is- i3 x i sixtysixth year of publication the ttt wn herald wedneacky evening june 22nd 1932 150 per annum in advance 200 to usla the georgetown herald j at mooke rvhlahrr and proprietor member canadian weekly newspaper association ik w i cnr time table standard time gotac rest passenger and mail iu20 passenger i x39 passenger and mail 830 passenger stops for passengers going kast and toronto 955 sundays going- east passenger 239 v 8j3 955 oemg wert passenger and alan 7jb -v- 84 r a 308 2s 831 1022 thd man pasasncer sunday paasenger sunday pjn pjn pjn pjn pjn pjn pjn pji oxo gain nsrlb mall and passenger jmsll and passefcwer ass sjn 838 pm arrow bus imxusepj setvice ka9un j0s5 ajn 139jn 3j pjn tvtw pjn 835 pjn sat only 955 pun daily except sat u1j pjn saturday only 618 ajn daily except sun 180 ajn jj6 pjn 440 pm sot pjn stops only on flag signal 918 pjn xuf pjn sundays and holidays only reduced fares to holders of liaimi tickets vncsun amp ntroridatson at longs directory uk kov dale barrister and soueltav ogorgetown ontario offlcescxegarr theatre bids mill bl clabkbjcat u ynoaasa n h notary public ofoces ostein block oesryptown inelepaone us wfa pbawam and bowtkb brandcon ontario e a orahero jt b graham c hc bowyer kknnexb as lanodom lister oafi finer notary rwatts fin afortcaaa money to loan ofdow main street south qoo r m watsoat djjs jbaamon rmikst tuks djdub otboa hours to b sxoept ttamday aftontoona j memories the wind tonight is whimpering tha trees and all the sky is drab and overcast while memories steal along to me and bring dora top well play tennis lew tptmhtg tmtti a suslo-f-sl- horn cml htgm 1m pm still jawtfr migbi rain 0 830 pjm all ruths friends in the city felt 1 lorry for her when she married dick and fettled down jn a small town thirty mils out they soon found however that ruth hold lawns and flowers which made city apartments seem very stuffy indeed now they welcome a chance to run out and ruth is never lonely the telephone is the connecting link it is quick easy to use and costs only a few cents to call the city r l otboa in lane block one door north of oneiua carriage factory hours b ajn to t tun chiropractic -nkjxson- the okawasawtar palmer oraduatt 19 years practice no mrdtctnk sugary c a xray service cjfnce over tmmlnlnn store monday wsdneaday and it 3 to 6 and f jo to s jo pan otter days and boars by appotntmsnt us frank fetch ucbm8bo aoononbca aaattesat peal m prosmst service mm oe ntlaa c11nrltiinfr oxt monuments pollock a ingham oucrwakn to oater a wortfa gait onl tiiaiawt oar wot in oracaamod osxnetery debts colijzcteb the sooner you send your hat of imtstauldtxaf auxsouaatv t kelly aiken gtfca oauee at orangevme the quicker you will haw fund on hand to meet your own requirements its and itm lead nbw bog ekootlatldna adortkd by omtajuo a b rotbweb dominion live stock v i ani attention to faej u asnendroents of the tgg beanla- uobaware legalised in ontario follow ing ttssir second nnhllrannn in a re cent jaaoe of the ontario oaastte whloh makes tnam fully effective in that pswwje by virtue of tbs fact thai the regu- lattoqs an estatdlshed under a federal act of parliament they are admtols- on the part of the nrorkme is nacea- sary to piake the do elanass of the wrolattons effeojlve wu ansh- adoption by ontarto tbs amended reau- muon are now operative trouattqui evqr province in the doininlan apjieral prt it off reculatloiia h not stored in aiay way in vie ainndpaent enanm nav bean made f edhhtry 4wyilw regnlatioits destined to asnxjra fo ts pradaotf fulfsrsded value o his precftci complete tafotraamon eon eetntna the amewvd regunuona may orhroavtn local egg a a jbtptw ewtartag the houae of oj poa v har awidont want your pfe but ryfi away younqat ftfpsi keep health theenoway you do not have to lise drastic add strong cathartics that cause irritauon ends fruit salt by gently and safely ridding the intestinal tract of poisons wju help to make you and keep yon healthy a dash of eno in a glass of water every morn l or night prevents the evib of constipation be eno conscious cm in and rake the smoldering ashes of the pav- i see a leafy lane that skirts a lake far front the milling maddening mob of men and bow i wish tonight tluum could take a ramble roupd those rustic scenes again or where a shaft or silver whips the