Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 8, 1936, p. 1

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3l tr sixtyninlk year of publication tke geortetown hermld wedneaday esraaipa nuary 8th 1 836 9 uso-paa- annum in advance 200- lo usjv the georgetown herald j ml hooks a4 rip kfemw ot um ciliwllin tofefcly newspaper aasoclauon i cnjr tune table tuaal tsiaodan tlmal i 1j5 ajjt tdw haoid and ibll tut rfbr ttororao- af pjo sunday oh eam raiitm kwatencia or itaawoao oatac waai iptiii r knd mail pvmstdr p i 1111 and mall jasnctr sunday aa am j aa u ovta hll in all5 ajm lawlua- loas bjm tulaotaa dally onj suutay a oally wtccut sauuda x saturday only 43awjlay sunders and iou days oronr baa ot huncs cont6cnone directory laftov hulk kjc tteorealcnm ocutrlo oooattanvocy tmau bld lull tn umtotb m ilamoooh 11 i f i i a mjlhk w uouaimoh iaoeay to laa obaxdom umnumcs cook m r fcmi n k ftsaar bana jcjo h unld onok clorfon dtrk m wain mlarth braaaotorl tavaptjoaa r howa 4 taavaaeapt thtoaa a m nielsen aw i cwopaadboar jtfav druua ttaannm lajy ltliaal ocaca twar rwa wort oaorsatoam uaura a 1s u aa frank fetch tmsnni inmmm aj o ah i kwi a4 bajkai traaapt barriaa cbaiaohammrsxoaoaatara ttti monuments poujock a ingham tl- lunula to oaaar worth cm oral q j i i i x aam bapm bar ari bi qiaa commercial j oi all kinds weiii jfive you satisfact i- la ecu is aelicioiis diarejj lhataoaooo chliarn k tutt-ikltu- nctktkul hi umjunkrd state jt4ir lrobwy buw rimlnau jikn tt- qutanof at- iloulx rturlng draawknl bt mitntataatio pi compul- 5rfy ka1ttftum tnfc4 his hcacrtt lh lwwiuyiulh wuitvtnfcqr onlcr- that on6 kaisha ir dodder uw chal jeoguoclety in utix trrnd of chll lntn brnf raised lorlhp djianns mypu aunduict juvarhuplrax iuvnila drllniufcy inuttfv and uw tiroblan bf unrrmjyrd voulli t itnrif the subjects cliruuod by lhj rtlucauooiits tiom all uatts of can- twla aiuj 0j unltcyj mau iraliwrvd at tvumiw 1k oflril chiwlttl un f ofctvl to lav sclidhl uwier thf tih yrarx without uifoclcjit luvpatatkaa rir hut uuu fatljfr lw tleclarml be- cwalna uablutks in r loem of luielsj wairlce 04- crlrrtlliali in hb otiliikai the juriaicllon- of jmou hu1v thould be ytndxl to il with mil kalnorp iiuta4 u only tbrc-uiufcr- thekfrccf ifi juvvoile twuivqimriwy is lccrfiinc hi dlba of the efforts of ihool work- trs um ukui arocki 6wlaru iijun w hlhuu- lictor j t- uiuiairwv- of ttalumokvl aid he maintains iliat haota conditions of myaml cikudnmi hould ba iubrt- ircl to knorv cattful intreoillkauon with the health of the twnts ii and their ccnerat outlook un lite taken into conxiovfaudn tliat tha vmsx taaaiorit of hahlu ual cilmlnali becah asi bmaits from school u a fact known to rry criminoiotfiit tald jude- r 5jwoa- kinif of the ytoctnalo uvnue and fuknlly court henoe to mak the pro- of adjuttxknu jo that a child beacea jo ahurnt hlooocff from school- ts ofun u lawhha from the dirace of a iwriiort urta later in life it eous 4ftj a year io ducat ue tmmmufl child wlkereaji it costs s60 a year to kep a convict in the penl- tculiary nitwty-nlna- cents per till- aen id spent on bdbuc iwbalth tterviom and riw-aach-ott-hoipuahalng- indisenu uiis uarcarei oould or the toronto child welfaltt couhcu brought out thtsai tact in a pla atm tuafrvention rather than cure certain imperftectlons in society as it is today are rrtporihle tor the f act uiat aaany chuovro re beu d- drikd of the rihl lo an ijuale edueatlon ald pr c c goldrtn superintendent of tchoois eioue of the blame for problem children hnttxt fall on the leaher aarae on the barvahx buttxkcu of all on the currtcnla of thi whools to which araikink itubjectsareird at tw pumi h vocauonaj i trchidca tjlau wid tar- l- fomloiimhbwr of erfpeatloti for onurlo otlr addrcaacr ww rvn hy dr a o llectc ohio stat ubirruy or