r page 4 trse georgetown herald wednesday evening may 20th v iaii sfcfe shredded wheat a 100 cnwua grmtn eat two shredded wheat biscuit a day and help canada prosperity rt o r shredded wheat better order two boxes they dont last long when you and daddy and i all eat shrediled wheat every morning daddy knows everything and this morning he said whole wheat and milk supply everything that we need to live on and grpvf an and tkofs why shredded wheat is so good for girls and boys the canadian shreddh wheat commnyltn around the world whenever one calls for marmalade at breakfast the chances are many to one that orange marmalade will be served in the smartest hotels and in the plainest homes wherever knowing people take breakfast orange marmalade is a standard dish honey jelly also is a favorite spread fo toast or bread both can be made quickly and simply at home with bottled pectin at any time orange mamalade 3 cups is lbs cooked trult juice of 1 lemon 8 cups 2mi lbs sugar s cup bottled pectin remove rind in quarters slice peeled fruit very thin crosswise re moving seeds then cut siloes fine discarding hard centers lay ririd flat and with sharp knife pare of f about v or white part of rind discard these whites shred- yellow rind very thin add is cups water and u teaspoon soda and cookcovered for just 10 min utes stirring occasionally then add cutup fruit and lemon juice simmer covered 30 minutes longer measure 3 solidly packed cups of this cooked fruit into targe kettle adding water if necessary to f iq third cup add sugar bring to a bpu and boll gently five min utes remove from ore and stir in bottled pectin stir occasionally for just five minutes to cool slightly to prevent floating fruit pour quickly cover hot maraaalada with film of hot paraffin roll glass lo spread paraffin on sides sometimes sets very slowly requires about four medium oranges makes about 8 eightounce glasses shredded wheat with afl the bran of the whole wheat have your eyes examined who o t- walker dosc eyesight specialist brampton will be at watsons drug store georgetown the second wedneaday of every m or jrou may consult dr walker at bis ojno hi brarjapton bruntons garage p and expert service on ao kinds of can workmanship g tires for sale gas oil greases and auto accessories main street norm phone 280 georgetown queen street shoe hospital we cater to the one and dress shoe trade also to people who are particular about their feet our prices nave an been regulated and too will and them correct both for best material and work manship on ooodyear welt shoes all old stiches are picked from the welt and sewn again in the same holes as sewing inside of the stitch ing either damages loosens or breaks the mseam this is very import- ie we aim have cmf staaai you nave a standing invitation to visit this shop any old time s jl a ballantine box 546 phone 300 gboatgkto wn ontario breakfast spoon dishes by betty barclay honey jelly cup water 3v cups 1 lbs honey s cup bottled pectin measure water and honey into sauce pan stir and bring to a boll a once add bottled pectin stirring con stantly bring again to a full rolling boil and remove from fire skim pour quickly oner hot jelly with aim of hot parafln when jelly is cold cover with u inch of hot paraffuu roll glass to spread paraffin on sides makes 4 to 5 eightounce glasses fresh orange dessert 1 package orange junket diced fresh oranges 1 pint milk put a heaping tablespoon of diced fresh orange without the extra juice tn the bottom of five dessert dishes sprinkle with sugar if desired prepare the junket according to directions on the package pour at once over the oranges let stand undisturbed in warm room until firm about 10 min utes then chill worlds grain show notes is appointed by the argentine an official commission has been ap pointed by the government of argen tine to represent that country at the worlds drain exhibition and confer ence to be held at regina in 1932 the members of the commission are m urien director of rural economy and statistics igineer stoml direct or of agriculture and disease prevention and dr padilla director of trade and commerce in addition the minister of agric ulture of argentina has invited the argentine cooperative association the union of agriculture producers the argentine rural society and the agric ultural federation to appoint rep resentatives to accompany the official onrmnlislon to regina in 1933 news of the appointment to the ar gentina commission was forwarded to officials of the krhlhltlon and confere nce by k l mccol canadan gover nment trade commissioner at buenos aires to take charge of the organisation of represetntation of new south wales australia at the worlds oram exhib ition and conference to be held at re gina in 1933 a committee of three has been appointed namely george w walker a prominent figure in wheat xnerchandlsing in australia chairman a e h mcdonald director of agricult ure for new south wales and w c cambridge secretary of the fanners and settlers association recognised as the farmers advocate in government departments and before arbitration courts a h laldlaw associate editor of the official organ of the atjoniatlnn is secretary the committee has launched an active campaign among the farmers of new south wales to prepare exhibits far the worldwide drain exhibition and conference