spray i tossed ftom the tower of some revolv ing ugnt il t white in tne havens hollering all the way a loon in lofty grandeur grooves the night t my old cigar nas dwindled o a stub the evening wanes the last lone ember dues a pallid porter prowls about the club white here and there a rounder rubs his eyes and still tie wind keeps whimpering in the trees and all the sky is drab and o while memoriae steal along to me and tease and rake tne smoldering ashes of the past trapped by ctuurlea a boyt rob parker walked restlessly up and down tn front of the water wheel ftor an nour it had been vibrating so hard ttiat the whole building trembled and he guessed tfiat the shaft running through the cylindrical wheel case was out of level his assistant lee pow ers a boy just out of high school who was learning the business stood by the head gate in tne dam at the up per end of the penstock ready to shut it if tne rouble should heroine serious the tops hours of the afujrnooj finally came to an end and with a aigh of relief rob abut down the plant as soon as toe machinery had stopped lee shut the bead aaie as that bob could draw the water out of the mile of pipe that lay between the dam and the water whesl rob was very much disgusted at bis extraordinary run of bad luck lately because he had had to work overtime on tne tug water wheel he bad missed the last two hikes of the mohawk club and tonight in stead of going on the clubs annual rlelgh ride he would have to spend half the night inside the wheel case it was very fine to have full charge of the power plant but it meant respon- s j aat ha a k need another room finishing off the attic with sheetrock will give you one at low cost sheetrock is quickly erected fireproof and durable ybull finda sbeetrock faring tor your furnace room and garageaprofi table investment too it protects against heat cold audi sheetrcx3c thb wh w georgetown lumber conpany united economical and good red rose tea red label 25hlb every package guajrantml bmawxawaaaobwnwaibsawan na utclpder owien meats pwirtry hotter and et at riglc prtcea wbdjojvkb xwtax barvmhairmui omomawrpmh turn mmmm skiulty and trying to target his at imsstng the sleigh ride he back to the power house after supper when he arrived at the plant his helpers lee powers and jay draper were already there jay only duty was to hand tools through the man hole while the other two worked in- side the cylindrical wheel his only pay was the privilege of trig for the iat trout that trved the wheel pit beneath jy ahi had the trapdoor in the concrete floor open and his line was in the water 1 dont earw how long you work said he grinning and ahowhog an eleveninch fish theyre biting to- nigh t- lee was impatient to get inside the wheel case tor it was to be his bast view of a modern turbtpe as soon 4s they had donned their rubber boots and heavy coats they threw back the hinged castdoor cover to the man hole and crawled m it was a drippy evtlemedtng place a short rrrttanor up the pemtocfc rose a huge pipe he purpose of which waa to act as a means of cosarollmg the pressure of the water it waa empty now and had the effect of a chimney the cold december an- blew in at the manhole so hard that the workers had to have the and opened jay aat near by cover to band tn tools the the and when ever be made a catch be opened the cover and shou the news his voice l up the tnus of ataetplpe and the echoes threw it back and forth ifrom the gi until mi a minute aftenwards they would bear caught another oner apparently from the other end of the pipe lee was uneasy thought of be ing w in there in the machinery with that tresnestdous force locked up in the pond and only the gate to hold it back terrified him some- tunes hearing an echo from their conversation be would start and cry whats thatl rob laughed heartily but he could not persuade lee that they were safe what if some one with a grudge aaouhst us should open the head gate from the inside lee demanded row could we get out quick enough just then jay opened the -ij- and shouted adeehdly caught another one x3aught another one i caught another onel until from the far end of the pipe came the hollow echo gaoght 1 e i guess rn get out lor a while said lee in a queer voice t dont like working tonight somehow holding up the tallow candle sob looked