mumm page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 28th 1931 the 1951 pontiac isny it a beauty general motors announces the- new 1931 pontiac at the lowest prices at which pontfac has ever beenintrocjuced f you will find a larger car with graceful lines that sweep and flow and with more spacious fisher bodies a new vsjiaped radiator with- inbuilt chromiumplated screen presents aq unusually attractive and modern front view mechanicallythe new pontiac ia much unproved there are over 40 points of rubber insolation to smother noise and cushion shocks there is a riaw air silencer the frame has been greatly strengthened proven elements such as the harmonic balancer the cross8ow radiator and iovejoy shock absorbers are continued five wire wheels are standard equipment at no extra cost on all regular models you are cordially invited to see the new pontiac and to drive it purchase this fine car on time payments through gm ac protect yourself with the general motors owner service policy rato pont t ac died kentner at ouelph general hos pital on wednesday january 28th 1031 albert kentner of georgetown in his 77n year funeral from the residence of his son w h kentner queen st georgetown on saturday at 2j0 pm- preston in olenwllllams on tues day january 27lh 1931 annie eliza scholes dearly beloved wife of henry preston tn her 66th year the funeral will be held from her late residence to the united church cllenwiulams on friday jununry 30th service at 330 oclock interment in olenwllluuim cemetery mecilreai outlph oeneral hos- pltitl on tilvscluy january 27th 1031 wuilani albert mcclure be loved luubaiul ur sarah jane eccles in his 43rd year tile funeral will be held from his late residence lot 17 0th line es- questng un friday january 30th al 130 oclock interment in ureenwood cemetery oeorgevwn kindly omit flowers public school board exservice men held reunion pour hundred and fifty pres ent at brant tnn burltng- ton thursday night x fin- emt as pbe- sented at meeting a fine car a modern car a great value s v king mux street georgetown e ii lifebouy v footwear excels in quality mens capitol we have a complete range of ufebuoy rubber footwear to meet every need d brill co the board aiet jan jist itfsi members present r b poulla a h duncan 8 harrison mrs p w cleave dr oollop j p ktjlly the following appointments were made chairman a h duncan property committee harrison gal lop cleave supply committee foul is kelly school nurse mrs a b parr attendance officer mrs o freure caretaker fred warnes secretary treasurer p- b harrison representative to public library board jno mcdermld representative to entrance board miss a ryan accounts passed hydro electric 9 62 bank of montreal 3 00 g r muckart 68 75 the treasurers financial statement and the inspectors report for the last term were read and ordered pub lished the board will meet on the second tuesday of each month the public school inspectors report was read as follows the chairman and members public school board georgetown ontario ladles and gentlemen having completed my official visits to your school for the present term i have pleasure in submitting a brief report your competent staff again remains intact in every essential re- apect sa regards instruction and man agement and the general morale of i the school you are well served pupils are with a- few individual exceptions alert and attentive interested and tn- i dustrlous respectful to their teachers and so far as i have been able to observe orderly and considerate in their relations to one another i be lieve that not only is the instruction effective but the ideals kept before the children are high and worthy under such conditions one expects the results to be at least satisfactory academically this proved to be the case at midsummet when the gradu ates from the school from sr iv grade distinguished themselves at the junior high school entrance examinations the record again was exceedingly good all candidates succeeding and with a very high average standing this reflects credit upon the whole school and particularly upon the able principal of the school the total en- rollment has increased this term by seventeen now standing at 368 the outstanding feature of lm provement this year is the addition of a now classroom and the provision of new and uptodate toilet accomo- dation thtse constitute a splendid addition to the accomodations of the school and are highly creditable the expenditure was needed and the board are to be congratulated on the completion of the undertaking fur ther improvement has been made tn the redecoratkra of three of the class rooms and the halls and in the im proved lighting in miss langana room the subsanual library additions tills tenn are very satisfactory faithfully yours j m denyes the first annual