pe 2 the georgetown iicrald wednesday fcveiiiiift august 26lb i93f s back tq school bargains dgxd duncan inquetpli general baa- pllaloii tody auyut 3su 1836 angu ii 1 tleaxly bulovuu wife of etun kltclicu aged 47 years the funeral service will be held nt to reidence guelpb oj leuf uu thurmlay aug 27u at 3 djjt interment hi tliceuwood ury at silvers feature values throughout the store specially priced to bve you important saving on clothes for boys and girls buy at silvers ndsaye boys boots stlhxiy leather boots sizes up o ia l59 r 198 boys trousers nhwuol tweed longer in sizes up to 34 159 boys shirts fuw quality bradcloll aliirtn sizes up to 14 boys golf sox with elastic idps boys pants navy khaki und light blue shorten to clear at girls print dresses size 6 10 12 girls tweed presses siae 8 to 12 girls strap slippers and oxfords sires up to 2a 119 girls wool serge pleated skirts 79 girls pore botany wooitpullover sweaters sizes up to 14 qg 59c 25c 39c 69c 98c obituary buy with confidence at e silvers dept store georgetowns popular shopping centre s phone 37s georgetown iriaa school days tuesday knoming back to school come in und cti our splendid slock of school supplies better bargains than ever school opening special scvsbuers 10c we liave a full stock or scribblers exercise books pros ivnciu encrt paint brusliefi school dabs paints pencil boxes etc etc vuuuc aciiooic and man fjchool text boojoj like cotfee see the new cory cotfee futen the modem way to make better coffee 295 395 495 595 minsol rub the new mineral liniment 35c try this kwrw liniment write s lttr itutas of its superutivo sc- uoo win a sa nlee set of dktes 5bcls given swmy rekly in onurlo bee the iiiiiika in our window act at ohck i have you had yourt 1unkkal3 today t vitakelp the mineral concentrate obtained mm eakelp a vslusble tonic snd blood purifier 350 tablets 200 nova kelp pure nova ocotia kelp in voarige form hlgsily eocetratd l in to btation ckcl toronto and learn about uils valuable addition to our dally diet itaftuland h utj llur iuiul of uw late harland k- hustler was lieki uti tueuday after noon aug lstii from uki taume of ids parents ir and mrs frank hustler tlie young own wax acci dentally killed aaturday evening at 11 pm wlicii ills motorcycle anslied in to ati aulomohile- lllx limjic ticwut hmu a tiuulo over the whole dliuict krhw rhv lad many- ifwd-mtfjocl- ally amomc uw ytxum pcwjplc the tiocxaed u hum in itatalcar tuiislili er jlorihy tawujavfn yeknt ao but nuved wlui his par- rrlu to ttorval wlcra hq uvcxl ukl qi hliiult 41 ai- taecohcr o ute suited chureiv aud of uc bmnb- umi k4uturcyub club andwaii attifce- hanlo by trade aa in 11 ta ukhanlwaretcjre um is luirvlv- jd by his parmldatd ouly bcjtler liuyd wlkoli urcaiut of the ujird church a very- larp wul krvercnt kauieriiig- jit friends- alurotlod the lutkcral kcrvieo oottducted by hev h- vavluon united dilirciiuiiiktr of nerval tjfrtlylo unto wreath of lovely tlovcni conveyed w6it metv aa of sympathy aud hope o thoae in iorrir ttue pmllbcarer were all ytmip irwp mtfjjti uardy uarohlu llarlnwl lajrd jack lor john mar- tdaall wn itoachkr uclntyre wat- s la a brier tnessaie ifao tnlnl- ktet pointed out uiat uuj witt viv- uiwmi of death kucli occurred in this instance was- a reminder to us all that we uare hot take uilnjp for granted that often an unxpecld variant tutert lnto umj ooure of events to alter forever the future of those oohocrned- we are to learn from kuch disasters uu brevity and the teriousnet of life we are h ty wmmlng that tome day we lial isave to tlve an account of our stew- aktuhlo jesus christ was a young tnan wlsen his life cmine to a kudden caom but by ills willlntc aooepunce of