l t i sixtysixth year of publication t l the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 20th 1932 150 per annum in advance 200 to usjv the georgetown herald i m moore pabliiher and prupfietor aaember canadian weekly newspapei association cfl n r time table standard time going iait passenger and mail 10 20 ajn passenger 23s pjn passenger and mali 630 pm passenger stops for passengers going east and toronto 958 pm sunday gains east passenger 239 pm passenger 812 pm passenger 955 pjn- v going wan passenger and mall 125 am passenger 854 am passenger 208 pjn passenger- and mail 025 pm 831 ajn passenger sunday passenger sunday 1022 pm w going north mall and passenger as ajn going boath mail and passenger 628 pm a arrow 1nciease0 jjijs sekvice eastern standard time leave georgetown daily westbound 1l60 am 1230 pm 330 pm 7j0 pjru 930 pjn daily ex cept saturday saturday only 1130 pjd- 1039 ajn saturday sunday and holi days only leave georgetown dally eastbound 130 ajn 1005 an 220 pjn 630 pm 820 pan 1020 pjn saturdays sundays and holidays only reduced fares to holders of season tickets tickets and information at longs directory lc lot daxk bmmui and sallelur oeorvetown ontario 1c1u j the old hymns theres rs of music in em the hymns of lent atpo and when some r ayhaired broth er sings the ones i used tt know i snrta want to lake a hand i think of days gone by on jordans stormy banks i stand nnd oast a wistful eye tneres lots of music in em those dear sweet hymns of old with vision bright of lands of lifrtit and shining streets of gold- and i hear cm rinjffnif singlnp wnere memory dreaming stands from greenlands icy mountains to india v coral strands they sem to sing forever of hvolter sweeter days y when the lilies of the love of ood blamed whiter in all ways and i want to hear their music from j rhc oldtime meetlns rise tu i can road ny title clear to the mansions in the skies w neer needed singing books ijn them old days we knew ihe words the tunes and every one the dear old hymn book tlvough we didnt have rtb thimphets then ny organs bifllt for show we only- sang to praise the jlord frcm wttom all blessings gem an so i love the good old hymns and when my time shali oome before the light has left me and my singing lips are dumb if i can bear em sing them then 111 pass without a sigh to canaans fair and happy land where my possessions lie tr boys alleged efesay on scotland the following staled to be by a bunbury sli boy ls rrirrinled frm the sdiilhern times bunbury west australia scotland is a braw land on the north of england it ha water nearly all round and whisky over a largre pari of jt the popula tion is abiut fcur and u half million including mr ndreprv carnegie it has a iweiiliar language of its own and if one- can pronoue it coherent ly it ls an infallible test of sobriety it possesses considerable minera wealth but very little muds its way o cf the- country- qow has at times been discovered in certain districts as well as in the pockets of certain na tives but in bath cases it has been found difficult to work the bttsl known parts of scotland are harry lauder and scotch- whiskey thougn sufflckyji of the later is retained hi the country t satisfy the demands of home b consumption the national jress of scotland is the kilt whlcii is kind of a short- petticoat in pat terns it resembles a cness board ihough lp cold weather the weare finds- it mo3e like a draught board it is believed to have been lnvehtd- becaiise the aborigines were unable t and trousers big enough to get their feet through the bagpipes provide the chief music of the country it 1 aprind instrument which is said when blown to produce a tune on many occasions in the history of war scotch regiments have marched to death listedung to the strains of the bagpipes though it is not known whether their willingness to meet the former was inspired by their desire to escape from the latter soouaad has produced many well krtdwn men airaig them peing robert burns be- lievcd to have been a pgwjs usual ly denied that he was born in batter- sa his most famous poems are sret who have and stop your z ickling jock the chief national i characterstic is reckless expenditure j van winkles wrr t byf a mltchel he dtty of schenectady n y un- the nlne- sleeny i love the dog i- loye the dog because he is the specehless symbol of appreciation af fection and faith because he sscrir rices his life voluntarily and other wise for man his master- i love trie dog because he is one of the meek because he inherits thesearth for he is found fulfilling his pdrppse in life throughout- the wide expanse of this planet content with his abode whether it be hovel or mansion iiovpthe dog because he does not return majtoe for lovp hate for kindness or temper for reason i love the dog for his under- rrndlng of humanity and for his clever ability to determine tfie desires and dislikes of thdse to whom he rsj subject i love the dog because he suuercth long and isklhd envieth not and is not puffed up rejolceth not in inlquty is not easily provoked thdnk- oth no evil hopeth all things endur- oth all things yea and hath establish ed a