the georgetown herald wednesday lvening december 16th 1936 v gifts for her from brills ladies store hand kerchiefs hosiery a iiilte display of beaut t tul linen a lie lawn iumj opu clotli luwtlk- avwjilu your inspection wt brill s tw arc mi tuilrd l-cc- trimmed lund embroicurex and olnn ones at c- lo 150 full fashioned pure thread silk rmgless -cluf- fon service or semi ser vice weights in the sea sons newest sluidcs two famous makes packed m- 8 boxes at 59 59 79c l00 also wlk and wool wool hde ec 25 jl 00 hid rbewtic pans for 25 years ha arms were becoming tin- wftler of thr louowlnc wurr liad a bad atlatrk of rheunuuajn aukd aj advled lo uke krwctimi ll did io and dnenbra- hlv expebaerncea ill ihr follow m word about two year o i developed ir-rtr- attack uf rheumatism in my hi jioulder blade i liied all uuu uf rcnmklktw but with ho result un til tine day my brotherln law uii healing of my ufferlnar ejtciaimed tlien- is uul ukc tlunjf lor kheuxna unf tnal tvkrwritrm lbt i ecded puithaa a bottle and far thnhn4 wck look leaapoaaru a kuuls of hot water rh trumi litc thr paia itradilauy riirfe-wr- aid hs liuw fcotur eullrebf i m uu tkinj rny aarly porutn4 tiure i feel convinced thjit u li 1iuuh to keep m- iii jojl tleumatic cnndluon are- lie qpnllyt ute result of j mqyx of uric acid in the- hofch two of den uradirnl of kruueheo iijw are- not able tor tbotr t in dt4olvina uric bvcki other ttuttepctls of lbs kails bliuii efalah- to fcrpel dm ut loltmi acid from the- norol the supreme gift r w3 oojjukm tkxt ulu u fod hiahrct and good will ttwufd m t iluk 1 john 4 tre la iuw mr down a clin inu utl lorl lair iuuk lxtr ao tun bl chf l uill ur kimi iukt1 ttr uu- j4 lrtt- wu ui- our uikrn ijtnr tf iimi 1m1 tm- tj taiiik li- uf cmmi ultu tall dw11 iw lur iu- uiuj till imj j411 lul lliw lttrlli llwrtf i lni tieiullllutl f ud u lk ituhl m l uuul oj l- uir a tviivicwi bf hi xjk a iomkur tested recipes xotj iv muiir ult io wr- ulwl tului itk woiiitkml ljul cumj llll ikriullllull luu lhlrlwt cod u linu rt w- kliuc cln- tvkl tnxl i uknj hu i umioi htrh nucnkirj fiats ctiriamiu en ur awn whimtjiur ui pulklbc hbji us uimkubl tijtiiarf twji these unc tnj b- ikmromr by th oacoinai tutvtumi niwrtrncr it klrmutetu lallii iiu- a rolkimvr of clirtsx witim kiuiku ii tmtjf ouicri by wiutaj llni 1piii uf ute ltvc variety uf tulain rkimiwuor aunonat attorn llwj know tl tnulmony h tui uf a kt ihtioai avtfu bkanr likimyl but uiai i tu ruii wh in titif ctuuiatt jiuuld twt jure iih mr tiimiilkrr tlwir unlh rapeii imt tlw- uiht- of tud ui ciiii- uf tll- u ut tu irll lo lltr tva ltl if j l trlj a wt tilllv uf t-m- ui ihmt will urudeti s rr u ur u is gluriuuti rirrinr l kwt lyjjr bul irl-i- wlkui livr ii uvv ll4- urxrit hbrrt fliitllall kr tetto tiau lij brwl uvflnjtiun -lx-ft- 111 ckkiuciui chnic unr- of uw itli ykhlch uuit lrr 1 inu t lrrilfiit imvwtttv lu- l 1 tuffcn k f i it hud r ttl llkf iirr ill ltlluul bovi iluii nukrlouvvl uit kvr v bttlicu uf kit wlku hr nvkld ul thw futlii uuu m lv lut- hi ux lui wu uuu uk 1 ulf ului iruui lk tfuruuuc but he brv iuiik uiat cod luvv uk uiruush ull uu- hmnilm tw hk taujlly will wr bt 1 a val ii i tu cicaccr ai llit cat riu lurtocul gnr hurrruiif iibout uicu uluumi wuu umily oilui ri air u rrmlly iuitr- lm if he blr imjwe 1k1 nt air tmki lrr ttxrr i jr in tx- bit lrrfrft luw xutli our frr pc taum- iir lutlh turtnnit uc llukl htirtti t lu rtutd- trfrct in low uv tntw1 hv fiwtljhuilu ull w hir ui uiouchl tlio hmnilm uf hk taujhly will we bt t nl uioughl tlio lirliu kr li l uu ltmrt ui uune- curt r 11 iw th suppers in every style from daint boudoira to warm durable julaeta in diades to match any robe all are well made jnd the prices 49c 7c8c j1j25 139 l50 j shls lingerie satin crepe or rayon panties est and bloomer sets gowns pyjamas slips and bandeau sets specially priced at 29c 298 purses leather handlings slyled to ro with the new coats al iwcks jj and up gloves kid and capeskin lined or unhned