ivr 2 i i h3ta1uc lii bajqucdnc tfcnasblp ealurdy juguy h wi tnr stark in ids flfetfi year in mkbtfouas 00jjkitin iovlnr lemory of joaeptk t collier vteom jiw blxt 1mm ibos pear rather ou are not forgotten or will you ever be iftw am long aui kits auvd tean last we will jdway think of thee badly missed hy wife ud family glen wollafis y eaqueauns asncultural so ciety fcaeld annual meeting ovvicirju kukftoj yasawma bs held in gkoauirrqwn oct- tnd amd ud iso waajomjny agrlcultural society end ed bus- with a erut balance of ote it was reported htjjrtjjndmyat utnkal kdatlng alttkhurh ilntfr i difflcul- 11m forced the society u cdm it anmtsj tu ahilatiotv ut 133 toe um tw year vorjc brought tto ao- ticyotii of the debit colufnja and ratabiished a pttwslng this yrw sbapr which on oct 2nd and in 0boen elctd at tha hwetlqg pwaddeni jwna vvoapreldnt t j- brownridge jftmnk pfltch bcwretaryw fc wuaobo tressaa j cleave director cecil chlsbolm george oorrax apaneer wilson herbert oev john bird x h slulun a macuren c t moftatt oeo ie- ue tl ixuo w- x alexander abutioear w c wwy dr paid tvo afeuntock oeorte davls w o- anuionr joun d kelly auditor j h wnthim j d oodfrey bidance for mijhec- tne drrver used to wrap line a- round tbe whip and o to aleep or a few minute now a driver wrp hi car around a telephone pole and oe to aleep pannan open letter no 5 to tbe women of georgetown you iayrok mtxad arm wk am oosxt what 1nducsmhwt u there for any man to operaxa oam bualnaw it outside j capital with purely a interest la allowed to come in and taakf homeowned j tndxasuie out of vmrtrnnat itik bbourttv of homa- owned industry in george town b in thtf balance today outside capital is sellm i bread tor lea than they do j at the daeeunsof the loyal true blue victory lodge no the jtollowtng officers were uieoied lor the ensuing jrear-r- wja bister ida aacmaaavny lli suter kauaertoa uuta jaster uarjorle wullarcul h uiyter khrm pwlmer ttvhixrlitbur ueiea nortonj uciiuter oeno kirby conductor blister r- rm urn f i i cliepbkn ilioef luud prestbf liiade tyiertiaier lelila norton outvide tyfcer 4tax whtrod ree- ton itjo otooers wero uutaoied by qtatdr k lltxuii ddc1ji the ladies aid of tue united cliurcir met ou tltuiuiay jan mh in lhe uaement of tbe church tbr lollowli oihoerg were elected i tmt cuolinjf y preoidcnt ura robert btyth vlcepreaidcntmrt hmd norton beutlary- albert ileaawoad treasurer mnj jo uoljeitemy vuauurf cwnmluier lletiry ivfceto1 mrs w allen and mtk j addy aii4ttora ir- j ailoy- and kflsa ouwt lplt puuliat ilts o a4dy ltf o aulh iuoi vnaoded uw ttiwumr i ux j addv vvry llikdly obeaedj lur htitiuj ou outlay evening hhiar wrk co thevlfoun women otnuatihlamuo cim oi the uplted churdi for llielr otai kneeun in 19m ur itulyth lb teacier waa in like aliair ycche fouoaflna ocnoera were elected for the oomtaycr itvuio ura w jtqen viceiiroridenlalr w h qccrcleryaaxa a eoott treasurer mr j addy vuilinff oommluer alrx a war ren ura j uiu alia j uca4eneau uoclal oommiuee bessie wa- aujz oene klrby ftuth uarchment omtherlue hill alt o olura atary wlweler lyaclicrru blyul at the clone of omj r4tg lunch wax fteryed kinpr which atr blyth cry kindly thalikl ura addy xor like use o her immne the xpuhk uena bible claai of the united church- h been ra-or- anlsed with tlk lollowlng ofbcer eieoted prbiidantr addy vlcepreaidentw wheeler secretary u beau treasurer 4 blyth teacher o taylor it wk cannot nafani top- i on your patranage bow ahajl be boraed to turn off our help ell our bakery fend tnove to fcobm other town where we can mike a living jk jeuxk3uk3 controued by outauw oepltsl are kucoesmtul jijdrhrlng ba out of bualneaat you think they will w- flttia lu bi town for less knoney they do ht hocne after truck- me u tttuear