Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 20, 1936, p. 1

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sixtyninth year of publication the georgetown herald wednesday e eniafc may 20tk 1936 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa thc georgetown herald m st i urtnbrf of ue canadian weekly cnk time table tclfeetlwe ad ssi ims cslaimiard time i ulmf aa iassevigey ivmifry anfaail juju lina rjvuger ajwiualt p-m- passertacrs or iwonuj 831 pan ivaentrr luumlays only 3 pxa tigerksr toroaio a to-w- w ivruger vuti uau 040 jn j fweniccir- xi iin- tnjpt kud uail r s0 pjn iaf is delicious uall und rwfijtf jtt pjw new sdiedale fctctlvk mav sr 1u ilfcavfc giumtgkctown tkaly mm icul 0ss an- 545 am llii nan gjis un jis iwn- 1iss am av pm 2j35 pjm- 55 im 41 pan gi5 pj gjs pm- 1130 iuil 91 s pm kabtkttn utamoakt time ltinersritel piaiuvftd in ill paints ill csnadx unltm slates hud longs confkctionicky dlrectotty leaoy uajlk icc ootloll fki a0y ttallm bid shu bt kcnnetil st lsncnom nrior 1 llimr wrfr rauu font uoriikli mottr t lsta oolcea slln btmat bout pbtns ss kankv gkavuoh lawulhcs a cook us ku st t umf tea u hdwmid oook ooniuo onydoo an sisia bl ou bilbjplaa tepbbna 111 hsnld u luia ilohuw buwik r k watson djfls uldjl climh frank fetch ugcnsxd aoonokkkk ih dmlka nj ul su prompt brio pott onto ctirtthu monuments fofelock inghajm successors to caur to worth gait out efealgaaw hf r i hwti xnaptot ortc la oitmawoii commercial printing ol ah kinds we can give you satisfaction the georgetown herald valol to mauert fllr yuir car la lit th ioor yes i lwr it knuctclntf- unt- nrakl ijrluik uilii li bty tru torl ujrwowrw oli vliat it ltriuifl lets kfn lt ltoul j aulk u- tf jsalterfojk food votj hs1 vrr wprry f fnk iilriy lrt oir ot sb hlrflric itefriirttturii i t lcrmuli rtror hv vt jrour rlccuii wirri vlteliir youre i immhc lur tihuy io you rrlbtr luw mufi um ruttrv rrtriffirr- uuir iul -jvr- fiu hi toutbi in rxprllst wcl br ui t klw yuiluv g r muckart own your home here is an opportunity to own a knojem new home brick veneer fully insulated tkis house will be finished in about four weeks stnall cash payment balance ar- ranged georgetown lumber co phone 250 georgetown i uvk fxmc 1uoscwho ilqvc tx i li- lor umkw whrtwjnr wlwi4- itrmrl kiv kind mn4 true uw lrvrn uau ullli ktxmv bw altd all tony hsiu too trr u hokun bev lht und f few tlr thk h oxl iiianj tor kur tltr briaht lto trtft behind to- atul tlar- itoud uusz1 can d i livt to wm lhu ixury wim uiffrrrdfor knykr t rrouliu- utrir klory awl lutlow lp titrti kr ilrw iwtziotv mrtjrs ae tltc htthty v auck wlhfrf- urvxju nuvn hlaxotlfs pace alwl tlwcv kmt vulumcrt tnakr i kiv to hl tha moon iiy jrutd minds foreluld whovbitn wutfuvv fay tajujn anl no kloo kr od- wnrti tnan to tean united and wwiy rone thltuj rtahlrd ynr- vlmlr voklrj jjhall btr ihtiwi ainden m rj od- v hv lor thomr vw toe ortjr wt know taw true lor tkr- twm thau xmlirt fcbbwv ts and kiukay qurll too ktw dw us lht ucks fcuktance lor the vronc that need tvoiunc kf the- tuturc in hc dkunf and the tood thrfl v cmn do 3eorw ta knk keep up with the local news subscribe now for the heraldt public school mrorfitkiil inould bn made inspectors report i m iota u of i i tnentary rrmdliuj iulthtt lur all nuowinc h uc rcvuri ui iublic rds in hmt tciiool- ittdred luuvniun khool iniiector j m lwniyo ta iltoul bo tnfcde if mmaibl prrmud to tike lichool llouxl l their ul toethx correspondence inxkrtstin ulttek om imi josicru mvaumunt nov in kngland siumj grow brud corn syrup s4b psil 37c 2ibw 16c arricots 23c v figs 2 13c c v v- fc r null 1 peaches far hihig c dates r 17c fc t a m jji auakkk corn riakes 2 15c milk 3 tr- 25c gj- -a- a j coffee tea 31c 31c 19c doil cocoa i chocolated 16c hour 2 v- 29c cu- rv- mu syrup w 19 f sixltumu m u4 rua chateau cheese 2 vijbpiss 27c w cwr smjbb shortbreads 2 27c tomato ketchup 2 35c hu ujc cuu w uu wim salad vinegars 2 uttcwt 25c peas 3 n 25c juice 2l- sarrjines 2 25c 25c 12c caslik 3 tul4e gjj soap 518c r wii rinto 21c brooms polish carrolls l i m r c lettuce fi gc tonidloes 2 lb 25c lectin tllil sure incukuo oranges navix swt jifcy urge ajfc uoz bananas coluttn vkixow