pt2 the georgetown herald wed rliiv izvrmnr seprahrr j3rd 1936 nf harvest thankgiving serv ices t flssorqes hiurcl on sunday next sept 27th jkiljnr at ilunlvule sunday 30 harriett jelley formerly of alouxlt fttvrx daughter of ihe late imnry junr interment llouiu hfmt cmeery nickeu- in itettuo at uke fome of ida losler ml it wethertl im ttiuruday jjepleenber itut 1s36 ikr it h nakelb aaxed n memorlam uann in loving memory of uur dear mutlwr un uocann r wlao passed away uepuxnbrr x3rd ibm today recall sad memories of a dear mouier eone uj rri and uie on wk uilnk of her today are like oon wltu tuved lwr brea lvet remembered by oils and daughtera veterans burn mortgage on new clufy koofnv 3- holy communion i do otn aaun ii 00 am teacher veti arehdrot bcovtl ewiiif 7 do pw irewblter hev p h waj 1kvkkvbooy wklockuk this is the time ofyear to insulate your home and aovev approximately 30 jf your fuel bill riext winter insulation mattes your home warm in winte and cool in summer we supply arad install red top insulating wool for 4vic foot also jolmsmanville rock wool in two three and four inckes thick at reasonable prices jru what som rcoiu kuvti to hay aftoirr rr cm matt udd vou insulated toy home but pmil and it cer tainly hu made a difsereace we jeajt in our bedroom during all that hot weather ust july uy neighbors could not believe it until i look them upaiairx and fchowed them the difference between my house had their another mddt aty third floor wan wue warmer than the rest of the house during the hot apell bucfa remark together with the fact thai imuulion uvm fuel and wniri homed warmer in the winter mr one readiae more than ever thai home comfort the year around by i t t io u quite po tihle rortunately the coat bt reuuvely tmall i wheat w the taarfcai the georgetown lumber co lid phone 250 georgetown amt w4du it took aaul boou wklw it hb h its avuhu duty aifictuuy awl aotv rn entity it- th t 1 tuapotaoi ta oedtnaay fijrvbo wdtk hauadao ocmwmw lamba refo aaau tk oal aa wkkms m- coal cm hothaul lav daa w ahallow um wruea trulcac 1 agaj juciat batr it auwl attctl tua tend it at fea placw of funutuaw loa aiay i to tat lulilim t mi iuvkstn richardsons hardware w dair cicoararrwn oltftuary ia a a nmmjl ill km kraioent of thu com miuuty buki a- reueeted keikidenl of oeorcetown for ue iall thirty nv year in the tenon of iv ll it ntckeu uamd kiniy suddeiily al ute bona of hli klaler uri e r weui eril in ttoronio on ttujwiy kborii- uuf uui grpl 11th ueoramix wax a mi of the uie ur aid lra jais hie ell and yrns- bom at bajlinadd ty ars ao afwr tannine or low yen he attrnded txironfo vdaftamry colleae from which he smduaiml thirty nw yean o oomlnaj to ueorcvtovn he nvctued hit wofea vlon hrre unul he ratlrvd about twd yer9 o and went to rnkie wjtli his alaier to toronto- iw w an sd hecel of th pyoabytertan charch i impibm nd jt uaater of credit lode ajf a au and ui honor able man widely known tkrpuarttout i tiwiw lla u aurvlved tsy two brothers john and james ickrl of fjmobouae and two kutera un graham of wlnnlne kuid alra watheril of toronto the lunerml took blaop iron the home of hu fch ler in toronto on thiaanay lirter- noon where ray fto camera oon ducted tie karvioe ttne remalru were brouadit by tnotor to orcejiwood cemetery omncdmi wliere tley