atter are forced out haw much j morawlu you bja to pyj than thafalr price- we hav been asking what wxfx yotlay far j bruad alter we are goner fc tov kkmcc support your fttvcpcndent laiwiaii owtmi bafceryawho con- trlbutea to the welfare of j oeorcetcmtn n h brown armocx oardtal invitation in 6- widtttq the men and young town ortifarcornm unity to join with m an hour of christian feuowahlii ashgrove the jknuary auxiliary meeting waa iteld on tueaday aftemooa with atra oeo nurse in the chair a beautiful new years thought was the roll call our temperance secretary aire lred wrlggleaworth gave fchqt and atra j beuboddy took charge of uu second diapter of our ktudy aa- jtid by the piwsident udng partal from tu associated book te walk ed in oarknea ftagram far the year were planned and other nnrtnaaa items itnlhed the annual church geihering held on friday night with first and the busmeas later eourafilne reportji from all depart knents of the church were reoarvad aujo new omcera elected tihvi7brmivot p- nrecialion were fcivesi- kt okoktosrs cotllh audauaat kiiecr orricacsts there was a larws attenaancw at st oeorgea church airla auxiliary annual meetlna bedmt the tcectory on afnnday evening ijtuch tnaareet waji shown by the km m the tlon of ofnoers which uw aa fattowa krbsident ulsti joyce btaoey 1st ncepresuentulss uary tel ler grant becretaryulss iploria keller treaoirerlclaa uasel walker dorcas aecretary uda lluth uco- nally educational kecretaryvjlttaa kadh- leen uulhouand oelegmtea to annutj toeeung aaw i uary kmler and fcltdkato tba grovai dost the four tilings kknury to kill a cold quickly optiu iks bowit coubati ika cold grtas anj fvr in tk yi kliva lihmtlsckeanil dxjz v fvling ttmvm up k huuiwsjrlma at all druggims akk fwoy tlwyte utvuos lje fbcrttek dtl quinine filling in time until 7 oclock with the iupr tliuics dcaroilway mr and mr hmer banks iii down ah wednesday evenin to a roll kiting gsiiie of chfckers really they arc juu fllliag- in tinae until their xaa john makes his weekly long distance call from a faraway diy m few minutes after y wrlitn night rjstei are in bidet xhat weekly chat with john is the hlg event ia tlieir placid week lie nenrec fails them and his cheery chatter tncin more to them tluio they would care to say ort awl akayooe saj wfmuiaovruw callt low niaja mmkmd ptlf sjmt 7 ksk aej tow wuj imtas au day s41noay tv gorktown hermldrw nksay venijg jamuwry 1 5 th 136 town council atlnsu mjufttnu op ou coijn- cu 4nauclaias mkkt1nu u buejatsujats klkctkij vok lsw 1 timi una tnceuni of lli couuui vau ttatkl on aiauuay oxufulug at 111 imi with mayor uibbuui tu utn ciiaur itecc cmjavo tuui oouiiyiutai iaur uecuui ailatcfcbum taiul arm- tttrung prtsruil tlie uuuuicai ul uio lmku tnot- uucwas rciad uitd uiu icjoo dicu- taou cuulutund t tlu4 comilted tlte bujjiijottjw old council at 11 oaotk uu couutu vloci fur lu3ti uiur ulkxituhig to lw d- ciarmtion ul omta- umml thilr jwcci ic iouoi uajvn jului lihbuiii- ltea u iutr vjuuntllum- w r iluutli trl c ainujotui- cuuiuillor liwvl k-i- urlitvitulaho utbllau a4iaor tibtmi lulll aiool to kntulmr ui couikll ultd tilljc uj tuoieoii iuid 4 iiuhiuiubhij u iny utxuiju- lion ul oiiuu ui vou luiatluur uni- tvr oi uuiv 15ji- ltxuty pwjli iuv auu um4v 1 ijuil hu ukilu- odiaith nv lotiutr totivuitilt uf ijir mr- ixiii srr arnuuhuf ilnu air tunitii ujl ju wttoui i uui uuit vllkxiau umlaciouj ul umt kkoull ublulirj wliloli ujx uwiri ur ulluuii lent piltllttuttc ui muiiicttil tvur kuuul 1 laku thu hpuiuiilty to publkly counristuiuui kar wir uu lit- viva- llon uitiwe- luvvtliiik mtur yvlru w ui oounclluwi 1 wiili him every miw 1 liuaf uww tkld of civic tu- dthivof v tiavwwh urn luiiuitk situa tion ul uw tu ictir ultluuiaut la suocasaajul uul