94 the ge henul wwruy evening january 22nd 1936 is but bubble the world yea i tlu world yea but in uol breeses blow and green oungd groe tnen u mmmff one n be ileneath the sky ueside a uw or swim in sea- leaves in autumn ag uuy turn hwn green end bum are worth wnilching and in wlnter when weathers bitter itaee branches make iob designs and twig ou and sheets of k wuh drifting v slake u10 heart glow though the world u full of trouble know of uouole lull rtcuuajk dior ktokv kink ok tkn yeasth 11 cuimu atlantic salmon eon upue mwir pest rule of bebahour tjure will be recurring periodic drop in like hit of the oata i future and the nest period of iterative scarcity is ukely to bt tered in 183a mote luoujpx that it is live benrcity only that is unto wlteii atlantic tilmnw will be itsa abuialani tpantusua not periods when ucy will be try lew and tar a tanked 1c aryrus tkt itkcpgtch fjltoote applet of varieties which dp noureek in ioklng4jpy eu clous tolmen liweevjpruuwtct will jbe satisfactory leer and tmuwc core wiut a oorer and idice apples croswiae lu one- half inch slices or- 3ngthwise in one eighth inch allocs or cut in one hjl inch cubes vakn a ojrup using 3 cups sugar 1s cup whlto corn syrup 1 cjip water uou three minute ihen add villi eieht fruit to cover bottom of the kettle cook until clear itemove and drain weu then ket aside to dry add more fruit to syrup and repeat the process alter second boiling add utree tablespoons water to syrup wben fruit la dry roll la fruit sugar byrup nay be tinted red ipreen or yeuow u desired cahnodt pear plums peach apricots if thoroughly drained way be candied by this m candied carrwl bcrapo small carrots and cut in quarters lengthwise cook until ten tier nuke a syrup using the water in which the carrots were cooked and allowing two cups sugar and u cup white corn syrup and v4 lemon to sugar and pack between layers of htost speciec of fbli have their pecuibnuirs of ufe and action and wa lr a o llunuunan canadian thherics rebrerch work points out it tiapbcfu uiat uu talmon nshar on ui domlnlona ttoanlic jtowi a fairly deilnite periodic drop or depreykat hi fh every nlite or ten yur curiously onougji this prvudicuy k not only itpeistw the atlantic salmon of canada to quote from one of the reports deali with lite subject but occurs in the atoun- dajtce- uj many rurbearlng ardmals such is umj artlc ru the varying liarv yr rabbit toe ga ahd uw autften u showj by the returns of tlut fuduon s flay cucnpany v w bince 1v3 pr tnczrahoiits the oe- tlfajtkitij lit aalrrton abunda a ailiuc uu it ute bominioq hive occurred ub lc ttyrrto evry years itlsi haj brrti howu by audleu carried on ui nvd yean but wttt- cauaett uteac periodic drops w something eh again and cirntil ktaven t found ue answer yr there have been several aug guated theorief but none haye been uoretted cauae apart however- the tusu inriod of comparatively scard ty dr uunlsiqarjl 5 recently i exixtcd lb be centred in the llijfl evarthek vhlkc the period u likely to be ceutred in 5s the tune hcii the drop is mod pronounced will not be exactly the same for each j tlte different river ystkni vm- iceji u salmon jjtould take it into unlr heads to duuige their fornei ays a hit in the patt investlga tions liave uton the periodic drops lutve not coincided exactly on ail eru of the tjcmxl foe uuda idnce jbto at leat ute epochs periodicity as lite acientfats put it have been a year latter for the oaspe ihjtlnmila uian for the bt john aiver btudles of the life and habits of uw allantlo talmon are of only a few of the fisheries researeh taiks carried on by acienttsti work- uig under the control of the federal number of other fish aftd omhl haf cook any red skinned variety apples without peeling tn wmter to cover drain ahd make jelly from the juloe fres the pulp through a fruit press or coarse sieve allow 1 cup sugar to each cup pulp boil slowly is min utes stirring often to prevent stick tng ttpread in a pan which has been rinsed in cold water let stand hours cut in cubes and roll ufrult tucar ttteimt improve when stored two or three weeks colour may he added hut if red apples are used the natural colour is to pleasant pink these redpefl were prepared by the fruit branch dominion department of agriculture exports of canadian apples to the farilhh isles this taafcon up to jcanu- ary