were mai by members of the alaouic order and corted lo the rav mens the church iervirpe waa cort ducted by hey d o davldaon m tor of knox rrhyteriau churci and worhlpful afakier d f crichlon vw firo itev woo tlumnfao and vw bro- oeorve rord of credit lodge aj i am the pall bearers ail pau uaiters of credit lode were walter lawion w a wluod lluh imckie oeo oobuon w t bran and wh kenney of walker loose plkt iqoir stort 5 bars p a g white naptha soap y 5 lb bag myt nice toasted wheat flakes 25c 3 tina king oscar brand kipper snacks 14c 2 pkgs parowax 25c viceroy fruil jar rubbers per pkg 5c 32 ox jar gold medal brand cranberry jam 27c hand picked white beans per lb se 8 oz jar dainty lunch mayonnaise or sandwich spread 15c ayl oar jar daintv lunch mayonnaise or sand widi spread 10c 2 x no 2ji tins aylmer choice quality txsmatoes 25c 2 x i lb pkgs domestic or easifirt shortening 25c swet pickle cottage roll in piece per lb 20c choice breakfast bacon in piece per lb 23c fresh bologna in piece per lb lzic 3 lins panslune kitchen magic a perfect cleanser 25c 2 pkgs goidtjust washing powder 9c 2 lb maple leaf soap hakes extra fine quality 25c 3 small pkga chipso 25e 3 pkga ivory soap flakes 25c 2 pkg sunset soap dye 25c choice fresh fruit andjegetables a e farnell phone 75 wedeover hu11uus o- tanvuivn uon illl a niull inlr m and s ial v ajvls uuill oujtiuii- norval th udica of norral unlteu churdi treanled uisa rtorraotf aclauhltn brldelobe with s rnbosllanous siiower or rriday ajternoon 1 sept lkth on tlw eve nf her departure train for a tmru at toronlo uu kdilh loreel mat nvrwb aul col leaguec of st ipaul alxgl churcll met at the lionv of ur n robin oit to wb4i twf tcood luck and pre- sentrd her with tt bmiutifuj wril aalch and travellin ba afur ue precuauon s dainty luncii kws tn oyed bi all prvenl 111 llslmuku uu kuul ulul uu mtjllli luij im u1il 1 ar ujjii i ui culuuuui lutull lluft uj llil t itujudu mi til lo ik uiul oil jktr ol lhu imuuiiiiu udl hint kill im juiumpiumd hi it n liui jlj ljuluiuvi liu liluiuj ll oix liu lit h mb luulil uiui lhilit likiii 111 id i auxuurj ujid lmiun utui utiis uu ku tuaiur uluil uiit lit ikii u juopiri vuiai tit- d ht tttr uljilk- vhu ul in ikiiiull liitcs jlkl iutl 1 u tujl uild iuij jmlktuil u jtortlujl ujut ltutcll ixf in lili iut uu lrl m jilww ul cul itluxi ft hi uu iliuilc u wl timllh una ljtu al cou a- uo lhutnluli but ih hi wxuuiil ol tlui puuriniuut to vimi uiui ll unvuui ul llks bruulllul wr oiinumllal ratwi oi catuiduul aoll in um luuirt of rruiu to liic canadian hu who ft uiot all lur luntf uiid counir kiimjkiul pivuklrtlt ul uui wouiant amculury tm ipuk brktl tuid iatimcxl uw pltujair ol uiu ludioi ill co opexutlutj ului uil lu uion in hit uuibluuinl at uiir tkew club itouai aiol j oniul of toroiitu u lor incr- ittsldml ul gcorlltown lkii ui praunt oiuj pake brinij con uraluluuntf uii tioi on tu ir mlm did tlocouululmunl und ntprtui uui luiurx 11 uu- lor him to i uiui ull tvenluti u lul ulinii auiiuu cooirauv 3ji iuit ol toruntu cru lary of uu lation ikiptu puiwi cum piin far ur 1roimci oi omucio uu uitrouuccd b col ujomii and uat u ery uiuiuntf uddre rouurdlii iiuui uilam in tht- provltfce ciotwl pjoiik viu be nit mudc b the uruu iou und tiio mfambenjilp in outuno at prejni l 1g 000 paid mtaiblr