u u vmniuuial uual we i otuttinu to purvud i policy ui ruiul ikonouii conktvnt wiut tuo carry- j ula ou hi civw irvuxu ktfwku lworuvloau u rvnuuit u bound uiuui- upaluy wiui an ssba anient oi tl4ujboo the total tax levy lau year i vtoup ulwliach jll ii cutlocuxt llieie tsaaaim-apluuxlnuiull- in- uodjbo arreius of uiici culkcuxl uct yeaour ubcntunj tltiut ut tlu preiuunu tl jlwuooiw uili lu che last liw iurs lu bvcu uimdily decreasingtr and if this and lututu rvjritd hot lajuw illly tuuitl uv- benturoa tlie slunlllktllty of onorge- uhra ul thd uul any 11 uili be unc- licauy ice inatn any bonuod ludcht- j huc at icj0o vl slew j c liook 1x70- esquesing cowcsl utewauruown january u um the council elect for tbe townabip tf kuqueing fur ijae yeaur hoc mec ul ii oclock jo and having swb- scruxid- to um oaulof offlcn took it mir uau ac foliowsueorgtf currte iuxvo n a ittyi deputyreeve w a wllou llowmrd alay and jsd- wiu llttrrop omiijrfuor the min- ul- of hurt- mecuixg were reexl and oitltiuwd talnut sirej were made by tlw- nwiih ofttw cooncu d utuuii nwl uutdii were disctkvaod aluw jiuli uary udjounwd to meet lu lb hlumuo tlu cihumiii uflt at 1 oclock to xmiiuui hw ui buuwjl cimituiuiilculioib tic t4ad from wxkiimna coinpriualaon lloard eo lurua nuuotiol iwicimjc avr il lutua- vt co 11m olobe ludem- ilhy o ukirumnl aluiticipal uliuh lh4rtiwit alghwaiyfc iamitiiit- of agrulture otktariu muilkiluj akiuiaiiou nullum ariuiigcmcul act and airs ah- 1 1 llmltll moi w c uuay teoooded by n a itolmiabuii tuat pie treasurer iuy rijw uoouuu a prtnentrd by lluvui ofnoc- 3jobrratt loed byc ii- ivy ajpaie3 by n ji itouliaumi uait the treasurer ilii uku roaonilieetjmprekeaiwtl by tho liisul supennundeut hu-n- caniru j uovmi by fcilwin lurrppf keoonded liy w a- wilson uoi the- treasurer vaiuabrf te to 0fclu hw n it taiomjaaon ka30 j jltoo tliiniinah oap- a- alio 113ao 1x70 carried moved by c ii iy tooodftd by itouiaaon clvau the foliowmg luxeji be written fill the rolls as un- cllmuible wi3 workmens amtutlon s83ia total tasaji liod uovvd by w a wusou aecooded by ijlwm llarrop thas tbe treaaurer iioy bell tclcplwuie co jfljl x1 1c111 lt total s443rlydro iqeouio limtr conim uramplon ughla council cluunbcr 3 morul 9ii vxu ueorgclowu uerald iuuu lltou a b- wilson a co turvuiluni on lreurerm bond faruas w000 premium on coliectora bond fur uoti vtljsa total 9ttjo corpor- ation of acton to half clerk am biiultrii icii 34jd0 rent of hall i ltuuita ltiw total 9u00carried ilmod by kdwiu harrop aaoondot by w a wilson that- the traaauyex pay town of georgetown jevmhiiv juiro of relief for j aacqumrrle shju corpormtlon of acton rtaquaa- bags share of relw for pasriokj iiimpaon uj3 county of hospital accoun for lbtt w ialterso refund on taxea over paid ftxoo county ofqce supply company election uppuea lujl- curried uoved by cjl way tmonded by n a laobuubn una leave be treat ed to introduce a bylaw to appoint a member of the local board of health for the year ibm auad tbmt luid bylaw be ootr r4 a nrat time carrteuv sioved by edwin uarrop ahconded by w a wluon that j bylaw no 8s7 to- apnoint u member to the lo cal board of health lor the year 1m liavintf been wuul a first time be now read a second hd uxim una and paired aoiiyielania oiled in with the- name of 1c y barraclough utd timt cha corporate el be attached tlwreto- carried uoved by w a wilson a by edwlu llaurrop that leave be tcraniaxl to introduce t fayamw to biiouit auditors to ftudltv the towo- ililp acoounu for 1j3 and ukm and that byluw le now read a first time carried uovod by c h sfay ieconded by n a ilobiiuon that bylaw no ts to onpolnt auditors to audit the lis and lic accounts having been read a flru lime be now read a second and third times and poised and the