Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 10, 1932, p. 1

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fps h tyjylijywtr sbrtysfarih year of piibncation the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 10th 1932 150 per annum in advance 200 to ua the 6eorget jl at 1 herald c n r time table standard tims dag baa passenger and man 1030 axo passenger 239 pm passenger add han sjo nm passenger stops for passengers going bast and toronto 855 pm- sundays going east jpessenger m pm- s12 pm 9js5 pm oint assenger and mal west passenger passenger and han passenger sunday passenger sunday 135 ajn 454 jon 108 pjn us p-in- ju am 1033 pm audi gaiaf narte arrow inc1easej jjlj seihce the 12 big biscuits mean economy with ail the bran of the whole- wheat mmhtcmmulmwflhcmnajianwhmmt nxamadfan shredded wheat cohpamy ltd cl leave georgetown daily w aso ajn 1250 pjn s50 pm too pm tt60 pjn dally ex cept saturday saturday only 1x60 pjn 1050 sua saturday sunday and holi days only leave georgetown dally eaatbormd 730 ajn 1oj06 am u0 pm bjb0 pjn sjp pjn 1030 pm saturdays 8undays and holidays only reduced fare to holders of season tickets amd dwoamatlon at longs directory uk eot aau clabbfcl at- wkkhns k b orebata lanodon n4ary pa hat mortgage money to loan w b watson uaja- mjxg majuon raukst uab djaa i to k r l qava en iab blook on door north a oimlit oamaga factory hours a am to a pjn iwiss lamb raacxtcaj ihtainm nvk8k by day or weak fiur aarttrsilsra phono sua georgetown ib a qiiusg onteris chiropractic u xaara prmotka raw- oaaaatauky xray service w1 lawatma wmdmahv ml bbiiii1bbj to ttad fjbto bu sun xlelmcoure 4jbcmoaicev bb arise to usrthe moat re- uable and effective service a- vafleble tor your dtftteut col lections that is what kelly aiken omiuwucmjm ont offer you send jour list amass note or aooount to pi i i ii i i smmfwmm uulf mm plaudbibftiiisinithidrj ava 1jicfie 84 r 12 v georiown rr no 2 r i y- ff a ooajmh pawres bv- its lucky you have a telephone jim ross hadnt noticed die broken fence until his favorite roan mare got caught in the barbed wire and cut her leg it didnt seem a bad cut at first but blood poisoning set in and jim thought he wssgoirig to lose a valu able horse a hurried telephone call brought the veterinary sturgeon i think we can save her jim the vetrsinary said but another couple of bouts might have been too late ifs lucky you bvt ttupbout uh it valley creamery own cream wanted we wil pay the highest market price for creamf deliver- a ed at our creamery or phone 332 and our truck a will call credit valley creamery j georgetown ontario 1lunihhmihbhhhhhiuammalc discoverino a fauend if sorrow never happened and trouble never came tbe only thing youd know about your neighbor is bis name if all your days were brlgnt and fair and certain was your place youd only know a fellow by the- fea tures of his face acquaintances upon this earth are all youd ever own if care had always passed you by and grief youd never known tune was i used to nod to one who live across the way i knew his name and be knew mine ye passed the time of day but nothing did he mean to me and nothing i to htm t until one morning sorrow caane and all my world was grim i- saw r3s face i felt his hand and knew hed come to lend the trength r needed and right then i found i had a mend v tls not in sunshine friends are made but when our akfes are gray the splendid souls that men possess are never m display we cannot ell what lies bebjnd the hasty uod or smile nor what or worth will come from it in just a little while s we only knov that when we race the care that life must send thatll git yeauw wiled fact is jtmmie seemed not to real ise tblngs i was aleared ens readth of dime novels about tbe west would lead him to fly in tbe face o pro vidence or rather josh qllson and afore he understood what he was doln hed git a bole in nan i shook my head and looked solemn welkin away slow like an actor in the theatre after he haut warned somebody agdn some- pin awful one day soon- after this warnln jlmmie come to me and be says says tt demta i cent a wagon out for ail- be mr cook you was right about what yoi said about my sociatin with pluamte walker how so says i josh met me on the road this mojrt din and he says to me ttou mls- able kid what dye mean by buttin in at pie man walkers daat you go there po morel antli asks him why he dwnt tell mamie to stop my goln there- and he says that was none o my business ef i go there agtn hell let daylight through me- what does mamie aayajbout it i asked she says shetl receive visits from anybody- she likes waal jlmmie says i ef i was you id let tljem two fight it out be tween ean its my opinion that a third handoomln hi between the jack o clubs and the queen o heartsll get frose out o the game mroook says jim to this that keratuexand tied h tight just above the wound he went to mamie and i seen