pw2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening january 27th 1937 y cuiuur al fxtwartlown on uoo day january 20 1937 mary helen unw dearly bakrwwd daugtiter of ur and ufs hume currie obituary uak 1illkna chuuc ivwui rain to uarv helena cunir uorli tarto i i daughter ur ana sin ilun 4 urtmt ml use taome of iter lammitl umraiuown on monday juri alh i ilrrxuw the only child of un md mrs cunir and haul been tmalld 1 her jjfe tlie funeral look oare to greenwood cittrv grorurtowyi ihl afternoon wlven im- service wu eonductad by itev 1 d ilavtdaau inlrtrr of kttox llvotylerlan church the aym- palhv of uir rtmnmiuill b exteivded ui uf at id ur gurrie in uvelr sad brreavenseul oiautv baby chicks rwefc wler oftv laivrrtw wr have added to our eqdh- tajint twi latest 1937 hew model ipouhalnr miu k ill he preivareo it snppty rtivuimrn with liait- ltkl hock und u utrilud number of newlianipahtt- lied ciricica to iw cent discount on regu lar priced if order is hi before mitch 1 i francis thompson a okukcrown fl v coiv roktmaktkk or ouvilu ts dkad nkuv of oafcvui and postmaster in that town lor more umo q years l v oote died last uaturday afler- iioori at his hofaoe op allan fit two ikiouths ago 1m uthetm a stroke and early this week pneumonia set in son of ur and ur lewis cow oakvlue plonaer ur cote apettt most of hi life tlkere and u wnont the towns most rovpecled cillarns a tormet president and secretary of the local lawn bowl in club he look a keen interna in horticulture and many taovemenu to better the town and dutrlet during hk lone connection with the post office his uifluencar was in the dominion ifwtmnlwi auon of which lie was a tvu pmsl denl t am his vile aivd one 1 ter ulss juom cote of toronto un- rrmj service vru held tuesday morning from thr hony to ot a rtmri ttooum orthotic church of which he wm- a ttrominent member itv ralher c w irohman uui ue funervl masa cleave elected councillor umk vota rouui in w aau one wllfcn 1iaiuu 11 ixectu fftl m1lur os moiiiay last t oltt ml felt thanks to the hector of ward one 1 luieby noney jny yeryalnoere thanks fu thf nnlendld vote accorded fn the election oh uonday but a tit of your reumrntatlvs in coun cil for ia7 i ihail endeavor to brrve you faithfully and work in the bnt interests of the uunklpallty ax vttwkir ulncerely haltoj cleavk thanks i ikereby thank all toy supporters in the tnunldpal election in ward on uonday last your vflort wa ap- preculed will try and do better llext time wu tlroafpecm j w ii kcdloer son succewn to john hkdonjkl eute dealers in coal and coke we carry a full stock of all sizes hamco coke blue coal and genuine scotch anthracite ready for prompt delivery at all times our new screening system insures you of clean well graded coal quality and service is our aim phones office 12 res 211 georgetown cent a mile round tnp bargain fares from georgetown uu ttm jujfeht maumw mi cmm- nl mr nr ciijl nf tn h ft hsnahuis tor tfeulu ol ntxhcua oi rco oospii ymi a tvmin ju to coll1ngwood graaenhurst bracebridge and huntsville onl atmactions llraolrkw and ilunuvlui cwu wtmtkh carni- va13 ski oowtksto oouinevood onu gicrrt3 at mjjk uouhtath bxx cum new wax kjflb ki skciai- l tokulta dnlon stn g00 njn tmi sui vis ufsvrton srr grsvcniuri s4s pliu rirsc bruue bo5 run huntsvuto 9 is pjifi reluming frvb tk iv uunuvul 7 00 rua 10rmbrklc t40 djo- qravenhunt 00 iun tor toronto tiaod ipsre tickets trsln service and all iniormsuon rrool afcettu canadian national in like rlorlmmi il w kconday to fill tlx uutk twu otuikcll 11a vll elected by u lulus ihj ll two oftixmeiit tte vou au- a clei- nwaiihl cuiudiuiluni 4 1lul ui uaioiitv inr r rt standing commillees appointed by eorgelown council other appointments made communicalions read lie crises granted accounts passed iimtl jil mi inurmlay evenliu p 31 t hi k m