jit coiilratuluud octuyi umii iih un uuir iiuclou untl biautlful club roanl uiui wild that this lou luul jt a very lilih tan duxd lilcli uil apprtciuuxl by uui itovuicial und dbnilnlou comnuilul while uie vimy peace memuriaj luu breii erected and uillnlled lo coca merooral uil heroic deeb and totcrl nee af ttlor ulio livi tlielr lk 11 uw cmue of fivfduin i jutuld not luiifct our comradtj s till ihliitf uiul ulluriu from the liucl ol uu ur tlip 1oihii loi riiwl l for the re lief ol uw- un and ihcir fa mil u und tkiiiund uu uul ummrl o tverj brunch ol uie ltulon he uru ivl uu co-op- ration ol all to mulct iblo pohi llaj a ikuer ucccw stewarttown iluliiif womwii intltut lield wry tnjjoyblr aftmwon on sep 22nd in the council ciuunber khi uey luwj as kucx mebri of tli oorwhoarn xiranch thre vw about 40 ladled prant uba kv4 cluiholm of udton fc s very in teroinc talk on junior work and live luooovs of uie aclucrvenwa day lield hi uuton uui btfehxuon of limeliou weiv mou enlrrtalninf in tlbtlr uiinar puino duets and trloa ubs norma getilmwin is also a tal etiled elocutionlo- ulu iuln uu oowan llnvelkouse irave irujjnirnen- tmhv urz huyrf uxs campbell and uxs- livbuslone gave thort and in lereunai li touchlrar on jluiioji work federation and local w l work after intiim cod k uie king lunch was srvrd by uc esquolnjf knemhmt un llvbuitone ttitti uie uiahks of the oaonzetown brancli and a very pleaiant and entertainlmf alurkioon uas brouht to s cky ashgrove tlie concert and pie loclal indtr llie ausaiob of uie auxiliary of uwe wils- was well attended on rrlday rukhl witli rev u- kite praodiua the projfrarti wa- varied with sclec tioiu from the orchestra readings vocal numbers and solo number bi two of the orchfaura alio u ilort play ttie rally dy service wsu carried out on ounday morning nvc pupils frota tlie bunday frfiool ulwl uie clkolr loft and un a coupl of num bene hev k d uacklnnon of tvuronto formerly of norval will be uie jwvlal mlnluer for uie aanlvriary rvlcu n tin uniled cliurcli on oct 4ul ttie annual grandmotliers toeet lag of uie auigrov w i vtu lield on tliursday setu lfuu at uie home mrs w lutd aftr uie opening rvercuec and hnlr dbcuiiiont our uouo life is like a garden it bear uie fruit you aow was given by uru j hamas a kpjndal paper orow uie old bracefully was ulven by ura te ruddell coknmunlty strurlne of a few old time sonip hiu follovd an old lime contu conducted by unv geo nurie after natni god sae uie kins lunch a- erved ilot i sliall liave to put you lto fellows in uie arae room queti ttiaf- all riaht llt well i thmk kini liae a wry unoomfortable nlghu it is a featheabnd at two oclock in uie momlnff one of uie guets awoke hi companion gueu ctiange placfe wlui me luck groaning its ray turn to ll on uie feauur gcorgdown fall fair oct 2nd 3rd stove pipes mb4 kt fcml b w wuvu urn nsw tuka- liliu htad m hcgltraya parr 1 lu il ia utlf- it iuiuhc ol li l jlmi imi vvotll mil a ul wi ul tl n h a 1 mi ctuu umi11- l iu lui ujlu iiiit rruluy vt nt ht v li tl uu iallill khhmu i 1 uui uu- uu moi41 k i ilil id 1 11 tt ililtuuk il oiuj k 11 i m u ua njul xl lj u o llioan im id it ill 1mi im fca- llullilulli ol in tw nin miui in a itro 1 nuill t ollululu uu1 uie uwllllml on ul utu iinp hin ill in nun esquesing fall fair at georgetown fliiali