ute crots lus lis taiabled all thoqe who trust ui him to make their lives count lor the most inlermeot took place in nerval cemetery cltaujesrjoayfl klkkfatklck after only two days ulnass the home of kar and urs sidney kixk- omlrick was stricken with sreat row when their awven month wo charels joseph bom jan- 16uj wai called home on thursday 4nomlntf aucust 13th on ue first appearnos of hit illness the doctor was sum moned and in the eventh he s taken to bt- joseph llopluo cuelph where an operation was per formed immediately every sign of returning health was shown until saturday morning wtiett lie began to weaken in plt of every possible care ike passed on about 10 pan the largely attended funeral urvice was licld at uui paretiu liome at ume- liouw on uooday uie 17tli at 3 p-w- oonducted by the pastor rev a i iiurphenson the body was laid to rest in ijmejmxise oemetery the sympathy of the entire community in extended to ur and mrs kirkpat- rick and their bereaved family their severe lots- moral rem brances were jet in loving memory by uie womiua association of the united church uie womens insu tute and others among the rela uons and friends who were present at uie funeral were ur james blan dish ulis beatrice ejundish ui uary qtahdisti ur richard undlsh ur and urs joseph sundlsh all of atewarttown ujr and ura jaue mclennan and joan btretswuler ur andj ura- ernes croft kock wood ur and urs alex joe soey side uiss uargaret oarvln acton ur david joe speyside ur james house brantford and ur hyatt double umehouse 150 lozenges 100 maecormacks drug store ruonk xt mric ukllvkb gkottoarrosrn m m m u u johnny emmersoni tke sirwf ckkuy wul timjiu u tw umalasl wr c3ccx tiiu a kuay mt st li- u1t buy norfolk planters tobaccos st- l r haglooglilcfls tobacco store western canada excursions bolng daily sept 1 to oct 3 ioclut0v uakjtv dawson familiarly known to every resident of ilramptdu as uarry dawson henry wlilteliead dawson uayor of the town in ittn and ifiai died ab lus home on ualn v qouth saturday morning augut 32nd after a brief illness in his eighiyiconu year ur dawson was bora in ouey yorkshire england on of the late diaries dawson he came llrampton as child and was ou- cated in qy puhllo and lilgh ecliools his fathfcw5the first merchant to export apples to eng land ami when lie entered his kauvers business as a young tu cnry dawson made annual trips to england for flfieen years in the ex portation of iei farm and garden products to the old country an adherent of the primitive uetliodut church when lie came to urampton ur dawson was a trustee of a church of that denomlnat situated on queen gtreet east wlieu the praam tit iauls united church was creeled he laid uie seventh alone of the foundation of at wills and luul since been a staunch juip- porteicof the diurclt belnjr for three years asslont buiierln tendent of ue uabbaui school a uairnch liberal in poutios ur dawson was on several occasions of fered nominations to uie provincial and pcderal candidatures but dedin- ed pleading lack of time to fight poltiral campaigns he was a mem ber of uie ajusonlc order and of uie hani r orollo as a young man lie was a valued supporter of the excelsior lacrosse team he is survived by his widow a sis ter urs e w lloyle of ununploii and a brouier william dawson of london onl the funeral took plaoe on tuesday wlui lntenatnt in llrampton cetutery wwuiirr hutjanna cakti re y rum tfc hxcww canadian national what shau 1 do if by any cluwoa una same tumtlon m bothering you why not allow us uie ivrivllrffe of aolvhig your iroblnx and ktart you on uie hoad to huoeess have syou uivtilgaled our uonuis ivobauon our aiandard for qraduauoii our kmjiloynifcni bervusa today