Halton Hills Newspapers

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1937, p. 3

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the gcontetown herald wednesday evenins august 4th 1937 pbff3 local new i thh b 1 toffvamo 7 ttk ka- itu tht ysar j pubtacbohdajr vouu uaauy hnd khr young lamb legs loins front quarters 29c 27c 21c ttobufa ol tuwa- ih t our uext pocar w huy l u ixini ok- mi ikaturdm ldot auantmluta taut mi iltuo vl fcauw tiat lvu uuilzta to haw 1 hamqyr of anlth a auic tui lakv wt ui mk 11 ur two fresh beef livers asq 2 15c- pot roasts fresh pork hocks iqc breakjfasi bacon hv ike aw 25c parowax 12c new cheese 21c lb kkast kraft velveeta v4 18c new potatoes g tl ut 5 sc cabbage grapefrurr extra lrgc ah warty p0uall lidclua b jo- ul 0itlrku powhi wllhhi a ueml iluw yaatoha jf tl luia tua ui artaa luy tcuuli lr ta wr a w kui- ia krw he- iwrt ootu- ajv mj 10h- wl uv ayi pmiai u vtai ue i mju dor w vwcc h-rut- t i 4 avhd v lur lilar lctaool ooaau tut aiiaaawaro uui atkj dorothy ctwg- jwutf kuuoua4l ulm nckjuuu fcvdaiy iw uivui iwaiw untw na tyuiiors al the ito u mr arul ivjvvi uuiu aug- 4th tkad lh 4 r 25c qitakek corn flakes 3 fo 25c lihbv pork and beans as ua 2 f 25c g4hj wouul tabljesalt 2 9c we sell for cash 28w c j- buck dexxver fws and information for the busy fsornier evkiuiuti ni peterborou ont iiulurtrtal ex hibition aucuu ik to 3 central caixala exhibition oltatra ausum lotli to mth ciiudltn malloiuil exhibition tor onto auaut 37th to siupmbr 11th western pair london oni sn- tnuber istli to ikth canadian horuk antin dman- in variotl counlrir or rtcnt vhlp mmls ui the nrulji ljmu thr lareet ronllrd of 70 nnr lionxt for uie uuulon market uhrrp irlcps rylnj from s3o0 to jlstilk ow 5o0 ver nbtainxl txiilonp 1 jw liorsiu which vtrr bur clnlinvl anlmsil- rarli arractnn oer a ton in weight mrt itlt a kwii demand pur canadian lwori wrre rrtjy hlmd to darbauos brilboi wn indies for poller dut catkfr err ut ear lwuld be iathrnd at trail twtro a dai and thrw times dally u brtur durinir hot wraihrr tjvr ime of onr pnliirnnb jiould br jut before- dark or as nnr to it a iiractlcable tlil la4 cathcrint ma not iroduc a vrrai number ol rgex but incc broody hens h1 crmmonlj arch out uw nru rontatninc td- after thr da lainff has ceojw allure to bather latr in ute da is a common sourer or dluuict detprlorauon each rathertn- hotrid br nlactj in tl coolrst lort ol tie crlbxr if no other cool jwit l available as oua a gallx rrd eu liould not be put into carton or rar- immrdlmtelv if tills can be avoldrd the idea con tainer for caollrk eyas is a wire tray a ire basket is the nex bft and perhaps uie mai nraclical thet baskets are ordinaiil offered for sale as waste paper containers seed clearer at ri4zhr work is belns rushed on the new jred cleaning plant at rid own experittvenui farm to ftet it rrwdj far fall wheat the new one- store structure l to be co feet hy 30 feel and will include a small laboraton foi tefttins il there are many sarh cleaners and traders throufh the province otheri in the outhweaeru area dltrict are nl dresden wyom ing and shedden it will alo hay a small bean pick er and complete dust retnoln ma chine parmers ail be charged a reaonabile ee uie same as uie usual iirrvalunii rute for such work- the small laboratoo for oil test inp will be in a comer or the srd and crain cleaning plant arul laimers romlna to have rnun cleaned and graded will be able to ce heir u1 tested at thr arne ime x jl uf tc4joceuwn personals uh gwmlm ol uuetph fa vts with acrw r aasootkmch atam ur c k- aaccroicbt u wu tu a huiim in lowii vr uw tl tan br neclrctrd if the health u the bodv b to br maintained h u ifartkmlv uvlnu kt udok of utm- aiumt u- miter neclect of anv l i r if tlrw bnpaln thr tllh of ha mm ivrjdrtt uaahlnstea waakabfrto aiwaya taw idol of om pofttuo i o iba day iktat ja adaaaa waw ukvim atary nd elma 1 itiul jean and jraaoe