pt4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 22nd 1936 at nuhbkft twenty 1kiit as loon u alios kukame has finished lemon for the day she packs her ahlny leather bog and hurries quick away wetised to wonder why she ruslwd and where her- homo could be but now we know because lwt week film asked us home to tern we went al ng twisting tetift that wasnt very wide with garden in uw front of all uie tiouira on each side and very utile garden hud a llule wooden sate and mlwi kukame lived half way down at numbrr twenty eight we wnt lisdde and saw n lady very old and small w aalct well well nw 1 my dears 1 tit uled h iee you all and while we fctnnl b wlp our stiucs upon um trout door matj slw slipped h tok lirkery slid gave lit head u pal she cafcled ml kllkame my dmr ctilul juld all ler lialr wa- whlt she smiled a kbid then ml kll lame said suddenly quite loud this is my mollicr children andui looked ax ud a tirotkl so now w kiiow why kukame kou burying away as aood as wf have fuiudied having lesson for the day tbough nmicy tuuneumet sav in ictiool vnrn miss kukame gels wild oh ann 1 cant believe that uw is anyone dear child i clarion st jk4ui webb neighbor has your husband any hobblest woman no- he has neuritis fccla- uca and rheumatism now and their but im glad to say tic has never had hobble flmlma grarloe agnes customer tills parrot swears in a mild sotr of way lr dealer ye he belonged to urate who had his superld reduced rr ialr ile gas aclalty an am trekfr take castro nox stomach bcwder wytilkys inaugukati 1 sion idk emtloims over two hundred mnbr uw wm wrigley jr co limit of can ada join ti 5qoo employee of the company in uw untied ihate in a miuion plan recenuy announced the plan went into rflrrt in canada on july 1st ibm under uie phui like amount of ln isotv depetku ui uir iubi wages and uw letigui of service wiui uie wiiitui comoaia wriieys uve al aay been inletuely uitcjled in uw eare and kcuiiiy of tneh- employ xt aml liavr btway manueatad this inunvt to um- lulleot extent in onlrr to credit etnploys whp huv ihtii wtui the company iot many yrar he mtt- lite tart of the lilnii wrllry lia- made a caah rontrlboiumi lf ue lund of almoai xloodqo u cover ther years of pro vwmw service tlius any eailoyt who lui leti wiui the wrisley company for x iran- and whoac satmry b rv jo0 u kminuv wodltl have an ant ttwllr eiuuo ol tw per month on tlir svevas uie company and tlw rtnulote py into the fund ai equal amount each month 1 etn lityv mntrlbuuons waounu to a- hmt four ooft ott every dollar 5rpnd lite retirement oarr bt ax at 65 years ufc vxikectancy is ceaumabed at 13 yedra above ajp l itowever in the event uf death w jlacpnunuanoe in tlf employment of ue wrisley com pany or in the case of eanv reuro- ment wnnioyees may wtthdraw the luutb which they have paid into the planv plus interest compoun 3 annually payment and pensions are all based on a percentace bf wage multiplied by the number of years ajui the company am an example for employees lonf with lite company a man who has bow been with wrigley for twenty nve yearns eajmlns a salary of kxmoq would if tu oontinues wlu the com pany tor twenty more years earn a peiuion of u10 00 per month and if lie lives out the normal expectancy of 13 years lie will liave withdrawn a total of 15jm0 0o altliouh his con trlbuuons would amount to only tljemoo tliat tlie wrbiley company u actlntf in perfect ftood faith is evldenoed by um tremendous amount of cash do- nsted to ihe fund in order to ensure fstr treatment to old employees ufly aware of the moral reaponalbulty of uic employer to life ions eeapkryees wrlleys liave aiaumed this responsi bility realising that uw welfare of the community is as important to oorpor atlons as it u to individuals iesion iajanf i ivtrr 41 13 letore sp a ojearing sale of ring and summer hats all sizes for ladies and children from 59c and up come in and secure umm of the hftygaia we are offering misses claridge hcrjd block georgetown imiiyihmilinlkli qsnapshot cuil its all a matter of how much light r4 kmsrby aubjacts whu tit tlabt la wat vary bright as in tka picture above us a wide ums tnlwq but fr dutsktt scamsa ilka this lo tka uh u a awiall uhs op bkcauflu kttodera cameras and awxlera nlm make it possible for us to acnlev happy results