blanks fuud in wtlli the named of jenkins hardy and that the ouarateral befttlaimaiaheretar- curried uoved by m a aoblnson ms- by c if uay that leawj be yrantad to introduce a bylaw to f a weed impector for the jxnasnshlp of eujucuiik and umt fcaidhybw be now read a first time carried uoood by dwin barron ayirvl by w a wilaun that byuw no u to appoint a weed ippwaor for the toutiuup- of ewqueiing havinjf nead read a nrjl time be now read m6- oud and third times and puaed ncl that the blanks be fuieuci wiua the name of w j bowman and that die corporate teal bfltkuached thero locarrl6d hockey georgetown juoiorc- lose i acton in flirilliris setto kcotnlo tvk tioau in lakt vsutfco mryr cnoikaato uiifkat ktvallt ite old fued between acton juniors and gearg4own juniors was renvw- ad trm on friday night when the ywolrauns fsirty bexnx up the ice in a utaullng iqiectacle wluch swpatte vullm lo vlrtary bvw 8 lo s score allitouali tit ice was not m fcood mmllllott bring rough causing the wnk to bounrr and making it hard u carry utc team tunird in v the hlxd in umt initial stanza aihdtr-pt- ii up for uirrn malid imrtods tht local tram louktl tu be in betur kmmtllion end alauod tp wrll under tlte wavy play llad ur ice brrii food and their ptxnbtnatlon jr nukclng umt enre cnigiit have breti dlryrent but aa usnal the local seatette rall- ti to put on tlte prcure until tlte last period and as m tesuu acton went into the 1ot ktaitsa with a three komi lead tusk uw cliaintuui of tlte differ ent commltteci to ciirtuil uuiir ux- pendiiured in such a wajv as to en able this council to uniu sllgliuy lower tairate thii year by dunig so it not only tfivcci some relief to tike already ovurourdcuud taxpayer bus it means the encouragcdqcta of the eatahlisluncut of ucw industry the building of ltomcs tltereby lienig tho unenlplonumt uluiiuotri and also uji uicrcad ftm p re venue ia itraielul apprceiatlon of the d wul the members of uu caun al and citiaaus of georgetown havt extended to me in the post i welcome this ooportunuy to t you lor the omiiideiiod which i lutve vuiqyed from tuotie whom 1 am trying sunceftsjuhy ere aiui i assure the people that uurinif my term oi auice 1 will make a special effort for fire erunevemenu lor civic weliare in a community such as mot with lt5bcahtuul ckurched and kindly and considerate clergymen on industrial centre second to none of any loan of us vr 1 llat p ftl qularioj willi all use urkanlxations cooperat ing in uie future as uiey liavo in the ra with the pni spiru of good will among the jcitisens kcuerully we may by our united eiforts ounlkiently kojok forward duruitf the year la36 for the f4m44unicss and prosperity of all the people w tixtr- lou of george town ur a uaclren orhhe lulief com tu addtxssod council hrleily re- gardlatc u relief situation 1 town arnuigemenls were made for the lialuinic uf a liamiuation meetlnk on jan autu lolect lio oounclnors in wardoitetuid one- councillor and porjef public udlpol trustee in word ttiree rmtull then adjourned to meet on tuesday evening jan luh the council met ill 8 pun ou tues day with uayor gibbons in the chair reeve larr and councillor xtsasuoub prebant i aaessrs knell and uoare represent ins the lladmlntou club it fire- uinctr mi boy gcouu and ur cochrane for the gymnastic club ask ed for the us of tlw town h air uagloughlaa also asked for the use of the town hall or the lipa bond their request was granted and an agreement readied as to nigju touba llgjed by eacli oraanisauocl chief w if lon arid tsepulychw u bbepherd asked council to provide a sullslje meetlna place for the hrc iktlgade atr w v grant was appointed a hmtunt of the high genoa board thai uayor will wait on the cana dian iakrt to pi arrangements allowing the flrernen