and kt bal ani ini srtjimain rauta ust hl ust srtucials manti otlik attitacnoss hw lilnnlrui annual rall jjium luii of i- j iitaiut aiciiini llit i al mirl nlll tr luul lit etnetoll un m ilty uiul ulimlaj v 2mi uimi 3t1 itll llu uluay been imif of tlf m rtiru lull in llir pfoviiw- jiwi llii v r proni- lo tlii-j- pit inrkkr r illi a plriulltl prur u t lla- been iu rl und the luirte lll of rul e u im tlrr riirrr an alu tasm iimiiui uttriu tuiil uch u liulh lunai irtii h r lior ttnilt lui tkktatu i mi imx nebuck i w ludu imj j uiiltuiil it jmui bliwlln ronlr- j iiibv 1 1 urn oil un- luidlw cuutehi 1 hluliy olltri- fratun tluil iim pioii lnirr lln utwl amu uu i lulorrl of uu- ulr lilt lliul will bi- hvur v-iuim-iv- liu- than etvr wnl jou wul llilikui voil lie rr mi brlorr mid tnan vrr mi uliiln iii lun u the of fall fair fr-ullloil- u4lllllil4lli- are reneaeil uiitf frni ton tnjof u vbit uiui ud frhiwi coma u uie tw at chuu tnwii mi or i aril and help ubrnu lire wth urtlalay f one u hi brvt full fal in uie province iw tvirli- klllro irutuii ratwl llilllfnf llrt iirue al uie cauuduui itiuoiul kxikuiltuin at toipnlo ihu fill ulll i llnj u clfilaa- ifcroiram o3 htili dllrluif uie da miipy ulllrus hu u1jtmj bren cortliil ulwl llh fair ruthr the cc j- of thl bite unnujl riil is iikuired kings finest qoauly meals at lower prices rtll sl- awa lamc shoulder roast of pork 16c lb h ir4 im i to 4 t o ikr wul z spareribs 2 b 25c j pork chops 21c fresh pork butts ramri vv u1v kw- vvr iwc veal steak 25c lb rouli of veal 19c m kura i i i 1 9c lb 2 cottage rolls i hu 21c lb im prime beef 13c lb klftim tmrn twv ail prn rb roail 49c li boiling beef 10c lb i rump rout beef 16c lb stcwbutc steak 2tb2sc j rouuofbeef- lflc lb rtu aljc rmk yly kitchener bologna by tu cc hydro news uy oeorin kmuh grvurttouns lirk total of tlsdro lli jhw uiul bunu at etitrred hi llw lult t ivcntncuil lljdio irikirt l llii 875 the u mount l iltmlarx a follou h jre for wpillj ul wolncbd hjdro i tim ifajjjttj rerrre for de- lircclalkm on local plant til i tu u luur iiald tltjti ofirrathu uir plu tt3 hj7 gcorurton hicread it numbrr of lldro it- r- ll ifr by 10 lo ml li urd i ui3 lioremr u uflllkvt 110 3 in 1qu tlie ccoiul lr of i udro urlc lolal ceoretnw re- lime la year aero vw1m aw usalilt jiojil ui 1914 ibihthw re t uuw were tw gtt as 141u1u t ul lu 1j14 kilo a li liour sold far lutht- uiu lat ittr wire cmx71s a aahist 71ji7j in 1014 and plant capital u mm nlued ul 470 474 a agalnt 4 m 1 hi 1814 lu i itari ulerace coi to rjeorce- ton llutiuiik conunirr wmj las eilt rr klloaall au ualiul is cents in 1914 ulwd ui avenme of about jj crnl 111 lircer ullued litatec u le- onuirtoi uerue is ijt cents uk the poilnclal hixlro tvld uie uudlted account of uie hydro mml ion lhl lear jiows tliat tlw 25c slewing lunb 2 bm 25c 1w4 k stewing vel 2 lbs 2se shoulder roasts of spring lamb j5 lb breakfast bacon rrwclniw jicl 29c wvaakctam butter 2 lb 5sc r i wkh onions 10 23c soup 3 a shortening 2 2sc prunes med 2 tt 25c lure use 15c lb vw muni fillets jki iutt smoked fiueo isc a salmon steaks isc a 18c a hvukut steaks 25c a rei package tea a pk- 24c i a pk- 47c pboae 27 wmking prompl delivery the otuwm spotbtbt by ulfml lcwai 103h0oo00a lljdro deacu hw ua cjlm u- ill a to a ik- it wm n i th hidro