iiuj mr lvolidjiuw jt tort uunwy lake erie kftu uaael wakue ao uk uar kkjret kluaabrfuoikv 4rut a liirj an fc od with irircatfa ui aloaiiral ar and afrx le bchitj mikd dauaditrr lauy of brmpun p a th- bobday with ur and un wm yul- uvant chautafi st air ctaxli wdum wft on tmiikl or ttckie craw uotd atutnt kltrf houdayintt with hs ikarmu mr atij ito w ii wubno editor joxrph u lakx 1 ivkkvu brother of a llurr tlwwxv town has w vierird daonc ivtaity orand atavter bi the uamtv order tor uiatank ihilivct wamv prrd lws b imkt ib to be armmd toill yef uui to itill u bar hoanual lriawrnt but otli ro ihr k tkana nwly i- ikh will have a skeedy recovo ur aculuti llarttr an1 omx tudnd albrt ur lirry huttui akad ur- ved cwlbr 4 ivmatluk wrrttuun 4ref lha w- k rtul tiv ur tut urs- wu uuluvai ci ail fltnejl urv t s ilu1 lu ark eul atfv imj rwkrleuu neikn 1 liunun boo will tot ovr or hr irion ui uh yor ii 1 iriw hi v atul riumwrwlu- vtialn prtnil bu- mrlr 1 tmaf t i r sai if lirauhaietk urk iif uk1ii haiwwmit ir k ctf uir bed llruhh r liarwmn ratmt it i- loixl b takinc h uittv f mull tiu- tirii it l tlwr maimt of h tie which iwrvd- to u- ihritctro ihktvvl ikmi lira ill uw rtnhaal kl uvb tjiue ahwh in ueti rawi 1- e- juct ol ttw bodj needv qlk- tkui ohmtiui urutth bd- diir- l to tlve calvdlt vlchral as- jwutku 1m collrc- lint koionto will u an wiftirxl prfoiuiltv u ltur a aaerttnc calrken chickens require less atteniai while on ranve than at art other lime and if a few susrple precautions are taken clean urn or clover rtujic a til tuovule ideal conditions forpro- duclna acll urown lsorous stock wtui a minimum amount of latniur and en perue at uie dominion experimental bulvon prederlcton n li the ete are paruled alien tlie chicken an from 6 to 9 weeks of ae tl brooder houe ure moved to a clover od area on which there were no chickens lor ut lea t one year and lir chickens are confined to a yard until uic are betaeeii three and fou muntlis of age ilirj ure then moved to a miuje 011 ahlch uiere were no chlckrn the prev lous year a pas ture held or u meadon from which an earlv cnip or liu lias been taken is ideal for this puriwee itanse shelter constructed o two inch nvi teria and enrlnd villi aire net una lrov ide ufnclrnl lie iter and allow ample ventilation fur us mauy birds lor ahicli niostlng space ls iirovidml a leed impixr ahicli ls ivrotecuxl aiui a roo l lcaled near the ran e slvelter if the llrlds are ued or pasture for live stock a temporar avnce a hlcli prov uie- accef s onlv to chickens t built around the feed tinp tier water i siiiphed in trough- till mrthoil or aaleruig is irie- able to allow nut the birds to drink rnun prliu s or t reeks as ulee places limvute nuulltioti- hlel are favour a lib lor the ieadink f parasttef savcar be4 o- live romim n ul u beet crop of fjnmh at tint ontario altlumnh eeded late develnprd very rapidly and the otirrauou of ua d tlunninz was practacally coiapieted vr the end of june the heavy ralnlau and favourable ercwin weaiher a late may and all throufa jkoe py fry brought the major porumi of the fields to the thinnm uate al the abw tlaae and caued treat pt- sure on the labour uttaplj trus utvr- atlon was aggravated by ftiaermrt holdups in the work mmg to the wet eondilkmd of the fields ehaa separate rmtnfalb were recatdad a chatham durua jane tfttallwat inches or double the averag aaaftainl for june a is usual with sprmc uawas of too heavy raonfall ioaae trouble has oereloped rrotw uackvoot and feftaect pests weeds have urown ranktty a1 without the usual cheek provided by freouent cultivation hotwuhstand- ins the thtteulitiea xprrktacd this spring howrwr the thinned fjelds eenerally show neceueat ilands give itrobabe of a toad crop the comuercial acreage will be ioawas leu than the ujam acrs puabcd ra freouent rains prereotad am taraa- ers from seethag ihe full acreage for which they had oontraeted- 4urianuual pcuic