Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 23, 1930, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 23rd 1930 1 buy health of your grocer your grocer iiu ileaitii to sell the kind of health that comes trom light i iuui ihiiigr- easily digested foods yoil will find it m every paefcac of shredded wheat eat it every day vih milk or cream and you will be heajthy ano strong ready for every test of mental and physical- endurance all the bodybuilding elcmciujj jl grain nothing added nithing tken away and so easily digested its delicious with fruits shredded heat back home wtthall the bran of the whole wheat idoeo wheat company ltsk the itod must turn at last the road that leads back homt safe through the storms that break lash of the swirling foam where the green touch is fixed the gray world mother waits to welcome each in turn back through the- ancient gates the road must turn at last where friendly maples bend over the dreamless sleep out at the journeys end over the dreamless sleep deep where the shadows fall and from the starlit night only the lost winds call here is the man au loved yet the great heart is still where the worn hands are crossed under the silent hill where the tar crowds are bowed and the rain mist is gray here ls the man all loved- l what is there more to say greater than men might know news and information for the busy farmer canada well keprraeoied at the fourth worlds congress be- lng held at the crystal palace london england from july 22nd to 90th can odawil have a total of 863 birds in competitive entries also 453 exhibition birds and 244 production birds ex hibits of ducks geese pigeons and rabbits will also be there from the dominion hwrrrftlnthp hutft fight he looked through fames rei nare on to the greater light the light of peace on earth but dimly understood where the scarred world might know faith in its brotherhood calling- her son back home where the last dreams abide now the world mother walte with her great arms held wide anns that were built to ho children of plain and town each one to find in turn rest when the sun goes down when the dark night is on each one can hear her say see the green coach is fixed where the winds kneel to pray here is the rest youre earned under the rosecrowned sod safe in my guarding arms here is the peace of ood fall wheat crop good the harvesting of fall wheat in the southwestern portion of the province lias been general during the past ten days due to warm weather with cool nights during ripening time the heads are quite plump and the grow ers are securing much larger yields thah they expected reports of agri cultural representatives from other darts of ontario would indicate a fair average crop of wheat steruixlnr nnportant the proper sterilisation of dairy utensils ls somewhat difficult in farm qin wliei trhoiq in n t general news hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- j appliances of all kinds office town hall erwiiugoldhanvs meat market all kinds of fresh and salt meats at right prices erwin goldham phone 1 georgetown the weightlesf shows jampipped cords are strongertougher the ottawa department of public works has awarded the contract for rebuilding pie oakvrmr east pier to the raynor construction co at a figure of 19000 the work is to be started at once and should be finished before the autumn storms set in harold acheson of dundalk lost a roll of bills amounting to 18 but the money fell into honest hands albert priddle while playing horse shoes noticed the money blowing down the street and promptly re turned it to the loser who suitably rewarded him for his honesty mrs james neal north arthur was- seriously injured when a cow pushed against the one mrs neal was milking and she was thrown back under the third cow which trampled her badly before mr neal who was nearby could get her ex tricated from her perilous position the bolton hydro commission has under consideration plans for the re habilitation of the whole hydro sys tem in the village at an approximate cost of 1500 it is many years since any improvements have been made to the equipment and owing to the in creased business it is felt that a gen eral overhauling is necessary harry martin of bronte arrested by constable patterson and traffic officers rogers and smith on a charge of burg larizing h v quests store at bronte recently appeared before judge munro here pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in the reformatory at ouelph after having served in various churches in the capacity gf choir leadcr for fifty years and after having enjoyed a respite of a couple of years mr h irvine commenced his second fifty years of service when he resumed his old position as director of ceremo nies the aoton free press one of our p uuiiteiiipu has ht stalled a new babcock optimus print- l press this important plant addi tion will place the free press in bolting water ls effective if it is real ly boiluigi but in too many cases it ls just hot and- this does not kill baeterla one dairyman who has all hut buildings wired with electricity has installed an electric water heater in the dairy room at the ban all milk pails und the rrtl parts ofhls milk ing machine are thoroughly scalded and he reports fewer complaints from the shipping plant than when boiling vater was carried rfom fhe house where electricity is not available the use of sterilizing solutions should be considered your druggist can advise as to what he carries in stock direc tions for making the solutions and the frequency of changing it should be strictly adhered to in order to ob tain the best results concrete work i am preprtid to do concrete work of all kinds estimates given free of charge if you require anything in this line phone 321- s walker georgetown 3tp tf insurance of mil kinds money to loan sole agent for atwater kent radios get my prjees on a