conualslon to uie pt uonal orcanumtlon apiical ihibllc for llnanclal uptwirt all inonlcu raled ure tued for tho sup port of x ervlcu nwi jalm olurlc prciueiil of gueiph unuicli and ilobl adum iuut pre- ukiu al jjiuin tlruncli aln okc brietlj an exceptloimlly aoad exhlblllun of lap aiui toe dancliu by ijll- mule and jock anderaii ocrubauc lunli by uunoay ihotlier and vocal and ln4rumentttl niuoc b ouicr toronto lulen wo a feature of uie tvenlnj which piowd oulic cnlertuuiliiii und modi ajkprccilod b ail uswcnt rillou uiu uie iiruuram an abun dance ol dcllclwu refrtjimenl win ured by tlie lodli uf uie auxiliary and tlie remainder of uie eienlnu nt ncnt in dunciruf tiluams glen wl mr and urs- w j illll glen wil llam uiul tjr und ur georye hod fliu and ul uarcarcl llodalns of acton matortd to ouelpli on sundaj and silent uu day wlui mr and mr ben hodttuu and mr and mr cliar hood mr and mrv g klrb uiul da ugh tcr kauueen ulu mr kubj sr of urampton a ere rullur at uie lianu of mr oiul un- win srott on sun day itie flr4 annual banmiel held by hi albanl aj on ryldaynitbt wa a creat ucce- about shttj five member and friends jit tkmn to a very bountiful rftjiat repre ntitlvt were present from lilneton dixie takeilew jlrauipton caledon e and stewarttowt cuiian naftel ua of milton wa- uie iru t peuker eue a ma t intere una talk on uie fourfold platform wonjilp aorx edj ncatlon and fellowship mi- ida ucuentmi pre ident and mrs rea william local council iireseniauie reprented 3t aiant ayjpa at tlie livtullalkm ceremony ive lleoneo and dl trlrt locil council nlilnr held at st pauls church nortal on turdaj en nlnp ininforrmvl into a ttboatjoo ptont durlnii lu thl ha bien ytvule wvslbw hi the nvllon of tlvc quebec power con- tracl u hich a oriicuuilly drawn oailarw lydro commljuon to uie xmrdi of gijooo horupoaer of quebec ejectli clt at a tort of 4815 000 durintf aua ust alone under tlie rued lenus of the qiubec contracl hydro bought dur- lm autfu l only 300060 horsepower at total expenditure of but 4191fts4 or a auiiifu uia peoile hydro bust iu of 4c13 li a3 for uiat o month alone of uie 300 000 hhrepower of qtte- ikc electricity purchased durinte atta- u t 1c00o0 liorjpower is uiuism and tahd il refer power liydroi nuenc power uiifuy as of today u ktcaler uian tlie 15 per cent aener- ull rccankd uikouclioui uie con tinent a- normal afe reserve n t information front hidro that ontario ralea would liae had to rlc 2d to 30 per cent to carry the load of commitments under u10 or i mal quebec power contracts in- teod of an increase bi powr couu liowaier a decrease of at leas xx iwr horepoaer u no promised for n01 ember 1 tlie difference to ontario indxiury and industrial workers betweett a per cent increae and uie anticipal rxl 4j kr horsepower decrease u poaer co t x of tiurauul commer cial importance not only to ontario but to canadian industry as a whole in il earch far world markets while ontario liooies and industry adftiltuuilicouid never ha afforded to ue j much electricity at old private power company ralas uie dof- fcxtnee btiween liioue old tatic and hydro cliarce down through uie hyilro j ear now totals ckke 100 000000 churchnews sprint ure text attj be ut rianied to thu wwu bat be tranvformed b the reurwinx af ywr mlndv that ye kaay ave what u thai