of iit oewrt- awallay jkouol will ue uad fcaexx bat wtxuy aut- sou lp laauhf part aiuc rv ctturdh at swata itaan rr- of tne coartfvtou ai 4bs varteoaae u tor oeer knund was award d uw l4gue of rtuattt gold uedal lor tne thai pacture of the year it ks ptmyioc at tne unjory tfaoatr on taiurday ooat haass it- toe awauy frwdi of urs roil cbubpr aawod their ywtpthy to daaittag her reeot sad bervovnavnt by the oottti of her t aaohet the uie urs ijohn itaaos blue limonlo wlwo the ucht truck wfaith was drrcwsg kuddeuly buru toto haawir w h tshoroak of actoa had a narrow arcane l oe fire bumd the seat cusftloru and soaae couinaaeat be- lore u could be put out work has boxun ho atoll on the tayinc of undawtiouud eabl in rotr- utoai with tba iml telephone oos dm pnwhiit sffitum there and within a tew weeks the aaea will itart re- wiiiaag all trhprinan and ayoro pol otf the uaan at j chief uarthau ttio be rwmljin isted on the way or handiej trao dtkrmg the pirewaetrx oonveaban- he was a very busy aaan and on the job nearly 31 hours of the uy il 1 ably assisted in bis dutlfec by con- rations and preliminary eapertbaent indicate that purrerued cywnaaaatl at die rale ol mo to 310 lbs per acre ls tlir most eftecfivr inseettrvoe which may be ued to urrveiu belr injury durum the ciurig seaon being held ui the georgetown friday eieuing august cth at djsl by the oanservauve asoriauon when all ln- tereatod are invited to be prcal and aaeet lloyd dogw ilalton couutya candadate tn the next provincial elec tion u the flptmmiw convention thi yx wu a cotaparattvely voile aflau to the one held hore soea years ago the areaaen behaved la a unj aaan- ner and their was no rcjwoytuu m their ranks they aaade lota of noise and had a bkg time and everyone was happy oat aaan was kilted and another so uriously lnjurad that he is not expected to racoetr when the car m whuh they wee riding pluncod two the utch near llornby aiiy tumdav atomlnc noth taeja were froiat bur- imgton and had atteoded the pire- aaeia convention at georgetown and were returning home when the tvon- dent occurred thate aaen ere not flreaaea as reported m the dally prots the old orange uall at hornby is a sort of historic buikung ilere aaany an exciting encounter brtarseo the rral forcos of ubetaliuba and toryisaa took place with each war riors as the late hon h c wallac and david henderson aaatchtnj it and wisdoni with that of the late john r barber and john d ueoretf- or of honored aaeaaory this h ouartecs of orangiaa ihould be kept in good repair it needs pa inline how ts a goad uaae to haw the job done when every dollar expended helps to better uaaec attend hay vllat1 sua anwma fire of unknown origin destroyed a caatral of asaraas awib there is ery reason that enous outbreaks of asparagus beetlec during the cutting such as that which was experatiaotj this spring tn soaae parts of the etta- gara perunsula and in norfolk coun ty could be prevented if a rulr practice were wad oi c spraying all asparagus palchm with an arsenical after the cutting season is over the early injury is lane by the beetles which overwinter therefore the logical aethod of pre venun such injury t to reduce the papula ion of overwtniertn beetles ba very small proportions by applywus an arseiucal now and by appryicsiu all asporajtus plantauons application should be repeated when and where neceosary dwdjtlac use an v15 inae- cauiun arsenate dust ks los hydrated uaae muted with li uw r icium arsenate 1 to insure proper aaixinc the dus should be purchased fro one of the spray companies xraytar use h3 lbs lead arsen ate and 3 lbs soap in 40 gallons wa ll wad arsenate and 1 lb calcium caselnate in 40 gallons water in order to reduce ihechanical in- jury from the spray rig to the aalnl- mum it is suggested that the spray- in should be done trow the top of the tank and that the pray mixture should br allowed to urut with the wind over as wide