Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1932, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 14th 1932 neighboring t i m i remember when a child that my mother used to say 1 mind the bouse a little while for i won t be long away i m going cross the street lor perhaps an hour or two mrs smith is very 111 and iu see what i can do none of us had money then so when trouble came about neighbors up and down the street had to help each other out i have watched her many a time stirr ing custard or a cake for the dainty bit of food which some invalid could take and when sickness came to us so the neighbors rallied round for the burdens we must bear many a helping hand we found but our fortunes rose and rose and 9 we ceased to play the friend and we ceased to look for help having money weoould spend when whatever people wish they possess the ooln to buy there is very little left for the neigh bors to supply when for hospital attention there is money in the purse kindly women on the street one an other neednt nun thus with wealth at every hand and with rising bonds and shares we raced blindly on our way each about his own affairs but were back to simpler days and the mothers more and more will go slipping cross the street to some troubled neighbors door and they 11 help to nurse the sick and they 11 stir up custards too in the same unselfish way that our mothers used to do oh weve had our fling at wealth now were back to living plain back to all that friendship back to neighboring again demands of tooth its independence youth will be served how true this aphorism with which our great grandmothers and our grandaaothen must often have resigned t to the precocious dreams and ambi tions of our grandfathers and then- sons our fathers in our generation it is even more true for nowadays youth demands its independence us oar in theshell of bustnees its apple in the pie of politics and its young mens session in the board of trade and it manages to get them the success of our young mens section has been and will be directly in proportion to its utility it win never be larger than the place it has to fill i am convinced its place is to be a very large one and that its fut ure correspondingly large is assur ed it has its gift for every f the young man who misses the asso ciations and the fellowship of college life for him who seeks a merttnrn of self expression and for him who wants to hear good these or all of these await the ure of our rowing not so long ago- 1 heard the dent of one of our largest ban that he world give anything to v been born 30 years ago so as to to a young man in canada the opportunities of would be greater than any pasts what a lesson these years have shown us and one trusts we have all learned those of as wslet will rise highest in the next ten yeas will undoubtedly be those who has learned the moral and ethical teach ings of this the most severe slon to wnlcli our civubcatiock 1 subjected life is unfortunately an and there is so much we cram into its uncertain span an opportunity comes to as that er will come again and wc young and some ot us by procrastlnators shirk it we auow talents to us through she might some day bring us it greatness great happiness why are we so lethargic when it cesses b ek ing anything that will build ep the characters that we must use us to the grave and yet so ready to build up our fortunes which are a ess their best uncertain there can feci nothing more tragic than an osd esea looking back on a waster middle age and forward to less futureryet there we are young let us not waste this eagerness in misdirected seat us keep our eyes always on ins hags- son past which lies the achievement snd the peace of well llvedl cby kermetb chairman young mens section of trade of the city of toronto favavrkdohne are you inclined to be a if so you may at ones put sas idea that you will ever be etthsr or generally h l the tog discontented individual is netnl rlmst r it hst j tween ns snd the sun we all try give him or her a wide herbs isr those is go more dfsagreeable eeaspsa but r f- most of an be st ess worst enemy and so long as he s the crooked nnwtsrtm of das faction he will see ererythhsg ear everybody distorted snd was esskw thing on earth that is right right is himself for the snapl that he cannot ess no l out of oocts world an things an either tea or too short there is no faukflnder an jot mnlhwsl to are bom with them others i put them on in fits of i beware how you put have a knack of requires a severe wreoen tn them i never yew knew der to be s loveeble person special autumn and winter display of trimmed hats novelties of imported fancy linens and scarfs fur coats made to order and repaired by renable firm misses claridge upstairs hanu too and hard shhsat dr rtmuey sees on to wnstn tame seusers are facing now were meed by oar so long ago sssst f as can n ustenim wh taacsaaled e while grand- recalled the days tales their of clearmi the sana and sahillii the home bui i naseaahtr aha and ess sure asany ot words and phrases in eonneo- of d of stcsnesi cnjldblrth anabas la hssxewimm when ot