u a period of tlie hpeclallsly and lobaerrowls future da- petuu on your whe dechion of today we buggat uiat yu hivtiusste our uotiuim probation or your possible tolutiou oranflcvillc secretarial college jqjliston oranville guelph i1altmn calf cluks to be 1utkekente1 at cn tlic elactlon of uie calvos to rep- raenl uie halton hohieln jersey and ttliortlioni uoy calf clubs in uie intercounty calf club oampeu- tions at uie cnjk lias been announc ed by agricultural henrementauve j e wliltelock hohtelns wed ueil arclile oatas donald iver and ad dison woodley jerseyaecclea uc- cluve emerbon and edward hobln- um and fevnd huddell ulioruiornv oeorge lireckon glen campbell at ian uioilason and jolin unyder we understand uie young men are out u maintain and if poslhje surpass uia rooixl hung up in previous years wlien rrprentauvs of uie llollteln club iktaded uia uneup hi houi 103 and 1935 wlille uie jersey boys were in uectuul plaoe in 1035 thil j sport komr ians uoultm ancuti uuncans utatu it wai pru t uxf icu w um af anc mt rrswjfuwni kumtaasen air anew on usmuy tenxing kl xt oh llw rmbchl karr uuu ltg assa vrcrytmar knew bim wu txmrtf iniwd wauie avdimu- ing a kkril an a ailry lie wmi eod tm arpt hnspilal mud hvhi aixaat taj on tm bib irwai is a kxh1 ruhm tw iud ainrv um ierptwi of intiwiawwi we sprmn 4ii tm jrriieap msf w rfwtrjrt a savctkms kw nwbag iwl urfiw reasld dip r pe h wald aavf ksmmi aav t ifttaw l ciuarn giaarcauy i- khyrlated his r0kris mad atrlres h kpact lwie hrte and aww he i c and with hfct jmui a kari msin left ia ieciavm spart t llavkke w tts wb cuntlnu lhewlritarv the la tutcm yars aaimm ttsocan haul alvys imp thevw and wrtj at- way weid be url there was snea se fair and saire abet kb lui u kj lp okie u think he wild be m arc ne leader la wart here had au the mm iwwint- aitcas dawna was net anly knew la aveci drcleat in gmtt- tewn bt uurvaeheat uie tmmaty and even nterw dlbani paints he was ewja a a neckey rwcrt far hu faimem t kwlh uasu and an auronad aalhahty tan heckey lvcraae and ether atb- leue waauers u eiten he 011- rdin wy taking thai nam vim ja4 af laying dwn the law u the t the arenas when achednied tvtm failed u uuij tap ue was always a nand u asia hi all local held nwets and waa always known u be great feuew ajthoash we have w tart baek ihe pages ajt tiwe to far u re- hifbir- eicmiiy the exact plae angas biwd in aeuve apari we du khaiaf he was an srwing la- evwkae and hockey player n the aerevtowu unenp we can kw- niiiawlii r suay exriung miairnts when angws played gea to the h elah and hew his kacreanm and hockey caree by au the in pepm in ii han cesmaiy oy latter yean he has manag ed the ceorrrtown entry in the ojla and eroy player m the irojatsi that have panrj ihreagh his hands had nothing hat the deepmt rempoct far hiaa and es pecially mtll be riufmilifccad the tript rreronte bs itt ar i when anjcas lead his boy lata the oiia puydowns againu kl alikev and allhoegfa iu hw they had nothing bwi ptaue rr their hasnsger and he lor his as we fottslnde u ie waw why u uungs have t be and as we aiw klvcd use ui haaoe to wriien a grax knartaassn anee wor we w if loue tf the klneer ro- gvei fespreaed by sport fan fat and hear will net lend u inn tin the kries in the late ur lnn- raaally nevr have the healls w the laeal sporting pah- lie been slirreac- as with ue wt- thnely awwtise bf angns lnnemh lib plate and ivio h george town apart can pewr be a ably nued and a marry lur k-n- ter woald nay- and whcuuuu one great hearer bat ho vm played the gsatd over uie week end wliat vu to be a 13nour bike grind was held by uie wlngd wlieelers club gome nine riders started uie qrind leaving uie georgetown cafe at cis and afur