with vry llttla knowledjt of bow our camaras fuurtrua nuuiy of us do not botbm to and out but w will more oftsa kwt batter kdctuma if wa know aaoush about our cameras to under ataad what tbeyvw up to aay bokaara u aluply a llxbttlbt boa- or ckambur wltb a film at 6t end and a bit of optical glass csllsd a utui at lb otkar add to that a coutrlvanea for admitting llbt un dr control into tb bo tbrouicb tbe lenato tbe fllu and you have tbe aaullsls of a catawra tba rise pt lbs una ad tba axtaot to which it is opouod are ikdparuat vbui lb uus opsuluje is hint a lot at lubt is ut luto tba camera to re cord tba picture ou the nlm thai s all very wall but leusom o dot do tbalr boat wlds opaa la kiviuk aboru ifaaak of all objcts both iear majl far wbaa you want sharp cuaaoat datall froui forirouud to dlstaaea as lu a icood isndacapo pic ture you kave to use a owall uas ooalajf wkau you are tburealad only la- plcturlas an individual or a ooesbaet ktoub as la the doa pic ture above you caa safely ua a relatively uriter opewiufe tf you fo cus carefully ladlstlaet detail jbe- yoad dovnt uiattar ho mwcb ta fact ortaa help to accoatuste tba pria clpal aubwcl la virtually all cameras there is ooma niaaas of chsuslus the hiim of tba lens opaulus la um bos cia area you pall oat a iutt slide ut the top of tbe camera lu fait ml fold i us cameras tbere u auuhr type of ad jaataoent called a dlapbraxm with wbiok a kraaaar variety of opeejnss ca be owsdaed in moat pasanupatypas the ma jor aettlhcstara akowu by numerals in keeping ukd home beauufiu no injormsuou a more apprcciauve uuu ouummilauve ouvuxr un how lu keep cut lloaretf iieati wlui this ltd hi umt leuiurldiee lutpcrimeitlal oiauutt ol um loounioii uixuuaeu o akficultuio lias ojemhled ute ov iscts ol ute art both irons limtr own ttofululturtsts and irotu ooiet auuiunlieih uo4 iloweis uuu per cut eiuar early 111 the mofuliuf the ww b wioii uiem of ui duol o uie evenhuj ltueo pennies ualuuis uial kiatjioil respond unu wtwu cut ui lue evefunk but 11 u be tvtnembered uu1 d mult be cut in lull bloom hi pop kiul pinks in liu 11 bloo and luonteti wlun utey low a koud colour lit lip shout liw bloom makes all uu dllturctkce 11k tneutod of cutuiuj is alo 1m ptxtalil tdlaiiuiuf cuu with a uhup sitile arr uie bet hlieur cruji lirini lit fctem and utu ttic lv tbe ol water uuvuh uie ualks to aiv leavru anil blouum is impeded uud srea1 avlvanlaae ei the jjairjiiltf cut t that uie uerns are pcajrcnlrd irom reuiu hat oil um bottom ol uw vavc arut ujervby clieckhuv ute up ward dow of water alter uwi flowers liave bcc cut tbe next lhw u do uttd unmediatbly uk tlem or- everai houm ln deeik cool water ltix proionauon ul ille b liclped by quktk acuoii uie lit ukey ore sauiered ittlck- leaved towers iaich oi uocki uutp- drasous n and ueluius need at least 10 to li hours wjakin bei uey art- arranncd ln uttf vsj the cae ol v- plrea honeyauckie otlcr floral oeooratloris of tho woody sort satisfactory rwfuljs have hcesi obtslned by nllttln or pound- lntf and urapma the stenv before iookina however with reierenrj u dipplns item hi boliins water before being leaked hi cold there is still doubt aluioutfh oil occasions sucli nowcrs ax pojiles liollylioca mbinonette and dahlias have bcnelu ed by uui meutod mearly everyone ituoas that cuttuuf uie iteras of arraiuxed uowcn once a day iheipd to prolong uurir fresjuieut but in uils regard one rnrrui mistake is made umi cutthuf must be tiihui under water tlut prevents air bubbles from formiiuf ln tbe t terns and prcventuuy uie free how of watn addditf gtuquartr to onehalf tea spoon oi cluurcoal or permanganate ol potsih obtsinsble from any tlruxsiore prevents uie trowih of baltrls on the cut end and uuj uve of one or two drops of crexiun or rlmllar disinfect ant terub to prolorur um life of uie flower but aspirin has not proved elf ecu v pansies in particular find it diffi cult to draw water through their strms so ibece oowen and abx naautrtlums aiw hrwrtil by bcuur plunged up to their blorrsomt in ooo water for half on hour at eight- hour inurveii warm and hot draughts cause imnvxjista wiltbitf in cut uowers dahlias in particular being quickly affected wlui regard to containers one horiculturbt has discovered that cut flowers hut longer in copper ve tela uiac