basing no within oatr useaeaebess ax those die- days eased base had nursing was they seeded a what eor- sad ssbwtersag aslg tea today when and sabsmg care there is the ehseps ready sbju as the are she- bed crass oefnost to shah the women can go there are as of these h m the new eo ilslwil with trained nurses if these were ass there thotrtanrh of he shaiemd without tear i ilsw lag tacts pctdnty show he scope ef this egiilhmil service tttsu ms the canadian red cross sstsetar osspests has provided in asjii aapwal isn 1m pmlimti tn aaa thaw sse em days hospital are derasg the past sbr asonths they asisetd mm dan ease basra than iuh a have baa asade to the has crass outpost aajeil h the tea years of their slilsasn last year there were mm ib the past at ust asa three at the outposts are bast at a asaacssl loss the t mesas these hospaals serve pay they csa as st h up to us in ahr atctsass ef ontario to hold think st waah sassb to sjtek little and men t their only nursing by you are shear tor the r people waa saejsst che easne hsrd- e yestdy a is within toe to mb swjsmby by ph i atasr sate was teased tor bis bbseawaas at isngil his tab hurs not mart a most acceptable gui to that friend far away to those who have made their homeifar from their ain folk noth ing is quite as acceptable perhaps as news of the old home- town the doings of the boys and girls they used to know their comings and goings their joys and sorrows as reflected every week in the columns of theocal newspaper new and itifotniatson for the busy farmer better marketing methods increase sale of turnips charles k broughton member of the department staff points to the operations of he blackwater turnip orowers association as a striking example of the possibilities for pro ducers increasing their markets even in tunes of depression trade this cooperative organisation has direct oontnol of some 500 acres of turnips and the choicest of these are being washed branded and waxed as s result of this operation excellent local marset has been de veloned and export possibilities for the future look most encouraging the association has erected a plant tm a cooperative basis and this plant includes facilities for stori washing and grading thereby elluoig this group of growers in a position to market uniform product battled ontario honey for british bottling arrangements are rapid ly being completed and it is ex pected ontario bottled and labelled honey will be on the martst for re tail distribution in england in i large way about the first of janu ary recently stated p w hldgetts secretary ontario honey export as oclatlon various bottle designs have been accepted for the different slsed con tamers whale a strucmg aeries of label designs have been submitted and a final selection is nowbetpg made it will take a few weeks yet to obtain delivery of bottles but immediately the first consignment comes to hand packing and distribution will com mence ontario beekeepers interests are being adequately protected as only honey equal to the best and superior to most brands will be placed on the market in battled containers ftame ten thousand retail stores will be contracted weekly for ontario honey through a new distribution ar rangement effected by the ontario marketing board ottawa fair winners the intercounty live stock judging championship of eastern ontario was won by orenvile county team at the ottawa winter fair eleven teams competed for the peter white trophy which ts emblematic of the champion ship the runneraup were from lennox and addipgton county and the others followed in this order dun das peterborough prince edward lanark renfrew fro ten leeds h and northumberland the mteroounty seed judging title went to the prescott and russell county team thirteen teams com peted in this event for the george nwttleton challenge trophy the lennox and a team was again runnersup with the others fol lowing in this order orenvule lan ark leeds renfrew dundas peter borough carleton prince edward frontenac hastings and northumber- treatses sthuunte market the following excerpt from a state ment ust issued by the nmmmtnn live stock branch is of special in terest at tb present hne the pass ing of he w covering the felted kingdomcanada agreement as the conference jiad a stimulating effect outcome of the imperial svmtinan on the market for various piastre of meats in great britain as well the raising of the special duty on free state cattle from 90 per cent up to 40 per cent- sad the loss of the 10 per cent preference by the irish free state have been bullish factors in the cattle- market this week at birkenhead steers snd heifers quickly cleared at advances ayerag ing approximately 3 per head or st the current rate of exchange s1131 per bead above last weeks there were no canadian cattle on the market owing to the narrow margin existing as a result of the very ad verse condition of exchange on in the british market- obtaining bk8t results an exchange worth considering it says a teacher once remarked the longer i teach the more thoroughy i become convinc ed that the teacher who is on the best social terms with