true charity worthy of human em ulation i loved the dog in the days long before i was able to express it in words and will continue to do so while love and i snail endure obsle nnoitnees brilliant new straight 87 horsepower large r t f ner faster clauncb b wmkuns 8oucttar xmaqr oaoaa ctrleill block oeorgatown yjuphnn ibb 1hm iwhllll aau bowiek k a oraham brampton ontario b b oraham o h bowysst btkab h iaimqoon bumtat 8auettar notaqr caaue firat atnrtgaga money to loan mate btnat south phon 81 v at watson dj-8- amatkin print hta djtjb ot otlloa boom to i bmaot tturraday r a aoath ud lvd8 oooa ta xjuaa block coa door north of owaull carrlago factory jn to e dlhl 1 af m lamb nacncu matbbnxtr nubsb by day or weak pint particular phone mrol oaorcetown cwropractic u loart practloe sargoy 01 imps thy xray service atat onr oonutuoza store wmumaday and ssuurday a to 6 and tj0 to bjo pjn hours by appointment ijllti in advoncem or 7ffarjargrrabratryrfpt7 the outsr ga straight eigh ylindci til both oldsmobiles nov en display aa4slmmoxou vaiurlj i moducttlncamoa frank pelcfa licensed auotionkkftt of pad u osorertown post omce cheltenham c e mccluile auctioneer baal katate btarchandue anu ivarm phone mtl osot ontario iv the money cones armoot dally we receive letters of appreciation from clients for whom weve accompltaked the i and got results uthstam v0v kelly aiken the persistent oolleetora ho oohoctlbn no cnrs obangevillk stewarttown plnmbiugrinsidihing m cfccerimfly uvem phone 84 r 12 igeorcetowsf rjr no 2 a k oouuh anktna serrice and waad oeneral trucking at all times and garmse ramoied- weekly st lowest ratat harwood m0 umla oord itxtetl rails u0 atngle obsrd woodjfor siudl wpmidw 1 bmch aod maple ofetvv hwlto j n oneill son listen to general motor broadcasts of all maple leaf h6ckey teams home game from cfrb or cfca at 9 pm lka til the lattjer part of teenth cert tury was dutch village in the earlier days when the indians used to come into schenectady to dispose of their pelts in exchange for various articles the principal of w was firewater there lived in the town a young man named hleleger vaji tromp he was in love with anrwke van wlnklo a one specimen of s dutch girl who when wearing all the petticoats she possessed looked very much like a humming top some twenty iflsss from schenec tady the remains of a historical man scn that was occupied by sir william johnson promuveht in coloniah thmefe still stand aiur trader named aar- tin smith lived in that region and mode frecftient trips tojschenectady in the way of business on one of tus trips he caught sight of annette van win kle and fell violently in lave with her a neighbor of efielegers told bun that he had better look out for his sweet heart for the englishman was then at ir house begglns her xo go back with him to long house as the residence of sir william johnson was called this is ihe only record case of hleleger showing any animation tie get up from h5 chair dropping his pipe which was shattered and trian gulated to anetes house smith saw him coming his eyes afire and with discretion withdrew hleleger chased him out of town and when the fom- er returned his shirt was bloody it was supposed that the dutchman had given the englishman nothing mere than a good trouncing until a man came in from johnsons to lean what had become of smith for he had ccue to schenectady for a day only and though a week had passed he had net returned the fact that when hleleger had come back from chasing his would be rival blood was on his clothing was proof to the dutchmen that he had killed smith a search was made for tbe body but it was net found but ttals had little weight for it was suppose dthat the murderer had buried it hleleger was tried and convicted the fact that smith had disappeared after having been chased that blood was on the shirt of the man who had chased him was quite enough for those who tried van tromp without wasting words over any possible ex planation the dutchman of that per led was not imaginative of ingenious what was before his eyes he saw of of what might be behind his back ne took no note that hleleger had killed the man who sought to take his sweetheart from ban they did not doubt some were inclined to leniency on account of the provocation but these were overuled by the wise heads who declared that murder was murder and that was all there was about it so hleleger was condemned to be hanged one montri from the day on which he was convicted anneke received the verdict stolidly at least she appeared to do so though her face was so fat that it is not prob able any change of expression could appear in her lineaments neverthe less she loved hleleger and her love for him had been much enhanced on seeing him chase away the man who had thrust his attention upon her she went to her home sat down in the living room and talcing up her knittms began to think for anneke could never think unless her fingers were working the needles it would be a mistake to suppose that because annexes face was as round as an apple and her little eyes were set above a pair of exuberant cheeks she had no power of thought she had