pbge 2 ll footwear u this weeks feature at s i lve s all me of mens wpcoen utd dulctrens ooots shoes and rubbers iiave been cut in pfic for one week only silvers footwear tabic hftvfe always led all otbertu be sure to visit our store tbis week for tbe greatest tmuies yet- mens dress oxford in black wuk rubber boeu 8t2ca 6 to m m boys oxfords the popu lar marvjcl shoc sixes up to sy jig boys boots a sturdy boot for hard wear sues p o sy i gg l mens fine leatner boots clearing of reg 295 ws 188 ladies tie shoe in four styles reg 249 value on sale at lrjt ladies oxford sizes up to 712 reg 2 49 on sim lao eejshoe clear- n-of-itontnuaji-linas- up to reg 3 00 utiles girls ojcfords sizes up to 2 rnade of genuine calf by the wragge shoco i extra mens tw buckle casbmere over- shoes reg 2 25 at 188 silvers dept storfe where your dolur goe farther phone 375 georgetown bokn the georgetown erau wednesday evening february 19th 1936 andrews ha1rdress1ng salon special prices for february with each permanent wave a steam treatment will be given free permanent price s6js0 wave special 500 500 wave special 350 350 wave special 25 shampoo and finger wave 55 andrews hairdressing salon phone 40 georgetown phone 40 the lions club are arranging for a regular collection of waste paper please save waste paper of all kinds also cartons watch for further particular regarding time of collection the money obtained for same well be used to assist underprivileged children wocuuouolial lhe lady ulntoj hospital new ijakcard february 13th 1sss to or mfcd mrs john c mocullough a daughter dilu outiuueal lier eeideire 405 armadale ave toronto on tur- day ftob hlh hoc mamret k mcualar beloved wiir of lenity chief tj invliee orofku oulhrle aged w yeam- loimiii notvt1 r ytiu hi ruary lath lttw wlthun louth beloved husband o itr inuih aged tj yean uofcaclfkltn iii slttltrt tit uw itocnr ul mr w a m0uurr un imtijy hb 11th ltutl ith urine urkjsxhrm frmeriy of ljrin in mlmomiau ooujn3- xii kivin hkciuoo mi dear luuirr alfnd t iuh u ho died rybruary auh 1uu bvrr irutrniutful li 111- iuuliiit may davfo- in loving iifnurj of tlui n bfclovndv of cuarlty i lrtvh wrg hl4 akity fro j1 93i in jlctwjr r mfcinbt r fjadjy tntwd b iipimtvd aiml uaugtilrr k ie jtawa spotlight by wilfrid kkruon olliw obituary at1ia1uni- urjlarill ul dlh caincr uddmly lu 11 l oatbkliive k4ckimumru ul ute luuitc ol her xtuln mm- w auccluxr oeorgumri oil uoiulat h j7lt ti ut ueecaucxl was a uujliti uf john jul catiiatftm klcaclkm uiul uil boxn on the- luwij line thrill ulu u- a lralnrd nurc anij luul lilkvl iter prxilesslon bi 3priillld ui luf tiv thirty y4r 14k tuu lo lk ueturkcuwr about u yur i uiul education week to commence february 23rd tit rk it kebruarv 23rd lsos m n n i alixac urmiclaout um ihnh wmi a rilucmuon wcxk hum hi that rru utroublout adl uw ru rr- tucavuon is bclnf thct ih impiirujuo of xacaulon ilyi th hut m- aitd tubllc addrai iiiiimuili uir courtixor o uw i u ujii itmillo ltriti ooov- loit tiaiuati aid hradcamji aru utlli liu oiw of ll4l will be html imai otu mi atondav i ur j4tli from lo lo 10 pin iv i vmlmiiuif iiun fxuuhtrd lo i h it ihl luthulcoj bikl olhtr hrak r utlt tw lu ifuooumuv nwman k 1 1 minuur of labour and ii oth aktd tl n klu it u utr can u1i in li wlml iwljriuloii oti 1yl lij tsbn un ath uw ontario i nk l j ivr u itkovtl of aatiotu mill iu h ur fiiwu h ui 3o itn lwl iw lhr otilutwf uhiitrr uf ullt 11 ui aimnvo will be deliver min tt jim trivti ut the urw i i n i i i funttrr i rdrruliolu alkl hi i ituttt will br tomartrd