black or brown in smart new lyle 100 lo 195 c saaat i 3 tupb cruubcrrvet 1 waatr 1 tap woh uad mw wiy uns from cruuibcnrfea- quarter aid rrmv roxe fruon fciiplp but do not bci cut whi in acuopx bumi kcnwi bmk but do not peel tut all through m cdajje cuttct or thv feocat chothe add i cup fcutar uir u this fa better if allowed teveral day u ripen cramwrry saamr aaaack aa cup cranberrits li cups lugar 3 cups water boll iuar anaj water five kninttte add cranberries and bou until fcu thai ikuis brmk usually nve knlnuteai uimcieoti ttiu makes a thick w1w1 ialice 04wwty ckull cranberry bockuu gofci 1 lth ootte 3 cups eranbtrrkd 5 cups water 1 ormncv 1 cup mmr cow cranbertma with water and 00k until all arv broken alrain tbroucb a coare iiere add uar lad uvn to a boil cool and add juic- it the oirane ser very cold oln- lr ale taay be added juj ulw erwbiaf craadmrry a0 cwkull ivel and cut applec in oturhalf indi die covr with abov tailatur for cranberry cocktail and allow lo ctand on hour before rvlntf tlit uf couru l u nialur ul ul but ll u a falh b wlurh tuen call it aiwl rciv the 4uu ul lu ui i lo tlirir un livru it k tltruutfli t 1 tluat a- may know oud if wc ki iwui low c catuiot kttom ood fur od b jo- witu we tallj bvul to lor r aie bum of oud ll u hl itfuril at ork tu our unu chbtc ctwioata uc 9 1 tlw uprecne exatnlilr of 11 ie low of god a- like bift of clurtt cod int hx foi to be ui fibftar f tl world- only through loe can in terpret thi ttreai lad god o kd llwr iuw that he fcavtf hl uulj beeoueti ton tluu alomierr belw-v- etli in him vjtould wt perfcji but liavc eruuinr life the purpose of tlve cominc of chru u to glv to men an aboundiiu life wliat 00 uil chrivunas tnejir taean to us hpeakinc a ujiiveriity futiciion ilord tweduiuir go geturul of canada pleaded with profon iwi uudeiil to cultivate ute unseen until they could begin to underhand ih central fact of th clirutian re ligion tlie word wtb nuid nvjt and dwell uuonjt u tlil chrtt- tnas ihall we trj to undcrtaiwl tl ihcmrnauoil as an ekiireun of uie lov- of ood to baabr iw ba ow ii u hun who had cared lur have lofe li of giul our but u cod and tur frlloa hie1 lj a region- wn loe tlud becall li- ftrt iovthi ox timid juinkuw xwu alur liave been tor- tdnrd h frjp and faubtjr can aln holdn atwl become radiant uctoriou pult because thej ha vjriksj lo livr itlplnrd by tike i4 uul for man owuum im -r- 1 cod ij lov do- tll deftnluon atltj iouf j i chrittn a trtua or a faith 3 iltire vie brllre lliat god d in u what l the allemather 4 what donr a public profon of fallii do for ourjelic and for olwr- 5 lsr liath lnrmrnt wliat is tlie cure uow11s haltnt ileat atss accordulk 1 live ofoctal ummo of nuure of awld rwoducuori and tr4ide relatina lo weal which inctud- beer mutton and utah bacon j habu and ioxk ealth- heep bur- e ulm calmed tneat compued by the imjmruu kcooomlc committee there are itrikinn contrasts in tlie appar el jenl conumluon of meat per head in 3 cups cxtmberrfasq cup water cups ugmr pint whipping cm crated nnd and juk 0 1 unau orahg cook cranberries with water uotu bolt ftub through iev add iugar lo pulp aad cook taunulfe add rtnd ad juvw cool ipold m whipped until ulft lreee table cloths in pure risii linen at prirea thai invite com parison towels terry towels bath to wels and tuirluah towels at special prices motor boots lhf newest styles in black brown or rrey vel t with fur trim cur rent lour prices blankets aw cusnioaj good selections of com forters bd spreads wool and flannelette blankets etc at and up other gifts for ladies uiaiu shmtm kid jackets auj fkauus cartaus arc brnuv snkk uauewm cat tic me uutajy ui wkw far all tk birtwlr for boys iwkry sasaurv u bik uawks muaj lafk c amj ali- oejifev iu tyia tu c m ualk huaea ska aekav hmlv i ajrhmar wiiww etc for girls suv dm lumurfi skac kakur batb w oaats jau ataj ski ttvv larwar iuu w owatw kle ku for infants and small children snow suits bonnets shppera shoes novelties sweaters underwear