u xaad auj aeeeptable and perfeet will af ad usui it 2- st fcerke cburrh lc w ci o tluvruwui hector harve t ilumk 4 l li kiul uktieulh suiulu afler jytnl ty holy commun km 8 11 jn unda scluiol 10 a 411 ma uil 11 um preach r v n arcluleucitn kootl lenjhil 7 ni ireacher itev r if wuij- cruln fmlt t blev and ilouien mill be urleomtd for deeom uon sl juuv fttureb icui sunday afa r 4n matln sl ailaus burvb fleu ulluauu rywluy 8 pm hurivl n1unk411 injt nre lln 1- ii wu pn niti uuiday 3 pm llarxe t llutnk nlro vt 11 a rr i wit icon muc preaclier lhiiuls l nmlji i hiled chwreh he c cnereiwl pastor hur et home rfnlcr will itf c lebrute on koiuluy j7ui at 11 am and 7 pm ilw hei d a molr iwiw of hamilton und formerb a io tor of uie churcli will iinucli hmduj tclinol 0x0 am tlatrtm cbwreb ihv o lluxter ihl tor 100 in sunduj jclmol llally liuy r lce 7 pm lareutmf j j n lee i at lor jlob hamilton jukjftnl at mrma ler untvtrjty will ull or wwlc mi 111l tum hvld duruui uie uimini r a we come to all oltval oanton who ulll dlrvct uie circir lor live uinie itlllev icotlluu hand in ur na on oc toiler i6u1 and lltli the qrcus liu funniest and the bec4 ahov thul eer came lo oeoru town alii be juit on b tlie lome itltkv tsco ulu hand ui the- ahkna o ocloler 16th fcrul 17th 1u iland bos 4ncereli lioiw uiat eer cltlxen of oeorueloan und iicl a ul park he arena on both n hi lit to help uiem in tlieir effort to rute r fund for uie erec tion of u much need bandstand id eorueton ud iimr uirl ana ml jxiur boits iirn their lorrowt into iays conn ourrlf and urtryf our wife ami kct a real kkk out of life admiiision adull isc tax ulrl 1 chlldn 11 lac lial wile oli mine ijikl ita tiu k ui laky dut he done put luipttfirti hi de luncaktis deniaive dyu iioi time table changes effective sunday sept 27th 193s rull iitfoiinatui liuu afcenl canadian national start wtih new blood ui the wluiae- fateut of affairs and aow chanta ui ttetwral poho ilruol uieuou the uoeffutotu is cwrryuij oat e-ec- uot plrdcn otul li kcrkintf u cot tect obw weakrwi- which the ex perience of iwnu 0fi dulovd take rino for uiaaoe rr uiree years have hod comaaiuoa ol three wiui uw cbiurmaa wuat as brtwral miiiiirr many uaprov crpjry aeius in rho bcwd liae te- uilted luit a piiuiaielr e taitlce lssl yrkon concluded uval the threeasui commsfcon was a faulty set ujl ttwy ksitameiiaed chance to the ttnudi syleca so no we baw a kkiard of cm tun nine in number with the witty leonard broekiucton of wuuuy a cliairwun anj sucli weil knowu per- ous as seine mcctuue dfred fre and u snrir on u abo wv are u itave a crcpcral aaaaater al most cvrtimly mair cuadaoue alitt- ray a canautan who his reached uie to runi ui urwjuh ttroaijraijnc tlie lvd of gowraor wui ajv- praie and direct puhbe late in uie matter of program ua fceral bain utter and h- a ilaut nll iert lo crvv uie pbjc whu the fcoatroors uunk it wants the onuol tiiy- ed formetly by uie wwfti waa is divkkd there wdl be alx uae budding statuuu and ocae uutm- in ower of -fy- vivj jaiioa the bnudcaunf oarporauon wont have the money la ajnre all private sta kons but u will tcraduauy extend liable owrierhu as fuacb permit it will try to rnach oae of the iejj noc ui reckons mx onaila which vnnot no- botx our o pta- the chal h j- a uwi faith ta the posslhuil oi raiho