o y isantttt ia sam pig4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 27th 1931 sswa shredded wheat is 100 canadian grain eat two shredded wheat biscuits a day and help canadas prosperity i eat it when traveling traveling has its discom forts and dangers but mos of the trouble cornea from eating wrong foods no matter where i am 1 call for shredded wheat and milk for breakfast it is die safe and satisfying food easily digested which help to prevent fa tigue on a long journey shredded wheat is served in dining cars and in nearly every hotel or res taurant in this country and many in europe lt ia deliciously strength- i ening with milk or fruit the canadian shredded wheat cqmmnrlm kakly histotty of hajlton cowntt tf shredded wheat with all the bran of the whole wheat have your eyes examined by o t walker dosc eyesight specialist bramptoo who will be at watsons drug store eorgetown the second wednesday of every month or you may consult dr walker at hi bnuasptoaa bruntons oarage proinpt and expert service on all lands of cars workmanship guaranteed tires for sale gas 00 greases and auto accessories main street north pfione 280 georgetown queen street shoe hospital we cater to the one and dress shoe trade also to people who are particular about their feet our prices tune all been regulated and you will find them correct both tor best material and work- on goodyear welt shoes all old suebes are- packed from me wen and sewn again in the same holes as sewing inside of the stitch ing either damages loosens or breaks toe this is very import ant asan sharpened loe we aaas have oau 8ta you have a standing invitation to visit this shop any old time j a ballantine box 546 phone 300 geobgktown ontario hydro electric system a a i a a aa aa wabbabrwabr bj vbbpaanbrvey orders taken for ranges amd- appliances of all kinds a for sale eggs chjcks and pullets one half cheaper than ever before fan bred n walts leghorns bred from carefully selected stock of very high record we can assure you of highest quality p mm jsjoo per ldoanxjnanttty hlimlniacaen anah llm per 100 ohuh hatched bulla hum per 10ft chiefs hatcrjeor to juno uux per 100 pullets s weeks old can ba ob at bag reduced prices maple avenue poultry farm phqne 248 georgetown ofst- fdpposite golf units a b wilton prtfa continued from page i scots sapportea mackenzie nowhere in the upper canada of hat day did the champions of res ponsible government receive gieettr support than in the scotch block and many of the men gave decided proof of fidelity and stood ready with wu- llon lyon for a cause they felt more important than their very uvea after the collapse of the rising in 1837 one of the prisoners coniled in port william henry was a son of the man who gave the site for old bos ton and was one of a number who dug their way out through a wall over four feet in thickness and securing a boat made their way across the st iaw- reoce to american territory over the grave of john stewart is recorded the fact that he was bom in perth and was descended from the stewarts of dumcharry rossmount and dun- taulich and that be came to ca in 181 and died in 1854 in that old cemetery are other stones yrmrtg the last resting place of such people as the moquairle laldlaw stewart mcoou hurray sproat and other famines but in every case the place of birth was giv en as morayshire eurick forest ap- pln andf breadalntne showing tle real scotch ancestry these fine old pior neers rendered a truly wonderful ser- vice whenthfey transformed a forest into fruttfnl fields george cooke an old atlas of tn shows draw ings of the residence and sawmills of george qooke of- esqueslng inest are the portraits of hm and his wile the former with a thick stubby beard and you- just know he has steel blue eyes in keeping with his straight cut lips his wife was of the very mat ronly type wearing a trim bodice they used to ball them basques in those early days and a turned down linen collar and a round frilly cap very like a bonnet which we all re member our grandmothers wearing mrs cookes eyes must have been brown and her portrait shows that she was a woman of character the house is a comfortable one of brack the gables and the verandahs ate de corated with fretwork surrounding the house are quantities of fruit trees the sawmills with the huge plies of lumber and the quantities of bags anej the numerous buildings show pros perity- tea served ba indian oaaaavae nasaagaweya township was opened in 1819 and this quaint name is also of indian origin meaning a river with two outlets nelson township as its name lp was named attar the hero of trafalgar the first set tlers were the bates family who came in 1800 captain bates was the first white child born in the county on the western extremity of the town ship was situated brants farm which was given to him by royal grant very early in the century here be built a house of red cedar