urmbrri ntwnc uaytut iuxmv iteee ijavu nuiluu ttw lumi a u jrr hull ju- coalcan ami a r mitnuiiujiluaiu from canadiat ij1 ii rlrtowl lliw tlaixl ual jumi a mi kvparunent of luhtk w llir oiiurio om1 ittmd- ajj-oci- imui irk chlldrenr- llosiilal ur pjril urmll- uimi uiiutltuill iutli lununi it ltrovil a brliklf of tsf calvj diuii iajuui ujcnl um of mik for juu 1 i for u tby krul lor nr iiibiti u 1hm a 4laiue otf main m ui live m w juiw li 1 xlrorniui and it- ualouoh teu iiiird- fif rrneal of ttkeir btlu uid hjlf ureii- ur uasloughleii ujtrd fir reditctloii of llcrtu4 fee ur uakloushlen ahked for llic iff dm pnik rv ow iw itaikf july kt for a field ly kirtj chu ijmtg an n h lboil liiiilti- d council on brlialf of fin llrijudf u jiikic fbf utl increase in thr 4lalje vt die tire chlr uiriit hie chief kj truck driver- nl o u millahlc rwam lor their meeting und furjmic tujtliew mr uqu- ui ululf f mr ual vvllllalsuii addised couivl in re ltnl lo ikayuitf rent tor an indigeiil ur kr ui itcllcf commlvjoiier wusuv hu report for ute tobntii of december bul huo jor lhe year ltoc uk liuf llu towit u ihe of j1 her eocu for die year aa tlt23o4 yjfovwdj by a b arr seconded by jkyjivli hall uiat tltc treasurer jaty he itcllef conunulon tile ulin ictuiu u paiy december turcomiu- cjnrled mord by o w dvu leoonded by jo hull that hit billiard ucenc of hualty t urdoiwld and fc- il ulouuhleil be niewcd for 1bs7 at hie deans truste board c 11 daifoot tauu f i year carried mcoermld u near w 11 kent- jjoed by a ii jarr ieoonded by jlu coitlatt uiat canadian legion 1wl 120 b alloaed the uie of live park on july ut for a field day and the women a neuuion for tiveirithat tl he alloaed to hold a street tuiicc on mill st on the night annual mectmk of oeorkelovn united church in pue ol hie inrlrtusmtl vk alitor and liic ireclkevusi rnuijluxi of lhe atreeu a iviii imubi fit t tnctu bef n lw rhtlirh atlwnil on uuri day rvniut at llt annual inrtilit uie gunteciillwn rii lplnl of luil ulrteuc ha taaanilt u ivrrnt biul feeling of itofm- aiwi o vi mrenjrtlimrd by lhe lutiou rejxn utat aere frfttfentrd nenr rrtisutf tumyrje lo tlw u brecmlion hie vrry vrr lfii iiilprmar tion that u ei 111i11 ol ten nl ihr knezaherdlp bud lirrji liutit tlmt uf ter all the- local riwilu luu lee iraki uw lra- urttr uok rre- rlia ed willi k balialicr on lutll 1 thai u mlvioiurj ulvliiss luui lncriarf twelve iwr mil orr tlto- of lo i year and uiat uve revnnii or both the womans uitloibry uxlrlj ta liie wometik avkiuiumi lud tnadr u- mibstantu adaivce ijul the thw ratifyintf feature va tlwl uie vork of the contpeeallon in t v r pluim wajr wet orianuted and bchitf ui ducted in a ver otiljurloo tiutiuvrr tlie flrctlon of iifuren resulted a- follows lawf live fjeiiw to 1111 tlw place of tlioe retiring j l gdfrey victor mcdonald and l 1 ou r elected the hoard or eaurd v deatia h chirk n hum uiul i ltyoni treasurer j ucdennld tji voloiie uewafti c adam uild w tier audioes w j krtirwsfi and stephens votes of uunks vev terulerwl betlerooa nnancuu ajjlttiice to mrs c rreure ami urt win ttuiall ror lurovullng the trletnenu for tlie ui crament to uve uaurd of btevard for tlvclr careful aiul uccjul tll buivmdnt of revenue to xir and mrs ileiicy for llieir efficient cure- taking and o the miul ter und hi wife kev f c and mr cnrrend the meetlnc ara clocd aith ui bencdictkwi pionouiuxl b uu muu ster and the oongregatlon turnel in the work of unouitr jear ailh re newed winkuiw and confldcnce butmk mumabl orttarioa btljns ummary from injonnauon recclvesi from the hank of montreal wllolcalr trade bruk lietall btudne k exikrriencliib a seasonal lull following the heumet chriumaj trade once ijo collec uons ar fair to good manufuctur ing output continue uh tantiully in excels of a jear ago automobile manufacturers are neanng peak pro duction altliough