Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1937, p. 1

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cv w the georgetown herald seventieth year of publication the georgetown herald wedneaovy evening june 2nd 1937 150 per annum in advance 200 to ilsjl the georcetown herald uomw of the canadian weekly a newspaper auockuoa 1 x on jc run tue i t luteetw agari suss b4asdara time oat k passenger ttlo aju fukfdier and mail luo am kueuier and uji 63 lua- passengers or tvytmlo uju mil passenger sunday mily 931 pjn- wg wai passenger and mali km nsn passenger tuid uall js0 pm passenger sunday lljh lun- dalljr pawaaflgnreinoapl sunday ula ui budget groceteria jhone 366 your dollar buys more here main street georgetown we deliver w a week of four starspecials mm nui mljav directory iumav mix mjc oaorcabovn ontario ooca onruy tliaaii fikaf kknnktb m lanodon hnu tllm mir nq fraatta mat ukurtcaca alonay to la ocfoaa main straac aouih phot m oaorcmm w a omant utnauar hie oau u111 buml gaorgalown krin pfcoua 2m pa box oh kankv ouvdon lawbkncg oook m ms may u fraaar ramty ico ilkdwaw cook gordon qmydon us ualn bl north bra mplnri taltphooa ima harold h lawranfia lobuw fiulldlajt firattploo talaphoaa us r a watson ujxs uu oom hour a to s kcpt thuraday altavnoona j k jackson djuk auocaaaor to tha lata iv oollob opaa kvaaltttt law gaaaajataaria a ml nielsen uu vaar ar avaaalaa chiropractor xray druguaa traeraj lajy atlaadaat ofca over doaolnlon btara oaorratoam llouia s s mb us pja cluu ttaralay rfcaaa ua handy or star ammonia 5c maclarens asaorted jellies 3 14c carnation or st charles milk 3 to 25c red river cereal 24c p sugar 10 53cv with rnick kciiae fancy biscuits 2 29c free i pic baiting soda with purchaae of 1 lb tin magic baking powder 28c aylmer pork and beans i aac lb 7 hjllcrest cut wax beans 3 t 25c choice quality silverrribbon tomato juice large tin q- arcncrwhite that nkw laundry soap 10 39c aylmer cuoick quality red plums 12 1 watch our windows for other specials tough upc foil men tliere can be utile enjoyment in being a chicken or a hen- any more we nollcm jjnc new meuiod they hav adopted in uie western states they have sjclal bulldlncs now plnu floor is here the incuhaler operaleri next flour up is where the chlcfa eo when first hatcliad up on more is tlic place wlere uuy are untu they are a bit blssr and on the lop floor the chickens are two itounds and ready for sale becauu there is a market for what they call broilers the chickens neer eet out side of that buildlna and they never have a chance to weigh more than two pounds and that we submit u a pretty drab urt of life for a chicken if different to hat it urd to be on lot 4 conoeelon 1ft and worse too there a chicken teemd to have a ohance if it didnx im just right at birth it mlsht even bt a utue tip of warm milk wlui a touch of red pepper to help it along if it kept on ailing it would be put in a basket at the aide of the kitchen range it actually had a tchanc to have a ultle fuss made over it- frank fetch uctnseo auction ckk prompt gumift when it got to the pullet stage it learned luv to lay an egg and a 11 advanced in age it made bigger and better egs and tlie law of prograas haa otiportunlty to run its course and be amply demonstrated in the hen house if one of those crippled d ilcks turned uut to be all right her was a unse of triumph in uw family circle in lime th lien would cluck and raue a family then she would shed her fealliers and feel miserable for a season and uie folk rather felt sorry for her and wtten the time came for the lien to depart shed be a good five or ttlx pounds and she had seen about all trvre was to see on lot 4 ronoes- xlon 10 probably shed followed the plow to look for worms and ahevl dusted on the south side of the drive shed and hatched out a family and lived quite an eventful life in gen eral it seems sad to think of chicks that never leave the building hatch ed in 1l fed in it and killed in it when they get to be two pounds lire rems to be getting tougher all the time ark in peterboro exa miner increased kkvenues an