x 1bw totalled 10t5 0e barrels and 1ji16s boxes compared with 731 tsf barrels hxid 1x3 boxes in the corresponding period of lastae ton the increase this season being 40 per cent on parrels and st per cent rold dul you near the big news oerald bpul h lurold uy dog vkltad a flea dr- ous and ttole the ahow a lot of folks keep tlfcclr radio on every minute of ute day they per haps cant get over the notion that it will finally say something barberaavent i shaved you be fore sir cmumwyho those scars are from the war have been and are the subjects of study in some cases the trumttga- tions are tor the purpose of in determining what steps are take in regulating and cot fuherie others are concerned with ascertaining where and under what conditions the commercial are likely to find particular species of ash in quantity others with relating to the artificial propagation ot fui still others with a variety of different questions hack of all of thu scientific work is the object of auiung in maintaining and lny the country fisheries and furthering the pracreesr fishing industry another and very important branch of work going on continually under the fisheries u the study of practical problems of the fishermen and the application of helen tiflo knowledcs to methods of handling and y fish and ahellflsh so that fay the do- veloitnunt of taiprovementx tn teeth ods the industry nay be tahw tn carry on witli greater success and profit wore than ooojooo german buys and girls between the ages of and is are being conscripted- they will receive instruction tn physical davalopmant pramllitary wpjln and general tuition in the principles of rjasliszn if this sort of tmrttf goes on we hau have to conacrrpt our youth in order to educate utent to the evib of tiaj sort of oonscrip- tlon prospective boarder do you have much variety at your boarding houser jugular hoarder well we have three different names for the meals otcsnapshot cuili i know your camera v twea atatir vh tookthls prize- laiultg picture kad wuuurd caalbtlx aajmswatuers apoail thouancu of dollars aacb year in prrrtag and print log iubtruo- uou books which era enclosed with itach cstttra tb6ai booklau give valuable information on the uso and caro or the camnna but the average pnnutn looks only fai ouough la to the inblrucuuau to and out bow to laimut tbo flliu aud right there llioy atop rvoiii the mochanlcal vlowpoidt too box typo camera gives ub juut about tho acme of almpllclly it usually haii two topu for snap- ahou aumuo for time oitpoiiurt llowuver the biauual acroaipanylag it la worth a carehj reading with certain lypuu of folding camorah you have uure to ouuuldur if you are to xpect good claar aharp pictures and iba biauual abould w atudlod by all uibiia you may havt fron thrm to utaa apertur to choose froaijhtul uhut tar apds ranging from onitbalf to 1c00 bocopd dtmiodlug uu the type of caiui ra lu addition to th be split stroud abultur himvhis thacau ara bt orobauy tulpthml for thue axpuaunui lleforu loadrag your caniara with lu rtmuult the teabual so lha you will uudtrlaud juri what u liappt u log whn you do oa thiugit and why lu a rct aaapakpt ouuleat tsu dueled by autyfour le4lug aewa- papr acallerod thruiisbout the unllad qtatoa tha picture shown above was awardad ime of tha major phsoa in tbo national awards the anapiihootfir who took tbn plo turn was tar from being old lu ax poricuce but it u quite ovldanf that ha had uad study of his bobby and knew what ho was dolug and what could bo ojtpctod of bta caraara utudy tha composition- of your plcturos that u conipoiui your plcturojn your vlowfludnr baforo cllcklug tbo uhutnr lerbaps fry stopping forward a fuw foot you csu ojlmlnato aomo liicoagruous obvict bomn thing that may really dolrart from tho point of interest lu the picture try vtowlug a c ne or auh jict from dltforoiit angu a limn choftoo tho oue you think the most attractive too tnauy auajvahootara whuu taking pictures of thi ir frlnuds have them bland as straight an a raurod and took dlruclty at tho camtvra that tuay bo all right for a record picture but the auup v uld bo much more lull rontlug if pm hlu in it wore dolug sonmlhlug if you will give just a mttlo aerloua thought to your huapuh tot big and thuroughly know tbu lliulta uuab or vruaullty of your caitiora you will be well rewarded with ftt