in ome quarter output lias been temparanli re lriql ed as a reull of labour trouble in owe united stal foundries are xtlll busy vhllc tool die and pattern makers report a final jackenine steel mills are opera line qt idglter levels ulan for ome jcars laixely due to incrtnled demand for automobile railroad structural and mlnint tyjulp menl agricultural implement com panirv are bui on both domeuc and export orders tanneries are nvodcr ately acue glioe factorle are ell engaged and orders for spring dellv ery are btlng receive in iaufactory volume tire and rubber foolaea companies continue to be will occu pied tegtile woollen kind lioiery wilu are operating at or near capa city purnltune factories gnerauy arv busy iup and mper mills liave a moa nnlslvfid lag cutting gold pro- duction for uu eleven monuu eiule november mui totalled ttj oocim compared wlui 7 633333 in the cor responding period in 1jj ilave you kciipuon jett reneatl voiir ub june jotlt carried ynas olbbon- rarr hall ooftigan nay- davis crithss looru moved by o w davis seootuled by a e- crlpp in amendment uial uve georgetovn pifie hand be given uve ue of uve park on july lu for a field da and if tvecesary the day before und tlie da after motion ilota yea davis cnpp lyon hay- cibboilb iarr llall coatlgan moved bj a u iarr seconded by ju- cocuigai uiat we rent ue lc gion room- for uve use of tlie rtre- men op uve same terms as lal year tijoo per annum carried moved by a fc crlppc seconded by tliot lyons uiat uve treasurer pay live follovelng aocounts ii marcluncnt l k warned ats it uurchment ww stat ii uarchment w w- it ilidro klectrlc comm v c wlutnvee iu w wliitnvee v a j n oneill a on us w h ken uve r a son cool tlvompeon court servioec tiitoa 7s 1u 18i g647 1600 10 43g6 400 wm wurd court esrvices 4 00 it w riobb tatolrvery ie u ttvompop a co ivoulng comm k u langdon preparing deed 500 w q marshall ww tire truck paixage exclvang 19 7s moved by ttvos lyons seconded by a u larr tliat wc do now adjourn to meet tuewlay january sfith 8 pm carried the georgetown heralds tnmeidiwwq 0ffe for readers of this paper r huh two gro 1 r sav- d wjkr i a cimkv of 4op- nti your sajttdmm fcmuib4i i b4ctosa ft kjeatf uno uc dortciua lilaaorf matlau ctck- w trtf uagaumts bctjmd witt a ycaft sussou tvomrovoom hmu mauc st op uux i town amd movttcc council met again lat evening at 8 pjn member preifnt aere major gibbon- recae davu councillor ciipiv lion- i fall parr coulgan cleave the matter of celehraung oeonr tou u centennial anniversary was brought up by uve mayor and ilxavjnd at lengui it was decided to call a public meeting of uve ciu sen- in uie near future la go into uve matter meeting to be held in the public library mr w u ford asked for a street light on uve corner by hu new r ldeivce mnied by a d parr seconded bv tlvof lion- uiat uve standing com mittees for 1037 be as follow- uve ikrt named jrflng cliainnan ilulldlng and property jiall davui couugan plnance cleave llall crlppa printing und industrial cripps cofligan lyons i load- parr davt lyons wtlfare light and polloe lions criivps cleave watervvorks and fire cosugan parr llall carried moved by a d parr leconued by jo- co tlgan tliat wm muwui be uimvoiiited night constable for uu loun of georgetown by uie monuv it u hilary of oooo per monui curried moved bj a- u iarr seconded by 11 cleave uiat john d kelly be ap pain el itellef coniiiusioner for the i own of georgetown for uve year 1j37 carried moved hi jot oosllgan seconded bj ttias lyon- uial itev w i lvumsfan be appointed a member of tit iuhllc library board for uve jean 193718 w carried moved bj a u iarr econded by ii ci uve uial ml a ilyan avd l 1 near br appointed members of lhe cemetery uoard for uie years 1037 33 33 carried moved by jo hall seconded by a i- crlpp tluvt dr k ii wal011 u u p vain ted a