Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 27, 1930, p. 4

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fcge4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening august 27th 1930 new gas electric engine with its euihlcjllnder ganolftitt ng1no qjat two electric mo tor- purring uid hum tiling in soothing hut powerful lu nuoiir nx 47 the 1 inudl in purlftc kail tnv new pasle trie combined pwrsengir pkis rux-m- boding tw uum tiejirjnu trtvin elictrt nmlno txjtjon inlt bttwcn humotim and kkrleh and its siiu a o 4t 1 lueen ottaua and walt ham thtoo c ira have a rttflge of 400 miles i jji uvrafip speed of 30 billoa an hour but- attain a maximum meed of 65 miles an hour they comprise a ritclamr compart- mqttr aatlnjt lm- onsen a mokin cumpirtnciit iw ispeo- jc ami a 17 foot compartment for bilge ami ciprckk news and information for the busy fanner valuable meadow jtesulu good ordinary meadow mixtures of clover and timoth can be increased as high as 49 per cent green weight ty porper fertilization this is the average result of ten carefully con ducted tests throughout the province last summer by the department of chemistry in these testa one half blocks of meadow mere measured off during early spring and fertilizer of various mixtures was applied in most cases the fertilizer was sown with the drill i the average gam for the entire test was a utle over a ton per acre green weight this showed a nice return on the mone invested in fertilizers the addition made to the meadows in these tests averaged about 300 pounds per acre or represented an investment of fixe to six dollars per acre aid to fruit growers as an aid to the overseas marketing of ontario s surplus fruit crop the s has decided to come to the aid of the fruit growers association insofar as guarantying sufficient monies to the banks to al low proper financing of the shippers this step has been taken to allow ab solute independence in marketing and will mean that with the association in a position to finance exportsshipments a large number of shippers who have been barred in the past will now be able to take advantage of the services of mr andrew fulton the associa tion s representative in great britain as a further step in organizing the province s fruit trade the appoint ment is announced of kenneth crews of trenton to assist p w hodgetts director of the fruit branch and secre tary of the association he will keep constantly in touch with the shippers in advising of market conditions and acting as liaison officer between the shippers and mr pulton further a series of experiments will be under taken at once with a view to control ling he apple scald disease which annually causes tremendous loss to ontario shippers crop conditions recent reports from agricultural rep resentatives would indicate that the yields of fall wheat and spring grains have been exceptionally good weather conditions have been ideal for the storing of grain and for stook thresh ing which is becoming very po crops such as potatoes beans sugar beets corn and tobacco will have light fields due to lack of rainfall the yields of all fruits especially apples and grapes will be detrimentally af fected pastures in many sections were severely burned and many dairy men especially in western ontario have had to resort to feeding their cattle grain and ensilage this ex pense in addition to the low price paid for milk at the cheese factories has caused the farmers no little concern the shortage of pasture has also in creased the shipments of cattle and lambs with the result that many cattle will be sold at a loss doing valuable work the work done at the rlgetown experimental farm is selecting and propagating a variety of beans that is freer from disease and gives a much greater yield than varieties formerly groprn has alone justified the estab lishment of this farm this 4s only one branch of work undertaken there which is of substantial benefit to in dividual farmers of southwestern on tario and to the province as a whole valuable work has been done with tobacco running factory crops cereal grains and hog besides this w r reek the superintendent and his staff have been instrumental in helping along the good work done at the agri cultural vocational school on ridge- town it is interesting to note that the farm was established at a time when the bean growers were discooarged and disease was taking a heavy toll as little or no work had been done in selection the seed had become run oat resulting in a poor yield beans have long been an important cash crop in kent and essex mr reek was able to get some selected bean seed from michigan which he propa gated the first year and placed in small lots on neighbouring farms the second year the variety is known as robust and and it is in general use atthe