in any other type of vuxa cknatianity spread by perse- cuiion inlrnuluoal taifwraa semaay hekae4 jaty xcaa 1m oomulsi 1toc1 lie tttou unlo ieaui aikd i will give crown of uie llrvelatkai lo act 7 so to b l tlin summer dayi are coeoe osain otioe more like glad earui yields ller rolden aemlui of ripening grain and bieaui of clover iu idi and ueeienlnjf uiade o wnuiwlf woods u and glow of mimmcr air aiul wkiujlng thought and ltupiy which have a meowlug la terms of the ratio hfitwea tbe dlawtlsr of tbe uus opouhig aud tbe duuaace from tba uns to tba aim lo dalr- nstlng thaa sttlaga tba utur f u usod v heti you sea that a picture was msda with the uaa at f 11 it moans that tba opening of tba leas was 1lltk or tha ututtofllm dis tance it baptns that f 11 is a good average opoulug nollhr too lsrga nor too aotall lu fact soma luaxpsu alvaickuifiras have a bred opanlag or aperture of about that ratio basilar opeuluga f 1c or fu for exaarpla cut down the aaouut of light iiterlag tba leua cottsoqueitt ly given the aama light coadltloas longer exposures are raoulred that brings ua to another gadget whlah lu terms of tttaa auo coa trots tba amount of light that aulers the laua tha abutter 1ur most ordl usry snapshots a shuttar that opens and cuisa id about 1sfijh oroad la entirely adequate in fact this shut ter speed coupled with aa opening of til is so nearly right for average outdoor conditions that it is a kind of aiaglc formula llhulter speeds faster than lfqb aecuud areaeldom needed euceitt for dlctures of rapidly blowing objects and tha with a larger laus upoulag othtwloa not aaougb light would ha admitted lenses by the way are rated ac cord lug to faa bursted opfanlue at which they work you baor camera rans talking about rj uaa f 6 lenses and yui f x 0 lnat tbeee fast leusog are wonderful thlags ihy11 get pictures uuder tha poor- wstwilhd ot light and they da have that extra sped when you ttd it hut evui so tbey all work better if tba ouhject has adftquale ll with tba resulting opportunity to stop dowu use a smaller opening for tba sake of sharper detail john vam 1111 libit tltuckc tatuvfclllh uannfcjts ajl axamrije fob a1x to ay that a tnotoriu has uie manncrrof a truck driver ls no loa der an expression of contempt but la actually a desirable complitncnt be cause uie manners of traaspoxt tlrt- vcrs in ontario at ifcait have reach ed a point where uiey offer a profit able example to uie average motor ist according to george b- farkea of at cauiarines who but week was elected president for uie ensuing ycr at uie annual meeting ol the auto- mouve transport abociatlon of on tario in the king edward hotel to- ronto lie declared that um ontario llnl- oer oi lllzhwaya uoo t h- atoqom- ten liad put hu flagcr on uie cxdjt oi uie whole problem of highway saiety wlum be launched bis current educa tional carnpabrn to promote oourtay and coruidejrauoa between drivers tlie safety of life and property lq- volves much more uian uie mere ef fort of uie individual tnotorbt avoid mlliaps to lumeir mr parkea taid it must spring front a definite de sire of tnotoruas to make driving p r and vatw for each other and x lieartily recommend to wvery driver ur aacquetens profound slo gan try courtesy xn preuhiting hfibmic to lt5 trans port drivers who had tulxuled a pledge to have no accidents between isatch lass and march iftm lfr parkea ob served that courtesy meant nv more to transport drivers than mere ceremonies atviuette it was a real practical thing which fcxpreued its- self in a helping hand extended to the stranded driver wherever he might be met it had earned for transport drivers uie reputation as tbe modem prototype oi the original oood ga- mari tan- only motoruts who had been ktrandcd on come lonely stretch ot highway and liad been pued by doaens of unconcerned feuow mo toruts finally to be rescued by an overalled truck driver realised uie spirit of lielpfubiess uiat transport drivers gieraliy manlfeued on the road under uie teats oi all trucks uiere were narec tow chains ore e tlnguulifcrc and tools which wer al ways at uie dippkal oi one who ought be hi need the 1ys drivers with uie clean re cord were among suo who had volun tarily enrolled for a years test and who had travelled scnxboo m averaging more than s000o miles per