terettuug artutlc or siorytfilllag picture whlrh you will t proud tu abaw your frland- aud which will win their admiration john van hhldblt declare his purpote uoterestlng fw m4k la lite htwrtl of tne isttl upou me bccauo he haili kutunied me to pfeacu a ipoapel u lite poor ite au tieal the hfokeu iteaiuml u pread oeuvetasaf ui utc capuves aud i eoveruig ol iigjtt u u biuto u tvtuberiy uhiu ul aiw hrul- i to v u uxrpubk iu of ute l tk ltt l jukuhon 1 aat r- uikt lfiu ivnciil uu o i ium lulu r kigut u wlli it hukviuu ood u iui rulltr ui uy ltit uu alur ou vu u uicu t v lluu a cwarage- uol t j lud br uuwogl t- gl- tluk l titr utpgbui ald uov- utktti and iw batk ui ut kiu4uwuu hl lanutt u n lit wpwth ktl ltt about wuu hrh4tw ouuj bl re uglous t5p6rt4u a uaiur ull be twoeu ik utul uulkur aoud u ul nu huoa aluk- uul utrl rauibt vhttro lit- vovuttoiu7 1w prouabl i- k uhout lum items uim aunea uacptuui up i uitrvjtuxu lour in umt ilouthem tins is tlte yer in which you irumled big u tings lor yuuraelf 1 er anxxiliitg te- ooionel hugh aso- ittti tf hirfmlo the general ami itf but tuml nvniniuuty are ita clergy h it u i mii hiul ii edlorowned w r i u vv ibut ilwwri aitd lulde itaa inplt tl luly y ui of puhhcaluiu iih dllf tltc iutul lair jf illc aart uliurai bo- watj ut at ute out tttl wu- a hjtur upxt tk uto ruurt u ulfc naltoti deitcoded ukl mletuv vould lutw bcjl ior lion ou liw bujflj ttk vulagrra wctrjujitud hi blutf otltiaiwl uite ol lprlr illiiilr s4kaklng jeua did ny luwi knoau him for many yeai uiey knew lu liunthle itome and he v not a trained luhhl lke- irom college what uw kna aeruktkud va utai ju ld luul a new epnenoc ol od that utrouuu lallh in ood lu itad won a iianuu vutory over temptation and utat lie luul fully iuretidrred aitd dedicated ltlmiu to doing ute wui of ood ttte nana bigniucaut lat- were just what ute vulagcn could not understand a acmdred bsjrit 19 19 it was the culooi of jetus lo at tend the synagogue regularly in the kynsogue a wait ute custom to in voe dllferent people to read tin can- fcda the governor general somoume readji ute tcripturei in cliurches where lit b worshipping vree to choomr any icrlpuire ite prejerred jeaus turned to lialah uaul read words that were full of meaning lor him self laaialts empathy lor ute poor and suff ering fltted hi with ute think mg lug lor oct lout tbe id i all xtkritsr- ami oriaa lall lja yur uiul min tmkit4il u uttull banuwv a uiutlxd hieictumh i dioov k xj uu ulu4 imiloov- wy ol iey uk i liy arvumpvincrtiv a lax u- t tall hi hfc ltup ww vmk to ui collet u the loocw coppers llm uxmltalu takv ikti eu mtmttll buttsa paid oil 33 1m lukr- a hx liueulrtt vhout ten yoats j u tutuuiui by a uaj ipeck ihmw i ijk ick vcry ten ux ui uiul it tiug been nturtatod u oouul tuii lor ldooo years luutse ui luel btw brrw tayaxver utat b woik i li1 uta long tyiihrulij omttjiluto- are so bad cjuil uttf towit of mutiaitd uiki iene tuliguljtem juive deiululed uiew- de ulilui uiul ute luture proftpecu uic iut wry hiiaht- ur harold llusbaud ktillon uai ion county t timber u ute older uoj i ilrluauctit ut iuronia wa hoiuuwd v1u1 ute una of iahtifcter of uolutn u like u good malty other town ltty liave iu tkaling rink uiul ute kui lutvc to play itocfcxy on uuj trudll tltoiougllfare fhe village loutahle jjy- ute piuctice ovjul but ute bo- dout car mucii uboul utau enuued ohristj alternative to com munism tn which the chapters are baaed upon ideas hi these phrases quoted by jesus from isaiah jones affirms utat we have over- splritualued iheae word and that we should take them more literally in other words he claims uiat jeus was not speaking of spiritual poverty or religious feturry but utat he was actually thinking of ute hungry the impoverished and ute imprtoned had jeous eitoscd ajjawsage txtolllug ute law he might lutve been acclaim bd by his fellow wonjiippers but when he entered ute held of econo mics styj social justice they regard ed it as an intrusion of worldly al aire into- wort hip iuriag and grace m2x at a meeting for ute calling of minhter various people told of ute age ldtolarslup and popularity of the man under conuderguan ax hut an older man una uuii k luul an outer reason for calling uiu minis ter x heard lum preach and he did me good in ute long run charac ter c deciuve in ute uillucnce of 1 pealur knowledge and