pre sent time being reslstent to disease and a heavy yielder there are 30 acres sown to beans on the farm this year and this will go out for seed on the plots special work is done in selection to further work is done in selection to further improve the strain a contrast tat weather the contrast in weather conditions during the present summer in south ern and northern ontario and in que bee has been of a most astonishing nature and holds more than a touch ax irony for farmers generally in the north and in quebec the rain came in such copious quantities that crops were injured seriously in some districts in old ontario particularly in the south west crops sweltered day after day under a merciless sun for a period of nearly twe months rainfall figures for july afford the most striking illus tration of what the countryside has borne in southern ontario the rain fall was s3 inches w the average figure is 35 inches of moisture que bec on the other hand had the great est rainfall in thirty years the total for the month was 5 6 inches as com pared with a normal of 37 inches bits of humour on second thovght a scottish workman in a large fac tory approached the manager for a raise in the salary he was getting giv ing a reason that he was thinking of getting married in his pay envelope sandy received a fairly substantial in crease some time later the manager meeting sandy inquired t suppose youre settled down to married life now eh sandy tm no married replle sandy but didnt you apply for a rise be cause you were thinking of getting married oh ay but rve topped thinking georgetown flour k feed notice to hog feeders we have a quantity of finely ground barley meal at this exceptionally low price 28 per ton w phone 195 r ae ssey georgetown nurses himiw hi atottouydax red rose te ajb 107 canadian medical assoc the skin beauty may be only skindeep biit a healthy skin is the reflection of the health of the whole body the skin mirrors the mannr of living of the individual a healthy skin generally means that a health mode of life is followed and that the body is in a state of health a flabby skin usually indicates lack of exercise and suggests that the muscles of the body are in poor shape paleness blotches pimples and other such conditions very frequently mean that the habits of life are faulty it may be that the diet is not balanced or that the need for rest is overlooked or that sufficient fresh air is not being secured unfortunately all skin abnormal ties are not due to an unhygienic life and cannot be correcteo by attention to the habits of living the majority however are due to such causes and they can drily bfe corrected by giving attention to dieu rest fresh air and the other essential health needs r of the body therein is natures barrier to infec tion it is therefore desirable to care for the skip to protect it and to keep it intact everyone should have his own washcloth and towel common towels are responsible for the spread of skin infections the skin is also the means by which the constant temperature of the body is maintained- through perspiration the skin increases evaporation and the dlsslnation of heat it is desirable to keep the skin clean in order to en able it to do its best work the number of baths indicated for any individual depends upon his mode of life and the season of the year the person who perspires freely as a re suit of his work or on account of the heat should take a warm bath daily two warm baths a week are adviseable for everyone in addition to keeping the skin clean cool bath each morning is to many people stimulating and desirable there are others who do not react well to a cool bath and who are chill ed by it as we have said in most cases a healthy skin is secured by a healthy mode of living and by cleanliness skin conditions which do not respond to such care require medical treatment a healthy skin mirrors good health and is a personal asset that cannot be secured except through proper living questions concerning health ad dressed to the canadian medical as sociation 184 college street toronto will be answered personally by letter business summary following is the business summary for ontario issued by the bank of montreal under date of august 22nd warm weather and an increased tourist traffic over last month have stimulated sales but retail trade la still below last years level whole salers report that in numbers orders received compare favourably with last years but that the volume of trade is down collections are slow to fair parttime schedules are prevalent in nearly all centres of industry furni ture factories with the exception of those working on special lines are operating below normal manufactur ers of cheap lines of boots and shoes are quite busy but those making bet ter grades are quiet cement