ise 21c doz i cabbage isu cbiocn auuis 2 9c lwary cakjfr a um potatoes 33 carrots cc bunch n1m h1xk nice pineapples x 2 potatoes jibs 15 lemons fi for iqc j the ctuuiman km1 urmlirr ittblk jichtxj lluaud oeorketuwiu ostri ottircnen in inrnun v irori un lh wr rfyiukou uf you tchoolj it h taluytarf ip be hle to rjnttulat you on the curttinuntt hiai usndrd jot the ufc lultnd by your ezpeiienoml ixtf- a erhi prtjreai mul pm- hjf irocy kenexmlty v havv nopunx but priah- for the jiectivcmotoi thi ok tkanetn all tlie radox ttf ot tsnhntlion conunute run fcoothly unde4ui hymns oooprient dlneor lion ith ui enrotnaenl of three hun dred fcnd toiii docreb hi nlive thia umn a happyleture oj the xsinuc rchonl tituatiun in fieorretowm u bt- ideht in the cord 11 relmuofu fcppr- mtiy rxihur between the bomrd fcnd the stauj ki evidenced kc the umuaj cwooert o uy thool which j had ute prttiwe o iicrdin recently the bmuiilul breotatipna namse to the music teavcher and pianist the irls of the double- uio fcttd the pupils- who had won ftcadeaolc honours were illustration of the kfhd ot interet utpaxt of the board whkh talis kladdra tiicrtwarti o theprindpaj and xlajt and betoken a spirit of vympalhy and cooperalion which taiakes for the bichet fcucces of the school- i tdcht repeat boy remarks of last report as to the keneral char- aoter of the woriof the ium 3tfyl toenuon of the subject j kltnic u acaln knerited the repre- uuuvei of the bchool at this yeams aiusic fvtlval acaln won dlsunatiuh- ed awards reoecun marked credit upon their teacher auss llarrton as well ac upon ihemaelve a tpeeial lohect hkh tahlht well be introduced into the program of your aichool is that of agriculture and ijlorticulture it purely would be of value to interest the senior ftiru and bostn this particular phai of edu cation u closely allied with the out- aide activities of urban as well as rural pupils it happens that uls outen is well qualified to handle thb subject holdlrur an elcfnentary ocr- tiocate in acriedluire and horticult ure from the department of educa tion- she oould take ihis subject in the junior and fcenlor orm iv u the only requirement from the board would be to see that all pupub were provided with flower or yecetahle leeds for home plots the expenditure for which would be by the lrtfclauvw grant in behalf of this uihject in deed the board knight ipehd up to the mm of tmw for any purpose in connection with ilorucuuure such as shrubs for the school uroundi lawn taower and xnfnrth taken care of by this legislative orant i ixjcsj that you confer with ue principal on thii knatler our aims in education and by tliat i tnan your aims in education should ahvayx be ai clearly tvoned as pas ubl ciaisroom text books and exa minations come to mind al the mere mention of tike term for some tiicoe urban acliuol tor a teadintf room tumuhed witli a aide v uf booku and maatajunefi on iubjwclof viteclal liuerevt to ieiikr pujjlx optxmiun- uy kiukl not be latkuuf for um ujj- of iuch a rooui by pupil wtko muxhi jiaw emitted tlte prtvlieve by kuperiut aurk in iuw of- otrtr grade uiujttcl alid umctkeit could he depended upon toleerthat thurivllece wvrv aoourd would bejiieai amf the apiiludfj ot j the uuplii axikl bfe eniiiii raged muck to thetr prom- i f i4ore than ever tltrrv ooeoei the de mand for the provision of special sub ject of ft uchniol and vocational charactrr i rrpratedly called your atteritioti u thh makber and conilaue tororw- upaal you the clalnu- of this type of- lchool work it u not only ilir training of und akltl andlimt making of articles tllat y want i to eucouratre- afanual talnliig u ijot only lughty uwful in ttaeir but j um 000 u lends luelr u the tneraj educauonal jlna- a hirdjnvitw of itx siasl uevelopmen uld the man- j 3jl tslr i1m- curttofi lmtdon ktay lwfi uor rmjy und conifuituble is mod- ini tiaielt at 3ioo mlu irvim hoov liow utile tj actual movrnviit luu berll ilrcury kly luglre luutdrd in ut cwiretiwn i did not cf again until 1 iw it in my toauroiim ud h kmprr 0 auatrajlaal i jarrtvliig at 716 am hi montreal a vv t iplcawni walk of two blocki to the ed ainiuo abused tl 1lrkwlw wlror w breakfast retum- of bivuur an oppurtunuy for