o uuohr of the hear vork tale d4tnrtmrnt of tdiioauoti and ft ie daixlau of- oiado uartln a illhn of baltimore l wan elected prhdoaht of the orvntxa uun with h- v uuttlaw ioitowo tttitvkbre14ent net iv t senile- man mtaigijra palk ny fcecreury and tnklttts kmsident john a qulnn at stloou na wal natned treetmi- ttte lusd conlcrenor will ba hold- in uriilkneul alo rot aue that dime aiuf ruherlei obnuyxm tlon throushouf canada be dlrorocd fromlwuilirt placed linilcr a hon- ikartlsatl federal dombuaxion and or- rktlarl ln malnlala and increase canadafi tourit truffle veveitiaw is urited by j a ariftethi foraur ajne warden of llalton aivf tneenber of the hal ton county came lroteiit as sociation dlrectorate j a- iolutioil advanom by kr olrf- truis for gettink iuw a federal ooaa- mblon out of holltlcs is that li0er- umne be kppainted by the chief jmtlces of canadas bine ptoi1aoml mod of whon urf anckera lacludtna sir wuuam mullock our itaine and rteharics twobleeas should br controlled with retard to canada as n whc yet with- rwe lb mke tresulauons auftaaw to vari- ou dlstrlcli at ai athanmchina meetina of the halum oatoe hotecuve auaicauon iuepi wdl- be taken to further ah appeal tor aone fcanve reulauonv too often ur criffeths tntd out ra refluution that u xiul to truae protection iu orar aectkai is uirown out beacufe of uy hardxluji it would work od another secilon the prhicljile of reculauons by s is already teoabuxhed in on tario fa ceards seaions but it tnitht well be extended more cen trally art a kw vaa wtak uay the saints protect y an sawow nlect ye an bad luck to the one that reject e an the top of the noroln to ail that belonic to y- a loujr life to yaurvlf an thal tlw todof ny tonj to- y taood ie yert reaoluuon to uvr a tenuy aa i oaaj- to be ho maurr wnera a man tn tax fhat cornea of good- or til and din lo faith and honor alii to do my beat and uh that aland tha leoordof my briun and hand and then should failure coma to me bull work and hope for vtotorjv j to have no aacret puoa wnaraln f tovp unseen to ahama andr aln- to be the aaoo wmaq tjln alone swnrnf aery oawa m kltown to uve undaunbed unafraid of any mapp thnt hava tnadt to be wittmmt prefenaw or afiatn iactty mst men rinklaal to icau aome- lotple mark bchmd to keap jsrf havioit hvad firmlnd if mmuyjij aneht it ahdw tobe an ivtawaat jrnerous foe to play my- iiula part nor whine th- vroaier honors- are not mine thlx i beltrve is all i need lor my pltuomiphy and treed early evening b raol m vest is rusliustili htxilino see the uolury club of the town aimoue uked sumethlnc iw in mof loot bounty m picked lot of champioh pellcja from all parts ot the county p4rticlpaed hi ioeutnatbiich to urtcnulne the county clumpionuilp senior and junior soooathina nrw td wi aay but really a revival of a very old fashioned fonn of sntertaltunenl back in the olden days atpetun matchx or spelling bee were quite popular but b recent year- uley have praetieeiry disappeared kt m pviday afternoon feature in some of the public achools they were fcood turi and it rvest to marvelous lo look on j see dimcult word afur dubcult word spelled correctly until one pondered when ocneone would slip and there was always 3 lone battle at the eitt often ehdina in a draw whaa the star fcpeuetw- werw lelt felon to up hold thw honor of their side nowa- dsysoctwwotttlers how lon a peil- inr cootest would last for one of the penalties w aeem to have paid for procres is loss of the knack or fi of correct spehlns the aver- ace business- tnah has hot lime to bnther abou t tbe conreipeulrhj of fc word he dicuui it to a uenorapber and leaves u lo hor uj do- th rest and the menokrapher if oac ti wise and tboa of them are keeps k dic tionary in her deoic for uie in t of emergency spelling is rwpidly be- ccmlnir a