which was brought from the thousands isl the house was dednely modem be cause it had even a pier and a chlm- ny glass mrs anna jameson who travelled by boat and stage through ontario tells of being entertained by molly brant the chiefs daughter and that tea was served by a maid at tired in indian costume and a mans soft hat it would be rather a shock to mrs jameson who had been accus tomed always to the well trained eng lish servants trafalgar settler trafalgar township was opened m 1808 after the famous scanijhl the first settlers were the proudfoots knittings and freemans in m17 there were s8 inhabitants one grist mill and four sawmills there were three schools open before the war of 1812- 14 the town of burlington in mel- son township owes its origin to james gage who bought the ownslte from brants executors and laid out 338 acres in village lots the place was called wellington square until 1813 the brant house was built in 1875 georgetown in esqueslng township was named after george kennedy who was the earliest settler m 1837 there were three families thereabouts when the barber bros started a wool len mill the first store was opened m 1840 oal chsmalm oakvavs fmader oakviuo with its 960 acres of in dian lands which had been ceded to the crown was sold by auction at crooks mills on august 18 1837 to colonel william ctusbolm who began the construction of the barbour in 1830 for many years there were heavy shipments of white oak staves at the suggestion of hon r b sul livan the place was called oakvllle and col chishohn as much from bis character as from hs occupation ss a shipper of oak staves was called old oakey- in 1863 a sketch of the county of balton was written by robert war- nock who describes himself as a com mon school teacher he must have been one of humble mind and many familiar to us today are in cluded in the list of people occupying lands such as afunn bentley alberts culham mnliean btgsar post pettlt tnglehart cornwall freeman ooote robertson and a c verner the latter evidently a connection of the famous canadian artist on the third concession south of dundas st one ojan with a very original name joseph trampleasure wrjere are his descendents today t the first concession north of dundas st had as a moment at a tfmjk god broke our years to hours and days that hour by hour and day by day just going on a little way we might be able all along to keep quite strong should all the weight of life be laid across our shoulders and the future rife with woe and strife meet as face to iace at just one place we could not go our feet would stop and so god lays a little on us every day and never i heheve on all the way will burdens bear so deep or pathways lie so threatening and so steep but we can go if by gods power we only bear the burden of the hour anon grajstdfa wayback says the best way to keep in touch with distant relatives is to have a spare room in your house you can put me down as favorm the new long skirts as i aint fell over but two fire plugs on main street lnce the gals put em on the oldfashioned bonds of matri mony seem to have degenerated into shortterm debentures these here safety sones us the city ate nice stand inside one and all an automobile can do is to hit you a glancing blow the average man is like a ther mometer if you make things hot enough for him at the bottom hell climb the main trouble with- the school of experience is that you never grad uate from it to a finish those who watch the beginning of a long crosscountry race see a great many starting and all running equally well the conclusion of the race however shows just a handful this is very typical of life the freshman class is always larger than the senior class often as large as the three upper classes together simply be cause more people start than finish if you want to be above the average and certainly your ambitions should go as far as that this is the way to accomplish it be a finisher i it you start on somethlpg see it through unless you have positive reason to believe that this would be a mistake the prises of life are not for those who start out pmmktngly but far those who carry their insdertakings to finish notice to creditors in the matter af the estate at bridget treaner late at the town the oaanaty at occupants samuel marlatt and george uariats others in the same locality were applebys and wiping the first county council meeting provisional was held la the village of milton on 13th day of july ibm under the provisions of an act to sep arate the county of halloa from the county of wentworth the members present were messrs brown craw ford john mcnaughton boot mil ler w f remain george orient and james young the latter wsu reeve of bsquestng and was elected provisional warden francis hamburg clerk and henry harrison treasurer the mili tary was organised even in those days the20th balton battalion of volun teer militia with