special thn tat a to ihualn and arrival rein by t better quvined- pupil isjv sdi n uhd i ahi auruaternom tneir ur- dnlfghifuu hghl davs dowil itic ijl ilnwrmce ana ac the lat- tarlike a mill pond all uie way ute arrival at tioutluunpton the brief truht ride bv ioiklun and licre 1 am all this lake bo thought of the pleaune interotnitmr with friends ok ai4 new 0 uve enierln happily into the tile of thtf tjiln tisekindnak und ccnuleraiioil by unlcrr uiul erew for ones comfort at all tlnw alal i have arrived at the very be- produced is not the mah feature of ttfuie t ule v jjb 711 hftart ua psujnf kiroe eari fler anything tjulte like tins training- perhaps the byproduct of an activity which the child undertaken ionulhliui which is of inlereat tn hinuelf it luu a chance to uevelcp hiv wn hut tatlve and in tlmf proces ite liaa tin opportunity of carrying on re job and iolving bi own tirohlerni in con nection willi it tlvere u uim tlie poasibllity of cnrrelatirur hand work with uve academic mibjecf of arith metic oeography comlmtutlon and others uuch m trainhig is of 1m- measmirable value not only for uot boys not i well qualified ai otiwrr hi academic uibjecu but for all 1jjlll geat that a very profitable ar rangement might be made with tike acton or uluori hoards or both for cooperation in this provision inc alj tike tenlot grades of your school i wlthfuliy yours j u deny correspondence uay 13th udc kditor tlte herald dear sur at ue recent meeting of the llaton ircubytery the following resolutions pteenled by the evang elism atkd uocial service committee passed and as secretary of the prebytery i liave been rjue to forward the am to jou kauilytion i tint whereas the influence of the beverage rooms in the lrovlnce of ontario has had rvirtlie next uuae montlix tlve lonloi programme will be hooded villi brilliant functions ttie iwriod til gnveral mounting for liie lalf king lias eitded uvd during uie next rew montlis use social life of london will reach high water mark- ttke ofieiilng of the lloyal academy bummer kxhlhltlon whkii took place on uondky l- uua outward and visi ble jgn uiat uke london iemion lias arrived at uie laivale view on jyulay lau use galleries were throng ed by uie elite of tlie social and ar tistic world and it took teveral col- umnr or uic tlmei to merely chro nicle uielr narofc on sunday her uujvty qui alary j4ent two ikours in uie gauefie and lias purchased two of tle mou outklandintf ahd in teresting ejtliibit tike ivince5 vigil and the lying in uate another large canvas with alaays a crowd about it was the jubilee thanks- kiving in st pmuls cathedral acay 6th 1935 the paintings of the royal ntmily are portraits also those of im portant perwmiagcsnotuy the arch- buiop of canterbury the portraits or uie imivces kllaabeui and uar- garet itofe are very lovely i at tended uke public opening on monday wiui km oil paintings and as many more- water colors and pieces of sculp ture one can only give a very faint idea of whmtuils exhibition of new worjl of art is tliere is a model of fiilrttlv tatue erected in liulia of uke trial lias borne fruit in uke man- karl of wuhngdon uiat is very strik- ireat increase ot drunkenness art in- ing and portrait of uke arcliblshop crease of accidents upon our high- or canterbury of k u emdrrt prin- ways umte cl which of late have bn clpal of iu kdnuind llall oxford in too tragic for words uie lowering of library a picture of cromwells moral standards among our young greatest temptation of uie duches people according to like report or uie ul york and r her clilldren ana an- eoiial service council of ontario we other of ue late king riding in wish to place uie presbytery of llalton hyd park tlie academy is com- on record as opposed to beverabc mendel lor having this- year more rooms lnuils proviiuw and wliere- orlt of general interest and fewer bulk lareelv in wlut we lik ta eat lhu which cannot be freak- than usual jtzts eijciuan mielullrenl y iwaxtion by local i urn pleauvi to see utmt uke haw eclreunuca1ian whs r u provlncul uicatres here u he more pros- hve itlrjirouih is roots penult uv voice of lruus umn wlu u tlu are very elojwsand ssjstk lrlenced by a clod and