loot art eoue nowadays are lookiiig jor hew ideas in the way of amusement theeodle round of teais bridge and danactnt becom monotonous rmi- teur plays demand practioe oiuiical ahairs unla fairly hbdi das do hot attract why v does mitneone not try uie oldfashioned spellhur beety it would be a drafcine card for initanoe to aiae a match between thawcily oouncil and the hoard of juwwaiijeka4lafrm the board f trade ttir service clubs micht- fatten their estcivmiurre by an uuerclub umtnamel fcven k prlluuf lairue mlfcht be sx ranued- rvrharm retrlrtian mliht w put on tltat school teatlver and public sv o hiuklloapped own sound sun- ttabi tomatoes 4 vl iat4cygja- bantam com 2- s 57c pastry hour jfe tenperpeas v9c frroa qicrijits igi haddie sssc wml 5ardjrs 3 13t bacon tttlnai jelly powders 3 air 14c puddings s aly 21c pork d oeans vegerable soup 8 u- 19c aywat peasaad cailrots 8 na b- 83t cw6at iv baking pomer eu1 liptows tea ital 8c i i mew prunes 3 8k natural ogs 3 iu sc plum jam oi iu 86c pineapple hitb 9c isi i corn brooms s awl 89c oxyool tl 19c mustard tt 9c carrolls lihitcb ohandks 2d 5c grapefruit luasm saaiwass potatoes 28c peck xaettuce ceurg firm ha c it llltakkdiatiaml tils laaa and 1 tatjtu un tb tabw besid bis i iitv amatrtit roknforiahla ipw pua- ul rla b-mljyla- laaltad kla md aiiui ilu- luari of bis chair and aav wwi i- aveth rcojafttaad lio tkllvvtn vf- liw 4rj evfenu swl th tvo ufm sat wrtare the iat rftjrr lev lc ilpkctv library of tbetrjetqk pmt yn uluipumq bad krowa 6raka uad whmy eaaoaltmrfkl hlmkqulat tajnpat- ili r llw ii wm aiatvelhlnc of a jimk imtf to aa tb man aimoai oaav l b his cups weo aaorea a litmk lit tiff bla boaattatf ferruaauaty kf ntimariaits analra wllb wnmsa i waa avyiutf iraka contlnaad uaavttlvuld starul la the way of lvat rhftidsblu ituoor atary ether- human rltlunahli ahouid be aactincad rur turatw isiaaloa what are tbase uuitld cuovtilriia that we mom bow lu ittetat si htatlty old wlvea taiaa lkat to ba ctaaldrd by tatalucaal am- ijvv la ufjttjike if w bare you bad ltd cltapbaaa lid eft rwy 1 tamed latajly at jml jw aalrf ijuiwty t rraakly you rallar aaaaaa ana drake atouaaa e uluaya batleved ua k oaawoiaaii maa mt i kouw you raa armiad a bit bay furw jrou aaarrud- felwaaaa bat for thw ual iwalv years i thought ywnad bvar au rtucb aa looked at abotbaat wtitaaatt ob 111 all rijtbt but lrd faaan jmu cant acpact m fallow to be llad dowp to oa wai fortwalee yeara ii any other woman dorine tbaaa twlve yaara baby j umoyr beak raised aj aywbrwars ulasirailty tlooeatly deo 1 dont rs bmunber ju bow saaay ad bare a create- shock for yextr puritan aaor- aiaaoma of tbe ajtalra ware wltk the wlm of my beat frasnda aoa faosi er auapehad ai thin asd ho quaatloa of koaar ae botkvc arad you ihabv you vrouk take that attitude don vmtye too mucb of u ruoa ttx yu tuiuiaf bad a read ajt with m wtuaau in tietaatlai yar chaikuuo beaitated a asaesaol tlaaa vary quwtty be as id loaaiuy 1 as a turvde hob but yot kaow tfa a quttui bow one looks at talaatm to te love bieaas aat oo weaaaa vmebow i caat cvoara a lot tj aurreplluous anaaklax nttle altaira bavlaj aaytblac t de wltk aistosew aeuotlou bav lavwd aah waaaaa all my hfw ileavsa kelp you i lavad oaly on w ajad bare yiw are m batjs- wtwli eaa dou juan wre yww wawr bold anoucb to klaa barv chaptuai ucaearad tbe aarcaaaa sa is not free to marry wad fas afraul iho ab aad i place bivaaiwe va kw aspvot yeu la beaucai k iwaka knaaered irwrty yeaate qu aaal what bsve you got uur hf haeaar be baacwd take your b wbare you hod it- youij aoaw be an au man chapaten uaned fwrward bs us ehslr tbe m of bis facataaaaa uut yeu do leae tleleai aba aaaaasi more te yen than any otaw a fiaasn daaat abet- be aakad ta a atrataej voic ilfci qaaeain an ricax ube makaaj a good borne fur