at his helper lees eyes were staring and ms breath was short rob remembered that he had gone the wheel case for the first tit ah right he sam i can easily finish what there is to do you go up to the head gate and when you hear me give three knocks with the hain- mer on the wheel open the uttaa gate and let the penstock fu lee rattled the cover and when jay opened it ausckty wramrord out tm going to open the gate he said to jay were most done jay was di trout dm not often bite as well as they were biting tonight tjeterinhied to make the most of the time that was left he put on his choices bait and dangled it be fore a autkyftah that lay in the deep er water near the shadow of the wall but as he leaned down tnslae the ed then that jay had not put his head inside lately he rattled the lid lustily and shouted the echoes re peated his cries a nundred times lett lett let out out open up open up the words were jumttled with in articulate sounds and moans but no sign of life or movement came to him from outside moreover every time that he rattled the cover to the man hole the automatic catch tightener rett supposed that jay had hncnme no completely absorbed in his that he hadv forgotten his winking for the moment of arranged signal with lee he his hammer and beat on toe his prison to attract jays imanedhtiely a cry penstock all right all right to gether with a confined jumble of echoes from bobs hammer and tttz cries to jay lpe lying on top of the dam lathe keen wind with his ear to the vent had been glad enough to hear be blows of the hammer op the pipe tie was chilled through and anxious to jet hack to the stove at the power house so be lost no time in opening the small filling gate boh heard the rush of water as it mtered the great tube and shouted ji sudden terror again he beat cm theover only to fasten it suu tighter the rush of the water be came even louder and be could feel the heavy air vibrate throwing down his tools he ran up the steep iodine of the penstock tcward the standpipe which stood a hart d behind the power house opening out of the penstock tals stsndplpe towered one hundred and ten feet and the top of tt was nearly level with the top of the dam bfe must reach the atandptpe he told himself before the water reached him the inside of the tube was slippery and the incline steep he could sca ly make any progress in his rubber boots and so he quickly pulled them off and scrambled aiding on his t sod feet when he was shout half way up the steep incline the water met him a stream of two feet on the bot tom of the sbtfbot pipe it quickly oiled the wheel case and pipe behind him the spray and ffiusne drenched him to the skip he stdl ought blindly on in the pitchy darkness for he knew that be had only a few seconds tn which to gain the standpipe at almost any in stant the torrent of onroahtng water constantly in volume would complete ly nu the pipe bis and bleeding and his nails broken from clutching at the lapping seams of steel his breath came in laboring gasps throwing off bis coat he scrambled franacauy onward suddenly he felt a draft of air sweep past his face and looking up saw high above htm circle of dim light public sphool field day labgb cathkbing amd keen oowetttion mask annual event umehouse to htm as he paused the oiicomlng tcrrent suddenly oiled the pips anff ha felt himself swept up into the atandntpr if he had relaxed a fraction of a second in his effort to reach that point of refuge he would have been too hue as he swam desperately to keep himself afloat in the icy water rob looked longingly at the circle of ugh high above the water was so cold and the pipe so high that he dtspalred of holding out until it ailed then suddenly he lemeanwred wifn sssaen ing dread that the top of therpipe was three feet above the level of the dam the water of course would not rise over its source bven if he held out unto the water had risen aa far aa it could how could ha scale putt lass three feet of icecowered wail after what aetmul to be an age but what waa really only a few minute be came gently to a step three feet from the top of the pine bwhnmrng frantically round he began to k for some hold on the smooth aide of the pipe be had ajsnost completed the cneke and was ready to give up in despair when he came to the place where the ladder