Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1930, p. 3

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s- the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 26th 1930 i u- page 3 r mr important o property owners y georgetown ont november 25th 1930 to the property owners of georgetown we feel that a- brief statement of the farts which make it necessary for ydu to record a vote on the validating of the cemetery debentures bylaw on monday december 1st is in order in september i 929 a petition signed by the re quired number of ratepayers was presented to the coun cil asking that they submit a bylaw for the appoint ment of a cemetery board under the parks act as provided tinder the ontario statutes this was done and the result of the vote was 303 for the appointment of- a cemetery board and 24 agairwtv by this action of the qualified voters the coun- cil was instructed to appoint a cernetery board consist ing of seven members this board is a distinct spend ing body and has full jurisdiction over all cemetery and park matters and under the ontario stature are allow- ed as their portion i mill on the assessment the cemeterydboard- has assurned an overdraft of 2000 which was standing against the cemetery and spent a further 8000 for which the corporation has advanced the money the corporation being the only body recognized for the issuing of debentures the debentures have to be issued through them which is really just a guarantee as the cemetery board have to undertake all further improvements to the cemetery and pay the debenture instalments for the next 20 years put of the proceeds of the 1 mill plus any income they have from the sale of plots and subscriptions from the plot holders as this money has been spent by a legally con stituted body if this bylaw is not validated it will be necessary for the 1931 councilors raise this full amount by direct levy during 1931 which would increase the rate about 8 mills and would be very unwise jjnder the debenture plan the corporation pays only the i mill from the tax payers as a whole as citizens of the community even if we have no direct interest in the cemetery we should show our appreciation of this volunteer cemetery board by pass ing the bylaw by a substantial vote it is generally re cognized that the beautifying of cemeteries devolves upon the community as a whole rather than on the in dividual plot holder as it has done in the past and which has not proved satisfactory as people move away it may so happen that while your own plot is well cared for that of your neighbours is uncared for and unless there is uniformity of care the whole presents a neg lected appearance j b mackenzie mayor local news eg m vote lor the cemetery bylaw monday december tst kp6x church baft m r on sfuurtliiy deo 6th ashgrovp roncrrt ivr 22nd par ticulars later stewarltown cliristmaa concert thursday de i8ih 2t read tho iiittii financial ktaioment on uge 4 of this issuo every property owner should vou for the cemetery bylaw next mon day norval prejibylerian sunday school entertainment will be hrui irr iec 18th work on the park improvement scheme has been rinmeued and a number of men are employed order your christinas cukes early at longs confectionery 1 2 and 3 lb sizes it keep december 19th ohmi for the christmas entertainment of the unit ed church okrmvillinms the georgetown business men will hold thnr animal community chrislmas tree on saturday lec 20 h y 3 pm norval presbyterian sunday school will hold their annual entertainment and christmas tree on friday dec 19th 2tp knox chnrch li holding its an nua bazaar on saturday dec 6th watch for further particulars in next weeks issue remernber the date the ladles auxiliary of the canndian legion will hold their annual ba7ar on satur- day tjec 13th u he rosebud mission band of the fchuroh v ill hold a ua and of homemadn baking on qatur- novernber 29th 2i the date tor nomitmunj candi dates to fill the vacancies in wards one and thee will be announced af ter first meeting of council in janu ary the sharp turn in the highway at millers corners is belnf remedied by a new route through tlto campbell property men and teams are busy grading the new roadway the golden sheaf mission band concert in knox church last friday night was well attertded the excel lent program by the band and miss muriel winchester of toronto de lighted all present everybody come to the dance in the town hall glerrwilliams dn pri day nov 28th under the auspices of victory ltb jack cain floor manager cherrio orchestra of brampton admission 100 couple ex tra lay 25c come and lets make whoopee together womans boots 1 we are mak ing boots to measure and i defy any man in the county to sell as goob boots as i do at as low a price re pairing