tee- she leek waal larealdlaa at diaaer tabaa ckapauia laterruptad fee mian you could cumtelv of n life wltbaast bar it areuidat break you wp aaoimty to iamm baarr wake la tut bad tly yen aad yeas 41 fauiutbed loaaji daw df ceuraw tt wtuildat ill adaut it ealev bi ui looubt but io for lettaj any quaaber of wjoun would be oeiy m bapturlo take ualaaiw placw bbedmat do an badly wbeo aba aaartiad aaa obapmau ajtared at drake in beaak amaiarmmtt tbaa sbrupuy be net ta fvom us cbair iiairvy aid aatav be ld quutty ttdak rm bauar bwry suaic oolojc my wayv drak mfoaknis baed b uat ya lul for lordn task take my advice anl tap beloe d d feol oe sittawtklt ua or lire man berere yen dw irtspa 1 will bovernabsi i wilt wua cbamaw ww watea tbe ikuur bis ay werei f a vary yasuaer man in love and bbt ebln was reaoluuly et- aloaa drake aaak down in un chair ills eyelid doaed and be 4ed bate a uht aleeo aifww bourn later be wakae4aa1 iskd thtattdty about tbe torn h waa deaerted asoapt for m aaaau oriaioal boy wmplylnx aab traya de uarad tnta tbe ktuwla- ceaw 6d abjbad kuvtly rrobi bis inside packat be srstrtcted utlf wbkii be waaullyrajad oe datritsas ar love b alteriy bopalvati naitbar at an weaild kart bob laa- avtatblae in tbe aawid ileaae ait i aak ajad r naaawaer u guly for a wule are muei reraajk it te tbe oair way bui baueve me danr- fm i wye you and shall always bvve yu wllb all my beart heun as be read it aver aad er ajealn be swalutwed bard nad bin ayes ware auilikoli wet taen abreplly be t up and went teas datk talatphnita in a mouteht be bad bla butler 1s ure drake lavbe asked koilr came back over tbe wire lira drake left whli ur f a sltart tlnw ao be aald ab did mn tiaavct to vetuns kb left a bote ft ym ur ik ilr44j tbe recatver aad walked uiib utd bua4l back to tbe twpuo willi nwjti kyi be itwvkad duwn at tbe llu imlmra iuly iklwa be wbl- urtl ttusiilly ialy slwas i twmttihi tvbertrtowibefaal hap street h iwfwry pfceay 357 feorgdowi wtty perii behind tlte curtalna tleex to watdi your neighbors ictihir dueerr llroauw perhaps theyre pt0nit too to ioe lle runny uilna you d6 atul rules on wtiqueuw declere tthouati maybe wroogv donx p or stare bird that h0p4i win wr the ireej pert that qarrter pteeenj have played in warfare oonsututea one or the moat bnpreasire chapter lnfusiory n many cases these fea thered ueaaensera actually helped to win wars and thus re partly re sponsible in aitarhie the dastlnlsa of dne of the eaylieat aud most ulk- lor cajsm hi wftlph tttea birds beip- est 63i1n a war eaxrumd oear ml yrsue jko in16tjs life dty of lavdesi the- onplla of bkath holland truaope was beaiested bf the bpan- uh army which rwdyalv wouihv the tjefendera of ihectty and it- ba ta to a state of starvation uv the jhedai jsoe to- surrender to tha- qpanl but ho sooner iiad this dact- klon been reached hmn a osrrter plaeon was seen to arrive and butter above the city thp bird was shot by one of the soldiers really for food but on plcklns up the dead bird he discovered that a beeaa was tlod to on of it lean this mass a lou- msteci that the prince of oranee was ocmlna- 4o the aid of the cliy wiih a strolls a a keaarrnf this measaee the bqsleaed cuv held out until the arrival of the prince whose army quickly routed the bpaniarda taw plctson that had deuvered the fateful measaga mas hot fortouen iu body was recovered and- stuflad and io tnasdsryrcsuefuiiy in a glass case it oocuplen n promin ent place in the city hail at ivyden at the tamous battle of waterloo oarrier pbieons aiao rendered valu able aervioe as me ngers in the south african war which lasted from ine u lm2lhe suascessful qp- gjatlo of the british troops were- a u de in no small measure la the pigeon service a similar aervioe waa adopted by both japan and ftussia ta their war which took place