she was comln to her i ran to where josh was layln on his face i tifrned him over and made up my mind right off that- he was a goner i didnt have no trouble in gttin jim back home though i was afraid o ttie bleedm o jlmmles arm and to tedl the truth a bullet had cut an artery and u i hadnt tied that hand kerchief so tight he would a bled we realize the passerby has changed was one o the wisest remarks you into a frisnu cherub whitlock by edward t stewart when jimmy whitlock came out yere to start a ranch we all barfed at him be was nothin but a rid two cheeks the color of a new red wagon and no sign of a beard on his face made him look like a gal not moren sixteen years old his figure wasslight and small and he wore his hnt long and cut aquar arum mi neck whar he got the money from to buy a ranch and stock it u knew but it was understood that he was the son of a rich cotton plantwr in geo rgia and we reckoned that the ote man put up for htm anyway he bought a lot o land and a tot o sheep and built a fust rate ranch bouse since he hired a good man for over seer we thought he mougbt do well wiiigti ranchln but we dktnt think he would be suffered to stay in these parts very long there was a good deal o gun play about bare in them days and it was reckoned that he would soon be steered away he was might fresh and we alkxwed that purjty soonra would run up agin borne feller that wouldnt stand his tmoer- tance but we dldnt think any one would hurt htm any morcn if he was a real gal and jim dsdnt seem to realise where ne was he talked about things jlst as v he had been in one o them towns where people wore clawbantmer jackets with garrate collars and the rest o the outfit to match he seem ed rather pleased with the idea o goln round armed and as soon as he got yen instxad o wearin one gun under his ooat where it wouldnt be noticed be wore two one on each hip he could not a done anything better calculated to git him into troowo hb been raadm dime novels said his o about the wild and woory wast hell git over that after awhile hes harmless jis you let him alone mebbe jlmmie would v got through without any trouble if lie hadnt taken a tancy to josh oflaons gal josh- was- interested in the- sptngier ranch and above the ordinary cow- puncher but be was a fighter through and- through when he seen that little baby faced kkl buefcm up agin him and ms sweetheart we an tlwwigfrt o marys little lamb wukm bam the sleepln quarters of a grinly i thoognt it a pity that such a party little fellow should stand in the way of a man nke ouson and i says to him jlmmie tf i was you i wouldnt go mo uv around josh olloons gal what hes fxpentln to marry a the anrjng ltls dangerous is it he says lookm interested yes jtanue says j its mighty dangerous ton deal mean he says that if mamie walker likes me b him hed blame me hed put us heal on you and grind you into the earth like a worm jim dldnt say anything no this ear awhile be seemed to be tbhtkhv then he said supposm i got the drop on htm i larfed the idea o jlanme buck- in up at ajj agin josh omson was funny- but that be should dream o ghv uh tbe drop on a man wboae gun was used to goto off almost before it left the bolster and the ban plum through the other feller was enough to make a mum larf right out jkntnle i says solenouke youre a nice boy and i woaddnt like to see git hurt much lees carried to the burytn ground up on trie hm take my advice and let ibosia alone vueb obliged for your adrsoe air oook says jlnmue and th remem ber it and in leave you somepto in my wtn you wont have nc occasion to irfptti me in your will jflnnrnle i says uriesb you do some fool trjck ever made but supposm third hand 1 holds the ace jim walked away slowly without sayin noubin more i dldnt suppose he would be fool enough to come to a showdown with ouson even tf he held avjoyal flush ef be did i had nt nothin on my conscience cause id given him fev warnln the very next day what dye sup pose i seen why jlmmie and mamie jim on his hay gelding manae on her sorrel mar cavortin along the road talldn and larfin like two children on their way to a circus mamie was barely sixteen and as onexperienced as jlmmie my heart went down in my boots there was them two young things scarcely out o the cradle with no apprelienaloa o the horrible fate awadtin ebern tnease they happened to meet josh ouson josh was ten years oldern mamie old enough to look on em hketwo innocent children as they was but i sn that wouldnt concern him all he thought about was that be wanted the gal and wouldnt have no mercy on nobody that tried to take her away from him and what was my horror to see oil- son himself comln along the road to meet em fust thing i thought of was that no ma how fast i rode i was too far away from em all to git there before josh would have a chance to murder the little cuss that was tnterferin with him but i hatch ed my