as usual look in our win dow first thing you do if you are looking for boots shirts overalls pants mitts or socks- j fioney georgetown the united church olonwilliams will hold their annual christmas en tertainment on friday dec 19th further particulars later personals mr iitxi mrs w h br fine tt and son hurry of port fanng wen- visi tors in twii on sunday mrs wm pnunpt nh and miss ea prampioil of toronto were visitors in town on monday mr fjdwin class mid daimhger jean of windsor were visitors at dr wat sons over tile week end mr and mrs r d hazclyrood of toronto sxnt tin- week end with mrs j hozelwood mr and mrs r c cowles or to ronto snl tile week enl at mr eorkr wrikuesorths mr lyid mrs cordon robinson and children of hillsburg spent the week with mr and mrs wm hulpin cilcn- williams winner op two awards fok public speaking another surressful danee there was a wood attendance at the dance in the- arena last friday night iiven under the auspices of r b knights jf ireland ro- 797 johnson onis orchestra of toronto supplied hie music and o morri was floor malinger the wivesof the members- of ttfc order supplied delicious re freslimenls everybody had trtne and the committee are being urged to put on another dance in uic hear future miss charlotte mccullaugh carried home two handsome prizes from tho annual public speaking competition of ashgrove improvement association held in the oregory theatre last wed nesday night winning the mantel clock donated by the association for the third time and also winning for the first time the silver shield donat ed by georgetown business mens as sociation miss pearl brownridgc won for tile third time the silver trophy presented by esquestru township council the clock and trophy were given tor im promptu speaking w o brownridgc presided indues were a b chis- holm j bosnian milton and ar e j cordingley georgetown music was provided by mrs prank allau wltli t mis p p behan at thaujanqalap i recitations by verna downs milton for half presh straw for sale apply to john mcdonald phone 12w georgetown 3t work wanted a woman wants work by the day or week- apply to po box 108 georgetown 3tp for sale year old inborn hens wellbred scod layers also 2 brooders capacity 1o0o- each phone 107 r 6 george town tf ebsiibtbi mcbean co ablo for sale j ghvrolet stxian ctieap in good runniiik order 4 good tires apply to r- thompson hotel mcoibbon csetirgitowii l tp ifotase u rent seven room house oil kennedy st tvard and soft water electric light wimd- for electric slaue pply ta c vint john st georgetown 3tp tf church news st georges chareh advent sunday 8 ajn holy com munion 11 a matfis and sermon by the reotor 7 pjij vensong and good sermon by the rector snccesstql baxaar- the annual bazaar of the wa of st georges chftrch held test friday and chor master mr pollen knox presbyterian church at 10 ajti sunday schooi an bibl classes mr s harrison s3 supt atnajvt and 7 pjn church services when rev dc marsh wul preach was nkaln very successful and the amount realized was nearly 400 the nlhs were very prettily- decorated hid laden with articles which told ot the labour of the ladies during the last year the following ladies rwere convenors fancy work mrs j par mer homeakihg mrs e e young novelty booth mrs hamilton flsh ixind mrs clark juniors mrs- w thomiwon daughters of the church mrs mcnally a delightful supper was served by mrs w v grant and heliiers carillon at mr ybung 945 ajn and 645 tm united chnrch rev j w rumley minister mr norman laird choir master services sunday nov 30th 10 am sunday school and bible classes 11 ajn spirited regeneration series in our common faith 7 pm evening wor ship reverance in national life high school commencement the high school commencement will be held in the gregory theatre thursday uec 4th tickets may be obtained from the pupils curler attention a meeting of the curlers will be held in the club room at the arena on thursday nov 27tli al 8 pm to elect skips for the coming season by order of the president h hamilton dont miss this band dance under the auspices of the oeorgetown citlxens band will be held in the town hall georgetown friday december 1 2 at 83 p-m- hrp musk will be supplied by the harmony six event of the season a dance under the auspices of orion lodge no 109 ioojp will be held in the arena georgetown on friday dec 5th martin ramsay orchestra dancing at 830 lunch srrvod tie ket 47c plus 3c tax everybody wel come goo come well put on rnero was a large gathering at the gregory theatre on monday evening whjyimemders ox young peoplevr- p on friday evening league of the united church put on thj threeact comedy all-of-a-sud- den penny it was one of the best plays put on by local artists in our town for some timr and the audience certainly