bt ih tarly part oiihu qeolury and the feathered couriers yjfisvsaior ineatl- mahls value to both beuaferents bui it wma during the oraat war 0f 19h19u that the ptgeona rwuy dusunguished thesnserves and there are many thousands of soldier who survived that sir who 6we their ttvas to these birds at the outbreak of the warpigeons werenot really thought of as utephone were chief ly used for eeodid boeasages however oarhie lo the intense ore durinc battles it was found tatprac- to denpend upon tpfrni itiealzmtne wntir ofleeweut by bullets and the dshgar itt repalrirqt them was so great this ldto pigeons beins used for munication purpose and the bird proved of inestimable value at one time there were oirer sjqbfl pigeons encaged in message vrork for the allied troops lhd just hoar suf- cahtrfui the birds were in ihii work may be gained from the f ac thai ail ujd ninety per cent of them rchd tlatlr deilntlonji twityi th toet- atrea the remainder of the bird rere hot down by the enemy of- lrn however a bird survived ajter being- xhot and although sufiertnir lluuered feebly to itx deauiiallon with its valuable message a strike lrtf fccae in point occurred at the ter rible baiueof the jcarne in 1815 pigeoh carr was uruck by arovirman buthet which tore away most of its right leaf de- spltr us uuterinc tne bird arrived at lis dabilinstion but ho sooner kyt f delivered its mi than it stropped dead the message the bird carried enabled the allied troops to fcffec- uvly repulse a german attack another bird hem ol the qrt wav was one fionoerued with a tu- ater in uwtl flea- a urittxh ibplne while engaged in submarine paliol wohtarajdk6d the- korth see and the she men on board were cait adrift on a fragile raft to uimmon aulslahce they sent out a pigeon they had on board this bird with a uus lied to ui 1 arrived at jportsmouih resval sta tion and immediately dropped dead from exhaustion as a result of the mcsag it delivered the tox airmen were rvcued jou in time the exploits of the pigeons durlna the oreat war would till a huj vol ume uw bird look part in bany iurriruf dramas os wuare both on urwlgnilwa aaskated tn no imsil way in the vkioryi achieved by the allied troops jn our diuab a prowiettc vision nlinaiiail tiiifnw it fr a jjpw uurroav ikiupk tji- v kcostoauc ooumcm tkxt ulna ra ii aaa tajf aalrauon which haat apaiwbloitha fac tvf all pwoist luk j ii lisbon radsaqe luke 3 35 jj thlhouah wu uua j that a aacrai taabr tahkt my hao nat my hand u bla jhi s jbagauaao thla bipn that ood r who dna atlavw thai mem thu ctf ui ihlma h will do lor ih wur ualna my hahdt r afcatkkts wraarjcs i j law atakjag ef a sami w luke give us tbe human touches of the gospel atory ustthew tells of ahe oocfunv of theatins but luke talis of pousiiut mothers babes end lovely old people this lesson pictures the aged blmeon hoidhur aloft the infant jesus- his eye may have been set- tins dim buf hi soul eye had its second sight bioon waj rihteous and 4evoui looking for the consols- tlon of israel bi nearly every com munity hhmtkasonnpataeai wtwrisb sajtatln the makina what had given to blmeon his ufelorur r lisious lnterat was it the scripture- that he had memorised ln infancy ojr the esect oir pubue worship upon his t hough la t lud he learned it from his friends or by his own aacret thinking a lay man who gave lifelong irervlce lo the church was asked what had started him in service he told of a couege principal vudung- his hnnw oa us oonversaiiou of his rujer with the guest he decided thafc ike wanted lo share the life that made men jalk one lo the other id the fine spirit- tw uel thai laasw tbe holy spiirt was upon h he had obeyed the inner voice until the i holy spirit dwelt within him permanently certain convictions nbcstxrnr momentous tiaclaioiis sre mide and