of 1932 scouj news 0 on may 9th the new members of the georgetown troop were led on a hike to huttonvltie by scoutmaster stacey the moral support was sup piled by miss joyce stacey who ac oompled her father the object of the hike was a test for nte lighting and cooking tjhe fire lighting test was a complete sue cess and the cooking test was a sue cess in most cases en route to their destination the scouts learned some interesting points about trailing na ture study and also elementary first aid v since this first hike of the season has turned out to be such a great success plans are being made for an otherxeducatlve trip in the near future an investment oppobtuntty hydro dectrie system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall for sale canada is once more engaged in a major financial operation the most important since the war a con version loan has been designed and created for the purpose of replacing in whole or in part the e shortterm war loan maturities which fall due within the next three years favorable conditions now prevailing in the gilt edged security markets reflecting abnormal ease of credit no doubt actuated premier bennett in his choke of time and plan for the of this operation and he is w seeking the fullest cooperation of canadian investores who are hold ing bonds that fan within the scope of the conversion program in order that the ultimate task of refunding may be reduced to an operation of sun- plldty and thus avoid undue pressure on financial markets at a time when wider demands may be made upon the financial resources of the country canadian investors will no doubt wel come an oppor of vhngtg save laf prom drowning every year there are lives lost from drowning electrical shock and gas poisoning and these lyes might have been saved had someone been present who was able to carry out the prone pressure method of artificial respira tion a considerable amount of train ing has been- carried out in artificial respiration and during the first part of may a definite campaign is being conducted by the boy scouts to make sure that each one of the 15000 boy scouts in ontario is trained thqrougnly in artificial respiration and is com petent in an emergency to do every thing possible to save the uw of tht unfortunate victim over a period of years linemen station operators and other employees of the electrical public utilities in ontario have- been trained in prone pressure rescuscitatlon as a result of this training a number of lives have been saved not only of fellowemploy ees but also those of members of the public the employees of the electrical utilities are cooperating with the boy scouts and are giving demonstratkhis of the method to the various troops of boy scouts in the province the method is not difficult but need practice and in the hope that some of the adults may be interested in receiving this training the standard technique of prone pressure resuscit ation which is fquowed by practically ail organizations teaching artificial res piration in north america la herewith given in detail standard tbohnfqdh instantly attend to victims breathing 1 lay the patient on his belly one arm extended 1 directly overhead the other arm cent at elbow and with the face turned outward and resting on hand and forearm so that the nose and mouth are free for breathing 2 kneel straddling the patients thighs place the palms of the hands on the small of the back with the fingers resting on the ribs the little finger just touching the lowest rib with the thumb and fingers in s nat ural position and the tips of the fin gers just out of sight 3 with your arms held straight swing forward slowly so that the weight of your body is gradually brought to bear upon the patient the shoulder should be directly over the heel of the hand at the end of the forward swing do not bend your elbows this oper ation should take about two- seconds 4 now immediately swing backward so as to completely remove the pressure 5 after two seconds swing forward again thus repeat deliberately twelve to fifteen times a minute the double movement of compre and release a complete respiration in foud or five seconds 6 continue artificial respiration without interruption untn natural breathing is restored if necessary four hours or longer or until a physician declares the patient is dead 7 as soon as this artificial respirat ion has been started and while it is being continued an assistant should loosen any tight clothing abo th the patient warm do not give any llguids whatever by mouth until the patient la fully conscious 8 to avoid strain on the heart when the patient revives he should be kept lying down and not allowed to stand or sit up if the doctor has not arrived by the tune the patient has revived be should be given some stimulant such as one teaspoonful of aromatic spirits of tmmii in a small glass of water or a hot drink of coffee or tea etc the patient should be kept warm 9 resusicatlon should be carried on at the nearest possible point to where the patient received his injuries be should not be moved from this point until he is breathing normally of tils own volition and then moved only in a lying position should it be nec essary due to extreme weather con ditions etc to move the patient before he is breathing normally resuscitation should be carried on