eloquence may attract for a lime but wliat en dure is ute lpuit of the num lu ute synagogue at rjakareui all were at tracted by ute iwnmr of jeton iff ttpoke 10 eauly to nauirauy and to gracefully voice gesture and spirit were 0 beautifully blended that they could harly bcllete utclr on ean tttey luul uol known utat iuy young man brought up in ntutaretli could talk uuu aoy jlaier it was caul ol liiht never bpake man a this mm it was wltcn the full foros of what he uii4 rochod utem umt utey heciunc alarmed lie quietly closed the book when he itad fits uu palsagi from tt g and said toaay hath uiis scripture been fulfilled in your cars tney regarded this versa as a prophecy of tha mwtsi aiui thwy were shocked unpleasant trwtag u- one of the rarest virtues is moral courage physical courage is far more rylti than r courage it to specially difflrult to apeak the truth to those whom one knows well and likes jesus ran counter to ksa areut opinion on two scores first they iiwuigiif that ha was protump- tuoua l he was one of uteir own hometown boys iooodly he wounded their prejodlcos by going beyond ute bounds of their own na tion lor tnstsnoes of thute o had received oods favor nalioualum has been iwitvfrd as klans other ilellgion and we are all very unsl uve in ute area of our patriotism himeoa had cald that jetus woukt be a light to ute genules andhw we find jeus wiling of kindneses being uone to a woman of kldon and to naaman the syrian later vm hud him welcoming the greeks lulling the daughter of a yro3hoenlciau and tcluug the tiory of ute good ama rl tan in ordinary ctroum uanoefl a prophet has litue honor in his own village few people in eo- olefecium aiieuded the funeral of thomas carlylei but jkaus cut right acroi the natiuual and religious pre judices of hia hearers it was an acl of msgnlncent peronal moral oour- age tk kg mj a writer suuea utat uieiw arhnhree great urges in modern life ute money lust uu tax lust and uw blood lutt- rhe blood lust u usually- oollecuve aeeti in lyuebinga aiwl war a mob win do things uiht individaula alone would not think of doing it is a focal of cjtcll even of arause- loeut utat grows by what it feeds on form tha k of his visit to ute nasereui tiynagogue to ute taunts of ute psme before his crput jeuig faod hostile crowda and angry mobs and preserved ids poise in m nails uas onacteristlo of ute mob la rarely ifaea axoept lu urikes and labor riots and where ute police act wise ly very often uu good bense of the crowd is on the side ol uw and ordw lkibllo schools bunday bchools churches newspapers and pouce have much to do long before ute crises arises whit determlnhig ute action of crowd kven if igane criminal sliould go un whipped of justice it is better to auow ute law to take us oaurse and to dewlap dvlo pride in ute absence of- mob law wlten pas jons cool ute facts may be more accurately judged tite childienl aid eoclely ot uie counties oa isl and llaltort uls leilir uatrou of the home in itlilod gratefully iaanowledgw uv lollovkulg uoitalioni received aj cttrtsuaa iordte benefit of ute thil oren under ute care of ute society cltri- tr mr j wihon a iccfknrir and wr y jl dltk uulou rurkeyur j m- denyes ullton citntmas qulverindale vvamcda lttsutute and barmpugj east wo- ukens inaitute loj llalytai womens and mr llowes hornby truit ttpples orangal mrs oncr dovn union urs j marceuoa union ur and urs john uraliltan campbeilvllle urs la w clements milton ur h uiddleton uilton candy unclgrove womens insti tute ulsifeprowl ullton urs w k- deul ulllou un gorham toron to citlltenltam womens institute bacalcr for each rduidrnuiebome and candy ur and urs fc d luire iorc crcdit fkatcs and boots urs j- kf- wu ucc cakville urs a w ktrlgsx port credit urs the iliscocg uurllngtoiu fruit jbower ulss u k currle ullton uivi cisra hartley uilton fioaerv dale kstate urampton cadi donations ur amos uason acton urs b- 1l uunter streets vule lira dorland burtington ux joltn irving uuton ur geo daw son ullton ur q v thompson ullton uramptoa literary and tra vel club norval junior kubrlde womens tntltnle tha abo donationtt from different persons uiul orsanhasuons uuoughoui ute luo couuues sltowing their inter ej in ute aeuare of children are greatly appreciated by the society rruinks are also extended to the ullton clulmplon for uu weekly 1 apaitcr