increase of 3014 637 in gross oprratinp rrvrnues for april 1j3 as compared ith april 1036 and an increase of t 712 045 in urou opera t ing revenues for uw first four mon ths of the present j ear u sltown in uie monthly statement of canadian national railways earnings issued at montreal operating revenuee last montli eiv x17m6 30g as compared will 15 wit71 in april 1036 operating w penaes were s14h7jg3 against 13 3m46 in uie corresponding month of last year there wan a net revenue in april 1037 of oj49d15 as oom pared wltl tl 435306 ui april 1030 1 an incmfttse of 1003 700 i for the four month or uw present year operating revenuea were ic3 033u7 against 133331 su for the similar period of last year operat i ing expenses up to april 30 of tliu jer wre 137 467076 compared v 1th i t337t9 4i5 for the eoirwiondlng irr lod of 10m net revenue for the four montlu period u 1037 amounted to 4icaml an increase or t3u34 4g4 over uw similar period of 103c chalunham mrii aorgtown rs post ofilc4chaltanham monuments pollock ingham qucomon to cater wortb gait ottt fjamjaiim an samssaal inspect our work in arauwood ceaury radio repairing u vaara exytwlae we specialize on this work j sanford son maohk oboauikvown mar 300 for 200 special offer thrae tl n bona lloyiv8 stou- acu qavaatfl lor hbo fonuula uxad in this pracripuon preacrlbad by sooossarai hiyhlciaha with avalwail raaulu lor over 40 ttaaxa rautivily ouarantkkd m i- llrva all koluls of tttouacli durmicsia oyspapala aulkaatlon lout ifth fjt vobaltlnx eaomlav oar train or aaa al and avary kind at otou- acu ulukt aold and raookunaod- ad with a aoanay baot guarantaa by uaocoiuiacku uado arronx u to the public x am prafiarad to tnatall aapilc tanka aai dralna ale alao ra- pair and tar your roof at a raaaon anla drioa ckra wajthad 11111 and llaaontaart iprouint acrvtoa and work iniaraataad tiataa acudta voaca at oaoiaatowa u pears 2ttbkl9c cw dkdi kwb butter 225c peas suml wtuuu 2 i n- 21c clw dwii mops 1c su umylt soap 1 alam ff 10c 3 -j- 1ic soap 415c flakes 10c jltagauta soap 2 1- 11c matches 320c rwawr bauw 2 noati1 25c chicken noi4- 25c km oaoalala rji biscuits 2 27c ckaua ayww ovsvio peaches no 8 lm t5c swsasasj fdf ship fla cocoanut 15c jala poudataj jellies 4 p 17c rvfcaj u tosula sc plcale herring 151 a 9c vttury raij w m i htv v j tsi pickles icatchui nats3c s totaaiavioc htolls sardines 225c t i ltjhtaiwi h p sauce 10c 27e tm bllntada aii magic ckjcuy a 28c outalkaraa wa x ruu iv su s3 40c numu aw polish 10c cleanser 314c ammonia saljs 23sc prunes 2ul9c mail street georftfiimi free delivery kuoktimiv uaouclbt and it and llkr a drevim winter wuii iu frol wlul iu tkirrclng wild blast to uuier ttial swept llkr a utbag of loauw ttarougli iiie uloom of tosdi tjiud- drrliag duy otr lit wttsaui of drad leavtart and btubbl j wltere uiry roorrd lllur it beast tj prey now a br-vjy- from uw swutlijnd xumiy cuntt ahuperlng ovf uw w and rt bring tudt u frtuanl hw- tmxe to eocli nower and slinib and tree h clothe oil um nruht with wixlurr of uie dtt teat t greeit and rhnntlrrv ut naked futrkta v o r thr hills and the tuum btwn thn maifcomiw fortii to the krodsng to begin a new rar of loll and brings the gniln to tahjer bowing and prnjarwi lu jted ul tht ou lie convu with ids plow and harrow and hi 4ve4 rolled up to the slul with the hope of k fruitful seaaon all hi uhor kmovi like fun lliw rldily the furrow is turning pram the mouvdboarda gleatntng aide bo mellow and rragrmnt- and fertllft a hpturlani growtli provkto tlie harrow is eagerly delving dispersing live fhetdicut comb at uie touch of its steel soon crum bk the top dark brown of uie loam how the sturdy team press onward as lh4y bow unto their work for ulr portion too are winning wlui never a pause or shirk wiu ids strong rightarm uw fiutaer and uie skill of his practised hand flings abroad uie well plumped kejo nels like a si ower on uie waiting land the birds are all madly singing tiuslr love songs swexcfit refrain tlie dm are in flight ahvwly their honeyed wealth to attain out uie farmer la most delighted and more lasting hl plaasure