enjoyed it every member of tho caste took their paxla splendid for sale at a bargain small electric tove apply to p w brooke main street oeorgetown tf i- wear dresses special prices 1o clear girls pantie dresses girls pantie dresses all wool flannel sizes 3 to 6 t colors red green rose blue reseda 225 sale price 1 m n p 179 palatini and decorating get your bouses renewed noy while the prices are low satisfaction guar anteed r j wlgglrii painter and decorator phone 331 georgetown 3tp for sale about 1000 ties suitable lor fenfe paste 25 hydro poles apply phone 90 r 2 oeorgetown 2t iiodsehold farnttare for sale walnut dining table rugs side board chairs bebroom furniture nrw coal range small tables garden tools steuladder lawn mower screen doors- a b wilson norval united chnrch the sacrament of the lords sup per will be dispensed at norval and mount pleasant united churches next sunday nov 30th preparatory ser vices at norval on thursday evenini wood for sale at 8 pm meeting of session at 730 the baptist chnrch rev a n frith pastor mr charles kirk organist the sunday school meets at 10 am to study the story of zaccheus or a business man oon- pjn ly and there was not a dull moment verted pastor frith will preach at during the entire performance an am on wortdlsm and at 7 choice program of music was provid- i on individualism ed between acts by tile harmony six the young peoples union meets on the artists in the play were john monday at 8 pjn dr watson will bird george page fred farlinger j lead in a study of the life of peter thos eason harold mcclurc wilfred waldo one of the fighters for free- lcslle mrs h cleave grace forster idom and the founder of the walden- madellne erwin ruth evans dorothy ian church frampton the committee in charge were mlss o kennedy mrs p w cleave and mr h davidson rev mr rumley pastor of the church in x few appropriate remarks introducd elcctots geotown he players kindly accept my thanks for the honor you have conferred by electing banquet to company iialil re of georgetown i shall per- thanks ton rifles -t- georgetown womens inxtltate the regular meeting of oeorgetown womens institute will be held on wednesday dec 3rd at tho home of mrs robert erwin a report yif the centra ontario convention will be given at this meeting and ashgrove institute will be guests of georgetown institute on tuesday evening nov 25th the fflcers and men of d co kalton rifles were entertained to a banquet i n the legion rooms through the ourtesy of col g o brown when about fortyflve officers n c os and riflemen sat down to tastily arranged and well laden tables at 830 oclock the toast list was as follows the kmg the fallen followed by- two min- ites silence the regiment proposed by major c j cummings who gavo a review if the history of the regiment since its inception thte was responded to by col o o brown who gave a list of the names- of the commanding of ficers since the regiment was formed the last toast was quite impromptu and was tlie hit of the everting it was to col o o brown and was re sponded to by singing for hes a jolly good fellow to show their ap preciation for tho entertainment col brown in responding spoke among other things on discipline esprit de corps and the general good of the regimen l tho banquet was supplied by com rade e e young of post 120 cana dian legion form the duties of the office to the best of my ability harold cleave sale of nome- baking and tea the womans auxiliary of st johns church stewarltown will hold sale of homemade baking and afternoon tea in the council cham ber stewarttown on saturday after noon nov 29th come and enjoy a social cup of tea and secure scfne of the choice baking the junior wa will have a table oi email articles for e 2t ticket 47c plus 3c tax ifith school uterary society a literary society was organized in po it tuesday morn a a v enthusiastic meeting the following officers were elected president kelly mcnally vicepresident edith bulll- vant secretarytreasurer david crich- ton each member of the society wl be required to deliver at least one speech or take part in at least one debate during the year 11 i bedtty electric washer model c the most modern washer ipade the greatest improve ment in washers in 10 years equipped w4jh patented raise- andlower basket that lifts the clothes up to the wringer saves the hands saves the clothes does the work in twothirds the time richardsons hardware the beatty store just phone 2sw w will demonstrate haveone on trial for your ifcart wash day easy pymenv plan comedy al ballinafad the three act comedy all-of- sudden peggy will be presented by the players of thok youn peoples league of the unitet9lchirxceoive- town on friday evenlngfesx stlvin the community hall baiimflffld un der the auspices of the