willi hih i liv jtpol f i it lhl doh l nut irifiii at tlw- crorajioadn ilk icojx te111 b liraitj fon tllw kci lvmoi ii i kxclodniat irstrl wll i tlfitl- hi uii clrfttton hi wlu h h jvvnw unit ii hnk by jkokuii oiyfvwoaisei wlif j cojdwru c c ti llullr rhoik itttt dayoi uuanbt uurtill ilu- uwt wdim ttvr uir rhi lw mi v 11 hir school tracltrrs uut ii uiltvoiiiu- ui bmcadcaxta ci tlu tlkll awjcitll llkatllto laotlly jlir innil u li tiofxj hut ital wilt ik- vli to tit fort- ul tlk tf i rt lit hliut uw it it4 of inlu ti ut into nubile oolk- has aince tcaldckj at jur jamciui him wu a haetnbar of uic ill ls byterlan ciiurch nvt funeral will lake nlace from lho bunw ol lira- uoclure on tnunday wlun llin tv tnaim will be inlerttd in knii cwne try baixinafad uilu1 anclalr and alia jutcklinlf arr tailntf in ut ii- home of iln- james aflkk cloalgr gluruatlft after an lllneas of about tao uki uantartt k ifeuaur belowxi witb of ocorre onthrie iouty tolc cfatcf of toronto labrvl dkcefully away at htf home v arnutdalo av on tucwday nicht kb 11th in htr gsut year decvamd a a daiiitllttr or the late mr ajul urn uamuel uo- uaater and was bom in oinmll w uikks br huband uw is uurvlvtxl by three uxul kdakrd battitael and oorge an only daugh tar acrx umrxaret knotl died three yean aco tnree alalenv airs- ro- bert vance of tuandon man uii wtn ttennie of uillt- uaii- uk4 auas uae atcmastcr olenaullnnl and three brothers sataauel and thomas ucafaftlcr gknauuams uiul j a ucuaster windsor alo tur vlv ideoeased was a hvembcr of dovercourt ltethyurian church h true christian and a unvoted ulfe and tnottier wtw will be sadly tnuod in orinbl mr uimj mr ucjjirry liave lakm 1 1 um of ilwlr farm nravr umi vllluu we t-lromt- tliem lo our fimmuiul nit tbruar tiijrtln of tlie wjl a hfkl tucjlay afternoon at ui man u- tin lnudmt un w we- lnrr in the elialr atrs il mcknery hvu mr- lfeiwlrk took dart in liu tf illonnl xfrclirj afur which the iiliiu uai tratliacted tfe roll ill rviurn donts for the attk itoiim provtd lnurtunt and tkclp- rwo rnullns wtre riven by urt r hliortm uiul urt w mcknery mtstlnu ua closed with kinginr luiiilaihr after which lunch vas r i nii ii jym iipte enjoyed tltf ftru taveelln of the newly ormlortedan ctrcic wahewai ihe milj wednesday rvenlntt the rrrklmt ulbs ptiyllss cappft preaid td ul the meetlnr which opened with dr ctloiuil exercises it was decided lo u a the monthly envelopes for uniatic blvirmf atvd also to pass around tlw itchwork doll meail of ral inn money- a piano rlo b alma uckrwcry and topics from the study books by allss cappti 1 heti allen comnleted the pro- krum the home tike 1 unenu service at i inch the horn and urav has conducted by her pakior ilev w alltri- ttu reeaalns were interred in tlie family ptaf in dreenwood cemeicry ooree town on ititlay aftemoon titer wre many beautiful floral tribute from relatives and frlendl norval ily uve ueaui of wihlam ijmux on tviday th luli an old and respect ed reklcnt of norvfcl has been re moved deceased 0 in hl 73rr year uul uas born in bcotland he came to norval liair a century ojto and lias lnoe rolded in tlie ilac he if urvhed by his ldow tuiiaer ly ulss atarysmlui five oiu wal i ter norval herbert irmlewood oeor2 glen wullam- wejcy and ered orval also two dnuahuati ijrs joiin kaler gearsclohti and uctk chatey of cleveland ohio he vtt a member of tie unlld church and the funeral on monday after noon aa cionducled by flev ur wluon thv pallbearen uire alex noble frank huitur herbert hun ler charles copeund herbert cas- ley