wwwiber or uve high hual hoard lor uve years ltu73s 39 carried moved by jo- cobllgan ecoivded by ii cuave tlvat we request uve high qclvool hoard u advance lo uve luiniit account uve amounl of uvelr ounly grunt bj received same lo be ii tunved a- required and all by uve t nd ol live year carried moved by a it ivrr ecoiulivl by ju hall tlvat by law u appoint a sanitary in pectar and one uumber ol the local hoard of healuv for uve li un o cleoruetoaiv be now read a in l time carried vim id hy ja- cvjlgan jurvdea l iiwl iouiv uiat by law to ap j uu u htinllary iiupector and one iimbtr uf uu local uvarl oi health i r tin tou11 of gergelowii for uve vidr 1037 be now read a second und thiid 1 line- and finally tvassed and lu jil of uve coiivoratioii be ul lurhiv thereto and uve m be ful id with uve namea of w u marshall u fkanltury inivector and harry iltl hum at member of uve local hoard of i if dlui carried uovtd hy h cjeave seconded by jo cwtlgun tlvat by law to appoint a wevd insivector for uve ixtwn of wvrgi toan lw now read a first ume currvrd uokmi by lvos ivsi- seconded by v fiiiutt uiat by law to apfvoint wil us 1 vector lo uve iwn of t nrgctnwii be now read a ecotu uittl third tluvm and flivally ivassed r ji of the corporatlost be nllutlu1 uvrrui avd uve blank be jkluhl in wlui uve nanve of w u mvmjvati curried mpvol by thuo lyocvs aeouvdrd by jut hall uiat by law to atvpohil a milk invtsmor for uve lxtwti of mll iii und b ii i t tv owfm lv iii uljl bv i to uljllll leiwi i by alvd lur be 1 iii rl tlnve tlu ul 1 r4irpoatv le uujrltnl ihrii to lhe bltuk le flllr 1 villilb 11 n 1w 1 iftiriiwiiith j u jurv jjoooo ikr ui 1 la cijici i cjirtrt ut ivtw ajni r svu of csorrr on le tilfct time cned uoveil by jo hull eondkl a ri out by 1 tw 11 ai u collator f ijk arrcr e trud a seimiul and llilnl iliue- ilnally ul n i lljr ra bf rorikmatvoil jx hllucticil tayi lu blank u ullrsl with ll kuuitr 01 w i maritmi crrki xlood by h cleavt ecoiuleil by jjl ci ugiin tlmt by hiw 10 unpoliii up a- lor the littii liiqr tian be ivju utirt j lip i ulin cjt rlrd movil jy a i crlpi hy tlvor iau lioipt an aij jii for lh trtrkehill te iwv ynstl ti j cuvd aiid third time- uiul ihully u mi and uve sen of the ctimru ion ik altachel uvereto uiul lhr hlunk im fllle vlh tlw- iume of w uur slvall curried mived by joe hall xroivdrwl hy timv lyon- tlw p 11 lurttjin he apjiinhd a a taut coll-etite- j water ute u u ihiry of ijoisfl unnutn carried tlie nuincll udioumed 1 crkip hut by 1 glen wuxiams mlj manartl tliornbury or hamil ton wa- uve nut- i or mr john iiii bum over tlw vk end mlsfi ida mrmrnemy iiwnt the veek end w th relauver in hrumpon uu hilda lorrtmaii im live wek end in toronto mus heruta allen urijs jim wluiams kd hill and john ftr svent uve aeek end wiui mr and mrs william fverwvn in toronto held under the auivlce of uve ladles guild nf lit allvan church a moeit uce ful biiilo via lield on ttiuitliy evehring at live twmvr of mr artliur fleuumont i hirty ineinber uivd tlwir frieivd- ut tended uimi u very enjoyable lime a a- veiit by eerne a dellghuul luivcli wa- jrved at tj e corvclu ion of uve game a meeuiu of j ojl ho 7 was iveld recenuy in glen william- tlve tol lo ing oftlcer were elected und in tailed by live guardian ilro f nor ton i4m elutabeui wyllc woruiy chalrlady iaruh lulek deputy chalrludy mary conn clia plain wuwle conn secretary jeie h11l financial secretary gvty nneui william tnaurer kauvleen nilck l lecturer 1ollui wylle 2nd lecturer annk wylw- 1 t standard hearer toanley dick tnan 2nd standard hearer dolly bhoc 1t guard violet l011u1 jnd guard wlnrd wlufctt erin g t scott co prominent bu ines aivd porloiian died at lis home hen on sunday ur scott lutf erved uil village in varlau office for uve pai 41 year- iic on hi- eat on uie v illage council ihl year by ac clamauon