iw- aa phge 4 thc 40 anniversary sa1aba tea an far 40 years salada has given 1iie hnest quality in present prices are the lowest in is years the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 22nd 1932 1 1 1 i corn 1 we have in sfroclc the beat varieties of seed corn and tfieprice is right let uis supply your needs also all kinds of garden seeds georgetown flour n peed w gbessey phone 195 georgetown nowa inskantgas cooking for homes beyond the gas mains just be glad o heart of mine we ahouktax waxry so what weve missed of calm we oould not have you know what weve met of stormy pain and of sorrows driving rain he can better met again if it blow we hayei erred in that dark hour we have known aaaaci wnaaaaa ytbaatltl the application of a definite scheme of crap rotation is being found important factor in reducing feed costs the chief advantages of such a practice an 11 maintaining and improving soil fertility tbus increas ing yields 3 assisting in weed con trol s assisting in the control of we imvc uuwu insect and crop diseases by having wtien our tears fell with the shower fnrarious crops on fresh sou each year all alone were not shine and shower blent as our gracious master meant t let us temper our content with his own for an know not every marrow can be said so forgetting all the sorrow we have had net us fold away our fears and put by our foollrii tears and through all the coming years just be glad james whllcomb riley for weekend guests by bet2y barclay women guests are usually tired of their own cooking and in tile mood to doubly appreciate an tsmpusl dainty the men are always interest ed in tasteful novelties here are two recipes for vegetable- dishes where sugar is used to blend the other seasonings bring out the oavon of the vegetables and furnish quick energy as well glased carrats- these glased carrots go particular ly well with the hot roast lamb and may be cooked in the oven at the same time tbus conserving fuel cook six large carrots for fifteen minutes m boiling salted water re move the skins cut into slices place in a baking pan hake a syrup with onehalf cup brown sugar one- fourtn cup butter and onefourth cup hot water pour over the carrots and bake until brown baste occasionally small yellow or white turnips nay be used for tab recipe it will appeal to the hostess b it is as easy to prepare as it i good to eat boll six targe turnips until add one cup sweet milk onehalf cup butter salt and pepper and one teaspoon sugar mash wltn a potato mashed until smootti serve very hot iust light a match torn a valve your new coleman instantgas lights instantly right at the burner it has no preheater no wait ing put on your pots gtnd pans and start cooking right now thats mod ern gas service the finest stove yon ever saw for homes out beyond the gas mains economical to op erate makes and burns its own gas from regular untreated motor fuel sdogbstionfrfoat fust course quantities given serve 1j arrange on a bed of head lettuce and serve with french or french frail dressings any of the following grass h orange sliced 14 mip cantaloupe bans or cubes 8 white grapes orange celery pepper tt orange sliced- sprinkle with 1 tablespoon news aj information for the busy farmer it makes a more even distribution of labor throughout the year passible increasing the yield per acre is oo of toe best wayi of deducing cost of production and in this respect crop rotation plays a real part j why hens stat laylag a nock that has laid neavuy dur ing the whiter wirrgenerally slow up toward the middle of the when they- begin to moult but when the est yield drops rapidly until it practically ceases without any appar ent reason then suspect vermin body lice wntoh remain bo birds and the red mite which infest the poultry house during the day returning tq the birds at toasting time causes heavy losses lie p c eafard do minion poultry husbandman recom mends tor the former dusting thev u jv si birds for lice with ncsmer and aoolv- p as usual in thta well eonducp birds for lice with powder and apply ing blue ointment beneath uwwings and for the red mite he recommends a strong solution of senoleum applied to the cracks in the roosts and nest boxes at regular intervals throughout the summer coal oil applied in simi lar falb inn at intervals is also mended a tarkey cash tne latest in clubs for farm boys and girls is a turkey club operating in norfolk county under auspices of the skncoe rotary club in coopera tion with tne local agricultural- repre sentative b- c patterson eachvro- uuian has furnished a boy or girl with five young turkeys instructions for raising them are given by the depart ment next tall each rotarlan ajfll receive one fuucgjown turkey as th return on his investment the