ran up the pipe on the outside had been hotted to the steel the boh ends stuck through for more than an inch quickry aelatng one of them with him numb hands he pulled likiaailf up and clutched the top of the ntpe tt burned like ore the frosty steel pulled the akin from hn oncers but he knew it waa olkab or die and so setting ida teeth be numbered over the edge of the great pine and stood on the iron ladder more than a hundred feet from the ground for a moment he stood there nerv ing bantelf for the climb down to the ground he dared not put an bis weight en his bands which were stiff and numb but he found that he could slip round each rung thus he slowly and painfully made his way to the ground when he reached the power house and peered down into the wheel pit he saw what had happened to the luckless fisherman with the aid of lee who returned just then ihey got jay up through the tarp and after working over him for half aa hour s in restoring him to eon- sdousneav then ad three wanned n et the fire- after that rob burefulry coached and drilled ins helpers for their re spective jobs and no fishing went on made repairs when they i trapdoor and reached for out he lost- aoiaea luxlailu drore aocidknt to dr dickie rev dr dickie or blora who con ducted the preparatory service in westminister church mt- porest on friday evening met with an unfortun ate accident while proceeding to wal- kerton on saturday to conduct anni versary i there oq sunday rev mr i aw draw htm to bur- ham on saturday aa there waa no train or bus ecrvtm over to took the of a ri ta a truck at a tiarrow bridge lsatween two hills ova of durham there was a mixup uut the truck and two can or dickie was thrown against the windshield of the cab and received two large wo one inches and the other 8 tachm on the scalp and a hand was also injured and he suf fered from ohock be was taken to durham hospital where he received treatment and rested until tuesday when rev mr lawsnri drove htm home to bsora mrs dickie and the family who hh balance clawing desperately to regain his hold en the concrete floor be feu twenty feet to the pool helowl fortunately the water was shallow where be track and also be was h no damn of droariing but he got a nasty blow on his head and ahassldera and lay half and unoon- aclooa on the c bottom inside the wheel ea ron worfred busily for half am hour levelling the lon shaft hat bore the two hrohat wwstsrht and locked be draw sigh otraljef and rssdl the ud of the jti a dftnal to jay to oft tbs v bob up on saturday evening and found the patimt quite bright considering the ordeal tnrough winch he hac moont forest confederate some people would kick anywhere but tn a football tame- anorted the restaurant proprietor i can ate what them epicure has got to com- another successful public school field day was held in cleorgetowit park last friday afternoon there was a large attendance nd the com- peti in the numerous events was quite keen there were numerous spectators present and the afternoon proved quite interesting and enjoy able to all the successful competitors in the various events were as foilowsj races clrls- 8 and under doris shepherd nora oleave marjorie kentner boys 8 and- underrrjack aliatt john parmer blule huffman airis 8 years betty paul doris armstrong teresas qqhvet boys 8 years walter cook bllile long bruce mccartney alrla 7 jarears mary smith leon saao ruth miller boys 7 years boh mokensle ohar llejjamey jlmtnle hilts olrb a- years kate bale millie lorrlman boys 8 years bddie stapleton jim cofell billle dark girls and 10 ethel mcenery betty speight lois emenson boys t and lojinunie louth wil lie murphy tommy x3olden qlrls 11 years edna labas jean sanderson margaret ailuvet bays 11 yesrsscharlie hoare oeo taraweu douglas aliatt boys 11 and over clayton bradley wm braieby kmest hyde otrls 13 and over evelyn wood flea nor wright audrey grieve ban bouncing martha rumley doroohr webster rett ritchie cajdboard race rhoda whitney and george walker ivy freestone and jim cofell qlrls 3 legged race 9 and under mary cummlngs and stella lane jean martin and jennie farmer doris mccartney and kate rumley t 3 legged taoe 9 and under roy feck and jack bansly eddie 8tapleton and bulie clark wesley hilts sad reg blair otrls 3 legged race 10 and over- jean ruddeu and edna