to hold their meellrupi in the legion room tbe billiard unnwi of k it uaglfiughwn and gh ucdon- akl were renewed for um at the same fee as 134 the treasurer was instruoted pay the uehef ootnmutlon uie turn of aetvoo to cover joocmber ao- eounc a mnahhr of aooounu wefe paated and council adjourned to meat on tueaday jan mat at pmn uovod iby k a rihll5on second ed bjf edwin llarrop thaileawj boa tempa club diace about one hundred and eighty per sons were the guests of the member ot the bon temps club on the oecaa- alon olfthelr fourth annual dance in tatau georgetown on frriday jan la ibm tba hall was prettily ueoorated with spring nowera eetored atrtamerjg khd ligtat shades and the musio was auppued by the new uaarmony or- ehestra the cupper table way attractive with pink and green candles and spring flowers and a delicious lunch was served by the club members ulsas jean jafacknnale uadelelne kwrwln aaargery uackensw yvonne adams coaastaiioa whltmee uariory oault and isabel utcdcrmid the patronesses of use evenioit were ujrs j b mackenkte urs it fautu urk w o o tlkoiapsoii and urs lawson the novtuly dancee were mucli eu- ioyed and use prise winners ere ulss ullion williams and ur jim uooewjila and uus icvelyn wood and ur bruwhnnwlj- csuiry llouck okiicacks insyallkcb tttere was a good attendance ol ukemlatrs at credit lodge a jb ajj hut rvlday nlgbt wtum ul war bro k y barraclough past district de puty grand ussier installed uie fol lowing oncers for tlte rrnuiruc year wjuf d p criehton 1 4u jt c lloblnson uw wakefield ford jwb uaclteiude cfkaplalnjlev w o o thomp son treasureir dr u qollop uecreuxy gcorg rwd d of c y barraclougb uxi uanf ord jjoglt ssaottay lo wilfred laaue lutk v aatanrvrmscv jit w moowl be grunted to introduce bylaw to n- maint assessors for uie year 1am and uiat said bylaw ha now rd a tors time carried i uoved by c il usy aeconded hy w a wilson that bylaw no mo toappolnt assessors tor the year 1hm- having been read a first ttaaw be now read u second and third times and passed and the nkf fill ed in wlui uie names of n b tjiompson for wards 1 3 and s ari urnr wjkouw for wards fiand and uuut uie corporate seal be at- 1 cached tltereto carried uoved by n a itoblnaobi by c il uay uiat leave be grahled to mlrotluce a bylaw to provide for rood expenditure for the year 14 ami uiattsid byuw be now read a first time carrtm uoved by kdwln ilarrop wwindad by w a wilson thai bylaw ho ml lo provide for expenditure on orads for 10m luivlng been read a first time be now read a second and ualrd time and passed and the corporate seal be attached theretovjarrud uoved hy w a wilson arwyevded by c 1l uay that on and after b- ruary 1st ism all oulsiandmg taka must belaid dlreot to the laxeoilftcjl llo oarrted uoved hy n a imoyvjai fcih by w a wllsorv thai this council do now adjoukfi k meet oa uonday february itiui at 10 pm or at tb call of the- lieeveoaxrawl ruahhiayuwtic ycnnacl ay cuccoaty irtucaauc talk about real sportsmanship said jucllard dlx sauiusiasucally you cant show me a finer brand titan uiat of george arils and wat- tcr huston i ula starred with falie banks as chief and siihtaht engineor m the clu 8tar siteclal trans tlahtte tuniw wlui ijekm vinson uadge eiuns c aubrey hmlth and basil ilxlh4y as coucalfues was wfeninir to tlte fact uiat the tilatbkgulshad ttar in question had tracefully t to moke a uiremmuu appeaiano hi tlao respmiuve jaaraetertaations of kiuf lands lrlme umlster and kratj- drnt of the uidted btate as a dra nmtlc highlight of the picture dont miss seeing the wouderful picture at uve gregory ttoeatre ghurgetown baturdsy jarj lath wvlger and traaght train scltedules wllf not b mtantupxed uie cnit during ute ooruitruotkai trf tlia tmo000 subway at yreea