brodeauiiu to bruu od buvl uaeihr the diverse jartluii parts of canada u t a maa of cultural lasus and wul sk rate uie aivitki of proaxrams a dvauabrt lexel- ot too huh- brow of course klut ua hicb that thot- people who wont sucae thina a bu better oa uie air wont be diappomted wliat mahout the e deal oil uie canadian kauoixal fce have had three years ol three- lan trustee eoemaent wuli uie rliilrwan all powfful it was a be 1 ort of recetvifrshui far a bankrupt jit at ttie taoetit emvmaieot domjnt beueie uiat it aroomlitljted any wore uion a cood thiectorate would itave m concirete reiuili and uui u hj a vfcsuvsiuvi esect on low we eo back to a board ol uiwc- 5 tor but not lie board as of su- j iunr tluiralun day ttlil wx- a m luite id and tal ered duecsjraitf u witli luui id pothtr of uiwrv loiu i sow w line a jkliu efewrwtu it u ioiwd uiord ul eleven ecduracuu auue ooi aiuhili wyers and wud uu men- ttie pmrlknt v j hun 1 m lvrforvi u aj tlw chauwuin but be- y lorv louj u t tuoikoed u wrate aj llwe olnofu if ii tun j l- to mte uw jteai ay il- bond aiurvr u uiat l ict y will x oa alter ua4u aaj boaintaui evuiuiauc- tvioie die uor- aj ale of ttw workers rwj poauoal u tvrw- ih tlutt l jw tlieorv at am ijj rate me ut all intetvted tuiancuih h becuie 11 cos i c 3vvijuv kan wv m man and child bve ilwlsi a mt ui u tueet 1ie ut l ol tlw nuia a ii jur vvar lor tlie u head ul uu- ljsal iamjx w1h u biarut riuii u hruer ve w should bv iwnvvbe i ie ooati llut m annual iwitt w ctujvbf m uie ltiuk oj c- 1x1 h tspo diaiw bat in it luin h julnaieh miui atl ivkn rvuvl ui at stuiaut uil t- hwh l poten u m t tuvl r lib haab ol tlie cove 11 u ucal ul uu day ttie ctwuve ol 1 lectors uivtt ilia the ktoveinaieiil jj not idebhind auwit motvejiry iwillcy 1 xirve cioie 1 one of the jj m0u l a viurve xurxku mind lki wlio lvi luue uie lor oand iiatliau the eefumekvi pltliasvd j uaotty of tkaik lvt vnl alyo m and o tlw iaaoviy omnerslup is vcltfd m tw iwiir itaiw tw sallonal liuiuwairrtil onaa wm luuirx tlvt ika sauie men viul ikvu on to laraas utuvr uw rarui lmpiovaiu aiieae wluch iwaills uw larwwr s wvu as the awfcr tlw outh tnplowbeit y ttw- l alo pfetkiuld clurdm g tluub tilwr iiuajibrrs of un aj italiuxl 40vill tlll walter trade and rviiiw tveur uuunr bjg lo iiw i aj theatre friwy september 25 tough guy w xurf oun 1mu rr ul kla tto via it charlie quiie coriledv neighborhood house peririer pot borhsitb the sea fox news suurjuy september 26 under two flags rm ommaav mu bmh uwy uaxri cumow cwjfci uj melody mister little jack little cartoon two little pups tuesday and wednesday september 29 and 30 anything goes uv fct imcsa u k weeraekiau ii kt laaaeia uajta kxmie jy ttal meraaau aaj caarue uzu crime doeil pay a tlirill foy thelima scenic rio dc janeiro watch our window vol knu ics okam srscutis amn cwrwmnu eiucfscotc m swbe 13c 2 lor 25c longs confectionery phone 89 georgetown r iraicr m lac ftilh hrl ctt costj itti economy oft ecupse furnace t lomo lnna aaatiaaa 41 ham- m k4t waa iy afci mmjrt u haarf wvfci mm j hliatmimv wew fmr sale by r h thompson a co stove pipes and elbows furnace and stove repairs we- can overhaul your heating ayuem at a reasonable price on abort notice plumbing sheet metal work eavetrough1ng elecnuc wiring r h thompson co ihhone 46 georgetown