etc give something to wear now d brill cx gift headquarters ow lalll aul lui bin georgetown 1 cup cfaktbenries 1 cup augar 1 cup water c appwt oover cranberries woh water and cook until broken xreij through a coarse uew add iutar brumf to a boll add appka peeied cored and cut in eighuul cook very lowly until ap- uei are clear and liav absorbed the juice cool and ser with whipped cream as deert u appla wtdch tk hot break up in cookinx spv delicious uuiib or tolman sawt are good arietks for uils purpoi georfce ii d atartyn a walkerton man in tlie uraoiy of hl ule wife lld oh the mortgage of i6d ou ui recloo of at thomas anuca fatal car of pinal metungitls hi 1 arious countries the peoil children disclaimed all falui in god nr zealand australia and arett sh was aed whl lie spent lur time ul1 large meat eaters tlie ar- nlghl and daj carlnjr for uieie tjck ltt eat mainly beef only uw cluldren tmmaduiul lie replied ealanden and australians eon uecaue i love uiem calmly uiej ume hoth mutton and beef the total bus ajted almt is tlie source of her con uwipuon of meat in eadi ol tlie lov for children gradually slie u three countries belna oxer 500 pounds ivelped lo tliat tlie love of ood l hrod of poiwlauon in canada a- beuuf exiurued through lier united males and great tlritain tlve lov alkerckith siie lovwj iick clumdreu aa- uie spirit of ood with in iver han l moa like ood when lie 1ova tlie word love of coure mut be reud from any intuncntal or amorou- jeaj lbv- ic good will crristdhs gift suggestions suggestions for iim cigars 25c 500 agarettes 25c 100 tobaccx 25c 05 rolls razors 695 895 wilkinson razors 300 500 electric razors 1650 uoiwle votes yartmley sets 100 l 500 suggestions lor ihe x y electric heatjng p 500 ifcipnj by ifyilrv jasmine sets 85c 500 votcs c i mil bo medico pipes 100 ilw per caiilla coniumiitlon of averae about 140 pounds of wlitch beef and jiork are eaten in about c ual quantities in canada and uve united iaaies alilie tlie 1w pound per head con umnuon in great uri- aciluo tlie effort to enrich live aln divided un uito c5 pound- beef liver of others love b tnina to do pound ihk and so ikwintl mut- with our uvea wliat chru did ui lon hi life our felkmililp with god tie- f umpean countries u central con pends upon our love love u nion lwae nieat germany eat mora uian the secret of naht lulim it l i 1uin rvance nvore beer uie euentlal condition of klloalilp uian iwt fwl neltlier con ume any aith god we may be ure uiat codl n rlal amount of muiton their spirit u at kork in our live- u our 4nrecate con utupuon of nveat belna capacity for clirlolan love is crow- nimiroxmiaieli il0 pouiml per liead bng for geniuuij and so pound iwr head ru- wul 1 ie for plfftnoe livestock numbers adds 0r rwaue haw is ic sumraarj do not alford a rell tlirre u a rourh and rad ajmc able liwliration of meat production for chrtlian axuken uvat no one lue larselj to the different purpoiea itets t genuine eitperwnce of chrlt for ahlch tlie onimal may be kept unlii tie gels down on hl kneei and cattle nia u intended primarily for ilandi up on his feet or in ouiermtlk production or for drouatit iur- word conf ion and wi intoning are iioes and in the largest ilieepraljng botli necenao when an individual country- uool or more importance experiences live jivinfi iunvr of uian mutton india with more tfuui chrit lie l lraiuili moved lo icll oneouarter of ihe worlds cattle doc otlw-ri- tlie news l loo good 10 be not tl ure a an important beef pro- kejit to ows ir ii l nw an uka lducln countn a- in uie ca o or an ideal but an experience which jlive lock numlwr ugurer of laurh luve to tell we have usn and termi are not available for uve do tfctlfv uiat tlie kather nl ihe word a a a hale and onlj far iome son lo be tlie saviour of the world of uie coumru alnch liar uie in- soda syphon alake ymr mo bnu water 4 playing cards 50c to 20 gillette blades as adrrrtiked tui rbmlw 50 b1 2 castile soap 7 25c s otts xmas 2 cards 15c