her children ob tains the best results and not she who dare not relax her dignity long enough to give a smile or pleasant word it is quite necessary for the teacher to maintain her dignity since familiarity nowhere breeds contempt faster than in the classroom but some of us stand so high on our dignity that we are out of the learners confidence that seems all right so let us all try to be dignified but not obtrusively so and always cordial and pleasant if occasionally we raise a heatry laugh in class no time is lost a teacher who always carries a frown and a look of sternness snd who will not tolerate a moments hilarity should have well should take a good dose of char lie chaplin or some other effective antitoxin he who check a child with terror stops its play and stills its song not alone commits an error but a great and moral wrong otve it play ahev never fear it active life is no defect never never break its spirit curb it only to direct would you stop the flowing river thinking it would cease to bowl onward it must flow forever better teach it where to go and there is another thing 4j- would be well for us to remember and that is that boys and girls are pretty ob servant snd not easily fooled and there is no use of us trying to them believe that we know an awful lot more than we really do it wont take them long to see through such a pretence as that borne teachers make it a rule never to admit that they do not know all about any nutter that comes up in class if they dont know they pretend that they do and then put the question off on some plea or other until they have a chance to look it up we more than- doubt the wisdom of this and we are absolqtely sure- of its inutility it s not quite honest and straightforward a we salty the pupils j very catch on and lose some of their re spect for the teacher we can fool all the pupils sometknes we can fool some of them possibly an the time but we assuredly cannot fool all of them all the time and if we could we have no right to a vastly better way when give a definite and assured answer to any question that arises ts to just ssy we dont know but ttl took it up and ask them to try to do the same such a method will greatly enhance their respect for the teacher and at the same time encourage the pupils who will then realise that they are not gazing at some lofty and inac cessible height of wisdom to which it would nor be possible for them to at- tatnbut that the knowledge possess ed tty even the wisest person is very limited that their ignorance differs from ours only in degree snd that therefore they can hope some day to hold an equal place among those who are classed ss wise snd educated the canadian belleville market display men for farmers the department is making a grant to all regular weekly producers oon umert markets as part of a pro inciel wide effort to increase the de mand for homegrown products prise money win be awarded for best dis plays st christmas market or market first preceding christmas exhibits will be judged as follows 1 quality 70 points a effective and attractive display ontario farm products only so points the regulations are as fol- olws 1 open to any bonande far mer or gardener no entry fee 8 displays must be ready for judging not later than 9 ajn s only ontario products to be exhibited fruit tables honey maple products dairy products eggs meat and poultry 4 any or all farm products may stltute an exhibit 6 one exhibit to each farmer 6 products must be raised or grown by farmer ortiujhriw 7 exhibit to be arranged or dressed by members of family of farmer ex- hmlunc the prno money will be divided ss follows 1st u 2nd b srd ks 4th ten prise of kl each each erhmtt ir urged to be ready a judge was pointing out that witness was not peceasartty to be re garded as untruthful because be alter ed a statement he had previously made for instance he said when i tared this court joday i could nave sworn that i had my watch in my pocket but then i remembered i had left it in the bathroom at home when the judge got home that night his wife saidt why ajl this bother about your watch sending tour or five men for lt t neversent anyone what did you dot i gave it to the first one who canvv ns knew just where it was bverybody has more or less trou ble yes answered the observant wo man if a man cant find anything else to worry hkn he goes to a ban game and gets highly indignant at the umpire mortgage sale your boy or girl sister brother or bosom friend will appreciate the herald more than anything else it will be a constant reminder of you 52 weeks ip the year as godas a letter from jiome for judging before fl am and should any article be sold it to suggested that it be tagged with purchasers name and arranged to hold until judging is completed each local contest will be under direction of the district agri cultural representative i mmmmmmm 4 current crop report dufferln county repirts that 30 pure branches oommerclal price of po- farmers there through the bonus en couragement offered by the live stock branches oommerleal price of po tatoes in dufferuvienmtns around soc with frequent