ladies aid society of the united church pro ceeds in aid of church work admis sion 35c and 25c 21 presbyterians call minister at a meeting of the georgetown and llmehouae congregations called for the purpose of moderating in a call to a minister and held in knox pres byterian church oeorgetown on tues day evening nov 25th a unanimous call was extended to the rev john riddell of miubrook ont ftev j n mcpaul of milton lrrlerlmraoderator presided gregory theatre wednesday nov 26th cnapter 2 the lightning express all quiet on the western front trom the worlds best seller special matinee at 415 friday and saturday nov 28 and 29 let us be oay contarrink norma shearer and rod larocqve comedy won by a neck mackey mouse cartoon tuesdayand wednesday now 2 and 3 feature picture no 3 the light ning express comedy visitor sst credit lodge a most enjoyable time was spent at credit lodge af si am last even ing when worshipful master rowden pfflcers and brethren of oampbcll tjodgo campbcllvule to trie liumbcr of about 40 paid a fraternal visit to credit lodge a hearty welcome was extended to them on behalf o7f credit lodge by worshipful master l p oreenwood the second degree was conferred by the visiting brethren in a most creditable manner after which they were entertained to a banquet in the lodge rooms at which qver 80 were present the usual toast list follow ed and a most enjoyable social time was spent auld lang sync and the junior wardens toast brought to close another pleasant evening spent at credit lodge j changing seed grain persons who have new varieties to introduce and seeds to sell have al ways been strong advocates of seed exchange saying in effect that lit is a good principle of farm manage ment often to vary the strain of seed grain to be sown it is also a com mon belief of grain growers that there is a necessity for frequent change of seed because of actual rte- tenloration due to continuous culture upon the same soil or under the same climatic conditions farmers are continually changing seed grain he on the black land must have the seed from the sand region and a man upon the hill must have his brought fiom the heavy soil regions so also with the question of latitudes seed grain is orten ship ped long distances north and south very much at random as to reason but usually with the nope that some good will come in increased yeld be- ause of the change undoubtedly seed may become of but little value because of injury arising from disease improper cul tivation and a great number of causes which militate against the production of a normal type of kernel vaious types of plants will undoubtedly be produced from a given type of seed depending upon the character of the soil upon which each has grown i he dominion experimental farms system composed as it is of numerous widely separated branch farms has iven a partlcitlarly good opportunity to study this problem however it has nbt been demonstrated that such vari ations will in any way have an effect tipon the next seasons crop upon us ing this seed in considering the supply or good seed the farmer should take into ac count the suitability of his own stock is it the best variety available for his conditions is it relatively free from other varieties other kinds of grain and weed seeds has it strong vitali ty can it be cleaned into first class seed if back to normal louise and mary had been very special friends till louises marriage took her away then their friendship seemed to widen with the miles re membering one night of having read of the ease and low cost of long distance telephoning mary decided it would be a real thrill to call louise it was and it paved the way to a return to the old intimacy for rent a house on george street spotless clean hard and soft water electric light wul rent reasonable for the winter months to careful tenantwho will do a few repairs for further particulars write mrs e ostrander orangeville opt ltp ancj velvet 250 sale 190 198 379 398 495 very best dry hardwood 3 15 per single cord mixed wood 325 rails 300 hardwood slabs 350 all de livered p scsj or tssj j bkantpokd georgetown deforest crosley misses dresses a- lovely range in klnnel prge misses flannel dresses sizes 8 to 1 4 price regular 295 sale price misses velvet oressea 475 sale price regular 550 sale price misses ensemble velvet suits 650 sale price girls m1ddys girls all wool flannel middys navy and red sies 3 to 7 125 sale price 89c sizes to 14 150 sale price 119 suits ladies knitted twopiece suits 800 sale price 595 regular 900 sale price 695 ladies piece suit 1000 sale price 795 skirts misses plain and plaid skirts 350 sale price 195 mcbean co georgetown ontario wood for sale any quantity of good hardwood at s350 per cord stove lenjrth mixed wood 300 also