p8e 4 the georgetown herald wednesday hvenrnd april i4lli 1937 your nearest ford dealeiflniiife you tol oec and d rive 51937 ford v8 rrs ilui ie4wiruy car in ihr iwirlre field a biff family ttur uuloibinltih il purtly of rmm fur cvryx4lyi leg urtl ilkuuti uiwl vi lugjagt c4nthurinnl it tun kraut jwu itnh nu ullufl imwvy mw rltltn riimiort tm all itlttal of rwl wu hjwy- vcttoti safely ikralorm that llw wifely of wleel from plnf id urr- atu many kuure tic ml b youmi lllu 30 a month with v cu- uuw t kc nlloaal flc vua rfe your eyes kb waaiirhf tir4 dwty fmjlna are iyiaft ky biraa w taacjaaw b a tkrmmd ky atiraaalhahaai is yaar w oatf um taw u aioa mauiy gluain b jaat as mm a faaty f ua larga uy haiwi cawh o t walker ro omromcrmist evksigot srscuusv nuua wk b at wunrs mmo stobjc cwruma iw utii wnnuu or ym way wiatult o t walkr u otftm la itranijlf farmers telephones now cost less on april 1st rural telephone rates were reduced by 25 cents per month 300 per year this will mean a saving to the farmers of ontario and quebec of over 100000 a year other redactions arc hand cradle tclephon reduced from 30 cents to is cents per month over desk type effective with may bills installation ehargo biuunes telephones reduced from l25 to 200 servko connection where instrument la in place on business telephones reduced from 1 is to 1 00 in side move charges reduced from 2 00 to 1 00 cffecuve april 1st short haul long distance calls 20ccnt person toperson calls reduced to 15 cents the extra cost for re ve nunc chorees on calls to nearby places is cancelled effec tive april 1st deaf sets the special type of equipment available for the hard of hearing is reduced from 3 so to 1 so per month now is the time to order your telephone our local representative will be glad to explain the benefits of a telephone on the farm it will save you far more than its cost especially at the reduced rate quiet frfit why do ve ao iron day lo day with noisy haste upon our way we push and jostle tread on torn our careles speech unthinking flaws the ood who made us docs not waste ills mercy in fruitless haste tha calm of all the deep unseen is 411s and theirs on him uho lean why therefore do we crowd and crush lord give us of thy holy hush the- trace to juj bo quietly the beauty thou hast made to tee to take the time and nentlc umuelit to love each other as we ought be deaf sometimes and sometime and often silent always kind to have a boundless charity pot others fault and frailty o rant us unhurried hearts sweet that we may fto on qulet feet m the llouekn smith beneath the huge electric sign the village smithy sits ills brawny form is plump and fat the easy chair just tits the old clay pipe is laid away his brow contains no sweat he calmly views this modem trend and dufl a cigarette six shining pumps adorn the spot where once the anvil oood the heavy traffic dally pays thl modern robin hood within a building large and new you 11 hear no bellows roar a big old sign thai suells garage oleanu brightly oer the door hc 11 tell of the days gone by before they built a truck that all the horseshoes he turned odt were stepping stone of luck the horseless age lias brought a as time ules on its course llut still this blacksmith found auc- plel 1a1il board is kcoitgamzu new executive klaeudl mm baawetc af graanda aurtgag at a special meeting in the ial county building lirampton balurday members of the iviel county agrlcul turn