temste mahi line tracks will he buttt souui of the hrent lhwjh take care of the situation ounatritotkm of the alternate trackage and the wtrwaf signs system is alroady under tamplatioq and an acbedum to hi the tnaay fwtor i tttw imtettccamtcr wsi lhecen of wild hmambliriy tor tlte tiuck last akating heavy rwiyclmjckisffr i trvrfvthlilg else uiat s in at hockey tame which kept the crowd ohon their foes sit the time itowever the local gave all uley had and wu de served the cheers that vrere meted out to them they went in and scxtr- od ftver goals to the visitors three and earned many more which through hard luck more than any thing else failed te find the twine penalties were cosuy to the georgetown- team acaou scoring at uait two goals wlille they were short- handed bradley and sanderson were surety the stars tor the kkadaradley lor h nevar say quit spirit and balo- dcrmau- lor his sole rushes which car ried him right into lrj goal mouth bradley also made more passe to the front of the hei than any player on eiuter teams i tbe georgetown team were minus two of their regular players and u could not be expected that the substitutes could nil in cseotly as lh regular they did their best and were m fight ing all through the game brush fcxrd and bunpo starred fof acton all piayerx on both teams turned in some ex forts the goal gcttzrrjrl- rr georgetown lraeron cz syko uiddtl duncan aor acton brush abiinco ol hnhram i oeorgofoncioaj wricht ce duncan norton cetatre sykes wlngjlbradley and riddah subs weston aanderaon uscbment acton goal woods defence bay- ilss and armstrong oesdxtt aaaeard whapa uoitoaat brash subs bunco holmes lambert gibbons itefcree b too georgetown ful goal vvw turne for acton ixilrarniecsasdea hju lucst ijaava -luijtca- town uojjjlng tjjat bag the local intermediate team and many supporters drifted into the neigliboring tanning town on thurs day night last and were handed rather undeserved djsfeax for almost three lull periods these two old rivals battled away oa poor ice with ueiuter team bains able to score with but a low seconds to play the acton team buked in a goal the puck went into the air at the georgvioftn net and while acton player stood inside thegoalera crease lie lui it into the net the referee whether up on the play or not failed lo notice the player inside the crease and xacton was awarded the goal thats all there is to tell ladies and gentle man just an un lucky break for the locals acton tans interviewed after the game old not like to say whether the game shnuul have been awarded to them or not hut uie teleree tfeeisioa 4s final all we can aay is that we hope acton leave the horaeshoea at home when they play their iretura bere georeetown giirlpli gjse goe into overtime 5 s yl attat txcltintl uocstkv tilt in an ojijl inunnedlatb game at the arena here on ftloridsy night guelph and oorgetown battled toa ue after seventy mmutes of hockfej- the game was exciting from beginn lug to end vad the large c of 1 fans were given many thralls for theirmoney tbe lee was in good condition and the kame started in a burst70f -sjecdr- guelph started the scoring when b gemmell went in on ft olojlnd lccuy scored when oorge- towu were playing- a man short the locals managed to feet on uu soor sheet in this period when dun can and atdltooy combined tor nice itoaj- duncan hrtg the fm the second period failed to pro duce a good brand tit hockey with neuiter team doing muoh both teams bulged the twine twins cripps tied up the score only to have guelph go into the lead with b oeanmells koai llortoa then hackhanded use rubber on the locals in a wild scramble at the visitor tort coaling put guelph again in the lead on a pretty aolo effort georgetown went into the final frame a goal down