aim h to interest norfolk boys and girls in turkeyraising and to iniprove he breed of turkeys in this county tur key breeding is not the difqeult under taking hat is ganarglly supposed when the la c stock and poults are properjy h essenpste to suc cess ai turkey breeding are clean sou mature stock tor breeding free range ud above an the keeping of the tur- oy flock away from other barnyard fowls t each minced celery and green pepper or substitute onion for green pepper the- minute your dealer will be glad to show i all the many new modern up-to- improvemeiita on these dandy new stoves theres a model jasat made to order for your cooking requirements at a price that will fit your purse j let him demonstrate the new co instan see for your self what a atove it is the cottmam lamp e stove cjo ud tavaa s mario 002 ask your dealer firemens convention at georgetown july 29th 30th 31st and august 1st special summer display trimmed hats and sport hats at greatly reduced prices misses claridge upstair herald block junket custard 1 junket tablet 1 tablespoon cold water a eggs 3 tablespoons sugar 1 pint milk 4 teaspoon vanilla dissolve junket tattjet in cold water separate whites and yolks add toe milk and sugar to slightly beaten yolks warm to lukewam iii de grees f hot hot stirring con stantly remove from stove add the stiffly beaten widts vanilla and tbe dissolved junket tablet stir briskly atew seconds and pour at once into individual dessert glass this recipe makes s servings the custard will not be quite as onn as plain junket ttm following resort from the rep- esentatlve in north simeoe to rather stgntneant in spite of dosens of men pgdig through berrie dally it has not always been easy to secure men to flu app for farm heb a percentage of this floating labor popu lation is of course not well qualified for farm work but on tbe other band few of those with experience are will ing to accept farm work at tbe gen eral rate of sis per month public school board su4m itekdbd for school purposes inspectors report the board met on june 14th mem bers present- a h duncan chanrnan j p kelly dr oollop 8 harrison d p cinchton mrs p w cleave accounts passed hydro rlectrlc 713 p b harrison 910 georgetown lumber co 250 workmens compensation board 1350 a e cohnan 178 mis ryan prises 2751 john mcdonald was awarded the contract for coal the- eaccrotary was instructed to notify trie council that the amount required for school purposes thin year is 1i240o school will close on june 34th following- is the- inspectors report as presented to the board milton may 26th 1932 chajraisn and members public school board oeorgetcwn ontario ladles and gentlemen on completing my official visits to your school for the current term i have plea ure in submitting a brief frozen ftaturr ft0noh serves es 2 cups sugar 1m cups water 1 small bunch aunt 3 cups weak tea or ginger ale i cup lemon juice 2 cups orange juice boll sugar water and mint together for s minutes chill add remaining ingredients strain and freese oranob ambrosia serves 0 4 cup powdered sugar v4 cup grated oonomit peel and slice oranges cut into halves or quarters arrange serving dishes sprinkle with and coconut there is a contention that the con- jumer is prepared usually to pay a premium for a higher quality and a morp attractively packed fajm pro duct this umufbt was exemplified lately on tne toronto wholesale mar ket when tbe prices of 11quart bas kets of ontariogrown asparagus rang ed from 1 to 130 from tbe ready acceptance of tbe tljbb baskets h was apparent that buyers were willing to pay the higher price when receiving infinitely better quality and attractive pack new memluutrfiitag idea reacted a carrab j a carrol secretary ontario marketing board whose study of mar kets and marketing took him to de troit raantty has reported a new type of merchandising mr carroll observed that eight re- tall markets bad been opened under such names as packero wirebouse and cannera warehouse then maa bets are not in any way elaborate and personnel is cut t oa minimum consisting m most eases of a cashier and a limited number of clerks who low bailway fares over dominion da3f holiday fares at tbe lowest level m and with generous tame allowance for use of return portions of tickets will apply on canadian railroads over she dominion day holiday july 1st b was announced by c p rktdeu man agar of tbe oanartlan p as sociation return tickets will be sold the ass at canadian railways members of the rate of and a quarter times tbe oneway flrat class fare good between atat in panada tbe going portions of these tickets win be good tram noon on thnrartay june sotb until noon sun day july and tbe return pn good on trains on jury 4th km day falling tola year on