riding tor 6 liours flv riders covered uie tlnx- lap of 110 niile- ttiey were joe wiloox huts vorey a kean torn niclaoll and herb harlow weauicr coiiditions were very mv favorable owing to uie ticavy electri cal ijorin that iwept uils diirlct he- tween 13 and 1 oclock sunday morn ing after lunch joe wilcox and huls varey started out on uie ueond lip but wre forced to rcure due to the storm as we sec uilngs uie boys aimed loo liiiih hituig oif a llltie more uian they could chew being uiat only five tidvn come uirpugli 330 miles for a 13hour grliul is juu little too much to expect rrom amateur club however uie boyj deervc great credit far tlelr attempt and vc hoie uiey may aoaamnltsli uie fete at a later date ttiere arc bike races in uie pork every thursday nlfihl and uie ad mission is free lost weeks winners were as follows lesion cliallenge cup hace dick hiddoll retained the cup joe wilcox 2nd george rid- dall 3rd u clavi li mile miss and out racs it vorcy 1st ii wilcox 3nd u ooldliam 3rd a class mile mlv aiul out race dick riddoll 1st j wilcox 3nd j lreiwaad 3rd u class 1 mile race r varey 1st wilcox 2nd u aaldliam 3rd a class 1 mile race d itkldall 1u j wilcox and j iresswood 3rd a au ii class team race d luddoll and j jreswood 1u g luddall and c hills 2nd j wiloox and a collier 3rd ullton turned uie tables an acton in uie third name of uie halton county uasehull playoffs at ullton saturday in one ur uie most thrill ing games of uie season uie coun ty hoys won by a s 3 score tills iiluyutf is ioliig to br- u fluht to tlie nntsli with acton now hudlng two gomes to uiie 1 xjutce tntmv cjne thm halton halloii will hv wtu and wortlilly rprwuid at the cjj judghig by uie number ofnlrica whloti haw been made hi the llolaicltt fuiortliorn isncberon hackiicy ltampuure yorksture uerkaldre hull grain and veaetahle taoctiort the ltoloehi en try is particularly strong wlui be tween bito w individuals behig en- i tared this oonmllutoai raoord u- try i acton u lv kl t u 1 q ulnar of georgetuwn mwnt uijj work with ur and urs la o joltiuiton urs- william juluuloiui lias rrtum- rd attrr sprndlng two weks at um coltitue oakvllle ur d urs k a- uarlean and lull uaclfcan of tilbury rrtunuvj with hev and vlslt- vi in aeiuii fiar a few days ur and urs win cooper arlon unnouiioif tin- engagement of their only dsughter gltvn to ur hay 11 tilth urdomcull lliniepayiie fekkat son of ur mid wn it iuodougall 77 houkwood avrfiue tonto tne inarrluke to take iilaoe quleuy faarty in oivtfmtwr live uluai circle or uie haittut church twld a pktile lti uie kvrfc tat wlruvlay evening ltacw and con tests wen hfld for uie khidies fol- lowwl by utr usual iilotilfl supper which li s frature st uu events llcftuv hit roncluiuuiiurh k g itax- trr hrvlly uddrrd uu gauicmg 1ee lrrss special meeting of town council miniciiai k- wiix nurtf mc uiti mk llltu4 mkkt1nih ik rlititkk au tax iuijs must iu kkt1ikn1 bv octoluut lmn a rpr lul hireling tit- um- tirwil ohimii wiu ivrld tu uu- municipal oillrrr mi muwuy evfiiliut- uttyw ulllxit wil in tlte chair and ootm llliiri 1 it luttckbunt c armstrong ilmt iuiu and a k wrishl w n-iit- owing uf infer frreimv wiui munlel- pul imlii if uiri matter of lirovldliig u hm ulluun rtdmii uuiti uie muni- cliu oftirc for imildlng jwdlc- nourt ulul tmr mrtlilks wus lhartld it wuj dtmtldm utut uh- muiilcltml oitlrt- will tukl ik- u 1 for miblu nirctinu in liilutv ahtt tlmt poltnf oiift iw- ik- ltl- in llwlwri lull audi virinm movattl ly liavli rtmattrd by itlark- buni that 11 w i1ix colltxlir ixt to- siruclrd u ieliir1 ull uk rul- ipnvl wf hi irufilmw id lit icitul- with nil iirrtim stsowii by gtuavr 1m1 ciuyitwl i comrll ndfourned v balunafad tlie rdtiiniuplly