page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening june lltb 1930 i l s r he race for health it is easily won by the man whoeat8 the foods- hat furnish real nutriment and do not tax the digestion shredded wheat withjauilk not only tastes good but is good the crisp flavory shreds of baked whole wheat are so appetiz ing and strengthening combines die roughage you need with the proteins and mineral salts delicious for any meal with your favorite fruit with all yhe bran of the whoe wheat thk canadian wiiieodco wheat company ltd x we have now a complete range of ummer hats for early showing and extend to you a most cordial invitation to inspect our stock misses claridge herald block georgetown mux and smwos a wise old fish was interviewed amid as he flipped bis tail to try m mvo to gieet old age would be or no avail unless one watched bb diets tram the day that be was hatched and never ate a tempting bait that had a string attached 1 i my father said when i was young beware of f halt tto better tar to pass it by and let your hunger wait than to try to beat the unseen band with whom your wits are matched it youd live ions neer take a girt that has a string attached his words heal truttl hare i not seen unnumbered flsh whove tried to take the rift without the string and later on have fried in someones pan beware the man who leaves ills door unlatched and never takes a glutting gift that has arstring attached i men might from this flsh story take a moral tost would save them many years of vain regret 4tnat haunt thetnto then- grate ttathat if beat to earn ones wa rten though the clothes be patched than pteee their bands upon toegift that has a string attached new and information for the busy fanner crepsteaect the arscrop r is for the month of june shows the despite frosts in many parts of the province which caused considerable damage the crops are coming along tn fine style for in stance the counties of carseton qlen- garry duffertn dundas and durham an report fan wheat clover alfalfa and hay crops in excellent condition bach tender plants as strawberries tnmatom suffered injury tat many localities but most counties report more serious dam age hhk prortnettnn to reported to be above average to dundas and torts counties pastures are t s to be tn pi ihm ltvr vnthout esjeep- tton with the cosatag of w weather an crops have shown rapid 1m- rovement oat toe- anting s i i e production commenc to lessen there are certain hens in every flock that should be culled out and i the sooner they are gotten rid of the bigger wffl be the flock pr l is reduced feed costs are kissied and the piotl table btrds are given more room tn the laying house and on tne range poultry also should sen tor more money per pound in the early part or the si than later so there is a mathtfaf gasa in dlsiwlhg of tba nonproductive btrds one of the simplest ways to can the flock is to go over the birds when they roost at night pick oat those with abrttcjl rough ooqlbs atlsu kuvbawcqa db1q ftodoaaocdal a wrd wrtha huge amount of baadfat around the abdomen is not to laying condition the bdroavs bono if you have a tale to ten boll it down write it out and write it wen being careful how you spell send the kernel keep the shell bou it downl boil it down i then when all the job fa done bon it downl h you want to share our fun know just bow a papers run day by day from sun to sun bou it downl bpu it downl when theres not a word to spare boo u downl bou it downl heave a sigh and lift a prayer stamp your foot and tear your hair then begin again with care bou it downl bou u downl when an done you send it in well boll it down where you end there we begin this is our besetting sin with a scowl or with a grin well bou it down boil it down presbyterian advance new ftppshiuie the increasing tirmanrt for market ing service and the general work to- connecti with the crops qo- and markets branch of the ontario department of agriculture have result- ed in the mtntsjar of agrlcutture ap pointing an asrtttant director of this branch a h martin of renfrew mr martin has been agricultural repre- sentattve for renfrew county since iw and previous to that time was as sistant upreseiitattve in wellington county having graduated tram the on tario agricultural college in 194 flgattag the sew twsue prof howitt of the o a c recom mends the fouowtng practices to assist fine farmer in combatting the sow thrrtrn menace 1 vigorous miduuuiuei cultivation during the dry hot weather immedi ately following haying or harvest x the use of crops such aa sweet clover rape and buckwheat these are very effective when properly s short crop rotations which give a chance to use hoed corps frequently 4 tjndsrdrainage of lands requiring tt poorly drained land is moat favorable to the growth of the sow watch effect af if you have applied any fertiliser to your lands t m can be learned irj atehtng then- effect an growing crops duilng the next few wnrrs experience has shown that properlychosen fertilisers prod ant important results 1 they increase a they notice to creditors tn the mattes of the margaret maksnaj vohtge af oka oswaty notice is hereby otvbn that all persons having any claim or de mtm against the late margaret mc- kerral who died on or about the eighth day of march a d 1830 at the village of glen williams in the county of helton and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the under signed solicitor for huuard 8 wilson and george h hogg the executors of the last wfu and testament of mar garet mckerral married wamon de ceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of thetr 1 and statements of their ac counts and the nature of the securi ties if any held ay them and take notice that after the fourth day of july 130 the said executors- wul proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persona entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whl they shall then