friday providep another long weekend holi day and it is anticipated that passen ger travel over the holiday wul set up i x4- b a hydro electric system 1 best light bulbs of all sizes guaranteed t orders taken for ranges a and- 5 appliances of all kinds m vtt 5fece twwn hall pnuiiuiiuihaimpiiiimii what u tbk riqbt ttmet dayughl saving la atin looked upon as an innovation and a novelty but the orillla packettimes pointn oat that few people reuse that toe pres ent system of standard tune haa not yet been jn operation tor any years standard time was the losa of e cana dian jmr sndford rkataf as onlaf engineer of tbe oanadtan padfls hal way he was brougbrt into contact wttl tne moonvenlence caused by the fact that every town and city had us own local time based on tbe sun a raff- way flmntame was therefore well nigh impossible back in mm be made the suggestion at a meeting held in to ronto that the world should be divid ed into twentyfour isectksns one for each hour of tbe day or these areas oould be standard the idea aoatngnt on- both- on this continent and hi europe sir sandf ords standard a tern was brought bato effect in cana da and the united states in november lggj tbe next year standard time was adopted by the ataopaair coun tries at a conferenoeneld to wasnlng- ton and tne system aopn bstacae uni versal 8b- sandford flemmga idea was one of canadas most strlkmg ix to arivmrvi and oonunerce in oreat britam and ntropaan eotm- tries dayllgbt saving la now a mnoh tbe accepted role at standard time act as guides business is conducbeden tlrely on a selfserve basis ft was pointed out to me said mr oarrob that uhis warehouse idea was de signed to give tbe consumer tbe great est amount of nigh quality food for tbe most reasonable price tots of course would be effected through tne media of buying direct from producers in carload lots elanlnaung tbe usual retail store fixtures and d ex cept those which are absolutely es sential and reducing the amount of help to- tbe lowest efficient degree one firm infer med me he went on that if its first warehouse proved successful no hesitancy would be shown in estawhiing a bain of these shopping centres these warehouses have been in stalled 1n vacant buildings convenl ently located on bus and trolley routes for shoppers who strive in private cars ample free parking space is provided while thh scheme first tried in detroit a few months ago it has now spread to several other american cities terra cotta the probate judge was reoenuy can ed oat of bed at j0o am to perform cereniony puicni a be we are pleased to report another industry that baa started up in the vicinity of cedar valley this indus try to booming now operated by mr pwaapnakl who has started s buckwheat hour mlu- operated by hand in the old way with a capacity we are informed of 30 bags per day mr fhuaposkl received a large con- atgnrnent of buckwheat from everett we win be able to get our mrirarp aunt jenuna ones just about right a number of tourists are camping along tne credit nere terra cotta is hast becoming a summer resort mr raroad bjancuck baa been busi ly enaaged dlgglmi a well on bis snb- urban property litre and aware pleas ed learntbat he struck d axeeltant how of water at about feet tnls will be a great asset to jus property mr w j rbtledge reports doing a good trade tan gravel at present mr a saves met with a painful accident last weak while attempting to board a truck driven by c natty be muned fits hold and celved painful injuria when hit by jthe truck but under tbe careful treatment of bis physician we pleased to report that be will soon be around again the bumrite coal co are doing a ruahtntr buitnem m then- new plant some minor aonldents occurred in the roger quarrle on the mountain during the past week mr r clark and mr j coles bad then- nngers bad ly crushed while loading stone we hops they will soon be around again mr o btrmger of stewarvtown was a caller m ourhanuet lastiweek measra oordon and w h fjbmajar apent sunday wtth then- unde mr ed school conditions are highly satls- factnry fat regard to organisation management and general efoeiency of bistrucuon your proncient starf re mains intact except for the temporary absence of miss bain on account of illness her room r being well taken care of by mr stephens who appears to be a very competent teacher in every respect foe beginners class under miss hume thougb numbering 43 a larger number thsm should be enrolled in the first year in any room have made fine progress in language tbe other teachers are also rendering excellent service and the results of the years work should be well up to the high standard of former years the total enrollment is 337 a reduction of 4 this tana tbe subject of music