which comes into the home and uu management of uu rvtnctw ttiealre uiuon in allow- uig ute clilldrcn from uu home to aucnd pccuti cliildrens shoas free of cluurge how may worship be a luthit yet more utah a habitr how altould we expreks sympauty with auffeierst what attracts you most in public speakerst a do you disungulsti between patrio- ulm and nauojuuhmt 5 wtiy do you luve recatect for lawf man ui one a kjaart makes the a smarter one u he wb u the ftrat tana wlto never twice but oiildrcnaaia society tntica tlta ukus uarjorie terhunc devoted lover of oil wild life writes what au bird lovers will be glad to know if al ready not familiar wth uu ur wtnthrop packard of uu audu bon bociety says of her article good medicine irobs both the botanist and the ornithologista idandpolnt wmttu know uu practical uses of uu sasatrat the lamlllsr tree of ute roadside whoe naming colors in autumn mix with thoee of uu gthn and marues the tree grow in our neighborhood where we may it closely and find that nm fay mouth througliout uu year jhk4 hoauty i justified in its pefaietiori for planting it on our home grounds hungry birds and boast will nlungeif rxkfjhie ucpaui uw snow for uu tnaaly fruit thai liaugs on uu snloehuh such a tlte black alder and other which ore jirllflngly adorat with rrowded berries are planted by lo- uter jjature for wild creaturea food so thu year wticji the gioasy bronae carpet of old leaves tiotlcd with uvid berries lures you to the wood leave the berries wltere uuy tr aitd become a wild ufe onervatlon- lil buclt ornamental berries j dogwood pepperidge tajaafras bay- bcrriea and others lend their pert in abiding beauty tn uu landcapa and a great temptation it is to rraln from picking them uosl people that pick the tail ber ries an totally unawwrw uiat uaey are taking uu food right out of uw mouuts of our winter birds they do ivot know that our feathered beau ties depend absolutely on these ber ries to carry utem awdr uu mid wha ler dangermiu of starvation in uu fall wlten uu leaves uurough uuir changing hues fron gren to rose and uuer a and fimooui turn to scarlet uu green berries are brighter still berriea are loved by uu birds and its a joy to watch all species huge and small come from all trtn nhrwryj u enjoy uu repaat x cannot p hiy readers and friends too airwhgly to leave uu berries where uublrdw may enjoy utem anouter berry popular with uu fall pickers la uu bayberry which is also called uu waxberry li rigid leaves are dull dark green and oblong in shape wlten the leaves fall from utah stems we aee clusters of light gray berries tn utilised by early oolnnks who boued uu berries and made emndiesi from utelr floating waxv these ifaerrim consluunw almost all at tha at melts dbet during fttu dreadful umhustarms of ivu the atnauwr bay- hfirry busltes were covered entirely by snow the larger bumhee hvg been already stripped dtipg off the food ftr uu goldnnoh i wrapped in warm clothing dog wy uu snow so uiat uu birds could eat and liavw a clianne to live in oor dubuvabd- tuabt tourist is this a hubhuw town urualivllu ttui yeah uuy even have two bread uncawona star wbnw and one far rye couleciions oku of the fesvp targeet retail nr and ecu of the largvwx tn ttoronto regularly it reenna and depend ahulty that count with utem utart itag right by endbag n yoor lias or slow but eoft- ectahle accounta and notaa you too wui appreciate the results kelly a aiken ta oaawerlii rgteceauww oazanckvirjlri omtamlo rlo couactjoht nb cnsrgr sfuckailver o mercury la denvwd frona kfn or valcbaut- of tnerrury t derived rrw aafare hjif m wlilerr ef eel peer and atmiry ratted hneebjir ad when very pttre j a brtlnaal er wdifaev it wa rrwi m eeurre thf tntoo wsd te be nblalttmt mow jtttaa aowwwr t is qsuvhy tww by healing kvereury thawthrr vhth- selpmur pumkh wad viafw- fc slrreury u railed uw wlle w- ettuw if aem a it alive llvrfy b lb wy lo which ir rbaa about if la n tld lal u to ay wiei tts ixeluree which reader otb teiala wlt sr iribra of callfwnh lauiaaa have u d rinaabar tiwr red paint since ixlninhr tla ftnrolag their rare and budlee with ll tv get lbr ul iodlver free the ere it i arrw werely tu aepanttw tt treea hr kulpbttr wllb whtrb it is chetalcally rumhlned and tbla u acooiillabed by rueslng the ore gees from the cm alt w lal fureare where hi fa beat vol