and john qllnjty tlierv vmz a uht attendance at tlie funeral rej- rvnentatlv of georiretoun legion bclnff present uany beoutlful tloral tributea from relative adorned trie cajt tlve rtttulii- were iru erred in hlllcret cemetery horval the df of uve meetlns t rved by live hotras mrs for man glen williams mr jotnh ileaumont returned home on friday after a cruise to the we t liultes tin ympulhy gf the olen is tended to the family of ur john irr nood who pas away thfcj mominit in st utcleals hoaplul toronto the v 1 n of the united church luul a rucce ful valentine social on thurda evenlrm deplte the nowj v otlwr tliere was a rood rod present rtw ayjfa or clirut chufch ilnmuin uere tlie inuats of st alban a y4a on uonday even- in forty members from brampton at re prrnt and tlu- evening was u ni ii playlnir emes and alnr- one the ladled guild ore lioldlns thefcr annual hanaar on tueiday next tin tlw paruui hall flie reifular meellrik of tlie trail itaiier wtl lield in the basnneni ct the united church on friday oiiilijf the leculer allan taw was in clmrte and uiere were ll boy lire jnl next wvek allan is ktartlmt trj nui cloves and all boys betweett thp aces of 10 and h years are in vited to attend si mcclures dollar sa through the cooperation of ihe manufacturers we are able for a limited time lo offer you thi apecial unit value moonbeam way sagless tpringnlled venti lated mattrtn with ncured datnatlc type ticking in all standard kize regular price 1650 no 29 waysagless atranded cjble hh riier spring with metal edge band any atandard aize regular price 800 these 2 big way sagless mies 519 why not cash in on this introductory offer and save also bed outfit value atty fclhriturj ata e aaa ut muwlajt wadiai 1 walnut finuh metal bed 1 standard 32 low riser cable spring 1 au felt mattress and ticking regular price 18 00 n special price 14o6 news from the nyal drug store dr wests special offer a soc tooth brush and a 25c tube of tooth paste both soc w1ldroot hair tonic and shampoo 110 value both for 69c nuj ykial oiftk vuvcirta balm a uil ballu frw wlut evry tie siiu bv fvloic jtuot1i wjltottt stui hi otsnonox rr uaifux s j sonkkmu oil u 1 w o nwmrs itksvkv sristol auu kavk ov couinujs tuuez siw coo uvu oil 4 sjo i u tfc ic hi vatvkilm yu vyal nuu otea urla nrnl ustuux u uuskkoiio luslui cwlk sy li yillv atu valuabu maccormacks drug store we daxjvauc gbaractoivm h c mcclure phone 54 home furnishing store georgetown f special announcement s mills garage is aunounciule a premium rift of a pocket flashlight to lie riven away fohtlu t xchnni of gaa premiuivis starling february 24th 193g come in antl inquire a1wut it goodyear fires national batleries towing and service at s mills phone 1s2 24 hour serrice georgeto wn february lau te iioum aalaa- the bettar part political oratory j but there vrrr three r four brbrht nal clu- hi it the rearmmasiblllly for the flood of rty lee i in mufcl be jilaretl imtrtly on use uvouuterit oj mr i1c4l who umjkr iucoakx tiirec haul hi a vein calculated to drw file i ixan uve ubead rankx wblcli tt dj j ll would of rouue mctiatk be ux j mooh uemeet of human nature uiat memltei jumld irallier lotreuter after it isotly touslat election witltout flaht liilt a lew i live battles over aualn uie lor of uw hou- thofic earn est new inegnber on btilll lde of uie ilt4i jt lsevrr obtained a tl l nerul ikibhr voulil have tltrne i dher htila lt jul iii it imimevooti ttur allaineitlar muclhery tbeyj- uuttt utllon ui deal with hard llnu- uiul uw irx ury jaiiy luefct nils lfkti- l- uie