and b batteries tubes aerials etc f kersey phone 90332 georgetown why is it why do clients of many years standing continue to send us their troublesome cpllections why is th vo bpbus compare our we handle increasing rapidly because our service is eminent ly satisfactory and our rates reasonable kelly oc aiken collection specialists gnelph a orancevfue owfd sound frail tree insects a valuable pamphlet for fruit grow ers is insects attacking prult trees by professor lawson qaesar bulletin 356 distributed free by the depart ment this is a revision of an older bulletin by the same author it con tains sections dealing with the gen eral principles of control sprays a use and equipment and methods used in spraying most of the space however is devoted to description of the more common insects affecting fruit trees it is wellillustrated i issforbi stewarttown ptambingahnsmilbing estimates cheerfully uvea phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 position to give its constituency even better service than in the past the orange vllle citizens band which recently had its instruments called in by the mllltla authorities has been reorganized and has been granted a sum of 550 which is to be spent for new instruments folowtng an illness of many months duncan mcallister of erin passed away on saturday evening june 28th at the general hospital ouelph in his 64th year percy lee of tansley met with a painful acldent recently he was us ing an emery wheel when it suddenly burst breaking three fingers and cut ting his right hand badly medical aid was summoned and he was taken to the hamilton city hospital for treatment he ls progressing nicely poultry market unpromising an official forecast states that the poultry market for the balance of the yea ls going to be a trying one per haps the most difficult through which the industry has passed in recent years not only are storage stocks heavy and production fully up to nor mal but the recently enacted tariff schedules of the united tsates are bound to affect the shipments of live poultry to that country this ls a business which has reached quite heavy proportions especially in wes tern ontario to which district buffalo offers a splendid market mode in rand schools the enthusiasm evident at musical festivals staged by schools in various coun ties at the end of the school term in june shows definitely that the young people of rural ontario are tak ing an increasingly greater interest in music jn middlesex for example there were 150 entries including eleven school choruses three high school choruses and two mixed choruses over 1500 people were in attendance fif teen rural school and three urban school choruses competed at the fes tival in peel with some 154 entries and a capacity attendance- as a re sult of previous musical festivals in wellington county a large number of rural school boards have made special arrangements for the teaching of music to their pupils j e whltlock of the agricultural representative branch declares that no activity has boon tukanup so wholeheartedly hy the juniors of ontario as music and he advises leaders in counties where this feature tiasnot to give the matter serious considera tion for their 1931 programs standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and i oaded coal wood elsew regular prices with prices that you regularly pay check up the savings that you can make on our special prices each week you will readily see why we claim to save you ten cents on each grocery dollar f or satisfaction shop at carrolls low regular prices 11 tin select lump tor threshing iwinw flmjiii- tag and oannet ooal in teat i carry srmjtatnt to be fband in any uptodate ooal an wood yard john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown malt vinegar whitcoclv lottie 15cz6c olive oil hnnz btl 2s s o s scouring pads pk 14c 2s palmolive soap 3 cake 23o peas green giant no 2 tin 22a corn aylmer grolf golden no 2 tin 2 tin 2 spaghett clark tin 10c 14e corned beef fray bentoa minoed chicken tin ite meatwich spread libby tin 12 sockeye salmon coronation dn 24c 44c special heirr tpmato specjal golden net gohoe salmon spedej carrolls own ear special fancy golden dates 19 large bottle 1 2lb pfeg- low gula prices regular cel fancy smyrna figs 3- special bean hole beans i i3c special shredded or medium chip cocoanut is special pearl sdeajp whitc naphtha pilchards van campt large tin i5c lobster brttvrr brand larnc tin 35c sardines kinfii plate 3 tin 23c shrimp american beauty pet tn 21c fruit salad california tin 17c 29c 35c pineapple di monte culj tin 21c 28c corn flakes criolla wn 3 plla 25c muffets package i2c all bran pits 12c 19c oai flakes 3 minute ptlgc 10c 25c 1 bars 34 potatoes new homegrown 8 lb 25c peck cabbage new hamegrown large heads 5c watermelon mon extra fancy doz main street each 45c 55c and 68c 31 georgetown canadian medical amoc here is a test which easily proves the value of gumdipping the extra patented firestone process of saturating and insulating every fibre of every cord in a fircmone tire with rubber fo eliminate internal heat and friction the greatest ertcmy to tire life a iwoounce weight is suspended on the end of o e strand of a cord a taken from an ordinary tire the strand breaks in 15 seconds a similarweight is suspended on a guondipped strand b taken from a firestone tire it rcnvains unbroken for 45 seconds three timesas long i let your nearest firestone dealer equip your car with a set of these stronger tougher more dependable tires that hold the worlds records for mileage and endur ance see nim today firestone tire and rubber cip of canada limited hamilton ontario fir builds the only we carry a complete line of firestone tires and tubes jnonelllsoh phone 14 main st georigetown prompt efficient and courteous service itkabt disease one of the reason which makes heart disease dlflitfk