ifall wa u mvii ir u jjulid urn- wiyinvulay nluht htir u inlail luiwouj aluiwrr wus ulwlttivl mi- myrtle alluii iu vurw ttf hi- 1 uujirouchlng irairrlag licit a rinbtvau uvtrid tu rlialrniall and u short rhrariilnc wov gtvril tlte wide tfisd urmjm to be wnr uim prv- unled with many iwrfulkiid beauu- ful present lunch wa served uiwl the ttrtmrmtler of the vning rjamt in dancing a i kid day under uie aupkcs of uie w a was lie id saturday utter noon i ul uie home of mr henry uilb then was a good- lirogram of sports und everyvilie eujoyed uie af ternoon and uie picnic sujiper whicli was served mr and urs it n weir of to ronto spent the week end wlui ur und llrj krunk hennle a pretty winkling took place sat urday afternoon aug xhtd at uia mmue ihiulnalad wlien myrtle lniil-j- eldest daughter of ur and mrs j h allan became uie bride of ur alvln j white son of ur and urn lred white of hlllsburg the itcv a- o w foreman omclatlng the bride wore a becoming gown of blue triple shbtr wiui white hat and sliocs and matching accessories elhe carried a bouqoet of rocs and babys breaul her sister uiss heta allan acted as bridesmaid and wore a gown of yellow chlflon 3tr n wldte hro- uier of uie groom was best man a wedding luncheon was served at the home- of uie brides parents after whicli uie liappy couple left on a jjiort trip to niagara vlui and other points kasl on uielr return uiey will reside on uie grooms farm near hillsburg lioubil glen wujjaivts ur and jits- jock addy and ton and ur laruo cooper are visiting uiu ur arclue ficilcru at ciuuu die uoric uiss kate hartop returned- to to- ruiuo uu tuesday after spending a ulck here uie uuem of urs wm uullui ur and urz george qcott of oalt accompaiuod by urs sarah jciikins of georgelown were recent visitors wiui mr and mrs vm gcolt mrs kauicrine ireston djdqj1 for hal ton county and uiss ida uc meiicmy wit of ho 330 victory u idk are in ilainluon lor uirec days axlciidlxig uu session of the l-t4j- urond lodge- uiss hilary isley of toronto is visit ing wlui friends here mr and urs jolin holey of to ronto orcr spending a few days with air and urs j irtry u alex uurruycajied on friends hcjnc last weelc urrahdurs wurcd uckinlcy and uu duru urown of liarrle penj ll u- wlck end willi ur and ur uar- nc clark uiss jciic kuiuy uutvyn and ver- nan klrby and ul alloa law spent uie week end at slouifville uiss uorouiy clarke returned laome oil saturday alter spending bcvoml weeks wiui friends at uarxie colweil und wasagu ileach miss iuclnui uckinley returned to hci home at liarric ou sunday alter spending a lioliday with uiss eve clarke ou friday evening uia trail han gers spent a very pleasant evening at henry lorriinans aahint this w uie lirst get logeuier of uie season alur uie regular meeting uie hoys were imiled to a weincr roast this was greatly enjoyed by ail uie han gars tlic itcv a stephansoii was present also urs george alien aad mrs albert prosswood urs hohcrt ucueiieiny and urs gordon bpfcnce provided uie generous supply of weip- crs on uonday eleven trail hanger left for norvul camprforu jveek the llcv g ateiuicuson is in cliarge of uie bojj in uie absence of uie chief iuinter ur- allan law special prices lor llie week end al kings krmiail tn rrt sparer1bs 2 25c j special wellington brand i hamburg steak s 1 25c portcr4ovsc ronsg 23c 8 creamery butter 2 ifcior 57c s iteaa far klewinf i veal flank 2 25c i ob uvr blt wrk chops 25c lb special y prime bef shoulder coasts j 3 c lb riars ani bjubkirr boiling beef 10c sjiiaiummkout ntuwa prime rlils of beef 21c lb roasts of veal 19c z pure lard 2 29c lrrj kwill link i red rose tea pork sausage uc a- i good lea hail r rjje- awnuawmmaw package spring lunb