too for lie knows from uie ceedtlme will follow itu harvet his lardar renew obttoary ipsanic nil wan attended by many prominent bus nets men city officials and repreaen tauvea from uie board of education of ouelph uie funeral of uie late prank nunan of that city was held on monday morning of last week from his residence 47 klrkland su ouelph to uie church of our lady for solemn requiem high mass at 10 o clock wlui rev father george nunan sj on of deceased as cele brant rev father nolan deacon and itev father arvlllard kelly aub- deaoon rev father simpson and rev father hill church of our lady rev pauier keating 8j and rev father burt oatfney sj of uie jesuit seminary toronto rev fa ther herein sj toronto rev fa ther monahon sj and rev father dunn 3j uere in uie sanctuary arjvool children from the roman i cttuiollc srliools attenuvyl the mass in body a a tribute to the late ur nunan whi for fifty years was a member of uie separate schools hoard mr nunan wtu also a charter member of ouclih council knights of columbus many members of which vere pmxnl j john micolson i the folloulng particulars taken irom uie marlette ulclu leader regardluc uie late john nicholson john nlcliolon was born in band- rich parish sheuand islands deoem- bcr 310 1840 and departed this life in his home in uarlette michigan after a lingering illness due to ad sauced irani friday morning may 14th 1037 aged 07 years ilia first fc as ulu nancy whluey who i rvdeccavd him in 1800 in 1003 he i tarried xi hs uahlna black who vj- olso a rekient of ontario for illy nliir ycurs he has been a teacher hi uie sabuaui school and a super hitkndrl of the school on march jui labo he was ordained and in lulled as an elder of uie ptrst pre bytrrian churcli of mareltte and has ikien mail years of service to uie church o- an elder at the annual nurrgatlonl meeting in 1038 he was made an elder in the church for life john nlrolon lord his boyhood home in shetland islands he loved itr hnme of hu young manhood over li ontario he found wonderful at- factlon in hb dun edln farm home und ffnally in ills uarlette home but ill the hlle he was thinking of his home over there his eternal home uid at last he has gone to mourn hli deiiarture are uie widow mrs john nlcolon of uarlette a son john nicholson jr of slienondoari loa a a daughter mrs james c i ihl or ouios utah a sister urs j unrs oamoud of laiisiiur and many tlirr more rrmoie relauvee and a id circle of friends 1ht thing we know at wisdom in reality only common sense in uncommon degree can vou g1vk a uttut cttv bov ok cikjl a uutloal un tub count vt announcement of uw opening of uie nelgliburlfcood wocken assocu tkm country home tleparttneiit for uie 1w7 season was todrn made by y n stapleford oeiwral tiecntary of that olyanlxatioin action is txuamencuig earlier uull usual in uiu titiiartraent of th n w a- autiuner work in order to lmku care o uw tarstjnuiauer at apptlci lion it 1 udiclpated will ooaoe ul and hi order that uiere will bo disappointed ddlthcti at the close of uie summer last year 1j43 child rejl were placed with 5as country hos- unand but at uie end of the eaaoi utere hr 0 w could not place till year we do not want that to happen ur staplefbrd mdd p indicauvnf the way country faml ilea are raihing to lhe peeda 6f dty children u uke tact uiai in 1037 only 130 chpdri wre plated with 30 llotttesaaiw the oeneral seermary stat- id last years ogute of 1043 was uie hlgheat number of children ever tent to country home for a vacating by live asaocibiiom he said applications are already wnnlng hi irom parents who are- particularly anxious that their child this tuiinmer wtlf get the chance to have a holiday letters arw also coming in from kind liearted women in the country who last summer knew the joy of taking a city child into their home for two weeks of fun and happlneac ur stapleford said one hoateas writes vtv were very pleased with tommy who visited us last aununer and want hi mbaek again this year u he brought us such happiness and joy another letter reads could we have uie utile girl we had last year she