plants are working to capacity after a tern porary cessation of operations auto mobile plants are again in production but with reduced staffs and on part- time schedules electrical manufac turers are busy on special orders the operations of agricultural implement plants show a further curtailment from last month and steel manufacturers find orders coming in slowly early crops harvested show a satisfactory yield but late crops are suffering from lack of moisture and the recent ex treme heat oil royalties not stocks or shares in royalty holding companies but direct purchase and ownership pro ducing properties only immedi ate monthly returns own yosor own ix clayton rtdqk royal bank brag toronto on adel 1887 h r mtbotb georgetown r llw or 11j j sanford stewarttowrj k esttautfes dwcrtally uvea phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 monuments pollock a ingham gkom why is it why do cuenta of many years standing continue to send us their troublesome collections why is the volume of business we handle increasing so rapidly because our service to eminent- ly satisfactory and our rates reasonable kelly aiken i collection specialists flnelpb orangerine owen soand radios see our new 8tube atwater kent radio before you buy insurance special rate to farmers on automobile insurance f kersey phone zm s3z georgetown sy 4a rr iirimiiww1 iimrmiisstirmirwsv tirnfif i i esquesing agricultural society annual fall exhibition friday and at georgetown suss september 1920 o moffatt pres w a wilson secy p cleave treasurer special prizes horses single high stepper by the president c moffat 6 00 single turnout road by the provincial paper mills 6 00 best parmer s turnout 81ngle by r k anderson mp 6 00 best idy driver by georgetown coating mills 6 00 best delivery horse by john mcdonald 3 00 best road horse confirmation 60 speed 40 by w c bessey and bl barnes 5 00 best gentleman driver by d brill ac co hat val ued at 5 00 best half mile dash open 3 in 3 heats 5 of purse to enter so 00 so 00 best general purpose horse on rein by frank fetch and geo edwards 3 00 best agricultural horse on rein by bank of nova scotia f 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 6 00 best lady rider 1st by john irving potato race by john h b best herd of horses not less than three 1st 1000 off any article purchased from masseyharrls company 2nd 600 off any article purchased from masseyharrls companys agent alex hume georgetown 10 00 best heavy team on grounds inrlihtlng heavy draft agrl cultural general purpose by george cleave 8 00 cattle best dairy cow by h r mtanma j xt best registered shorthorn female under 3 yeas by cot q o brown a 00 best registered shorthorn oow by d mclntyre 3 00 best holsteln heifer raised in esquestng township by t l leslie 3 oo best calf not necessarily registered shown by boy or qlri this prise given by dr paul 6 00 best jersey oow w b browne a co 3 00 best group three dairy cows consisting of one mature cow one two year old heller and one yearling to be sired by a pure bred bull and to beowned and raised by a farmer living in the iznmedlawlolatrlot covered by the society previous winner of a t baton co prise in this class not eligible 3fl piece set of hadrtnn plate dorothy vernon pattern in a suitable ease valued at 22 00 best baby beef by l mullln 3 00 sheep and pigs l pen of bacon hogs not less than 3 by c j buck 5 00 i pen of pine wool sheep not less than 4 sheep 1 male 3 females by j beaumont 3 00 l pen of long wool sheep not less than 4 sheep 1 male 3 females by k y barraclough 3 00 fancy work 1 best collection of fancy work by mrs f a harley 3 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 3 00 a 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 miscellaneous x 1 best 6 lbs butter by j m oneill son wheel barrow x 3 best 5 lbs butter by walter t evans x 3 best 3 iks butter in lb prints by r d warren x 4 best pair of dressed chickens by krwln st qoldham x 5 best pair of dressed chickens by r h thompson x b best pair of dressed chickens by elmer n tjimipmi x 7 best pair of dressed chickens by h o hamilton 8 best collection out flowers cottage roll by a k wright best display in han by merchant or manufacturing finn 1st by bank of montreal and l w dann 10 00 best collection homemade baking by w b browne co 24 h b bag nerval pastry flour best sample wheat by w b browne co 24u lb bag of national pastry flour 9 10 11 7 00 s 00 3 00 s 00 5 00 5 00 s 00 a bo best m bushel alslko seed by moriey pettit best a 80 a so tfcwqwuto tttluibl 0mkfc tykhi mo shovkluna hqnnga standard anthracite scranton coal in aesixeo automatically screened and foaded coal wood bate jump for 1 thrasbjog oi a john mcdonald phone 12 bushel alfalfa seed by moriey pettit best collection of baking fay harold c mcclure done by lady of