a strip as pra- long narrow patches may be spray ed wholly from the outside still n other suggestion which should nate that an extra long hose uiould be us ed and that part of it shoulo be held above the plants by a man or by be ing attached to a long pole or scant ung fastened at rtht axigbtt to the end of the sprayer sanitary mea late tn the fall bum all rubbish in and around the plantations ur destroy any hiberna- rararraia at awampuai ting beetles tn it th outbreak of two caws of uifan- tu paralysis within the nasi four days was revealed by dr w w bart- leu uedical oovee of health for preventive aeasure he has ordered the new iiaming tank dosed indefinitely to prereat spread of the disease he 1k0 ounsted brampton parents 1 ui seerrgaung their cruldren and la fiit1i jtrr or avxrsttkd promptly rtportinc to him the prwt- isrroer- rtut uumk wracmc j race of any itawmel condiuoiu t in a child there was no dantec of in- alben neale fection spreading through ove water cecil keale system or the milk supply lie slated pred cook ufej uavkou hoy ol atttuit ili and imx wja hill and tiauhwr uakaret atd halrtl roy ol brnt- ford mr wa barweu ofr liaradton wui liouwrwa mktm oww sroclta ol cauwdtaa j taw luiiu tu i hu vkrtwj wak la vttiod b w i itr i f tarih htwl yr ir um h- r tlu uil iwir v vit4vvt yhve- uv tutl u runhlrt lrm mltlti ti tws aau th- tla ui i c4miufc ito uw- tvix huir ux yui lwln aiwl lairtili fttur acciuu hiulu vtilh tll f4ir hixml hlw yl lapilihtl hmiuuitlvwtaw fell ir f i thllui vm hd lrcllr4 m bur rtathlluvluihe uv f r wtftll thy 144 uvf bw wljll al4a ul4 iwr tit w iurwhqtml a ikatch lkr yvil hi ur- utm mtdb l hm b did 11 bw ova and ur apd unt t s hu ol code- 1muw tv w wjx bay oriober i lib procbiaaataow was puusnsa fri day night in the canada oiilw set ting uonday october llh a a lay of geurral thanksctving 10 alaatthty god for the bountiful crop and oilier biesings with which caiuu hv been uvored this year town council council met at a p-m- on tuedjk evening uecabers preoeut were rv oeorge davis coun crippo cleave hall coolgaa lyons uayoi qabfaons wa ahaml through uhuss uinute of two previous meetings were read and connrwied uoved by j hall canoed by e crlpps that reeve o davis chairman for this aweung in tlie ab sence of the mayor carrwsl uoved by j hall seconded by e crlpps that the treasurer pi ute relief ooaamissiart the sum ol s10a0 to pay july accounts- carried im nl by thos lyons vooded by jas ootugan that bjlw no authotriae the construction m a pave ment on victoria st- and clen road under a local laaprosemenl qvla be now read a nru tuna carrwd uoved by h cuave seconded hy j hall that bytaw no to authorise the construction of a pavmen victoria st and olen roao undei local improvement xlylaw b now read a second time carrved uoved by thos lyons seconded by jas cosligan that the treasuxrr pa the following accounts ja bahr tts- a0 jas blair ww 1400 saunders w w 9 so jas mccartney ww hj0 waft chaplin v lt00 lea harding ww sis uo lea llarding park 1x00 ed saunders ww llii w chaplin ww 113 jas uccartney ww 1130 jas blair ww 1130 thomas grieve sis 37a f bilumuls co ltd 9jc7 the barrett company st 31 ot canadian brass co ww 30ss beu telephone co ii jt hydro electric 23tb b uackenale a son 1ut j n otieul a son fire protection 11730 p b llarrtson pouffe 113s j n oheul jb son ww 400 walker sts 43300 wm inghs sts mc0 uarshall postage iia grays oarage ore truck 300 uvtngstone sts 13m by 1l cleave seconded by crlpps that the insurance on the grandstand amounting to tgoo be placed in a special account at th- ik to be kept toward building a new stand carried aavoved by jas cosugan rcnvdcd by j hall that the waterworks oom- aaluee be authortaed to build a ie- wau at the reservoir at an aslimated cou of uajoo carried uoved by thos lyons seconded by a e crtpps that we do now aujcum centennial meeting iu be heu ted- i ua the public library on