was so happy and contented from tha moment uie arrived w kept her for seven weeks instead of two in one community itx staplefovd revealed a clergyman last year placed 18 duldren who were taken care of by uie wlvole countryside those who had no room to take a child into their home made up for it by arranging special outings or sewing clouvrn for them transportation u paid by use k wjl the children are not eent far ther away than 150 miles and are medically mined before leaving toavo ur stapleford stated proapecuve hostcaaea are asked to send wlui their invitation stating age and sex of uie children they would prefer a letter from the local mini ster or other well known dtisen of uieir district letters are ayldrecaed to ur f n biapteford neighborhood workers aswlslton 33 weueley 84- toronto stewattk of poisonous vinks with the return of summer tha desire for uie open country prompts uvousands to seek health and pleas ure by hiking and camping some liowever get too close to nature ana contract ivy or sumac poisoning in many parts of canada ivy poisoning is common in those sections where it does occur hikers should avoid urrchlng poison ivy poison sumac or anything resembling them they should not walk through underbrush or let their clothing come in contact with any threeleaied vine poison ivy which sprouts over so much of the countryside is also known as poison oak poison vine and poison creeper it can be recognised by us leaf which u divided into three leaf lets its nower is a small greenish one and its fruit pale green dtirlng uie early part of summer after ripening uie fruit turns ivory white the virginia creeper which is also very common is not poisonous it is distinguished by having flve kaflets far less coinman but juw as poison ous is a large ahrubknown as poison sumac poison elder or poison ash iu bark is light gray its leaves oom- pound from seven to fourteen inches long persons who come in contact with poison ivy are likely to find a peculiar inflammation of the skin break out at uie point of co with ivy a few hours jsfterwards sometimes there is a slight redness and itching lth others large swell ings with extensive blisters accom panied by a severe burning sensation when poison ivy or poison sumac has been accidentally touched the hands liould be unmedlately washed with coal oil alcohol or non ethyl gaso line if unable to obtain any of thee at once washing with strong iosp is recommended as cold creams and olntmenu may dtssolfe and siiread the poison they should not be used ure let me but live my life from day to day wlui forward face wild uikreluciant soul not hurrying to nor turning from uie goal not- tajouniifig for uie uiblg that dis appear in uie dim past nor lioldlng buck in fear from wliat thb future veil but wiul a wliole ttid happy lieart that pay its 4of u youui and ag and travel wlui clieev j day of reckoning y maktle ramson so let uie way wind up uie 1011 or down or rough or ttmooth uie journey will be oy bill i ueeklng what i sought wlien but fboy new friendship lilgh adventure and a drown uy hut will keep uie courage of uie quest and taope- uie roada tu turn will h um bet henry vahdyttr l ajlu incoauc during uie fira uiree ars of uie depression the canadian farmer was paructilarly hard hu by a drastic de cline in prices paid for jagrtcultural products uie price jfceelved for his produce fell more than the prices paid for the things he bought figure published by use dominion bureau of statistic i ml lea t that wholesale prices of maniuaotured goods declined leas than 35 between 1030 and 1033 retail prices of foods luel clothing etc fell lets than 30 while ui wholesale prices of cana dian farm produce tell over 0 be tween those years a corrective process has been noted since the end of 1033 surplus stocks have beenfceduoed demand has in creased with she widespread upturn between jtfioes of agricultural and maruiiactlred commodities by march of this war wholesale prices of tnanu lactured goods had risen from 75 of the ifcri level m 1033 to m re tail prices had risen since 1033 from i 73 to 0w of