esqueslng township consisting of 1 layer cake 1 pie h dox tea biscuits cookies and tarts prise verandah chair value at 5 50 best layer cake by w hlgglns 3 00 best collection vegetables by fleming and armstrong 3 00 best loaf of bread made from maple leaf flour by 1 walter lawson 1st 48 lbs maple leaf flour 2nd a4 lbs maple leaf flour 3rd 7 lbs maple leaf flour i 18 beat collection pastry by halton creamery and butter co j 00 19 best collectton of potatoes by w johnston and v rumley t a 00 20 best collection canned fruit by k r magloughlen 2 50 21 best collection fancy baking homemade 10 varieties by 0 b swackhammer enamelware value 6 00 22 best 10 lb pail of clover honey to be delivered to m clarkson 3 00 23 best jar of jam made with certo the label of the certo bottle must accompany each exhibit prise given by general ooods limited silver cup 24 best jar of jelly made with certo the label off the certo bottle must accompany each exhibit prise given by general ooods limited silver ci4 25 by j m moore x best half dozen buns herald 1 year 1 50 x largest v dox fresh hen eggs herald 1 year 1 50 x best and neatest 1 lb butter herald 1 year 1 50 x largest half dosen onions herald 1 year i 50 x best bushel cooking onions 4 00 x26 best local homemade bread clothes horse by j b mackrrnle value 3 75 27 best pair of dressed chickens by w r watson 6 00 28 best 2 bags of potatoes dabblers pah- of boots by c b dayfoot 29 collection of plain baking 7 rarities by n r nor ton jardlner stand value 5 00 30 display of 24 gladioli by h redahaw 3 00 x3i best 6 lbs butter by i m bennett 6 00 xs2 best pair dressed chicken by i m bennett 5 00 softball tournament horseshoe contest georgetown citizens band will furnish music during the day i i i i i i i ft i nadiajm national high spots at cne imagine a rfotittnctxti canadian kockaes bewn boldly fnim the bosom pf mother earth and a giant hand reaching down into obe of the canadian hlatkonal steamships west indies fleet and stealing a roup of luxurious cabins then you have an idea of thia years exhibit of the canadian national railways mt the canadian national kxhsbition jasper national park is one of the features of the exhibit inafiofoot panorama of the mountains m mother bear and her rubs go fruuickinc in the forest deer are made to so through the brush and the athabasca river sings a rippling song of oont marrelloua effects are nm by the use of colored hghta beginning with the faint light of dawn the aky changes to the beatuurul hues of a and slowly dusk comes and moving clouds are painicd with reds and blue to give an excellent idea of the ttm cor which the mountains are noted s in another part of the railways building visitors adc the gang plank and over jfcbe aide into the ldy neisrm vihgship of the west inches fyxt fwmie therhite hull um portmtf kblaimj i office a unarmed officer ready beh the gripe and he baa an dbctent staff of six stewards waiting to initiate the visitor into the ahtpa mysteries ijadmg off the lobby are- rooms exact replicas of those on board the lady ships and showing ua various typea of accomodation telephone no 8 when you need anything in the line of printing shop at chances not merely surprising low prices but guaranteed values quality insurance at carrolls secures you from disappoint ment- our goods must sat isfy or your money refunded kibble with two packages of kei- loggs cereals any kind a big shopping bag and sam ple of rice knspies free special ubbgm corned mb su ju at 12m special clark a pork and beans 2 poll 105 stores under a single ownership fruit jars ufll unali medium dozen laravi dozen zinc jar rings doz 17c i dozen jar rubbers 2 doz 97c 107 1 j7 50c 15c special for s devil lobster p n frkk with each jar of branston pickle a 10c jar of ketllers little chip marmalade free fresh fruit oranges lemons grapefruit bananas apples tomatoes at lowest prices sandwich spread blue ribbon jar 19c 34c mayonnaise kraft kitch fresh 8os jar 23c xxx quality vinegars satisfactory results in p uric ling certain when you use our special xxx quality vinegars 13 years reputation i xxx blended or pure spirit gallon 40c z- fstkk with each large bottle of johnsons liquid wax 69c a 15c polishing cloth freel special robertmma anorted marmalade silver shred golden shred or scotch style 1lb jar special rowafa sweet luuatard pickle loox jar 23 bt buy toddy a any stream and for one cent mors get a 350 tensecond mint ssmaaamsmsaasasnsmamamabmmbsssas toddy per tin jkc sic carrolls own coffees per lb 45c per lb 55c per lb 60c summer drinks mclarens punch assorted 13ox bottle 23c fly spray tanglefoot s-o- btl 2jc special carfolp own ctmmmerg butter r 32 c bananas per dozen 25c md30c matches best qiisfity 3 boxes 21c main street 1- georgetown

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