thursday i tiomoiw evening august sth at nuficutes j pabkc lecxc oclock d3t everybody invited to dcftks bocyofts ukttkui irtlebl ibl tlebt aa l buag te the m40l l inirr iwhraatvd becyw alber task 114 u linke ur boue ura good ejvbt tvtkkuau wtiwh ibv way bad ber rulwllv ulitle hv au ttliwjbt ratvdle- iiiitkhr aiml iwuuw tuv vw waa bup hrirfur ibe w ttf rv4p alwl aeth the ilimuttutu rarrtwl e part t their nii in tntde wtih tbwr eaudle nolu s blrvl the luttrvmlas llutlam uve- risbi toom ibwtai wa be cam artmih1 u the rail to make her vtlaear fcuv4y of raadle nqitetwavera tkat aret freugue moat jpouifcr tvigeuulri fiut um ralmreo aod kiuu4 ktvwniuvsl are a deuderatum m urb norwm av llalktwven elee- 1111 uy aad ew urx eve itut hi tn uruni tf surb olriraacea mt- priwv ba laiurbt that one moat aw mrvvtl la at kt4 uw rjyt ijrt the eutavirriatlki df a mstoaw al tbf barxvykr w aaw llhntratwr 1 want ttaartblag that will kak tkf iuw4 nae at lb least cev mat tw party of the nrot paet- we have boraa wklkttfe rattlmi aad f krllv- thi xvry retnark able ntwltell that la ruaraateed to livt fvr wvvral vearr atat tkw jvtrtv- f the sstuvl part 4tre aw ike uod fraclle bora you kave aad ibrww away tkoae bell iklaea tkey lat a rrvat deal hsaeer lluia la aervary i want aotnetblag that will serve ita purpose ttvalkht and real un the rubhuh beap toowvr- n m we ran aavv year la taw buuselwdd new york ow acauj hu ijaclt ooe time 1 taw a tetuperameatal bmv u dlrvctur order bu rrvw of aurtmen t kill a stray wn bad urwi bdnrinc around mallae frtenda v- shall i forret ike look of be- wiuvrbwivt that ratue into tbe kvea ev a bl- luoekeub val suddenly lurmsl on blm with stick aad blud vaia lorlileatally the director who tmwvd that doc killed never made anuthtsr korreafal rdeture and stead aad klckvalagly dntpped to ob livion 1 tnew aatvtber avan wbu bad llrbtlar imlhbvg that be furred to flbl f4 rtuldera after one of bee fiirtlee bad beeo ebevvd off that brutr inat bu own uc aad anally wivutul up in states privn soumii a huh ihdto story bat ua true urrv trr in the loa aneelas tlaiea years nj af owe eighteen years ago joan pa ike large ham full of hay shortly after i q ll srbreidyindv mornlnaon el 2 mghtaen years ago uonday as chief of use olenooe pire deparaunl he daybreak sunday morning on use farm of norman nixon one aaile east of erin despite efforts of neighbor who gathered muckly lues cdlaup ed al mjboo was partially covered by insurance the funeral of the late walter u brain well known farmer of the llornby- norval district was heftl on saturday last july 31 to st step- hens cemetery llornby ur brain died on thursday july 3mh hi we- kftsiey hospital toronto in his cfih year after a short illnms ii- was ember of st stephens anglican church llornby from vriuch diurch the funeral service was hel puher col pred deacon itev itoss caaaeron- jarfc lilair jack oraham wui ilortocv lordon luiner ur and llrs fully large dr w k hume mr and urs bert buckwetl uiv e langan korman uclrod urs itoss miller i esther betsey mashvtllr oot- the first outdoor basketball couit to be laid out in prance was iso yards long recent skin temperature ifcus ti- closed the fact thai sufferers from cold fret should refrain from drink ing coflw j prfcaa gteparta the annual report upon uie prtsom and reforaaaalortea of ontario for the year ikw contahu much informatlon the number of persons committed fvr utal ta that year was hkl the number sentenced to prison was 14u5a the cost to the protbuar of the five mvtltuuons at guelph ulml- co toronto burtaash port william lor lh year totalled tljm4jmm the smuriea of omciah te the phtca are as louows braaapton sims un ion us ormngevtue otta the n of paraons committed to brampton goal was ito of whom 4 were wnm uuton it fiv being w orangeviue 41 no women total cou of ma mt nance at bramp ton h13s34 average cost of each prisoner per day gsm uilton h- rrsju per day