driven wluiout a terious mlltan r parkafi announced ttiere liad been no fatal ancldenta whatever only two in which people had been injured ana even then not seriously and but co property damage mishaps ah all of wliich had amounted to les uuui alttba tvralsannni uaciunk rnvknsv ojl vtm yajuss ago yitty years ago last week uie new york tribune office was uie lively cene of an innovation thai more uian any ouier ctrcumstaiice has made posslble tha modem daily news paper the uitroductlon of uie flnu practical ilugcaiding maciilne for lypograiililcal compoutloii invented by ottmar uergenuuuer can be jlited as one of uie major critical iiolnts of to days civilisation it wai crude clumsy and its counterpart now ex hlblled at uie uergenuialcr plant in urooklyii reminds one of a medieval warengine but it worked it fulfilled its proasle of inuluplylng by five uie production of a fait hand oompooltor but uie glorious paradox- u uiat u did not deprive a single hand composltor of employiaeiiu imiitrd uiere are more lusud compoaitors at work today uuui uicre weie la lase and uie total number oi men employed at uie prbit big trades has increased many tlmea fecditor and ihibllsher of love atui joy and imayer mephniy tse icrnwuer taab alter lenticoa live club tluli falui girw ileedily abd uie ailllmirilhl liuirnt lurried letr and jolui niry would liave beril lut to deaui luul not otudallel couucued loleruncc aytng uiat if uw new alui were lull of juod it would jjoou duappcar un- oer iliu protectlot um- fslu spread and sevef tfew oewcons were choan of whom one was ilcphea wlip jeer ebuy and openly preached the gospel ijooii b4 too was arretted and in uiat seevui chapter oy a his great oe- f iice u recorded ills speech was otluully iunied to i alia y saaplclon in lili lieucr ills dialectical meuiod was uisf tued utet by bt laul tie built mp hb argument 01 uie old rwoametit slibwlng uiat liowevcr re volutlonary ue new doctrine talglit be uicre was sull rigid adlielon to uie old testament steptien smiled jrom uie known to uie unknown evecf as iaul trequenuy did in attcr years tlutat umt time of utephens apology bsul regarded him as a heretic uttle did he know that soon le would be tuephen 1 sucoessor taking up uie work the lust ctuisuan martyr laid down and lute him fearlessly riskm life for uie christian faith a martyr desdk fltetilicns deaui was worthy of a follower of jeus ctuut lie prayed lo god and said lord jesus receive my spirit and he kneeled down alio cried wiui a loud voice lord lay not this sin to their cliarge and when he liad said uis lie fell asleep bteplien died in the spirit oi him who prayed for hu enemies on uie crou toying fauier forgive uiem for uiey know hot wliat uiey do apparenuy btcplier was defeated and haul vic torious but in reality utephen was the victor and baul was vanoulslied btcphu died triumpluuiuy wjille bsul became ashamed of his succeaiul force tiist prayer lived in hb mem ory and he could not forget the look upon bteplien s face we cannot dissociate ue martyrdom of stephen from uie conversion of saul the spectacle of so much constancy much falui so touch love oould not be lost it u hardly too much to say wiui augustine that uie church owes baul to uie prayer of stephen rvreeealieu 8pr4bigri 1 tliough a new leaven was working in belli s mind after uie martyrdom oi bteplien lie was not yet eon- kclous pi great change lie was eou- enung unto the death oi sleplien and lie entered into uie persecution uiat extended rapidly once uiat it was begun ikll saul laid waste the church entering into every house and lulling men and women commuted uiem to prison utue mercy was sliown in alter days saul made full conieion of ills sliare in these per secutions and i persecuted uui way unto uie deaui binding and de- uvehng into prisons boui men and women llecause oi his seal lie was put in cliarge oi tlie persecution and started to llamarxus to harry the christians uiere if lie had any qualms alter uie deaui of stephen ha jlenced uwm by plunging deeper in to plans for estersunaiing this dan- grrous sect a miegwued cwimn- 3 4 yet ssul aas oonscicnuous in wliat he did in his defence before agrlppa he told of his mistaken aeai uut ubon haul a as to discover uiat his eal was taiuaktrj and that ids own coilxlbnca liad