society launched a drive to en able uiem to retain uie use of the fair grounds and continue the fair which has been a yearly event at uramplon lor the ruut uireequartcm of a century in accordance with a request from uu jane craig wlio hold- the mor tgage on their grounds uie members dismissed the entire personnel of their newly elected executive and elected a new hoard the move was the condition on which the mortgagee who threatened recently to deprive uie organlxalkm of uie uc of uie grounds because of unpaid interact and principal payment consented m a recent cunununlcallan to re open ncuotlauoiut lor cuniinurd uc of uie land and buildings illss craig consented to allow uie society to hold its fain in uie uunl blreel grounds providing it woukl make a payment to her of s100 paj uie lax orreara on uie iiroftcrty and make out tq her a uew mortgage for 7 000 for irre v at 5 per cenl the new officer elected were president j w crashley flrt vice preidenu alec ucklnncy second vlcepreudenl william llouvalrd dl- rectant uranipton 1 j c hull w cranhley w a llataa d k amllh 1l ii clark toronto town ship kd ucjlrule jamea uocrack en bdgar lyons jack urcnnan had don lm cliliiguacousy tawnslun william jjouvaud alec ucklnney jack leaser mai ackroyd clarence huunn toronto oore cfiariaa lon don and neuon lindsay caledou lownslup watson wutgtna albion township uordon houumwui former cripple nows plays t rheumatism in feet relieved hurr u a luiry of a youngj man who hud ulmiwt glim up lioua of liking imrt hi ctlvr kiwiru wlui libt fcllowh utfuli he trlbt how tie lrird xa remedy ufur unotlier uih iwjw finally u forntrr nilttrri r put him 4n uie way to recovery iv o irurt ago 1 hlurtrd wlui imloa in llu feet wluch gradually gpt worse i trtiyi vrrythuili uiultr theun but ui no tifect whlut mulung for treat- inrnt nit 1 1 filing uiiolhfr pa urn l iuivlj d me to try icruscheu faalts iliut kim lilvr rnanttui hk lltn hr- lift teun not uddcti but the pain mul iutjkim umjiidiiy it- 11 tny fii uiul in nx nuuiilk i aijjiutru my ih iul bi luklnu loitir wutkj inui the uiuntlri ji1u jrtir i iiava played n imm drill uf b mil a thing uhlch i had brgini lo think i untuld n vrr do ngullt c w luu umalu pain und huelllug l 1rc uih ntly b txctk uhr acid tfivumuluttug in out body tcttiwlwh ronluln luo liigrutiiu which ire nolawf fur thtlr kork in dljuilvjng urlr iicld ftrporllr gtixtt illgwlunu in krilrktn ujiu uu internal or- iiuil to rxp4l this dlwlvrd ucid rotii flu 1 tun on mqw hot fvcotcu angu macphpjnui mo t rurce- ftil uiiurttakrr in londou ufiit honie to cntland oil a vlil tlie little tnun auj unhiaiilel and uie people holirvd him wlui a banquet in up- jinc latum lie got up and said lijdle and gtnllemen i uaot lo do jim uilng for uib community rtierc i- only one thing tluu r do cll tluit u to bury people the mncpherin u known all over uie brl- lui i ics or hi uioroughnesr im i am going to ghe a free nnd com plete lirtt rale burial to uie first per- ain in thl loan wlio dies then lie sa down and everyone uent home tiuli night uilrtyslx scotsmen oommltled suicide picobac pipe tobacco for a mild cool smoke the effect of alcoholic beverages ttb sttrnuilci apcb u i liar ivvbsbml luni umiim kanday scbosl gouifcn 11- xi at ulfi but ll bile lit liki u rikiit and uinkctn hkl tliwt udiur iliiuriii jj jj in 1atiiiatll t u l u 1j ixultroiumiy jj jlrjj iroiiitk jj ja jj 1 live nia in uiiull but i uecwu jvrtuiii ol mui