have bad noucerand that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received no- r dated at georgetown ontario this fourth day of june ajx 1030 john a thompson holtcttor for the said executors georgetown ontario monuments pollock a ingham cum on j sanford stowaa w pivnbiiiftiiisbjildng dvca 84rl2 rjfno2 clever craw varaeme cloven are among the most valuable crops grown on the farms of the pro vince not only do they furnish large percentage of the nitrogen sup ply tn stock feeds but also a part of the fsttrogen supply kt fertilisation these crops improve the mechanical t of the sou play a large partem maktog the sofl fertility available for the use of other in an j it conducted for a period of seven years at ttav ojux it was found that mammnnui red clover yielded 1m tons amxe bad clover xts tons of hay per acre tn each case only one crop of hay was taken last season from mammath bad and abase clovers while to most years during the experiment two 3 e a ben ham son real estate agents georgetown i loom brick bouse with an conveniences terms down pay ment of fsoo and the balance arranged as a mortgage payable at the rate of wm per month with interest 1 1all solid brick house and two lots on main st garage and goad bam convenience in house very reasonable terms can be bad by the purchaser of this properly turn pits room frame house and five lots m- oj anfl soft water in house garage and two ben houses some small fruit easy terms gnva transport business showing profits that will amaaa you owner forced to ire it up because of 111 health cash s desirable but terms maybe had we have a larw listing of town and farm properties and it h be to your advantage to consult us before buying e a bknham son ibs iflllilllli f i v p v we feature only one make of l goodyeara brt what a range of them and from the lowest to the highest of tire price ehsees oar coodyears offer far and away the biggest value sending away for tires ia the bunk when yon ean get good year quality and oar service right here at the aarne or lower prices drive ova lets talk turkey jn oneill ovson phone 14- main st georgetown ksiet imenta are now in progress and it is hoped to produce a strata of bad clover which win reach hay condition at almost the same time as timothy iiiainf weak at ojlc the ontario agricultural college at quetph win be thrown open to inspec tion by the farmers of the provmee on four days this month june 18 it is and 1 the visitors are advised to ar rive early in order to have ttsae to aw the bag institution and are r to bring a basket hmeh and to bto picnic style under the shade trees by ttegynmashrm by noon the col lege has made provision to supply hot tea mfflt and ice cream after lunch the men wni be shown over the- crop experiment plots and wm have an op- pattnnttyto rn the live lock tba builea wm be at liberty to visit mc donald hau the various buildings on the campus and any other department of the college they desire to see about four oclock the campus wm be avail able for the hear hall games shoe pitching or any other sports strengthen the crop to resist disease 3 they hasten the growth of the crap so that it ripens days earlier 4 they incr yield s they imp qual ity and product they improve ova catch of grasses and clovers whether these results be t- de pends upon the condition of the soil as tadrainage sou reaction supply of organic matter and wisdom in choice of fertilisers they must be to antt the special needs of the crop and make up tor sofl iviftrlenr herean some things to watches the season ad- mbs is there a stronger growth of crop on the fertilised than on- the mrfevtmssd land baa the ferumaed crop ripened earlier has there been re or leas disease tn the fertilised crop has there been moreor less bisect injury what was the comparative per acre what difference tn qoanty of product do you note assistance tn rr troublesome ferturasr problems wffl be gladly given by your agricul tural iipuaviitatlmi or by the oulo interest is being evinced by educa tional authorities in many parts of on tario to use vocational agricultural school at ni tn kent county an institution unique among the schools of ontario btabusbed four years ago by the ontario government in co operation with the looal school auth orities tt has become bxxeastngly pop ular with the rural youth of kent haw ing an enrolment of 73 pupils during the past term operated in conjunc tion with the rjdgetown high school the students receive a thorough acade- mlc training and in addition a cornpletc course in such practical subjects as farm mechanics woudaiuiaiug agri cultural sngtoeertog and motor mech anics and instruction hi livestock judg ing field crops are horticulture bio logy and cl are two imp subjects on the currlcutm at the end of a four year course graduates are en titled to enter ojlc a second bund ing has just been completed at ridge- town to take care of the increasing at tendance it b not unnaturally ttrtpa that this school will have tn other sections of ont ario before many years particularly stone the qovernrnent pays half of the east of buudrag and half of the tuition coixections we handle collections only no side line no claim too urge too small too old or too bard tor us to tackle 40 veers experience no collection noabarge kelly taiken collection specialists orangevule wood for sale choice hardwood beach and h00 per stogie cord mixed wood isjso per single cord mixed stabs gain per singss cord rails cms per stogie cord pnante mbj ar sttj s ttartcwosut naturally the aba of the grower is to produce the biggest best crop at the lowest posl this is dependent upon a nnmbe factors such aa good sou quanty at spraying and cultivation while importance of these f la avooq catoo law practise seed treatment which si to reduce enormous losses and venlence caused by scab mack lag trttlv i 7oat to ttloll oop lth to treat i 1 to of fonaaun to so ganons of la made up and