and play still re mained rather ragged with hard- checking by both arw tut much open hockey a guelph play er drew a uuwe mlnuu penalty fori tripping the locals then tied up use game for the second time during the evening when anthony scored on a shot from the defease the red llcltt failed w go oo lnd referee brush seeing tbe puck la the nt rang the bell and started for centre lee but ud did not start play again for some tlmethe guelph playem argued the puck weaal in the net from the back and wanted a better deal before they continued with the game ttus was the second phoney goal of tbe game agalmt guelphnd they were plenty peeved but after about five mmutes of i brush won out and the- game went on y1u llebat goal gave georgetown ww courage and ortppe shot in from scramble in front of the net after tak ing bui anthony pass thts lead however didnt but ions and gem- mall scored to tie up the game at uut btwl of the hard period boui teams tauad to aeesw in ten minutes of overtime play and the game ended wlui the aoorw kaiacr for auclph rahelved a atlfx body check in this session and had to be carried offlb toe rlclaardson was outstaivdlna in the vet v for the locals while o gecnmeu was guelph beat in the frame georgetown goal iuciuki fence anthony and- aimmer centre tost wings ward and crfpp subs lull duncan llnhotl flteen i ouelpll ootj oemmeu- defrpce1 acnwulfami and owillng centra kaiser wings ueron and b oem- oall subs beatty kuy sloan ttcfre d brush uutcsl isuhm bjtaguat atocatky ntrtaus the buah league hocakey feoup was fkkrmed during the peat week- aid six teams from town and jturrouikd kn frfawmmlta have ben 5 special weeken prices at m vt j- srlviai kalsssawrrahl brswal creamery buller 2 5vc bouuer roaau of poa pork chops 22c lb i na ia bti jboabet plate l boiling bcf 16c lb ssoulaer roaat fi o b i i v fjv 15c i swtrib rou of beef ic s- 5 cottade rolls lit breakrasrbacon j vtafa 2 2clh at kau i headicheese in l 2 for2sc california finest oranges 29c finest quality freak ami smoked fish alail timw7 2 lt for 25c extra kleciat mild stetakrd mrdlwa klar 5 finnan haddies mackerel 12c lb ami h na adt wbitefisb 15c lb freab fillet 17c lb fresh herring 3 lbs 20c smoked filleu 18c lb kippers 15c jpr salmon steaks 18c lb ctscoes 23c b oysters 29c jar red salmon 14c lb our own htxnrj red package tea ir lb pics- 47c vjb pis 24c imaple syrop r 32 ozjiottlessc 16 oi oftlv 29c prunes good she 2 lbs isc extra lar 15ctb phone 27 wm king orange marrjialade 32 or- jar 9c peanul butter 24 c jar 2sc apple and stralmberry jain large size 29c t-t- lett1jce large size 2 fof 15c jelly powders 6 plrgi- 2sc 4 prompt delivery s i era uhi uicre iuu played mdoublelmmder tttslwfa buttonville morval georgetown at present we have not been able to locale a complete schedule but have enough dope to hold us over for week these games proved real thrillers but season with lots of speed smart suckhandltnf checking and the odd 1st flinging here and there the games will be played and compotes teams btreetsvluc mnmber 10 and boyalsof braaxvplon the orst games will be played here on thursday jan 16th af 730 pin first game dumber 10 vs worval second game boyala vs georgetown the admission for two lames u only twouls ic notjta tost made a nice job of refereelng the actongeorgetown junior game hare last week he handed out i sduare deal to both teams and every one seemed satisfied even use ac ton free piess scribe conuneaded him on his de j kemslleadahd e- btockford wriro off the local juxijair lineup hi the acton game her kemshead having fraotuerd his arm in practice btockford wlui blood poison in his orm- tvaard actons star centre man lfl his bedwltre lie wag- confiiied wliii incasled to play in the game here lie played a good