uiuim 1111 tf and u iiil llilh 1110udu111l jr- u liflmi 01 uu hum uirtum hiron l f hhmudly suitulirj ix aw hut u u ulklji ticlwil ull hit iifaiilfjt ktu uitrlj 1 uu 1uu lillu lujhiuhul uiuuljil tuil 111 iii ltlatu4ul uf uu i1oi1 ijciviu tun rtw lit aumijiu ndi in lit i milik ll luiti m wx iomj iul uiu tidf ulo int lonnijunii uj iu4 a uu tit iuil pjui ill wllltn inivt aui uiul lini 1vil iiihj iruuuoiu 111 iim jill ol hmll tlh t h uu tkciui1 tu luiui a unay uiuui uiiu ior tiinn t jr 4 ll lult luid ullii ujtlll jil jiu vi uu iijim ipiu auction sale of fasui stock and ntruoients the undcnluncd has been liutruclca b jb nrd o tll bj p ibllc auction at lot 1g 7ui line at stewaiittown on fruiual apsul lcut isn at 1 o clock uie following houses ci p team good in all liamcss cattle blue cow hred in aug black cou brod in aug jersey und anjure cow bred in aug aryshlre cow bred in aug black cow bred in aug black jielfcr bred in oct pigs and fowl yorkshire sow due time of sale c pigs 4 monlns old c php 3 monthl old 60 barred hock liens iuplemu4ts 4ijl binder 6 ft cut in good repair ucoormlck ma ex 5 ft cut frost wood rake new a section drag culuvator 4 sec- lion barrows blsscl steel rollerf dceniu u hoe drill quebec ridingf plough 31 flcury plough root pulner jo00 lbs colcffc jackson lumber wagjclf iic on joof leigli bain combination w rack new wagon siuings 14 ft imy rack cutler gould shapley ju uuti jj lip goo engine cliauuun fann mi mill cuhler steel uluie boau haiinfcis ct heavy double har ness wlui breeching et heavy douhlflj lianiess new 4 horse collars jnue liamess tiouiicash kvcouilng mill be sold as uiei iwojirictor u in ior beauh fhank fetch aucuoncer hume currif clerk wood for sale choice beech and uaple at 340 uiglc cord ulxed hails tlio jer cord ulxcd wood 1x6 per card j buandfoku ffaeae 3c5 r uoj geargetawn zd ncwdtq llovds uolatcd coiuj balvl far aay earw ar rallaas tiiev wimd wwr with utk winjtrfal new aruwl prepartuu for corns ob calxr- oumus 1 duttutwa aaj vuevea pain wlu oru aaauealiaa far aale at aiaecaraamka urwg man ae trucking cartage all kinds of hauling aone lhorough ly and reasonably f c wlilunec phono 341 georgetown xi radio repairing u vcara lxaerlenre we specialize on this work j sanf0ri son miovl georcetown lw baby chic uarred hock new hamp- slilrt itcu a c white -lbt- liom- from slock bred for high production and conformity tb standard all eggs t froi 34 lo 30 ounces per down chicles uarch uth and 37ui ft aar cintoal iiatcuinci le fuk kgg kaw helling tliursdays adolph sandusky qmi kl aaj ia lhu w a ilk n 3 hum u4 r ii q bjuuipton what salui ika keria4wret tlie lord not willing uial any ijlviuul iierlsli but uiat all sltould eome to repentance 3 ivler 3 s uur juuuu ih011- j uu 1 tu all ill -tjlrfjut- ullu 1m iuo un- uaiil uj iiiuc uuai iuiu litic ihin luu bt u k uuiliviiv- u tuininiljutivijiiril m wlunii- 111 oui couiuj ui citna ip h illll twhloll i1lu u oju uuu kiilch iiu niuu on lor uiuusunu ytjrj me jvroiu px vlj jntn aaucrjup uuu u inuit il oiriil uty u- iuuiriiu 11 i 111 ulk ul un clmnii 10 luuu u ullouutl oniuhlllil ukjllujiuilr- uiu uj inuuitaiii 11 uuce u 1 tauu it iiiu iu cnurcu uniiiol ut- alu ucu uilli pluciliiit uruiui- hum un uuniing ll iiilul pruu uu uat ui cnrjt into utrj una ui un uuu u 1 nit kk politic- icurculioii uiiu omu11 llllouuip iwa ciues llrai zz zz v 11 l quill poxiluil uuil uk- jtotj ul ouoin uiki lioinornui being uu jujm uy iin uuu