all uiat i have vltit- e i 11 ext books and l- prcvlncial vole separated enurvly cd lmui to be doing a good business lril y ollucal interest several of uvc old fuvoriua are miss- resolution 1 1 we hereby reco- iu jlads oooper is in new york mend that as a presbytery we record nd i misa wurie temnet jean our strang condemnation of uie pro- tutucfi uobe rtson pliylis nlelon vtnclal ooverrunent and u new d many otliers from uke bill- school tax ull which proposes to boards sir gerald duilarler is dead divert funds muurto appropiated toj n one will ever nil his place the support of public sclkool to uie kncratlon lias not uie faintet upkop ul seperotc scliools the of wlial uvealre life meant be- publlc sclvoob cf this province are f- advent of uie pernicious plc- uve backbone of our cducatlnnai eye- tuios f am glad to see uiat some lave to s tlie rid cnuiusiasm is still alive low rail faxes for vactoria day uonlreal quebec wlut uwr putsch of vurusriu iay whlcli uit year will be observed on alunday uay ssth uie kail auyj of caiukda are pre- ring for isaavy passenger trathc duiing this late siting period and ill luetmlmtioal ibr use iveit ecta1 fare will be placed in effect acoord- ing to c p itiddell clsairpian oan- odtab iaienger assoeiatiovi their- lun will be good between all ijjtlvau in canada 011 uw basis ol single ttil claj tanf ar qtarteulh for ihr rouikd- t4p good in coacbea only- vw ummt deairtng ue 009u- paiiey df ueelruf carr or partoccatb urrtrall tare will be single first etaij rare and oneuiird tor the round tript iklus tle regular ciiarg for sleepinal parlor car acccaaodation ticket will be eood koing between- wlday juay22 and up tospm- alooda ktay 26 pujangesk tnay slalt their ratuni aiiney iu late p midnight o- tufvla uay mfi wlero train t- ions permit- clilldreiv between tlie agr of j and 13 year- will be tarried for half far the advanced spnhfe iwaaoh being an atumcti 1 pi may peoule for uawl imirihk uw railways are anticipat ing a tteavy movement of holiday rrkefa during the victoria day peri od taking- tlili dortunlty to reach their favorite rtvort before um open ing of uie summer actlvllrvi or do sonie vljung among- relative and friiwlc main street free delivery phone 357 geafgdtwa covered uve examiisations- the subjects by uiesa tt books liave also been very definitely assigned the tiirt its luul a long vogue and ttlll are well to use lroil- but preeruday oemanua are luudiy satisaed by any prescribed uniform curriculum we rather uilnk now that the objecucea shculd be broader and uch should be carefully studied particularly by those wtko admlnluer schools in uke process of education uie child will lm tliat tie must adjuu himself to the social world in which he live in fact a successful life for him both in sclsool uvd afterwards will depend upon ue codipleteriess wiuvwtilcli he cn nuko thai adjuu- ment lie wul uul that his satisfac tion aill come from his being able to accomplish useful things when he leatms how lo live so that h will be looked upon as an asset to uie gener al scheme of things about hhn lie will be able wiui some hope of suc cess lo enter the wider sphere beyond the doors of the sclkool it he can be made to see some of tlie implications of what i have said he will really en- joy uke process of education something more than uie accumu lation of knowledge willbe in to be necessary the person merely weulnformed may he of little use to society tnere must also be inculated uie underuarsding that uie welfare of each andall depends on uie wisdom of oonsukjited authority in so order ing society as to make it i ssue in the good of all civic duties must be taught and to that end a new text lias been issued by the department of education covering uils subject in an attractive and informing way kvery senior puplliuukl liave a copy of uils tent the classroom must be a very prac tical place where so far as ossible uie pupils inuiauve may be fostered and encouraged wliere uiey are taught how lo think and what lo think where uiev by direct experi ence may come to know uie value of health and social morality femphasla upon subjects whlcli promote intel lectual growth only is not sutflclent the