each prisoner im ora tuhtl per day lor each mtatmar aat t competed tn the special lootroee for fire chiefs and while not the rlcer he made them all step to keep him out of use money a firefighter for over forty ears chief parke gained his early train ing in he lincoln city fire brigade in england in the iws suffering from war injuries was allow si only one year of life by an engli h physi dan whom he consulted deciding to get as much out of life as possible ur parke wm in for all kinds of violent actnu and then came to where an other doctor gave him thrc veor last year competing in uie c nets race a men of halt his ge ur parke finished econd this vear suffering from a recent injun to hi spine he didnt do quite so well over sixty years of age his heatlh is bet ter than it was before the mar he came the distance from airiko uj georgetown for the convention on hl trusty motorcycle how to mi health lavahaels llaaewy ijmw- 1- defined bv freud an the nercy f tb lomlartm which have tb with all that may be caqlprlfted umler tbe wiird brrvv juag eolarrm tbe tmtwvtj tsu that for aim it de- krrlw tbr eoercy rvjtlat la all 1b- mlnetv it la rtaliaed that the energy of intvuertual pwftww la measured bv lutelltcvowtej la terms of rlear- a-o- ami sfteed hut the meaaurenseat ef tbe eiusatlve eoergy of a wish la autre tlkorult becaoae ike wtaa which may he rtvnsidered lo he ibe inner feel itur or aeeit tivgelher with motor weta amvnviriale tn lt appeasement may fall tn had exprefsltva in meamirahle tivert noulurt nn acevnt t oppoalng rvnjvjn anciiaaciou and in- vrvjvv mmarioaa force afth tnytoa star ladaa aauwmtala wmlnn reirltnc h itr alnr llturb hstl iroiur x anlhnuti c he lultbotilan ihm lint urn a cult of nmtntaln nl unoli 1 1 llimrihed aiimtiu ibe a no em lul lniun in navrtlmsiern vrimna vmtur lloiich hts injth tavlvr an hnihtfcal i mlit in ihke nchm and found uwiii v itbiw- f thl- ttrjint reed in ihtr 0tvrallve thich tin tlielr m ittrs v hat in nuvre the indiana hvh1 in a rehvn iwlaihiwsl by fimr rnsit ntiintaln ptath iw ip- icilivi lv at each of tbe four palata of tin nlu a disftnguished engush idiysician has told us that health is found in a way of life rather than in a bottle of medicine in supporting this state ment there i no reflection cast upon the value of medicine there are a tew drugs which we might say are aorth their weight in gold because of their value in the ireatmen of cer tain diseases their value dcprnd however upon their proper use they must be taken at certain times and in quanulits suitable to each case the evu thai exists and ilu evil from which a great deal of actual harm results is the taking of medicine selfordered with uie idea that the f rix bolue of medicine will cure diseas- when what is reouired is a change in uw manner of life if the diet ls tnulty u there u insufficient exercue taken if uie body or mind reounro rest these needs without which the sufferer feels a lack of healui an nul to oa overcome by his taking oiw tt more botllm of medicine the fundamental problem of heal h u to secure the proper nutrition of uie body this means uiat the tol lowing must receive attention food reafr air and gl exercise and rati and taaamunati mot one of cmi ftaaa paiateva the finilh 1- jmlct hv lli gweat remi in loauniuc thi- row it la vk 11 l uii iu iuiimi fmtr pttluirl ftri iht cut dtte mt ttuia ahtiv iii t ihknc ttt iht lnvuw in lrfil srouml ant l- in travt lees m n travitl luhwl ikmii im ttiusitltntt thlnl tht stum li nl i br 1 41 ii u i fttr h4i tvillnt t ii u ftvr rtslnln en is i mirth at- tru jltmhl in i in luilrtl vt hlili t in im ul ii to r lilni fnuii- st mom titorhn to tht ire and ivrvtl iii ih ut t llahdav aa huuatl au ltluiilr li thai lliev nave vvttrllilti worth jtowitu hi tour 14 thhrr laittl liiv an uot talitcii ami tixmitii uus t iitr tuit llmittl h- urvlv imi vv hit hv tif the si ami v r iittl frota ha anrifnt ntl imivvtrtnl