gun forward and dug my spurs into my horses flanks while i was rldlnyi seen it all josh reined in and got out his gun he seemed to be tiesitaun what to do he put his gun back into its holster and rode on but soon took it out a- gami i was wtrtrhrn the children too fust thins i knowed they was oomln mgh one another mamie rode a utile ahead c jim and put herself between hta and josh that looked as if josh wouldnt have a chance at him with out htttln mamie but what did the kid do but ride right before her and that she might not be in the way o the gon nlay he veered to the side o the road by thunderl says i to myself the little cuss is dead gamer i rode on across country keenin my eyes on what was gotn on a- head of me instead of on the ground i was traveum over it was mighty uneven- 1 kin ten you but instead of givuv my horse any chance to ease up on comln to a hole or a dttob i spur red him on jlst as much at one time sons body and the scrap was over iv made a heap o difference to jtmmie vybulock didnt any one after that larf at huh for comln west with dime novel notions about the country he- was the pet o all the decent men o the territory and gun mejp let him alone everybody was pleased that 14amle walker was rid o josh ouson he wasnt up to her mark anyway her folks was res pectable and didnt ifke her associat- in wtth him but you know that when youdtr forks are at the matin age theyre liable to take up with the- best there is at nana rve given you the record o the comln to this state when it was a territory of governor whitlock now one o the richest sheep raisers in the west and erne a the most prominent men every way half the people out yere still apeak of him as- jtmmie and some still call him cherub whit lock since he clowned josh ouson anything he has wanted o the people round about has been his his story only shows that you cant tell what kind o stuff people especially youngsters is made up of until some- pin happens to bring it out just as the doctors cant tell when kids is allln till they break out whether bhey got scarlet fever or measles pounds dolxahs and war debt cancellation funkral or the late velma ostrandkr you see what i was wanttn to do was to git within range so i could drop ouson before he dropped the cherub they say haste makes waste and so it did in this cue for comln to a gutty and not seein it i pushed right on not even ralstn my home for a jump the oonseouence was he came down on bis knees on the opposite bank while i went sprawlln three or four yards ahead of htm i plrttr iiryself up and kxeked head agin to the front while rd been rfcttn there bad been a abort parley besween oqebn and tbe two kkb hut by mis time it was over ofpon made good ms reputation tor quick shootm but whether jim hadnt quite got out of line with the gal of sosnepm else he missed jim tired and hit had but i oouldnt see where then there was a rattle of shots and josh fell off his none a few more leaps o my horse brought me wttmri range but i was too late to do anything for jbnmte he bad done it ah himself when i come up he was holdm his left arm with the hand of the o and the blood was tlrlyptijs tnui i tve scooped she board mr cook he says as innocent as one o them little tat children with wings in plc- tura i dldnt have time to say nothin for i seen mamie tottertn on her horse and i had just time to reach her and catch her in my arms as she fell i got her off her horse and hud her down aside the road then i ked at jams arm and seen it was bleedln- mdghty free i took his hand- osnsatilnekij ml i saltans anftt imdvad jpjjaklya ltonat eordt ji vv jal rfjv jbibs in3 7- iiwfsv afjpls w5 wi thistvt can yoa coont upon 100000 miles ao4 jmore of fine dependable perfor mance knowing that yoiir car lias a 24year record of just such perf ormance alriliay raonx tm vt u- f- 1 v qmamwrown thts is certainly an interesting age in which to live with the pound ster ling and the canadian dollar constd- erajdly below par there is strong bet ting at lloyds that the pound will be worth six united states dollars with in star incpth who are placing wagers of this character believe that the amerlclan republic must go off the gold standard ha a short time and that it will be obliged to make some change in its currency system in or der to meet the economic problems with which it is faced if this perdkaion comes true it will demonstrate anew the unreality of the war debts owed to the united states and the unwisdom of all its gold hoard frig the present economic situation throughout the world arose in large measure out of american refusal to accept britains offer of allround debt cancellation in una once mat refusal was made all the money that germany and the allies could raise flowecl in a steady stream across tbe atlantic the inevitable result was tbe accunaulatton of a terribly dispropor tionate amount of the worlds gold supply m the