exservice mens reunion in halton was held at the brant inn burlington on friday evening last some 460 returned hnl- ton men were present and the c- easlon proved a most enjoyable one many comrades of the oreat war who had not met since the eventful days in no mans land gripped each others hand once more and spent a pleasant social time together a delicious menu was provided at the banquet during the serving- of which music was provided by burling ton band the toast list was as follows toastmaster cot g o brown sheriff of halton county the king responded to by sing ing qod save the king accompanied fay the band two minutes silence in honor of those who made the supreme sacrt flee dominion of canada dr r k anderson hj for halton count milton burns supper held in the arena friday evening one hundred and forty present ontario legislature thoa blake- lock mpj for halton county oak yllle our army major o- cousens georgetown lieut cot 8 r wallace burlington j town of burllngion mayor fl o dingle reeve george r harris canadian legion ontario lieut col j keuler mckay djs ovd toronto lieut col p j picking to ronto capt w c ennls port credit halton county posts was respond ed to by j d kelly of georgetown correspondence the new post office its location the following letter addressed to the mayor has been sent to the herald for publication we are pleased to insert the same as the writer has long been interested in the welfare of georgetown mr j b mckenxle mayor georgetown ontario my dear sir i noticed by the herald that the council at its inaugural meeting de ckled to take steps toward the erection of the proposed new post office building for this they deserve the- commendation of the dusens the project has been altogettier too long delayed you will no doubt remember the of one of the most enjoyable social events of the season was the burns supper held in the arena last fri day evening one hundred and forty admirers of the immortal bard sat down to testify arranged and ap propriately decorated tables laden with many good things that would satisfy the most ravenous appetite of any scotchman and there was real haggis too hoot monl piper robinson of to ronto preceded by sandy japp carry ing the scottish standard with r lion emblem lead the pro cession entrusted with the conveying of the haggis in charge of mrs mil lar and the same was duly deposited on the head table in front or mayor m hes seoich tool the call able chairman of the evening it was a grand feast andeverybody present sure enjoyed it even the irish scattered among the gaxhering went to the haggis as though lt were thejr favorite dish of corn beef and uage yrhrn ir hnrf uaitaaeil of sus splendid supper mayor mackenzie called the gathering to order and af ter a few appropriate and fitting re marks announced the thre toasts o the evening- the king responded to by sing ing the national anthem teuui uf use spyeial ummminliatlnmr i sent to the herald on the sub ject in which i urged action in the matter but deplored the possibility of the building being erected on a sue that in my view and i believe in the view of the overwhelming majority of the clthens of georgetown was wholly unsuited for the purpose i refer to the site that i understand soi government purchased some years ago at the northwest comer of min and water streets i think this properly describes the location honestly i cannot think of a single feature about this property that quail fles lt for so important a purpose as the site of the only government build ing georgetown will ever have i would hope that you ur mayor and your council would take up this matter of site and in consultation with the citizens if you so desire give the subject the most careful con sideration with best wishes for the new year yours very truly r d warren receipts jan 1st and expenditures to dec slst 1930 recetpt8 balance from 1939 93 88 corporation of george town 10600 00 government grant 2938 37 non resident fees 51 00 sundries 10 40 corporation of george town building ac 8500 00 23194 65 teachers superannuation 259 50 editor georgetown herald dear sir for the information of all returned men in and about georgetown i wish to inform you that we now have a local medical representative for this district the department of pensions and national health has been pleased to appoint dr c v williams to the position of medical representative tor georgetown and vicinity effective immediately yours truly john d kelly president branch 120 canadian legion the immortal bard responded to itoy rev h l bennie in a splendid address in which he reviewed the life of bums- and stressed the great influence for good of ahls great scot tish poet the lasses o responded to by mr d wilson mr w h hamilton who ls always favorite at a gathering of this nature sang old