iu h ita vauvtlv and hfcoh uin thrtiuxb tbe uvhiructlttn nl grval dlkea wood for sale choice beach and acapw at 3m slngto cord uhted rail ud per cord mixed wood uo per cord x mmgj4gttletto wv rrtd at tbe plli then in rwlladlm with a volnm of rhevw ad rolbuttlawr acchunatln wblch ww rvitlrl thy umnatratuci tablrb rullowr ibv mfrabtvr of tb msly fkinl l havlnc latrji the tmtb of vsfflcr jir avumi in bu litaiucurml hdtlrrwt wokai ff but irhlr otr mm iiim wihi by a hing murv of avrat aclliia reguuird bl trudtver juhjlcv irtiiimrranc and mrlltudv barf rt rltd tbe rrhtmw f hu tvllow elfin nn nimmibtbl the blplmt liralhf of f rlin kvalltina am hettrtd imnuurtal 11 icy with poa- trit at te ruute of the ertnony an v hmhlkuflon nwived fthtward toward lb- tlmnr to rtlrw tbri way a rvmb frxrt tlw cli- t thf eturrliir ibat ihwi uruum injury it hiah vf h kiumtatimtm in tbrlr eacerorui to eutefa a inmi look of one who had bo hintr been the abct of publle vthrfaltui u km uunhlnjrlaa wa la the nrr be wvvd bin bat and rotnmed the 1weri of tbe muliltud ola itray kalr ktmitaltuf in ihr wind ton crowd followed bltm tit hlh thwur there turn ing rouml bis facv atotumed a grave mh ultttoat iiiiutlkhnly eiprewdoaj bl rvr- ver imiiiui in learw hu eowv houm vtvre 1ui kfval fiwr utirranee aimt tuilv hj mature wu lodleau hn thahlu ami tnirnoy hurlnal bleaav lh- hjllihaa tily tlnm fnrat elekabt bilud a inaturwl curaoatr ft may intervatf mime fnlka to learn that tbe bntfutotant the celebrated tturrnn nsad ita ohul in thbi coua try in tbe aprlnv or ittxl on exhibition at tbe essex inatttute a mumhiu at vuletrt uaaa am the original poter announclba that h trvilwit natural curio ty ever pre- ettihl to tbe eurioua will be on dla- play at tbe uarket hjiuse from aun rlue to rundown every daj la the vck the ilate on tbe potter u auguat a lttrr tbe elephant wm braugbt to thla eountry fnim itengal aboard the ablp amerlea commanded by oipt jacob vownlnbbleld a fauoua lea rhlp- wuthter iomded at new 1or in april 1tp7 it waa old by captaan crownln- ablebl for sioo00 thougb referrvd to in tbe announce ment an a mere cort tbe elefvaant wm four yeara u and wehzhed allghl- ly ibm than 3000 pound olua firal catal chill rot be wan tht first capital of ohio in inoo tbe aeat of government ef tbe xorthweet territory waa re- movetl from ftnrinnatl to hllllcotbe and tb that year the atatekouae waa commenced for tbe accommodation of tbe territorial legiauture and court a it was flnlkbed the f til lowing yer am tbe leglalature held ha season in it for live firat tfme the convention that framed tbe consul tut ion of ohio was beld in tbe new building and be first state legislature met here la pril 1403 tbe legislature con tlnufd to meet here until 141 a tbe tuons of lmuvli and isu 12 were hebl at zuimmvllle ami from there removed back to fnyicothe where thev wre beld until llii when colum bus liecame tbe permuni nt capital the first aettlenveot in ohio waa made at marietta 4 lereund plain dealer saplutloatej haos adlromlat k hens huve become ao ex- fwrt at dodging motor earn and they have so perfvcud their technique as not tuily to save their lives but also to obtain free rides a motorlkt paicnnx through uetport on hlx wuv to hlu ulmmitown in the km rl an dlron ihnls aua sure he ran over a hen he stopped bis mai hlnc in look back but could see nothing of the clilcten ipnn arriving at the county aeat a hen thrust her head through tbe 1tole of umv jf the front wheels with a triumphant cockle she then bopped tn ttw nuid from the front axle where she evident had been throughout the wis mile ride doing to the bide of the mad she awutted the approach or ao other car ruing in the direction of the home roost anna hatkaway ijttle la lnou u com- rnlng ana hathaway she lived at shottery a village near si rat font where her thatrhed cottage nt 111 attract a thou sands of pllgrlma tin the settle where it