under tbe special supervision of mbs harrison again retains its high standard and the exhibit in art is also highly credi table the services of the caretaker appears to be very satisfactory in every way it is a source of satisfaction that there bas been no move this year on tbe part of the urban boards to re duce tbe salaries of teachers not little has been heard in certain quar ters wltn respect to this matter it is to be doubted however whether all the angles of this question have had due consideration i halve no tack of sympathy with the taxpayer in the jhwrit in which be finds himself to day but i also have some apprecia tion of the fact that even in this time of financial stress we have not yet reached and are not likely to reach the point where we can afford to discount the standards of our elem entary education teachers in our schools tuvve never been adequately paid in comparison with other services rendered the community whether in other professlenal spheres or in busi ness or industry this is an aspect of the question that a portion of the public are too prone to forget teachers remuneration 1a much lower than any form of skilled manual labor the bricklayer receives from 100 to si 25 an hour a carpenter from 75c to 3100 an hour a painter or decorator from fac to qc an hour a plumber 100 an hour or more and an unskilled laborer a minium of 60c per hour these are city rates and perhaps might be reduced by 20 or 35 per cent to small towns they aggregate substantially larger amounts than are paid to teachers with tbe ex ception of the principals of he larger schools surely the responsibilities of the teachers position are not less onerous nor 00 they involve less vital issues they are unique in fact and the sooner we realise bis tbe better the teachers work does not cease with cbe ringing ot the school bell at four oclock many hours of after school lime await him to say nothing of the personal problems of individual pupils which be carries always in bis thought no such stralp upon nervous energy is borne by any otherservant of tbe community a good teacher is not merely a financial liability b our school costs a good teacher is the school and in view of future recon struction and of the inspiration tluu must uphold the next generation we cannot afford to let down our school morale from tune to time in these reports i have asked your attention to meas ures which would improve tbe content of our school programme notably fbe urgent need of tbe introduction of forms of manual training tor both boys and girls and also of tbe intro duction of special claiiww for those who are less fully qualified to take advantage of tbe purely academic subjects i realise that this period of financial stringency is not the time to advocate changes or improvements which may involve even moderately increased expenditures but i do sug gest that this is a particularly op portune time to study and discuss edu cational improvements which should be before us for practical action when the prosperity which is still just a- round tbe corner shall have loomed fully in sight for instance we might try to deter mine for ourselves where lies tbe gold en mean between the quite contrary opinions that we hear expressed tram vaired quarters that tbe rising genera tion are being overeducated and that they are bemg undereducated our real need to this connection is to be sure that we mink without conc lusion as- to what education really is of one thing we may be in no doubt our education is receiving not a little criticism most of inn however is far from logical or discriminating i our schools may be enxpbastaing cer- tain subjects too much or too little may not be stressing the things of most importance may be too expc slve but it is certain- that they arc- not giving 400 much education in the true sense ofrthe term that is ian- possible real education means pro gress in i the allround development of thapowenaand capacities of children progress towards higher ideals of con duct and character and toward great er efficiency as cttlxens ir parents would turn their attention more to the avenues of education outside q the schoolroom the outside toftuenon which are so strongly brought to bear upon the children it would be much more to the point- jbodetyja notall comprehended within tftescnoolrocmi a question so thssolutlon of which we would apply ourselves is that of the kind of education which is most desirable and valuable the three its are essential of course and so are history geography arm a measure of science as well as music art and lit erature but why should not our girls be trained in an elementary way in the science of home economics and the boys nave some elementary train ing in the use of tbe