emotional nature needs quite as much attention -and- to this uuslc an and nature study contribute ftreatly during tike past few yean uie uachng of uuslc in our ritrhu has made great advances a feature of our work which is most graufying prom wliat luu been said it is very evident that uie scope of the teachers work and rnsponslblluy u becoming gradually eiuanted arui enlianced ills ivoriaon must continually widen in liis effort to provide his pupils wuii new centres of inuret whlcli ids full training will encompas such ned- ed training or uie teaclier confessedly cannot issue from his preliminary iirofirisslonal training in any school if one may speak of teactiing as an in dustry it may fairly be arguad that it should make some provision with in itself for the further needed train ing and expefiear and uils is wliere uia responsibility ot a board of kducatioq conies in tvaclkers wlio have bmkn unusuadly uscotssful in teaching in expertmenurut in intro ducing new meuwwss or uborauiig tiew devlcea have someuilng of valu ui iiass on to ouier uadiers ooca- ilonal visits from oilier teachers would be welcomed i am convulced uiat you would do well to permit your teacliers to liave a day eaeh year to visit a neighboring uaclier lor suoli purpose as i have mentioned or to receive such visits from other feachera opportunity would thus be altered for obbervliig special feature in subjects in whlcli they are partic ularly uilerested and for securing in sight into new usfculods weakef teachers might be greatly helped by uils means and profeaslonal bisplra- tency tern and consequently view wiui alarm any nvovei would tend to impair uielr uoreover we affirm uiat emment liad no rnandale electorate for any such tjuentlytjie bill sliould not the force of law unul uie electors of i the province liave been given uie privilege of voting tliereon we alto titsire to oemmend most highly uie uiree members of uk omemmrn who had the courage of uielr convictions uie men who stood up and voted against uielr leader uie rid cnuiuslasm which cro ud the comihg on to uie- stage of favorite at times almost stops he gov- lhc h tlicfiiit uie lira circle run uic uie kallery acm to oontahi the i consci inielllgencla uiey make or mar k shen i itxess uonday night i saw ivor novello at his uajftsues ttieatre wiui viv ien leigh in uie ilappy llypocrite- luesday at uie ttieatre royal a storm in a teacup houi good en tertainment at uie nintinee yester day a wonderful htoorlcal play eu iielenailve last days of napoleon ttwu of ccorselowfl protlamalioa daylkht saving cuaxtie to kumsckk tiatk uay xlat u august satk 193c wliereas uie council of the cor- porauon of creorgetown lias authoris ed me owing to uve fot uiat dmy- llglil saying was carried by the rate payers to issue a proclamation- re questing the cltiaens to observe a period of daylight savvlng for the current year eommeiioig one oclock am on tiunday uay 31st ami continuing unul om oclock am- ijundaj august sotli in order to emcieiiuy carry out uils request of uie ratepayers of georgetown it aill be necessary that all clocks and watxlief be advanced one hour at one oclock am on sun day uay 31st- tlke town council nuyt rspectful- ly asks tin hearty cooperation of all citixens in making a success of uils movement for uie public be nenl proclaimed pursuant to uie instruc tions of uie town council joxemi ftkuiontt ktvyar god savk tjik ktno matter which they deemed to be ver paigiuuu play mid todays wrong and iwreby depreciate uie ma love from a stranger wiui attack ol cue- prime mhuster mode f inlerrsstnlg ofall upon reprejnuiive gavernment reading the- three then out of the party accordlnk to his action ou elected reprrjntaive no longer rep resent us but the prime minister hlmseir tlil- viw we mora blttert reject and rnsent ttiese resilutlnusuere unantrnoully and eiithuaastlcaily adopted youni rrfipecuully o i steilicnui seen- la ry ialeireslink news items from near and far lpli4 new chier cf ivillce is strut harold nasli or the york towtislilp police rorce tliewellhmtan county council de ferred actuu on ue purchase of a 110000 truck mutnlalner for uie coun- j ty road system until uir june session after