deal with is that unlike tuberculosis it ls not one definite condition ih the fight against tuberculosis we have been able to give definite instructions and by listening to our constant repetition of such instructions most persons have grasped the idea of how the dis ease may be prevented heart disease is not one disease there are many abnormal conditions of the heart due to different causes which give rise to different aymptons and require different methods of treatment and prevention when some of the heart ls damaged we say that there ls organic heart disease the slgnlfance of the con dition depends upon what part of the heart is damaged how extensive the damage ls and whether or not the condition ls progressive these and other stmlllar points determine the gravity of the condition and indicate the proper form of treatment some hearts are improperly formed from birth the vast majority of hearts that are damaged have suffer ed injury because of the occurrence of some disease diseases of the body due to the action of disease germs which give orf poisons are very often the cause jtt damaged hearts rfcu- matlsm in children is serious becape of the fact that it often involves the heart x local infections such as diseased teeth or tonsils ore centers where germs persist for long periods of time and arc frequently responsible for damage to the heart the heart responds to every effort or the body and within limit it does so with ease and comfort when the heart ls subject to strain by improper living or by overexertion there is al ways and possibility of permanent damage resulting the prevention of heart disease be gins with the building up of a sound body through attention to a proper hygienic mode of living proper care during an attack of disease arid-part- tlcularly during the convalescence from a oommunlcable disease is es- setial the removal or any focus of infection should not be delayed tf a heart condition docs develop the life of the individual must be ad- justed to the capacity of the heart this docs not mean that the person becomes an invalid it does mean that he must learn his limitations and live accordingly it never pays to abuse the healthy body and it is fatal to abuse a damaged organ questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical association 184 college st toronto will be answered personally by letter build up the soil not infrequently do we read of some section of the country where the soil has been gradually lmproverished to the point it will no longer return a profitable- yield this has come solely as the result of neglect upon the jwrt of its owners to return to the soil at least a portion of the nourishment re moved by successive cropping today there are available many fertilizers readily adaptable to various types of soil for the purpose of restoring to the earth its former fertility true they cannot be applied lndlscrlminate- ly but by judicious application based on the recommendation of officials of the department of agriculture or the ontario agricultural college a farmer may reclaim land now on the verge of total impoverishment tobacco in poultry feed unthrifty poultry may be infested with internal parasites examine a number of birds and if worms are found add two pounds of finely pul verized tobacco to each 100 pounds of dry mash the tobacco should contain at least 1 nicotine the use of to bacco will reduce the internal parasite danger with young poultry so says dr l stevenson ont dept of agri culture s impohtitncfe of personality extract at recent address of presi dent e w beatly of the cpjl e w beatty president of the cpjt the worlds largest railway system stated last month at the annual din ner in toronto of the york bible class there ls nothing which quite takes the place of real ability in a man but we would bo unwise to assume that brains means success the reason that personality counts so heavily ls obvious this is a universe inhabited by humans humans who work to gether who play together and whose efforts require cooperation from other humans obviously that individual who by vlrture of lovable and magnetic personal qualities earns the goodwill of other humans with whom he as sociates and receives their help the obstacles in his way are smoothedcontlnued mr beatty by the work of those who have a liking and regard for him as a human per haps the value of this individual as set ls more pronounced today than at any time whan salesmanship forms such a large part irr the worlds com mercial activities i a young man will appreciate early in his career that character ls fundamental he will find even in modem business that it pays to be honest frank and loyal and he will appreciate the value of independ ent thought i do not think i am exaggerating idded mr beatty when i say that perhaps nothing ls a greater detriment to a young mans progress than vanity conceit and inordinate selfassurance theyjire what we ari provocative of al the opposition and hostility it ls possible tor humans to feci for each other tih3 people at home if you wonder how the people at home are feeling turn to the tele phone it will take you there in a cw minutes and it ls almost as good as being home again lh person out- oftown calls are as simple to make as local ones and- nearly as quick after 700 pm you can talk a hun dred miles or more for about the prlre of a movie tt carries the bestknown name in rubber on its sidewall goodyear it is built of famous goodyear j supertwist cords it looks rugged husky stout and it is just as good as it looks yet it is priced v much below any other wfce a n tire of equal thi you will find a rli- ofcle merchant able to give rrilalirit you jmrwiaie- erlr m jutxhy he worlds great tire ow tubes good made ear tf canada means good wear job printing prornptly and pieatly executed

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