united states treasury there followed the unhealthy ameri can inflation and boom which collaps ed at the end of 1829- had the balfour note of august 1 1933 been made the basis of universal war debt cancella tion tineboom and eollanaw would have been largely averted after nearly ten years civilisation is mtig around to the standpoint of the rj note germany has slated that she cannot pay any more on re parations that means that the allies will be unable to keep up their pay ment to the united states this to turn means that sooner or later and we hope sooner the great american republic win face the facts there mustbe an allround cancellation or very drastic seal trig down of inter national obugations wellinformed public men and financiers in the uni ted states already realise this it re mains for the pollticdbns to be con verted so that they may prevail up on the mntmrri to accept the inevitable the american people can be very ideallaoo once they are informed after being kept in qui dark about the great war they followed president wuson headlong into the struggle as soon as he gave them tbe proper lead president hoover has already gone as far aa congress will yet allow him to wards the international accomodation on the debts question he or his suc cessor in the presidency will go a great- deal further mail and empire the funeral of the late miss velma ostrander whose tragic death was reported in last weeks banner was held from the home of her mother mrs edith ostrander east broad way to brampton cemetery on monday afternoon january 25th wlien many friends and relatives were present to pay their last mark of respect and to express the pro found sympathy so generally felt for the bereaved mother brother and immediate friends the departed girl who was 18 years and 6 months of age was bom in brampton and had lived at huotonvule and george town and in toronto before corning to cuangevtlle a few years ago she leaves to mourn her loss her mother and only brother gordon her fath er met with a tragic death on march 13th- thirteen years ago rev e w mcbflen conducted an impressive service at the stricken home during whici tbe favorite 4iymns ot trie de parted- girl were used the casket ras covered and banked with the flowers that she loved so well after che service the remains were con veyed to brampton where they were laid at rest in a grave beside her father the pallbearers were five uncles and a cousin norman storey woo- dobble clifford storey roy ostrander fred storey and agar ostrander the flower bearers who were friends and cousins of the late miss ostrander were cecil storey clifford dobble everett marshment gordon o ostrander ted kirby dele fendley vera marshment freda lennox alice watt and edythe fendley the floral tributes included pil low mother and brother basket grandpa storey aunt violet and unde fred storey wreath grandma and orandpa ostrander aunt basel and uncle will dobble wreath uncle roy and aunt kitty ostrand er cousin everett and vera marsh ment spary from bill spray uncle norman and aunt mima storey and cousins spray uncle clifford arid aunt ettie storey and cousins spray uncle henry and asm delia brown and oousins spray ted kirby and family w mr and mrs jas fendley spray employees dods knitting co bask et mrs and mr jas watt and fam ily friends from a distance were lax and mrs w j ostrander mr and mrs roy ostrander and son gordon mr and mrs henry brown and daughters leotte and norma mr and mrs wm dobble and sons cliff andalvin mr and mrs ever ett marshment mrs smith and miss myrtle smith mr hall and miss margaret hall all of toronto mr and mrs william ostrander olen- wllliams mr agar ostrander ner val mr and mrs hullard ostrand er oeorgetown mr and mrs harry harding ouelph mr oscar morris mrs j farnsworth mr munro learnsworth mr and mrs jas r-end- leqr wm fendley dale fendley and sisss edytbe pendley brarngaon mr ted kirby albert and mrs kirby and mr and mrs c fendley bnmpton orangevule banner its funny its funny the habits we mortals ac quire its funny the things that we do for worldly possessions we vainly aspire in life as we journey through we toll and we save from cradle to grave existing in fear and in doubt forgetting the fact that wriatever we save we never take anything out its funny the heights we attempt to attain its funny the depths of our greed our gifts are given for profit and gam and seeking the things we dont need we plan and we scheme and we hope and ve dream and- we oftlmes cheat on the rute yet down at the end of lifes turbu lent stearm we never take anything out andso they xppear to be funny and queer the habits of mortals below though fortunes are won in the strug gle down here theyre- left on the day that we go when the battle is fought we take what we brought and we lose what we win iff the bout for god never meant in the lessons he taugh that man should take anything out if