inquiry for them halton county reports seed growers doing work on exhibits for regina and that a small- clipper mill iiirrt in the local agricultural ofbos last year has been used extensively to supplement the work of commercial seed mills on show samples when an exhibitor got down to- small quanti ties peel county alfalfa seed receiv ed more favorable publicity when root j shaw aoyearold farmer won first snd reserve phamplonshlp with his sample of ontamo variegated alf alfa seed at the wternatlonal hay and grain show chicago peel also had the highest ontario prlsewlnnei in the timothy class by t bros a shipment of so head of purebred hn was made from perth coun ty to cjela ireoently bakunwnd county live stock industry has suffer ed by reason of the netit of shipments by one of the oldest com panies omruirtlng live s business there average yields of steihdsntui frofbrtis8 cnder sad by virtue of the powers of sate co in a certain mort gage there will be offered for sale by publio suction on satarday the seven teeath day at deceasber 1m at the hour of xs0 oclook in the afternoon at the hotel meglbbear in the town ot georgetown tn the county of halton those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate lying and being in the town of georgetown in she county of halton and being des- c as firstly town lot number seven on the east side of main street snd west of temperance street accor ding to a plan and survey made by nhwrmlm miller ptfl and sbqcinplx town lot one hurjdred and thirty se on the rfcrtheestertxreide of oharles street tn the sara town of georgetown acc ording to y0nge and barbers survey of the said townt on the parcel firstly descrlhed there b said to be erected a one and one- naif storey frame cottage of six looms on the paidel secondly there is said to be erected a two- storey frame dwelling house in good repair the above properties will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid for further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to messers gra ham graham snd bowyer brampton ontario bomottors for the martagee dated this first day of decemb 1932 frank fetch st auctioneer you the defeat of alfonso continued from page i idlers upstairs scott snd w4t were hi oonferedpe the prefects theory as to the jobbers did not ap peal to them they had a theory of their own which seemed to them to be more reasonable three years traveling in south america and the west indies had taught them a thing or two about fantlllsn crime alfonso struggled through the crowd and nvade his way to the americanos apartment he was loud in his con dolences as extravagantly the vic tims thanked him for them l nad an appointment with said scott attune ah replied alfonso i moost re lease you ze unfortune you haf suffalred iss excuse i am soj zis aftairnoon i moost go away se city for se ten days i lament unfortune nonsense said scott with able geniality there ia no cry over spilt milk the gold is but i dont require gold to your tooth ah i lament said alfonso scott would not bear him and spite his moving protests and thetlc tears he was induced to seat in the operating chair and pre pare bo undergo the ordeal of losing a canine euleott was the rtg partner of the ann and it was he that opened the instrument case and selected a large heavyjawed pah- of forceps meanwhile scott stood by with his arms folded across hii in side pocket ahtonso lay back in ase chair and opened his mouth euloott examined the damaged masticator with the air of a hangman testing the gallows then be opened the jaws of the terrible instrument of extraction and fitted them about it then he brought them together upon it with a sudden contraction of the knotty mus of his mighty right hand and at the same time tn viola tion of all of the rules of scientific dentistry he sunk the fmaen of his left hand into the flesh of alfonsos neck alfonso jumped like a man struck by a bullet but httcotfs fingers did not relax then- hold snd he was m helpless as if he were hound and gagged and sewed up in a sack the pain in his tooth waa like the tor ment ef a thousand devils buthe could not move the fingersiound his throat made hkn bhw in the face but be could not yell meanwhile beou stood by and smiled go through his pockets said d- llcott after a whll tve got him dead and slowly boott jnsartod us hand into every pocket in alfonso gar ments the last on he came to was themslde pocket of the coat from it he drew forth the oblong slab of gold in the light it ghnted brsahtty carefully ha carried it to the cabinet whence it bad come and weighed it christmas hampers any person wishing to donate goods for christmas hampers being prepared by the womens institute under the direction of the f central relief committee kindly leave same at mr joseph watsons residence main st north anytime from dec 19 to 23 heavy box calf shoe that bore the imprint of a manufacturer ha jones- ville connecticut with a pair of jewelers scales it tipped the beam at the exact weight of the gold that bad been stolen is it all there asked euleott giv ing the forceps a little twist alfonso trembled like a