officers as follows ueut col john murray major wil liam allan paymaster cap h m 8wltser adjutant capt john kaltt- ing surgeon k j ogden kjd asat jas applebe me quarter master oapt r 8 applebe sergeant- major walter mckay mo 1 co oakvllle capt r b al- bertaon no 3 co btewarttown capt w p applebe no 3 co georgetown caol barber no 4 co nerval capt curry no 5 co nelson capt kerns no 6 co acton oapt shaw no 7 co milton capt lanton notick is hereby given that 1 persons having any claims or de mands against the late bridget trea- nor who died on or about the twen tieth day of march 1s31 at the city of toronto in the county of york and province of ontario are l to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitor for martin cumniing patrick joseph downey and thomas w treanor the executors of the last will and testament of bridget treanor widow deceased then- names and addresses and full particulars in writing of then- claims and statements of then- accounts and ihe nature of the securities if any hekl by them and takb nptifjb mat after the thirteenth day of june 1s31 the said martin dummlng patrick joseph downey and thomas w treanor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the pe en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and that the said executors will not be liable far the sajd assets or spy part thereof to anvnerson of whose claim they span not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this thirteenth day of may ax 1031 ulboy dale st soucttor for the sau ei wood good body beech and maple wood 575 single cord mixed wood and rails at 00 single cord j h anith phone 84 r 13 gearstown tf j sanford stewarttown plumbing fttinsmithiiig otsutes cswttma cum phone 84 r 12 ge rr no 2 are colledmds slow you can speed them up by nitlug- yout list to kelly aiken the collection bp orangevitxk and otjelph no collection no charge established 18s0 a toast to ladobter heres to laughter- he sunshine of the soul the- happinesa of the heart the privilege of purity the echo of innooence the treasure of the humble the wealth of the poor the breed of the cup of pleasure tt dispels dejec tion ban blues and mangles met- anohoty tor it is the foe of woe the iojju of depression the enemy of i grief it is what kings enwy in peas- ante plutocrats envy in the poor the guilty envy in the tanboent it is the sheen on the silver of smiles the glint of the gold of gladness without it mar would be dumb wit would wither dimples would disappear and smiles would shrivel for it is the i glow of a clean cnhsnhmwi the vftm of a pure soul the btrthery of mirth the swan gone of no snovellina bjortonted stand anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and l coal wood beleet lamp for domest and thrashing porpoass hhiiui in and oannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found- in any uptodate ooal and wood yard john mcdonald pl 12 geotsjetown h ere an atvi ere total number of poultry on farvta at end of 1930 in the dominion was estimated al 60796oo0 of whlrh 6247o00 were bens and chiclena value of this poultry wu plurtnl at 585i00 radio ia to be used to aid n fiirent fire protection in northern sattkal chewtn the provincial forontry department has decided to ehtitlihh a aystero of look out towers tuiu- ped v 1th short wave radio sending and rgcelvlpk sets a catch of 244 salmon by throe anelers in nine da ban bron re ported recently from the i ain a jtiver new brunswick b v w bcott of kecne new hatiilhhlre who was one of the party ano him self netted 111 of the fish more i7nited states branch fac tories are established in canada than la an oilier country outside of the unite states itself at the beginnlnc of last year over o0 such factories were in the dominion re presenting investments of s40rm- 000i shipping of alfklnds cnterine and leaving canadian ports has increas ed 64 per cent in thp last ten tears totaj net tonnage exclusive or coasting tor year to maren 31 1030 was 8943r789todb to this must be- added net tonnaee of 7 714 773 tons for vessels entered and clear ed coastwise a goldheaded cane was presented by the montreal harbor commis sion to captain a freer master of canadian pacific steamship duch ess of luchmond on the occasion of the first arrival of the season at montreal of a transatlantic liner the duchess of richmond reached port april it increased tourist traffic to can ada from the united states la fore shadowed by reports from canadian pacific passenger agents in the u s which show a much larger num ber of enquiries from wouldbe tra- vellera than in former rears c b foster baasenger traffic manager of the railway stated recently in an tntarvfew at saint john canada said an revotr hot not goodbye to their majesties the kmg and queen of dlam at the border station of portal saskat chewan whither may had travelled by canadian pacific on their jour ney to new york tbe xare paa- seagers by the empress