surviving are hi- widow three juu wilfred woodbndge hex of saskatoon alio flea by aero plane to reach ivere an ivour after hl fpuver deaui and walter o north iuy all puhlu flags are fly ing lit half mat and will remain o until after the funeral tlve txcrir rauv fall late lat wedncdav and early thursday morning over tloaed uie cnedil river until on tli ur day morning cue inch es of water wts running orer uie top of uve road at leltdi- dam known to many old timers a hull- dam wiui l lie reult uiat uve mill race ov-er- flowed ajvd flooded uve base ment- of the lores of w a rarnea bottom c j hamilton and- ii a grear a lui consvucrable damage be ing done r tlvoma- marslvalls many friend- h1 be urry to know uiat tie t- quite erlouly 111 wjlh jivtic ore throat r and mr a p sinclair and children have relumed to sid river ns after penduig a month with relatives ivere un l overland lia- relumed ivome after spending a few days vvlui mr und mr- l w overland and mr and mrs c j overland in to ronlo mr and mr john robb of tn- ronio 1 lent uvr week end at uvelr cotjice here mr rohb attending uve trln agricultural society ineeung vu saturday advocate ashgrove the rv aular meet int ol uie aji grove women in- tltute wa iveld on tueday eveulm jun ath hi uu- uaeinent of ajigroe united church the husband and famine of uie memberi wero iiresmiil to ejijoy uve plndvd ivrogram tiu chlei featurw of which was an addrc by mr gil roy of milton tlie uunwiof his ad drs- wa- the laraile of ufe mr ultroy ooiitrated tlve v urious uttl uule- toward life which the average peruvn mlglit ivave and many beautl ful and helpful thought- were given tlve district vreldenl mrs agnew was uio ivnnt uml brought greet tngs to uve ajigj branch live motto for uie nveeuuvr llie osoclu hon wlui our irlloa men l one uf life- riclve t bleingv s- ably tag m by ml i aiul wriculr woflii mrs cromar in her uual gonial man ner ds lighted her audletioe with iver hunvurou- reudings ijl i- lie nrlll und ituui glffeu ooutrib itril mis irul numbers to tlu- iirostrum a 1 time uu- enjoyed at uve clivr of uve meetllu and ui ull uenl luuive f that it luid been loiui ft r u- to br uu re abivut fifty perjiv 11 joyed a boun tllul uiuri togs ihrr in hit uivlusd iuivday xliool room ut uve annual church uin uug 011 friday evening after uie table acre cleared uve lraltfylnit- revorl from ul iuiart- ivuiili ul uve church wen received honve new elect km uin ium ory presl wriggle ufirui ua elected lo the hoard of ix- lou mr jolui hrlllmvtklv i- t lectcd lo tl 1 1w urd- uve nu loiuiry mut nialnteiiiiice swrrlary mr r j hroaurtlii hie ivarjviiate fund ui- it j gratium and mr- fred wrgiu wortli the flovhrr coniniituv f vr uvr rliurch mrv frajik jtutttli 11 jiui mr llumios gif fni uve neu isjvrr mr jack rod dell hie otlier in iiibert were uu anlnvouly r tunud t uulr n uctive luvsiuul voiks at umueclatbui und lualv ftr rv ifiv aril ijoive wire giv en l a huppv urivrlj parly kg ten drrd ulvi ralyii wulji of milton special prices lor the week end at kings pork shoulders 15 j shortening 2 3 cbr lrrf skouuer roasts 15c it speoal i boiling beef 12c lb ribs of beef llawelr aa raur 23c fc wdluigtoa fnslrxle butter rma pork shoulders 16c fc kmli hrt spareribs 2 pork a fcs 29c pork chops 23c fc ilt ulu wax seans 2lbt tomato juice 2 nride kovax tobjc 4lus u ssalada teaj enkra 15 cup packet free wifh eac half pound blue r goote calrf crnia jllirv l kwaxt oranges brown label 33c yellow labl 28c i srtdai price 33 swk o k soap sirnlight soap 4 23i fresh and cured fish at all timea rei salmon 7 lo 9 ibfcarilwirote fish 12i choke thick smoked fillels 17c fc fresh haddock fillets 17c fc fresh sea herrbig 3 fcs 2sc fresh frozen wbitexb large size kjprjers gouen smokej ciacoes 17c fc 15c pr 19c fc telephone 27 wm king proavl delivery on uve event of her birthday at uve