scottish songs in which the gathering joined in the chorus miss jessie leavltt was the capable accompanist of the evening at the conclusion of the toasts all joined hands around the tables and sang auld lang syne after which the balance of the evening was spent in dancing many of the old time dances to music supplied by youngs orchestra of georgetown a hearty vote of thanks was tender ed rev mr bennie the speaker of the evening mr hamilton miss lea vltt and all who had contributed to the success of the event it was a grand night for all who were present a mans a man for a that baconfsbcd is there for honest poverty that lungs his head an a that th up suito wo p him lip knox church annual meeting debentures paid by town 1008 20 six weeks special sale of general hardware february 1st to march 15th other salaries 1297 00 maintenance 1760 81 building acct 8226 00 bal on hand dec 31st 1930 bulld- aect 274 00 current 458 84 732 84 see our special catalogue for particulars of this sale- if one of these have not been placed in your home call at the store and aak for one you will find many articles in it on which you can make wonderful savings dont forget the date feb 1st to march 15th these dates are arranged for us by one of the leading canadian manufacturers who have made this special sale possible watch our windows look up this space next week sr- just now let us remind you that richardsons hardware have several outstanding leading lines only obtainable in georgetown at our store stauntons- wallpapers martin senour 100 paints beach electric stoves beatty electric washers phone 2sw and waulpaper store georgetown 23462 ss teachers expenditure salaries 10178 00 teachers superannuation debentures paid by town contra 22104 65 oss 60 1008 20 23462 35 church news the seventieth annual meeting of knox presbyterian church george town was held on monday evening january 26th at 7 pjn a splendid supper was served by the ladles of the church after which the l of the different societies and rlaswes were given and all showed a very satisfactory styite of affairs the retiring managers messrs d a brooks a keen w a mcclure and o t mckay were reelected mr r b pouus was reelected treasurer miss isabella moore missionary tr we dare be poor for a that for athat an a that our tolls abscure an a that the rank is but the guineas stamp the mans the gowd for a that what tho on hamely fare wedjoe wear hoddengray an a that qie fools their silks and knaves their wlne a mans a man for a that par a that an a that their tinsel show ah a that the honest man tho eer sae poor is king of men for a thal ye see yon blrkle cad a lord what struts an stares an a that tho hundreds worship at his word hes but a coof for a that for a that an a that his riband star an a that the man o independent mind he looks and laughs at a that a prince can mak a belted knight a marquis duke an a that but an honest mans aboon bis might guld faith he rrtyiria fa that for a that an a that their dignities an a that the pith o sense an pride o worth are higher rank than a that then let us pray that come it may avcome lt will for a that that sense and worth oer all the earth may bear the gree an a that for a that an a that it coming yet for a that that man to man the world oer shall brothers be for a that r bums halton protective tion mr o mckay steward e farlinger and a pras- vnited church services feb 1st 193010 am sunday school and bible classes ii am morning worship jesus and the new birth 7 pm evening ser vice 8teps into the kingdom midweek service wednesday even ing at 8 oclock study- the christ of every road baptlil chnrrh on sunday at 10 am the sunday school meets to study the healing ministry of jesus public worship at 11 am followed by the commun ion of the lords supper pastor a n frith will preach at 7 pm on temptation possibilities the younn peoples union will have its annual sleigh drive on mon day at 730 st georfea chmah septuageslnia sunday 8 am holy communion ii am holy commun ion and sermon by the rector cdr- porate communion of the womens auxiliary and the 1024 and 1926 con armatlon classes evening service will be at 7 is pm and the special preacher will be the rev canon 8 gould dd who will preach cm the work of the anglican national cotn- mlssl n all ej5 knox presbyterian chorclr on sunday feb 1st mr ross k cameron will preach at both morn ing- and evening services at 10 ajn sunday school anil bible classes new members cordially welcome mr 8 harrison superintendent organ ist and choir master mr pollett carillon 4s calt to bunday schoolf hlgh- t p er auditors mr a hiime was chairman of the meeting and mr o t mckay sec retary following is a summary of the finances of the chu for the year reqbuts bal from current acct 1929 j37 04 bal from savings acct 1929 439 44 bal from