misled him bunosri- ty of couscicnoe is not sufficient there mus be enughtmcnt as well many cruel uungs are done ln uie name of a good conscience wbea saul coo- lcienoe became eruiglitcned hy christ he counted as sin what formerly ap peared to be merit tha background oi all sauls ctuisuan experience is penlence latterly did lie repent of his actions as a persecutor uany times did he wish he could recall bis thare in uie stoning oi stephen though forgiven saul could never ecape a unse oi ln lie spoke of himself as uie chief oi sinners those monuis oi persecution remain ed a rughunare to hut scruuuve spirit the intensity oi tils dpisuan service was increased by his desire to mot lor lib past misdeeds itepenlaooe acted as a spur to missionary endeav or that liis nature was uiorougtily cbanged t proved by uie fact uiat the hand that signed deaui warrants against christians afterwards wrote love suffer ui long and ut kind uilnketh no evil love never falleth tlie greatcat oi these t love saul had come to share with stephea the splrit of jesus christ me j era rsdrsecatua ix u peur epistle was written in an at mophere of persecution as was uie book of revelation in scottish his lory we leam of persecution as for instance wtien lyotestants were burn od by queen uary in more recent umes uiere has beeji persecution in uuaia mexico and oermany uiough all uie blame lias not been on uie side of governments in soma in lanoes uie church lias been at faiilt and lias brought persecution ln itself plainly uie days oi persecution ore not over cliristlans wlio stand for lieace economic justice arid liberty pf speech may and themselves in qu frier- with governments even hi kng lisli speaking countries in tba long view oi christian tiislory uiese perioori oi pcnecutlon are not ell loss thay demonttrau uie vitality of uie faim and usually lielp to spread li in clilna under persecution aocaueat rice cliriuians demonstrated uiat uiey were blood clulstlans ttiere is high mora value ln a nlartyra lierotan li any man suffer as a chrctian let him not be asliamed uwrtlliaa far lrj 1 how did utctilien do more by dy lug uuui by living 3 ryom whom liad ulejilirn learned to forgive 3 llow lia the blood oi uie martyni been uie seed of uw church wliy are many churches called af ur ut stephen s is it sale to be a anocre christian today richmond ily kluabeui 11 ttiomas lurbmoiml was a truckmans iw itr lair in the day- wlirn trucking irclghl from uie freight yatd to ttorea and twhjj- wo done wiui ponderuix hm jf hltrlted to low four wheclwt ult loyally klmwp oj jlggr no ixxly km w hl raact kxc tmt lie liad dour uie iulje job i tt tltrii- illffrieitl owl rts iind krww uw 1 uuih ikiut uian hlj tlrlvers ilie oll iwtre irolulily weutlu1 about ijxleeii hundred pouiwbi and he wa jiort lefied deej cheated and maerful once lie mu ivave beei a line 1 oking cliap but a i remem tier him lie was sliowtng sbtni of uioal age a a lrowii hi riuor blark points a white ttur and a bile hiiul loot kiwi u liowitig blsik rruilie und tail lie uu v ry uy iiealed uiul moved hu hrud with pr ullar nodding motlimi when w walked and wan glyen to loslug when tujhliig tih wuttliiuldr the curl to b loaded to fc him touiitllng drowjly in the nun tvtii wouldii t think he was tiore hot it wu said 0 him uuu ih iould pull hu wplghl hi wlletcau aaj it wut wortli keetng wlteu he lean- ed tloe massive irfiouldert into tlie collar guve w mighty rmve apd start el u load uiat lesvr ikirnc- would huvc t re rattled to ore itictunotid was kingularly fortunate in tiavltig an eattemely tluxurhuul and kindly owner and lie wm hlway kejt sleek atai klilnlng protected from oorma whrt oil the ilreet miwj warmly lioued at home abo i us pect uiat he wos allowed lobuve lib own way ratlicr more than wa good for him horse tend to grow self- willed and stubboru o uiey grow older and uihj one was no exoeiuoii it was never tiecevjutry to touch rein to back hichmoivd up only a whi you ve loo of vel yfiu may talk of irlendslilk liad aiml known of yt ur iu uiul your h vr of tiien atui wometi wtu vt jmiwii what filrimlj lit aod toe will do ll it u lit an tltr liiiality tiark f life my i ictte wu i jug i kiw w h ioer or tnabl or wife wtu ii tuk by ou like u do 1 1 114 1 u 1 u1 to i kl lui j 1 aii a hi 1 111 a ru mi