we notice little pleasures as we notice little pains if we quite forget our losses and remember all our gains if we kk for peoples virtues and their faults refuse to see what a comfortahle happy cheerful place this world would be almost a8 cheap to travel on cruisers as to 8tay home west new low bates to popalaziae indian cruise inaarnrated by ian national steamer prince david mvahiax voyage of tsos miles in southern waters reduced fares for easter travj3lu5rs quotations there is a law of nature which says use or lose henry ford what the world needs today- is not more wealth but more confidence and more courage nicholas murray but- far the capacity of an underpaid pub lic to repurchase the material it pro- daces is the inmeir cause of the de pression will durant no game man ever lmeds the oount of ten lie is up before that gene tunney human nature does not differ ac cording to geography s l rothafel rokyo irrellgion is a dreadful philosophy to grow old on harry etnerson fos- dk those who explain too much pre pare the way tor those who excuse too much sic arthur w aewis truth cannot suffer a permanent defeat henry morgentbau seemingly the wide world has gone to the bottom of the pit and dug in its toes the trend nentceforth must be upward alfred k smith i am far too busy to enjoy money i have more than i want and the dif ference in happiness has been negli gible oeorge bernard shaw there are more changes going on in more fields of human belief and interest than ever happened at the same time in any earner epoch lord lothian the greatest obstacle of interna tional order the enormously height ened nationalism which receives the attractive butmsappued name of pa- triottem albert einstein the solution of the crime problem after ad is the solution of the boy problem barry em pudtck the war ended ta 1018 on the field of battle but in tbe field of ideas we hive not yet oujarrown the conditions which brought that war about nic holas murray butler the tamest way is toitake the facts that we have- use what reason we have and when we cannot answer questions say that we do not know clarence darrow qom in international trade is like oil in an engine it works only it it is well distributed and moves about if it all sticks in one place the machin ery jams sir wm h beverdge of the nattqri gandhi to give lsbarder to unrreceesary henry- it is eejjj rnake giving ford -a- good strong wholesome well- organised minority is essential to the ultimate mmmtfroc dejmecrauo ee- toramrtd avwmtth travellers in canada at eastertide will have tbe benefit of the same tick et and reduced fare privileges as were granted them at christmas accord ing to an aruiouttoernent made by c p riddell chairman of the canadian passenger association on behalf of both the canadian pacific the canad ian national and- other railways of pa special concessions wlu also be made in favor of nonresident pu pils and teachers in canadian schools this is the first time in many years that such concessions have been made the railways win charge one first- class fare and onequarter for round trip to the general public permitting starting of journey on thursday march 24 friday march 2s satur day march u andsunday march 37 with return available up to and includ ing tuesday march 29 1933 it is anticipated that these fare concessions will add in no small mea sure to the volume of travel during the great spring holiday and that many persons desirous of spsnding easter in ttieir own homes or witn relatives tn other parts of canada win avail themselves of them the time limits make ample provision for the public to employ both good fri day and easter monday for journeys to and from holiday points arrangements for passengers from schools will be completed through the principals of such institutions tn co operation with the canadian passen ger association new low rates for carlrjbean cruises by the canadian national prince david sailing from boston february 6 february 30 march 5 march 16 and april 2 are aruoounced by mr a h allan general manager of the canadian national steam ships under the new rates tbe rxnnlrnum cost of a berth in a first class outside cabin with meals is 35 per cent lower than has been the case heretofore and makes possible a caribbean cruise of 13 days at a cost of approx 7 a day in twnff the annourtcement mr allan states that the new rates have been brought into effect to popula rise west indian cruises among many canadian and american fasnuies who hitherto have hesitated to visit the islands because of the cost the offer of 12 days at sea at the present figure makes it almost as cheap to travel as to stay at home states mr allan calls will be made at kingston jamaica cristobal pasama and ha vana involving a voyge of 0o miles you may meet a fool now that automobiles are numer ous upon the highways it is well to recall the injunction be careful al ways you