manse aoct 1929 291 34 bal from classes and runds 1929 840 78 1805 60 collections for current isso rnm collections for missions 1930 890 64 gollecttom for classes and funds 1930 3242 37 collections for manse fund 1930 16 64 6897 81 1045 morning serjiloe and 645 call to evening worship by mr yolmg 8703 41 expenpjttrres church expenses 1030 2734 65 manse expenses 1930 1417 20 classes and funds 1930 2267 os missions 800 64 7359 57 bal current acct 1930 473 10 bal savings acct 1930 46 39 bal manse acct 1930 8 28 bal classes and funds 1930 816 07 1343 84 at the annual meeting of the hal ton protective association held at mllion the following officers were elected for 1991 president w e mccready milton vlcepres w j clements hil ton sec trees robert bush jr tra falgar township auditor w j mcclenahan mllton dlrectors ma acaweya township a anderson c agnew e kuenton trafalgar township d reld r an derson r h oalbralth j h wilson p cartwrigbt esqueaing township t chisholm j w elliott r j gra- haro w h flhlnhnhn nelsnn town- chains 3 25 spich pejenutbirrmt u i- spedal burma sauce sprekl table figs jquftnt c doomatlc 17c i bartlt 2v 17c shortening ib 43 speri1 shortening eanru or dchiuuic i lb iv spcoj pure lard crrou frolbn4raa jjk j 17c spcul sliced reaches aueriun ln rla ij wjuwflr old emjith style plum pudding ng 45 in 33 spadgreen bcans crlctor hd 2 no 2 cm 17c spnuj spaghetti curks rod cij lor d loc spoul beanhole beans lnthlbc fancy murcatd tabic raisins g- 33c iu 3 sperial black mission figs 2 h- 2r special dried apricots sacod africa fc 2jc special valencia raisins iln 2 lu 21c dd monte brand fancy spinach 2 15 spocia spinach avtmr brand sparatksaue kraut libby s cocoa rowntrri old erutliah k jfc tin infanri delight 1 no 1 una 2sc 2 no 24 tliu lit soap reg mmcarrolvsi main street 6 eakes 20 georgetown m quebec lt- governor visits festival w h a certwright d shields w jay r stevenson o agnew card of thanks we hereby convey to friends and noidium our vary sincere thawaa for the many mn and sympathy extended to us in our saa bereave ment by the death of our beloved hus band and father mrs robert rud- dell and farolly rsnurnlng f h tlonor the lieumnuntgovprnnr ol the province of quebec lion h 0 carroll iricht in above illustration aqd geonte stephen vlc-e- president in charge bt traffic canadian pacilic rail way are here shown photographed against a hark- ground of handicraft work in the othe rine chateau frontenac olieher mother i dont like to shout at you harold uttle harold apd j cant say that i lite it either quebec festival devoted to that work with them are shown madame napoleon lachance and phileaa bedard habitant handicraft worker and folk song artist and two of the moht colorful participants in the festival which was opened by his honop- october 16 and closed october 18 and was one of the moat successful of the ions aeriea of similar iolkaona and handicraft revivals covering the whole dominion that have f been sponsored by the railway in the past few years job printing neatly executed thanks for the buggy ride said the little locomotive f 8703 41 narsagawkya minutes of 131 on the flrat monday of january in the year 1831 a town fcneetlng twas field at mr william trudgeons br in nassagaweya whenjuhe following men werechoeen to office assessors robert hutchebn jr and benjamin keen collector robert hutcheon town clerk donald black t wardensrobert hutcheon and william metaiet7 pathmtuterk william blmpaon nell mcphedran david oargill wil liam manarey edward calvert david agnew andnnr mcalfdne david bcott alexander mrcann theinas harris and james davidson by najorlly of the meeting fences are to be lawful at 5 feet 8 inches note each atiunastef had about abt miles of road to ote tnttmlireria the uaymlow reeiuac oat u botttf t to bar tho antmtar teagh 3ook his bulk hoaa beadligbt to pasder 529 torn of laagcmcr it wwoaly tie conceit of ike focaaaimr ttat f um from drtriac aader tbe giant tneb amd tkmtuat tn a mmjblx brt taaltiiajirw oot arffhere are yow ajayha aihml an rh ctw on nwliliiil lltia game on boyiv motited the ltrle dlow scnmbllngup on the flat car hers whats all this thunderaxl ike big one u pltaae there are ooly fourteen of at wid the youngster ia a wheedling e no you dcftt snorted 6100 tu take thtraa or f our of yot at a time but ive got other work to do and 111 be banged if 111 be nunemmd to a utter of locomotive pups so this is how the fourteen loco- motives came toget a ride on a railroad bain built at the canadian loco motive works at klngitoa oat tluy ehlpped over the canadian jational railways to beauhamo que tjiete they wil beuied in rock jtcavation and general construction work on the beaiihaniola tight meat ahdpawercompenyanewcaim thtw are ohhurnera small but sturdy ar wmkleitauy active i r t m- mmk iwwbtsr zm