Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 24, 1931, p. 4

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vj i- as snibgr page the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 24th 1951 nritit m- t lesf- k i7 f the largest and most locomotive ot tea kind in the world has just been completed in the angus shops of the canadian pacific railway montreal for ser vice in- the rocky mountains the new 8000 locomotive represents a new era in the advancement of steam anotivepowet otgrenter efb- deueyand higher la caps elty it is called multipressoxe engine because it generates its steam iri three separatee portions and at three different pressures and because of its radical departuresln boder design u cresting something of a furore in meehan- ical and railroad dkfes fss and firurea of the 8000 will give some indication of its magnitude efficiency and strength it is only a scant nine tochea abort of 100 feet in length weight of engine is 435000 lbs and ot tender soo000 lbs making a total ot 786000 ths or 89 4 tons it has five driving wheels on earn aide each of which is 63 inches in diameter ftatractfve effort m 90000 lbs which means that on a level track it win haul a freight train over a mile in length mads npot one hundred and fifty 40toncan and representing a total weight ot 6000 tons its tendschaa a capacity ot 14000 gallons of water and 4350 gallons of fuel oil enabling it to make long hauls without replenishing there are 18696 feet or slightly over three and a half miles of seamless steel tubes used in the construction ot the boiler units sdone an outstanding feature ot the 80oo fas thefirebos unit which is a closed circuit in whick 300 gallons of distilled water are continually circulating without loss by evaporation distilled water is used because it prevents accumulation of sludge and scale so common in water tube boilers the closed circuit or firebox unit extends into the highpressure boiler drum in the form ot 1 6 coils called heat transfer coiln there are three locomotives of this type in europe and they show excellent savings in fuel rangink from 25 to 35 per cent as compared wits the conventional type ot locomotive but the argest of- the eu ro pean locomotives of thin type is only 42 per cent ot the weight and develops only 86 per cent of the power of the 8000 it win be used in the rocky mountain territory ot the company h b bowen inset chief of motive power and rolling stock canadian pacific railway working in cooperation with the american locomotive company and the superheater company of new york designed the 8oo0 aftei he had made a special trip to europe in 1929 to study locomotive typos and development the construction ot this monster locomotive wss landled under direct supervision r j burns vorks manager angus shops and mr t donald of mr bowens staff layout shows fuu length view of the sooo frontend view and inset mr bowen desn emotive v the canadian westinghouse company is today announcing to the trmde new merrhandisrrig sales and advertising plans which bring a solution to the problems cmnfronting the dealers interested in the sale and distribution of radio and every land of electrical product to direct the new and enlarged activ ities of the new type music and electrical dealer the canadian westinghouse com pany have secured and announce the appointment of the following-r-mr- j h- biggar manager merchandising depart ment mr j p regan in charg uf s h munro promotion for eastern ca and mr e- h- munro in charge of sales promotion for western canada these well known gentlemen for many years past have been connected with on of the largest and moat successful radio and musical instrument manufacturers its canada and are particularly qualified to direct the new westinghouse plan ojf developing the business of the radio and musical dealer from a seasonal one to sa business which can be carried on success- fwy tt months in the year never again say k tltal afl woo paid tw tfais where did you ever find these why ft coat me nearly twice that much do tell me where you get ttstfortharf how do you ever manage so wed on to little but arent they awfully expensive i wish i could do it j read the advertimanentn know what you want before you go to buy get the moat for your money by knowing what aiiaauuacturera and nswehants are offer ing 3 advertisement will keep you abreast of the times they will enable you to spend die family income wisely they will help you to lirebetter at leas cost 3 then when remarks similar to those above are made to you pass on his good advice for ao who want the best at the least cost read apvert1sements it m f admiral earl jeulcos hard of the battle of jutland will open the toronto exhibition next august- he will bea passenger on the duchess of york more newsprint paper is made in canada than in any other country in 1980 canada