tjeiter ihry will like it itbrev jtlur uretwi tile itmxl tmlmlrable addreoac tuiw in uh- rvbwte oj tise lioeech flocri ihe ttlfotte addr rum liwvve ai dm 14uderk who dealt rhlely willi liurety jwalltleal uur wire made by w r utt mcrnbrr rtowtoan tlie taji fonnes arc of rymir velrrau li uaclusmrntary hih be luttrr tt twwrni r bin tn mriittttlii at tva t tw tnember lor itjsjetowii ihm hu own afilh tlie bet ii lnmil on uarllameiitary rrfmrtei lot nun yeur exkri 11c jtyhuf uiat cold well jlyle of oolkvery u llie fine- 1 ivr tnd hearxl hi tlie ltou inortmhael clark j- urtxujer u vlumler of tfade and cnriirkrm and diahnustl of use ub- rotnmlttee w ute cabinet on wheal luckf juid boiileis tike uate ment of uve ovwut wlural tkollcy of lie uovrmnent an weriiia uie liurijt- jnlule by mr lleiirwtt earll er in ute debate ur uennett luul liroteoed aealnst uie manner in which uie old mcparland board i lad been dlrltarsed and liad made a claim ttiat iiwrulatorr liad been aved by lovenirneiit action rrom uie adverse action iu the market thl belntf at the exnciiie of uie ifhesst farmer and live country mr llcnnett liad claim rd that under tlie rive years of hbs administration a oontiderably larger ier otntake of canadian wheat liad ben imported into tlritaln than in uie nrevlouii five er h had de nied that there v any salea rrais- tanre acalnu tlie ucfarlatvd board irrrhw ouylna circjea overseaa the aucevd reason for their dismissal wheat ctusrtrea a these charges mr buler anawered tha fireient bnard waa jelllntf wheat he aaid in six weeks they had old er million bushels and the hoard they replaced liad sold only millions in a considerably longer period he quoted from british mill bur publlcatiorl to tliow how cart adas dilef cuslomers wertr fleed with llie clianee of policy tlie rov- emment did not intend to push canadian wlieat on the market at fire uie iirlceo but uiey did intend to continue to offer it freely at com- peuuve levek feeiunj as much for it aa uiey could but keeping- it mov lute on uie markets of the world there is n rrilamentary uuiulry in to ur bennetts cliarges tlie main eitlmktei were tabled during- uie week ttiey thow an an- parent ijavlng of about 13bo0 00o as compared wlui iftt yejra fijfurea but ua viu be reduced a uule by the ujinlemenuuy eiumates ttwe dis turbing feature of uie eatlmales was the uim now required to meet tnter- tt on- the pubuc debt it went up another three million dollara tand iiik now at lt0jait78 what ur dunning- actually did was to trim uftten millions out of current expect oiturftu but lott three million of uie cut because of luglier inleret ooox uou of live avlrur was made by de ferring trie vote on social legislation b a cut in uve vote for uve natural 1roducu uarkeunr act cheee bonus and by rduin various auo- idifca and ulveneos tlie only aub- iuinuai increase in uw estimates was in aviation the royal cariadian air ivirce getuntc an increase of a mil han dollars and uva civil aviation branch over half a million ttvere are several lssuta ituvtm mfm buhmafurirm h tssswhkh bear intertt at ave per cent if uiose can be refunded at uiree per cent uic tnlerea bill lor i37 uiay at least be ivrewntcd from advajuplng farther a- it u for every l 00 received in federal revenue ahoiu io tents tlie present tiine goes in intereul eiuier on uie iiatlonl debt or on the railway debt uul a hotjcful feature may be seen in the fact that duriajt uve week uie frorrimnt was able to borrow tmoodjago for the cana dian natiotuu at an average rate only a little oer