tog lgff lew aitnliatiy the prices of canadian farm products had swung up from below a0 to almost 00 concrete evidence of improved jondltlons for the farmer la the re port front hell telephone executives that rural telephones are being re stored to service at a very satlsfao- lory rate tthe reoenuy announced i eductions in tb wwi charge for service have made- an instant appeal and already a substantial proportion of the telephones jtrvn during lhe bad years have been ordered re connected- tha present outlook is that within reasonable time rural telephones will be more widely used than ever in this country where uie relative- importance of agriculture is cpeat and use prosperity of the country as whole is so dependent on a thriv ing farming community the signifi cance of uus recovery of prices tor farm products cannot be stressed too much evidence of this has been particularly pronounced in the west where the farmers depend largely lor their cash income on the sale of wheat the price of which declined from an average of tlm per bushel tuanltoba no 1 northern fort wit llam basis in july 1039 to 43 in december 1033 the rise since then to 1 3 per bushel in usrch 1037 has jelieved some of uie destitution caus ed by the com hi nation of low prices and small crops the effect of price changes and fl lcuuooj in uie total yields of farm products are reflected in es umates by the dominion bureau of stem lies of the gross annual agri cultural revenue of canada which in dicates a decline of over 50 from a total of 1830 million in 1030 to vt70 million in 1033 and a subsequent recovery to 81jm0 million in 103d the following table summarises the story of uie fsll and recovery to date of farm income in quebec ontario and uie total for canada estimated oross annual aoiucultuilal revenue quebec ontario canada millions of dollars 314 500 1631 340 4jb 1335 161 303 840 133 348 767 130 381 003 183 304 m3 175 315 050 100 354 10g3 1030 1030 1031 1033 1033 1034 1035 1038 the parson of a small church was lslllng one of fits nock and admiring the vegetable garden pardon nice bunch of carrots you have there john you must thank uie lord for that john yes parson parson very good beets too ttiank the lord for those too john yea parson parson indeed a very nice gar den all uie way around john you must thank uie good lord for that john silent for a moment then i slowly i dkt you ever see this pleoel u uv up uie r nn1 httn ih ir h liti i f why is uie cod osli sucker claras new beau tell me hob by do you ever peep through uie keyhole when your sister and i are sitting in there alone bobby sometimes if mother and sister aint peeping ilsi isnl uaybelles evening gown perfect song su yes sweet and low i of ground when uie lord had u all to himself enough to take the hook lettuce hire ms firm utwt 2 for 13c tomatoes rial llaaaa raaj id 25c lb oranges nire sis hwt aaj jalcy 18c doz our mory deal with two impor tant charsctur therwg holly taw wise guy who is alwsy trying vo outsmart somebody forgot ting bat arfj a day of reckoning is always sura to rotate qur other cbstacter l julius h jack f all tradw fot tiroes julius would wrick to a fegfumate boat ties bat if there ws money to be tnadw la any other hoe why not julius had never known roily prob ably bsef wodd have mat him if it had vt aran tbst in blnteen hundred and thlrtypn julius was the owner of a clothing ktorw end sully was to the tashtet for a new ault i holly bad on trtooey with which to bey a nit bqt he dr hhve a swell locking dlamead ring which h orfered to aell jnuus for the sum of one suit a hundred ofollsr essti julius dldnt knew a great deal about dlsnoad rings he bsd never owned one nor bad he ever hsd sny occasloti to buy one however he tols roily that if hb friend who was in lb jewelry bus net thought tt was worth th ueaey he j mske a desl with him and ae we find julius snd rnlly at the jewel er friend a apiirslslng the ring w s worth the money julius hut friend told hint yottre not steallag anything bat hundred sad fifty del ure he worth and so the deal was eeiurammsted kelly picked cut a