may meet a fool there are not many fools on the roads jior drunken men driving cars but there are a few tbe fools are those who tear at high speed around corners across reads and over narrow bridges regardless of other cars that may be tn the vicinity occasionally another car is there and the fool gets into trouble and whats worse he makes trouble for the other fellow a remarkable case of this occurred a couple m weeks ago in this case due to rare good fortune nobody was hurt no thanks to the fool in the case atnav chevrolet occupied by two business mru was aproach- lng a somewhat narrow bridge the driver saw a ford runabout com- irag south at a high rate of speed he slowed down as there was ltctie room to spare apparently the ford never slackened the driver was a whirlwind he didnt get far enough to the right and the near sides of both cars were stripped front wheels fenders running board ah gone rear axles bent both came to a dead stop it was then ascer that the ford runabout was carrying two young rsen and two gtrls and there was good reason to suspect the driver was carrying something eke which had gone to his head tbe driver of the chev had met a tool in fact he met four fools all in a heap u will happen once in a while the greatest fool in this case wouldnt talk settlement so tlie police had to be called the likelihood is hat be was onejof those irresponsible gents who cant settle for the damages they do and try to bluff it out at the time of writing we havent heard how the ttoonfamuy life treats the weuarerf court dealt with ttie case but all toon oerned would necessarily lose there la something tobe learned rrobo the incident when you see a ear tearing atr high speed orp to a narrow bridge dont go on even if you have a right to there a toou in the other car sod theres no use ineeatns- him i sure and car sales encouraqrng the cars for 1933 are passing through the probation period with flying colors the critical test of the new york motor show revealed that his years models have all the- super ior qualities the public expected and as a result the foundation of good oi 7- lng sentiment was laid in cans shows have been held at r winnipeg and windsor the p- n event being the eastern oanadn at montreal attendance at m r- was greater than in 1931 and nti in the new cars was noticed by betvr so much so that sales of cars were e- ported by exhibiting manufacturers as quite satisfactory sales of gener al motors cars were more than 100 above the sales in 1931 the salin conducted by general motors pro ducts of canada at the windsor hotel montreal during the week of the motor show is a clearer inrllratlrm perhaps of public interest tn the new automobiles the salon visitors were seven times as numerous as the visit ors to the 8alon conducted by this company at montreal last year canada offers unequaled attractions for tourists canadians havea valuable herit age in their wilderness areas the speaker stated these north- woods have already produced crops of furs and umber and to some cases aso of minerals now they are producing a new and valuable crop the tourist dollar and the tendency of the can adian tourist is to keep that dollar at home under present conditions workmens compensation statement during the month of january a total of 3601 accidents were reported to the workmens compensation board as compared with 4336 for the same month last year the ratal cases numbered 19 as against 21 last jan uary the total benefits awarded amount ed to 45353064 of which s3s362134 was for compensation and 18980930 for medical aid during january last year the total benefits awarded a- mounted to 58040311 one of longest produce trains between haajwax and montreal distribution of the largest single consignment of west indian fruit and produce which has ever reached can ada was made from montreal to the principal cities and towns of ontario and quebec and- to points as rar west as winnipeg sixtysix carloads of bananas cocoa- nuts oranges and tomatoes were rush ed to montreal in canadian nation al railways refrigerator cars from the docks of halifax where they were loaded from the canadian national steamer lady rodney fortynine cars containing the ba nanas and tomato came through as a single unit one of the longest prod uce trains ever moved by the railway between the two cities the remain ing cars containing the oranges and cocoanuts were handled byttm regular freight trains according to local dealers the to matoes were among the finest ever to icachtbe city from the bahama and the fruit reached market in prime large condition a part of the ship ment was absorbed in montreal the remainder was distributed to toronto- ottawa tjilebec windsor sherbrooket hamilton winnipeg- and other cities several additional riarloada remained in the marltatma to meet local needs 3v v i 3 aviv- ii

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