during the time that he is being moved 10 a brief return of natural res piration is not a oertain lndicatiooryar stopping the resuscitation not in frequently the patient after a tem porary recovery of respiration stops br again the patient must be watched and if natural breathing stops artificial respiration should be resumed at once 11 in carrying out resuscitation it may be necessary to change the op erator this change must be made without losing the rythm or respiration by this procedure no confusion results at the time of change of operator and a regular rythm is kept up acton the bank of montreal announoes the appointment of james s david son of its local branch to suooeed i b shorey who has been transferred to bobcaygeon to take over the man agement of the banks branch at- that point miss m barber of the acton public school staff under went an operation for appendicitis at a ouelph hospital last evening and is dolpg as well as may be expected mrs herbert c schrelter of kitch ener visited miss bertie speight on monday the motorists travelling between acton and guelph are impeded by the highway construction west of rock- wood another curb cruiser this time from brampton was found guilty yest- erday in court here of accosting young girls on the street from his car it cost him 15 00 for his disorderly con duct i last week the powassan news cel ebrated its twentyfourth year of pub lication founded by j p lake and still going strong at twenty four the news renders excellent service to pow assan and the district mr lake is a graduate from the free press office selore the present editors term of ap- jjrentlceshlp and on this torthday oc casion we extend bur congratulations and best wishes for continued success rtpree press tmweleame patient motorist hey its pretty fortunate for you this happened in front of a doctors house victim yeah ut im the doctor i asgood as in the bank mother john the baby has swal lowed a cent what on earth shall i dor- mr close oh well let him keep 1l next friday is ras birthday any way notice to creditors in the matter ef the estate ol bridget treanar late of the town of ge m the county of halton widow deceased notice ib hereby oiven that all persons having any claims or de mands against the late bridget trea nar who died on or about the twen tieth day of march 1931 at the city or toronto in the county of york and province of ontario are required to- send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for martin cummlng patrick joseph downey and thomas w treanor the executors of the last will and testament of bridget treanor widow deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the thirteenth day of june 1831 the said martin gumming patrick joseph downey and thomas w treanor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en- t th hav l uiilj to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of may ax 1931 leroy dale 3t solicitor for the said executors notice to dog owners all dogs mu8t be tied dp may 15th dog owners in town are hereby warned against letting their dogs run at large between the 16th day of may and the 16th day of september according to town bylaw sec 8 of which is as follows 8 every person who permits his dog to run at large between the 15th day of may and the 15th day of sep tember in any year shall be liable to a fine of 10 00 and any dog so found to treatment as in the preceding clause w o marshall 2t chief of police wood oood body beech and mania wood w7s single cord mixed wood and rails at 300 single oord j h smith phone m r is gearamown tf eggs chicks and pullets i half cheaper than ever before fare brad hsbj brad from carefully selected stock of very high i you ot highest quality possible h i 100 any quantity canada has no finer security to of fer canadians appreciate the super ior guautles of government bonds throughout tbe current period of drastic deflation government issues exhibited at all times- a striking their shortterm holdings for a prime government issue maturing in a per iod of twentyfive years and bear ing an attractive coupon rate there is a deeper atgnifance however mere investment opportunity- there is a patriotic appeal a challenge to ca no less urgent than in war tune to carry this gigantic project through to a successful rmiim the spectacle of overwhelming sup port would unquestionably still further enhance the financial prestige of can ada in the eyes of the world a total of sl082000000 of canad ian war loans mature up to the end of ibjt- the 1933 and 4934 issues con stitute the major portion of this huge total the oovernmentls asking for an exchange of securities it is not seeking new money the initial am ount offered of conversion loan am ounts to 250000000 the government erves the right however to raise the jrttal if considered wise and expedl- entoovernment policy in this direction will no doubt be guided by the ehar- aet e t smm r praises aotomobtu of today a fine tribute was paid automotive engineers the other night when or- ham monamee announcer for general motors family party radio broadcast save some outstanding facts concerning the operation of the famous holland tunnel which connects new york with jersey city last year more than u 000000 motor cars passed through tblt great tunnel they came from every station in the union and from every province