ai riejc oenu this la a tribute to the confluence which uve lnveohig- public lias in jve rirefi- enl government wfucli in uulver- fivce to a uiund money and no re pudiation policy is not one whit be hind uve previous ahrwiirtim special weekend prices at kings u tj iai ui luktiefxcatkl lu uerl prime ribs of beef u m iai al rvnaiiavn 21 lb shoulder roasts pork j lb butt pork chops 23c lb xrua j ilf pi t i ckeamery butter 2 lb for 51c sm3ulder roasts beef 1 c- lb xjzv j ioc rtt roasts of bee je lb kellvs meat pies 5c each j a 3 i 1 ip t ii ttrujtd cw1ukw 11an tavi corn 2 tin 25c marmalade 32 ol jar 2- kjtchlnmt otjllkl breakfast bacqn shced 29c lb kltajr itvij loaf cheese 25c lb vhiacu k1u saladdr3sing 16 or ur 35c 8vi or uur 21c uciamenu invincii1ia jelly powders 5c plcg wl ashgrove tfvc refltilar meeting of tlie wo- nuiiu auxiliary was held on tue- day pub hui til the sunday school room of uve united church jmm oeorge nure presiding ura 1l wilon luul cltarge of the woniilp iverlod wlille mrs c u dick aiiu rd by urs a j iluddell and un c wrigglsworui gave uve ludy chatvter and its oonnection wlui ouier tudtcu on airlca ttve wosivens tnuitule euctira and crukinole xvcial that was to have been iveld at uve tiotise of ur and urx a j ituddcll oil friday evening rvb j1u ivai been rouponed to march cui on aooount of juckoeta umehouse tlie fullowlna is uve january re- purt of u l ka 8 limehouse only the names w uvoe tnaklna 60 or over appejur jr lvalex wright lion owen dolyn 1u11 trt u ltd if 11 1lwjie hfluuill helen uarrett uvea ttoolt ci race urtrtumri r m iiluruy wright r xii jlacue korton class uarbara jdesuent ilrown ctais i uobble ilrown barrett iamela coaru r iv lorraine hauall uertlva ulvelbourni oeorjfe coulens rvm clordon llauall i r vincent ilarrett uary kirk natrick porouiy lilvelbourne oleil flcott olen olbbb colin coueau ueryi at arirvdell tecluw nm crmclceylles 15c plcg vs1 u altrt fklll mi smokcn tisii fresh lake hemng 3lh 20c fresh 5 hemng 1 3 lb 3c fresh fillets wrapped jl7c lb cuoicf thick smoked fues 18c lb smoked finnan haddie 2 lb 25c canadian whitehsh 15c lb mackerel i2c lb large kippers per pail 15c krm ial saljv luwnhnbwckia shortening 2 lb 25c rsial sax u 1- 5 lifvof llllano peas 3 tm29c coffee special 3a lb hji quaijtv prunes good ize 2 hisj2sc extra large size 15c lb lvura golden syrup 2 lb tin 25c ctuiuie juiand pickles sweet mixed 25c sweet mustard 25c phone 11 wm itlngl prompl delivery no 70 copper nlddeplated tea kettles reg 2 15 at 169 no bo copper nicldeplaied tea kettles reg 2 45 at 219 no 90 copper nickleplated tea kettles reg 2 75 ot 249 hot galvanized wash tubs reg 98c at copper wash boilers reg 3 10 at 269 no 53 cream and green enamel double boilers reg 1 55 at 139 steel range clare bros jewel reg 72 00 at 5250 one used quebec cook stove beach good 2250 fa mrl sutw fclfcrrd are b a ku seul fr iw mamui ef rvsvrry a kj ujts vmttce tmlpsd wlui wimw c1ct ud avlr call md iw u richardsons hardware s phone 25 we deliver georgetown turning back the page of time vrwii lufafcit j interest glearied from lbe dauy files af the lleram- af rftea yean aga pi bruary jfiui 1021 georgetown hockey club defeated actons crack team on acton a rink tuesday ejentne by a score of 5 lo 4 duller t iiound dt uie citing for 0 cent a qtsorgclown creamery tetdy urenden hakntist annual ukltlno live annual meeting- of oeorgetown uupuu church held on jttli joth wa- well attended by inemben of tht congnatlon a dellclou uppri waa served by uie uduu of uve church alter which uie