drastia clangr put into eiteot ao wltiioui being- very touch apparent yet a syaiem ivoary with age li saept awsy ttuch u lhe base with live decisiou ui the na lions uovcmment of china lodoavaiay- 1lfclh the silver townetary staiodam t pfnich has been in exuierw it that country for ctmtursas what uadly make a ripple on the surface today some future kistortsii will read into ute record a a momentous change yetpluardly pereeptible to the heckle of the llsa aia the imn rstuw is limjen across the aide o the world a mere infant pared witii thetuu whjh the oum counu upstlshin back- into oitt dim dutant past- when the onlted btates adopted its suver puriaae policy hi lw 1b34 those lnwtf ty in chuw began red the days pf its silver monetary i darci were numbered and there iridicwumui that the beer monetary system will be based on the amount or fine gold that can be bought in lotadon kngland for rtxigluy m cents in cajiadiajimoaaeyi and so a city uiat a once a roman ramp in the day of julius caesar on the banks of the thame set the mone tary value for a country which even at uiat time boasted tt ancient dvul- aatioo chlrnt has always bein a heavy purchaser of jailver almtea the industrisiiwparnqtotvjal dlan national tiaiiway and had im- knense htuldings of such are the warp and woof of destiny 3jxsxj a cruise from atlantio ports to bermuda uw west indie and roein- ldd of pouth america by liners of the canadian natlopal steaniship offer that oonuuetechange not to be jound euewhere for thaw uiurt en tr a jlerritory comparatiely dorti td our fchore conulninat ihc worlotaov meal alluruitf and beautiful lsunow these cnassas are conducted at com paratively little cost of time or money carrying the vacationist into areas totally differvnt from aocus- h wm oonvcuons fcrtn nahlts of life and ww held hot because of weal proof t worth the time and w- l i ph pense uvolvea but even this w untie and niece stood watching the young people dance about thftal w bat that you nevet nt any dattcing like that bank m the nine- tuw eh yjacsar xjtatmhui the acl weal raldwsl by irish cjahbatr- in port anhur fclewghronicl we farmers often cut and swear about the prioe we are charged for goou we buy but seldom do you ever hear a farmer karat tftg another farmer for taarvice rendered 1 of- en wonder why no kick u made long arguments oft take puo over the lmie ot a horse or a nog or a beaii as to priced and u ends in a take it or leave it or a compromiie both sidfts giving way on a nftytuty basis out when it ooma to threihmg or butting wood or trrlnding train jobs that mkne bood faiipoerfcitake oh as ualellnea often aonder there u not more grumbling take threhlnfr tor lnuhre it u l thing that has to bt bone but whether i get fifty cents a bushel tor grain or a dollar it make ho diffwrenoe to the price 1 pay for threshing and threshing is a oostly affair thishlng clover seed is a idqyhuslftftftt but the clock ticks along inexorably i am paying five etii w minute for threahlng and the vd may bring three cchts a pound or thirty pant t euppose uie only truth aboatlt is that the uw of average works out in the long run and that what i lose this year i gain uie next the tame tuturally holds good of grinding that grain for feed ing on the farm i must have ebon for the stock and whether tbe bar ley is worth forty cents or ninety cents a bushel i must pay two bits foe watch two sacks i take down in the grinder iter however x can get a hit of my own back x know i have to pay- twentynv oenls for ch ooupl of bags to why nil whimt jacks or hour lacks wlwi bran and crushed oat acks hold so much toorej x gusts x am not better than the other fellow w all want as much for a nickel as a- plulowinliir would want for a dime now let me wind up this track at the farmer by relating a story it