ault which weuld be attftred end ready the next dsy and as it was iste in the sfteraoon sad julius dldn t hsve the right amouat of cash on hand solly was to brlag the ring in and pick up the jult and lhe hundred dollars what happened to solly after the ring deal wss concluded no one knew probably left town drifting around trying to task an easy dollar bare aad julius was seen out of the clotfalag boslnesw and la something els in uie nest few years he wss la many baslneesee seme of them legitimate snd some a little off color at tbj particular time we pick htm up run ning a book joint and doing a thriving bualtteea on the little finger of bis left hand was a diamond ring the ssese that bad been there for four year he hadnt changed in sppesrsnee in that tlbse except that be was now wearing a mustache and while working an eye shade whether er not he saw solly anter one could net tell by his facial expres sion i da know that when 3auy walked up there snd said five on deekboy to win he did net recognise julius deekboy ran a close third whlcb did not help solly out any so cursing bit lock and peeling off one of the re maining two t endollar bills he bets the ten on kit kst with stick this on kit kata nose wit boot comment julias gave um a duplicate ucket took hi ten dollars and put it in the drawer with a aau- ber of ether bills why not tb sheet says six to one on kit kat which tees as that solly haa just on chase is six t win that tea spot stayed right id that drawer kit kat ran out of the money sod solly was running oat ef cos words two races went by without julio seeing any more ef solly money q kept a wary eye no him and even wondered what the conference could have been about in the corner ef th room between solly end two other players the coo fere nee over solly again walked up and atupptog down his last ten csllcd for tee to whs on sprlagateel st the price and th dirty dng bad herier corns horn la front i springs eel was ftrieen to one tb race wss a mile an i s sixteenth with eight other good liorkis running bat ss fsr ss springs eel was concerned there was no other horse in the race he finished cloven lengths in front of his closest competltl n and brother right here i wannn toll you that who ever figured that unnu at fifteen to one should go barl to school and lasra elemeotsry srllhn rttc sll over again was holly hoi pt sure who wouldnt be wt en sprlngsteel was officially announml ihe winner be strutted up to jullum hsi pvd his ticket daw and ssld i guess that plckta em alnt my julias etood up removed bis eye shade looked st nlty for a long bbib ate and then spoil r i ve waited n long time for this day young fellow a hundred and six ty barks is what ym ve sot couln hlght well handing him the ring here a a hundred and fifty or it sod here a ten in csoli i won t charge ys any interest on a four year loan say hollered nlly what in la i ya nil ihlar thtb ssld julius quietly is tb ring with the piece nr glass ya stuck in there where lhe diamond wss i ahoulda known bettor than to gtve a guy tike you an extra day to pull it on me then turning to one ef tha boys alongside him julius quietly coot in ued nhow this tiv the way out intuit bananas 23c doz dice size gouea yelkw potatoes 6 ibs 25c carellas aie slse wew tlry pineapples 2 z new asparagus cabbage carrots cucumbers carr0u3 limits umj market crtu during the mid he ages thousands of towns in kim im had a esarkat cross an ect n nlnstlcsl cress that was net up in tl miirket er trading pliice to remind i th buyers and sl its rjhe lti itulo writes urs catherlm hjn chlcngo 111 id col hera wttulj lauj ure silll in ex lutence a m tublt unt being in flrte tot i- nilnd mid enothur in kvlln- burgb scotland pkl anyone ver find any meat on uie bone of conlenuon a desirable neighborhood li a psuce where uie renti are too high new typlt hollowing rapid ur dlotauonl now ur jones what slid you say belwron dear sir and sinrerely yours if you dun t uilnk until ukl side walk crulier b wide awake just wetoh him when a jtretty g4rl goes by

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