home of ur and unu n c wric- glcsworth on saturday evening mlv margaret lush of uulon wax a vbalor uui week end tomato grovvus uaml ikocucsi coooes is sxhfcetiiag the efforts fet onurio tomato growers to ftet a fairer price for their 1m7 ana states w n gilbert lreaidetvt of the hal uin tomalo growers assoc word has just been received from w h- somerset commission of market ing for ontario uiat uie canrvtrs are altering uve noriiiiunbertand amocia- llan 57c for uveir crop pnrvce fid ward canners are also out oiferins ojc lo 37c oimilar increases are be ing offered in in all fjeetionx ivowever growers fitafttt are ivoldiug out for 0c and wiui stor ages pretty well cleaned out peos- ivects look good lor reaiixing uifci fig ure ttie hallon ajuuoeiation liax lgived up in uve neighborhood oi soo acres and uvee growers have intim ated uiat 40c is uve minimum prot uvey will accept uils year there is certainly nothing to he gained by juilng up in a hurry states ur gil bert becaue canners are out to se cure as large an acreage us possible and already canners in the toronto urea are attempting to ecure con tract from growers in noruiumber- land county iialtom rfetotivctmvk assockatian 0vicat5 a succesdul year with no la was reported mt uve annual mfatlrvg of uve halton protective associauon wliicli was iveld in milton discus iions as to uvb mdvlhluly of cstab- lihiiig a department in the society to deal wiui fowl moating mrus but it was decided uiat it would be trui cally impossible to taaura farmera againt sucli losses in s monetary way but it was urvanlmoujjy agreed tlvat uie society as a wlvole would co operate wiui uve farmer in appre hending uve culprit if any possible due was fumlslved eviuowhvg are lhe newly elected ohccrs for 1u7 prel- dent wm k uocready viceprod dent w chlsholm secretary treas urer hobt rush jr director nd- an townslilp il cartwricht roy otevenson stanley agnew w qhields geo agnew nassagaweya township rd agnew a a anderson fc- kolai ton trafalgar towiviupj ii wll vn frank cartwright r it ander- am r il galbralui ksqucung town sliipj kulolt t cliislvolm clare roberton milton jolm hardy c rtco r y theatre friday january 29 seven sinners tatuoty fc lm ri iiii i ium sm4 filin cwm comedy thats pictures fcoc news cartoon milk and money saturday january 30 the gorgeous hussy- a artll m ainnkma ib1 i i i ii il ifanks popeye cartoon lets get moving chapter 2 flash gordon you get betier quality aho pay less buy when you buy your printing requirements at home inspect our samples ol umrsjuuuns tnvsuorrui uamm asmksch kuuco oautf ticscarm wwnwihu wrxrmmmmth 11stsih tuesday and wednesday february 2 and 3 the crime of dr forbes 0 j s1i kuw t comedy rush hour rhapsody novelty vaudcvillians pictorial review no i cohimc cvba uj sbwl- abnk csuk omut skj ml bub watch jqur window om seuy scat casual antciaaa ata oosaraorsoasbk- piaeaaple fa swajag 13f2hf25t longs conlecliobery noouaui tnvoicsqi cskctjlak4 immmc w1sk kamriujtni the georgefowu berakl phone no 8 pure food storil 3 tall tins carnation evaporatod milk 25 oz jar maclarens peanut butter o oz bottle capitol extract vanilla no 5 pail white honey no 5 pail amber honey pattersons camp coffee 2sc 17c 49c 39c 25c cliase sanbam s nulk cotfee freshly ground lb 33c milk white featherstnp cocoanut lb 19c 16 oz jar shimfts strawberry marmalade 2sc 3 pks kellogas com flakes 2se sunsoy soy bean breakfast tood ready cooked p 23c wellington pure lard i lb carton lc sweet pickle cottage roll in piece lb 17c choice breakfast bacon in piece lb 21c choice peamealed back bacon in piece lb 27c treali bologna in piece lb 12v4 baking molasses in lulk lb 4c choice fresh fruit and vegetables a e farnejll phone 7s we ueuvek kh1v convention lviegates to the joint csjiiventlun of ike 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