manufactured 2604000 tons or 86 per cent of the world production of newsprint paper thirtyeight lakes in the district of the pas are being commer fished today as against 18 two years ago the catch wss llft000 pounds ot ssh in 19s0 sa compared with 1400000 lbs in 128 sixteen countries have so far ac cepted the invitation of the cana dian government to sand o representatives to the worlds grain ebmtbltlpn and conference to be held st begins july is tq- au gust s 194 foxes on the ranches in prince edward island are getting vltni mine d in their diet through urn medium of fish twice a weak sundried herring are fed to the foxes on the ranches tbej aref thriving on this new diet banff yohoasd koofehay na tional parks in the rockies are available to motorists in a continu ous loon route st the cost of a 2 licence fee this opens up 400 mike of fine travelling in unrivalled scenery with a total park area of 8679 square miles ia calgary man has won the cheque for 800 offered for the best slogan in the contest just dosed by the management of the worlds grain exhibition and conference to be held at regina july 2e august 6 1mx ths slogan was show what you grow and ahare what yon know the english assodstion football team representing many of the best 8ocesr teams in the old country which wfll tour canada playing games in the major cities of the dominion during the next two months arrived at montreal on board the duchess of aihou stay 2 ksdlo continues to grow la pop- nkarlty ln canada licensed re ceiving seta at the end of last march totalled 614701 an increase of 90655 over the number register ed the previous year figures for the year to march si 1931 repre sent a set for every 19 of the pop ulation included inthe brilliant passenger list thst will feature the maiden voyage ot the empress of britain 42600ton flagship of the canadian pacific atlantic fleet st the end ot may will be lord rotherrnere great english publicist and owner of a string of british newspapers including the london daily mail representative french raiiaray experts touring this country and the united states recently made a thorough inspection of canadian pacific transportation facilities steamships hotels and terminals fathering s considerable body of nformstion with s view to renewal of material and equipment on the chemin de per du nord in prance empire day held this year on s monday msde a long weekend holiday in every part ot the dominion holidaymakers took ad- vantaga of the new low weekend fares recently inaugurated by the canadian pacific railway charging fare and s quarter for return trips to sny point in the country this reduction is in force everywhere t canada every weekend 739 pkrtou lobster fiahermen are trying a new venture in shipping lobsters to boston mass re cently a carload valued at 84000 went through by express over dominion atlantic railway lines to ysrmouth being shipped thence to boston lovers of wild life will be glsd to hear nt the establishment of second bird sanctuary in canada similar to that of jack miner to be situated at bird haven farm by john w piggott of bridge town nova scotia it will be located in the heart of the beau tiful annapolis valley the first radio broadcast in history of musical entertainment from a steamship in motio sent over s network vbjopalan and united state land stations was carried through s as the empress of britain wan sailing up the st lawrence on her maiden voyage from cherbourg jane 1 all records for the st lawrence route to europe were shattered when the new canadian pacific liner empress of britain 420o- ton flagship of the comnanyn atlantic fleet made the run from cherbo to father point in four days nineteen hours on bar maiden voyage kay 27jnne 1 the train ride from vancouver to banff is the most wonderful i have ever taken was the com ment of the muchtravelled snd famous writer j b priestley of angel pavement and the good companions fsme interviewed recently st the banff springs hotel these parts are too wonderful to describe he said snd added he was coming again in september for the trail riding- the shield for efficiency among the four canadian pacific white empresses of the pacific donated last year by e w beatty chairman and presides of the compsny wss presented for the second time st vancouver re cently to captain a j hoeken and the ships company of the empress of russia during the presentation ths gathering was entertained by the broadcast from ths empress of britain over 3000 miles away steaming down ths st lawrence definite promise of an inter national travelling art school with headquarters to be establkf ed at banff in 1082 or at one of i the bungalow camps in the i rockies has been given by toml hall prominent london ring- 1 land artist who has been assured by s number of his confreres in england that they would join him in artistic exploitation