biuine of uie meetltvg was rirocdd wlui live pastor hev g k itaxter was clvalr- rrtao of uie evenhur ktvcouraghstr rermvrts from uve vurtouaacluai tvldefaced gooj work til all drpart- iiwnls of uie churclt oriicers elected wrn h follows cierk-iirs- w ivck treasurer un w limlui l mtvoxai treajairervmtai 1 heavy auditors mrs a n uole and i uus r lleuey cluulea c murray died in elqucs ina on rvhruary lui ulc5 isabel cameron and uarie rameron paed uvelr introductory ntuno etwlltktloili wlui ivonora and wl e susie prewood ahdi oladyi tost uielr eunentary piano ricaminallon at toronto conserva tory of uujc all are ivurvlls of uusi mcmaiter mr norman oollop of detroit lon or iv and urt oollop georgetown hiu been ivromoted to manager of uve linuootl avriue branch of uie peoples atate iunk in detroit the town council nvt wlui mem hers of chamber of conunekoe to dls cu advuabilll of prjrchauung t fire truck uetru pleck cork urad ley und uacrcenzle ddred uve txiuivclt rt uve uune ftome of tlve buiney men of uiat time wlvo are not in bulives now a ere x h lane real ette d 3 uatuiew drtia uare j j glbben grocery jackionr general fltore urkliuey loros olen wullams bak crs llourigans drug store mad ge- candy aiioii t l ucdermott cleaner and ptnr a herclvom indies wear clifford llnluun but clur w w hoc lnunuvce csssssy theatre friday february 21a mad love weir draus ltarviag rvttr lare comedy i alimony aches pepper hot seeing stars cartoon masquerade party fast news saturday feb 22 shipmates forever cutai entekahurveut has wwihw thrills jranui and civm jy eaftuvisig nick iv well anj raky kier popeye carloon rving of the mardi grass chapter 8 the mystery mountain malittee af 3 m tuesday and wedivewuy fthruary 25 stnd 26 a wicked woman with a briuhvut hew ibr xlady cbrioiaku uttpparuj by cbarus hlei fan awj jeaia taiiker laurel hardy corned thicker than water broadway highlights scenic beautiful banff and lake loiise l 2 onurto fire fighters lo convene kt oakville thl year uve lovii of oakvule atvd uie oakvule rlre deiarunent wilt jvliiy 1vomls to the ontario volun teer rirmrii a- ocituon from jul 31 t to augut 3rd ihe eilt will br unnual oonveiitlon and dero ontratlon of uie aiciutlan t tiu will be tht tlrt tlliw in hiitory or osikville that llu alots hiu mot there oak v i lie l ui of the ojuft orgautsstlan in uve bj vclatloii aiul lik beep in hue or tlu convnitlon for a nuiiher of jtart owing- to condluons during tlve liatj law year it v as not felt advisable to uiulcrluke a thing of thl ie at lurent it u exriected uiat pri day un i saturday july 31 and aug u t ut will be the conviiaion dayt ti unlay v ill lake the romi or an open air jrvlc v ith the dtnoiuitrauotvr on mtuvdav uituruaj ewnlng it la t livleutloii of the uvrul deivartmeiit j f to hold lhir uiihiuil gulden ivarty oakvule brblg- tviitrally locattl will iraw an imnvt n- crowd for uve irltt uotvday belnff chlr liollday til ivolp well uve cjrowd and qve unit ivrotulw lo i iinwi uiytltitttc ixld in oakvule during rtornt veara specials roat waoonkchlqav trtiulthoay kraudav and kavumjoay klrctvev yuat ailac taubi im f- tc t akuria tur ize uux nail insluj it uartey 31c 00 for lie valruiu rutlh- 1 hi tin meeea olutaveul 19e rte cse alfvkfillh in nth iikltalx llaoulaiuy h iaya s tw ida kj lu ibe ually sur ua uediwjay vb lith aud tv fvealag wlegral ut tbaruy ieb ih fsr a fall iw u duug swcials fair dlxr yaat lha driii sjr fcvery bay uw prices ltiicltlitton aoouitayhy luiucwlikix f georgetown pharmacy n i jackdharrisonw ik ihat s k- ukoulk7rom