hgxhietwkl uuruij he war ttwr far- aaer bt queatiott came into the blsck- unltit ahop- with sh 1n vlkarpen whilst the tuslth was doing 1l the farmer regaled him with hi takeet exploit me liad aou half a doara hags flu had expected at the best text uotbir a jalece for them but he adaw x knew he the butcher had to have them to i charged him thirty dollars a pteee and he had l thecd or ware tlmea- the share idinrpeoed the smith handed u wi the farmer the latw said tauchr- a dollar and a hair the foraaanan wtutir reared the rarmer vod tsuevhtg raaced itrta only afty cants usually- ye the blarksmftn but x have ur buy aocae of that high priced pork you hava uwt aoag w ibsj mslohar- but because of ih prompting of the lloty spirit- an impulse that hebe- lieved came from th spiirt of ood led him on the very day that the monthold baby jesu wa prevnted lheiesndhe pseofilaed at once that the bavlour for whom be had been longing had come it u h thousand pities that so many earnest christians have such vague notions about the holy spirit kupeirlitlouj ideas even as though oods liidwiling presence were uncahny tbe nasi bawdiua wu luke gives three great wtig the bataedictu of auchjsrus the uagioflcabt of ury and the hutu dtznittls of the aged bimeon xn cch case theaong take iu name from the ftnt word of the latin version of the poems it is reouent- ly pointed out that the nunc 6unlt- lis is not an evensong at all out the iwaii song of an old man about to die kven uv us ttunc dimitus has a measage tor human heart that having been kausoed by praise and prayer depart rrom the holy placnvof worship well content jor iters simeon hslwalted iioptng against iij last his eyos hadeen ood salvation and he was ready to depart tn peace ue far transcended judaism tor in addition lo thinking of christ as the glory of israel he boldly proclaimed him a a- ucht for revelation to the oen til that loathoudty for which fain had to otmtend la hothryna- gogue anct church the aged simeon had reached holding the baby eu in his arms a kaaueuaat mm l into the future simeon made a piredlction about tbe infant jesus and his mother alary a jo seph and aaary mjrejjd at the lofty faith xj simeon song the aged teer said to uary behold this child is set tor the falling and rising of manv in xsrael and for a jdgn which b spoken against how true set tor the falling of the tiriea and jxasheir and the rising of puhuctuu and sinnrlor the tailing of judas and- the rising of johnttor the tail ing of annas and lyphavj xhlate and herod and the riling of the apoules aoquslly true was 411meona iirdlcivi about uary the uother ot jeusl ye and a woadl shall pieroe tjuough thine own koui that thoughts out of many hearts may be reveaxw many times did uary fe the thrust of that sharp sword when she saw him manifest his glory at cans of galilee when he became a cause of division among her child ren when she knew of his arrost and when with john before the cross she gaaed upon her dying son yet tn the moment of the anal sword thrust the uagnlfkat was most gloriously agw aal bataaaty e tlier has been a kmg and animat ed dispute about trading in the bun- day school that separated youth and age one coftaregautifai recently ed to have a junior congregation feeling that therewgs a great gain in having parents and cliudrtn wor shipping- together certainly normal life doe not segregate youth and- age the family u the lint school of the child anlthen we occasionally find four guhrauwix great tradparenu araitdtwirents parents and ciuldren how mudi they have lo teach one anotltr when simeotv wang hbt farewell siug age and infancy ming led in ute ftvaaple and when jean made ids visit to the temple 4t the age of twelve ha was found listen lug to and iuauintng the learned docton of the law lvom the ohuds