oertila agreements between the british government end the c p b re garding movement and plsrrng of british colonists in canada drink nearly 100 per cent more sank than they did la lml the par capita l s about one tint per day or 47 pounds per year ooroparad with about onehalf pint par head of population n lml the ssllk con- sumptus in the united states at about anpnanau twr capua par year er less than ptsi par day butter than the aeenta of- any aaheti country in the vytumju pounds per capitapar from zs7 nnassans xml thear appetite her v ti anal has increased nvsjk ptnta in itb 1m pints llsd an per capita con- anttsn of cheese has risen frost l baby chicks wiuowdale pottjy ftunt acton ontario j boos for hatching dayold chicks bredtolay barred plymouth rocks and single oomb white leghorns ontario breeding station plocka government culled inspected and blond tested for white dishorrea ordera wled in rotation of receipt send for descriptive catalogue just oft the p ess our customers write our advertisements j sanford stewarttown plambing tinsmi thing eaomatts ckeeriiilly give phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 prompt action a toronto client writes tour statement with cheque for 34084 to hand far which accept thank you certainly lost no time with this collection just another of the hundreds of complimentary notes we re ceive kelly aiken insurance life fwe wind storm accident and sickness bombs and mortgages bocost amd sold bseolel f kersey phone sm or ssi georgetown i ontario no sbtovaxltng rshstratatd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded c coal wood select lump for domestic and tthresnlng purposes smith ing and oannel ooal in fact i carry everything to be found in any uptodate coal and xanl- john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown n shrove tisendny specwaunt jeznim- iwake zsti attotlr ipkxq syrup bottle 3 main street georgetown youre a naughty little girl stop ruahlggtff w y -tnufc- said mother now you shant have any more candy why so still and quiet asked j father an hour later tve been fined ror speeding waa the reply did you ever stop to think that the town that fatls to encourage the business concerns it now has will fall way behind in the march of progress that when business concerns fail to use every ef fort to increase their business in thejhome town and its trade territory they are holding back its progress that merchants should show the people of their community by newspaper advertising that tkeycan btrpptytherre wan that people appreciate the true merit of the home own as a trading centre when the local concerns take interest enough jo tell them what they have through the recognized shoppers guide the newspapers that newspaper ads draw shoppers from other localities shopper do npt come to town to buy just one article they usually buy many articles that outoftown shoppers as well as the local shopper should receive prompt and strict attention advertising service quality and price are the big attractions that bringfhem torade v sj ag

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