urmiuuil l louiulixl on m- tunc mci a lit ph 4lu1 cu1uiiiu11- uluuiui ui- lhho a muvt mi- pruuauii una uuij luivi uxii un lrruiuon ul piiroituui ulil uiicu u uu liruiuuun iii ioctl u uiiuminuul a ui nun url jui- pnur iininaiili uiiuiui uliiccu iolluilt uuu nervou ui tmium umuii ta- l- iue uriur 1 uiiul ihuuixlujo tlu utuarucliuti ui uuu iuu ciu- u a iirvct ucl of uou ui puiilsninem 01 wicktouiics ciuea cud to ueconui uie houie 01 uie uest and uie uorst in cuursi ol centur ies povcri slunu arm vice caue iliiui ui degradation ilie burn- 1114 ol uiu iumiuu and uu clucagu tirc iin looked ujhui nua u udvaul- aitoil uccuu-j- uuy gate a cuoxicl lur uly luaniung ui rcouiiduig ouruig uil war many beautuul cjl- i uurt uanauel ii uruilcry htl and uur bomhu it is a mailer 01 iiatuul tuu ior 4tneruiiuii lo ucaul- ciii tiow uiigic utal uiou- uiuu luuud be nuiiiticu in the uit ylor uirouui aggrtuan ui kunapia mul bpuui 1 uurrcnt u or piciuruj uidtcuu ui destructil pouer iiuxilni war nullers owrvelves and others 31 33 uoubul uil vkrlux of gcjiel wa- jusuluhl hi liii coudlmjuiuun iiouoni oiui ciumomiii but when c uiull oompaxioijj ul should be tuard uuit ui look uirough uu some xjzu uuen ue cruunuu ouiers when ul exonunc ourscne in one luc ot a oaimdjiiii newspaper there uu- u big ltcadluu announoiui uuit av iryuui to make hun 10 military uictutor ui europe cornh du an uisiul pate uie iieecn ol j 0 t tt vc luxunuieul conuduiu unperuu- ul said uil aurld luu uiuuys ill- lihxi lor uie unusn vuee in every uiuniuuouai iuoblun lor ctn tunes ueslute uu iouu rululm 01 urnu can luic p only wncn uie bnusji contra uie situation will 11c git irucl b an unequol struggle on a bauieiiud not ciuuen by us uut lurcuqion us or u1 c gh 11 uy vitungdovn at a council table and ayutg you bthnve or ue will paiik you und ul oui spank ou llui unoi rululn wul behave uien fcuxopc must not ulunlt to the ar- rugouci of a ulctator again can we tmajmc uil cllect of wuch a state ment ui big icadllncb in italian or ucrmiui nepapers7 christ said uui uatan ouuid not cajl out mhi u will do more fur iieacc auui uirealuung eucruicka 3 lincohi bteffen m his very front autuluograpliy tells of ills youthful experuneuts wlui alcaliol he drank ui hii tionu town and when tent away to milltury sc he got nearly the uiiole sclujol drunk and lie wa im- pnmod for two weeks during in- ume lor rcllecuou he discovered that ic uao drmking to make a jirave icuow of iumux to scliock uu lomlly to slu older iteople uut he could curry hi liquor and to win a rcpuiauon for luird drinking among hs oumiianions once he discovered jul hl mouve was largely persona vanity alcoiml last its appeal lor hun zona oau has deciibod locktau party of young people ui ocial unartet they talked annul travel uieatrcs sports international politics uicy seemed sopjusucatcd about cv cryuiplg but uicy did not know uie physical aiul social effect uf uu drug uiey were pulling in uielr blood streams to be carried u uielr brauisi a university nreudent once said uuit instead of inviting a man to tiavc a drink one should ay uo you care to paralyxe your phago cytes science lias tabulated in ilfects of alcuhul but uie knowledge not yet widespread at utcjiast aovn 31 33 an employer of many salesman hiid tlmt lie had watched uie careers many energetic young men wlio tried io bum ute candle at both ends flicj made jovial druiking compan- ioil but hi uielr ionics and ftfuen uu flowed up