mmi tools by which tbe race has been- gradually raised to higher standards of living and why should not the machinery of this wcjtkterful machine age coxae to some extent under their study the difficulty in the way ofjsrogrem to my mind is that parents sanerally are accepting traditional acandards and traditional school prograzmnea and are making no demands for changes that will improve the outlook it this generation upon a future that will assuredly require a more varied and versatile education than ever be fore it is to the consideration of these vital matters that i invite your attention in order to have a chore in telligent and effective administration or our system of education faithfully yours j m denyes ho lose fat fmi bwitm- ftr it low would you like to lose 15 pounds of art iu a month and at the same time increase your energy and improve your health t ccl on tbe scales idday and see how much you weigh then- get a bottle of krusrhen salts lasts sreeka take one half teaapoonful every mornukg in a class 0 hot water reduce tbe food supply increase daily activities and wbeu you have finished the ant bottle weigh nov who pout t norice to creditors and others in the nah yourself again r you caii laugl 10 spend money gsuore to undi c a-7- fikb xvr- fef rgbs ding jilouvd have been bit mawr crown pot wo bakerof mbna road they re- port excellent crop in that part ught of it a pro the county for that wed- tied knot to of mrs j a tewa of deorgetown spent a few days with mr and mrs j monally last week the new way to buy coal bine coal oa orssers far 1 or ms tea of real no extra delivery charges to norval strwarttown glen w1ixiam8 stone school an far cash ii john mcdonald want nw qsminratif augls at thttcpeople galore to lotta few of fax now you wul know the pleasant way to lpe unsightly fat and youll also know that the a vitalising t of kruschen salts that your blood rves and glands must have to function properly have presented you with glorious health after that yqull want to walk anftrod and nv to vour friends one 18c bottle of kruscben salts b worth ten dollars of any cat petsona money heavy stranger returning to the theatre between the acts did i tread on your toes as we went out seated man grimly y0i1 did sir heavy stranger to wife thats right matilda this is our place estate of edward llecam- f use xtswn af george- hi the- caanty ef gentleman siiiissbiiii all persons having claims the estate of edward mboannah late of the said town of oeorgetown gentleman deceased who died on or about the second day of june 1832 are hereby notified to send hi to the undersigned personal representative of the said deceased on or before the eighteenth day of july 132 full par ticulars of their jjii immediately after the said date the said personal representtive will distribute jthe assets of the said deceased havtni regard only to claims of which lineall then have notice to tbe exclusion of all others and ifwui ruxrbe liable to any percan of whose trdaim it shall not then have notice tor the assets so distri or any part thereof dated at toronto ontario this fourteenth day of june 1932 national trust company lb 20 king st east toronto out executor 3t by leroy dale there solicitor herein concrete work i am prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimate given free of charge if you require anything in this line phone 321 s walker george st headoesoa montreal n above all security established in every city and town of importance throughout the dominion the bank of montreal has been the trusted custodian of canadians savings for generations throughout the banks history of 115 years safety has been a w and nmiinmiiw mwy ir guiding principle ci these dsrecung the insutiirion customers of each of the more than 600 branches of the bank have the sa rfknowing that behind their own branch for the security of their deposits are the full re- sources of the entire organization bank of montreal lutabflahea 181t total assets in excess of 73o0o000 oeorgetown branch d wilson manager a vaspssaaajanaseamsjmaaxa no holiday for quality ooubt value to yon yea ewt la bast of avarytuaa far km ml iwaml bsw tovw t aa laats taal c chicken tin 17c lafeysrwiad meats 3 tin 85c prunes 3 lot 25c australian choke quality peaches 16c bacon lb csavawahssi il01ognaia16c later cams beef ii 16c cnssadraa sardines tar 16c i 1 aylnw choice golden bantam c 0 r n nov 3 tsaa 325 biscuits 25 ftcul5c m0 i una sto r 10 ban sac l sunlight l17w fly pafm 6 for 10c fly pads3plc9ls5c 0 lemons per cabbage rinsop21 lux na 23 toaaatowt i umtqc peas t tin 1c oaalitr flrsii tfm m wwtomyl9 t- 32c 8c lb cooking onions 4 lb 25c oranqes pwdra 25c satod sse lf hot hoose tomatoes maifi street pfctwj357 2sc lb georgetown ti a n4-