of the scenic wealth of the canadian rockies travelling by canadian pacific special train from toronto to vic toria add returtbver itlfrlnetobbts- of- the canadian manufac association weld their annual gen- era meeting early in june and took the- opnorjsinlty to make a transcanada tour including win nipeg regina and bsslratrtoa where they conferred arioi local industrialists and were given ema and provincial weleinrffawl tab meeting coincided with the etjtt anniversary of tin entrance of british columbia into cw ation eviw more than half the fr water of ths globs is contained tn tnland- waters of canada and twenty dif ferent vartetlev of food flab are obtained foam them in a by commercial rsaharmsn flnal flgnreay ot gold production for 1910 may find canada tn aeo- ond place instead of the jolted states following booth africa according to estimates of the di rector of the united states mint travelling heskh ottaios ated byfhe alberta government in thst province to visit remote dis tricts snd provide free medical service went to 27 points last year lncludlpr soflyscbool districts the habit ot taking muff is en the increase in canada in ims otef 997000 pounds ware valued at hx809w sn of over 887000 pounds and than tho000 la value as ed with 1919 fish some of is candlesr certainly them sometimes onm- chons small oily fash taken in british columbu waters are also known as caadlenshotinrsisis the fnrhanaosed to dry them aswl use them sa candles fortyone anglers the 4u miles of served for regulated lag on the f river- tp nw the 1930 season eanght su sahnora weighing sjs7 pnhhe fish- ijiaalginii lis brunswick during the bah and borough canada oeaeral sad wtta arrirod at hfeb- t easter satartsy os board 83 dachess of bedfors they wan ac companied by their sn dimcsrmon snd fhssj lady moyra ponaonby sjstx a party ot twelve h iwpinwwntliig a annsfjar ot the assss- ing girls schools of great britain arrived at ballfhx reeentty s duchess ot bedford and an sched uled to make a soar of the domin ion to victoria and bank rrebarn- ing to england may 18 canadian lwulbobaulayay toawssy baa added to wstwasreas gatsasd hy wtantsg the btatlrs s tslsswaona cnaxonstjabbnap as aso wwawa they dxeewlea iks vnavajarag ofjf- team and took was ssvawaes smeksry chsjndlonahrp ot ths railway nova booraa m to he by an tndustrts and tenrlst sxhrbh t ths bermnda bxfnfbltion april ilxs next it is bsbag arranged by ths nova scotia provtoolal kxhlm- tion and the department of infor matlan et the provincial oovern- menl the largest rromber of passen gers ever to sail en a single ship from new york to bermuda left on the docheas of tork good fri day when 748 piismngwrs were on the list this service was inau gurated this year and has been so successful that four extra sslmnss bavs been announced an art school on wheels throoeh the most beautiful section of the west has been orasntaed by a montreal artist to travel by cana dian pacmc railway from that city aa far ss victoria during july the school will make s specialty or indians mountlea cowboys on bucking bronchos and he glori ous scenery of the rockies nn sub jects for palatini 787 nnusl vslus of forests products in canada is placed around 600- 000000 by the canadian govern ment forestry service and over 200000 persona are employed la this work total value of crude bullion gold- in ontario for the first two months of 1931 la placed at 86617164 ss compared with 6sl396 for the asms period ot 1980 an increase ot nearly 38 if thla continues all previous records of gold output are likely to be exoeeded this year position of president ot the boy scouts association or can has been ottered to and accented by r w beatty chairman and president of the canadian pacific railway whose interest in boy welfare has long been recognised all over ths dominion john mlnsrd section band with the canadian- paclxlo railway for many years and pension ad at ths age of ts celebrated htm ikfh birthday april t he does not on glasses eats well sleeps well and enjoys life be has no prescrip- for arffoadlng ths century sponsored by the alberta motor cycle association ths western fr motorcycle hillclimbing p will bo decided at banff tn the csnsdisn rockies on may 84 and will be followed the asms day by the banff sunns re- a shipment of 800000 eggs baa recently been forwarded to the domtnloa fish hatchery st flat lands restlgooche county to receive treatment prior to being deposited in the ntplnguft river as a part ot ths 1181 programme tor restocking new brunswick fishing gpo i v from coast to coast heard ths voices ot his excellency the oovemoroeneral and rt- hon r b bennett prime minister of the domtnloa may 11 in endorsattoa of the work ot the ca red cross through stations linked by the radio broadcast transmission system of ths canadian pacific raiiaray companys telegraphs in the last