and became psydiol ogicully dejieiident unable lo make sun dcculotis slanlcy jonec asks aim 11 uc rescue individual ihnuifkards and leave untouclted uie liuuor trur hope ou people in canada let more comfortable about uil liquor ualflc uuin c do u the unix- ed btales no question is settled un ttl 11 u tuivl right- this one lsnt lllier side tf uie border from uhul i can see and let me pause loin rnougli tu ay further by way ul immvuieli uial all uruvklng ki it fuilurc of nerve no olie wlui re jiurci n lrts to it when you have lol uu luiux rrouroa uien you turn to this on the outside so all drink ing l crutches tor lame duek vou might tell uie smart set so with my camiulineiiu alcohol makes lair liromle at uieslart but millions of victims liave lived to regret the day uiey began the imbll qttcfcllwu far dkrvstiaa wliat do i add tu uie reputuuun of my community can we lutve cities wluioul alum do i read the newspapers wlthput national prejudice t how can temperance education be made more etfecuver vested recipes mlu fcwery y r ewyanv uuk utid itt iuxmiucls arciikdbpen- jaiji jo uip growth uf u10 child and u tlm hralui of urn adult fur uie liilunl milk u a prfrct food fur uw gtuwltui cluld milk und its twuducis uri rujrfnunl foodi and fur udulu liny uif ulr limwl itnpartalit foociu ihi- nutrltue value uf hulk ut mil pu und milk should be regarded as uiu foundation of llm diet- uuk b tlu 1h1 ull luund food u- it oiui- lulll iiiori o dm matrrlhu ewn tml u urtiwih und hrului tluni any ullur uniuial food milk fumlhfv riurc of uu i if nit n u fur body build ing uiul 1 hi ruy producuig than uny ullur imm1 cmnnukjili ut uu- ioihk en l llu n t no wuj teivtry ounce uf milk bought may b used milk limy bt i rvrd in tuuny uay ullk ouuibitw will with munvohtr itbudt fuk pn purutuiu rtqulrr liluti f tu 1 in cook milk iiuv ptu- liiifd in dllfttfiil form 1 d urdliim potuloi j ruv liolling uadr i 10 3 eupf milk j ilicfrif union j ldroetpooiu- buiusr j luhliipoonj hour 1 uuimm1il jailt 1 uu ijmjii celtry ailt tlu luxm pppr fnw lira in cayenne 1 1 iiil poau chopped imnjey efmk liotntuia in boiling valtixj uu- fer vyhtti mft drulu opd rub through ilf measure liquid and odd tnough hiilk lo make 4 cup scald with uie onion ilcnwive biilun uud udd juiukl jowly to potato pulp melt butler add flour und seauuilugu cook hw minute illnilig coiutant i gradually udd potuto mlxluk cook j nilnutir bprlnklc imrlij on jiup befurt serving climlnle lbd fvuulng 2 cm 1 talc bread crumh or unall uuarc 1 bread jcuii- scalded milk 2 quarc unswceunld chooo late or a cup cucui j3 cup sugar j eggs teomioon sail teaspoon vanilla souk brrad in tlc scalded milk about half un hour melt chocolate oiir liot water when using cocoa mix with sugar add sugar and l no ugh milk taken from bread and milk mixture to moke it of a consls uncy to iwur pour into bread and milk add salt vanilla and well beaten eggs turn into buttered bak ing dish or individual dlslies put dish m pan of water and bake about one iwur at 350 degrees f ilam a u kin 4 lahieioan butter 1 cup mushrooms 1 tablespoon green pepier choiipod 4 tablespoon- flour teajlhion colt 1 teaspoon celery colt few grains cayenne 2 cups milk j cups cooked lia cubed 1 tablespoon parsley diopiied 1 tablespoon plmlenlo cut in small nieces melt butter add mushrooms and green pepper stir anjl cook 6 mln utes mix flour and seasonings add to first mixture cook b minutes add milk slowly add ham