tafias fran cis deans and audrey merrttt audrey orleve and marjorie hilts boys s legged race 10 and over wee hilts and george qlulvet wm boyle and gordon webster frank carter and jfanmle ruddell wheelbarrow race jim king and tommy golden douglas aliatt and whue murphy john qiilvet and jimmy cofell sack race charlie hoare douglas aliatt bruce barley walking race senior girls jean sandexson flossie smith jane run aey- walrlng raoa- giria jr and 8r n jennie farmer bvelyn roney mar garet cook walking race senior hoys bruce mcntven geo taraweu jimmy louth ahrs throwing ball jr and sr ii jean blair margaret laaokie elsie buliock obis throwing ball senior sienna lsbe basel beinoecker tueanor wright running boardjump wm bralsby clayton bardie rimer stockford standing broadjuinpclayton brad ley wm bralsby elmer stockford high jump a keen a btapleton c bradley bopatop and jump c bradley a stapletort h stockford girts belay lot eleanor wright ana thst audrey merrttt audrey qrleve 2nd francis deans margaret s marjorie hilts olenna leslie 3rd bvelyn wood florence i smith jessie mcdonald bvelyn banoterson boys relay let albert suanteton clayton bradley bfll bralsby allster btean knd ernest hyde elmer -mc- cumber ted arnold steve ifaoerson 3rd walter brandford jack darm orant mkmms olive bailey girls relay race 3rd book 1st ethel riddall jean sanderson margaret glulvet lois kmmerson 2nd edna tabaa maria wluhnnson jean rud deu margaret king throwing ball boys clayton brad ley ernest hyde alaster keen hofthall boys fat garde senior second softball boys 2nd ga se fourth ho hall girls senior fourth needle and thread race edna la- ba and jean ruddeu floria feller and betty orant may deans and marion williamson the boys championship was won by clayton bradley with a total of i points the girls championship was won by edna labas with 18 points mr long had a booth on the grounds and it was well patronised the progreme was m charge of mr duncan chairman esf the board and be was satiated by miss ryan and her staff and mr alex kean and mr harry hale balljnafad iftg rtrr -kcr- they wouldnt have no ng str erpmined the waiter tact st only the coo woul admit hs ocsfwa rjj j the marriage was solemnised in the united church ballmafad of battle ajmlra daughter of mr and mrs a s lmdaay to bart fielding price son of the late tar and mrs robert price on saturday june 11th at 4 pjn the rev oeorgw altken conducted the ceremony mass laura miuer played the w music and during the signing of the register mr w gloom of toronto sang because the church was prattliy decorated with terns carrauilonrand anowbala the briqe who giveo tat marriage by her lather looked charming in a gown of eaxshell satin made on silhouette lines with picture hat of lace and tulle in the same shade she carried butterfly roses and ulyofthevalley hiss jessie lindsay attended her sis ter aa haldesmald wearing a frock of pastel green net with applique of georgette and caught at the waistline with a sash of yellow satin she wore a picture hat tn the same tones and yellow lace mittens the boquet was yellow rosebuds mr harry fielding wan groomsman and the ushers were ispr david lindsay and mr elmer price following the ceremony a re ception was held at the home of the briedi parents where the guests were receiv on the lawn by mr and mrs lindsay the brides mother wearing a very becoming gown of flowered ohiffon and french silk lace with hat of lace to match she wore corsage boquet of orchids about sixty guests sat down to the wedding supper which was v served on the lawn later mr and mrs price left for a motor trip to eastern canada for travelling the bride wore a gown of flowered georgette in shades of blue and gray with matching acces on their return mr and mrs win reside in toronto she ny very beautiful gifts her friend vho wish her evert i am not aged the womens missionary society of the presbyterian church united with the wk4 and home helpers of knox church georgetown at the manse in georgetown on wednesday afternoon last mrs rev g c stewart oforiaimets church toron to was thevspecial speaker and gave a very inspiring address at the time reporting on he splendid work being done by the society in all departments throughqut the pnautoe in spite of the difficulties to he met the ladies were also favored with a solo