analysis the railroad safety movements success is traee- abla largely to teamwork bach railroad worker la constantly re- mlhdei that safety is paramount safety practices have become habi tual therefore they do not lessen efficiency railroad passenger ser vice is now mors efficient aa well aa safer than ever before asys a prominent united stales news paper i the new tft hour service be tween montreal and toronto both ways which came into operation oa canadian pacific lines end of april has proved highly popular with travsllnrs and heavy traffic on thsae trains la reported otta wa has also bean brought half an hoar closer to montreal and pas sengers tor wjuehee have had 15 minutes clipped from the time ot the journey popularity of the reduced week end tares which went into effect msy 1 an all canadian pacific lines was assured from the start accord ing to reports from trafflo officials ot the railway they represent a aavtng of approximately 88 to the travelling public with reduced tares avallabletrom noon friday to noon sunday and return portions up to midnight ot the monday following of rivers of battling trput i- ihe trout fisherman finds in ontario and quebec of the canadian provinces an anglers jl paradise hundreds of streams filled with bottling speckled bout await him all across the northern sections of these two provinces the waters of such great playgrounds as lauren tides national park in quebec algonquin park and the nipigon forest reserve in ontario are filled with sporting game fish awaiting the cnallengn of the angler across the northern sections of these two provinces stretch the lines of the canadian national railways within a stones throw of the wilderness and at stations along these lines are guides and outfitters equipped to take the visitor out to the best fishing grounds photograph shows an anglers victory when he has landed two speckled trout on theone cast from a typical speckled trout fishing stream in northern ontario scenes such as this are plentiful daring the nehiog season when the trout are rising to the fly canadian national rathoayt favtapqp summer travel en the great lakes xhe canadian pacific railway announces that the companys three passenger ships plying the great i tv ftf ageulmll to port william will commence their summer sailing scheduli tit fir- age to fort william will commence t summer sailing schedules on msy 4 i owen sound and from port mcnicou and tort willia oh may 28 t uiet w b thre from ballings weekly one from oweq sound to fort william on mondays returning thursdays and two each port mcnicoil to fort wuliarvwednesdaya snd saturdays and eastbound fort william to port mcnicou same days the announcement opens an alluring vista of attractive trips for the tourist who wishes to com bine beauty ot scenery with cool travelling under luxurious conditions in the sweltering summer dava that are now approaching these vessels s3 asslnlwa keewatin and manitoba are well appointed boats offering every comfort to travellers and their route is through the georgian bay lake huron the sault ste marie locks where there u a rise ot about go feet to lake superior which they traverse- and up that vast tnlsnd sea to port william the passener travels about 800 miles spending 89 hours on the waters of these lakes often out of sight of land snd getting the beneficial effects of sn ocean voyage dancing plenty of apace strolls along promenade decks cosy camns wellappointed diningsaloons glimpses of ever- changing and beautiful scenes fit every taste and combine to make up a trip that will linger long in the memory travellers who are thinking ot a journey across the continent from east to west or viceversa will find the trip on the great lakes makes a most welcome change in the monotony of mil travel layout shows canadian pacific ship ready to sail from port merncoll with passenger train alongside and passing thunder cape impressive beauty spot on lake superior- undisputed queen of the pacific smashing record after record the beautiful 86000- ton canadian pacific liner empress of japan holds tn established reputation aa the queen of the paetfie ocean both in speedasaaeomf ort her latest accomplishment on her last 4280ralle trip east- bound from yokohama to vancouver was to com plete her journey in 8 days 8 hours and 18 minutes thus beating her own previous record by houra and 40 minutes apart from this she holds records between vancouver and honolulu honolulu and yokohama ahd yokohama and kobe the ust- mentioae4 record is considered the ahipi best speed performance in japsni history the msnder of this greatwhite empress captain samusl robinson indicated alter her last trip that aha has stm morapewer in reserve and may wall bang up anntherfiaord in the near future job printing promptly and neatly executed u

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