fever patient and his eyes bulged even further than they had done when he set in the chair the day before its all here replied scott and euloott released his hold upon his patients neck and disentangled the sharp jaws of the forceps from the damaged tooth alfonso arose weakly and suently and grabbed his glossy hst then he wiped the perspiration from htalsaatjy how much to the ststlonr- brow and made a sudden break ut tgrrwverfifty seats str- erasmstsbm wltbiw chsr force rhabarb for to have fresh rhubarb for the win ter table all one has to do js to take a portion of a crown from the garden in the lata fall or dig it up during the winter let it freese solidly then put it in the cellar where the tempera ture is from 80 to so im i ii a tsluiiu n heu no earth is required the rhubarb crowns or sections themselves con taining enough stored energy to pro duce the edible stalks and for the best color they should be kept m al most total darkness taxi driver tu nothing sandy excellent then take those tor 111 walk a mortgage sale sugar beets in bent county are high sndwul exceed those of 1w1 the sugar beet roarers of kent will re ceive upwards of a million dollars for their ims etop a few of the best fields of soy beans turned out around ap bushels per acre the price of buckwheat tn victoria county is re ported to be disappo to men who have used it as a cash crop- in the last two years at the annual napanee poultorja aw tons of dressed poultry was marketed the lennox and addlngton pool did tts largest volume of basmeai and un ta of the fab they receteetf mflur joounds of dttawil lxtuiuyo svur cent oc ttus tremendous turnoveit was graded vukfed as mmpsmd with only 17 pveant tojst eight acre parcel ef in the township of kauuedw in the county of halton under snd by virtue of the powers of sale oontarned to a certain mort gage there win be offered for sale by publio auction on- saturday the seventeenth day ef dee- ember lsn at tne hour of mo oclock in the afternoon at the betel nteojhfcea x in the town of georgetown in the county of halton that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the township of lajquesmg in the county of halton consisting of approximately eight acres and being composed of part of the south half of the west nan of lot number twentythree tn tne concession of said township of es- quesmg and more particularly des cribed by metes and bounds in in denture of mortgage registered to the registry ofnea for the oounty ot halton as number kk fort ttte township of aarns9mg on the above mention p then is said tabs erected a oneatotwy frame cottage and small bam r the above ptup wfll b jqeste sbjoot to a iraarve bid for further particulars and condi tions ci bate apply to messrs graham oraham and bowyer ontario sohcttors for the dated tbiaflrst day t ims fraicstpetoh 48i the one thing you can afford the great national pastime this weather is squeezing the expenditure column so that it will remain in proportion to the revenue the first step in this of course is making a decision as to what items are abso lutely necessary to the weudeing of our minds and bodies and consigning the balance to the limbo of things we will have when times improve i you cannot do without your local newspaper for sev eral reasons the first of which is that as an intelligent citizen of the community it is necessary that you keep informed about what is taking place in that community whether your interests are being cared for in the gov erning jof municipal affairs what is transpiring at the schools die churches if grants are being made from public funds or cut off aijd why what your com munity proposes doing about relief measures where foodstuffs meat wearing apparel wood coal may be bought to best advantage where you may sell or trade some used article or buy such an article to advantage a11 the intimate personal news the deaths births and marriages and the thousand and one other occurrences jthat go to make up the life of a community that is the function of the weekly newspaper its news columns each week carry the story of the activities of the community and in additiorvtks effective news of the world at large its advertising columns bring into your home the best offerings of the stores and shops with prices and description the classified advertising column is a meeting place for buyers and sellers in every conceivable line the herald costs you but three cents a week if you will read it thoroughly intelligently you will re ceive many many times over a return in value and the herald ia a good paper for the family to read there are many things children may learn from its columns but nothing they should shun its columns are clean carefully edited and contains all the news jf your are not already a sulscriber to the herald take it on trial for six tnonths do it today now while you think of to the herald georgetown ontario c enclosed please find 75 cents in payment for the herald for six months at the end of that time 1 will notify you if i wish to discontinue name st p o box or r r no i po r a ijg-a- v

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