considerable thinking appara tus that is for those times m the stupid dutch own in which she lived and she was not so slow in ber thoughts as one would suppose while she was knitting a pair of stockings she thought out a plan by which she might possibly save her lover from the gallows it was not nlan that would lwork in any other age or among any other people but for them it was ad mirably adapted for the schenectady burgher was a man accustomed to moving m a single plane out of that plane he at once became befogged and could not move at all there was in those days one church in which all the people of sobenectedy worshiped in its steeple was a clock that furnished them the time the sun might rise and set irregularly but the clock went right on just the same in deed it would have been treason to doubt its accuracy for it was the only calendar in the town by the hour it marked all thmgs were decided if a man promised to pay a sum of money in thirty days the expiration of the pe riod was not marked by the fact that the sun had risen aid set thirty times but that the hour hand of the clock had noted the passage of thirty days i thepeopje in schenectady were used i in those days to gettag up at 6 m the morning one morning a large num- ber of people awakening at their usual time were surprised that they remaln- ed awake an hour before the clock george am blossom in person in the follies auspices canadian legion plan at idanns dfug store struck six but they were slow in com paring notes and even if they had done so they would not have suspect ed that there was anything wrong with the clock they would have at tributed the fact tliat so many of them had lain awake an hour in the morning to cotncideaice the next morning- when the people awoke they discovered that the clock instead of registering six or five as it had done the morning before register ed four this circuxnixanoe created a greater disturbance in the village than anything jadever oocured hi the vil lage since the great indian massacre it was evident that the clock had lost considerable time for two days before the sun had risen at ax oclock and now when tiiedocks struck that hour the sun was high in the heavens had the clock been a few minutes too alow or too fast even had the burghers known it tbwy would not have wondered as it was they did not know what to make of it so great was their faith in their rtneplece than in stead of thinking it wrong they hud the blame on the sun though many of them preferred to believe that the devil had got into tbe belfry and had lnterferred with the mechanism a committee of three was appointed to sit up and watch the hands to see when the change took place the dial was lighted by a full moon and they could see it dlsunctljr by ten oclock they had drunk so much schnapps that they saw a marvelous sight the hands spun round like the spokes of a rapidly moving wagon wheel first forward and then backward stopping at nine this settled the matter the devil was at work n the belfry when twelve days had passed the j i burghers began to notice that each niornlng the dockwms getting nearer their listng hour thougn it now seem ed to be gaining instead of losing and before four weeks had passed it bad come tight again then they con cluded that tfae devil bad ttrejte of sopun wrtdit and had left it alone for it went on steadily for twentyfour days after it had comenced its antics meanwhile the date of heueger uan tromps execution approached ufhe morning of the execution anneke van winkle went to the judge of the court and said your worship i have a confession to make what is it anneke asked the judge it is in eonnectlon with the hang ng of hetreger van tromp what day was he sentenced to be hanged friday that is today this is not friday your worship it is saturday what is the matter with you an neke has the loss of your lover made you mad no your worstdp i say it is satur day because we nave lost a day every night for twentyfour days i have climbed to the belfry of the church and turned lite hands of the clock back an hour did you db that anneke ltres the judge began topusxe his brain over the question as to whether a day had been lost or not by the setting back of the hands of the dock but nc reaching any conclusion he sent word to the sheriff not to execute the prisoner until further orders then he called in the most prominent ctlxens and stated the case to them asking their opinion whether annexe having set back the hands or the clock twenty four hours the day on which heueger van tromp was to be executed bad passed the question struck those to whom it was pronounced as the most diffi cult they had ever been called upon to solve after an hours babel during which some inalntatned one side and seme another and frequent shifting frcm one side to the other it was decided that the matter was too im portant to be decided in a hurry and they all adjourned to a place where they could procure schnapps and tob acco when the hour of noon came the time the hanging bad been ordered the debate was still going on and had extended to every person in the vil lage never had there been such excite- menttn