gome and his hoc spovtmanslup is to be oommtnded we wtro jlh you lost wek about uie local teams ukkerina for players from uilton bo alter much trouble we finally got the lowdown and here it is not being greedy but after all uiey cobul got the- local execbuve asked fornve or she players from uilton and acton tolesky brusli kentner and other junior players they didnt want manysso ut uie oila execuuve meeting mutnn after a ions uiscussioti they were told uiat they would have to get along wluiout any we think would have been better to ask for less antifilifchut its too late now aclan fans were burned up ou tsuirtrday wlten they saw uieir own jack kentner coac tlie local sauad seems they amhlcd kent- ner bank on uie team but uie cap tain and mansgera didnt uilnk uw same way jack was a good ploy maker on use tannery team and is sure missed local fans are wondering wtiy akutt has not been playing in uu hshtor use intermediates it seems laowever that lie and uicliardson of brampton are taking turns st itakl- lng uie fort both are aoellent goal iteepers but fans always like to see use hometown boys in action acton would have a very slim junior outfit ii tl wasnt for uie ullion imports geonrctown lntenikuate3 jjo to uie lakesliore town tomorrow night and oakvllle play a return eameuejre next uonday jon 26th dont miss uiese galnes very uonday georgetown juniors made poor sltowliuf at atton ou nigh ttaklnit uie count yiiyler a 10 lo 5 score otooxs as uiougli utc ore due tautvjllluc cellar positlau geantetown interaedlates will play uielr seoond kame in acton on wed nesday night next better luck uits time bays klare junlorb liere rviday night they ore classed as uie best team in the group come out and see ute locals glveiuiem a run for uieir money cfg5y the a tffe friday jansiry 17 tbe case of tie lockyjlegs gay uawttla mv 1 1 j wtarving warrvw wuiuaas aatd rmtrtru kuk xlicscqalfidf thcjpippuaiir iafajor bowth arrlateuns v- l fox news saurclay janissary 18 nsaskinec a 3- pjm- 4 tunnel utprtesfkr uujr thr eau sapv sprrd swpar uxritls tmpt drasaa mrrinr uie ha bhc aaj ml kvaja c oatritidy tramp tramp tramp- chapter 3 mystery mountajnj tuesday and wedrstsrlay jaonuary 21 rma 22 broadway rvleljody of 1935 v gisut eutertsuiasmnl vallk jark kteauty attsl js ktar a- cartoon tine for love oddity pitcairn jsundtxby coming strsbtut id llu- fctrrtd wltli wtli stagers akaj tup hal watchqur windovt c 1 robwccaxy ice ktam ktkcuul and cotincztottmmx miss 1936 sundae cj tor 25c longs conleclioneryil round trip rail travel bargains frr georgetown jan 24 and 25 chicago 7 january 25 port huron 295 vvindsor- durxts- s465 detroit 4io 4is titlttt train information return limits front ajtmni aitk titr lwhilt canadian national i obituary vj if vanirajtsri john 1l vonheel lourui unc kit- uueslng townslilji- died in hamilton iwhp on new vcarti day aged u year the result of a stroke which followed a lengury itinera ur van r1rt vas honi in kutauur town ship uie son of nelson vauirneet and was married in lkso to ulss uary ui1u who died in 1919 he was an anglican and an orangmuu bur vhuig are uiive dsuiihtfrs uiwl uusej sons uabel ihtarl rioivnc frirsmi joltii ijuwrrpoe alwjour sister and uiu brolhfr urs a uberlg and urs george gordon hamilton urs w uberig wrta uonlrosv urs fworge hollock hint ulclu and b vuirvwt ounpbcllvtue- ft funeral look plsce otl baturday lo kvcrvoei onwrtrry hv osuun l j 1l waf url of uillort ordcuung failure to pay uie dollar you owe doesnt help the ohcr f ellow keeplt in cjxouladion bmtf l it k ul in ui llully kur bm w4nnlny jiul 1uj khj tab knuw trbtriu bt thwnuur ju luh tt ru tut n mlkuultionil aoouraisxy kkiutctttjatj eorgetown pharmaey jack d harr1sonw v rtunk sa o a rals urj w lmirf ukukostowm tl jr-