of the dominion and they in cluded every make and type of car- old cars and new cars and yet only 19000 had motor trouble while in the tunnel only one in 18000 had tire trouble even considering faulty driv ing only one in 23000 had a collision of any sort in these terse figures me- namee said- is condensed the whole story of automotive improvement and the most convincing proof of the safety and dependability of the modem motor milton among the twelve young women comprising the graduation clan at the exercises of the ouelph general milton friends attended the exercises hospital training school for nurses were the following from milton ethel andrews who won the award for general proficiency miss omia hardy for surgical techmique miss ena bently a number of their milton frtsnn attende the eaisuauu j sanford stewarttown plumbing tinsinithing ctauulet cswcriaaty phone 84 r 12 georgetown rr no 2 are collections slow you can speed them up by tnatrqf your list to kelly aiken the oollectlon specialists orangevtixe and ouelph and remember no collection no charge established 1890 il aim bu heartlly weary there is no mention in the estimates of provision for the new posi offices in halton county that were urged oy d the ontario public build ings funds were reduced by half the 1930 total m11uj1 u w 1388 luteshl ing their annual church parade on pnday june mth n lodges please keep the date open champion mr and mrs j m denyes and fam ily are attending the funeral of mtr dehyek mother who died in wuluma- portjipenn- about a month ago and u being burled in napanee today milton milk dealers nave reduced ttu price of milk to 10 cants per quart that will help housekeepers a little and every little means riot in the long no 8hovkllino required standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded w tltlf select lump for domestic anct threshing purposes smith ing and cannel coal in fact j carry everything to be found hi any uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald thonb 12 georgetown to the holders of war loan and victory bonds a statement by the minister of finance ff tub dark days of the war can loaned to tn government of the dominion many hundred millions of dollar to enable the operations of the allies to be rrrirt to a successful conclusion when canadians loaned their money to the govemjnent they received bonds which were promises to repay them the sum loaned with i st the rate of 3 or 5h per annum on tbe 1st of october next 53000000 of these bonds become doe on the 1st of november 1932 the mai will be 73000000 on the tn of november 1933 u4omoooo and in 1934 511000000 most be provided for it would not be prudent either in the interest of the s i holders or the country itself to wait until these loans b due before providing for their payment or conversion- action must be taken well in advance of the due dates to protect the credit of the country the government believes this an oppor tune tune to afford l the op to exchange the bonds which they own maturing in the next few years for new bonds of the dominion of canada carrying i at the rate of 4h per which is a very attractive retnzn prior to the maturity date of the present bonds those who accept this offer will of coarse continue to be paid i at the rate as provided by the bonds they exchange ftl who have always shown confidence in their conut are earnestly invited to exchange tbe bonds they now own for bonds of the new issue by so doing they will ren less imbrilf the task of providing for the future inanrrs of the country wib lw its credit and will gi assist the fn the presen period of worldwide n h no money will be asked for and no new bonds will be sold st this rime it is pro to limit the present conversion to 4350000000 but the g has the right st its i 4 in a genera uvaiie tpfmrl- tkt twif l the unwilpainii books wfll dose on the 23rd of may i eamesdy seek the active support of my fallow ca in mtrl this conversion which is one of the largest financial operations oar country has iiiwhmsan in recant years ctedb- ahta ante to canada and its cfclnni anmtltt 4y jktvwsvsvcsta job printing nedtly done brilliantpetf ormance refreshing style moderate price y lower v wkes greater value i he durant 614 a quality six gives you hne car performance smoothness speed and acceleration fine car safety and handling ease hne car comfort appearance and complete ness of equipment its reasonable price makes it easy to buy low upkeep cost makes rt easy to own see the durant 614 drive it match it against sny car in its price class wilt by a canadian company controlled by canadian capital dukani moiurs ol canada umftrs toronto oea9de canada d u ra n t a good car t j speight phone 279w garaglt georgetown chicks hatched m april 1400 per 100 ohlcks hatched tn stay ujw par 100 chicks hatched m june 1040 per 100 pullets weeks old can be obtained at bte reduced prices maple avenue poultry farm opposite golf link j k woson ivop and government bonds are recog nised ss the medium which offers the i degree of safety the government of this country has jver appealed to the investor in vain our record of wartime financing is a colorful chapter in canadas history tne anneal today is no less urgent no mas vital the government and the msse mhihor can count on the sym pathetic and practical support of can adian investors l i