the sleepy old town since the day of the great tridlan fight in 190 a man would be of one oplnon while his wife took opposite views they quarreled fathers and sons mothers and daughters contended and before nightfall all the lovers in town were estranged the next mornlna- tbere being doubt whether the day was saturday of sun day the trouble liroae out afresh some cailed on tne domtne to hold service others declared that the church should not be opened this caused a riot at the door of the san- tuary those trying- to get in being attacked by those trying to keep the church shut during the- afternoon a man was seen crossing the mohawk river in a boat it was agreed that this person who doubtless came from long house be asked whether the day was sat urday or sunday when he came near enough for the people to distinguish his features he was seen to be the murdered man every man woman and child being more interested in the date than the legal aspects involved in smiths re turn met htm with the question what day is this he was so start led that he could not tell them till he examined mernorancla be had in his pocket then be declared that it was saturday the question of the hanging was set tled not only by the return of the supposed victim but from the fact thai the day set for the execution had passed the people were beside them selves with joy that they had not hanged hleleger and took annexe whose wit had saved htm on -theb- scoulders and carried her to the jail where her lover was set free land they insisted that a wedding service be performed immediately so the domlrw was called and the pair were married county council 1932 the county council will be compos ed of the followingrnrnners this year acton reeve george barber georgetown reeve harold cleave oakville reeve wuson robinson deputyreeve jas l hewson burlington reeve george r harris deputyreeve j w breckon ibsquesiiuf reeve oeorge currie deputyreeve w g appelbe nassagaweya reeve duncan camp bell nelson reeve e m readiicad deputyreeve g leslie peer trafalgar reeve w h morten deputyreeve victor hall aflltonreeve jas blaln the inaugural meeting will be held at milton on tuesday jan 2sth when the qrst order of business will be the election of a warden the halton county tcottncil will tune four ex wardens sitting around the board this yajir they will be oeo barber reeve of acton duncan camp bell reeve of nassagaweya jas w blaln reeve of milton arid v7 h acordens- reve of trafalgar two other former members jos w breckon deputyreeve of burllnstan and w g appelbe deputyreere of esquesing are returning to county council victor hail deputyreeve of trafalgar is the only brand new tomorrow reeve harris of burlington and jfceeve readhead of nelson are al ready in the field for the wardenship reeve harris was a candidate last year and retired in favor of reeve mason of acton champion what gives us courage sxul to bear our part 0 when night is dark and sorrow blinds our path it ls the hope that with tomorrows dawn may oome a better and more golden mom today our tears may flow a little while tomorrows joy will cause our eyes to smile today we fcche with toll and bitter pain tomorrow health may be our own again today we strive against the force of tomorrow we may highest hill whateer today may bring in rues dark hour tomorrow may be turned to fairest flower today our souls are weary with the test tomorrow all our work win then be blest so let us keep on hoping come what may tomorrow reaps the rjromise of to day by nestor noel climb fames teacers salakijk8 left handedness the canadian national committee for mental hygiene division of edu cation says that the left handed child should be left alone the attempt to break a child off left handedness of ten causes stuttering and other evi dences of mental confusion the reason why the vast majority of people the world over civilised and uncivilised are right handed is not thoroughly understood and why an occasional p is lefthanded is likewise unknown in a world of right handed persons the lefthanded ones are sometimes at a disadvantage for nearly every- chixd and parent mothers are prone to be very self- sacrificing toward their children they deny themselves with joy because it gives them pleasure to see their child rens wants supplied bu wh the sacrifice is made ttwy often experi ence a pang of disappointment be cause the child made so little recogni tion of the selfdenial fathers seem to srjve less heed to the matter of appreciation- perhaps it is because they are such willing burden bearers that they simply do and dp arid do for tbe family with no thought of reward or perhaps society s expected it of them as being mans place to provide or perhaps they are so big in spirit and so busy that they do not have time to bother about such petty affairs a little gratitude jiowever is ap preciated by every body and even though father makes no whine when it is not forthcomlntf try lavishing a little on him sometime and see how he glows under it mother is sure to have a little heartache if none is coming to her and yet it is not tor thanks that parents serve their children it b really