la said that she and shake- leare courted many young travelers now kit in conformity to the tradl hon that sit tine thereon wilt insure a hajvpt marriage anne is mentioned in mmkvwpeare s bond for ihtne of marriage datvl tivtinher jm 1582 she u knoan to havt remained in si rut furd during tht j ears shake- nan lived in lmdon tone shake- speare aurvlveil htr husband seven yvara parttag skat tn irlhli mutnivh who had tbe rep a latlon of in in j very m an in house- hlhl nutitcrk had enumsl a new mut and in onh r that sh should not nuire nop- ulih tin tuitpolnj ilrt armnitfd that tht hhould have tnil vthllih to and from the ata tlon itut the rlri who waa leaving was qual to the occasion and aa the two ars iaacd ath othi r tip the road hi pmttl up in hern and shouted at hi ioi or lor vole if ye capt oat weropa houvo help rar royal guelph now llain new faces ol 1937 jr pfiuwr mllliin urrl gaiucvakaltkus saluly aur 7th the singing marine dick powell doris wv ion wed- august lfth easy uving jean arthur edwartt arnold d specials bathing suits lujics llulany wool bathing suik assorted colors and sizes 190 and- 275 misses ullwool buttling suits 98c s125 si so mens navy cotton bathing suits 49c mens botany wool bathing suits 225 mens 2lsece zipper bathing suits brown und yellow navy and royul hlaclc und wlntc 275 slacks ladir terry slacks brown yellow 79c navy drill slacks 100 125 ami 149 misses navy drill shorts 69c misses navy duck culottes 175 pulloveks ladies string pullover 79c sirrjphcity patterns i l5c20c 25c agent langlfeys oesritr nd dyer mcbean co s phone g4 we deliver georgetown save with safety at your rexall store dining room papers kff nil 2 roll 21c uving room papers vie vu 2 rolls 26c special for thu week only one cent sale of wallpaper bay i uau al ibr rvswljur prtrr ahj tt 1 lull ur u vr l twr umr l drtr ymr har la hr- ready far ou llauw unil mr da utls maw la kt awr ktark rwanrd al la alrjr la be ivailv tar ikr aw hatums va aam alvya ahas 1 aaramiagw al hkyaii draf man kitchen papers lie per rail 2 roll 16c hall papers tr jter rfa 2 rolls 21c robbs drug store raonx n in maheae tat atanrnrir srouh ckigarrowef new aovert1sements far sale good uied comeu will ell cheap apply at herald office ltn far sale chevrolet 4cj under coach in rood running order tsooo cami phon 2j5 aeorvctowti hp far salens over 3 000 buildlnu brick in firi rn jiape alo new aheelbarrottb appl ed iyigun victoria st ocorrc town phone 53 jt ilelaf wanted larse orgaviixauon with over 70o dealers has oiienlng for man uith car to distribute food and houielvold pro duct in a route of 900 homce in ott oounty experience unneccvarj w train you steady work earn about t30 weekly wiutf 1uuediately por the tenrttoity op your own choice pamllcx co 570 s clement st avlontreal it hflss ulmh practical maternity rmne rooderatc phone m r c oeorgflniajm it it a iu u lawn mawers slaaraetael laan mowers thanwnod lor soe overhauled complete for 15c selsiors und cutters oljj shanned t j eaon arietta st oeorgetown u concrete work i in prepared to do concrete work of all kinds estimates flven free of charge if you require anything tn this line phone 331 or write bog s3s s walker oeorge bt oeorgeiowna 25 reward wta to kvi lw mttf a lloyiys vst- uolatcd cokn sjuvk ar say cam ar rluai tflky aawitl maaag wltll this wimjilflil latw abbmaua arrsartua far cokks ob csxl- ouses ii iiailllin ajal llwl ill sals uli ftrat sallfallas far aala al uaacarwack kw saara aje dominion tlaae valaaa eafechee uavts salarday aavgwat raw silver ribbon tomato juice 4 19 llull paanul butter 2 25 doinnol 6ot can motor oil 99 cus pork beans z 19 biscuits i revli sailed peanuts 1 0 itrunvvitl at sardines t 5 celery hearts 1ft bananas 0o uox cholr wllltt odulrti itiu tj- new potatoes c bk tomatoes q bkt ooixl cookiri simsij j nll amj ahtu oi llaijv rhoo cfi dominion j

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