of japan on that ships reeordbreaktat pass age from yokohama to vancouver golf is golf from coast to coast golf had assunv red such im- portatnt propor tions in the make up oi modern everyday life that it constitutes a very real phi of the activities of those who serve the public the canadian pact fit luul way ia such a one and its train services to golf courses and eatah- lihhed arrange ments for nests at its many hotels to enjoy the fcaqie are the practical interpretation of iti dfeureto main tain tbe traditions of 60 years of meeting thj re quirements of the canadian people 1 looklltt frfxm the w- way ar the liw t mkvilkmk iwl banff prtnaaavtl at banff altai thqsamyf left i itmina a u hazard tbtl couraa la a dk abow aeatovel in in haartcf ite beautiful rocky mountain 2 on th town t si an- esc n b tn isth lee al i hf oak ba golf outh vlctornu bv note thncrtcon tosltor playcra ftltmpo o what they hava ta om wlttv coif la playocl ta yar rovaifti ob thai cvunw a id their visitors from coast to coast excellent courses are available and where the coro- rany does not operate its own iks playing privileges st trstdsss dubs are granted in the marittmes there are courses at st andrews-hy- t hesea n b kentvilen b digby n s and yarmouth gatafatbnnnnnnnnnnv99bnnnnnnnnntbnnnnnl w mr ns aa in connection with the smsilafllbaaavbbbaavaaaaaaalaal jffv companys hotels quebee rtbbafaaafafaaafafxlaaaafaafa ajv city has two one courses one club dating back to 1874 montreal has the oldest dub in canada the royal montreal founded in 1878 which today boasts two rhanpionship 18hole courses other clubs are numerous and good toronto too has many excellent links including the royal york golf chlb where guests at the boyml york hotel have playing privilege ontario abounds in courses all along the canadian padfles uses bungalow campa at french river and kenora lake of the woods have sporty 9hole courses for their patrons throughout the prairie provinces golf is available at ail the larger centres while the banff springd hotel golf course is among the beat in the country in settings of unrivalled mountain scenery it is the mecca for golfers from all over canada and the united states to say nothing of the numerous overseas visitors who play it each summer vancouver and victaria for ready hospitality the latter standing unique among cauiadian golf centre in that the gm is played t iroughout the 12 months of the year the annual midwinter tournament for the e w beatty lallengei up run by the canadian pacific kail way being an outstanding feature of the golf ralndi- its not so much the captain as the chief engineer wbo makes speed records possible at sea captain gamuel robinson of the canadian padfle liner krdpress or japan told the vancouver board of trade re cently at a luncheon in bis honor after his ship had dipped another hours from her previous record across the pacific had averaged tin knots over the moomile course from yoko hama to victoria a speed hitherto unheard of largest and moat powerful loco- saotrve of its kind in the world and unique on this continent ca padfle railway s0o0 type engine product of canadian bralna and skill sad composed largely or cana dian materials baa just been turn ed out by the angus shops of the epnipaay at montreal for use in the railways rocky mountain territory engine and tender weigh toevtber s9svii tons and it has a tractive ef fort of 30000 lbs sufficient to pull a miletome freight train of iso fortvton trncka welghlnr tftofl tons on a level track 7371 w final warning parents take notice after this date boys loiter ing around the golf course and stealing balls climbing fences or doing other dam age thereby becoming a nuis ance will be prosecuted and severely dealt with 3t j a willoughby georgetown pish close to rink phone 163 all kinds of fresh and smoked nsh dally fresh fried fish and chip dinners and sup pers we have changed our method of frying and adopted an odorless one ooane in and sample a meal or take it home with you it eavetroughng sheet metal work plumbing have your eavetrougha repaired before the spring and summer raina prices are most reasonable cemetery flower vases for sale f l mcgilvray your new idea furnace man phone 273w john st georgetown tlli greater your need for econ omy die more important to you is the pathfinder tread goodyear second for traction and service in the whole world rf tires only to the allweather tread goodyear yet other wellknown make priced 20 higher a trig rugged husky fullyguaran teed tire built of supertwist cords note its thick tread and strong body as shown in crosssection here ever though low price is important to you goodyear quality and value and lowcostpermile can be yours in a pathfinder only the greatest tire production in the world makes possible this standard tire quality at less than standard tire prices goodyear me a good wear m 1 v v ifo-iiirh- wwh1li lf ia