their job the children do not t the stork to dsposlte them in that household and if the parents put in a bid for these children it is up to them to care for them this howevesy does not excuse from appreciation those ctuldren who are getting tor and care and luxuries it would be the fair and polite thing to give gratitude to anyone who loves you enough to serve you even if he were so devoted to you that it is his dearest delight to do something for you dont be stingy with gratitude nor afraid it will spoil your fond par ent j parents will be disappointed if they exapect full appreciation from their children children are careless they do not realise the sacrifices which their parents make for them if a oeetlng thought of it cros thetr consclousness they dfamtas it with the thought this is dads job or mother is happiest when she ls do ing theeethings ttoere is happiness when she is doing these things there is another thing to kte said for the children sometimes we lavish upon them favors we would like for them to have rather thanjhe things they wish to have or we bestow our gifts before they have arrived at the stage to care for them and these live them no thrill of joy some- day these children will be parents and pouring their lives and energies out upon their children and wondering whats wrong that there is m little comeback of appreciation dorothy attending the episcopal church for the first time was sur prised to see the people about ber roeel suddenly she asked her rnotber why and was told hush they are going to say their prayers- what with all their clothes on said doro thy t thing is arranged fashioned and con structed with righthandedness in view nature tends toward standard- ixation and everything seems to be against those who tnsome particuuar differ from the common run perhaps it is for this reason that teachers and parents frequently make such an effort to break a child off lefthandedness sometimes with ious results for the child one com mon effect for such attempts is to cause the child lo stutter other ev idences of mental confusion may fol low psychiogists are not in merit as to the reason for this but a sufficient reason is that it is always poor practice in training children to work against rather than with them this applies to other things than left- handedness and suggests that the trouble does not lie entirely in the act of changing a child from the use of the left hand but rather in the way in which it ls done the mechanism involved are so complex ho that one may be safe in saying that it is much better to leave a lefthand ed child alone than without any more knowledge of the subject than the average person has to attempt a change there is no objection to a left handed childs being carefully taught to use his right hand in addition two hands are always better than one but there is no good reason why the child should not be allowed to continue the use of his left hand if he so prefers an eminent cana dian sculptor uses his left thumb xo model his beautiful designs and one of canadas most famous painters plies pencil and brush with a dexter ous left hancvnelther has any reason to envy his rignthanded artist-hreth- ren- aj1 this ls interesting to the editor who was naturally lefthanded and who has memories of his left arm being bound to his side and other measures taken to break him of the habit with only partial success at home and at school though it never made him stutter he still throws with the left hand till well on in boyhood he used the knife and spoon at table m bis left hand at school he wanted to write with the lefthand but that was nipped in the bud for tunately on the whole though his handwriting was never good pcestbuy because of the natural pent that was broken however lefthanded writing is seldom good it does not confirm to the physical requirments of out script exchange teachers remuneration should be the last to suffer reduction the work of the teacher is of particular im portance to the country and it is es sential that only men and w of high character and firstrate ability should engage in it such instruct ors should receive salaries that will encourage them to remain in their chosen profession m few other fields of human activity can they do more good after home influence they have first place in the moulding of charact er trie ensuring of a good rlttwnmhtp by all means the salaries of teachers should be maintained at least ea the present level admittedly salary re duction is in the air but thoughtful people and especially pareata wm a gree that it should not affect those in charge of the countrys educational work toronto globe fl kkttjkn to statidte uuboat a dat or prater and meditatton i beaap of the disarma cettfesr- enee sanday jansary i ljxs the announcement has been made that the world conference on disarm ament to which the principal have appointed official repressntatires will open its sessions at geneva switzerland on tuesday february a hux the polyglot petition for world disarmament which is being signed by a great number of cltlsens in many countries has received hundreds and thousands of signatures of