parsley and plmlenlo reheal 5 can religion supnty wluit b nought 11 an lux ira u011 t just ove stamp fob coronation canada will issue only one stamp in commnnorauon of uie coronation of king oeorgc vi it lias been an nounced by hon j c elliott post mastergeneral that will be a red threecent stamp bearing the image of his majesty tom held liberal member far new westminster urged uiat special coro nation stamps be issued in all le nominations and estimated uie gov ernment could make a half million dollars by adoting this plan but uie minister said uie custom liad been to issue only one stamp in uie united kingdom and that plan would be fallowed in canada it was a very small country hotel built of wood and very flimsy but it was all uie town afforded and tompkins liad lo stop uiere when lie was shown his room he said to uie colored porter tompkins i m glad theyve hot a rope here in case of ore but why uie bible porter that sun is in case de fire am too far gone for you lo make your escape suh the store was crowded with cus tomers hut uie small boy pushed him self to uie front and cried out small boy i say mr brown will you serve me quick dads waiting for ids dinner grocer leaving customer he 1 serving well wliat do you want my lltue man small boy two hard of soap and a package of washing powder nature seldom brings uie first worm out an uie same day uial uie flrt robin arrives mmf is deliclous v v c aw a mat 1 cap whtya sugar w cap brown augav m cup oown brand cora syrup ffi copcraatn u cop buttwe w cupmawibv yj cupkailk 2 teaapoona vanilla uktlton ntthurul ml vullw u f imlr d mlf f low kt tamtl w r in mm 4 ctk uuilmuuiiiimuwuv tk cwdy u knl ttitv wim tnrnt bu teu vwutu uu mr lai ud tm- cat ulo mtumwbmllm it was a great pleasure to meet you all at the canada starch cooking school aim how may i rfiaj vou i thai you wllllwy e u forwtt and mtufaciury tult by uiina fdwkrduurk crown brand cord syrup lutnuin s ld cooking oj urv r ecoaoitical wljolciame nu uvlusouf num hivn never found attyihing 10 equal then by tht way be sure fo liilen 10 our liroadcait rry monday tues day wediusday and i burtday at 10 15 ato over cfu11 you will fim ihem full of new ulras on planning belter nieau r babies today buyers tomorrow lr ik rtwtlt of c ufim hioa 300060 uimi la coaado gradual lo a bhu dit of cowt milk vary yaer aad ikaraby will tlay ui dairy product for oaiv a fa yaatt or for o itulmaa ttka4 daaoadi upoa kou good milk wmi lo ikaat aad low tkrauouy ll told lo tham x atdad by prograutv dairy prodocon bordaa itvk od ra- vaorck lava davalopad malkodi lor laafuag u ika caol product ell ik goodaau of ik eiatol hulk eyary dairy fanaor eon b proud of kn poil u llut eckiavawiial al ik mmm tu borda outatoaaup kas lapt bfor coa- uuaarf of all oot ik dory of ik baaaclt of m1l all of lk orofort kst caahibwlod awcb to wollo ulk 0j dany ptiiiannclli lap a riant foad ulmutc1umm of umk mooucn ouiaaoiok naoucmoui u wowe millinery a large sliowtng of the very latest styles in ladies and misses sprin hats also veils flowers and trim mings of all kinds a choice selection at right prices misses claridge herald block uptuirt georgetown spring it almostltlere you will need the aautanceor good printing in carrying on your butineu this spring we are here to serve you with every description of job printing our prices are reasonable prompt service the home of better printing the georgetown herald phone no 8 georgetown