li uw sky lie li l k w bv u rlwl till thi k- wl ril he u ritlr hy hir tatars to darrmxminb wiltctuajt jaranksjc bsxtu has ylt lntuco canaxsa lilt u u will live i 1 hli life tny tiulbm of o iruiwl ji l atui hl imf for u put if ii 11 i iru iuilam lit ii tick by v u ti the hilt r t litlu i leyularly c lias been um only niarket for tomatoes from uie llaliamas itru bit wwt indies since uie clofcutg oi uie u el market uirougli uie imposl- uoii of a uiree cents ier iiound duty ui i sag tomatoes are uie main agri cultural rsport from the -hfr- and ouly one variety of tomato the olobe u cultivated for the canadian market iou lw k your fil nil hl fri rwi und fiifhl- hb iluht f alml hell llmltrr the llejlme m7it w n whrthrr iim mmfn rnrf t new advertisements 3 u tn an endeai witeltier um jaitmmo beetle a parti culaily dalikenu innct tuts tnvaojeix caiuuta and if mi u orkaiilsc immr diate riiiuol tntauik ukp docruuiun lleialtment of asitrulture si vkvw curry nut on lrappuig opriatiotu al rvrful pmlit hi ontario near uie i11u niutwutml boundary clfcte lrept a ill be plarexl hi localiocu wltere uw leelc l most likely ut be fouiul if it l jirr jht tlie beetle are fond of i nuitl suniight wiui a bwckarouud of hn tuilal borxler or shrubbery and then f n it b iieceoary lu bcek uie ullikii of owner l f gardens and order to locate ilattl tlw traps wul be by ui liispector uw fil unoiocical luaiwli imlwulinnit ia aicricilture to uiat 1 ly i6iwuoolin uufmty and ut tlelrrinlrte w lleilki t uny ijeetira iutve ltii culitfiit i laiil 4w pioperty dur ing uie uwiu- f inspection will uo 1m db turbel uim os llttk- iiiconveril erwe 01 jieaxlmr caosea ufine oc 1 luitit 01 uie imotierty ufljl irun uuu rptooloclsls of tu intited mairs ivpartmcmt at agr ruliiue iimuvrml uiat uv japanese al ktwerrd lhcm dayaiipre b irangiy aur acted by ue odour u gerelilol and rugerudk two eueidbil tifls ujed in tierfumery ttili jlvcovery led tti uw oonstrucllon of irup hi mewll of wliich uie beetle jrisy lie lufed uiw hi wblcil uiey are rulight ttie jipuhew beetle l a beauuful uui hrlghtly ciilhiied itirct about die 1ml inrh lu length it li k bright metullic grwji ricrfu for uu lieaur iirt of uie wing covers wliich ur cohery brown hie whip pott on riut c side of aiul two imnr uw new oess pools o dig old ceaa ditches and drains to dig cleaned on short notice also white washing and any other work don ilauirooan outfits complete at idweos prioes james wlut llox 10 georgetowil will w- appreclote an opportunity to do any kind of house repairing and deeorating hue garden work of all kinds apply lo t j euuii arietta it two g tut mir tittiat a k ulxuit price ctliuug 111 dlueiit lnecj 0 w irlest h maxvc llo differenor what line of busltiem a vnah mav be engaird in he i cmtliiualy runiibig up agulnitl the price ruttnr if its not lu hl an mutiiclimdily it b borne lyke d iialtmenlul lore lit uw city flic carleuwi 1 iscr ouiuuliuti itad th fiuitwlltg very limply editorial willi wllch we fuic hwil bliinr men and rooi fair minded cktbu n illl agre llii irlce- cutler lv worse uian a criminal lie l u fool he not only il lu bdwm distinct reins 10 noes rucrimomi un lo uie l- ue tsivwig of hl serviox ciiaraturljlc for identification hl wliole traile lie xuuu the jilp c i u uil hi hlcli tie hlmclf l ulvt ntithlug dcriptlon fouiul on homers or shrub l uhlvutocul pneewalid ul m f e htd and placed lng l m hard a- to get uuww h t to uie do- mic tliy iwe bhn pulled down amolut ottawa wiui a any child can uirow u gls of water khm uim and addn of ten 11 uw lloor hut all uw wlrtt sclen lle of collection it tltr in uie world cunt pick hud water reoueud uiat uw trap up who gel uw heiielil of price i no1 d turbrd m v w culung nobodi the man wlio w j m orop- 1l makr- no net prolit- and uw jf tlw bt t j man wlio buys o lindfi hlmelf ul lrun getting an inferior article noboji tm japanese beetle was originally rwss man can permanenuy keep up lrted ucciderilally from japait it tluitaiidard of hl service li uw ln p vl price l perajhiuy cut irvlly wa l he is competlrd to gh an uru4liable f ume l l tau jl- 1 nrtad to sucli- an extent uiat in re owner could stand scro uie strvl and call u him and he would cramp and back the eart as smoothly as a person more o in face i don t think lie would liave broken