furnace wood deliver ed apply to charles karajlan phone 259 georgetown 4t the brock 14800 assistant clerk and assistant treasurer application will be received by the undersigned up to 5 pm on dec 1st 1930 for appointment to the office of assistant cleric and assistant treas urer of the county of halton said apimintment to take effect on dec 15th 1930 at a salary of 50000 per year wm panton county clerk milton nov i9th 1930 auction sale household furniture tho undersigned has been instiubt- ed by hairy foster and harry vanlloosen to sell by public auction at kings garage mill st oeorgetown on saturday november lh 1930 the following dining room suite chesterfield suite kitchen furniture bedroom furniture range and heater beatty washer new wall clock childrens furniture blacksmith tools and numerous other articles terms cash w a wilson prank petch olerk auctionecr ten good battery sets at 5000 each complete guaranteed heres a bargain 239 eggs in bag of purina the store with the checkerboard sign speights garage goelph st georgetown make it easier for hens to lay for sale5 at p g earlys feed store georgetown phone 175 get your supply now at this special price the store with the checkerboard sign credit auction sale op- iiic ii class dairy tows the undersigned has received in structions front alex burgess to sell by public auction al lot 16 con 6 west chlng near norval sta tion on thursday december 4th 1930 at 130 the following horsespiiiy rising 3 yrs filly 1 1 rising 2 yrs filly rising 6 months i ieneral purpose mare good worker aye1shires ayr cow fresh ayr cow reg due dec 16th ayr cow reg due jan ayr cow reg due march ayr cow reg due april ayr cow reg supposed to be in calf ayr cow 2 u yrs supposed to be in u these qurattoru cani a ibull re 22 months ayr not all be answered in the affirmative m eligible 21 months ayr bull it is advisable to secure seed of suit- eligible 3 months ayr cow 4 yrs able kshtty and purity elsewhere 12th feb ayr cow 6 yrs due registered seed is the farmers pro- 1 1su p- ayr cow due 1st march ectlon and should be considered if- ayr helters 2 yrs possible for at least a portion of the i holstein8 cow 8 yrs duo 1st crop aeed requirements should be april cow 6 yrs due 1st jan black filled ax early as possible before the 5 yrs due 15th jan black and supply of suitable grain is exhausted white cow 5 yrs due 1st march black w o mcoregor central expert- iow 8 yrs fresh cow 5 yrs fresh mental farm ottawa card of thanks mr and mts j c cook and family wish to tiiank their many friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy tendered them during the illness and death of mrs cooks mother the late mrs clark r at jimmys homo town a number of earthquakes had occurred so jimmy was sent to his uncle who lived many miles away for safety not many days later uncle jerry returned jimmy to his home with a note saying jimmy is returned here- wlthtp leas send us the aruiqi 1 cow 8 yrs due 24th dec cow 3 yrs lii full flow cow c yrs due time of aalcjjoow 7 yrs fresh cow 6 yrs due 10th dec cott yrs due 15th dec durham brindlo 8 yrs due 28th dec black and white heifer 20 mans heifer 2 months jersey cow 6 yrs due 1st jan obwvyrs due 25th dec heifer 2 yrs in calf cow due 15th dec cow due 1st may pios yorkshire mv due dec 15th 10 pigs 7 weeks old i fowli 3 geese and 1 gander 3 ducks and drake 3 gobblers terms sums of 25 and under cash over that amount ii months credit on approved joint notes petch cheynb w- a wilson auctioneers clerk i the man who wins the love of me must always candy thojightful be saturday treat maple love creams fresh and delicious 29c week end chocolate try this assortment for the week end and prove how good they are hard and soft centres week end special 33c lb we always carry a choice line of all kinds of box chocolates and chocolate bars our line of bread and cakes we receive fresh everyday give us a trial for your next order and prove for yourself rim- bothrantfe heater cosyhome quebec it het it cooks it bakes provides hot water burns any fuel la reasonably priced made m three aim suitable for any kitchen- two bolca directly over the fire iusui rapid cooking large top feed door and extension ftiel pocket permit feeding 21 inch wood grates are adjust able to shallow firebox for all fuels for auouner uie water front or reservoir aoppliea plenty of hot water at all time one of the most flexible stoves ever de signed and exceptionally well adapted b the canadian climate contains the same fine workmanahlp and materials as are found in the famous happy thought range and allcsst furnaces r r h thompson co phone 46 ceorcietown at bwawtpoho- canada bv happy thought day c0mmnv- umiri mhun umirpd i furinaaces i i fc

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