metu of the christian communions in rr- believing it would advantage the cause of internationa good will and strengthen the growing conviction in favor of disarmament the undersign ed unite in this call to the christian congregations in panada to set apart sunday january slat itt the sun day immediately preceding the con ference as a day for special prayer sermon and meditation in behalf of the purpose of the disarmament con fetence the people are requested to gather together on that sunday in their regular places of worship in the spirit of peace on earth good will toward men and the ministers who conduct worship in all congregations are re quested to offer special prayers and preach sermons appropriate to this subject we earnestly invite the cor dial cooperation of the ministers the office bearers and the members of all congregations in our respective conrn- f munkms in the effective carrying oun of this purpose t mow the lord of peace himself give you peace always by all means the lord be with you all clare l worrell primate the church of england edmund h oliver moderator the united church w o brown moderator the presbyterian ohixrchv john macneill president baptist world alliance jt p hauoh ouurman evangelical church oommlttaa j reble president kvanatsoal over in ailem township the electors by a good majority decided to return to the heretofore objectionable statute labor on the roads the fiesh- erton advance with others surprise at the reversion of public opinion especially as it means the cutting off of large government grants the durham review asks why the revolt and goes on to answer its own query thus we believe it tipmuui a desire in the hearts of many ejectors to be free from provincial g domination which is ever beconmg more powerful in our municipal andj educational affairs the people- ukei to be freer to usetbeir own j l along these lines but the gown iinaf lit say do as we say or the grants will be cut off or reduced school boards frequently claim the ment has usurped most of then- 1 nor have county councils the tive powers of former times artemesta is willing to relinquish a large gov ernment grant that they may do their annual road work without ex pending the cash and in their own way conscience there are lota of people who have the approval of the world of society of those about them but who do not have their own approval there la a constant protest within them against what they are doing a little amatl voice which is constantly saying too know that is not right you know that ths is not square you know that this is not a success you are posing you are wearing a mask you are de ceiving you are not honest you are not true so- long as tins goes on you are a failure no matter wjw ranch money you may pue up or bow high yon are in your vocation you must have tne amen the approval of your inward monitor you can never get away from him for it to one with one part of the great creative infinite ufa immutable tn principle your other real sen a self which was never sub ject to pain failure disease or death that came into the world to accompany you and that win go out of the world with you for it is your real self the truth of your being the reality of you it is your divine connection with the infinite one your radiation from eta just as the m i a are the radiation from the sun whatever you do always get your own approval always ev day anrntal8 in tub bible we are told that two of each known species of animal were taken aboard noahs ark at the time of the deluge of all the animals of the earth bow- ever but few are desc by name in the bible there are at least 917 different re ferences to animals in the scriptures only 19 species are mentioned despite that weird collection that must have been gathered aboard tne ark thirty one such references are general tn the sense that they are simply called beasts the rest refer directly to certain species the uon in all ages the ring of beasts is mentioned 20 times oahrea are lefen to as times sheep m times hones it times dogs is times and oxen 11 times thus aside from the lion mans domestic antmars pre ponderate in the bible wolves and bulls are named nine times each foxes seven ttmea heifers leopards eamels and hinds atx ttmea each cattle goats and asses four times each kids three times and cows and sows once each amogn reptiles in the tower class animal kingdom serpents are mentioned as such 12 times while specifically adders are named six tbnes- and jups ave times the lowly worm is rernevnbered ten times in the insect class spiders are men tioned three times ants twice and the gnat onoe by jasper b sin clair the auctioneer held up a hand for silence gentlemen he said i wish to announce that yesterday a certain gentleman had the misfortune to lose his wallet containing 1000 a re ward of js0 will be given to any one returning ths same after a abort si wince geritlexnan with a puud tamosbanter wis heard to murmur two hoondered an feeftynve lwiw mar act five drtvtng throurh the country with ber father for the first time saw cattails avowing atasw tberoed- oh daddy she cried took he botdog gaudeni amjxm ac inrywv v