an cfg if one had been lying on the hot torn of uie cart he went o carefully lie was very iroud oi uil accornpllji menu so much so uiat lw rcsenied being guided by uie rchu sod regis tered his disapproval by bacvlng 40 fast and furiously uiat uie cart would strike uie plauorm wiui such force uiat uie unlucky driver would be uirown sirawlliui on the floor ot it for uiose who uiuik a liore lias no inlelllugence it would liave been en lightening to watch uil dumb looking old cart liorse go about lib- daily duties hu owner talked to him cx nelly as lie would to a person and would say someuibig like this i want lo unload uiln steel over t ipranka store first richmond you go along and 111 be over ln a minute tlie horse would loss his head a few ultim and plod off to get to uie to uie lutrdware storebe had to cros uie railroad twice and lie never failed to stop and luten first tlien lie would proceed go around to uie back door of uie tore and back up to it and setue for a cat nap while waiting for his owner of course uiu was in uie days be fore can were plentiful and uiere wajt no dungcr now i suppose some mor on would run into uie outfit with a truck and kill uie old chap before he could reach his destination many omujng anecdotea could apahk walter how did you find lhe strok lir low but uie one uist always amused me uie mou was uie one about his be ing afraid of newspapers blowing in uie street it seems that lie had al ways tuul a great fear oi uiem and would by and dance wlien he saw one one day wlien lid was standing ln uie station yard a paper blew right up under his nose and he went tear lng off down uie street at uw best siieed of wliich lie was capable wlui uie cart bouncing and ratulng wildly belilnd hlm ills owner was dumfound- wd having supposed uiat ludimorul was too rellabe to ever run away no matter what uie provocation hut he got a friend with a team and uiey get oil after uie culprit par ahead uiey saw him bounding along tuli ln liead- long night but about half a mile from where lie started lie slowed down and stopped to uieastonuliment oi the watchers he turned uie cart carefully around in uie road and started ba at a walk tlie men did not speak to 1dm but after he passed uiem- they also turned and followed him lei surely and wiui 100 slbrhteet sign oi perturbation iticiimood plodded h- lo the station backed up to the exact spot from whlah the blowing paper tuul frightened him and settled back calmly for uie cart to be loaded it would be liard to prove whether he was actually frightened and his sense of reiponsibluty overcame his terror or whether uie performance his idea oi a joke knowing tha nature oi old liorses i un inclined to thi it was a cense of humor uiat drove him particularly since no liarm was doae to wagon or liamfas trucks gradually took over the freight business and luclunond was reured except for dally trips around uie familiar streets for exercise fin ally his teeth gave out and tils owner had him mercifully destroyed i sometimes wonder ir his wle aid ghost walks uie familiar streets and scorns uie noly trucks wlucli liave supplant ed him in our dumb animals our own esjirieior k uiat it u no use to tell anybody our owu experl mic because they will not be sauofted until uie get their owes rms mouu uavk tiul one oi our town barrcluuits came through wui a suggestion recently which could help to lmprpve condi tions during uie uiofipliur rush on sat urday tuning during uie aitemoou ir uie people were lo phone lu uietr orders uie merchants could go ahd and make up uie order and have it ready for uie customer wlwai he or jir called on baturday lught thus aluiough some pereons mlht be u in getting to town u would ensura liromiit servlod for uwm and would not only give uie clerks a ueauier but it would abto enable uiem lo gim better and quicker servion tlie aug- gatum bi really a woruiwtuld one and we loie to liear of more abopnert wdoiituig it try it ur llousewtfe sitd ae how it works out cx tested recipes ksssjhertries as eacli trull as it appoars on uie market has some paxucular appeal rreli raspberries served wiui cream and ugar never really lose appeal but little variety in serving trnproves uiem tlie following recipes prepared by uie fruit uranch dominion de partmenl of abriculture suggest