ckopc 29c slewing lamb 2 25c skoulrjer roasts of spring lamb 11 17c shortening itw caarttjy styh- sa14sage larce eaalnx 2 25c chofce legs of lamb j 25c fillets lg ard kalrrtsrt steaks 180- htrxrrh new honey no 24 tin 25 no 5 tin 4g cluka soup 3 k 25c new carrots large buncb t large cucumbers 5c e shumtfe27 wmking rtompi delivery auuust lath at uve home of uiss elsie ulrd after l opening exer cises and bukines discussed uiss marion gitfcn took tlie dialr and uie following irogram was uiven a soul was sung by miss huuigltfen foi- iowl by u paper a olrl and her liersoiiul appearance by uiss iteut kvjier a trio was sung by ulssee edlui wrigvifavarui haxel hkldell and marian dick a piano solo by uiss joy huddell tlic meeting clov ed by uie singing of god save the king and a social lialf hour followed at which uie uhls served lunch milton t a hutchinson is acting- crown attorney relieving w l dick kio wlio is enjoying lus annual vocation at locluin in hallburton county renovation and redooarauoa of st pauls united church interior was commenced last thursday while the work is in progress uia cougrcgauoii will worship in klix prtiajiyterian church rviday aftemoon of last- week urs s n uea- and uiss p u harrison entertained in their delightful way a few friends invited to meet urs uc- nlven and urs uylrea at uie lea liour the water tupply of trafalgar township is a very serious problem at present- setcrul farmers have found it necossary to drill wells uoa uicm liavc been fortunate in getting plenty of water through umely assistance a serious grass lire 011 i- ueatlys farm in tra fulgar townslup was cliecloed a few days ago as it was leveral siieaves of grain were burned before the men liod uie fire extingulslied ur and urs w j mil of glen wuliaiufi visited ur and urs leonard white on sunday tuelr niece uiss audrey uorsden of wood stock wlio has been visiting her aunt urs wliltc returned wlui uicm ttie formers in uie milton district arc wearing uie smile uiat wont come off as results of uielr uiruh- ings show uuil desjiltc uie drouglit uielr wlieat hurley and oats are al most up to uie mark whicli is same- uilng uiey liad never expected ctuunpkm grssssy theatre fruay august 28 big brown eyes wmart duwttp fftu arluu urrbik gary crut hud jsa bwateeu comedy wash your step fox news sport racing canines saturday august 29 charlie chans secret uiytlry uurilkr fctatrritif wuim ouud gang comedy divot diggers novelty vitaplione troupers cliapter i i rex and rinty ashgrove an occasion of great interest was tlic party given in lionour of ur henry wilsons 73rd biruiday on wednesday aug iqui at his home which was heauufully decorated wlui lundurds ui niaiiy sjiades of cladiau a bounteous turkey dinner was served to o number of his mentis as they itulshcd cuthig ur clias prudliam acted as toastmaster asking soma of uie guests present to say a few words in lionour of uie celebration then from seven oclock on friends and iielehbars culled to congratulate and offer uielr licarty felicitations to mr wilson on uils liappy event each guest was requested to write his or her name in ur wilsons birth day hook for remembrance tthcii all era lielpcd to a piece of uie birth day cuke and a cup of coffee ur henry wilson hi in uie best of iveaiui und his wish was uiat all present would feel aa well aa lie did on uielr 73rd biruiday during uie evening musical numbers were played by ur tivl anderson iuxximpanlod by ura t kisher and uiss lluut airfcn among uiase wtio were present frojii u distance were ur and urs henry houslleld hagersvllle ur clarence llousflcld hamilton urs horning und uiss janet irudliom wulerdowis mr and urs jolin uames horval ur and urs clios ivudliau oak- llsle