llllwte the aulriudlver- the utter bflag lterupoa prclpltmtd pure la watrr- jacketed eoadettaer oat of the con ueewer u rvtuu a alvry atreasfl and is pat tap m wrought iron ttaaka for kmtrket the awtal has a etroag aohv- ity for old aad la ased in eoabeetloa with gu wdaiag tit hits uaxaahu ervjcw game jbal j type of russian wklst tfea wrhdm ef the gahw of bridce is the geuu b huvvd to be ssduleeilee of buaatan whist te a vritw la the otovelaad leahw it was ttrat wwrwtth ta wueeple aad rgypt abewt 1bs raa the fbterthi card gasae of aeeul ehvaa befere the estd ef the eeetraryt bad hwadwd the kuriera and rwrla it siaiw its appearabee ui hm dew abewt ifbx ttlckly way sedtag dtaary whlat as the society gm of emrda at brat the gewe was lrwaww kaglaad aa bridce wan omtract bridxe has hea played so earar asterksm abroad thaad utat players were esperiraeethsg with a r ww of eobtrac bridge abwat 1d1a the waut ctob ef new york coestd rd eodlfylng uw gasm but decided twbai had awt yet arrived to do w during the aawtner of usg eoatraet hridxe oj very ponubir ig new port and sewtba tap en le the fall its popularity apread te new yark rity aad the game ht saw played b au parts of the couatry it i n fchemlme auseel for the wb of vw yorkshire t celehraia bat- partaat eceaaiohh bg aukiag aw pua la utfl tbey asade ea that re quired m eoraes tn pull h aad ooo people oech received a place an other vest pi twade la ifil wee cot lata 10 00ft urge pertlwaa each eg whtth wait mid la aid of eaarity other cioasal duhag have heea wade ta various cauntri a pi 12 feet across aad weighing three taaa was baked at the new orleans county fab- albloa tw york la wbub 1xs buaheu of apples wo pouad of flour aad boo pooed of augar were used vylog with this was an oewhrfu at yoo agxa fried o chahaha w bt tew aad the pan was g hy at- uehug sucee f bacoa to uu faet eg ahris wba ekated ever uitl ha the georgetown herald oilers you a great subscription bargain that- saves you money rtis qitsl yen uiuiilwtq hare j real offer- utat will t yon imeney give yourself and your family- lasting enjoyment an v ttf your ramuy lasting enjoyment td atrtsiriment the whole yr through this is all you have to ew select anv of these famous miiiizi nes 4 11 p per and you will receive the whole 4 publica tion for one yaar from he date we receive the coupon here is the amazing 1 combination low ovrgaimvoil l rice qcuncnl tsausu 1 yr mkwim uut 1 yr qoritum 1yr nwsm 1 yr hrfmlhi stoooly n z i i canwiun horlkukurs this wonderful offer bt avail able to old and new subscribe era to this newspaper we guarantee tpe fulfillment of all macaiine eubscnptiohri and you have potluve assurance that this generous offer is exactly as represented ite- newau will be extended for full term shown a i iftv 7teoe dip list of waparmej atet check infl 3 lawice lions drtird ri cwtcoupow cerefallg gentlemen i enclose release send me the three magaxincs cheeked with a years subscription to your newspaper name strict town and pnovtkce i lsjt and vovht ajuts tony wans uu well known radio philosoplter lias said advice l like castoroil easy to kite but liard to take kevertheleas at ute beginning of a new year we feel uutt you will pardonus for bringing to your atten tion this 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1044 a hoel with 1 baaer ug are savwv lu ibu taaaaal u it a ship wffa ft and again to ltoft a ahlp with sauk in the aatoe apet la each af the thre dlaavtera ouy one bu wea sav aad la ach case his aaau was llugb uaay tleta w- have uw ml thai biraduarl m veiuub tlte ruasaealliou af whlhb has rw o utg puaatod viosu aukrnt has hsa disrovred aad many llaa tha aeeret ef rvgattlala ra- laairkiibu pwrre has b4a reveled wr at ust mi ii ban b4u tlalutad a el w ww id he oe iwiw til thee secreta 11 utltvel herald kcvery ume you give uu other fel- kvk boost it u a idtctt uuad for you nehrhbor juvri yu got a bottle penert iwrent yeg but he u away at have you everseen your home town newspaper thrown into the gutter or waste paper basket before it was thoroughly read but gutters and waste baskets are filled every day with unopened unread expensive direct advertising sale amniunition shot into the air and cheap publications promoted by flybynight artists 1 a newspaper commands an audience with 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