soma delectable meuiods of using fresh raspberries pifcfcaervy sabce par iiuddings or ice cream 3 cups raspberries j cup fruit sugar crush berries wiui sugar and allow 1 land one lialf hour prov uirougli fine sieve beat well wiui a fork and chill before using ataxfrberry afeatse 1 cup nujpberrlrs 2 nuirslunallows a cup milk 1 cup whipping cream uelt rnarsiuruuiows in milk in top of double boiler cool pret bcrrbs uirough a line sieve and add to marsh mallows wlien uiorouglily cold but just beginning to set then fold la whliiped cream rveese in refrlgenitar tray stasaberry ktloe 2 cuiw cooked rice a cup whljiplng cream 3 cups raspberries 4 tablespoons sugar whip cream add sugar and cold rasa uien carefully fold in raspberrloa serve very cold htsxawry chrejata cake l cup butter 1 cup brown siuar 3 eggs icup sour milk 3 uospooji soda 3 ox or 3 squsivt diooolate cup boiling water lr cups hour 3 teaspojins baking powder cremttttiulter and sugar add egm one at a time uien add ctuoiuate wliich lias beeu duwolved ln balling water uien milk hi which soda has been dissolved uwii flour and baking powder lus in 3 bxyer cake tins wliett cool put toaether and ice top wtui fouowlng- lebig crush 1 cum raspbanied and add 3 tableopooiut tuelted butter ur bi fcumcieiit lebui sugar l make lebig service and to cut down uie wages of hi emploj es tlie man wlio cuts prices puts ui uie titn tlik way to uie jutlk heap he admll hl own failure as a soieunan lie admits iw mas been oe fee led according to the marquis of queensbury rub- of busi ness he admits lie cannot wln hy fighting fair he brand- hlrrssli asg hitter below uiebelu if uie buslnei woru were domlnatedl by prit ruttetw uiere would be- no uujn anymore uuui small pox u lieajui wtwnever jou see till ign on a pricecutters rtore golng out of iluineis you may be jure it l a lie how can lie go go out or buslne whkn lit nivkft was in it wa- undemeaui jitff0rtibff n new low rmtlclcsse sold at aaeceneiaeks lwwg biare cent years it was found at several polnlr adjacent to uie canadian boutidan in uw adult or beetle loge it feeds on uie foliage of bany kpeclef if trees and shrubs as weil as flowers border plants truck cropswnd different kinds of fruits such as grape raspberries apples cherries tilum- ebche and quinces in uie larval lsge uie grubs feed on uie root- oierassca and olher plants more detailed information resard- lng uil bisect may he obtained by communicating with leonard s agc- lahie division of rorelgn ptmm sup- liretjon knlomological branch do minion department of agriculture ottawa ideatldealtm a dealer in uie north or england liad occasion to call on a former uliom lie did not know on a matter of business and asked a small boy whom he found in the yard where your father uddle ttw boj pointing replied thats him over there among uie pigs ye 11 icni him by his hat dawu three tba ages wlio wa pve tlie flret ehlckert that ever ruined man s garden concrete work t am prepared to do concrete work of all kutds ejvumatee given free of rhabt if you require a ty thing id uiu line 1 ttone s31 or write bo i3i it walker oeorsw su oeoree towu wtp if wood for sale choice hardwood mwple and beech mixed sotl wood atcat reasonable prices apply jack tost fttone miw fleorgetown g w50d for salfc clioice maple rlardwood and 4eaar italu at right prices orders left at a humes wrat m hoov- phone ijsw luurmiuy attended to a uvinghtonk wood for sale choice hard wood beech and alanle ut uoo per cord aflised wood uo per cord halls gu50 per cord j batanolroald rwmm ms or ml hugh lindsay a a iw smk dr devans pills kygleas wejelehw lor weer llerty owrt rwookst aaecerwoaefcw kvw fuaew letter heads sale bills catalogues h booklets office forms broadsides show cards blotters h stationery business cards prompt work low prices 11 men you wunt printing you naturally want uaad printing promptly done ut air cot tlmt u tlie kind of pruibug we are qualified lo render we liave modem type facet a wxjo selection of paper ittoclu and layout ugjtctlciui wlucli wil enable you to attain real quality character for your buaine or entcr- prie be tlie ol large or amall we can nerve yotj if you will phone our representative will call and it you wuli aaaut you m planning the work to be dorus phone no s the georgetown herald a