ur eaton tansley lwartio lbisuis uia thlrtyolve of the i by friends and neighbors called ttao uunday ucliool iilcnie held at riverside iniik quelpli but imdny was greauy enjoyed by all present a splendid program or anorui aai carried out beginning wlui a real lively name of baseball urul ending novelty raotfi we were pleaaed to have ur and uru harold head and family of ariss with us at the liltnlc urs hooper ulwdouary from aby- sslnla who wa ifoeu speaker for use womans ukslonary tlaclly on uun day wuu well received filie brought a mesvaue ww will uot sooq foret of her uok uiere and clsarly outlined coiulllhiiui hi uiat warstrirut arr wvcrvxkrie was docply tiitrta- l in iwr work and inspirational mea- sage ltw annual iflrti mwhing of uw ailigrovtj w- i was lield on tuemlay rxn canon and uru weaver and thelr two daughters jiave just rciurucd irom spciuiliui tt vc rcsuui two weeks at uowmanville ueoch ciiaries rywncls cxcrwlnskl promi nent citlicu and monulacturer wuinlpeg for many years and for merly uf erin died on saturday aug lsi ul uie winnipeg general hospital in hi 74ui year uiss uargarcl lungtuun of george town speiu uie week end wiui her parents sffr and urs w k ulng ham ur und mrs coll asluey ujld duuifhur and urs vokc luivo turned to uielr home ui cleveland ohio after vislung wui ur and um l overland ur and urs win marrow of oraimcvluc ur ivrcy morrow a mtnico mm w u henry or cliel teuham vislund wtti ur and ura r u wllklnin last week urs annie noble and uiss uyrtle noble and ur luiy noble uf cleve land spent jyulay with us and urs ii ptnkiiey viirouui home on u trip in noruieni oiilario advocate won 1lauiolijh ittizi at uie canadian gladiolus society sliow held at ouoljili last wednes day and thursday dr it c iaul ot gborueipwp who beautiful sliowuig ot flowers at his home here t ad mired by many won the fallowing prisis wiui ht uludlolus movice icllon 3iul prise in eweep- stakei on pnlntn for section thnv spike clas jlnt in a light salmon it itunile c smoky acooiultul oraiiiie or yellow scarlet or red c red crimson light violet vurs first small decorative collrclinu iiwllvldiial spike thlrtl individual stilke b uilrd uin varhhjfts ftrft six varlou third iwelw varwtles 43ilid tunle siuke class mat in 4a rod bi tiuiuvi ci any nuicr colour tec- imd in u yellow third in u sal mon tuesday wd wcdncscuy september 1 and 2 3 kids and a queen rubuvlnx remedy draws osrriujc sgsy mifn comedy hill tillies pictorial no 8 coming green pastures watch our window roa wkkkxv ics csuu sraciuji and oosbracrsomssv freh peach sundae fttl lor 25c longs conleclionery phone 89 georgeiowrl dl cahtl ui- thanks ur arul mrs kruuk hilucr und i jo yd of norul wbli to ttiank uuilr niuny frleikbi and lulghbora for umlr kliut rxiirvsiuui if symiiauiy and imuutlful tlorul tribute fshiultvl to thftti during their refill sail bt-ri-uve- nwnl pure food store 10 barspg white naplha soap 33c 32 oz jur apple and raspberry or apple and strawberry jam 2 tins devon brand dessert pears 7 02 tin guest brand boneless chicken tall tin select keta salmon 5 oz bottle oxo cordial 5 lb bug fluked whole wlieat christies cbeeae ritz per pkg large pk purity oats quick coqkjnq 2 x i lb pkin domestic or easifirst shortening 2x1 lb pkrs fluffo sliorleiiing sweet pickle cottage roll in pleon lb clioice breakfast ilacoii in piecj lb ieamealed iliick bacon in piece b lrrali bologna ill piece lb cooked mum sliced per lb 2sc 2sc 29c 10c 35c 25c 10c 23c u5c ksc 23k 24c 29c 49c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnell phone 75 we deliver jttt0ritbtt m moxacofw sabots rksr new luw rsuck a si ibciucsv bra ww dr devans fills x aju lkw vy a fsa fc ifcj r juaw wii fc sm tit n