iwunt ot view at least it t a hard ship to be wnt to bad whqtr oompany is belitg eklertalned because youth lias so much to learn from overhear ing the conversaiuoja of fcxperienced age jobus u a hoy was in dally contact with 10s parents atul the child grew and waxed urong niled with wisdom and the grace of ood was upon jum iw blsfaailin 1 wliat makid aoaae people relulou and ouiers not s u the holy spirit real to your 5 doas your rxuujoregatlon sing the nunc dimlttisr what was tbe sword that idweed uary heartt are juvenile or adult mmded wlnttst catulsks to slunny ifjts ano tatorio kas perue is wry moderate for ppreclauve passenger remarked re cently youf oavhv lo bit rich gri take acrulse lo the caribbean aill the cruise fare even include transfer twrges hotel accoounodatioo and meals at southern terminal port cruie lo such tropical rvaorisr a bermuda ddminic barbados trinl- dad and briush ouuna reached by uireeof the jlady liners in the eastern service wth calls at other beatftiful islandi n route and ber- muda tlie ba liama xiiatuls jind ja maica by two oilier lauy liner in live western servio provide a rich contrail to tht bltiatx iibi of- winter in the north- in these colon ies warmth the profusion ofnature in all lis loveliness and the colorful attractions of louthern cosmopolitan ttjatciit a fascinating appeal here llio amidst tropical grandeur natural ly- assuma- a gracious and ebnaht tempo unspoiled by uvjllsau trutrcll- cu progross j bv comnwticlng the una of the year there will be m cruises during the winter- saason eonsetiiig of weekly saillngi or lauviaejrsfrom liostoa r lo uermuda and uw various ivjrts inthe brillsh west indies and main- land coast of ttouui america lasting form 0 to jio days for uirround trip wiui departure from halifax two days earlier there will also bg 4 lulling of vagabond clmlte tlilps of so day duration from halifax on dj ell voyages to everl exouc parts in uw caribbean sea and mainland whare palm tres flourish midst medley of people orange to the nor- uaemer- wliose tlyteof dres and cuilomii liave survived the western influence a traveller to the west indies has no nood to let uie matter of wearing apparel be of any parti cular concern beyond the- facthat in winler heavy clothing usually is iud4 when ioavtng from and -re- turnlaa lo a noruwrn port beyond that cloihuig liuialjle for the mon- uui of june atwraknruithflhortbris wiaueraarb in the wett indies with warm wrans to weak orlight cloth ing la uie enidjr this connec tion seasoned travellers recommend the takfng of aa little clouung as possible uwlwling for the most part only those article which are sure to he need alrot fevery day ualsfal lii his serman a clergyman ulus- tratd a point by aaving one must plant rowi in the sanshine but if you want your fuschlas to grow you must keep them in the sluuie after uie service lie was anpwch- 1 by one of the women of his con- ffregatlon her face wreathed in smile oh im so graterul for uiat ser mon she said shaking his hand warmly his heart slowed with this appreciation of his labors yes slie went oh i did know before what was uia matter wlui my fuscluaa- ue sytaagatidaed t lultor i love your daughter de votedly ilr i would sutler if i sliouid uw tier t mwnfchtv sor row winer- you aaid krow uiatetrl t sonny ui sinew teaoher u class what li- an octopuaf small hoy who luwl just commeho- know sir m mn eiahlided cnt- at uw wrty i 6wtbjjwwhilshe master with that little man oyer therv it was so attentive a tew moment ago arid now he wont even look inarhaps he saw me oome in itw my husband v tim lharaaalw sir opklos touve not kiokfn too vont u- tggs ui i t4o tt tbia w wv- certain weathat one day tt vat and the tsaat it cold a carver know what to paam-

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