v iw4 the ceoretowr herald wednesday evening may 12th 1937 x v treasury department of announces the results of tiie payasyougo policy for the fiscal year april 1 1936 to march 31 193t statement of ordinary revenue and expenditure for the fisgalyearendedmareh3lyls37 v met ordinary revenue attorneygeanra kdncation game ud ifilheries health highways sam p p wlc- gaaobm lb kas refwad- c motor vehicle j 29s07618 i57618j697 1091649108 laads and forests tuhmdh- iryovoactal secretary pravmcial t hwjadmt saccaawen dalies collected 1599135080 pwbkc works ayationery accowat sacta wf l o 80765 129060333 180192 78221763 3848sjsv 2697644413 2m 8408 731617 297490754 692707 2110m1j2 j2w2jo 68075023 4534421191 728334 sfcl6jjb aarkfciltnre attorneygeneral education met ordinary expenditure cuaae wad fssl4 utthk lfcikds and fortits lcpdblba afwtraot luwakaptt akwrs- k irrevtneial auditor provincial secretary provincial treasurer poole welfare public worts atrscedaneous incbwhag workmen compensation board payment to baud w74x81s pabkc debt interest exchange etc oaeattploymeat direct relief and adaunistratioa thereof- 804884399s 1 54647 14 2 290164 0t 1000195031 44613157 6i28023m 4931306as 6524787 j70973 ifmfmia 27014s 124s97s 3i9660j 6j0sjjt i4074jsj is 896120 u2s772a 86323741 962164 j 5005 38134 s6569sj 542388 s37s604337 20s43vvojs 3790444411 132 7005779 j7i1j4s014i s x recapituliation ordinary rwuiu and expnclitur onhuary net revenue as above 8048843995 ordinary net expenditure as above before providing for unemployment direct relief 5790444412 surplus before providing for unemployment direct relief 2258399585 io unemployment direct relief awl administration thereof 1327005729 surplus for the kacal year ended march jl 19j7 9313j1ms4 the debt position of the province of ontario f as it tka clot of th fiaoal jwr touud btaxch 41r 1937 v gross debt v jw at march 31 1936 689ss8513 b as at march 31 1937 65646034837 gwkliwi ia grow debt for the year umk9i6s39 debenture debt less sinking funds ai at march 31 1936 5941 1295450 a at march 31 1937 56797313086 g a dahtattttm debt tor the year j 26139234 treasury bills outstandmo as at march 31 1936 as at march 31 1937 pt ia iveaaary bad for the year 5000000000 3800000000 1200000000 n cestifiep true aimd cobbsct ln frimcii awlwhr iri pursuance of a promise made during the third session of the nineteenth legislature of the province of ontario i take this opportunity of publishing for the information of the citisens of ontario the above financial report together with this announcement as to the plans of the government for passing on to the people certain benefits made available by reason of the surplus of 931393854 realized last year laihicapjui namnuoe jud am tae munno pe a nawtioa la t oa maaicipal drataace deoeaturei aad t0e draiaat dt t ajuj 1 1937 iroa s per ceoluta to 4 per eeatital fassclknea movok cab uccmtlc fees a mlaliatial w ia rninnr atator car gotase lees mil be irnirrnl below october is utl ucmae rtxb on cotmrttrmi vemcues ehedivaoa naveathar 1 1937 wau ik 1938 penait 01 hemvmsl- abk taera ri be a maactioa el 2s per ocar la tae kes to be darned lor ikt reaktrauoa of al fara tracaa aad all otker ooauatroal autor valdai aad coamabrcial traben tk lfliiniaail aaaiatl aaviagaall be s3 jd00ju0jd0 to lae operator all provincial subsidy tbe lyoviacul goverouent will payby way of a rant to every city totra village awl townuup ol the proviare a sum represeatiaf tbe eouivalent of one bull oa tbe clollir ol tbetr respective asses- uenls for keneral m purposes this paat is uuule uacon- ditioaauy but ia the expectation aad with the intent that the wvamt shall be passed on to the taxpayers of every mmmunity by a reduc tion ol one null in tbe general municipal tar rate this subsidy wio amount in the aggregate to tbe sum of appro timitrly 33000060 road subsidies to township3 the 313 townships which have ia the past received sabs wars of kss than so per cent will enjoy an increase to so per cent the aaaual benefit p the 313 townships will be apprariavilrly 330000000 old age pensions and mothjaat allowances to further take tbe burden off real estate the provincial govern ment will avsume the nuinicipalities share of old age pension and mothers allowances r this will enable the municipal councils to reduce tbeir uwy by approidesalely s3s00o0ojuo per annum pensions for the bunt the province will assume themunicipalilies share of tbecoat of this sodal legislation it is eslinuted that the nuinicipaliliea will therefore save approximately 310000000 per annum amosements tax eaeclive jane 1 1937 the amusements tax will be totally ibnlwhed as over so per cent oj the amusements tax is collected from aunuv sioas of 25 oeaes or under tbe benefit largely to citiaens ol lesser will amount to jlsooooooo for the year 1937 rvar mimisiir mtf rwtmacmf tvaauavr gtv-