by mrs thompson of union church at the close of the meeting a delightful luncheon was served miss lydla caldwell returned home last week lrorrt st thomas mr scrlmlnger of ouelph visaed mr and mrs doughty on sunday mr and mrs cordon meredith and babe visited mr and mrs a mere dith over the week end dr and mrs agnew and children and mr and mrs e vannatter and son visited at the home of mr and bits caldwell during the past week after a lingering illness of several boriths mrs hatching passed peace- rumiey joan juh away u n tmm of her daugh ter mrs h caldwell on i saturday lasjfc a king and oseful life spent in the service of the master has drawn to s dose but the influence of the beautiful chrttstan character will long be felt by all who knew her although mrs klbihlng home was in nassagaweya she was a fre quent visitor at the prbonage and all who came to know her learned to love and respect her the sympathy of the entire cpnununity goes out to those who are left to mourn her loss a short service was conducted by bev mr gaudier at the home of mr and mrs oakhveu on monday afternoon at one oclock after which the re mains were taken to tthcma i church where a further service was held in terment was made hi ptrit ceme tery the llmehouae softball team visit ed the strollers fn georgetown on monday evening june isth the score was 19 18 in favor of liinehouse tjus is not evening bwulght tis the dawning fairer and plainer grow the hills afar i sun not folding up my hands from labor ri freshly i lift them while the paling star melts into light- one vaster grander grows the world before me the shadows vanish with the rtsng ray i am not aged i am just beginning through gods great universe to make my way with soul alert on pressing toward a day unhemmed by night author unknown m notes and comments the man who makes a show of hanself seldom gets rich from the gate receipts proof of a mans thrift used to be s bank account now its an extra shirt there are a few fortunate or unfortunate souls who know just where they stand on every issue but they are few the rest of the thinking ciuxens if they are hon est with themselves win admit that they are groping and wondering the shirt industry ought to pick up be cause so many were lost during the optimistic days bard timesa period when people quit feeding the cow and wonder why she gives less milk sir henry trios-tons- salary bb president of the cnr is staled to be sts000 annually this figured out at s3 weeks ajwar a days- a week and 8 bodrs a day with no noildys conies to 50c a minute s30o0 an hour or t34000 per day not a bad days pay jtjnte the month of weddings as here one individual has stated that this being leap year there wul be a great increase in the number of wed- dings that remains to be seen out in our estimation he knows very utile of the 1932 feminine except fy the get your man type the young lady of today does not favor a leap year wedding for the mere fact that tt is leap year therefore it is safe to say that the majority of leap year wlc- tinw win not be huled to the until is examination of the trees on all bighrways in ontario win be made an aftermath to thereeent tragedy near chute a blondeau last week where ant young persons lost their uvea when a tree f eu on a passing motor truck r bl smith deputy minister of higreways tor ontario who was at tending the uuerprovmclal roads conference discussed the hageid dur ing an interview the jury toad foundtthat had the tne been examin ed the tragedy might have been pre vented it was shown to be rotten where the section which irardxirl join ed with a second main limb we sun going to make aa cwairrmatton of the trees on all rughweow aar stated it was a terrible thing it seems almost unposstble to cetve of the tree laaling at the and that meant the loss of uves bhjl hastings famous australian musical j at the firemens garden party tuesday june something a little different grand garden party auspices f under georgetown fire brigade in the park georgetown tuesday juae 28th program at 830 pm by the following highclass talent police choir of toronto stanley umphrey baritone bill hastings famotu australian mutjcal cometfisn a perrott oariaarie soloist miss katrnleejn black accompanist lorne rifles scottish band admission proceeds in ajd of convention fund i i- u y t4