three years senlce with the royal navy in tlie china seas ueut surgeon j w caswell son of rev u caswell of oakvlllc relumed liomo on pviday he was stationed at slianglial c w boyer of ununiicoil hoi been appointed ohiclal receiver under uie rep reponslullliy for looking after for your floors quick dryinq illss key was almost too ured to take hrr cnlli which wire very enuiusias- tic in my next letter i purpose saying about london newspapers and in uiemeantimc i enclose a cliir- ping ror itliich i ivofie you will find room as l is surely of more general interest tlian my letter i j beaumont laillowlng is the clipping referred to above the chartfas wark lu canada lard umsbaraagltii trikatx iord ilcvoiorough lormcrly govcr- iinrceiural at canada presided at tltc one hundred and uilrteeiuh an- i nunl meeting or uie colonial and continental church society at cen- 1 tral llall wtxnlnlter lord ilossborough said lie could not rosily uitnk of a community uiat in n time of peace luul suffered so much us thr pecple of a considerable part or saskatchewan liad suffered in i ctynl years tuey luul in uiat pro vince ox yean ol drought and eonse- i qutut complete crop failure and wlken uir jom year of drouglit luul iiassoil i the iruvjiotirr came to be followed the nrxt yeiir by the diseoe of rust in the u inter oj 102333 uie domln- 1 inn govrnuntinl were obliged lo ac- parmers creditors act fur ieel and llalton he succeeds gordon jackson of cooksvllle it carson of orilllu has been awarded o contract to rebuild uie south ward school orillla destroyed ly fire some tnoliuu ago the figure b iss0 at- the annual meeting ol lion from clubs in the xorie ut net market dr caxl k voiwlcrvoort of new market was ilcctrd deimty district govenior lliillevcd to luive lullcn off lib bl- iycle pred turawell ib of wtvlon aas taken to the toroiit gciwrul ilviiuat where lie vvjuj found to liave a fracuind skull tom uarks well known jiowman of thlrtv veart it mi aitssliidjii christy s lake age of si yyarv 1mc00 iwopie in saskatchewan alone unr- of the mopu luul abandoned uielr farms and luul moved to uie nurui of uu province wliere condi tions were more favourable some had prvferred to remain in wliaj lie couil nly dicribe as a devastated area they could readily uppreclatei liow haj condluons luul tiicrcased hie problrrn if uir churcli working in u gnit srullerrd community whfiv si many of live mople were quite un able to contribute anything towards y uork tiip church of fcaiguind in canada hai u kreat rirord and tradl- lion wonderfully uphrkl hn oouid uy wlh rontttleiicc to them wlw up- inrtid uie work of uie society on tlu prulrlrv mid wlio had never been i here thai it was a fine country in- liablled by a great lieartcd people saturday at uie i although th society coiidiicied hl wife known ujr airlwld oerations nowliere was uay belle uarks died live years ago work moru valuable uuui in weaterti hales or iiminslijuent kedllar in uida- orillla have uen loubled by uw town and one uilnan b lar nresr denu uie will be taso lhirt wan to bwxime uielr pastor bounty clerk john p beallle pur- unn bowlers liave an ambatkau ikoses at lending the vlmy pllurunage hrigram alid uf them for tha com- in july a iiwinlha leave of abseiireliiif asoir last year the bowling for tltat uuro was granted him by club purchased unr acraa at uie welllnulon couiuy oouiicll of wot which lao he tlie i llrmian it uaglll who died lu the greens h will raqulre about uoose uvr tragedy wit an estate i mom hi order to carry the work hon would kwault for all i auggeat a conf ereoca with your uaft in uua totalling ammx mouly in uf insur- 1 waking the greens uirough lu kroker knattar aace abajka lowe brothers floor enamel is made specially for wood concrete and cem ent floors flows on easily dries quiclcly and without hru sli marks wiil notacratclt orchip off comes in 8 durable colors r h thompson co hardware maauag tiausultuag aaj klertfie wiriag 1u4 air aad lut water hmug fkbne 4g gjc4mrgcowri special seed onions dutch sets 5 lbs 25c flviultipuers 5 lbs 25c ru nwpsw co hardware tinsmitlumi hortjjui electric wirtnk fikmi 46 ceorgelown

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