milk of magnesia tooth paste 39 ote you can always ikop to ulvanlage ttt your rexail slow sug for her t yardley sets 100 to siojori n 9 jasmine sets 85c o 1000 mnux votes cotex sets 50c 250 candy neiuon jenny lino and betty anne compacts 100 450 perfumes 50c 500 doubile votes stationery 25c o 300 jasmine mirror ball creations powder x 00 perfume j 1 double votes p phone 76 robbs drug store the rexall store georgetown tlil is a tcood jbjl for uiou alio are iloululng the reality of uielr chrl- 1 ian experience ilave we tlie impule church walkerton thus makins uieto tell oltwrs of the saviour a lip iva- cntlre church property tree from allhelied ust u a liave uien e are encumbrance carolne out ui awe impule of low- tenia loiuif trade in meat from timale- available it erts uiat beef lirodikiiop in the principal pradocmji coun trice declined betaken ittts and 1331 but tliat an appreciable recov cr ha incc occurred erwin and goldhams meat marfcel for your xmas poultry fresh killed ontario turkeys geese chickens ducks call in and select your poultry special prices tor it he week end round steak rossis 17eib rump roasts feel 14ib ivo skoumers pork 1 4e i at toronto policy court recenllj a fine of tio and co ax lnijad on produce merchant for tranpnuiil hatiued iiotatoe which were below ilie minimum urade as i forth in the dominion prult vegelahle and honey act at the jime court un oilier mercliant wa- lined s35 and cotti for tranporunc potatoes witli- out the required marking of name oddreis erade and net welch t a- re quired hy uie act the scotch that barns well to lutnemur britain xra- our bl ru toioer in october bouaht 47 060000 worth of our rood controlling tuberculosis lcvtrto kwoira abnut iia thai at ou tibia tauuil briml 1 u nt lit km ikki kaw tu lruiit ui i r n nirul i llo liit lhltv or furt vrai a n ill at uuuj m tuljc ilih id i in it tj liloj r ir i uaa itluinvuuu tmfiii flw iir iliiny vrru ana ii u a t iitt 1 r etil4 to 1iki ilfailt rit u ttiuu mjnul rtjilu as liljli as tutr s amtkaoulnrrrsy llto ttoulivltu- uruitw lolar u u alowmt a ulrarr u rlty io un a iwih raio j num tlun aw or two t liuioul hid in mnj rih- ttn lj- lyiuriud for llw iiil mj- wrro 14 ikxu oua v4kiu rvwc t bjuvturr ijuruc if a bika or imq afti i u uj rin 4 iyw bturuuunl imitu it ll iktxlbnu tl kilw j rlilklnn a frw arm abt u kwu ihimiii t a rr uu- ib e ihluun iih ij it i axd a da ifumu j tiiu tia ut c vj ir- in l ti i in wluui uf iiuiuuhlui t 1 ijfli i i ll laiillruit llal tflwryi aiul i tmr f luir i lrritlwtt h im u i i uu h anl f aaduilt tbm lit- inul livvutl it otuv lliuitil tlt uihiliil m an tu irfwrtkrsu illiiuiiilrtl yuikwuwi la wiul rr rnxi uln eaatutl lull ii i ftwimirajiiiiit i lkl wn jwiii- li ii niiil in cuuttuitintl hi tluriiui ii llrvt un uv mr j hit riuxr ll iu i mm 11m vuiuit thai villi llfi tl uaib r in timarui in iwm rik jlrr lb nlu tul jtnllaniiui x ij lkui ij unaiuud taji ml il l laoiut iiuiiuul twin ii u i ii u a ijillt hit ii n aj nt it eial la 4cl i v in i- full nlf ll lv li rf ll nol you bul in your furnace bums longer gives more heal phone your dealer m ii ui ir k imn i i lap rjlu f kt ih m t t bolliai bed oelfc mealy pot roasts 12ea utsl cliortho kidney suet 2 u 25c utru leaf mince meal 14t spy or greeaiug apples 35tjiri shoulders ol lamb 13ea sliced bacon 27 a salmon by the piece 13c lb erwin goldham phone 1 e- 4 the georgetown cate serves only the choicest foods special turkey dinner for christmas 50c wt inilc joii und your friends to dine with us bcm scrvicc reasonable prices m george chong prapmtor m strnt nuxt door to wrights butcher sliop georgetown fc m m m flowers for christmas vc e have a limited number of brilliunt poinseltus beiutiful azaleas prettv pink begonias und long liilmu cyclamen in a vari- tt of colours order your now sttj our lipa of plants wreaths und cut dowers at flic greenhouses hr at tle flower shop in tin- bnooi block georgetown christmas week the barber floral co phone 47 georgetown