placed toa barrel the xl pototoea uncut artl psscedta a and su to4hs hquld tor two hours when tbebag la pnuad ap and the aoluuon allowed to drain hack into the barrel thenthe seed may be ontario usually has about four and one halt rnnuon acres of hay crops each year to passing across toe pro- vtoce bsfore baying one cannot help feeling that many of these acres are not paying the taxes and the cost of handling the crop statistlci indicate an average yield of only one and onehalf tons to the acre and una can carta hily be tanroved for the meadows good drainage and sweet sod are very important roota of clovers are slow to pene trate wet sous and wherever there at a surplus of water on the sou atr is shut out and hence the bacterial ufa la either weakened or killed another point to iisuanow improvement is the use of high quality seed if poor aead is used the meadow starts out with a good drainage good seed and a uralaupply of suitable feruh tear fc nrofliable rnearlowa du royalties not stocks or shares tn royalty holding companies but direct penchaso and ownership pro ducing properties only trmnedi- returns l clayton bjxn3k royal bank bldg toronto ont my n win ray r- u try ttveejles nwaavtest- effamatleat 1 von ean see breeding stock and chicks before you buy x chicks are more certain to live long railroad jouiu are hard on etiicir 3 an hreedera bvioovteated for bacmery white diarrhoea 4 every pen headed with ro p cockerels and an btrds the heavy type 5 ah foundation stock is under government supervision can supply chicks on two d rock bottom is kea for june rocks 14c leghorns lie press paid 100 live arrival guaranteed we allow express charges off above prices if you call for chicks j o twkddle returns to toe provtuctal apawtst bv- icato that the northern rmrtrof ori- tariogtvetheldgheet yields hhrnwy for ust the average per colony was iso rjounds in kenora 1t tn bruea ana rentrew 11 in rtortoumbertand and 10 to algoma one boutbern cotmty ejgm has the nigh average of 143 pounds whoq the adjomlng counties kent and norfolk have m and so tba raspecttvaty to total suuttyssruca orey bbnooe and tork take the and partly doe to then- hues arm tat also due to the tact that clover aiyi aadka are grown abundantly the honey of crop tor the mvtoee for the m ism as lxhbag pounds fourths of which was classed adhrnleil valaa l u4w ar 1141 jt royal compliment to canada aa much as to the m canadian pacific was the opinion of e w beatty chairman and president of the canadian pacific railway and chairman of the canadian pacific steamships ltd when announcing that his royal highness the prince of wales hsd consented to act as sponsor of the new giant liper of the canadian pacific beet the empress of britain we are greatly gratified said mr beatty to learn that his royal highness has promised to find time to go up to t clyde to sponsor our new ship the prince of wales is one of thp busiest men in europe and i take it that hms been led to do so out of his love for this country and his keen interest in all things canadian the empress of britain wql be the largest ship buqt in gnat britain since 1914 the ceremonial launching at which tba prtace of wales will be the central figure will take place at the clydeaide yards of john brown 4 company the builders on june 11 which lncidentaay will be the first anniversary of the opening of largest hotel in the british empire the royal york toronto by the governorgeneral ofanada the empress of britain besides being tba greatest liner entering a canadian port wijl m the most palatial and uptodate vessel afloat and with her speed wfm make possible a teanaatlsntto crossing of five days or leas betweea canada- and great britain and will greatly shorten tba tourney between europe and canada mad tba middle aad- western states the mammoth liner wul be ta service next summer whtt regular voya between southampton cherbourg and quebec 1e have your car in good condition before you take it on the road i check your brakes carefully before you start oat on the highway you may have to depend on them and they may fail you to the injury of yourself or others see that your headlights do not glare the night patrol of the traffic police may stop you and issue a aiirnrnortn glaring headlights are the terror of night driving be careful show courtesy to others on the road use yoor oorninon sense in deciding where how and at what speed yon will drive your car the keystone of safely a the kinga erghwam ansaf mil uther roetda 4 arreeta highway courtesy common sense saety committee tfc hon geo s henry the rockies are calling you standard aimiracite scranton coal fnal automatksurjr s and loadad wood john mcdonald white the combination of the extremes of natural snd sop at banff springs hotel snd cha teau lake louise which open may is and june 1 respectively unui september 30 is perhaps the secret of their charm located in the heart of the finest s of the continent mountain lake aad forest each offers to the visitor everything that the most rttsy hotel in the most cosmopolitan owee of too world can furnish you may cut sa to look through huge windows at slices of mjionollar scenery or you may attire yourself to please yourself and go out for days on horse back into territory virtually untouched by- the white man and all within a few miles of either hotel you may live plainly but well on food packed into the wuds by horse nr youmay dlna on exotic dainties drawn from the ends of the earth you may be strictly formal or you may wander around in plus fours everything goes whether you are admiring the- moonlight on snowcrowned peaks or listening at your esse to a cosmopolitan danca orchestra friayvig tba latest blue anyone visiting either of these hotels has laid in a memory ihatcwlll last a lifetime lay out shown lert view from chateau lake louise lower right the banff springs- hotel advertise in the k pays j ift i iii hp i imili l imlil i ftll l